Children’s Ministry National Training Team Inaugurated(1)

Children’s Ministry National Training Team Inaugurated

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, today, Wednesday, March 10, 2021, inaugurated the National Training Team of the Children’s Ministry to spearhead the effective training and capacity-building of child workers at the various levels of the church.

The team would also be responsible for the coordination, monitoring, and evaluation of the implementation of the ministry’s vision of “Raising Godly Children to Possess the Nations,” at the grassroot levels of the church.

The eight-member team comprises Dr. Ankamah Lomotey (Chairman), Pastor Peter Adjei (Deputy Chairman), Mrs. Freda Koranteng (Secretary), Pastor Joshua Appiah, Pastor John Afawuah, Pastor George Owusu, Deaconess Mrs. Julie Djaba and Deaconess Mrs. Comfort Azure.

The inauguration took place at a short ceremony at the church’s General Headquarters at La in Accra.

Speaking on the topic: “Paul-Timothy; A Father-Son Relationship” with 1 Corinthians 4:14-17 and 1 Timothy 1:2 as his key Bible references, Apostle Kumi-Larbi stressed the need for the older generation to make conscious efforts to mentor the younger ones. 

According to him, it is not enough to impart knowledge into children but also to “parent” or “father” them.”

“Every leader should mentor those behind them. This is the only way for discipleship to take on the multi-generational nature described by Paul in 2 Timothy 2:2,” he said.

Apostle Kumi-Latbi advised the older generation to take a cue from Paul and Timothy’s relationship. He explained that Apostle Paul took particular interest in Timothy’s development and this was why he addressed him as “my true son in the faith” in his letter to him in 1 Timothy 1:2.

Like Apostle Paul, the General Secretary urged adults to draw the children close so that they would be able to influence them positively.

He also noted that relations between mentors and mentees must evolve with time. To buttress this point, Apostle Kumi-Larbi pointed out that “in Romans 16:21, Paul makes a profound statement about his current relationship with Timothy when he addressed him as ‘my fellow worker.’ This implied that Timothy has gone from being a son to a student and had now become a colleague and a co-labourer.”

“We spend plenty of time desiring and praying for more labourers, but perhaps we do not invest enough time in those with the potential to become our partners in the mission,” he further remarked.

The General Secretary, therefore, charged the committee as well as child workers to go the extra mile to creditably discharge their duties in order to raise the standard of the ministry in the church. 

Present at the event was the Children’s Ministry Director, Pastor Prof. William Otoo Ellis, and his deputy, Elder Alfred Aidoo.



Nurture Children In Christ And His Word – Children’s Director To Christian Parents

The Children’s Ministry Director of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor Prof. William Otoo Ellis, has urged Christian parents to make conscious efforts to teach and nurture their wards in Christ by effectively communicating the word of God, the worth of God, ways of God and the works of God to them.

“To achieve the desired results, this must be done consistently (purposefully and orderly), continuously (without breaks), convincingly (persuasively with godly wisdom) and based on the parent’s (guardian’s) personal testimony or experiences,” he noted.

Pastor Prof. Otoo Ellis made this passionate appeal during a presentation on Thursday, January 28, 2021, at the Greater Accra Regional session of the ongoing Ministers and Wives’ Conference at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh.

Speaking on the topic, “Raising Godly Children to Possess the Nations,” he noted that children are the most valuable assets to the family, the church and society, yet they are also the most vulnerable in society and thus require the most of attention.

He observed that “in times past the importance of children in the family chain was obvious because they had first place in the lives of families, determined the lifestyles of families, especially mothers, as to whether to work or not to work, and even determined the types of professions some parents pursued all intending to have the opportunity to spend quality time with the children.

“Due to changing trends in contemporary times, such as the role change factor, where more women are now in formal employment, increasing single-parent households, increasing exposure to the media/social media and other tools, the introduction of policies that minimise the role of parents in parenting, increasing ‘rights’ system, and lack of requisite attention by parents and guardians to child-related issues, there is the need for a new approach in raising children in Christ,” he stated.

Reading from Psalm 127:3, the Children’s Director stressed that children are a heritage from God and therefore ought to be handled with all the utmost care.

“Heritage means a treasure that may be inherited or a special or individual possession. The word ‘heritage’ also implies that children are not made, but inherited from an original owner and Creator, God. Therefore, the child is a special gift God gives to us to care for and nurture as stewardsfor Him,” he said.

Citing Psalm 78:5-7 and Joel 1:3 as scripture references, Pastor Prof. Otoo Ellis said that children are very instrumental in God’s plan because they form the fulcrum for growth, sustenance, and survival of the church as well as the foundation for building a godly family and society. 

“From scriptures, we learn that as children grow, taught the word of God, and taught to practice or live the Word; they would, in turn, teach their children, who will also grow and teach their children,” he said.

He asserted that it is the fundamental responsibility of every Christian parent, not Sunday School teachers (Child Workers), to raise their children in a godly way through training, discipline, and admonition (Ephesians 6:1-4).

Pastor Prof. Otoo Ellis, therefore, urged parents and guardians to serve as role models and mentors to their wards by training them in Christ and modelling the word of God in their daily lives. He also advised them to coach their wards by exposing them to the realities of the times.

“Parents should always know that they are not only raising children, but they are raising godly adults,” he said.


piwc children

PIWC-Graceland Children’s Ministry Donates To Senior Correctional Centre

The Children’s Ministry of PIWC-Graceland in the Teshie-Nungua Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated assorted items worth GH¢5000.00 to the Senior Correctional Centre of the Ghana Prisons Service in Accra.

The items, which include foodstuffs, detergents, toiletries and an undisclosed amount, were presented during the ministry’s visit to the facility as part of this year’s National Children’s Ministry Week celebrations.

The Senior Correctional Centre, formerly known as the Borstal Institute for Juveniles, is a centre for rehabilitating persons under 18 years who have been convicted of criminal or civil offences.

Presenting the items, the District Leader of the Children’s Ministry, Mrs Sylvia Ohene Andoh, said that the objective for the visit was to remind the inmates that, irrespective of the circumstances in which they find themselves, they are still the future of the church of God and the nation.

“God is preparing you to take up that task. So, by extending the love of God to you through this donation, we are encouraging you not to lose hope, but to trust that God is preparing you for a better future,” she said.

Receiving the items on behalf of the inmates, the Assistant Director of Prisons, Mrs Millicent Owusu, expressed appreciation to the church for the kind gesture. She said that the donation would go a long way to complement the support they receive from the government.

She said: “The government alone cannot take up this task; we, therefore, depend a lot on the benevolence of corporate and religious bodies in Ghana as well as other individuals to support the facility.” Mrs Owusu appealed to the church to visit the inmates more often to teach and encourage them with the word of God.

The Senior Correctional Centre is currently the only institution in Ghana that caters for young offenders and juveniles. It trains them between a period of six months and two years in various vocations such as welding, vulcanising, tailoring, carpentry, draftsmanship, as well as auto electrical, mechanical and general electrical works. The inmates also receive formal tuition in ICT and moral education to facilitate their reintegration into society.

Mrs Andoh was accompanied on the visit by Mrs Mary Dankyi (Assistant District Children’s Ministry Leader), Allswell Anum (District Children’s Ministry Secretary), Deaconess Edith Ametepey, Deaconess Juliet Gyebi- Boateng, Deacon Emmanuel Baffoe, Joseph Dankyi and some children.


a-lang building

General Secretary Dedicates A-Lang Worship Centre Children’s Auditorium

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, on Friday, November 6, 2020, dedicated the multi-purpose Children’s Auditorium of A-Lang Worship Centre to the glory of God.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi was assisted by the Odorkor Area Head, Apostle Patrick Aseyoro, the Resident Minister, Pastor Isaac Ayisi-Kumi and a cross-section of the area pastorate. Also, in attendance was the Kasoa Area Head, Apostle Ekow Badu Wood.

The magnificent edifice has separate classes for the various age groups in the ministry as well as an auditorium where the English Assembly can meet. It also has a conference room, offices for administrative work, a baptistery, Pastor’s waiting room, library, a spacious car park, and an additional waiting room where members can have their personal retreats and seek the face of the Lord.

Delivering a sermon on the topic, “My Church Shall Be Called a House of Prayer,” based on John 2:14, the Kasoa Area Head, Apostle Ekow Badu Wood explained that the temple of God is a place of credibility and trust, therefore, it should not be used as a place to exploit people.

“The Church is seen as a credible and trustworthy place; therefore, we should do well to maintain its credibility by eschewing all acts of dishonesty and exploitation,” he advised.

Drawing essential lessons from John 2:14, he explained that Jesus was angry not just because they were buying and selling in the temple, but also because they took advantage of the trust people had for the temple to exploit them and make a profit. He urged Christians to desist from such acts and keep the purity and credibility of the temple for the glory of God to continually dwell in the temple.

Apostle Badu Wood advised that “instead of using the temple of God as a place to exploit people, the temple should rather be a place of prayer, because where there is prayer, there is power, and where there is power, there is praise, and where there is prayer, power, and praise there has to be the preaching of the word of God, and the preaching of the word leads to purity.”

The A-Lang Worship Centre Children’s Auditorium project was initiated in 2016 by the then Resident Minister, Pastor Isaac Annor, to provide a suitable place of meeting for the Children’s Ministry. The then Odorkor Area Head, Apostle Johnson Agyemang-Baduh, thus, cut the sod for the commencement of the project on Sunday, 17th January 2016 and also laid the foundation stone for the project a year later.

Apostle Philip Osei Korsah (now Axim Area Head) and Pastor Francis Broni (now Adukrom District Minister), who subsequently took over as resident ministers, also supervised the project at various stages of construction until its successful completion under the current Resident Minister.

In a brief remark, the General Secretary lauded Pastor Isaac Ayisi-Kumi and the entire membership of the Worship Centre for a splendid performance in completing the project even these difficult times. He also called on all present to pursue peace before, during, and after the December general elections.

The project, which was constructed at a total cost of GH¢ 911,796.30, was funded with grants received from the church’s Headquarters and the Odorkor Area, with the members of the Worship Centre contributing 61.3% of the total cost of the project. Deaconess Joana Yeboah, was, however, singled out for special praise for contributing a whopping GH¢136,000.00 towards the successful completion of the project.

The colourful service was graced by Mrs Roberta Aseyoro (wife of the Odorkor Area Head), Mrs Joana Badu Wood (wife of the Kasoa Area Head), Pastor Isaac Annor (former Resident Minister of A-Lang Worship Centre) and some representatives from the Muslim community within the A-lang vicinity, among many other dignitaries.

Report by John Abban, A-Lang Worship Centre

Calvary Assembly Dedicates Childrens Auditorium pix1

Calvary Assembly Dedicates Children’s Auditorium

The Calvary Assembly of The Church of Pentecost in the Greda Estate District of the Teshie-Nungua Area has dedicated its Children’s Auditorium.

The two-storey edifice, which was completed at the total cost of GH₵573,222.40, is made up of a children’s auditorium, youth auditorium, office, car park, nine washrooms, baptistry, changing room, and a generator room.

The dedication service took place on October 2, 2020, and was officiated by the Area Head, Apostle Dr. Alfred Koduah, assisted by Apostle M. M. Kopah (rtd), the District Minister, Pastor William Amponsah Asiamah, and the Area pastorate and their wives.

In a brief history of the project, the District Estate Committee Chairman, Elder Ing. Theophilus Barku, said that the vision of putting up the building was hatched in 2016 when it became paramount to find a conducive learning environment for the children. However, due to financial constraints, the dream remained a stalemate until the Area Head, Apostle Dr. Alfred Koduah, made his maiden visit to the district on October 16, 2018, a few weeks after assuming office as Area Head.

The sod-cutting to commence the construction of the building took place on October 28, 2018.

The project was largely funded by the Teshie-Nungua Area with a grant of GH₵480,000, while the remaining amount was provided by the district and the two local assemblies (Calvary Central and English assemblies), with support from Graceland PIWC.

The Presiding Elder for the Central Assembly, Elder Fred Tettey Alarti-Amoako, who spoke at the service on the theme, “Unprofitable Servants in the Business of God,” reminded Christians to recognise that they are all God’s handiwork created by God to please the master.

He emphasised the need for Christians to be useful articles in the house of God and use their resources to help build up the house of God, physically and spiritually. Citing the example of King David and the Israelites in 1 Chronicles 29:1-20 who contributed willingly to the building of the temple of God, he concluded that God blesses all who give themselves and their resources wholeheartedly and generously to the work of God.

Report by Eric Sitsofe Akude.

Foso English Assembly Dedicates Children's Block pix1

Foso English Assembly Dedicates Children’s Block

The Foso English Assembly (FEA) of The Church of Pentecost in Assin Foso has dedicated its Children’s Block for the Children’s Ministry.

The dedication of the facility, which is the first of its kind in the Assin Foso Area, took place on September 20, 2020. It was officiated by the Area Head, Apostle Sylvester Arhin, assisted by the District Minister, Pastor Kwasi Bukari, and the Area Children’s Ministry Leader, Pastor Seth Sackey.

Apostle Arhin commended the District Minister, the District Presbytery, and the Local Presbytery for a yeoman’s job done. He further expressed the hope that similar projects will spring up in the other districts.

In a brief history about the project, the Presiding Elder for the assembly, Elder (Dr.) Augustine Nuertey, said that the vision of putting up the building was hatched in 2016 when it became paramount to find a befitting place of worship for the children in the church.

The project was completed at the total cost of about GH₵91,000.00. It received hugely financial support from the Assin Foso Area, the Foso Station District, and the members of the FEA. The one-storey auditorium is made up of four (4) washrooms, an office, a Mother Care, a storeroom, and a spacious auditorium fitted with modern teaching and learning materials.

Speaking on the theme, “Permit the Little Children” (Luke 18:15-17), Pastor Patrick Gyamfi Osei-Appiah of Mempeasem District said that just like the days of the early apostles of Christ, many adults today continue to be impediments on the way of children from accessing the Lord Jesus Christ.

He said that although children may be seen as ‘messy’ at times, they also have positive traits, which are worth emulating. “Their humility and trusting nature are worth emulating; that is why the scripture says unless we receive the Kingdom of God like little children we cannot enter into it,” he posited.

He emphasised the need to continually nurture children in the fear of the Lord and taking every opportunity to develop them in all facets of their lives – cognitive, social, emotional, and fine motor skills.

Concluding his message, he encouraged parents to dedicate their children to the Lord and make every effort to help them stay and grow in Him.

Also present at the service were Mrs. Regina Arhin (wife of the Area Head), Mrs. Magdalene Bukari (wife of the District Minister), Deaconess Rosemond Amoako (Assistant Area Children’s Leader), among many others.

Report by Pastor Samuel Avornyo, Area Reporter.


Children’s Ministry Donates To Tema SOS Children’s Village

The Children’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost has donated to the SOS Children’s Villages in Tema in response to their call for aid amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The items donated include 102 boxes of soap, 51 pieces of Veronica buckets with stands, 51 dustbins, 51 handwashing bowls, 51 gallons of hand sanitisers, 51 packs of face masks, 51 boxes of hand gloves, 51 packs of Adepa Jumbo Tissue, 15 boxes of Samaritan’s Purse and an amount of GH¢10,000.00.

To support the spiritual growth of the children, the ministry also gave out 250 copies of Bibles and 900 copiesofDevotional Guide.

According to the Director, Apostle Fred Tiakor, the donation, which is an annual ritual of the ministry, was also meant to celebrate the thriving relationship between the ministry and the SOS organisation.

The items and amount of donation worth GH¢68,512.31, was received by a representative of SOS Villages Ghana.

Speaking at the brief ceremony held for the donation, National Director for SOS Ghana, Alexander Mark Kekula expressed heartfelt appreciation to The Church of Pentecost for her continued support over the years.

He said that since 2014 when the relationship between both parties was first established, the Children’s Ministry annually donates to all four branches of SOS Villages across Ghana to aid the welfare of children and help run their activities.

The church’s support is, however, not limited to financial aid but also extends to meet the spiritual needs of the children.

The ministry has also adopted houses in all the SOS Villages and periodically runs services at the premise for children in the house and for all who are willing to attend.

Speaking to PENTECOST NEWS in an interview after the event, Apostle Fred Tiakor said these initiatives undertaken by the ministry are inspired by the vision of the church to evangelise, mentor and groom children holistically. He also disclosed that the Church has plans of establishing a Local Assembly in the SOS villages to enhance fellowship.

The Director took the opportunity to visit the church’s adopted house at the SOS Children’s Village in Tema. He was accompanied by some of the Tema Area Children’s Ministry Executive Members.


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Winneba Area Organises ‘Empowering Families To Disciple Children’ Seminar

The Winneba Area of The Church of Pentecost has organised a day’s seminar for all District Ministers and their wives in the Area.

The seminar, which took place at Calvary assembly in the Lowcost District on 23rd July, 2020, was under the chairmanship of the Area Head, Apostle Samuel Otu Appiah.

The facilitators were Pastor Ebenezer Kpalam (Member of the Children’s Ministry National Executive Committee and District Minister for Gomoa Kyiren), and Pastor Bismark Aidan (District Minister of Apam). They treated the main topic, “Empowering families to disciple the children.”

In a presentation, Pastor Kpalam stated: “Parents are responsible for the holistic training of their children. Parents think the training of their children is the responsibility of the church alone.  Again, parents are also comfortable in delegating the training of their children to others.”

He urged parents to intentionally train their children at home since it is their religious duty. He entreated parents to spend at least 30 minutes of their time every day in teaching their children.

He stated: “The Jewish people start the training of their children right from the time the child starts breastfeeding. According to the Jewish custom, the mother teaches the children moral lessons while the father teaches the Torah. At age 3, children were made to recite the Shemah.

“It is expected that every Jewish child recites Deuteronomy chapter six verse four after waking up from sleep and before going to bed” he added.

Pastor Kpalam added that parents are to play the dual role of shepherd and captain. As a captain, he said, parents are expected to organise, train, lead and monitor their children. It should be intentional.

“The Bible is a big book that contains stories- God, Man, Sin and Salvation. Jesus Christ used about 95% stories/parables in his teachings,” he disclosed, while admonishing the participants to use stories to teach their children.

Pastor Aidan, on his part, led the participants through the topic, “God’s Heart for the Family.”

He explained that families are created by God (Genesis 2:24-26); families are the tools by which God makes Himself known through generation to generation (Psalm 78:3-7); the family must teach their children about God and His works so that they can keep hope and trust in Him; families are to guide their children (Proverbs 22:6), and then to honour and train each other (Ephesian 6:1-4). He also asked parents to train their children in love.

In an exhortation given by Pastor Fedalis Yeboah of Otsew Jukwa District on the topic, “The Law of Location” based on Genesis 2:8, stated: “When God places you at the right location, you will surely succeed. Every location has its own actions to be taken. You do not determine your location but God. “In the midst of challenges at the location, pray to God for His sustenance.”

The Area Head, Apostle Otu Appiah, in a remark, admonished the participants to be content wherever they are now. In The Church of Pentecost, you do not determine your location but its God and Church leadership,” he stressed.

In all, about 42 people attended the programme including Noble Mrs. Gifty Dansoah Appiah, the wife of the Area Head.

Report by Pastor Isaac Sunkwah, Winneba.

Children’s Ministry Workers Undergo Training

Children’s Ministry Workers Undergo Training

Children’s Ministry workers of Roman Ridge District in the La Area of The Church of Pentecost have undergone a one-day intensive training to equip them in discharging their duties effectively.

The training seminar was organised by the District Children’s Ministry under the leadership of Elder Samuel Aidoo.

The wife of the District Minister, Mrs. Beatrice Achim-Gyimah, who was a facilitator at the event, touched on the Role of the Teacher in Holistic Child Development.

In her presentation, she noted that the Children’s Ministry is one that is so important and dear to God’ heart and the church. For this reason, it is necessary for Children Ministry workers to be true born-again Christians and God-fearing to be able to positively impact children.

Mrs. Beatrice Achim-Gyimah stated that, apart from the home, school, and playground, when children go to the house of God, they expect to experience a different environment altogether with a much more peaceful and serene atmosphere.

“Children see the house of God as a hiding place where they would be loved just as they are without being despised or insulted for any reason,” she said.

She further stated that parents have entrusted their children into the hands of teachers to help shape them for future. For that matter, everything teachers do must contribute to the joy of the children they lead.

She, therefore, advised Teachers to always endeavour to introduce children to Jesus, because they are “Pastors” to the children.

She also urged teachers to be clear in presenting the gospel message of Jesus Christ to the children, stressing that they ought to know the word of God before presenting it to the children.

The teachers were also encouraged to take keen interest in the life of the children by demonstrating love to them and paying regular visits to their homes and schools.

Mrs. Achim-Gyimah charged the Children’s Ministry workers to expose children to various worldviews so that they are not deceived. “You should be careful to teach both God’s law and God’s love,” she added.

Mrs. Beatrice Achim-Gyimah concluded her presentation by urging participants to relate well with the children entrusted to their care in order to earn their trust so that they would open up to them about the problems or issues bothering them.

Among the topics treated at the event were “Effective Lesson Preparation and Teaching,” “Forming a Children’s Club and its Importance to the Church and the Society,” “Security Awareness Tips at Church,” etc.

Participants of the event were each presented with certificate.

Report by Gina Akua Padi