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Accept It; Esther

A biological male is born with XY chromosomes and has male sex and reproductive organs. A biological female is also born with XX chromosomesand has female sex and reproductive organs. The Bible in Genesis 5:2 says, “He created them male and female…”. Centuries later in the New Testament, Jesus affirmed this when He said, “But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female” (Mark 10:6). Humans, therefore, have no control or input at the onset of conception regarding which sex God offers. Adam, the first created man, had no input or choice of his sex until he became a living being. When Eve, the first female, was being made, God in His wisdom put Adam into a deep sleep until He finished and handed her over to him as his wife.

Therefore, both Adam and Eve had no input in the determination of their sexes when they were made. After Adam gained back his consciousness, he expressed his excitement and said, “…This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, for she was taken out of man.” (Genesis 2:23). According to Genesis 1:31, “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good…”. So God equally expressed His excitement on the sixth and last day after creating humankind and the entire universe and rested on the seventh day. The first five days saw the creation of the lights, skies, seas, dry grounds, seed and fruits bearing plants and trees, night and day, living creatures and all kinds of birds in the sea and on the earth, wild animals and the livestock according to their kinds.

Unfortunately, human beings have tempered with every creation of God irresponsibly as against the charge given when handing them over to us. This has resulted in the threatening climatic and environmental conditions we all find ourselves in today with its associated hardships and misery. Due to socio-economic factors, wildlife and the general ecosystem are equally trampled upon with impunity. At the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP 26, held in Glasgow, leaders from around the world gathered to chart a path forward on climate action to curb emissions and address the impacts of a warming planet. Simon Kofe, the Foreign Minister of Tuvalu, said, “We cannot wait for speeches when the sea is rising around us all the time.” Former President of United States Barack Obama also said, “Saving the planet isn’t a partisan issue.” The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, intimated, “Humanity has long since run down the clock on climate change. It’s one minute to midnight on that Doomsday clock, and we need to act now.” These troubles began after humans started tempering with everything God created without recourse to the attached manual, His word. As a result, Humanity have not known rest after God rested on the seventh day.

Until the latter days of the 20th century, what was possibly left unscratched was the male and female gender as programmed by God for each individual. Today, some seem to have gathered the nerves to temper with this one too and propagating for others to do the same if they so wish. They refer to themselves as transgender people. A transgender person is a person who feels trapped inside the body of the opposite gender. A transgender woman lives as a woman today but was thought to be male when she was born. A transgendermanlives as a man today but was considered female when he was born.

Whereas some renowned world leaders have embraced the trans-community with laws that seek to protect their interests, others have condemned the practice outrightly. The number of children referred to the Tavistock and Portman Foundation Trust’s gender identity development service (Gids)—the NHS service through which all UK candidates for a sex change under 18 is up from 77 in 2009 to 2,590 in 2018. In November 2017, the Guardian reported that 70 per cent of referrals were female. There has been an extraordinary increase in teenagers seeking to transition from female to male in the last ten years.

Speaking at the annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russian President, Vladimir Putin, stressed that his country should adhere to its own “spiritual values and historical traditions,” he said the notion that children are “taught that a boy can become a girl and vice versa” is monstrous and “on the verge of a crime against humanity.” This article seeks to appreciate the wisdom and purposes behind the male and female gender as strategically chosen and designed by God for every single individual.

The book of Esther introduces a young lady named Hadassah, who happened to be one of the Jewish exiles and captives carried away to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar. Also known as Esther, she had a lovely figure and was very beautiful. As an orphan, she was under the care of her cousin Mordecai, who worked at the palace in the citadel of Susa as one of the security operatives (Esther 2:5-7). At birth, her parents, relatives, and the Elders in Israel had no idea why God made her a female with those features. It was only a matter of time for all to appreciate that the creator makes no mistakes in choosing our gender for us. Besides her ordeal as a captive living in a foreign land exposed to an early hustling life with her gatekeeper male cousin, Esther had other challenges that confronted her. Both of her parents died when she was a little child. The obvious and preferable person to take care of Esther should have been one of her female relatives with a better appreciation of nurturing the girl child. Her tribe, Benjamin, also happened to be the smallest of all the tribes in Israel.

One of the questions and thoughts that could have occurred to her was whether she was a male in a female body. Indeed, a cursory examination of her early social, emotional and psychological challenges and the only available relative to her aid being a male could have led to her questioning why she came out from birth as a female. Besides other factors such as self-confidence, esteem and worth and innate feelings, some adolescent girls seeking sex reassignment argue that the trappings of femininity can be oppressive. However, one bitter truth is that challenges are gender insensitive at all ages and stages in this life. No matter how inexpressible it may be, the mere innate feeling one gets at a particular time due to a challenge should not warrant consideration for gender change. One of the most significant flaws of contemplating a gender reassignment surgery is the assumption of fulfilment, satisfaction and improvement of one’s self-worth afterwards.

Sex reassignment surgery refers to procedures that help people transition to their self-identified gender. People may have surgery so that their physical body matches their gender identity. What happens during surgery varies depending on the procedure, and it can be facial, top, bottom surgeries or a combination of these operations. 

A trans activist woman who de-transitioned in 2018 claimed that many people with gender reassignment regret the decision and want to return to their original sex. Charlie Evans, aged 28 years, from Newcastle, UK, also said hundreds of people who wish to return to their original gender have contacted her since she announced her de-transition and stopped taking her hormone therapy. Evans was born female but decided to live as a male for almost ten years before de-transitioning.

In a cohort study in the PLos One journal edited by James Scott, it was discovered that Persons with sex reassignment have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.

The above conclusion from the study even proves that it does not lie within the purview of humankind to make a man out of a person born a woman at birth or vice-versa. Even God did not do that. When He needed the female gender, he did not change Adam’s gender but made a new human being in the person of Eve. It is, therefore, not surprising the health and psychological complications associated with the gender reassignment procedures.

God is not unaware of the struggles all humans go through in this life, no matter how personal or indescribable they may appear. He is always available and ready to offer the helping and restoring hand. I would, at this point, urge all guardians, relatives, friends and loved ones of all who seem to be going through one challenge or the other to offer every available support to them. We necessarily do not have to be wealthy before providing emotional, psychological, financial, social and spiritual help to others. Per his societal standing and socio-economic status at the time, Mordecai could not have been able to support Esther. Yet, as a gatekeeper, he became a shoulder upon which Esther could cry and depend in those difficult moments of her life.

Around 5th century BC, Queen Vashti, wife of King Xerxes, the Mede-Persian King, was deposed for misconducting herself (Esther 1:10-22). To fill the vacuum, a search was to be made throughout the 127 provinces from Ethiopia to India for a suitable young virgin. “ Then the King’s personal attendants proposed, “Let a search be done for beautiful young virgins for the King.Let the King appoint commissioners in every province of his realm to bring all these beautiful young women into the harem at the citadel of Susa. Let them be placed under the care of Hegai, the King’s eunuch, who is in charge of the women, and let beauty treatments be given to them. Then let the young woman who pleases the King be Queen instead of Vashti.” This advice appealed to the King, and he followed it (Esther 2:1-4). The pre-qualification criterion was a biological female, at least to begin with.

Although they were captives in that foreign Land, Mordecai seized that golden opportunity to register Esther to participate in that pageantry. Mordecai did not have what it took to make Esther a beautiful biological female. No matter how concerned her cousin was, there was no way she could have been listed if she was not a biological female at the time. That is the preserve of God. Similarly, we cannot push our male children into opportunities solely reserved for the girl child and vice-versa. According to Esther 2:7-9, of all the contestants who had assembled at the Citadel of Susa, Esther was the one who won the favour of Hegai, the King’s eunuch and their caretaker at the time. Even though something quite unusual, which I prefer to call Grace and which others call favour, seemed to be working to her advantage, her female gender offered by God at birth, became the bedrock for that mindboggling success story of hers.

In like manner, God uses the very sex He offers us at birth to our advantage at all times. The argument that God could have still used a male to connect the Israelites to the seat of the government at the time isn’t tenable because Mordecai was a male working as a gatekeeper. God needed a female who could also be the First Lady in Susa. Therefore, our gender is not an afterthought as the transgender community is portraying gender choices to look like. You are of a particular gender at birth for reasons far beyond what you can ever imagine during your lifetime.

After Esther won that beauty contest and became the suitable replacement for Queen Vashti, the real reason for her feminine make-up began to unfold. Little did she know that the redemption, deliverance and salvation of a whole nation had been incorporated in her female gender at birth.

Even though the King’s wife, Esther, was a Jew, one official at the seat of government in the person of Haman suddenly assumed the title, “The enemy of the Jews.” As a well-connected person in officialdom, he succeeded in getting the King to sign an irreversible edict to kill all the Jews within the 127 provinces on 7th March 473 BC (Esther 3:12). Almost 10 years before this period, Mordecai, the gatekeeper, had uncovered a credible plot to assassinate the King by two guards of his private quarters. The intel was investigated, and the culprits were impaled on a sharpened pole (Esther 2:21-23). If Mordecai were to be a female, she would not have had the opportunity to work as a gatekeeper, let alone get his name imprinted in the annals of King Xerxes’ reign history. The reason for his male make-up by God also began to unfold. Mordecai sent a message to Esther about the wicked plot of Haman about the Jews, and together, they organized three-day fasting and prayers to avert that pending calamity. Quite reminiscent of males, Mordecai lacked the fine details of how best the Jews would come out of that pending disaster even though he knew something urgent needed to be done. He said, “Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace, you will escape when all other Jews are killed. If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made Queen for just such a time as this?” (Esther 4:13-14).

The original feminine race, which God has endowed with discernment and the carving out the fine details for relief and such distressful situations, then added their touch to the whole deliverance plan. She sent this reply to Mordecai, “Go and gather together all the Jews of Susa and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will do the same. And then, though it is against the law, I will go in to see the King. If I must die, I must die.” So, Mordecai went away and did everything Esther had ordered him (Esther 4:15-17).

In the end, Haman, the enemy of the Jews, was hanged on the gallows he prepared for Mordecai, and a new edict was issued by the King, who provided the Jews with the right of self-defense. Males and females, therefore, have their inherent limitations. God intended that they complement and not compete with each other. The roles Mordecai and Esther played complemented each other so well to meet the set objective of averting the pending massacre of the Jews. When the devil’s plan begins to work against us, God’s original design for our lives begins to work to perfection and unto His glory.

Esther and Mordecai, who wholeheartedly embraced their God-given sexes, rose to occupy the positions as the First Lady and the Prime Minister of the Persian Empire, respectively (Esther 10:3). It must also be pointed out that Esther was not catapulted to the position of the Queen only because of her female gender. The Bible says she obeyed all the good counsel her cousin Mordecai offered her as a child, during the days of the beauty contest and even as the First Lady (Esther 2:20). We, therefore, must not ignore godly counsels and still expect to solely depend on our God-given genders to make the needed impact during our lifetime. There is a good reason God made you a male or female at birth.

Accept, therefore, your God-given biological gender, and amid challenges, you can still be a blessing to yourself, immediate family members, society and the world at large.

Written by Pastor James Orhin Agyin


Sawla Area Launches 2022 Environmental Care Campaign

The Sawla Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor David Amankwaa, launched the 2022 Environmental Care Campaign of the church at Sawla Central church auditorium last Tuesday.

The campaign is being held in partnership with the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District Assembly and other stakeholders in the district.

In a presentation at the launch ceremony, the Environmental Health Assistant for Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District, Mr. Lawrence Naalubetuore, shared with participants the deteriorating state of the environment in the Sawla community and its environs. 

He therefore advised participants to respect the environment by keeping it clean for habitation. 

Mr. Naalubetuore lamented the difficulty in enforcing environmental laws due to some influential members of society who always negotiate the release of culpable offenders arrested for their actions towards the environment.

He warned that until laws are enforced, the war against indiscipline could not be won.

He also entreated participants to be each other’s keeper on the cleanliness of the environment because any outbreak of disease due to bad environmental practices will affect each and every one.

In his address, Pastor Amankwaa said that God created the environment for humanity. It is therefore, incumbent that all people, particularly Christians, take responsiblity and take good care of it.

Reading from Genesis 1:30, he emphasised that “the environment God created was good; hence must be protected by God’s people because we are His stewards.”

Pastor Benjamin Addo-Boateng, the Coordinator for the Area Discipleship and Leadership Development Committee (ADLDC), outlined the action plan for the 2022 Environmental Care Campaign to be climaxed with clean-up exercises in the various zones in the Area.

In attendance were ministers, District Environmental Health officers, church officers and members in the Area.

The Environmental Care Campaign is one of the focal areas of the Vision 2023 of The Church of Pentecost, dubbed “Possessing the Nations” (Equipping the church to transforming every sphere of society with values and principles of the Kingdom of God). 

Report by Sawla Area Media Team 


Pastor David Amankwaa Appointed Savannah Regional GPCC Chairman

The Sawla Area Head of The Church of Pentecost (CoP), Pastor David Amankwaa, has been appointed as the Chairman of the newly-inaugurated Savannah Regional Chapter of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC).

Pastor Amankwaa was inducted into office during a grand ceremony to inaugurate the chapter of the Council in the Savannah Region at the Sawla Central Assembly church auditorium of The Church of Pentecost last Sunday.

According to the GPCC General Secretary, Rev. Emmanuel Barrigah, who chaired the event, the creation of the Savannah Region out of the Northern Region, has necessitated the inauguration of the GPCC in the Savannah Region and the induction of Regional Executives to oversee the affairs of the Council in the region.

Other members of the New Regional Executive Committee (REC) inducted into office were Rev. Patrick Mensah (Area Head, CAC, Bole Missions) – Vice Chairman, Rev. Benjamin Addo-Boateng (District Pastor, CoP, Bole) – Secretary, Rev. Peter Tunjie (Head Pastor, Bethel Prayer Ministry,Sawla) – Organizer, Rev. Adams Seidu (Head Pastor, Fountain Gate Chapel, Bole) – Financial Secretary, Rev. Augustine Tungkunmwene (Head Pastor, Assemblies of God, Salaga) – Member, Rev. Charles Lokko (Head Pastor, The Apostolic Church, Kalba), Member, Rev. Atta Joseph (Head Pastor, Holistic Gospel Church, Damango) – Member and Rev. Agbenyeke (Head Pastor, Assemblies of God, Buipe) – Member.

Pastor David Amankwaa, in his response, acknowledged God’s grace for the mandate given to REC to spearhead GPCC activities in the region.

He also thanked the National GPCC Executive Members and the General Secretary and wife as well as all Heads of Churches present for confidence reposed in them assured them of the REC’s commitment towards advancing the cause of the Council and the Kingdom of God in the region.

“We would work hard to organise GPCC at the various district levels across the region,” he said and also called on all member churches to get all hands-on deck to help the REC achieve this objective.



PENSA International Breaks Ground In Singapore

Singapore is an Asian country predominantly made up of Malaysians, Chinese and Indians with an approximate population of 6 million. It is a developed country with good amenities and a near-perfect economy. Religions practised are Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism and there are also free thinkers and atheists. Although statistics show Christianity as the second-largest religion after Islam, the situation is not quite the same. Many Christians have fallen away from the faith while others hang loosely. 

Therefore, the gathering of about 17 young gallant professionals by PENSA International to possess the Asian nation for Christ could not have happened at a better time. 

Leaving behind their busy schedules and families, these persons marched forward with God’s word without knowing what truly awaited them. It was ten days of learning and unpredictable life in an unknown land. 

Indeed, it was a time of surrendering one’s will to that of God. From strict camp rules to several hours of prayer. These meetings were Spirit-filled; affirming the pouring out of the Spirit on all flesh as indicated by the Scriptures. 

Challenges arose, frustration set in, bodies gave up and the flesh threatened to take over. But in all these, they pressed on to the glory ahead. 

The Lord followed their efforts with signs and wonders; ears were opened, the blind could see, and the love and peace of God was greatly felt. To crown it all, 43 souls came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, 17 of whom have accepted to join the church and accepted to join the church. 

Perhaps, the best news of all is that, through this mission enterprise, The Church of Pentecost has broken ground in Singapore. With an appreciable number of members, The Church of Pentecost-Singapore now holds Wednesday Bible studies and Sunday services. The church has also secured a place for Sunday services. To God be the glory.

The 17 young missionaries returned from Singapore fulfilled and in awe of what the Lord had done through them.

Although the mission outreach to Singapore was no small feat, the Lord has granted the team great success; He indeed deserves praise. 

Report by PENSA International Media Team


Savannah Regional GPCC Chapter Inaugurated

The Savannah Regional Chapter of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC) was inaugurated in a grand ceremony held at the Sawla Central Assembly church auditorium of The Church of Pentecost on last Sunday.

The inaugural ceremony was graced by the GPCC General Secretary, Rev. Emmanuel Barrigah, and his wife, Rev. Mrs. Charlotte Barrigah. Other dignitaries present were interim Regional Executives, Heads, and other Leaders of member churches in the Savannah Region.

In his address, Rev. Emmanuel Barrigah indicated that the GPCC is structured to decentralize across all the political regions in the country to enhance smooth mobilization and coordination of its activities and responsibilities to all member churches and the nation at large.

According to the GPCC General Secretary, the creation of the Savannah Region out of the Northern Region, has necessitated the inauguration of the GPCC in the Savannah Region and the induction of Regional Executives to oversee the affairs of the Council in the region.

With scriptural reference from Ephesians 4:11-16, Rev. Barrigah admonished the gathering and leaders present to make every effort to keep the unity in the spirit among all member churches and the body of believers as a whole.

He added that God purposely appoints leaders and grooms them to be responsible for unifying the body of Christ and equipping believers for the work of ministry in their various endeavours. 

He further charged leaders and believers to live a life worthy of God’s calling and exhibit genuine humility, diligence, gentleness, patience, and love towards all churches and fellow believers in the body of Christ in anticipation of the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As part of the inauguration ceremony, Rev. Emmanuel Barrigah inducted into office the New Regional Executive Committee (REC) to man the affairs of the GPCC in the Savannah Region. They are: Pastor David Amankwaa (Area Head, CoP, Sawla) – Regional Chairman, Rev. Patrick Mensah (Area Head, CAC, Bole Missions) – Vice Chairman, Rev. Benjamin Addo-Boateng (District Pastor, CoP, Bole) – Secretary, Rev. Peter Tunjie (Head Pastor, Bethel Prayer Ministry,Sawla) – Organizer, Rev. Adams Seidu (Head Pastor, Fountain Gate Chapel, Bole) – Financial Secretary, Rev. Augustine Tungkunmwene (Head Pastor, Assemblies of God, Salaga) – Member, Rev. Charles Lokko (Head Pastor, The Apostolic Church, Kalba) – Member, Rev. Atta Joseph (Head Pastor, Holistic Gospel Church, Damango) – Member and Rev. Agbenyeke (Head Pastor, Assemblies of God, Buipe) – Member.

Pastor David Amankwaa, in his response, acknowledged God’s grace for the mandate given to REC to spearhead GPCC activities in the region.

He also thanked the National GPCC Executive Members and the General Secretary and wife as well as all Heads of Churches present for confidence reposed in them assured them of the REC’s commitment towards advancing the cause of the Council and the Kingdom of God in the region.

“We would work hard to organise GPCC at the various district levels across the region,” he said and also called on all member churches to get all hands-on deck to help the REC achieve this objective.

Prior to the grand inaugural ceremony, a Leadership Seminar was held for all Heads, Ministers, and Lay Leaders of GPCC Member Churches in the Savannah enclave on Saturday, 23rd April 2022 at the same venue.

During this seminar, ministers and lay leaders were taken through the mission and vision of GPCC, the theme for the year, and the respective roles of leaders and member churches of the GPCC by Rev. Emmanuel Barrigah.

Pastor David Amakwaa also took the participants through the constitution of the GPCC after which time was allotted for intercessory prayers for the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council.

Report by Sawla Area Media Team


Mrs Mercy Tackie-Otoo Laid To Rest

The remains of Mrs. Mercy Naa Tackie-Otoo, the late wife of the Odikoman District Minister of The Church of Pentecost in the Teshie-Nungua Area, Pastor Percy Nii Tackie-Otoo, was interned today [Saturday, April 30, 2022] after a solemn burial and memorial service held in her honour at the Fred Stephen Safo Memorial Temple at Nungua-Nshorna, Accra.

The funeral service which was officiated by the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Kumi-Larbi, assisted the Teshie-Nungua Area Head, Apostle Wilberforce Nkrumah Agyeman, and some members of Executive Council as well as some heads of the church and other sister churches, was heavily attended by people from far and near.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi, on behalf of the Chairman of the church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, urged the bereaved family to encourage themselves in Christ in the face of their trying moments, while describing Mrs Mercy Tackie-Otoo as a woman of integrity.

Mrs Mercy Naa Tackie-Otoo, was called home on Monday, March 14, 2022, at the Pentecost Hospital, Madina after a short sickness at age 57. She survived by her husband and seven children.


Born at Akoto-Lante in Accra on April 1, 1964, Mercy attended Ghana National College, Cape Coast, where she successfully completed with the General Certificate of Education – Ordinary Level (G.C.E. O-Level) Examinations. She also obtained a Bachelor of Science (BSc.) degree in Banking and Finance from the Central University.

After her secondary education, she worked with the Ghana Statistical Services and later employed at the Bank of Ghana in 1981, where she rosed through the ranks to the position of Officer One, a position she held until she voluntarily resigned in 2003 to join her husband in the full-time ministry in The Church of Pentecost.

She and her husband served in the full-time ministry for 19 years in the following duty stations: Prampram (2003-2008), New Abirem (2008-2013), PIWC-Koforidua (2013-2018) and Odikoman in Teshie-Nungua Area (2018 to date), where she peacefully passed onto glory.


In his tribute, the widower, Pastor Percy Nii Tackie-Otoo, described the death of his wife as “a terrible shock,” said she was not only a wonderful wife and mother, but also a meticulous housekeeper and homemaker.

Her children in their tribute said their late mother was a counsellor and a strong believer in God’s Word, saying, “She instilled the love of God in our hearts, and always told us, that all she knew and had was Christ.”

Tribute by the General Council of The Church of Pentecost, which was read by Apostle Yaw Adjei Kwarteng (Bompata Area Head), said the late Mrs Mercy Naa Tackie-Otoo was a very resourceful woman who proved her worth by aptly partnering with her husband in the ministry which resulted in their impactful service in the Lord’s vineyard.

“Throughout the stations that she and her husband served in the ministry, she played a key role in mobilising the women and the youth in the church and equipped them with godly values to contribute positively to the well-being of their families and society,” it stated.


The Evangelism Director of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr Amos Jimmy Markin, preaching the sermon on the topic, “A Pursuit of Life” (Mark 10:17; Hebrews 9:27: Proverbs 22:4), said the pursuit of life has been at the heart of every religion and culture, yet its mystery is enshrined in the word of God.

According to him, eternal life (Zoe) which is only found in Jesus Christ, is far beyond doing good, stressing that “eternal life goes beyond money, honour, fame, and any other thing that the world can offer.”

He explained that though eternal life is gained after death, it is obtained on earth as one surrenders his life to the control of God.

Apostle Dr Jimmy Markin called on all and sundry to give their lives to Christ, because death awaits everyone. He indicated that since death is an appointed time, it can come at anytime in one’s life – at tender age, old age and may take any form such as sickness, accident and old age.

He prayed that humanity would pursue eternal life, since eternal life is a choice and a decision that is made once in one’s lifetime.


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Essam District Constructs  Washing Bay, New Mission House & Washrooms

The Essam District of The Church of Pentecost in the Western North Region has constructed a washing bay, a new mission house, and washrooms for use by the church.

The chiefs and opinion leaders of the community applauded the church for embarking on the projects.

The facilities were dedicated recently by the Essam-Debiso Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Robert Kwabena Andoh, assisted by the Essam District Minister, Pastor Theophilus Buah Koomson, and other ministers in the Area.

The dedication service held at the Essam Central Church was also attended by the clergy from other churches, chiefs and opinion leaders of the community, among others.

The 5-bedroom mission house with an office was started in April 2018.

Speaking at the dedication service on the topic, “Every Mission House Carries a Purpose” based on Acts 16:9-10, 13-14, Apostle Robert Andoh said that every mission house is an ambassadorial residence of God, hence the doors of every mission house must be opened for people to meet God.

He, therefore, admonished the members to make the mission house their second home.

The Area Head further called on members to pray for pastors and realise that pastors carry the blessings of God.

Report by Overseer James Harvoh Jnr, Area Media Pastor.

Akosombo District Women’s Ministry Gives To School, Orphanage

Akosombo District Women’s Ministry Gives To School, Orphanage 

The Women’s Ministry of Akosombo District of The Church of Pentecost has made separate donations to two institutions in their catchment area.

The first donation was made on March 11, 2022, to Akwamu West Anglican Primary School, where learning materials such as exercise books, pens, pencils, erasers, and sharpeners were handed over to the Headmaster of the school who shared them among the pupils.

On Easter Monday, April 18, 2022, another donation of foodstuffs and provisions was made to the Heart For Ghana Orphanage to assist the inmates to have a good feel of the Easter festivities.

On both occasions, the women were led by the District Women’s Ministry Leader, Deaconess Mrs. Emelia Mausuor, and the wife of the District Pastor, Mrs Esther Appianing.


Children Are A Blessing; Treat Them Well – Professor Ellis

Children Are A Blessing; Treat Them Well – Professor Ellis

The Children’s Ministry Director of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor Prof. William Otoo Ellis, has advised Christian parents to take proper care of their children in order to appropriate the blessings of God that come with parenting.

“Children are like arrows; if you treat them well, you become a powerful warrior. So, we (parents) can only become powerful if we appropriate the blessings of God the children carry by helping them serve God right from their infancy,” he said.

The Children’s Director said this at the dedication ceremony for the newly-constructed Children’s Auditorium of the Toflokpo Central Assembly last Sunday. 

Speaking on the topic Children: Our Heritage from the Lord, based on Psalm 127: 3-4 and Matthew 18:1-6, Pastor Ellis asserted that children carry the blessing of God.

He, therefore, implored parents, the community and Church to count themselves blessed to have them and accept the responsibility of taking good care of them.

Professor Ellis bemoaned the unpleasant situation where some mature members and church leaders reject or ignore the call to become Children Ministry teachers.

“Let us not leave the children alone to do their own things. Parents should help the Sunday School teachers to take proper care of the Children Ministry,” he charged.

Professor Ellis also advised church leaders to do well to provide suitable places of worship for the children and not to take them for granted.

The children’s auditorium was singlehandedly constructed by the Toflokpo District Minister, Pastor Dickson Baidoo and his wife, Dora, who in obedience to a divine directive put up the facility for the children.

The beautiful edifice, which was constructed at a total cost of GHS 125,000.00, was dedicated by Apostle Emmanuel O. Ankra-Badu (Tema Area Head), with assistance from Evangelist Ohene-Asa Otu (Sefwi-Juaboso Area Head) and the Children’s Ministry Director.

Also present at the colourful event were ministers and wives in the Tema Area, traditional leaders, as well as the officers and members of the Toflokpo District and other nearby districts.

Report by Pastor Boachie-Ansah, For Tema Area Media Team

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As Some Say, “Only Judge Can God”

Yul Edochie is a Nollywood actor. On 27th April 2022, he revealed on his Instagram page that he has a son with his colleague actress Judy Austin Muoghalu, who, he claims, is also his second wife. Yul’s first wife, May Yul Edochie, wrote under that Instagram post that, “May God judge you both.”

It is worth noting that, “May God judge you” is different from “May God condemn you”. God’s judgement is either one of “guilty & condemned” or ‘innocent & acquitted”. Yule and his second wife can pass for either in God’s sight; and even if they are found guilty before God with all the hidden facts available to God (but hidden from humans), God may still decide to have mercy on them.

It is however worth noting that, God having mercy on a guilty person (on how they respond to His Word and/or treat others) does not make their sins, right and worthy of emulation. We are to weigh all things, as Christians, and stick to what is “God’s righteousness”.

God’s righteousness on any matters is HIS ORIGINAL PLAN & PURPOSE for that matter as revealed in the Bible by the “Law of First Mention” and modeled by Christ.

On the subject of marriage, God’s ORIGINAL PLAN & PURPOSE is “One man, one wife”. We see it in Genesis 2:24-26 in the marriage between Adam and Eve. This is also seen in Christ marrying One Bride (The Church) – One Body with many different parts.

So, David or Solomon marrying more and receiving mercies regardless does not annul God’s Righteousness on the matter of marriage. All that said, ONLY JUDGE CAN GOD perfectly BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE on every matter of life.

Having said all these, the following scriptures reveals that, as humans, we may have our own judgment on matters BETWEEN PEOPLE but there are facts hidden from us humans on issues which are available to the Godhead only thus making the Godhead the ONLY EVER-RIGHTEOUS JUDGE in all such matters of life.

‘Then Sarai said to Abram, “You are responsible for the wrong I am suffering. I put my slave in your arms, and now that she knows she is pregnant, she despises me. May the LORD judge between you and me.”‘ (Genesis 16:5, NIV)

‘…”See, my father, look at this piece of your robe in my hand! I cut off the corner of your robe but did not kill you. See that there is nothing in my hand to indicate that I am guilty of wrongdoing or rebellion. I have not wronged you, but you are hunting me down to take my life. May the LORD judge between you and me. And may the LORD avenge the wrongs you have done to me, but my hand will not touch you”‘ (David to Saul, 1 Samuel 24:11-12, NIV)

‘…When David finished saying this, Saul asked, “Is that your voice, David my son?” And he wept aloud. “You are more righteous than I,” he said. “You have treated me well, but I have treated you badly.”‘ (1 Samuel 24:16-17)

‘As she was being brought out, she sent a message to her father-in-law. “I am pregnant by the man who owns these,” she said. And she added, “See if you recognize whose seal and cord and staff these are.” Judah recognized them and said, “She is more righteous than I, since I wouldn’t give her to my son Shelah.” And he did not sleep with her again’. (Genesis 38:25-26)



Written by Apostle S. K. Fianko-Larbi