Kaneshie Area Health Guild, PEMEM Fight Malaria web

Kaneshie Area Health Guild, PEMEM Fight Malaria

The Kaneshie Area Health Workers Guild, in collaboration with the Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM) in the Area, has sensitised members on the need to eliminate malaria in Ghana.

As part of the programme, dedicated health workers in the Area were given training on Sunday, April 21, 2024, at the Kaneshie District English Assembly Auditorium on the Ministry of Health (MoH)’s Malaria Elimination Programme. The health workers, in turn, carried out sensitisation programme during PEMEM meeting day on Thursday, April 25, 2024, at the districts and local levels, to mark World Malaria Day.

The training programme had Madam Muniratu Venu, a public health nurse from the Ghana Health Service’s National Malaria Elimination Programme equipping the health workers with knowledge on the rationale for the Malaria Elimination Programme, NMESP Development, Ghana’s goal for Malaria Elimination (2024-2028) objectives and strategic interventions, expected outcomes and the role of stakeholders in Malaria Elimination Programme.

Engaging the media after the event, Dr. Nana Yaw Peprah, the Deputy Programme Manager, National Malaria Elimination Programme, who is also an elder of The Church of Pentecost, revealed that the malaria parasite in Ghana has significantly reduced from 50% in the last 20 years to 8% in a current survey which was done in 2022, while mortality has reduced from 333 in 2019 to 146 in 2023.

He explained that, on the back of these improvements, stakeholders agreed in 2023 that it was time for them to move from malaria control to malaria elimination; the reason for which the National Malaria Elimination Programme has been introduced in 2024.

Pastor Lawyer Daniel Essuman Koomson, the Kaneshie Area Coordinator for the Workers Guild, on his part, indicated that the reason for which the programme was held is that the church has a major role to play in the fight against Malaria.

In order to play this role, Pastor Lawyer Koomson explained that the sensitisation of members on World Malaria Day and after, will make the members conscious of the causes, signs and symptoms of malaria, and activities to undertake to contribute to eliminate malaria in Ghana.

He expressed his gratitude to the members of the Health Workers Guild for their dedication, stating that their effort shows their usefulness in the ‘Possessing the Nations’ agenda of the church.

Report by Kaneshie Area Media

Pentecost Health Personnel Network 010

Pentecost Health Personnel Network Holds Workshop For Members

The Church of Pentecost Health Personnel Network (COPHPNET) has organised a day’s national workshop to sensitise its members on ensuring quality healthcare delivery and service in Ghana.

The event which took place on Saturday, April 24, 2021, at zonal levels across the 71 church administrative Areas in the 16 regions of Ghana, was on the theme, “Customer Care in the Health Service Delivery: The Role of the Christian Health Worker.”

In an interview, Elder Dr. Yao Yeboah, National Coordinator of COPHNET, who is also a lecturer at the Pentecost University and member of the Christian Health Service Association of Ghana, touched on the two main types of customers being external and internal customers.

Elder Dr. Yeboah noted that a knowledge about the customer (being internal or external) would help the health worker to meet the expectations of their clients.

He said that with the vision of the guild which is “Christ-Like Character and Christ-Like Service,” members are expected to transform and make an impact on the ailing society. “They are to be light where there is darkness and salt where the society is tasteless,” he said, adding, “In effect, members are to help transform the society to what God graciously divined it to be.”

Elder Dr. Yao Yeboah further indicated that, besides organising workshops to help members to improve upon customer care, COPHNET will also lead the award of credits for their Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for the year 2021.

He concluded by acknowledging various personalities who contributed immensely to the success of the workshop, including the Chairman of the church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye; the General Secretary, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi; the National Executives of COPHNet, Area Heads, the Pastorate, Area Coordinators of the Pentecost Workers Guild (PEWG), among others.

The Church of Pentecost Health Personnel Network (COPHPNET) was inaugurated among other professional guilds such as Business, Built Environment, Education, Music & Entertainment, Finance & Banking; and Media, at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC) in June 2019, as part of the Vision 2023 implementation strategies.

Report by Gina Akua Padi.


Chairman Applauds Ministries Over Sterling Performance

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has applauded the five traditional ministries of the Church for their tremendous work in the past year, which has contributed immensely to the furtherance of the church’s overarching theme of “Possessing the Nations.”

The Chairman made these remarks on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, while delivering his State of the Church Address (SOCA), during the virtual opening session of the 44th General Council Meetings, which is taking place from 2nd-5th June, 2020.

In line with the Vision 2023 of the church, all ministries were beseeched to play key roles in pursuance of the church’s quest to become agents of transformation in all aspects of life. Indeed, according to the Chairman, in 2019, all the ministries rose to the occasion in various capacities as agents of transformation to ‘possess the nations’ for Christ.

The Children’s Ministry received the first commendation, as the Chairman lauded them for the massive evangelism and clean-up exercises performed during and after the Children’s Week celebration. He noted that a total of 52,511 souls were won and retained in the ministry. Again, 36,998 children were baptized in the Holy Spirit and 115,965 others were dedicated. He also indicated that the current children and teachers’ memberships stand at 951,078 and 44,738 respectively.

Touching on the Youth Ministry, Apostle Eric Nyamekye acknowledged the selfless and estimable services of the immediate past Director of the ministry, Apostle David Nyansah Hafron, who served meritoriously for eight years. The Chairman also lauded the current Director, Pastor Ebenezer Hagan, and the National Executive Committee for coming out with a 4-year theme for the ministry, which is, “Grounding Young People in Christ and Unleashing them to Possess the Nations.”

According to the Chairman, “this will deepen the spirituality of the youth and unleash them as a mighty workforce to possess the nations for the Lord.” He also acknowledged the ministry for their brilliant innovation in the creation of PentOnyx studios.

The Chairman also commended the Women’s Ministry for their tireless services and immense contribution to the holistic growth of the church. He noted that through the ministry’s passionate work, 51 Areas have inaugurated the Virtuous Ladies Club to mentor young women to be Christ-like. He revealed that the evangelistic duties by the ministry have yielded 33,359 souls unto the Lord whilst 15,860 backsliders were won back.

The Evangelism Ministry was not left out as the Chairman lauded them for leading the way in the ‘possessing the nations’ agenda of the Church. “Through vigorous evangelism strategies, the ministry won 212,768 souls for Christ, with 130,986 baptized in the Holy Spirit and 664 new local churches planted,” he disclosed.

The Chairman concluded his commendations for the ministries by acknowledging the immense work done by the Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM), which has brought some freshness in the activities of the ministry and also led to an incredible increase in its membership.