
Winneba Area Donates PPE To Trauma And Specialist Hospital

The Winneba Area, through its social service wing, Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS), on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, donated personal protective equipment (PPE) to the Trauma and Specialist Hospital, located at Winneba in the Central Region.

The items donated include 15 boxes of Deva sanitisers, 1,750 pieces of nose masks, 20 gallons of liquid soap and 120 pieces of Flora tissue papers.

They were presented to the management of the hospital on behalf of the Area by Pastor Augustine Dorman Kantiampong (Area Executive Member), Pastor Enock Amoah (Area Secretary), Pastor Isaac Sunkwah (Area PENTSOS Coordinator) and Elder John Biney (Area Deacon).

Presenting the items, Pastor Dorman Kantiampong said the gesture is in line with the church’s commitment towards the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. He said that the Area is also hopeful that the items would help to protect the health workers from the virus as they risk their lives to provide medical assistance to patients.

Receiving the items, the Medical Director of the hospital, Dr George Kwame Prah, commended the effort of The Church of Pentecost in the fight against COVID-19 and promised to use the items for the intended purpose.

Also present at the brief presentation ceremony were Mr Umar Nurudeen (Administrator), Mrs Mercy Andoh (Nurse Manager), Dr John M. Wireko (Clinical Coordinator) and Mr Samuel Ocran (Accountant).

After the presentation, Pastor Enock Amoah prayed for management, staff and patients of the hospital.

Report by Pastor Isaac Sunkwah, Winneba Area Reporter


Heaven Remains Our Ultimate Goal – Chairman Tells Church Leaders

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye has advised ministers and officers of the church not to only preoccupy themselves with discharging their responsibilities as church leaders but ensure that they do not drift away from the faith. 

According to him, Heaven remains the ultimate goal of every Christian, as a result, they ought to go about their duties as church leaders while consciously ensuring that their souls remain saved. 

Apostle Nyamekye gave this admonition during his meeting with Officers in the Dansoman Area on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, at the PIWC-Dansoman church auditorium in Accra.

The Chairman read Hebrews 3:12-15, among other scriptures, to reecho the need for Christians, particularly church leaders, to regularly examine themselves to see if they are still in the faith. 

This, according to him, would enable them to hold fast to the gospel they have received, lest they drift away from the faith.

Apostle Nyamekye indicated that the “drifting process” is not instant, but gradual, hence, church leaders may seem to be going about their duties as usual, and yet, be oblivious of the fact they are slowly moving away from the faith.

He, therefore, urged them to be careful about the people they associate with, even in the church, so that they are not negatively influenced by them.

Apostle Nyamekye further noted that one key thing that could cause them to stumble is a disease of the heart known as bitterness. He described bitterness as the seeds of resentment lodging in the human heart.

Expounding on the topic: “Bitterness,” the Chairman explained that the human being is tripartite and complex in nature, in that “he is a spirit who has a soul and lives in a body.”

He added that what people usually see is the body; however, the spirit and soul of the human being is not invisible, and this is what the Bible usually refers to as the inner man (the soul or spirit) or the heart.

Apostle Nyamekye indicated that God is, therefore, interested in the state of the inner man or the heart because out of him flows all the issues of life.

He read Matthew 12:35, to reiterate that it is the inner man who dictates the actions of an individual that is why they must always be concerned about the state of the heart.

“A good man out of the good stored up in him will bring out good fruit and a bad man out of the evil stored up in him will bring up evil fruit, “he emphasized.

Explaining how bitterness gets into the heart, the Chairman said that no one consciously stores up evil in their heart, however, as they engage others and the things around them they unconsciously take in new things within. 

He, therefore, cautioned them to consciously guard the heart because evil can make its way into it and cause them to perpetrate evil. On the other hand, when they allow the goodness of the love of God into their hearts, they become the good people that God has destined them to be.

He also advised persons nursing bitter emotions, to rid themselves of such negative emotions because it could lead to far-reaching consequences.

“When one is filled with bitterness, he or she is like one infected with HIV or COVID-19. This is because once you contract it, it becomes a problem for yourself and it begins to destroy you. But it does not end there. You also become a carrier of the virus which makes it possible for you to transfer it to other persons,” he explained.

Apostle Nyamekye revealed that bitter people tend to keep mental records of the wrong done to them, have sharp and hurtful tongues and are very vengeful or unforgiving. He added that nursing bitterness could also lead to insomnia (inability to sleep) and other diseases such as ulcer and high blood pressure. He also added that bitterness dries up one’s anointing and causes them to lose their faith in God.

In overcoming bitterness, Apostle Eric Nyamekye stated some five (5) facts of life that every Christian must internalize. He noted that: “to avoid becoming bitter you must accept the fact that not everyone would like or love you, not everyone would understand you, disappointment is a fact of life, the world is not fair, and bad things happen to good people.” 

The Chairman concluded his message with an advice to Christians to desist from expressing their bitter emotions angrily. He said that expressing bitterness would not make them meet the standard of righteousness that God expects of them. He also advised them against repressing (suppressing) their bitter emotions, because people who do so tend to be hypocrites and live a life of duplicity. Instead, he urged them to always confess their bitter emotions to God, and if possible, to the offender for an amicable resolution.

The meeting with Officers is part of the Chairman’s three-day visit to the Dansoman Area. It is also the Chairman’s first visit to the Area since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March this year.


African Universities Should Practice What They Teach - Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah 1

African Universities Should Practice What They Teach – Prof. Opoku Onyinah

The immediate past Chancellor of Pentecost University, Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah (Rtd), has urged university administrators in Africa to integrate the things their universities teach in their own operations.

Apostle Prof. Onyinah made the call when he delivered the keynote address at the Second Session of the 2020 Management and Staff Prayer and Fasting Retreat of the University. He spoke on the theme, “Building a Christian University to Reflect God’s Glory.”

According to Apostle Prof Onyinah, the educational system in Africa has taught us to celebrate theory with little room for practice. This, he said, is also a troubling reality in the administration of most universities.

“Very often, when we talk about integrating theory into practice, people easily cite engineers and other professions as teaching theories, but our universities where we teach business and customer service are also victims,” Apostle Prof. Onyinah said.

He added that in most cases, universities only pay attention to teaching but unable to provide quality service to their students as they should. “For example, universities allow administrative weakness to fester, thereby affecting simple deliverables such as a request for transcripts,” Apostle Prof Onyinah added.

He attributed these poor services to weak administrative structures, organisational conflicts, poor staff motivation, among others, saying, “As institutions that teach people how to handle such bottlenecks, universities should be most efficient in dealing with them.”

He, therefore, urged African universities to invest heavily in all avenues such as technology, staff welfare and methodologies that will help them practice what they teach.

The Management and Staff Retreat is part of the corporate culture of Pentecost University. It is organised every year to pray, strategise and usher in the new academic year.

This year’s edition began on Tuesday, 22nd and ended on Wednesday, 23rd September, 2020. It was held on the theme, “Reflecting God’s Glory in Our Work-Life.”

Report by Pentvas PR.

Pastor Anthony Kwarteng To Christian Men1

“Watch Your Doctrine Closely” – Pastor Anthony Kwarteng To Christian Men

The Resident Pastor for Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC) – Sakumono, Pastor Anthony Owusu Sekyere Kwarteng, has admonished Christian men to be mindful of the doctrines they expose themselves to.

“The doctrine you hear and believe in can shape you. If you do not keep the gate of the soul well, you will be prone to false doctrine,” he said

Pastor Kwarteng said this when he preached on Monday evening (September 14, 2020) as part of the National Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM) Week celebrations dubbed, “Possessing the Nations as Effective Gatekeepers” – 2 Samuel 18:24-28, Isaiah 21:12-13, Mathew 13: 25-30.

The week-long celebration commenced from Monday, September 14, to Sunday, September 20, 2020.

Speaking on the first day of the celebration dubbed, “Time with the District Pastor,” Pastor Kwarteng stated that gatekeepers in the olden times were not only stationed at the gates but their duties went far beyond that. He again stated that gatekeeping was a form of service to people appointed to carry out that duty.

Pastor Kwarteng read from 1 Chronicles 26: 1-19, 2 Chronicles 8:14-15, John 18:16, among other scriptures, and explained that the critical accounts from the Bible indicated that all the gatekeepers were Levites who were strategically positioned at four main areas; those positioned at the City gates, those at the temple doors, those appointed to the entrance of the house of the priests and watchmen positioned by the walls.

According to him, the qualifications of a gatekeeper include being a Levite, a ministering priest, a trustworthy person, and a person with a servant’s heart.

Pastor Kwarteng indicated that in this current generation, a gatekeeper refers to or can be likened to someone playing four cardinal roles – one in charge of their individual lives, the nuclear family, watching at their workplaces and the church or community. “You should be able to do all and excel in all. You should be duly prepared with a heart fully committed to the Lord,” he added.

He enumerated the roles of gatekeepers as follows; providing security, keeping the city and temple secured; holding the keys to the temple gates (1 Chronicle 9:27), guarding the tents of meeting,  and watching what should enter and what should get out (1 Chronicle 9: 28-29) and appointing others and training them (1 Chronicle 9:19, 2 Timothy 2:2).

“When we are effective in our gatekeeping duties, the Lord will bless us and the devil will not be able to sow weeds among us,” he said.

Report by Yaa Asantewaah Adu Boahene.

BECE oldest candidate

Ghana’s Oldest BECE Graduate Is Member of The Church of Pentecost

Madam Elizabeth Yamoah, 57, the oldest Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) candidate for 2020, is a member of The Church of Pentecost in the Kuntanase District of the Agona Swedru Area. She was among over 500,000 registered candidates who sat for the just-ended examinations.

She enrolled at the Agona Odoben Presbyterian Basic ‘A’ Junior High School three years ago at age 54 intending to study to be able to read the Bible. 

There were tears of joy when she finally completed her Junior High School education as she was celebrated by her mates and teachers after her last paper.

In an interview with the press, she said she became a laughing stock among her peers and the talk of the town when she made up her mind to attend school.

“When I made up my mind to go to school people in my community mocked me. Some even said that I should leave education for the young ones, but I was determined to learn how to read and write, and that helped me through my education.”

Madam Elizabeth Yamoah indicated that she wants to further her education at the Senior High School with the dream of becoming a nurse.  According to the mother-of-four, her resilience to attend school despite her age must motivate others to do the same. 

She has since received a cash prize of GH¢1, 000.00 from the Swedru Teachers’ Co-operation Credit Union (STCCU). Elizabeth Yamoah, who happens to be a member of the STCCU, has also been appointed as Ambassador for the Union’s Youth Savings Account.

She has also received GH¢ 2000.00 from the Despite Media to use it to further her education.

The Breman Kuntanase District Minister of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor James Ekow Amoah, was of the view that her achievement will inspire both the young and old to work hard to achieve their dreams no matter the obstacles they may encounter.

Report by Pastor Felix Dela Klutse.

Apostle Dan Tackie

“If Our Base Is Weak, Our Influence Would Be Weak” – Apostle Dan Tackie

The Wa Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Daniel Nii Tetteh Tackie, has admonished ministers and their wives in the church to always check their base which, he noted, is essential for influence in their ministry.

He made this statement during the Area Ministers and Wives’ intensive prayer session held on Tuesday, 15th September, 2020.

Speaking on the topic, “The Base of our Influence in Possessing the Nations,” Apostle Tackie defined ‘base’ as using something as the foundation, and also defined ‘influence’ as the power or ability to affect beliefs and actions.

Reading from Colossians 3:18-23, he intimated that the text reveals aspects of relationships which is the base through which influence could become a reality.

He charged ministers and their wives to use their Christian values and principles to influence their districts and localities for fruitfulness. “When we are in deep relationship and continuous fellowship with Christ, any job we have to do gives us an opportunity to reflect His presence in our lives,” he added.

Drawing insight from John 15:5, he stated that bearing much fruit is the focus of ‘Possessing the Nations’ agenda of the Church, and that the only way to remain in Christ is for the leaders to ensure deep relationship and continuous fellowship with Jesus. “Jesus reminds us that, ‘I am the Vine, you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him bears much fruit for otherwise apart from me, you can do nothing,’” he expatiated.

Apostle Daniel Tackie further revealed that the Church in Laodicea was losing its influence, because of their lukewarm lifestyle, and the only way they could revive and restore themselves was to check their base, which is their relationship and continuous fellowship with Jesus Christ, as contained in Revelation 3:20. “Jesus passionately calls that, ‘Behold I stand at the door and continuously knock, if anyone hears my voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me’, he explained. He established that this is a clear illustration of the kind of relationship that brings about believers’ influence on the nations.

He, therefore, admonished ministers and their wives to take their devotional life seriously and also ensure that their dispositions reflect their commitment to the service of God.

He concluded by reading Colossians 3:23 and challenged the participants to do God’s work with all their hearts, mind, and soul because they are in a relationship and continuous fellowship with Jesus Christ.

Pastor Stephen Kwabena Adade, District Minister of Vieri led them to pray for a deepening relationship with Christ and revival in the Church, while Pastor Emmanuel Pasteeco Arthur, Resident Minister of Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Wa led them to pray for the leadership of the Church, the Vision 2023, ministers and wives who were indisposed as well as officers and members of the Church. They also prayed for divine healing of the nations from COVID-19 pandemic and grace for enormous growth in the Wa Area. Prayers were also said for the peace and security of Ghana and the impending elections on December 7.

Report by Pastor Gordon Ansah


Chairman Meets Officers In Downtown Ofaakor Area

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, met officers in the Downtown Ofaakor Area on Wednesday, September 16, 2020, to start his three-day visit to the Area.

The meeting, which took place at the Downtown Central church auditorium, was the Chairman’s first official visit to the Area since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Apostle Nyamekye took the opportunity to commend the officers for their hard work and sacrifices in maintaining fellowship within the church even in the COVID-19 pandemic. 

He, however, cautioned that as church leaders it is important that they regularly examine themselves to see if they are still in the faith. He said that it is not enough to go about their duties as officers but what is most important is that they remain in the faith.

He, therefore, urged them to show value for the salvation they have received in Christ Jesus and must be prepared to hold on to it till the end at all cost.

Speaking on the topic: “Bitterness,” Apostle Eric Nyamekye explained that the human being is a tripartite being made up of a spirit, soul and body.

“The human being is a spirit who has a soul and lives in a body. The heart is the combination of the soul and the spirit. The Bible describes that as the inner man, the man on the inside,” he said.

He said that bitterness is a seed of resentment in the human heart. However, people do not consciously store up evil, but when they keep offences within them, it grows and causes harm to them and those around them.

According to the Chairman, a lot of Christians have backslidden due to offences inflicted on them in church which they did not let go.

He said that God expects believers to have a pure heart because it is only those who are pure in heart that would see God (Matthew 5:8).

Referring to the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis Chapter 4, Apostle Nyamekye said that God saw the bitterness in Cain’s heart and forewarned him to master it, unfortunately, he did not heed to his warnings and ended up killing his own brother in cold blood.

He said that whenever people are embittered, they give room to the devil to water the bitter seeds to cause havoc to themselves and those around them.

Reading Matthew 12:35 and 15:18-20, the Chairman asserted that a good man is known from what flows out from within them and that translates into his/her actions. “You will not see it from the kind of attire she/he is wearing, rather by the state of his/her heart. What this implies is that the stores of the heart determine our actions and ultimately defines us,” he said.

The Chairman indicated that people who are consumed by bitterness are unforgiving and keep mental records of wrongs, saying, “Some even go to the extent of writing them down in a diary for record-keeping purposes. They tend to have very poisonous and sharp tongues due to the pent-up resentments they keep within. Hence, anytime they open their mouths to speak, they spew all forms of vituperations and invectives, sometimes, without even noticing it themselves.”

He also noted that bitterness weakens the individual spiritually and causes their anointing to run dry.

Apostle Eric Nyamekye, therefore, urged church leaders and Christians in general, to rid themselves of any bitterness they may be nursing within in and to guard the heart against the malady of bitterness (Proverbs 4:23) so that they would not lose their position in Christ.



Apostle Dr Walker Receives Top Award For Training Ethical & Entrepreneurial Graduates

The Vice-Chancellor of Pentecost University and Executive Council Member of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr. Daniel Walker has received a top award for the ‘development of ethical and morally upright professionals’ at the Ghana Development Award 2020. This happened at a ceremony organized by The Busines Executive at Marriot hotel in Accra.

Presenting the award, the Group CEO of The Business Executive, Madam Paulette Kporo said Apostle Dr Walker was nominated in the category of ‘contributions to the development of ethical and morally upright professionals and entrepreneurial classes in Ghana’. She therefore congratulated him  ‘on standing out in the Education sector for the second edition of the “Ghana Development Awards”.

At the award ceremony that took place on Saturday, September 12, 2020, Apostle Dr Walker emerged eventual winner. He was, therefore, presented a plaque and a citation.

Commenting on the award, the Vice Chancellor dedicated it to God and the Pentecost University community. ‘I must say I am humbled by this award and therefore dedicate it to God, staff the entire Pentecost University community, Aps. Dr. Walker said. He added that ‘I must specially acknowledge alumni and students of the University whose professionalism and ethical conduct have earned this award’.

This latest award adds to a series of prestigious awards the VC has received in recent years, including the ‘Th Most Respected and Most Outstanding CEO in the Private University Category’ in 2019 by the Ghana Industry CEOs Awards.

Apostle Dr Walker is a Ghanaian Theologian and Academic who holds PhD in Theology from the University of Birmingham, UK.  He has served various positions at Pentecost University including Head of Department of Church History and Missions from 2004 to 2005, and Dean of Students from 2011 to 2016 when he became Vice Chancellor.

Report by Pentvars PR Office

Djankrom District Donates Educational Materials To BECE Candidates pix1

Djankrom District Donates Educational Materials To BECE Candidates

The Djankrom District in Suhum Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated 503 Mathematical Sets worth GH¢ 2,000.00 to Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) candidates in the community and its environs.

The beneficiaries were drawn from some schools in Nsawam, Djankrom, Ahodwo, Dego, Ntunkum, Kraboa, and Coaltar. Others were Yaw Donkor, Duodukrom and Dobro.

In an interview with PENTECOST NEWS, the District Minister, Pastor Samuel Aboagye Yirenkyi, said that the gesture was part of the Church’s social responsibility in augmenting the Government’s effort in providing quality and affordable education to students. “The Church exists to ensure both the spiritual and social well-being of its members,” he added.

Pastor Yirenkyi admonished the candidates to take the examinations seriously and eschew all forms of examination malpractices. 

He also advised the students to observe all the COVID-19 prevention protocols by washing their hands frequently, wear their face mask, and observe social distancing to avoid the spread of the pandemic.

The candidates who were overwhelmed by the gesture expressed their appreciation to the Church for coming to their aid. They were hopeful that the Mathematical Sets would assist them in their examination.

This year’s Basic Education Certificate Examination commenced on Monday, September 14, 2020, and expected to end on Friday, September 18, 2020. In all, a total of 531,705 candidates comprising 269,419 males and 262,286 females, are writing the examination.

Report by Samuel Danso.

Gbongbonduori District Mission House Dedicated pix1

Gbongbonduori District Mission House Dedicated

The Sawla Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle William Ohemeng-Kwakye, on Saturday, September 5, 2020, dedicated the Gbongbonduori District Mission House located in the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba Constituency of the Savannah Region.

Gbongbonduori District was carved out from the Tuna District in 2018. The building is sited on a parcel land acquired by the Area from the chief and elders of Nakwabi.

The sod-cutting ceremony to commence the construction of the building was performed by Apostle Ohemeng-Kwakye on 25th February, 2018, assisted by Overseer Isaac Kwadwo Asare of Tuna District. He also laid the foundation stone on 3rd August, 2018.

Speaking at the dedication service, Apostle Ohemeng-Kwakye admonished members and officers of the church to take good care of their ministers since they have been sent by God to lead the church.

Quoting from Judges 17:10-13 with Micah as a case study, he spoke on the theme: “It is a blessing to live with the man of God.”

According to him, Micah accommodated, clothed, fed, and supported the Levite as his priest. The Area Head, therefore, underscored the need for the church to build mission houses to accommodate ministers.

He also advised members and officers to accept ministers transferred to their districts in good faith to help build a glorious church and possess the nations.

The total cost of the project amounted to GH¢161,278.61. It was funded through grants from the Head Office, Area, District, as well as special contributions by some ministers, individuals and members of the church.

Meanwhile, Apostle William Ohemeng-Kwakye has dedicated a borehole water facility in the district solely funded by the Sakumono District in the Teshie-Nungua Area.

Present at the event was the Gbongbonduori District Minister, Overseer Prince Kwesi Mensah. Also in attendance were ministers and their wives in the Area, officers, and members in the district.

Report by Sawla Area Media Team.