PENTSOS Commissions 3-Unit Classroom At Ampaha JHS web

PENTSOS Commissions 3-Unit Classroom At Ampaha JHS

The Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS) commissioned a three-unit classroom block for the Pentecost Junior High School (JHS) at Ampaha in the Ashanti Bekwai Area on Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

The project aims to address the infrastructure needs and provide a conducive learning environment for students, demonstrating The Church of Pentecost’s commitment to supporting education, compassion, and community development.

Ampaha JHS had faced significant infrastructure challenges, including overcrowding and inadequate classroom facilities, which hindered the delivery of quality education.

The church became aware of these needs through a working visit by the former PENTSOS Director, Elder Richard Amaning, in 2023. Recognizing the critical role education plays in empowering individuals and transforming societies, PENTSOS decided to support Ampaha Pentecost JHS by addressing their infrastructure needs.

The project involved constructing a three-unit classroom block, comprising a staff common room, headmaster’s office, a library, and three spacious classrooms. The project, spanning ten months, was carefully planned and executed to ensure timely completion, quality construction, and minimal disruption to the school’s operations.

The dedication and handover ceremony took place at the Ampaha Central Assembly auditorium and the school premises, respectively. It was attended by the Bekwai Area Head, Apostle Fred Tiakor, ministers and their wives in the area, Eld. Ing. Frank Nsuah Adutwum (Ag. PENTSOS Director), Nana Antwi Boasiako (Ampaha Paramount Chief) and 13 other sub-chiefs, Hon. Kofi Adu Amoateng (DCE, Bosome Freho), Mr. Solomon Owusu (District Director of Education), the Presiding Member of Bosome Freho District, assembly members, headteachers, teachers, students, church leaders, and members.

Pastor Emmanuel Okoh Lartey (Bekwai District Minister) delivered a sermon highlighting the essence of the church, based on John 1:11-12.

He explained that the concept of the church began with Adam and Eve, but they failed. God then chose the Israelites as His people, but they also disappointed Him. Finally, God extended His invitation to the entire world, offering everyone the opportunity to become His people through belief in His name (John 1:12).

He emphasised that the church is a community of believers called to worship, reflect God’s glory, and partner with Him to achieve His purposes (1 Peter 2:9-10).

The new three-unit classroom block will accommodate more students, reducing overcrowding and significantly enhancing the learning environment.

The spacious, well-lit, and ventilated space will foster academic excellence, improve student engagement, motivation, and overall academic performance.

The event concluded with a tour of the new facility, followed by a symbolic key handover from Apostle Fred Tiakor to the Ampaha Pentecost JHS Headmaster, marking the official transfer of ownership. A celebratory reception and closing prayer ended the memorable occasion.

Report by Mrs. Lois Amankwah Kyei

Deacon Charles Addae Honoured For Soul-Winning Efforts web

Deacon Charles Addae Honoured For Soul-Winning Efforts

The Tema Greenwich Meridian District in the Tema Area of The Church of Pentecost has honored Deacon Charles Addae of Safo Memorial Temple for being the 2nd National Best Soul Winner of The Church of Pentecost in 2023.

Deacon Charles Addae singlehandedly led 77 persons to accept Christ last year and ensured that 64 of the new converts were baptised in water.

He was honoured during the climax of the 2nd District Week, dubbed the “Gathering of the Unleashed,” on July 14, 2024, at Safo Memorial Temple, Tema. The theme for the program was “We Are A People Of God” with 1 Peter 2:9 and Philippians 3:20 as scriptural references.

Delivering the sermon on Sunday, July 14, 2024, on the topic “End Time Events,” the guest preacher, Pastor Emmanuel Kyei Boate, the Barekese District Minister, delved into the signs of the end times, including the rise in deception, the appearance of false messiahs, the prevalence of wars, famines, earthquakes, increasing crime rates, and believers growing cold toward the things of God.

He extensively quoted scriptures, including 2 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Timothy 1:10, emphasizing that people now prefer to hear pleasing messages, leading to the spread of various fables. He urged the congregation to guard against hollow teachings and false doctrines.

Concluding his sermon, he cited 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, and Daniel 9:27, explaining the Church’s anticipation of the rapture and the grave consequences of missing it.

The service also marked a significant transition for the C3 Assembly and Peniel (MPWDs) Assembly, which will be carved from Tema Greenwich Meridian District to become a Worship Centre in September.

During the event, some distinguished personalities were also honored by the Men’s Ministry (PEMEM). They were: Brother Samuel Grant: Most Promising Father for the year 2024 – Faithful Giants, Elder Frank Adu Gyamfi: Most Punctual and Consistent in PEMEM from 2013-2023, and Elder Akwasi Boaten-Sekyerehene: Most Influential and Committed Father for the year 2023.

Additionally, past District Ministry Executive Committee Members who have served in various capacities were recognised. They included former District Youth Leader, Elder Isaac Addae, and Assistant Youth Leader, Elder Humphrey Lomotey.

The service ended successfully with a powerful session of worship and adoration led by Pastor Emmanuel Kyei Boate, leaving the congregation spiritually enriched and uplifted.

The District Minister, Pastor Dr. Suleman De-Graft Issaka, commended the District for their support for Vision 2028. Present was his wife, Mrs. Esther Issaka, the District Executive Committee Members, and the District Mass Choir.

Report by TGMD Media Team

90 Souls Won For Christ During MPWDs Donation Exercise In Tamale web

90 Souls Won For Christ During MPWDs Donation Exercise In Tamale

A total of ninety (90) souls were won for Christ during a donation exercise organized by the Ministry to Persons with Disabilities (MPWDs) of The Church of Pentecost within the Tamale Metropolis.

The donation exercise, held from Monday, July 15 to Friday, July 19, 2024, saw participants from various areas of The Church of Pentecost within the Northern Region of Ghana, including Tamale, Yendi, Sawla, Walewale, Bawku, Bolga, Tumu, and Wa.

Throughout the exercise, 341 assistive devices such as wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, and white canes were distributed to persons with disabilities (PWDs).

Pastor Alexander Nyame, the Coordinator of MPWDs, expressed his gratitude to the leadership of the Church for their significant contributions and thanked the Area Head, Apostle J.B.K. Tawiah, for hosting the event.

Pastor Nyame also highlighted the successful collaboration with Joni & Friends, a non-governmental organization that helped secure the assistive devices.

He expressed optimism for future partnerships to continue supporting PWDs in the region.


Be Committed To Jesus Christ – Apostle Hagan Advises Youth web

Be Committed To Jesus Christ – Apostle Hagan Advises Youth

The Youth Ministry Director of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Ebenezer Hagan, has advised Christian youth to have a heart fully committed to Jesus, where He [Jesus] holds the highest place in one’s life.

According to him, a person with such devotion is always ready to follow whatever Jesus asks of them.

He said this at the East Legon Worship Centre on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 during the second day of the weeklong National Youth Ministry Week Celebration.

Delivering a message titled “Sharing in the Passion of Christ”, Apostle Hagan highlighted the dedication of past leaders like Pastor James McKeown and Apostle F. S. Safo.

He recounted how Pastor McKeown, while in Asamankese, played a significant role in spreading the message of Christ.

“To draw the attention of the townspeople to the saving grace of Jesus, he and his wife, Mrs. Sophia McKeown, used instruments to attract crowds.

During one of his evangelistic efforts, a statement he made, “Joseph, Where Art Thou!”, caught the attention of a young, inebriated teacher named Joseph. This encounter led to Joseph’s transformation and eventual rise to become the first General Secretary of The Church Of Pentecost, Apostle Joseph Egyir Paintsil”, he revealed.

Continuing his message, Apostle Hagan spoke about Jesus’ dedication to preaching the Gospel and winning souls for the Kingdom of God. Despite being tired at times, Jesus never relented in His mission. He even borrowed boats from fishermen to preach to the people.

Referencing John 4, he shared how Jesus prioritized His mission over physical needs, saying, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work.”

The Youth Director also addressed the modern-day challenges many young people face in balancing their spiritual and professional lives.

He noted that some use their jobs as excuses for not fully engaging in church activities or soul-winning.

He stressed that true love for Christ is not complete until we care deeply for lost souls and make soul-winning a priority in our lives.

He further stated, “Your love is not complete yet until you weep over people who are lost. Your love is not complete yet until what passes through Jesus passes through you. Your love is not complete yet until you take care of what matters to Jesus.”

Apostle Hagan highlighted that lifestyle evangelism—living a life that reflects Christ’s teachings—speaks more powerfully to others than words alone.

He therefore urged believers to make soul-winning a lifestyle, stating that Heaven celebrates over every soul that repents, as reflected in Luke 15:7 and 10.

To support the church’s efforts in soul-winning, Apostle Hagan introduced the Reachout Strategy of the Youth Ministry, consisting of four steps:

1. Target a soul and pray for them.

2. Preach to the souls. Once you are praying for them, go out and preach the Word—Acts 8:26-39, John 4:28-29,39, and John 1:40-42.

3. Follow up with them – Matthew 23:15.

4. Discipleship. Disciple the soul and bring them to church, connecting them with a dedicated, Spirit-filled member who can mentor them.

“This comprehensive approach aims to ensure that new believers are nurtured and integrated into the church community, fulfilling the Great Commission and sharing in the passion of Christ”, he noted.

Report by Youth Ministry Media Team

Kyekyewere District Women’s Ministry Donates Essentials To Local Institutions web

Kyekyewere District Women’s Ministry Donates Essentials To Local Institutions

The Kyekyewere District Women’s Ministry in the Dunkwa Area of The Church of Pentecost, has shown support for the Kyekyewere Community by donating essential items worth GHS 5,000.00 to the local institutions.

The beneficiaries of this generous gesture were the Kyekyewere Health Centre, Kyekyewere Police Cell, and the Kyekyewere Palace. Items such as branded bedsheets, soft drinks, water, toiletries, and detergents, were donated to helps these institutions carry out their work effectively.

During the donation ceremony, which took place on Friday, July 19, 2024, community leaders like Nana Ntow Wirenkyi II, the Twafohene, Inspector John Clinton, and Wisdom Amanor Sabutey, received the items on behalf of their respective institutions.

The District Minister, Pastor Jacob Atta-Arthur, mentioned that the donation aligns with the Church’s theme of “A people of God Unleashed to Transform their World.” He emphasised the need to support the local institutions to aid in their operations.

He also used the opportunity to share the word of God, highlighting the Church’s mission to preach and practice their faith.

Wisdom Amanor Sabutey, Head of Facility at the Health Centre, expressed his gratitude for the donation, stating that it came at a crucial time when they needed these essential items. He appealed to other religious organisations to follow the Church’s example and support local institutions like the Health Centre and Police Cells.

Nana Ntow Wirenkyi II also commended The Church of Pentecost for their actions, praising them for not only preaching but also practicing the gospel.

The event was filled with joy and celebration as church members sang and danced through the town, showcasing their community spirit and the joy of giving.

Report by Emmanuel Nana Nsiah & Dennis Owusu

Website 1-3

Youth Director Joins Odorkor Area To Kickstart National Youth Week Celebration

The Director of the Youth Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Ebenezer Hagan, joined the Odorkor Area yesterday [July 22, 2024], officially launch this year’s highly anticipated National Youth Week Ministry Celebration.

The event, which took place at the Sampson Okyere Memorial Temple, drew a mammoth gathering of over 3,000 participants.

Expounding on the main theme for the weeklong celebration, “Unleashed to Reach Out for Maximum Impact,” Apostle Ebenezer Hagan explained that “being unleashed means letting go of the past with energy, moving on with purpose, unstoppable, unrestrained, and breaking free from everything that holds you back.”

He emphasised that the theme is a call to the youth to be dedicated in their walk with God and to be prepared to go all out for Him.

The event was earmarked for spiritual empowerment, and thus, focused on the infilling of the Holy Ghost.

It was attended by the Area Head, Apostle Isaac Tetteh-Judah, the Area Ministry Leader, Pastor John Ofei Badu, and other pastors and their wives from the Area.

The celebration will continue throughout the week at the various district and local levels, and would be climaxed on Sunday, July 28, 2024.

Report by Grace Danful

Website 1-2

Yearn For The Infilling Of The Holy Spirit – Apostle Hagan Tells Youth

The Director of the Youth Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Ebenezer Hagan, has urged Christian youth to make it their lifelong desire to wait on the Lord for the infilling of the Holy Spirit for greater exploits.

Apostle Ebenezer Hagan said this yesterday when he joined the Odorkor Area to officially Kickstart this year’s National Youth Ministry Week Celebration.

Speaking on the topic “Empowerment From On High,” using Luke 24:47-49, Acts 1:6-8, Acts 2:1, and Ezekiel 47 as scripture references, he emphasised the necessity of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer, especially the Christian youth.

He explained that when Jesus was leaving the earth, He instructed His disciples to wait for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit so they could be filled with power from on high.

“Waiting on the Lord is the key to receiving this promise of the Holy Spirit,” Apostle Hagan stressed.

He admonished the youth to constantly and consciously pray and deeply desire the Holy Spirit, saying, “Always wait and stay in His presence and yearn for the Holy Ghost.”

According to him, the Holy Spirit can be received through fasting and prayers, continuously being in God’s presence, and being focused and determined.

“God always has a moment for everyone to change their life, and as youth, we need to be serious, expectant, and always ready,” he said.

He further elaborated, “When the day of Pentecost came, the disciples were eagerly waiting and praying for it with all seriousness. When it came, it sounded like the blowing of a violent wind from heaven and filled the whole house.”

Apostle Hagan urged Christians, particularly church leaders, to make every service “a day of Pentecost” where the move of the Spirit can be deeply felt.

“Our services will depend on how well we prepare and how serious we are when we come into God’s presence,” he noted.

He highlighted that being filled with the Holy Spirit means God has taken total control of a person’s life, guiding them to do His will rather than their own, adding: “The Holy Spirit is available to anyone who desires Him,” he said.

“A Christian who is full of the Holy Ghost has authority and power at their workplace and wherever they find themselves,” he stated, urging the youth to make it a habit of seeking the infilling of the Holy Spirit daily.

“You will be amazed at the transformation in your life and those around you,” he assured.

He also advised them to seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues and to pray in tongues frequently to edify themselves in the spirit.

“The more you speak in tongues, the more you will be full of power,” he emphasised.

Apostle Hagan also encouraged the youth to yearn for spiritual gifts.

“As Christian youth, you should always desire and pray constantly for the Holy Spirit. Always pray like Daniel, do your devotions, and you will be full of the Holy Ghost and the power that comes with it,” he concluded.

Report by Grace Danful

Pent5000 Launched, Aims To Feed Over 5000 Street Childrenss

Pent5000 Launched, Aims To Feed Over 5000 Street Children

The Home and Urban Mission (HUM) of The Church of Pentecost, in collaboration with other ministries of the church, has launched a project called ‘PENT5000,’ an initiative to feed over 5,000 street children.

The launch, which took place on Saturday, July 20, 2024, at the forecourt of the Universal Merchant Bank, near Agbogbloshie Market, Accra, had close to 1,000 children in attendance.

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Samuel Gyau Oboubi, who was present at the launch, announced the support of the Chairman of the church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, to the project.

He explained that the purpose for the novel project is to show love to kids by the inspiration of Jesus Christ who is a friend of children.

The HUM National Coordinator, Apostle Emmanuel Agyei Kwafo, revealed that the initiative, which is in fulfilment of the Great Commission, is not going to be a nine-day wonder. Rather, it is something that has come to stay and will be used as a mean to win souls for Christ. He expressed gratitude to the directors of all the ministries for offering their full support to the project.

The Mayor of Accra, Hon. Deaconess Elizabeth Sackey, intimated her enormous joy and appreciated The Church of Pentecost for taking up such an initiative.

Sharing a testimony about how the training she received from her Sunday school days has played a significant role in shaping her to become the woman she is today, Hon. Sackey admonished the children to commit to God, take their Sunday school lessons seriously and apply it in their lives.  

She urged the Children’s Ministry and HUM teachers to pay particular attention to children, including following them to their homes and familiarizing themselves with their families. This, she indicated, was a strategy she used as a child worker in the church for many years and has groomed many children into becoming ministers of The Church of Pentecost, including the HUM Coordinator.

Deaconess Sackey called on HUM not to end the project at Agbogbloshie but extend it to other parts of the city. She promised to collaborate with the church to support the initiative spread to other areas.

Pastor Alex Fofie, who delivered a short word of exhortation on ‘The Unleashed Church Leading The Little Children To The Saviour’s Waiting Arms,’ explained that it is the desire of Jesus is that the church saves children from hunger because His arms are always opened to them.  

He mentioned that Christ does not want kids to be undermined and turned away from Him because they are not excluded from the Kingdom.

Another reason for which he indicated children must be saved is that they are the future leaders, saying, ‘We can never have our future generation without our current children.’

As part of the launch of the PENT5000 project, 252 children accepted Christ as their Lord and personal saviour and close to 2000 plates of food dished to street dwellers, mainly children.

In attendance was the Kaneshie Area Head and Executive Council Member, Apostle Samuel Osei Asante. Others were Pastor Prof. William Otoo Ellis (Children’s Ministry Director), Deaconess Philomina Mireku (Women’s Ministry Director) & her deputy, Deaconess Vivian Amfo, Apostle Dr. Colonel B.G. Kumi-Woode (Chaplaincy Ministry) Mrs. Priscilla Yirebi (Youth Ministry NEC Member), and Apostle Dr Philip Osei-Korsah (Director of the Counselling Ministry).


PENSA-Legon Reaches Out To Trinity Academy Children’s Home web

PENSA-Legon Reaches Out To Trinity Academy Children’s Home

The University of Ghana – Legon branch of the Pentecost Students And Associates’ (PENSA) Evangelism Department, also known as the Hope Committee, on Saturday, July 6, 2024, organised an outreach and donation exercise to support the Trinity Academy Children’s Home.

The outreach had three primary objectives: to share the gospel with the orphans and their caregivers, to provide immediate support and encouragement to the children, and to raise awareness within the congregation about the challenges faced by orphaned children and the importance of community support.

Prior to the event, a donation drive was conducted within the PENSA Legon congregation.

Members generously contributed various items, including water, provisions, toiletries, and monetary donations. These contributions were meticulously collected and organised for delivery to the Trinity Academy Children’s Home.

On the day of the outreach, a team of volunteers from PENSA-Legon visited the orphanage.

They were warmly welcomed by the staff and children. The visit included interactive activities such as preaching the gospel to the children, introducing them to Jesus Christ, and baptising them in the Holy Spirit.

During the visit, the team donated a wide range of essential items, including money, bags of water, rice, sugar, cartons of milk, Milo, sardines, oil, toiletries, and more.

A heartwarming outcome of the visit was that twenty-two children accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, and seven children were baptized in the Holy Spirit.

The children at Trinity Academy expressed profound gratitude and joy for the donations and interactions, which fostered a sense of hope and belonging.

Report by PENSA Legon Media

MPWDs Donate Wheelchairs & Crutches to Tamale Central Prisons web

MPWDs Donates Wheelchairs, Crutches To Tamale Central Prisons

The Ministry to Persons With Disabilities (MPWDs) of The Church of Pentecost, in collaboration with Joni and Friends, a multinational non-governmental Christian organisation based in the United States of America (USA), has donated wheelchairs and crutches to inmates of the Tamale Prison in the Northern Region.

The items were donated on Friday, July 19, 2024.

Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) in the prison will have access to the wheelchairs and the crutches to aid their movements.

Receiving the items, the Northern Regional Commander of the Ghana Prisons Service, DDP Thompson Otsyokpo, thanked the team for the generous donation. He revealed that the items will go a long way to help the PWDs in custody.

Present at the donation were Pastor Alexander Nyame (National Coordinator, MPWDs), Pastor (ASP) Elvis Kofi Danquah (Northern Regional Chaplain/Tamale Central Prison), Pastor Isaac Aboagye (Godokpe District Pastor), Torben (Joni and Friends) and others. PENTECOST NEWS