Kyekyewere District Women’s Ministry Donates Essentials To Local Institutions web

Kyekyewere District Women’s Ministry Donates Essentials To Local Institutions

The Kyekyewere District Women’s Ministry in the Dunkwa Area of The Church of Pentecost, has shown support for the Kyekyewere Community by donating essential items worth GHS 5,000.00 to the local institutions.

The beneficiaries of this generous gesture were the Kyekyewere Health Centre, Kyekyewere Police Cell, and the Kyekyewere Palace. Items such as branded bedsheets, soft drinks, water, toiletries, and detergents, were donated to helps these institutions carry out their work effectively.

During the donation ceremony, which took place on Friday, July 19, 2024, community leaders like Nana Ntow Wirenkyi II, the Twafohene, Inspector John Clinton, and Wisdom Amanor Sabutey, received the items on behalf of their respective institutions.

The District Minister, Pastor Jacob Atta-Arthur, mentioned that the donation aligns with the Church’s theme of “A people of God Unleashed to Transform their World.” He emphasised the need to support the local institutions to aid in their operations.

He also used the opportunity to share the word of God, highlighting the Church’s mission to preach and practice their faith.

Wisdom Amanor Sabutey, Head of Facility at the Health Centre, expressed his gratitude for the donation, stating that it came at a crucial time when they needed these essential items. He appealed to other religious organisations to follow the Church’s example and support local institutions like the Health Centre and Police Cells.

Nana Ntow Wirenkyi II also commended The Church of Pentecost for their actions, praising them for not only preaching but also practicing the gospel.

The event was filled with joy and celebration as church members sang and danced through the town, showcasing their community spirit and the joy of giving.

Report by Emmanuel Nana Nsiah & Dennis Owusu

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PIWC Downtown Visits Graceland Child Care Shelter

The Women’s Ministry of the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC)-Downtown in Kasoa, has visited Graceland Child Care Shelter in Bawjiase to engage with the inmates, share fellowship, and donate essential items to them.

The visit, which took place on May 11, 2024, was led by the District Women’s Ministry Leader, Deaconess Mrs. Agyekumwaa Boye, and her team, accompanied by other members of the church.

The items donated included toiletries, cooking supplies, snacks, clothing, footwear, and books.

The visiting team first met with the founders of the orphanage, offering words of encouragement to inspire them to continue their commendable work. They then spent time with the inmates, sharing the word of God with them, teaching them songs and scriptures, offering encouragement, and praying with them. Snacks were also distributed, bringing much joy to the inmates.

The response from the inmates was overwhelmingly positive, making the visit a memorable and impactful experience. The joy on their faces was truly heartwarming.

Graceland Child Care Shelter is home to 92 inmates, with the youngest being just three months old. Report by Mavis Osei

The Church Of Pentecost Women’s Ministry Shows Love To Muslims web

The Church Of Pentecost Women’s Ministry Shows Love To Muslims

The Akosombo New Combine District Women’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost presented hampers containing assorted soft drinks to all Imams in the Akosombo municipality during the celebration of this year’s Eid-Ul-Fitr.

All nine Imams in charge of the various mosques in the municipality, including the Chief Imam of Akosombo, Alhaji Is Ma, who is also the Deputy Chief Imam for Asuogyaman District, benefited from the gesture.

During the presentation, the wife of the district minister, Mrs Esther Kesse, who led the team, gave a short Gospel message based on ‘Jesus Christ as the true Messiah.’

She said that Quran Chapter 3 verse 45 presents Jesus Christ as The Messiah, who was honoured in this world and the next world to come, whilst the Bible in Mark 14:61-62 declares Jesus Christ as the Messiah, making Christ the Messiah accepted by both Christian and Muslim religions.

According to her, it is only Jesus Christ who has been accredited by God to save humanity from the dark world to God’s kingdom of light, and that if someone is looking for a saviour then Jesus is the right source.

Mrs Esther Kesse advised the gathering to think about how they can join hands to embark on strategic societal impactful projects in the area. She noted that projects like entrepreneurship, environmental awareness and educational programmes can be jointly organised to positively impact society.

In response, the Chief Imam of Akosombo, Alhaji Is Ma, thanked The Church of Pentecost, New Combine District for the wonderful love shown to the Imams.

He observed that the strong relationship that has been established between The Church of Pentecost and Muslims in Akosombo will surely impact positively.

‘For a women’s fellowship of a church to show us this kindness is first in history in Akosombo since 1974,’ he said.

Alhaji Is Ma assured the church that they are ever ready to partner with the church to undertake projects that are geared towards the development of the community.

The imams also commended the church for the weekly Gospel messages they share on the local information centres every Tuesday and Wednesday. They encouraged Muslims in the community to continue to follow and listen to the sermons to guard their lives.

Report by Esther Kesse.


Tarkwa Area Women’s Ministry Donates To Ghana Prisons Service

The Tarkwa Area Women’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost has donated some essential items to the Ghana Prisons Service, Tarkwa.

Led by the Area Women’s Ministry Leader, Deaconess Mrs. Elizabeth Adjoa Tutua Gyan, along with her Area executive members and representatives from various local assemblies, the delegation carried out this benevolent gesture on behalf of the Area Head, Apostle Dr. Daniel Okyere Walker, and his wife, Mrs. Irene Odi Walker, as well as all the women within the Tarkwa Area on Saturday, 11th May 2024

Deaconess Mrs. Elizabeth shared that the inspiration behind this noble act stemmed from the teachings of compassion and kindness found in the Bible, particularly in Matthew 25:42-46.

With this motivation in mind, the Women’s Ministry donated a range of essential items, including 300 carefully packed hot meals, 30 packs of drinking water, two bundles of toilet rolls, and 110 Bibles, all totaling Ghc16,500.00

These items were chosen to assist in the rehabilitation process of the inmates, fulfilling a direct request from previous visitations by the ministry.

This act of generosity perfectly aligns with the main church’s theme for the year, “A People of God Unleashed to Transform their World.”

It exemplifies the church’s commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others and fostering transformation within the community.

The donation was graciously received by Elder ADP Simon Kwaw Abofra, the commander of the Tarkwa Local Prisons, who is also a member of The Church of Pentecost at UMaT District.

He expressed heartfelt gratitude to the church for its instrumental and unwavering support in social intervention initiatives within the area, particularly at the Tarkwa Prisons.

Assisting the Tarkwa Prisons Commander in receiving the items was Overseer ASP. Joseph Apietu, who serves as the Chaplain of  Tarkwa Local Prisons within the Area and also serves as Resident Minister at Fanti Mines Worship Centre, and DSP Julius Destiny Kublenu, the Staff officer for the station.

Following the presentation of the donation, church members took the opportunity to offer prayers and words of encouragement to many of the inmates, sharing the transformative message of the Word of God. Eleven souls were won for Christ in the process and baptism arrangements has been made for all.

Report by Tarkwa Area Media

Raise the next generation to go far in life—Mrs Mary Nyamekye charges christian women wev

Raise The Next Generation To Go Far In Life — Mrs Nyamekye Charges Christian Women

The wife of the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Mrs Mary Nyamekye, has charged Christian women, particularly leaders, to intentionally identify children in the church and care for their spiritual, physical and material wellbeing to secure them a brighter future.

Speaking on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at the La Area Women’s Ministry Joint Service held at the Dr Wyatt Worship Centre, Accra Newtown, to kick-start the 2024 Women’s Week celebration, Mrs Nyamekye admonished women to take their rightful positions in the church as mothers and builders of the next generation.

Present at the well-attended service were Apostle Dr Dieudonne Komla Nuekpe (La Area Head and Executive Council Member of the church) and his wife, Mrs Juanita Toffa-Nuekpe, the Area Women’s Ministry Executive Committee members as well as the La Area pastorate and their wives.

Speaking on the theme, ‘Women of God unleashed to transform their world with values and principles of the Kingdom of God,’ Mrs Nyamekye stated that Jesus’ death has brought believers from darkness into the light as found in 1 Peter 2:9-10.

Using herself as an example, she mentioned how, at her second station, a teacher named Maame Manubea (now 74 years old) became her second mother by supporting her with prayers, advice and her children’s academics. She has since been visiting them even up until now.

Mrs Nyamekye urged women to take active part in the activities of the church and get closer to their pastors in order to receive blessings and also engage in intercessory prayers for signs and wonders to follow.

She recounted how at the inception of the church, women helped to carry the travelling boxes of pastors, supported the church financially and served in the local church.

Using the Proverbs 31 woman as a model, Mrs Nyamekye encouraged women in the church to respect their husbands, take good care of their children, have a gentle spirit, dress decently and be mindful of their speech, both in public and at home as is found in Proverbs 31:26.

She admonished women not to neglect the home by reading the Bible with their children, telling them stories of old, teaching them how to dress properly.

This year’s bi-annual Women’s Ministry Week celebration will run from 7-12 May 2024.

Report by La Area Media Committee

Chairman’s Wife Fellowships With Haatso Area Women web

Chairman’s Wife Fellowships With Haatso Area Women

As part of the National Women’s Week celebration, the wife of the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Mrs Mary Nyamekye, on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, joined the Haatso Area Women’s Ministry for a remarkable service at the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC)-Atomic.

Mrs Nyamekye was accompanied by the Women’s Director of the church, Deaconess Mrs Philomina Mireku, and her deputy, Deaconess Mrs Vivian Amfo, the wife of the PEMEM Director, Mrs Martha Anane Denteh, and the wife of the Resident Minister of Dr Thomas Wyatt Worship Centre, Mrs Evelyn Anane.

Also present at the service were Apostle William Boakye Agyarko, the Hatso Area Head and his wife, the Area Women’s Ministry Leader, Deaconess Mrs Charlotte Amegatcher, the Resident Minister of PIWC-Atomic, Apostle Anthony Mensah, and other ministers and officers in the Haatso Area.

The Women’s Director, Deaconess Mrs Philomina Mireku, addressing the gathering, expressed her appreciation to women for their contributions in The Church of Pentecost. She called on them to continue serving the Lord diligently.

She admonished all women to fully participate in the week-long celebrations.

Speaking on the theme, ‘Women of God unleashed to transform their world with values and principles of the kingdom of God,’ with inspiration from 1 Peter 2:9, Mrs Mary Nyamekye indicated that the theme is a clarion call to all women to move from their comfort zone and reach out to others within their spheres and transform them with the values and principles of God’s Kingdom.

She indicated that even though Jesus’ disciples did not always go around proclaiming that they are His disciples, rather their characters portrayed them as such.

Mrs Nyamekye explained that the world has been corrupted so much that people do not feel remorseful even when they sin. However, Christians possess the light to heal the corrupt world and drive away the darkness.

This light, she explained, can be found in the Kingdom values and principles embedded in them, after accepting Christ as their Lord and personal Saviour.

She mentioned devotion, prayer, and care for others as some of the Kingdom values that can be used to transform the world.

The National Women’s Ministry Week celebration is taking place across all Areas, Districts and Local assemblies of The Church of Pentecost, and will be climaxed on Sunday, April 12, 2024.


Akuse District Women's Ministry Embarks On Outreach To Okada Riders web

Akuse District Women’s Ministry Embarks On Outreach To Okada Riders

In line with the ‘Unleashing Agenda,’ the Akuse District Women’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, kicked off the Women’s Ministry Week celebration with an outreach to Okada riders in Akuse in the Eastern Region.

The event, characterised by a spirit of compassion and service, saw 43 dedicated women of the church actively participating, with a focus on connecting with the Okada riders community.

During the outreach, a total of 40 Okada riders were engaged and given the word of God, resulting in 10 of them accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Saviour.

In a gesture of support and safety, the Akuse District Women’s Ministry generously donated 30 pieces of security reflector overalls to the riders to enhance their visibility and promote road safety.

The riders also received valuable security tit bits from a security officer from the Ghana Prisons Service for the protection of themselves, passengers and other road users.

Report by Akuse District Media Team

Women’s Director Visits Nii Boiman District web

Women’s Director Visits Nii Boiman District

The Women’s Director of The Church of Pentecost, Deaconess Philomina Mireku, on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, paid a visit to the Nii Boiman District in the Kaneshie Area as part of the National Women’s Week celebration.

Deaconess Mireku who was welcomed into the district by the Kaneshie Area Women’s Ministry leader, Deaconess Afua Owusua Danso, and the District Women’s Ministry executives encouraged the women not to allow the ban on drumming and noise making to discourage them from actively participating in the week’s activities.

She indicated that women have a huge role to play in the realisation of Vision 2028 and the 2024 theme of The Church of Pentecost and should not allow anything to prevent them from contributing their quota to the growth of the church.

Delivering the sermon on the theme, ‘The woman unleashed to make impact at the workplace,’ with inspiration from Acts 16:13-16, Mrs Comfort Ansah admonished women in the church to acknowledge that they have a duty to share the good news about the salvation of Christ to others in their workplaces so they can also come to the light and be saved.

She also encouraged women not to be fearful about evangelising to others, especially in their workplaces because if they do not do so, others will lose their lives and suffer in hell.

Continuing her message, Mrs Ansah highlighted regular prayers as one of the means through which women can cause transformation at their workplaces.

She admonished women about the need for them to deliberately exhibit lifestyles that conform to the values and principles of God’s Kingdom.

According to her, character communicates a lot to people than words and so there is the need for women to exhibit character traits that will only draw people to God, instead of driving them away. This, she said, includes being time conscious and abiding by the rules and regulations governing their workplaces.

Mrs Comfort Ansah also called on women to pay their tithes and give offerings faithfully, since it is an avenue for divine blessing.

As part of the service, the Kaneshie Area Women’s Ministry honoured the Women’s Director with a special hamper ahead of the Mother’s Day celebration on Sunday.  

Report by Kaneshie Area Media

Agorve-Woe District Women’s Ministry Donates To Keta Municipal Hospital, Dzidzorve Clinic web

Agorve-Woe District Women’s Ministry Donates To Keta Municipal Hospital, Dzidzorve Clinic

The Agorve-Woe District Women’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost has donated assorted items worth GH¢2,000.00 to the Orthopaedic ward of Keta Municipal Hospital as well as the Dzidzorve Clinic.

The items donated included baby diapers, soaps, drinks, biscuits, toilet rolls, bags of water, amongst others.

The event, which took place on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, was to demonstrate the Church’s social responsibility to the children at the health institutions and the general public.

The outgoing District Women’s Ministry leader, Deaconess Esther Dziewornu in her address stated that “Christianity can only be meaningful to our society when we show them the love of Christ. This love of Christ compels us to give genuinely with no strings attached.”

The medical administrator at the Hospital Mr. Farouck Adams Iddrisu and the In-charge of the Dzidzorve Clinic, Madam Adatorwovor who received the items on behalf of the hospital and the clinic respectively, were delighted that the church had shown their facilities such act of benevolence.

Present at the event were Pastor Francis Lamptey and wife, Mrs. Linda Lamptey (Agorve-Woe District Minister), Ms. Sarah Mensah (Nursing officer and Paediatric nurse and in-charge, children’s ward), Mrs. Dafeamekpor Deenu (Nurse Manager), Staff of the Keta Municipal Hospital children’s ward, staff of Dzidzorve Clinic, Agorve-Woe District and Local Women’s Ministry Executive.

Report by Agorve-Woe District Media Team

Odorkor Area Women’s Ministry Donates 150 Pieces Of Wax Prints web

Odorkor Area Women’s Ministry Donates 150 Pieces Of Wax Prints

The Odorkor Area Women’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost has generously donated 150 pieces of cloth (6 yards each) to be distributed among the Yendi and Goaso Areas, as well as the Church in Zimbabwe.

The donation was presented to the Area Head, Apostle Isaac Tetteh Juddah, by a delegation from the Women’s Ministry, led by the ministry leader, Deaconess Mrs. Cynthia Ankomah, for onward distribution to the beneficiaries. The brief presentation ceremony took place at Area Office in Accra.

Speaking to PENTECOST NEWS, Deaconess Ankomah stated that the cloths would be evenly shared among the three beneficiaries, ensuring that each receives 50 pieces.

Report by Odorkor Area Media Team