Supanso Assembly Church Building Dedicated


The Supanso Assembly Church building in the Akyekyere District in Asankrangwa Area of The Church of Pentecost has been dedicated.

Construction of the building commenced in 2009 during the time of Pastor Dickson Kwaku Boahen of the Manso Amenfi District. The Akyekyere District was carved out of the Manso Amenfi District in 2010.

Speaking at the ceremony which took place on 5th April, 2018, Probationary Overseer Isaiah Coker, Baseke District Minister, said God normally uses small things to achieve greater things. He spoke on the topic, “Remaining in Christ, the Yeast Factor.”

He cited three objects from the Bible (the Mustard Seed- Matthew 4:41; the Ant- Proverbs 6:6 and the Yeast -John 2:24-25, Matthew 16:6, Galatians 5:7-9) to illustrate his point.

According to him, the ‘Yeast’ symbolizes false teachings which can damage the good teachings and the faith inherited from the forebearers of the church. He encouraged the congregation to be careful of false doctrines that are being peddled around.

“You are running a good race, but be careful of small hindrances,” he cautioned.

He stressed the need to concentrate on nurturing the spiritual life of the members and grow the church numerically through effective evangelism.

He further admonished the congregation to run the race set before them and complete it. He encouraged them to shine in the corner they are to contribute to the growth of the Church.

The Asankrangwa Area Head, Apostle Robert Christian Ackon, commended the leadership and the entire membership of the assembly for the good work done. He admonished them to take good care of the building and ensure proper maintenance.

Present at the ceremony were the chiefs and elders of the community. Also present was the Akyekyere District Minister, Overseer Joshua Kwabena Donkor.

Report by Probationary Overseer Hope Kofi Lumor, Kwabeng District (Asankrangwa Area Reporter)

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