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The Gospel Has Power To Change Lives – Apostle Fianko-Larbi

The Kenya National Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Seth Fianko-Larbi, has said that the gospel message of Jesus Christ has power to transform the life of any individual who embraces it.

Apostle Fianko-Larbi said this during the climax of the 2022 Christmas Convention of The Church of Pentecost held within the Maasai community in Kenya from December 21 to 24, 2022.

In his sermon, which he titled “The Gospel Has the Power to Change,” Apostle Fianko-Larbi underscored the need for Christians, particularly members of the Church, to constantly read and preach the word of God in their bid to positively impact their spheres and communities.

According to the Kenya National Head, the agenda to influence every sphere of society with Kingdom values and principles, which the Church refers to as “Possessing the Nations,” can only be realised when church members commit themselves to prayer, preaching the gospel message of Christ, and imitating Jesus daily.

“You cannot make maximum impact with the gospel in the lives of others without walking like Jesus yourself,” he said. Apostle Fianko-Larbi also took the opportunity to reiterate the 2023 theme of the Church, “Repositioning the local church for maximum impact in the nations.”

He also explained to congregation the rationale for the 2023 theme and called on them to prepare their minds and heart towards its effective implementation in the coming year.

The event, which recorded over 400 participants, also featured music ministrations from the various choirs within the church in the Najile Area.

Among those present were the Najile Area Head, Pastor Simon Kishanto Nakulto, cross-section of the Najile Area pastorate, officers and officials of Pent Media Centre, namely; Mrs. Gina Asante, Daniel Kwabena Mantey, Albert Opoku Gyawu and Isaac Atta Opoku.



Highly Favoured Persons Make The Right Impact – Apostle Agyemang Bekoe

The International Missions Director (IMD) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, has challenged believers to strive to receive the favour of God to make the right impact.

He indicated that believers who are highly favoured by God break every barrier of impossibility and do exploits. Apostle Agyemang Bekoe said this in a sermon he delivered on Christmas Day [Sunday, December 25, 2022] during the climax of the La-Nkwantanang District 2022 Christmas Convention at the Praise Temple, Ogbojo in the Madina Area of the Church.

Speaking on the topic, “Highly Favoured” (Luke 1:28) based on the encounter between angel Gabriel and the virgin Mary, the IMD said the difference between grace and favour is that grace is stationary while favour is like kinetic energy which sets grace in motion, saying, “Favour is grace in motion.”

Explaining the divine interaction between the angel and virgin Mary, Apostle Agyemang Bekoe noted that Mary was chosen because God highly favoured her and made her the carrier of the Saviour of the world. He described Mary’s visitation by the angel as “gracious visitation.”

The IMD pointed out that highly favoured persons are identified by certain signs. He revealed that they are fearless because the Lord God Almighty is with them, creative, productive and fruitful.

He added that highly favoured believers have reputation, take dominion over everything in their lives, accepted by all because of the aura of nobility around them and also carry the unction of God with overshadowing power over their lives.

Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe prayed that just like the virgin Mary, believers will be highly favoured in the ensuing year so that they will impact their world.

Present at the service was the wife of the IMD, Mrs Debora Agyemang Bekoe. Also present were some retired ministers of the Church, namely Apostle Ekow Badu Wood and his wife, Prophet Benjamin Augustus Adobah and his wife, and Pastor Emmanuel Amon.

Others present were the Madina Area Women’s Ministry Leader, Deaconess Dr Gifty Nyante, the host minister, Pastor Joseph Boachie Agyemang and his wife, and the Assembly Member for Ogbojo Electoral Area, Hon. Gladys Osei Addo (a member of the Church).

This year’s La-Nkwantanang District Christmas Convention which was under the theme, “For Unto Us A Child Is Born, Unto Us A Son Is Given” – Isaiah 9:6, took place from Wednesday, 21st to Sunday, 25th December 2022.

The evening sessions were held at the Ogbojo Market while the morning sessions took place at the Praise Temple, Ogbojo.


gift or bribe

Gift Or Bribe?

The dictionary defines a gift as a thing given willingly to someone without payment in return. Bribe, on the other hand, is dishonestly persuading someone to act in one’s favour by a gift of money or other inducements. Therefore, bribery uses gifts as its medium of operation, but not all gifts are bribes. Unfortunately, the two have almost been made to look like siamese twins even though they are supposed to be distinct in form, appearance, and nature. Indeed, bribery does not always take the form of monetary gifts. Entertaining amorous sexual relationships with influential people to make unmerited gains and favours at the expense of others are all forms of bribery.

In organisations, gifts, meals, entertainment, and travel to clients or prospective clients are all implements of bribery that need careful and special scrutiny. The article, however, restricts itself to bribery in the context of monetary gifts or material inducements. Bribery, apart from falling short of Christian and ethical standards, negatively impacts the general socio-economic well-being of every society. The ever-increasing huge deficit in healthcare and other infrastructural projects in many developing countries can almost always be traced back to the incidences of bribery and corruption.

In October 2011, Kerry Khan and Michael Alexander, two U.S. Army Corps of Engineers employees, were arrested and charged with fraud for taking bribes estimated at over 20 million dollars. They were accused of taking bribes from contractors to be awarded lucrative government contracts, amongst others.

“In Turkey and Russia, Alexion Pharmaceuticals paid government officials and doctors at state-connected hospitals to promote the use of its blood-disease drug, Soliris. The bribery resulted in Alexion being ‘unjustly enriched’ by about $6.6 million in Turkey and $7.5 million in Russia, the SEC said.” (FCPA Blog, 2020)

And in Ghana, my homeland, a survey by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) indicated that a total of ¢5 billion had been paid in bribes in a given year to access basic services in both the private and public sectors. Dubbed “2021 Ghana Integrity of Public Services Survey”, the survey indicates that 26.7% of public sector officials were engaged in bribery acts, whilst 9.1% were officials from the private sector. “The report also showed that the prevalence of bribery in Ghana is 26.7%, meaning one out of four people who had contact with a public official in the 12 months before the survey had been asked to pay a bribe by a public official or asked to pay bribe but refused to do so. You will understand why Prof Emmanuel Kwesi Aning is reported to have said, “without corruption, the edifice called Ghana will collapse.” (MyJoyOnline). Even though some may not entirely agree with him, his context must not be misconstrued. The Director of the Faculty of Academic Affairs and Research at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre’s (KAIPTC) comment comes after the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) unearthed the extent of corruption in the country in its latest survey”.

The above-listed bribery scandals across the globe confirm that bribery or the phenomena of “kickback” isn’t an African debacle. Making it a Ghanaian or African rendezvous is just a way of restricting the scope of the discussion to suit a certain narrative. We must also not sacrifice certain state institutions even though the research findings pointed to some as theirs being prevalent. We all know what we have done to ourselves as a society to get to where we are now. Name callings wouldn’t be the way to go, therefore.

Also known as graft, bribery has its roots and nutrients from the seed of sin, passed on through natural birth. Therefore, certain conditions and environmental factors suppress or expose such inherent practices in all who depend on their self-espoused virtues and values. The article’s objective is to show clarity on the difference between gift and bribe and proffer practical ways of eschewing all forms of the latter, no matter how tempting.

The offering of gifts in whichever form to others is not only godly, it is also Biblical and the fruit of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says in Proverbs 11:24-25, “One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly but comes to poverty. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” And Apostle Paul re-echoed Jesus’ phrase about the blessings associated with giving in Acts 20:35. It states, “…It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Many people give freely from the depth of their hearts without any strings or attached expectations.

Similarly, others also genuinely appreciate past deeds that might have gone unnoticed and without the prospects of reciprocal favours either presently or in the future. The Old Testaments practice where Kings, Seers, or Prophets were visited with gifts by those who accessed their services shows that the recipients and givers of gifts are an aged old thing which scriptures do not frown upon (1 Samuel 9:9). In 1 Samuel 25, Abigail hurriedly approached David. She apologised for her husband’s wicked dealings against him and his men. With some supplies for his men as initially requested, she bowed and said to him, ” And let this gift, which your servant has brought to my lord, be given to the men who follow you.” The kindness Abigail showed to David and his men averted the bloody revenge the latter and his men vowed to take on Nabal and all the males in the household.

The Lord Jesus Christ was equally full of praises for Mary after she broke her alabaster jar of costly perfume and poured it on His head. The trans-generational blessing associated with that gift or gesture is why we even cite her in this write-up. Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” (Matthew 26:13). Were Abigail and Mary bribing their way out for some favours by those gifts to King David and Jesus respectively? Certainly No! Interestingly, in the case of Mary, the real bribe taker was Judas Iscariot, who championed and spearheaded her vehement condemnation as having wasted hard-earned resources.

The excessive appetite and love of gifts must be checked in a person’s life to prevent them from getting trapped by them. Gifts are not things to deliberately work for or expect from others; they should neither be a budget line item when drawing your periodic budgets. Else, any shortfall is what entraps people to map out carefully and design strategies to induce and extort from others. A budgeted gift, therefore, qualifies to be a bribe. People do so by abusing the privileges associated with their high offices and lines of engagement to their benefit but turn around to argue what they received were freewill gifts and not bribes.

In Genesis 14, Abraham fought and recovered back the goods and people captured by the King of Elam and his allied forces for the King of Sodom. All the goods were offered to him as a freewill gift, but  Abraham respectfully rejected them.

“But Abram said to the king of Sodom, “With the raised hand, I have sworn an oath to the LORD, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, that I will accept nothing belonging to you, not even a thread or the strap of a sandal so that you will never be able to say, I made Abram rich.” (Genesis 14:22-23). Similarly, in 2 Kings 5:15-27, Prophet Elisha turned down a generous gift from exhilarated Naaman after his directives miraculously healed the latter to go and wash in the Jordan River. Like in the case of Abraham, there are good and wise reasons why children of God are sometimes directed to turn down even genuine gifts from people. When Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, thought Naaman had been left off the hook by his master and schemed to retrieve those items, he suddenly turned into a leper until his death. Little did Gehazi know that by chasing Naaman’s gifts, he was negotiating for his sickness. Elisha intimated to his boy that it was not the time for taking gifts, and Abraham did not want the King of Sodom to take or share any of God’s glory for the blessings God had bestowed upon him. So even with free will or “unattached” gifts, not all of them are to be countenanced and entertained. The timing for receiving certain gifts is, therefore, crucial as well. All those who covet material possessions and love gifts in whichever shape and form almost always don’t live even to enjoy them.

Like all others, I have wholeheartedly accepted gifts, respectfully turned down a few, and rejected some of them. Those I rejected earned me some uncomplimentary titles as being controversial or a proud person. I was tagged as a “novice yet to understand the system” by those I also respectfully turned down. And for the ones I accepted, I guess I would appear natural, a loving person if not a grabber in their eyes. Industry best practices to curb the menace of gifts metamorphosing into bribe has been mainly by code of ethics and the capping of the value of supposed allowable or permissible gifts. Despite the sophisticated systems and installations put in place by multi-billion dollar organisations to prevent the abuse of the giving and receiving of gifts, there are still mind-boggling scandals upon scandals concerning gifts. FIFA, the world soccer governing body, was hit with a monumental scandal in the processes leading to the selection of the venues for the 2018 and 2022 World cup. The enactment of rules and code of ethics alone cannot face the aggression of a soul determined to survive or live on gifts from individuals or corporate organisations. It must, however, be stated categorically that despite the tendency of gifts to turn into bribes, there are genuine gift-givers and their respective recipients.

Unlike gifts, a bribe does not bother itself with appreciating people’s past deeds if it wouldn’t put them in any advantageous position for present or future gains or favours. Therefore, the motivation for offering a bribe lies in the prospect of influencing individuals and systems to obtain unmerited favours or benefits. Business moguls know what the offer of gifts with the motive of bribery has done for their organisations and enterprises. Some have touted the practice of bribery as a form of a “key of David” which opens doors no one dares close and closes doors no one attempts opening again. Inundated with Proverbs 17:8, which reads, “Bribe is a charm to the one who gives it, wherever he turns he succeeds,” they always see a possibility of having their way if they wish with gifts.

Until the real intentions are revealed, what constitutes a gift or a bribe depends mainly on the giver. A good amount of examination and discernment by the power of the Holy Spirit can help recipients of gifts decode the encrypted characters accompanying them. So, one may call it a genuine gift from the heart, but it behoves the recipients to interpret the gesture well and respond accordingly. The complexity, however, is when both pretend to see it as a gift, even when the obvious stares at them. At times, the quantum of monies offered as gifts must raise some obvious questions and put the recipients into a quick-thinking mode for a well-deserving reaction. How do you judge the genuineness of someone who wants a favour from you but offers you a gift they have borrowed from others? Can you not see the signs written so clearly that it isn’t about the love and concern about your plight but all to do with what they want? Therefore, bribe givers are one of the most selfish people you can ever encounter. Besides the irreparable damage to the integrity of their facilitators, what they offer as a bribe is always a tiny fraction of their intended gains. Can a needy person part with a colossal amount of money to a relatively more affluent person in a position of authority and still be interpreted as a gift by the recipients?

In Numbers 22-24, Balak, who was the King of Moab, tried to induce Prophet Balaam to put a curse on the approaching Israelites before his people engaged them in a battle. When Balaam refused to go with the messengers sent from God upon a tip-off not to go, the King sent a more powerful delegation, this time with the promise of rewarding him handsomely and giving him whatever he wanted. The story is a clear case of an inducement for Balaam to do something he had signaled Balak wouldn’t do because God had objected to that (Numbers 22:13). God intercepted Balaam’s journey spectacularly when his donkey spoke out to his hearing concerning his engagement with Balak. At Moab, Balak made about four unsuccessful attempts to coerce the Prophet to put a curse on the Israelites. Balak asked him, “Am I not able to reward you?” (Numbers 22:37). Even though Balaam stood his ground by not putting a curse on the Israelites in that particular incident, he ended up teaching Balak to put a stumbling block before the people of Israel, so that they would eat food sacrificed to idols and engage in sexual immorality. (Revelations 2:14)

2 Peter 2:15, therefore, refers to Balaam as someone who loved the wages of doing wrong. According to Numbers 22:32, God described that trip he embarked upon as reckless. Entertaining those bent on inducing you to do things against God’s word and organisational ethics is a walk on the path of recklessness. Israel finally took revenge on Balaam by killing him in Numbers 31:6 for patronising Balak at their expense and for his gain.

In Matthew 28:12-15, the Chief Priest gave large sums of monies as a bribe to the soldiers guarding Jesus’ tomb to spread false information about His resurrection. They took it and did exactly that. Bribing officialdom is, therefore, an age-old practice. Instead of pointing accusing fingers at some of the most vulnerable institutions of state who are always at the receiving end, soberly reflect and do the following self-examination;

  1. After receiving those gifts and favours from the politician, how has that influenced your reportage about their wrongs in society, Mr or Madam Journalist?
  2. Honourable Medical Doctor, hasn’t those constant gifts from the Pharmaceutical company influenced your trend of prescription these days?
  3. Project Manager/Engineer, Architect/Quantity Surveyor, Why have you suddenly developed a special like for that particular contractor after receiving that gift from him?
  4. Tender Board/ Procurement Directo, why have you become allergic to all other suppliers and their bids except that particular supplier? And will do everything possible to get them to bid even when they are reluctant to submit proposals?
  5. Headteacher, why are you so fond of that particular child and everything that has to do with him at the expense of the others after his parents started showering you with gifts?
  6. Professor, why have the “brown envelopes” from that particular student aroused your interest and elevated your motivation to help her complete the thesis?
  7. Madam nurse or Midwife, how do gifts from patients or their relatives affect and impact your mood? Are gifts able to turn you on, beaming with smiles, and being extra nice to the givers when they visit your facility? Are you not showing partiality or bias towards the well-to-do who visit your ward? How do you treat the needy and the destitute who hardly have anything to offer as a gift after attending to them?
  8. Commercial or Taxi driver, why have you become used to approaching law enforcement agents with money instead of your driving documents when you are stopped on the highway?
  9. Restaurant waiter, why are you always lingering around the guest you serve after they finish eating at your facility? And why do you serve some customers who visit your outfit with so much excitement and energy?
  10. Dear lawmaker, why has your line of argument and reasoning changed since the exchange of those pleasantries meant to be a gift towards the facilitation of the bill under consideration?
  11. Reverend Minister, haven’t you been influenced by the constant gifts from those individuals? Did it not affect your decision to elevate them in the church’s administrative structure? Will you be able to handle their issues without fear of favour like all others? Are you sure?
  12. Dear Voter, are you easily influenced by a gift to vote in a particular manner against your convictions?
  13. Prospective Father or Mother-in-Law, you suddenly changed your stands regarding your future in-law after the gift started flowing. Today, you appeared to be glued to him even more than your daughter, who introduced him to you. What has changed?
  14. Lawyer or Judge, why the sleepless nights looking for all legal technicalities to set free the culprits whose case you know is bad? Is it what you suspect to gain when you get him off the hook? Is that the same energy you put in when the downtrodden’s rights are trampled upon with impunity and come to you for assistance?
  15. Kingmaker, are you sure your insistence and entrenched position to nominate that person as the successor isn’t because of those gifts he gave you and what you stand to gain should he finally get the nod?

If the answers to the above self-testing kits strike a chord, then you have probably welcomed a stranger called “bribery” into your abode. Kindly let him know he has overstayed his welcome and drive him out before it is too late. Ecclesiastes 7:7 reads, “Extortion turns a wise person into a fool, and a bribe corrupts the heart.” Deuteronomy 16:19-20 continues, “Do not pervert justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the innocent. Bribery has, therefore, taken captive of otherwise resourceful persons, which has, by extension, denied the masses in the society of the equitable distribution of resources.

“The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he were not born. Then Judas, the one who would betray him, said, “Surely you don’t mean me, Rabbi? Jesus answered, You have said so.” (Matthew 26:24-25). You will realise how Judas could not still repent even after learning of the betrayer’s fate. Meanwhile, when he asked Jesus whether he was the one to betray him, he had already collected the bribe for that task. Bribe indeed blinds people and corrupts their sense of reasoning and judgment. Judas Iscariot used the money to buy a parcel of Land. Unfortunately for him, it was in that same field he committed suicide and died. The field was then left desolate for only strangers to be buried there. We always use the proceeds from bribery to purchase trouble for our lives (Amos 5:10-12). So, even though the world is suggesting the direct opposite, the Bible is clear in Proverbs 15:27-28 that “A greedy Man brings trouble to his family, but he who hates bribes will live.”

“Affectionately called Iron Mike, Mike Tyson enjoyed a sensational career in boxing, becoming one of the biggest stars and the biggest legends following his retirement”. (From the New York Post Sport), “In a recent episode on his podcast, Tyson had therapist Sean McFarland on as a guest. About death, Tyson said: “We’re all gonna die one day, of course. That means my expiration date is coming close, really soon.” Tyson continued, “I always tell people — they think money’s gonna make them happy, they’ve never had money before — when you have a lot of money, you can’t expect nobody to love you. The false sense of security. You believe nothing can happen. You don’t believe the banks could collapse. You believe you’re invincible when you have a lot of money, which isn’t true. That’s why I always say money is a false sense of security.” So, Jesus said in Luke 12:15-21, “Man’s life doesn’t depend on the abundance of the things he possesses”.

In Acts 24:26-27, Felix expected a bribe from Apostle Paul at one point of his interrogation, so he set him free, but Paul refused to comply. He was, therefore, kept in prison for over 2yrs. Is that not challenging for believers of today? How many of us wouldn’t have bribed our way out of that uncomfortable confinement? If you don’t expect people to bribe you, why do the same to them? Let’s stop inducing people with gifts for them to act in a particular manner. Those who are pretending, feigning ignorance, and classifying the bribes they are collecting as gifts must also cease doing so. John the Baptist unearthed the roots of bribery amongst law enforcement agencies as discontentment and greed. He told them in the face to be content with their salaries (Luke 3:14). According to 1 Timothy 6:6-10, we brought nothing into this world, and we can take nothing out of it.

The litmus test for a bribe is whether the giver of any gift expects it to influence you in a particular manner for their gain. Is the gift still coming from that same source even when you have persistently refused to do what they expect you to do? Or have they stopped after realising you weren’t influenced the least in your judgment? Can you confidently say whether the last gift you received at home, the office, or the marketplace is a gift or bribe? If it is a gift, praise the Lord and be kind to others as well, but if it is a bribe or appears so, try returning it if practicable. If not, take all the necessary steps to avoid the patronage of future bribes and all of their forms because it has dire consequences on our lives according to Jeremiah 17:11. Gift is divine, but presenting it for inducement is a bribe and, therefore, unholy and sinful. Let’s do everything within our capacity to ensure gifts stays as a gift and do not metamorphose into a bribe. Stay blessed.

Written by Pastor James Agyin


The Odyssey Of Joy And The Melancholy Of The Second Day Of Christmas

Introduction:  Christmas Laughter

There is a certain excitement that swathes the world when Christmas approaches. Interestingly, this is despite the religious extractions of people. It seems it is a season that almost everyone identifies with. Merry-making of diverse forms become a common sight to behold. It is a season that is marked by the home-coming of family and friends. Somehow, cities and towns become more populous. An increase in vehicular traffic is no news. Trade in materials for food, fashion, and beautifications skyrockets. In our part of the world, the cacophony of the bleating of goats, mooing of cows, quacking of ducks, and clucking of hens identifies the season. Churches become full. It is right, then, to talk about the laughter of Christmas. It is a season of great mirth, love, and pleasure. It is with great expectation that Christmas is welcomed. The joy of its first day may be said to be deep-seated. Can we say the same for its second day? A certain melancholy characterises the second day of Christmas; the laughter fades, the noise of enjoyment dwindles and the ringing of Christmas bells gives way to the tolling of the same. The kind of joy that enters the soul of people in connection with the understanding one has of the purpose of the season impinges much on the resilience of the joy one experiences during the season.

The Pursuit of Joy

Humanity has a great desire to experience joy in this life. On the first consideration, it would seem, strikingly, that our life is in pursuit of joy. Though one’s life begins with a first cry, well, attended by smiley faces, and ends with a cry from loved ones amidst our silence, in between, we are optimistic about joy and go running after it. This joy we believe even transcends this life to the otherworldly. People seek this joy through diverse means.

Pleasure becomes the goal of some who hunt for joy. Hedonistic tendencies have become widespread. Living to please the desires of the flesh; gluttony, heavy drinking and all kinds of activities that are done to bring peace and tranquility do not suffice. People continually do these to attain joy but the end result is frustration. The result of this is not the joy that is well grounded, rather, it is a superficial feeling of joy that fades away rather swiftly.

The chase after the joy is witnessed further in the great effort people put in becoming successful. Acquiring wealth in various forms so one becomes comfortable in life has been a popular means used to achieving joy. The reality is that hardly does satisfaction comes with materialism. It is not surprising to see people deciding to get a particular material to become fulfilled. Upon landing such materials, fulfillment fails them, then, their attention is turned to something else. This approach does not guarantee joy.

Some seek this joy from divine sources. The gods have been regarded as the source of true joy. In primal religious thoughts and practices, various religious acts are employed towards getting joy. The gods dictate the way by which humans must live to enter into joy. Religious men strive hard to live a life that would assure them of joy. This living may be an ascetic lifestyle, a life of ritual offering to please the gods or a life that promises full allegiance to the object of worship.

The manner in which Christmas is received resonates with the various means by which people tend to pursue joy in life. Meanwhile, the joy the season is meant to give the world is a joy that must well up in souls, springing up into eternal life. Such joy does not fade away on the second day of Christmas. It matures based on the concrete understanding of what Christmas gives the world indeed.

Joy that springs

There is a joy that persists through diverse life experiences. This joy is not superficial. It has a special touch to it during Christmas as the world is reminded of the birth of the Saviour of the world. It stands the test of time. It is not the joy that comes with vivacity in the morning and lands us in tattered sorrow at night. When Christmas elapses, this joy stands tall, not to even talk of it dwindling on the second day of Christmas. This state of the heart of humanity is able to navigate through discomforting points in life as it always has in view a greater good.

Some who live in this state of mind may be accused of not facing the realities of life. Their resilience through the storms may be adjudicated as abnormal. The hope they live by strikes others with the most wonder. This joy is far from being replaced with melancholy; it wells up evermore. This joy comes into the human heart per our discovery of its ultimate source and coming into a genuine faith in this source. Indeed, there is a joy that comes from outside into the human. It is a divine gift that makes mere men share in the joy of God.

The Joy of God

Considering the level of joy that automatically engulfs the life of people at Christmas, it is an appropriate time to engage the issue of where lies our source of joy indeed. As it is, it is not farfetched to connect Christmas with joy. The announcement of the birth of Jesus was in fact connected to joy. An Angel of God broke the news to some shepherds keeping watching at night thus: “. . . Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people” (Luke 2:10, NKJV). What follows was praise and merrymaking (Luke 2:13-14). The joy of the angelic host, undoubtedly, would not be a joy that would fade away on the second day. They have an understanding of what it means for the Saviour of the world to be born. Consequently, this joy would persists insofar as it repercussions remain.

This is a story of humanity’s search for joy and to a reach a place of utopia in life. Many approaches have been enacted in our bid to discover the fountain of joy and to swim in it eternally. Our journey in search of joy, sadly, has been punctuated with grave disappointments. We always swim in our tears back home to our old self of sorrow. Then an eventful occurrence ensued wherein it is announced to the world that the Saviour of the world is born. The birth announcement provokes us unto joy.

The joy that comes to the world at Christmas must not be detached from its substance. The Saviour who is born is the real cause of joy. Such an apprehension of the joy and laughter of Christmas would launch humanity under a fountain of joy that lingers on even on the second day of Christmas literally and metaphorically; all year round after Christmas stands as the second day of Christmas. This is the joy of God. This joy comes by our understanding of the indescribable fatherly love of God towards us, the momentous birth and heroic work of Christ in earning our salvation and walking in the Spirit.


We could say that our search of joy has been rewarding if the end of our journey finds us at the point where joy lasts evermore. Experimentation of the joy of God with the joy at Christmas is tenable. The joy at Christmas is almost spontaneous. It comes to the whole world. Howbeit, there is a certain melancholy of the second day of Christmas. Why should this be? This comes about when the joy that is experienced is just a superficial feeling. To discover the fountain of joy that wells up eternally, there must a genuine apprehension of the real source of joy and the substance of the Christmas season. The joy of God springs up evermore. This must be our utmost desire.

Writtten by By Dr. Stephen Ofotsu Ofoe

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Christmas & Easter Are Most Special Events Of The Year – Apostle Kumi-Larbi

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, has asserted that the celebration of Christmas and Easter are the two most important events in the calendar year for every Christian.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi said this today when he joined members of the Osu District at the Central Assembly church auditorium for this morning’s session of the ongoing Christmas Convention.

According to the Church’s chief scribe, both Christian festivals are essential because “Christmas marks the birth of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, whilst Easter, held in remembrance of Christ’s death and resurrection for the sins of humanity, cemented our salvation.”

Buttressing his assertion, Apostle Kumi-Larbi explained that although Christmas and Easter are observed as public holidays globally, the festive seasons mean more to Christians than just a period for merry making.

“It is not the partying and Christmas trees that make Christmas special; it is, rather, because on this special occasion we remember “Immanuel;” when God came to dwell among His people,” he said.

He further noted that the Church is the most appropriate place to mark the birth of Christ, saying: “If celebrating the birth of Jesus is indeed the reason for the season, then it should be celebrated together with the birthday celebrant, Jesus, in His house and with His family, the Church.”

He, therefore, advised Christians not to follow blindly by making light of these special events but spend the period reflecting and acknowledging God’s goodness for giving Christ to the world as a gift.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi further indicated that, for Christians, the Christmas season does not just end after the holidays; instead, it is an opportunity to encounter and develop a more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, who dwells in and with us to the end of the age.

“After Christmas, the parties will be over, the shopping will cease, and the Christmas trees will be disposed, but God will still be with us; He will never leave us nor forsake us,” he assured.

In the month of December, The Church of Pentecost joins Christians across the globe to celebrate the birth of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and its implication for humanity.

As part of the celebrations, conventions are held at the various levels of the church. The Osu District, like many other branches of the Church, commenced this year’s Christmas convention on December 22, 2022.

The event, which is under the theme, “Jesus Christ; In Him Is Life and Light” (John 1:4), is being held in morning and evening sessions.

Other speakers for the convention are Apostle Dr. Dieudonne Komla Nuekpe (La Area Head), and Pastor Simon Antwi (Osu District Minister), among others.


Jesus Is The Only Source & Sustainer Of Life – Apostle Kumi-Larbi Asserts

Jesus Is The Only Source & Sustainer Of Life – Apostle Kumi-Larbi Asserts

“Life is more than merely saying we are living beings. It is more than simply breathing, the heart pumping or the brain running. It is beyond our intellect to explain all the processes that must take place for you and me to live. But Jesus knows what life is. And, even better, He is life; He started it; He created it; and He fashioned it. So, take Jesus away and there is no life.”

The above statement was contained in a sermon preached today by the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, during the morning session of the Osu District Christmas Convention at the Central Assembly church auditorium, Accra.

Speaking on the topic: “Jesus Christ; The Giver of Life That Gives Light,” Apostle Kumi-Larbi explained that Jesus is an embodiment of both life and light as highlighted by Apostle John in the various books of the Bible he authored (his Gospel account, three epistles: 1, 2, 3 John, and the book of Revelation).

In his sermon, the General Secretary indicated that Apostle John’s testimony of Jesus is worth believing because He was one of the few people who enjoyed a very close relationship with Christ during His time on earth. 

Not only was John one of Jesus’ inner circles, but he was also one of His earthly cousins, and thus, might have known Christ from childhood. Moreover, John was one of the three disciples (the others being Peter and James) who witnessed Jesus’ greatest moments of glory and His darkest trials because they were His closest friends, Apostle Kumi-Larbi explained.

In his biblical accounts, the General Secretary pointed out with various scripture references that Apostle John presents Jesus as Life and light, as well as the eternal God. 

He explained that the breath of life that was used in God’s creation of mankind distinguished them from all other creatures. However, man lost this life, which he described as the “God-kind of life” (Zoe in Greek) after the fall.

He further indicated that, from the moment Adam and Eve sinned, humans lived in a fallen world. Every human being is, thus, born physically alive but dead in sin and spiritual darkness (separation from God).  

He, however, noted that the only way one can obtain the God-kind of life is to be born-again so that the abundant life and nature of God will be imparted into their spirit from God.

This, according to the General Secretary, also denotes that the Lord Jesus is not only the source and sustainer of physical life – the old, fallen, biological life inherited from Adam – but He is also the author and finisher of the new, spiritual, eternal life, which every believer receives by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.

Throwing more light on the born-again experience, Apostle Kumi-Larbi stated that after one accepts Christ as Lord and personal Saviour, God recreates the individual by replacing their old spirit with a brand new one, created in His own image and likeness so that they will become His direct offspring.

“This also means that Zoe is the essence of salvation,” he added.

Reading from 2 Corinthians 5:17 and 2 Peter 1:4, he mentioned that the Zoe life of God brings life to the individual and makes them a divine and new specie.

He also mentioned that the God-kind of life enables one to have an intimate relationship with God (John 17:3), reflect Christ; the one true light (John 1:4, 1 John 5:11,12), partake of God’s divine nature by becoming His vessel of love and blessing on earth. (2 Timothy 1:7, Romans 5:5).

It also enables the believer to work in God’s divine power and authority (2 Timothy 1:7, Ephesians 1:19, Ephesians 3:20), sets them free from the devil, sin, and eternal damnation (John 5:24, Romans 8:2, 1 John 5:18) and empowers them to live life abundantly, free from oppression and sickness (John 10:10).

Apostle Kumi-Larbi, therefore, urged all who are yet to surrender their lives to Christ to do so in order to obtain the gift of eternal life.

“And if you already have the gift of eternal life, I pray that the eyes of your heart will be enlightened so that you will know that you have the life and nature of God in you. I also pray that you will allow God’s divine nature and power within you to dominate you and flow through you to others,” he concluded.


Pentecost Chieftaincy Ministry At National House Of Chiefs

Pentecost Chieftaincy Ministry At National House Of Chiefs

History was made on Wednesday, December 21, 2022, when the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Pentecost Chieftaincy Ministry interacted with members of the National House of Chiefs at their end-of-year sitting at Manhyia in Kumasi.

The meeting, which was to introduce the Chieftaincy Ministry to the National House of Chiefs, was part of the ‘Possessing the Nations’ agenda of The Church of Pentecost to transform every sphere of society with the Kingdom values and principles, including the chieftaincy institution.

Some of the revered chiefs described the move by the Church as historic, being the first church to set up a ministry dedicated to chiefs and for appearing before the august House to share its vision with Nananom.

Addressing members of the House, the National Co-ordinator of the Chieftaincy Ministry and Director of Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM), Apostle Vincent Anane Denteh, thanked the President of the House and Nananom for the honour done the Church to interact with them.

He indicated that the Church has a vision of reaching the palaces with the gospel of Christ and to share godly fellowship among chiefs and royals through palace chaplaincies.

“We believe that introducing the Pentecost Chieftaincy Ministry to the National House of Chiefs during this important meeting will help to foster a cordial relationship between the church and the palace,” he said.

Apostle Anane Denteh, who is also an Executive Council member of the Church, explained that through the establishment of the ministry to the chieftaincy institution, the spiritual bond between the church and the palace would be strengthened for the good of all royals and the thought that chieftaincy is incompatible with the Christian faith will be effectively eroded.

This, he said, will result in a situation where a person’s Christian faith will no longer hinder him/her from ascending to the throne when their time is due.

“We consider the fact that there must always be a good and solid relationship between the church and the palace for the transformation of society as one of our mutual responsibilities. Thus, both the church and the palace are crucial for our national development and peacebuilding because we all lead the largest portion of our populace,” Apostle Denteh said.

According to him, as the church is seeking to effect transformation in society, it acknowledges the unequivocal leadership role the chieftaincy institution has successfully played over the centuries in Ghanaian society.

“The Church of Pentecost believes that our ability to influence and bring transformation to our society will be incomplete without, first, involvement with the chieftaincy institution in a healthy partnership, beginning with rendering a ministry to and through the chieftaincy institution.

“The National House of Chiefs is the highest body in Ghana that unites all traditional rulers, chiefs, and kings which indicates its significance to us as a church. Similarly, the church’s prophetic call and mandate have wide and deep impact on the various communities across the country and that shows that we have something in common to share,” he stressed.

Apostle Vincent Anane Denteh ended his presentation by introducing the new academic programme in Chieftaincy Studies that Pentecost University will roll out in the 2023 academic year.

The President of the National House of Chiefs, Ogyeahoho Yaw Gyebi II, thanked the Church delegation for coming to explain its vision to the House, saying, “Your presentation to Nananom has given us food for thought and I hope we will continue the dialogue.”

He commended the leadership of the Church for carefully selecting chiefs from various parts of the country to constitute the executives of the Chieftaincy Ministry.

The Vice President of the House, Naa Puowele Karbo III, Lawra Naa, was happy that the church has been a trailblazer in leading a collaboration between the palace and the church through the ministry of chieftaincy.

The Church’s delegation included Apostle Lt. Col. B.G. Kumi-Woode (Director, Airforce Chaplaincy, Ghana Armed Force and NEC Member of the Chieftaincy Ministry), Apostle Yaw Agyei-Kwarteng (Co-ordinator, Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council), Elder Pimampen Yaw Kagbrese V (Omanhene, Yeji Traditional Area/President of Bono East Regional House of Chiefs and Chairman of the Chieftaincy Ministry, and Elder Odeneho Dr Affram Brempong III (Omanhene, Suma Traditional Area and Secretary of the Chieftaincy Ministry).

Other NEC members present were Elder (Dr) Urbor Stephen Tassan Konjar VI(Chief, Kpasa Traditional Area), Elder Nana Akwasi Amoh Kyeretwie I (Chief, New Abirem Traditional Area), Nii Afotey Anokwafo II (Antwere Gonno Mantse, Nungua Traditional Area), Elder Ubor Augustine Nigarim Poyari (Konkomba Chief, Nariligu Traditional Area), Elder (Dr) Nana K. Gyasi (CEO, Nana Kwadwo Gyasi Co. Ltd.), Deaconess Nana Kofi Abuna V (Chief, Essipon) and Deaconess Nana Kyerew Akenten II (Queen Mother, Mamponteng).


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Ashaiman Area Dedicates Double Occupancy Mission House

A double occupancy mission house for the Afienya Estate and Goshen districts, both in the Ashaiman Area of The Church of Pentecost, has been dedicated to the glory of God.
The building was dedicated by the Ashaiman Area Head and Executive Council Member of the Church, Prophet David Kankam Beditor, on December 18, 2022.
The well-attended dedication ceremony, which took place at the Afienya Estate Central Assembly church auditorium, brought together persons from all works of life, including ministers, officers and church members.
Delivering a sermon on the topic, “Lessons from the Ant,” taken from Proverbs 6:6, Prophet David Kankam, who also heads the Greater Accra Regional Coordinating Committee of The Church of Pentecost, advised believers to learn lessons in order to grow spiritually and also live fulfilling lives on earth.
The Ashaiman Area Head said that, like the ant, believers must strive to be neat (both physically and spiritually), support each other, protect their young ones and foster good relationships among themselves.
This, according to him, would allow the power of the Holy Spirit to grow and flow mightily through them.
“Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and you need to keep it spiritually neat,” he said. He further advised the congregants to keep their physical environment neat because neatness is next to godliness,” he said.
Prophet Kankam also urged the congregants to take advantage and utilize every opportunity that the Lord presents to them.
“Ants gather food in their good season; good seasons are periods of opportunities which God gives us to make our lives meaningful,” he stressed.
He also urged believers to develop a philanthropic spirit by sharing their gifts, talents, resources and skills with others, and to support the advancement of the Kingdom.
Dedicating the building, the Ashaiman Area Head commended the leadership of both districts headed by Pastors Justice Twene Adane (Afienya Estate District) and Emmanuel Oppong (Goshen District) for great work done to ensure the successful completion of the project within in less than a year.
He also praised Pastor Augustus Akonu of Afienya District, Elder Dr. Elvis Otoo (Area Deacon), Elder Bernard Tetteh (Area Estate Committee Chairman), and Elder Michael Asamoah (Area Projects Officer) for their supervision, support and hard work. Other individuals who dedicated and supported the project in diverse ways were also prayed for and appreciated for their efforts towards the work.
Each apartment of the semi-detached storey building comprises four bedrooms, a study, a family hall, a visitors hall, a dining area and a kitchen, among other facilities.
Giving a brief history of the project at the event, Elder Dr. Elvis Otoo, said the vision to undertake the project was conceived when it was proposed that the Afienya Estate and Goshen districts be carved from the Afienya District and Michel Camp districts, respectively, to house the District Ministers.
Report by Pastor Twene Adane Justice (Afienya Estate District)

Achawso District Women’s Ministry Gives To Ashan Children’s Home

Achawso District Women’s Ministry Gives To Ashan Children’s Home

The Women’s Ministry of the Achawso District in the Suame Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated food items worth GHC 10,000.00 to the Ashan Children’s Home at Offinso in the Ashanti Region. 

The benevolence, according to the District Minister, Pastor Isaac Koda Plange, was to appreciate God’s goodness towards the district in its five years of existence and to fulfil the Church’s Vision 2023 agenda of “Possessing the Nations.”

The items, including bags of rice, tubers of yam, bags of sugar, toiletries, cooking oil, among others, as well as an undisclosed cash amount, were presented to the Supervisor of the Home, Mr. William Asirifi Tenkorang, on Friday, December 16, 2022.

Pastor Isaac Koda, during the presentation, acknowledged the efforts of the workers in the Home and encouraged them to keep up with the good works because their efforts will never go unrewarded. 

Mr. Asirifi Tenkorang was thankful to The Church of Pentecost, especially the Achawso District, for the kind gesture. He assured that the items would serve the intended purpose.

He then appealed to all and sundry to extend support to the Home.

Deaconess Mercy Agyenim Boateng (District Women’s Leader) was part of the delegation that visited the Home. 

Report by Dennis Owusu & Emmanuel Nana Nsiah

Elder Dr Johnson Addo Retires From Active Service

Elder Dr Johnson Addo Retires From Active Service

It was beautiful and memorable to behold when Elder Dr Johnson Addo, a Trustee of The Church of Pentecost and Chief Executive Officer of Raphal Medical Centre, retired from active service as an officer of the church.

His retirement service was held on Sunday, December 18, 2022, at the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Tema.

Present at the service were the Chairman of the Church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye; the General Secretary, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi; Prophet David Kankam Beditor (Greater Accra RCC Co-ordinator and Ashaiman Area Head),; Apostle Vincent Anane Denteh (Director of Pentecost Men’s Ministry and Executive Council Member), Apostle Emmanuel Ofei Ankra-Badu (Tema Area Head) and Apostle Emmanuel Gyesi-Addo (immediate past International Missions Director and current Area Head for Haatso).

Also present were some trustees of the church, namely Apostle Rigwell Ato Addison (Rtd), Elder Dr Lawyer Ken Aboah and Elder Emmanuel Anane Boate.

In a brief sermon on the topic, “Importance of Names,” Apostle Nyamekye said that people have to be identified by a name and it should be guarded jealously and protected.

“A name is not just for identification, all that a person is is vested in his name. Your name will always stand in for you and you and your name are one,” Apostle Nyamekye said.

He admonished Christians to desist from slandering people’s names since it destroys their reputations.

He charged believers to carry themselves well in pursuit of attaining a great name, because a good name is better than wealth.

Elder Dr Johnson Addo was transferred to PIWC Tema as the Presiding Elder in 1999, taking over from then Elder Daniel Sackey (now a pastor). He has been the longest-ever serving presiding elder in the history of the district, having served for 11 years, spanning the administration of three different District Pastors.

He was appointed a Trustee of the Church in 2018. He has been a key financier of the church, especially in the completion and dedication of the PIWC Tema Church Auditorium.

Elder Dr Addo is happily married to his wife, Mrs. Diana Adarkwah Addo, with whom they are blessed with three children and five grandchildren, respectively.

In a testimony, the district described him as a man who shows genuine love for all regardless of their age or status, emphasising, “He is versatile in his approach to issues and responsibilities; thinking critically about them to find amicable solutions and practicable strategies for achieving set goals.”

In his response, Elder Dr Johnson Addo and his family expressed their utmost gratitude to God, the leadership and the members for the opportunity to serve the church.

In attendance were, Apostle Daniel Noble Atsu (Rtd), Apostle Abraham Lincoln Angoh (Rtd), Apostle Emmanuel Barabu (Rtd), Apostle Emmanuel Asante (Rtd), Apostle Johnson Agyemang Badu (Rtd), Apostle Ahalivor (Rtd), Prophet Jonathan Ameyaw (Rtd), Prophet James Osei Amaniampong (Rtd), and Justice Opoku Acheampong.