
Renowned Fetish Priest Surrenders To Christ

A 41-year-old man who had been practicing idol worship for 15 years has surrendered his life to Christ and given up his idols to be burned.

This spectacular occurrence took place during a two-day outreach organised by the Sekesua District of The Church of Pentecost at the Afuafie Community from Thursday, May 16, to Friday, May 17, 2024, to mark this year’s Pentecost Week.

The programme was marked by signs and wonders as the power of the Holy Spirit came mightily upon the people.

In one of the teaching services led by Overseer Christian Peprah Adjei, the District Minister, the fetish priest was convicted by the Holy Spirit, resulting in his decision to submit to the Lordship of Christ.

Along with the elders, the district minister led him to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour and prayed for him.

Consequently, the man underwent water baptism by immersion and has since begun fellowshipping with the Afuafie Assembly of the Church. Two other new converts were also baptised in water with him to the glory of God.

Report by Agormanya Area Media Team.

Miraculous Healing web

Miraculous Healing: Deacon Matey Shares His Story

Members of the Gethsemane Assembly, Otsenkorang District in the Agona Swedru Area of The Church of Pentecost, recently witnessed an extraordinary testimony of God’s healing power, involving Deacon Daniel Matey, who had his miraculous healing experience during one of the Communion services.

The incident and struggle

Deacon Matey had been suffering from a debilitating condition for the past ten years following a fatal accident he had which maimed his left hand and waist area. This condition became known to the entire church and the community. Despite numerous medical interventions and prayers, the healing seemed distant.

The moment of healing

One memorable communion service, after the District Minister, Overseer Solomon Boadi, had delivered the sermon and led the congregation in the Lord’s Supper, an incredible event unfolded.

Deacon Matey recounted his experience: ‘After the sermon my pastor preached and led us to take the Lord’s Supper, just after I took in the bread and wine, I felt a very sharp electrifying shock in my whole body. It felt like a doctor touched my body and started putting the bones back. My body and both shoulders started shaking, and within seconds, the sharp pain in both my shoulders just vanished.

‘To the glory of God, my whole body was restored that very day. Now I can work, and I can lift up my hands to the glory of God.’

This miraculous event did not go unnoticed, as the entire church and the community members, who were aware of Deacon Matey’s long-term struggle, witnessed his instant healing.

His testimony has strengthened the faith of many and stands as a powerful reminder of God’s miraculous healing power and His presence in the lives of His people.

Deacon Daniel Matey’s testimony is a testament to the power of faith and the sacraments. His healing, after ten years of suffering, serves as an inspiration and encouragement to all.

We give all glory to God for this miraculous healing and for continuously manifesting His power and love in the church. Let us continue to trust in God’s promises and His ability to heal and restore. May this testimony remind us that with God, nothing is impossible.

Report by Otsenkorang District Media Team.

Couple Blessed With Child After 11 Years Of Marriage web

Couple Blessed With Child After 11 Years Of Marriage

Mr Domo-Erinuu and his wife, Esther, have been blessed with a child after 11 years of marriage, a testament to the power of faith and perseverance in the Lord.

The couple, who worship at New Senchem Assembly in Wassa Senchem District in Twifo Praso Area of The Church of Pentecost, got married in 2014, with the expectation of starting a family immediately. However, after several years of waiting without any signs of having a child, they underwent various fertility tests, but all efforts proved futile.

Despite the challenges, the couple remained hopeful, and their faith was rewarded with a bouncing baby girl, after 11 years of marriage.

The joy of this miracles was celebrated at a christening ceremony of the baby girl on April 14, 2024, where the District Minister, Overseer Albert Kojo Quaicoe, spoke on the importance of raising children in the fear of God.

Overseer Quaicoe, using the Bible text from Genesis 18:18-19, emphasised the need for parents to ensure their children grow up with the principles and values of God, so they can become responsible members of the church and society.

He also cautioned that the waywardness of children can lead to the discontinuation of God’s blessings in a family as seen in the cases of Eli, the high priest and Samuel, the prophet in the Bible. He, therefore, advised parents to be deliberate in grooming their children to be upright, obedient and God-fearing.

The ceremony was attended by the wife of the district minister, Mrs Dorcas Quaiko, and other dignitaries.

The couple’s story serves as an inspiration to those who may be going through similar challenges, reminding them that with faith and perseverance, even the most seemingly impossible dreams can come true.

Report by Joseph Smiles Adu.

Couple Welcomes Quadruplets After 24 Years Of Childlessness web

Couple Welcomes Quadruplets After 24 Years Of Childlessness

Elder Godfred Kwame Asamoah Agyemang and his wife, Deaconess Louisa, of the Sunyani Central District of The Church of Pentecost, have joyfully welcomed quadruplets after patiently waiting and relying on God for the fruit of the womb for 24 years.

God graciously gave them three girls and a boy, namely Godfred Asamoah Agyemang Jnr (Adom), Ann Anima Asamoah Agyemang (Akyede), Maria Oduro Asamoah Agyemang (Ayeyi) and Louisa Pokuaa Asamoah Agyemang (Nhyira).

The naming and dedication ceremony for the quadruplets, which took place on Sunday, December 17, 2024, was officiated by Apostle James Gabriel Quardson (Sunyani Area Head), Apostle Robert Andoh (Essam Debiso Area Head), Apostle James Nana Ofori (Rtd), Pastor Stephen Dankyi Asante (Sunyani Central District Minister), and other ministers in Sunyani Area. 

Other dignitaries who graced the service were Odeneho Akosua Frema Dwabeng Ababio II (Queen of Domaa Ahenkro Traditional Area), Chiefs and other Queens in Sunyani and Domaa Ahenkro and Heads of Security Agencies.  

Elder Agyemang and his wife, Deaconess Louisa, got married on March 14, 1999, in Sunyani. Pastor Frederick Kweku Andoh, the then Sunyani District Minister, now Apostle and Area Head for Assin Fosu, officiated their wedding.

The couple, in an interview with Pentecost News, revealed they went through several miscarriages and sought medical attention and advice from gynaecologists and other specialists for 23 years but to no avail.

“We have faced numerous challenges, especially being a presiding elder who officiates naming service in the absence of my district pastor. Our situation sometimes discouraged and restrained my wife from attending church activities.

“We have suffered during this period of childlessness, but we never denied our faith in God,” Elder Agyemang said joyfully.

He, however, said they continued praying, believing God for a miracle, and his wife miraculously conceived in November 2022. 

“Our story looks similar to that of Abraham and Sara when God promised him at age 75 to be the father of many nations—but had to wait for 25 years before Sara conceived Isaac, their beloved son,” he said.

Elder Godfred Agyemang, popularly known as ‘ELLENGOZ,’ meaning “Evidence of God’s Glory,” described the societal pressure and stigmatisation as suicidal, emphasising the vital role their faith in God played in seeing them through their predicaments and cited Psalm 9:10, Romans 8:28 and Issaiah 1:21.

He encouraged couples not to be desperate for children during marriage but to understand that it is part of the benefit of marriage and always trust that God can do everything. 

Elder and Deaconess Asamoah Agyemang expressed their profound gratitude to all ministers, officers, members and everyone who supported them in prayers.

Giving the sermon at the naming ceremony, Apostle James Gabriel Quardson encouraged couples to remain righteous before God and be patient to wait and desist from behaviours that will resist God’s glory upon their lives. 

He further emphasised that God makes everything beautiful and perfect for those who wait on him faithfully. 

Report by Collins Obeng K. Jnr, Sunyani.

Miraculous Healing At Gador District Christmas Convention web

Miraculous Healing At Gador District Christmas Convention

On Wednesday, December 13, 2023, the Gador District in the Afram Plains Area of The Church of Pentecost witnessed a remarkable event at their Christmas convention, demonstrating the incredible power of faith and the healing touch of Jesus Christ. 

Mr Andrews Bokor of Tribu Assembly of the church, who had been paralysed and bedridden for a year, got healed.  

For an entire year, Mr Bokor had been confined to his bed, unable to walk or even sit. His wife, Mrs Osime Norvekeku, approached him after attending the convention’s first service. Her heart filled with hope, she urged her husband to join her in seeking divine intervention for his healing. However, feeling defeated and resigned to his condition, he initially refused, stating, “You know I can’t walk.” Despite this setback, Osime never lost faith in God’s power to heal her husband.

Upon hearing of the situation, the District Minister, Probationary Overseer John Mark Oppong Asare, and his elders agreed to visit their home in response to Osime’s plea. Upon arrival, they found Andrews appearing lifeless, with little hope for improvement. They offered heartfelt prayers, seeking divine intervention and healing for him.

The following day, Andrews, bedridden for a year, rose from his sick bed and stood as if he had never been afflicted, bringing great joy and jubilation to the church and the entire community.

This glorious event took place on the first day of the Gador District Christmas convention, held at Tribu under the theme, “Jesus Christ, the Glory of God on Earth is Born.” 

The convention became more than just a gathering of believers; it was an incredible platform where the glory of God was manifested through remarkable healing and restoration.

Report by Probationary Overseer John Mark Oppong Asare.

Family Of Three Freed From Demonic Possession In Samoa web

Family Of Three Freed From Demonic Possession In Samoa

A family of three in Samoa has been freed from demonic possession after a team of Christian missionaries prayed for them.

The family, identified as Shalom Pasami (38), Tomasi Pasami (46), and Salvation Pasami (23), had been suffering from various symptoms of demonic oppression, such as nightmares, voices, and physical pains.

The missionaries, who belong to PENSA International (Oceania Bloc) of The Church of Pentecost, were conducting house-to-house evangelism in the island nation as part of their November 2023 mission trip.

They encountered the family and sensed a spiritual warfare going on.

Led by Elder Samuel Davis Yeboah and Deacon Michael Benson, the team of five engaged in an intense session of prayer and deliverance for the family.

According to the missionaries, the family was delivered from the evil spirits as prayers were going on.

They also testified that the family gave their lives to Christ at the end of the prayers and decided to join the Church.

Moreover, two neighbours who witnessed the deliverance brought their two sick children, aged two and four, to be prayed for. The children, who had feet issues and severe headaches, respectively, also received their healing.

The missionaries praised God for his faithfulness and power.

They said that they were glad to see the family and the children experience the love and freedom of Christ.

They also expressed their hope that more people in Samoa would come to know the gospel and be saved.

Report by Abigirl Maminimini (PENSA Australia Secretary)

Couple Welcomes First Child After 8 Years Of Marriage web

Couple Welcomes First Child After 8 Years Of Marriage

Deacon Solomon Nimako Frempong and his wife, Beatrice, both members of the Sunyani Central District of The Church of Pentecost, have joyfully welcomed their first child, marking the end of eight years of childlessness.

The couple was joined by relatives and well-wishers at the F.D. Walker Memorial Temple for the naming and dedication of their new bundle of joy.

Married in 2015, Deacon and Mrs Frempong have faced a prolonged struggle with the issue of childbirth.

During an interview with PENTECOST NEWS, the couple revealed that they underwent various medical examinations, consulting gynaecologists and other specialists for seven years, but to no avail.

“We have immensely suffered during this period of childlessness, but our God is faithful!” exclaimed Deacon Solomon with joy.

He recounted instances where some parents denied him the simple pleasure of playing with their children, not even allowing him to hold their hands because of the couple’s barrenness.

Deacon Solomon described the societal pressure and stigmatisation as suicidal, emphasising the vital role their faith in God played in seeing them through their predicaments. He cited Isaiah 43:19 and Philippians as their source of inspiration.

Through the advice and counsel of Apostle Mark Obeng Andoh (Rtd), the then Sunyani Area Head, and the prayer support of members of the Sunyani Central District led by Pastor Dankyi Asante, they remained steadfast in the Lord, and are grateful that God has intervened and given them a baby boy, whom they have named Miracle Nyametease Nimako.

Preaching at the naming and dedication service, Pastor Stephen Dankyi Asante encouraged Christians not to give up.

According to him, God makes everything perfect in His own appointed time, emphasising the necessity of trusting God in all circumstances.

Report by Elder Collins Obeng Jnr. (Sunyani Central District).

Man On the Brink Of Suicide Surrenders To Christ At “Jesus Saves Crusade” web

Man On the Brink Of Suicide Surrenders To Christ At “Jesus Saves Crusade”

In a remarkable turn of events, a man teetering on the edge of suicide found salvation in Christ during the concluding day of the “Jesus Saves Crusade,” organised by the Darkuman District in the Kaneshie Area of The Church of Pentecost.

On the final day of the three-day crusade held at the Darkuman Circle station, a man, later identified as Nana Poku Serebour, courageously stepped forward during the altar call to surrender his life to Christ.

Before embracing Christ as his Lord and Saviour, Nana Poku Serebour handed over a “Rapid Rat Killer” to the Church elders, revealing his intent to end his life that very evening due to the overwhelming struggles he faced.

He expressed being an ex-convict, left homeless and jobless, with no connections to his family.

Nana Poku Serebour lamented his dire circumstances, citing profound suffering and a loss of hope in life as reasons for contemplating suicide. In a desperate act, he obtained a lethal substance with the intent to consume it in a hidden location.

However, the transformative power of the Crusade intervened. Upon hearing the word of God and engaging with compassionate brethren, Nana Poku Serebour had a change of heart, choosing to surrender his life to Christ.

Counselors provided additional guidance on Christ and salvation, helping him understand the profound significance of this decision.

The church leadership, moved by his plight, assured Nana Poku Serebour that they would support him in finding solace under the protection of God, providing assistance to rebuild his life and become a valuable member of society.

The man was overjoyed and grateful for his new life. He thanked God and the church for saving him from death and despair.

Report by Heizel Joshua (Kaneshie Area Media)

A Child After 8 Years Of Marriage web

A Child After 8 Years Of Marriage

Mr. Selasie Ahiabor-Agbakeh and his wife, Gloria, christined their first child on Sunday, November 19, 2023 after 8 years of marriage

The event took place at the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Michel Camp to the glory of God.

The couple whose marriage was blessed in 2015 had to struggle with the issue of childlessness for a while.

“Sometimes I had to change jobs because of the humiliation I suffered. Other times we had to leave the compound house we rented before the two-year rent advance expired,” Mr. Ahiabor-Agbake said.

In some ways, their story is similar to that of Zachariah and Elizabeth because they did everything expected of a good Christian but still there was no child.

They spent money at fertility hospitals but to no avail.

However, as they prayed along their predicaments Mrs. Ahiabor-Agbakeh clearly heard the date 30th November one night in her sleep.

On that day, low and behold when they tested for pregnancy it turned out positive. Their joy knew no bounds.

“God did it this way so that the gynecologist will not take the glory,” Selasie said.

The Resident Minister, Pastor Lieutenant Franklin Kumi Lartey admonished the couple to take good care of the child and help her to grow in the Lord.

Report by PIWC-Michel Camp Media Team

Girl Miraculously Healed Of Speech Impairment web

Girl Miraculously Healed Of Speech Impairment

Vivian Amegah, a 19-year-old girl from Agadzi village in the Akenkansu District in the Akim Oda Area of The Church of Pentecost, who became mute under strange circumstances for a year, has been healed by the power of God.

Vivian Amegah experienced a psychotic episode soon after her Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) mock examinations in November last year. Subsequently, she became utterly mute and could not write the BECE with her year group. She was taken to diviners and traditional healers and given a talisman, which was put around her neck.

The District Minister of Akenkansu, Probationary Overseer Dr Vicent Appiah, explained how the young lady had her healing:

“On the first day of meeting her, we prayed for her, and we saw how she struggled but could not open her mouth when we urged her to speak. The Holy Spirit also drew our attention to a thin brown thread around her neck, and when we inquired what it was for, her Auntie quickly said: “It is just a thread.” We then told her to remove it, but she hesitated, saying, “Grandma would be the best person to remove it when she comes home,” the District Minister said.

The District Minister continued that during a second visit on October 6, 2023, he gave her a Youth Bible and a reading torch and encouraged her to read Matthew 8 and 9 about the miracles of Jesus Christ.

Vivian Amegah narrated that on October 13, 2023, she suddenly spoke out some words of the Bible that she was reading in her mind. Out of shock, she stopped reading the Bible, and the speech also ended. She became mute again. On Sunday, October 15, 2023, she could not narrate this experience in church as she had only spoken transiently. The entire district persisted in prayer for her during the period.

On Sunday, October 22, 2023, as she got up and was preparing for church service, she suddenly spoke again, and this time, she remained vocal. She was the first person to report to church that day. As she gave the details of her testimony, all joined in to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the miracle. The District Minister prayed for her and, under the Holy Spirit’s direction, cut the thread (talisman) around her neck.

To the glory of God, Vivian Amegah can now talk without any impairment. She intends to go back to school. 

Report by Samuel Ofori