Apostle Sundaram James Raj, the National Head of The Church of Pentecost in India, has underscored the power that God has clothed the Church with to take up kingdoms of the world and turn them to Christ. Speaking at the Heads’ Session of the 18th Extr ...
Serve Without Reservations And Conditions – Chairman Calls On Ministers
The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has called on Ministers of Gospel to willingly serve God and the church without conditions and reservations. Apostle Nyamekye made the call on Monday, April 29, 2024, when delivering a se ...
The “Long” Shortcut (Part 2): A Shepherd To The Greatest King Of All Time
The Cambridge dictionary defines a shortcut as a route more direct than the usual route or a quicker way of doing something. It is basically a faster or shorter way of getting to a place. Humans naturally lean towards shortcuts at the slightest opportuni ...
New Combine District Virtuous Ladies Organise Entrepreneurship Training
The Virtuous Ladies’ wing of the Women’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost in New Combine District has organised a three-day free entrepreneurship training for young ladies and persons living with disabilities (PWDs) in Akosombo and its environs. Th ...
Celebrating Inclusion: My Transformative Encounter At The MPWDs Christmas Convention
Persons with various disabilities are often unfairly stigmatised. This is because some believe they are cursed or afflicted due to their parents' sins, while others see them as outcasts or burdens on society, even considering them as somehow evil. Conseq ...
Kaneshie Area Health Guild, PEMEM Fight Malaria
The Kaneshie Area Health Workers Guild, in collaboration with the Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM) in the Area, has sensitised members on the need to eliminate malaria in Ghana. As part of the programme, dedicated health workers in the Area were given ...
Kintampo Area Head Dedicates 2 Church Buildings
The Kintampo Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Francis Agyemang Badu, dedicated two church buildings, namely Korpedekeh and No. 6 assemblies, both in the Mpaha district, on Friday, April 19, 2024. In his opening address, the Area Head comm ...
PIWC-Michel Camp Embarks On Special Outreach
The Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Michel Camp, organized a special outreach where they fed and evangelised to 500 people in orphanages, police cells, ghettos, and slums. Shedding more light on the evangelistic outreach which took plac ...
PENSA-UCC Undertakes “Missions Outreach” At Komenda
The University of Cape Coast branch of the Pentecost Students and Associates (PENSA-UCC), under the leadership of the Resident Campus Minister, Pastor Frank Akonnor, have embarked on a week-long missions outreach to proclaim the gospel and win souls for ...
Tema Pentecost Preparatory School Gets Ultra Modern Library
An ultramodern library block has been commissioned at the Pentecost Preparatory School (PPS) in Tema to enhance teaching and learning at the school. The library project, which was commissioned on April 17, 2024, was the brainchild of the Pentecost Soc ...