Sefwi Afere District Organises Inter-Schools Quiz, Reading & Spelling Bee Competition

The Sefwi Afere District in the Sefwi Juaboso Area of The Church of Pentecost, in collaboration with the Ghana Education Service and the Bodi District, has organised an Inter-Schools Quiz, Reading and Spelling Bee competition for 21 Schools.

The competition consisted of 13 primary and eight Junior High Schools within the administrative area of the church.

At the end of the competition, the Awudome D/A Primary School was crowned overall winners, with Afere D/A School Primary B and Oxford Educational Complex placing second and third, respectively.

All participating schools and contestants were presented with certificates. The best-placed three schools received trophies, medals and certificates in recognition of their commendable feat.

On his part, the District Director of Education of Bodi, Mr. Felix Neetegeh Faatah, expressed gratitude to the Church and the District Minister, Pastor Daniel T. Gyan Henanaopeh, for the timely intervention and called on other Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to come on board to make it more impactful.

Pastor Daniel T. Gyan Henanaopeh called on parents, teachers and other stakeholders to see to the proper training of the children entrusted into their care because they are the future leaders.

Report by Sefwi Afere District Media Team

New Tafo Area Holds Financial Seminar For Church Leaders

The New Tafo Area of The Church of Pentecost has organised a financial seminar for all church leaders within the Area to educate them on the financial policies of the church.

The seminar, which took place on Sunday, October 30, 2022, at the Ebenezer Assembly in the Buokrom Estate District, was attended by District Ministers, District Financial Chairmen, Presiding Elders and Local Financial Secretaries.

Addressing the participants, the Area Head, Prophet Samuel Tetteh Doku, using 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 as a Bible Reference, called on the leaders to be faithful and transparent in all transactions as expected of them as stewards of God, charging, “Commit yourselves to the work of God and put in much effort to ensure the growth of the Church, especially the New Tafo Area.”

He entreated the District Ministers, especially those who were transferred recently into the Area to ensure to be signatories to the bank accounts of the various local assemblies within their districts.

The New Tafo Area Head also encouraged the participants to learn to do good to others since it carries great blessings.

The Area Accountant, Elder Akwasi Acheampong, took the participants through the new financial policies of The Church of Pentecost and urged them to diligently apply the policies to effectively handle the day-to-day financial duties of the church. 

On his part, the Area Deacon, Elder Dr. Stephen Sarfo Kantanka, revealed the constitution of the tithes of the church as directed by the policies. 

He, therefore, urged the Presiding Elders to educate their members on the need to pay tithes and its attendant benefits and blessings.

Participants then took turns to ask questions relevant to the financial growth of the church with some getting clarifications to thought-provoking issues encountered in their leadership.

As part of the seminar, the aggressive evangelism for the month of November was also launched with a charge to win souls for Christ Jesus.

Report by Emmanuel Nana Nsiah

The Place of Prayer During Global Economic Crisis

At the time world and the global economy seem to be recovering gradually from the ravaging effects of COVID-19 since the year 2020, then came the Russia-Ukraine war to worsen the plight of people. Out of the 634 million cases of COVID-19 reported, 6.61 million lives were lost. According to the BBC, the US has estimated a total of 200,000 military casualties on all sides, thus 100,000 Russian and 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed or injured in Ukraine. The devastating effects of both COVID -9 and the tussle between Russia and Ukraine have wretched the glories of the global economy and made life unbearable for individuals. Many workers are being laid off, salaries and arrears are not being paid with little hope given to the beneficiaries, businesses are folding up and nations are also feeling the heat.  In the wake of desperation and global crisis, leadership in all angles of life comes under sharp criticism and pressure to make critical decisions to bring interventions that will restore both macro and micro economic factors to stabilize the economy. In October 2022, Liz Truss, UK’s Prime Minister, after being in office for just 44 days, had to resign following a failed tax-cutting budget that rocked financial markets leading to a revolt within her own Conservative Party.

During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ghana in March 2020, the president, H. E, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo made a viral statement while addressing the nation saying “We know how to bring the economy back but we don’t know how to bring back life.” Indeed, the economic landscape of Ghana is not new to crises like this. In 1983-84, Ghana saw one of the worst economic crises that almost wasted the land. Over the past three months, the inflation rate in Ghana is not only galloping and reduced the value of money but also increased the cost of living and hardship. In these moments of helplessness, the Executive Council of The Church of Pentecost under the leadership of Apostle Eric Nyamekye declared a three-day fasting and prayer exercise to intercede for the nation Ghana and for the global economy to be restored. Days after, the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Rev. Prof. Joseph Obiri Yeboah Mante, also declared a three-day fasting and prayer for the nation.  

The heated argument and debate in the nation thereafter was, what has prayer got to do with the restoration of the economy and alleviating people from poverty and hardship? While many people applaud the efforts and decisions of the Christian body, others see it as a wasted effort instead of going straight to the leadership of the nation and advising them on what to do. In this article, I will walk you through some global crises that occurred in the Bible and God’s intervention when men prayed.  


The global economic crisis is common to all generations right from creation. In the Old Testament, there were several cases that affected the economy and the livelihood of people in the Bible. During the time of Abraham (Gen. 12:10), there was a severe famine to the extent that Abraham had to leave his country and move to the land of the Philistines for greener pastures.  Isaac had to dwell in the land of Gerar (Gen. 26) during the time of economic crisis. The effect of these two famines and the search for daily bread nearly caused both Abraham and Isaac to lose their marriages until God intervened.  

Genesis 41-45 recorded the most remarkable of all the famines in the Bible that crushed the economy of the world, and all people had to travel to Egypt to buy grain. This famine lasted for 7 years, and it took the godly intervention of Joseph to save the world. Another severe one as a result of political unrest happened when King Ben-hadad of Aram besieged Samaria and prices of goods shot up astronomically to the extent that a donkey’s head was sold at eighty shekels and five shekels for a bowl of grains. Worst of all, people began eating the flesh of their children when they were left with no option (2 Kings 6:24-28). During the days of Elisha, God called for 7 years period of famine (2 Kings 8:1) to hit the land. In the New Testament, Prophet Agabus prophesied and predicted a famine in Acts 11:28.  

Throughout all those times of crises, it took the divine intervention of God through His people to bring the economy back to life. Today, our current generation is not different from the days of old, they suffered from the global economic crisis.  


The power of prayer in times of crisis cannot be underestimated. When we remain quiet and unconcerned, thinking it is the responsibility of the government and politicians, then we are delaying our own breakthrough and economic liberation. When Christians keep quiet, the destruction of the land will befall all of us. Someone needs to stand in the gap, intercede and call on the LORD for restoration. A shut mouth is a shut destiny.  

Throughout the Bible, the early prophets and the apostles responded to crises by praying and seeking the face of the LORD for directions. They did not leave the problems to the kings to solve. It was a corporate affair. When the voice of Christians is heard in times of crisis, the voice of God too will be heard to bring deliverance to people.  


  1. Divine revelation and direction:  

When people are perishing for a lack of knowledge, ideas, and wisdom that bring solutions do not come by sitting down unconcerned and just blaming people. In James 1:5, the Bible says that “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you”. Any time policies are failings, they are an indication that the earlier knowledge and wisdom can no longer solve the problems of today. We need a fresh ideas and wisdom from above.  

During the days of Joseph in Egypt and Daniel in Babylon, they sought the face of the LORD, and this resulted in divine revelations and directions that saved the economy. God rules in the affairs and the destiny of men and the nations are in His hands.  

  • Readiness of people to stand in the gap and intercede 

The power of prayer in times of crisis cannot be underestimated. When we remain quiet and unconcerned, thinking it is the responsibility of the government and politicians, then we are delaying our own breakthrough and economic liberation. In Ezekiel 22:30, the LORD said “So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one”. When Christians keep quiet, the destruction of the land will befall all of us. In Ezra 8:23, Ezra testified about what corporate prayer did for the nation, saying, “So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer”.  

  • A speaking covenant

In the case of Isaac, the LORD appeared to him to deliver him from the global crises because of the covenant the LORD has with his father Abraham (Gen. 26:2-5). You are a covenant child of God, sealed with the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In the new covenant with God, we have the right to approach the throne of grace and lay our petition before the LORD.  

  • An unwavering faith

Economic crises and troubles in life reveal 3 types of people: those who sit down unconcerned, the critics who think nothing will work and criticize people, and those who pray and take action. The latter are those who have unwavering faith and are ready to hold on to the promises of God. When all hope is lost, we need the people of faith to put their faith to work and call on God.  

  • Corporate efforts

It takes just one person to conceive an idea but it takes the corporate efforts of people to bring it to realization. Governance of every state requires the corporate efforts of people. When Ezra was talking about the success of prayer that led to the deliverance and provisions of the LORD, he said: “So WE fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer”. He did not pray alone but said “We did it”. Nehemiah couldn’t have rebuilt the broken walls of Jerusalem all by himself. It took the corporate efforts of people. Do not shy away from your spiritual responsibility to both yourself and the nation.  


Corrie Ten Boom, a Dutch watchmaker, and a Christian writer once said, “Discernment is God’s call to intercession, never to fault-finding”. In these times of global crisis, discernment is to respond to the clarion call of prayer to intercede for the nation for restoration. It is never about fault-finding about political parties on who did that and what went wrong. The many attempts of people and write-ups on social media to boycott the prayer can be seen as an attack to discourage maximum participation to release a divine intervention in the affairs of men.  

Remember, G. V. Wigram once said “No one can get above circumstances unless he knows that he has the ear of God. The power of intercession is a great thing to the servant of God.”

Let us stand in the gap! 

Let us call onto our God! 

For He is ready to hear and answer us.  

Written by Overseer Ernest K. Akorli (Kpasenkpe District)

Jesus Is The Liberator Of All – Apostle Kumi-Larbi

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost (CoP), Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, has said that Jesus is the only liberator of all humankind because He alone possesses the power to set people free from captivity.

The General Secretary made this assertion on Wednesday, November 9, 2022, at the Methodist School Park, Gonnor-Teshie, during the Super-Duper Prayer and Healing crusade of the Teshie Nungua Area.

According to Apostle Kumi-Larbi, there is no other name, thing, preacher, king or believer who can redeem humanity from oppressive systems and ideas except Jesus, stressing that “His name, person, blood, and righteousness have the power to save.”

“Our fellowship with God is restored through Christ alone because in Him, we have been made righteous and sinless in God’s eyes as Adam and Eve were before they sinned,” he further noted.

Speaking on the theme, “Jesus Christ; The Liberator and Saviour of the Oppressed,” using Acts 10:38 as the scriptural reference, the General Secretary reiterated that in all situations, it is only Jesus who has the power to save and set humanity free.

Touching on the creation and fall of man in Genesis 1 and 3, he said that God created people out of love for the purpose of sharing love. He noted that when God created the first humans (Adam and Eve), he charged them to care for each other and the world so that, in so doing, they would experience His goodness and reflect His image.

He, however, noted that when Adam and Eve rebelled against God, the perfect communion and fellowship between them broke, resulting in them hiding from God ever since.

“When man sinned, he was driven away from the Garden of Eden, the presence of God and hence lost everything God provided for him,” Apostle Kumi-Larbi said, charging, “Jesus has come to reconnect us to God for total restoration.”

Using his life’s testimony as an illustration, he added: “I came to believe by faith that God’s redemption plan conquers Satan’s entrenched wickedness that seeks refuge in our souls. God’s forgiveness of sin overcomes Satan’s contempt for God’s redeeming love, and His forgiveness cleanses us and restores the relationship He longs to have with us.” 

Concluding, Apostle Kumi-Larbi admonished all who are yet to accept Jesus as their Lord and personal Saviour to believe the Gospel of Christ, which is Jesus Himself, and consequently surrender their lives to Him.

Other speakers of the Super-Duper Prayer and Healing Crusade are Apostle Wilberforce Nkrumah-Agyeman (Teshie-Nungua Area Head), Apostle Lawrence Otu-Nyarko (Finance Administration Director, CoP Headquarters), Pastor Seth Kwaku Ansah (Nampansa District), Pastor Kwasi Asante Annor (Bethel Worship Centre), Elder Seth Yaw Peasah (El-Bethel Prayer Centre, Ho), with song ministration from Elder Dr. Kwasi Mireku.


9,752 Ministry To Teens Stakeholders Undergo Training

The Youth Ministry has ended its nationwide training and orientation programme for Ministry to Teens (M2T) stakeholders in line with the M2T’s rolled-out strategy.

The main objective of the training was to equip all Ministry to Teens (M2T) stakeholders to be effective in their ministry approach towards the teenagers of the Church.

The scheduled training commenced on September 3, 2022, with a nationwide “Train-the-Trainer” training model for all M2T stakeholders, including area youth pastors and wives, area youth ministry leaders, travelling secretaries, area youth ministry executive members, M2T coordinators, M2T teachers, and some selected district youth executive members across the country. 

Amongst those who facilitated the nationwide training sessions were Pastor Ebenezer Hagan (Youth Ministry Director), Elder Prof. Eric Appau Asante (Deputy Youth Ministry Director), Deaconess Mrs. Comfort Worna Adade (M2T National Coordinator) and Elder Ebenezer Ankomah (M2T National Deputy Coordinator). 

The presentations were delivered in four main subject areas: “Understanding the Ministry to Teens Concept, Nature and Needs of Teenagers and How-to Minster to them, Holding an Effective Teens Class and Understanding the Role of the Ministry to Teens Leader and Stakeholder Involvement.”

The nationwide virtual programme was immediately followed by a face-to-face grassroots leadership training held in two different sectors, the Southern and Northern Sectors, on September 24 and October 29, 2022, respectively.

The Southern sector, made up of nine regions (Greater Accra, Ashanti, Western, Western North, Brong Ahafo, Ahafo, Bono East, Eastern and Central regions), ended their training with a total of 6,244 participants being trained by 735 facilitators in 222 zonal centres across the sector. The Northern Sector, on the other hand, comprising seven regions (Northern, North East, Oti, Savannah, Upper East, Upper West and Volta regions), also ended their training with a total of 2,477 participants being trained by 296 facilitators in 88 Zonal centres across the sector.

In all, 9,752 M2T stakeholders were trained in important subject areas relevant to effective ministering to teenagers. 

The training and orientation programmes were very successful throughout the country. There were massive participation, great coordination and quality delivery sessions throughout the centres. 

In his closing address, Pastor Ebenezer Hagan thanked all facilitators and participants for their selfless commitment and dedication to duty during the training. He added that it is the hope and prayer of leadership that all stakeholders going forward would support the Ministry to Teens (M2T) concept to make it a great success. 

Report by Elder Ebenezer Ankomah (M2T National Deputy Coordinator)

Prestea-Himan District Organises Free Medical Screening For PWDs, The Aged

The Prestea-Himan District in the Bogoso Area of The Church of Pentecost has organised a free medical health screening exercise for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and the aged within Prestea and its environs.

The event, which was initiated by the Ministry to Persons with Disabilities (MPWDs) committee of the district, took place on November 2, 2022, at the Krutown-Nsuekyir community ground.

The 20-member medical from the Prestea Government Hospital, led by the Nurse Manager and Hospital Administrator, Mrs. Florence Agbeko, screened the patrons for various health conditions such as Hepatitis B, Typhoid, HIV/AIDs, Ear, Eye, Teeth, Mental Health and Malaria. They also administered medicines and vaccines at the event. 

In all, a total of 188 persons, including those with leprosy as well as visual, auditory and speech impairments, patronised the event.

Some PWDs and aged persons were enrolled on the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), whilst others had their expired NHIS cards renewed.

Speaking in an interview with PENTECOST NEWS, the District Minister, Pastor A. T. Nartey, said that PWDs must receive equal access to better healthcare and life in Christ like everyone else.

“Disability is not inability. Every soul God has created matters, so we should show love to every person no matter his or her status because our God is a God for every person,” he said.

He further stated that physical disability is not by choice and could, therefore, happen to anyone else. He, therefore, made a passionate appeal to members of society to do more to empower and seek the welfare of PWDs rather than presenting them with “handouts.”

“Instead of feeling sorry for them and giving them foodstuff and used clothes, let us help them access better medical care, quality education and grant them business opportunities so that they can also be independent,” he said.

Mrs. Florence Agbeko, on her part, thanked the Church for undertaking such a wonderful initiative. She also advised parents against hiding relatives who are suffering from physical disabilities.

Some PWDs also commended the Church for the event and called for more such exercises in the future.

Present at the event were Elder William Gyetuah (District Secretary), Elder Francis Archer, (MPWDs District Secretary), Deacon Mark Cudjoe (MPWDs District Organizer), Deaconess Doris Amoo (District Women’s Leader), as well as some officers and members of the Church. 

Report by Elder Francis Archer

Nkawkaw Nsuta District Women’s Ministry Supports Blessed Care Happy Home Orphanage

The Nkawkaw Nsuta District Women’s Ministry in the Nkawkaw Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated assorted items worth about GHC 10,000.00 to the Blessed Care Happy Home Orphanage at Kwahu Nkwatia in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

Accompanied by the District Minister, Pastor Edmond Yorke Sackey, and his wife, Remina, the women handed over various food items, toiletries, drinks, as well as new and used-clothing to officials of the Home during a visit on September 21, 2022.

They also presented an amount of GHC 500.00 to the Home to support the upkeep of the children.

In an exhortation, the District Women’s Ministry Leader, Deaconess Lucy Asamoah, quoted Psalm 46:1-5 and Psalm 3:3 to encourage the children to see God as their ultimate helper and the source of their daily provision. 

“It is God who touches the hearts of the people who come here to help you. Therefore, do not think that your help is from them but God,” she said. 

The District Pastor also urged them to live a life worthy of emulation so they would become responsible and good adults in society and the world.

Receiving the items, the head of the Home, Rev. Jeremiah Yeboah, thanked the Ministry for the support.

Pastor Yorke Sackey prayed for both the caretakers and the children asking God to intervene in their spiritual, academic, health, emotional and physiological lives.

The children expressed joy and appreciation to God and the Church through song ministrations.

The Blessed Care Happy Home Orphanage currently houses 40 children, some of whom are now in tertiary institutions.

Report by Mercy Aboagye Boateng

Tamale Area Chieftaincy Ministry Inaugurated

The Tamale Area of The Church of Pentecost, led by Apostle Sylvester Arhin, has inaugurated a seven-member Area Chieftaincy Ministry committee charged with providing chaplaincy services to the palaces. 

The committee members are Pastor Mark Alhassan Muhammad (Chairman/Leader), Pastor Salasie Amedeka, Elder Peter Baaba, Elder Malgunaa Haruna Alhassan, Elder Joseph Kumah, Elder Adam Nabila, Mr. Moses Nteche, and Pastor Isaac Deku (Coopted).

Apostle Vincent Anane Denteh, the National Coordinator of the Chieftaincy Ministry, who is also the Director for the Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM) and an Executive Council Member of the Church, inducted the committee during a colourful event, which took place at the Tishegu Assembly auditorium on October 31, 2022.

Delivering a sermon titled “The Divine Order for Kings” at the event with Proverbs 16:10-13 as his Bible reference, Apostle Vincent Anane Denteh emphasised that God is “a King and The King” whose reign is eternal has no boundaries. 

According to him, God, out of His benevolence towards mankind, bequeathed part of his rulership to kings of the earth and has established ordinances within which they are to exercise their authority.

The PEMEM Director further stated that God has given the kings dignity and power, therefore, they must endeavour to walk in the ordinances of the Lord so that they do not soil their dignity.

He mentioned that the divine order for kings is to delight themselves in righteousness, truth, justice, and wisdom and lead their subjects skillfully (Proverbs 22:29), adding that “it is was ordained that royals should be accountable to both God and his people.”

Apostle Anane Denteh, therefore, called on royals to subject their kingship to the rulership of God, whose reign is limitless and whose authority is endless.  

He also advised Christian royals not to turn down the opportunity to serve as kings or chiefs in their communities since it is a leadership role through which they could positively influence and transform society.

“Kingmakers in the nation should allow Christian royals who prefer to rule by and with the principles of the Scriptures to become kings, unlike other positions that are by appointment or elections, royals are born and nothing can change that identity,” he said.

He also urged kings to be dutiful and to serve their subjects well by seeking their interests at all times.

“Thus, it was imperative o know God ND have his mind in order to enjoy peace and satisfaction,” he added.

Apostle Sylvester Kofi Arhin, also an Executive Council member of the Church, advised royals to surrender their ways, lives, and rule to Jesus Christ, the eternal King of all kings, stressing that “this is the wisest way to rule in power and glory.”

The well-patronised event draws some National Executive Committee (NEC) members of PEMEM, namely Elder Oubor Augustine Nigarim Poyari (NEC Member, Chieftaincy Committee), Pastor Benarnd Aziz Mohammed Abogorago. 

Amongst the royals that graced the programme were Mohamadu Yusif Chief of Salamba, Gewendy Yusif, Mohinaa Moshie Chief, Nii Titibiku (Ewe Chief Odikoro), Mohamadu Issahaku (Tishegu Kpanalana), Adam Abdulai (Tishegu Kpehigunaa), other royals from Tamale, a cultural troupe also from Tamale, the Tamale Area pastorate and their wives, and the members of the Church.

Other dignitaries present were; Mrs Regina Arhin, wife of the Tamale Area Head and Mrs Martha Boakyiwaa Denteh, wife of the PEMEM Director. 

Report by Tamale Area Media Team.

Maase District Women’s Ministry Wins 180 Souls For Christ In Aggressive Evangelism

One hundred and eighty pupils of the Maase Brofoyedru R/C Primary School have accepted Jesus as their Lord and personal Saviour following an aggressive evangelism exercise embarked upon by the Women’s Ministry of Maase District in the Old Tafo Area of The Church of Pentecost on Thursday, November 3, 2022. 

The women also presented gifts to the school worth GHC 2,500, including 70 pieces of Gideons International Bibles to enhance their spiritual growth in Christ Jesus.

As the Month of November has been designated for aggressive evangelism in The Church of Pentecost, with the various ministries mandated to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to save the lost, the Maase Women’s Ministry was at the Maase Brofoyedru R/C Primary School.

Mrs. Theresa Owusuaa Anank, the wife of the district minister, preaching on the theme: “For God so love the World” based on John 3:16, expounded God’s affection towards humanity regardless of their sinful acts. She gave reasons why Jesus came to the world and the significance of believing in the Son of God as one’s Lord and personal Saviour – even as a child.

An altar call made after the sermonette saw 180 pupils surrendering their lives to Christ Jesus, including a boy named Christian, who lives with his grandfather, a fetish priest – he declared his disaffection for idol worship as the women prayed for him.

Mrs. Anank was grateful to God for directing them to the school to fulfil such a divine mandate and assured that schools at Maase and its surrounding communities would have a share of the evangelism month.

The Headmistress of the School, Miss Ruth Appiah Mensah, appreciated The Church of Pentecost for the visit and the gifts. She outlined a few challenges facing the school and called for support.

Report by Dennis Owusu

“Go, Seek and Save the Lost!”- Old Tafo Area Launches Soul-Winning Campaign

The Old Tafo Area of The Church of Pentecost has relaunched the “One Member One Discipled Soul” campaign as part of the Church’s aggressive evangelism drive for the month of November.

Under the theme, “Go, Seek and Save the Lost,” (Luke 19:10), the Area Head, Apostle Daniel Yeboah Nsaful, urged all members to be much involved in the campaign to bring people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

The launch ceremony took place at the Old Tafo Central Assembly auditorium during the Area’s monthly prayers dubbed, “Divine Encounter” on Friday, November 4, 2022.

As the month of November is designated for aggressive evangelism, the Old Tafo Area is keenly abiding by the strategic measures of The Church of Pentecost to save the perishing and heal the sick through the preaching of the Word of God.

The Area Head, during the launch encouraged members and all believers to get involved in the Great Commission mandate. He asserted that the relaunch of the program is not just an engagement of speech, but a demonstration of the power of the Holy Ghost through the preaching of the Word.

He challenged members to at least, win one soul for Christ as a testament to their commitment to the Christian faith and a selfless dedication to the matters of the Kingdom of God.

The Area Evangelism Ministry Leader, Pastor George Amesawu, sketched out the various strategies put in place for the initiative which include dawn broadcast, market and street evangelism, schools outreach and other evangelistic activities as part of the Area’s pursuit to fulfilling the mandate of the Great Commission. A gospel crusade by the Women’s Ministry in the Area was also hinted to climax the occasion.

The Old Tafo Area Home and Urbans Mission (HUM) Coordinator, Pastor Francis Anank, confirmed that HUM is deeply involved in the activities and has already won 25 souls across ghetto areas, localities and other deserted places equipping them with the Word of God.

Report by Dennis Owusu