
Uphold The Brand of The Church – Apostle Kumi-Larbi Urges Church Leaders

Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, has urged church leaders to avoid destroying the brand of the church but purposely uphold and bequeath it to the next generation.

“Do not destroy the foundation of The Church of Pentecost brand, teachings and culture, rather improve on the brand for the next generation,” Apostle Kumi-Larbi said.

He said this on Monday, February 20, 2023, during the opening of the 2023 Kaneshie Area Ministers and Officers’ Retreat (Apostolisation) at the Kaneshie Central Auditorium.

Speaking on the topic, “Deepening The CoP Brand For Maximum Impact,” the General Secretary said that the move to reposition the church in this generation is a clarion call to deepen its brand as a church.

Discussing the CoP brand, Apostle Kumi-Larbi said that apart from the covenant that God has established with the church, other things that guide officers and ministers on how to conduct themselves and lead the church are the tenets of the church, core values, church culture, and rules of conducts.

He iterated that these activities have given the church a unique and enviable brand which ought to be guarded jealously, saying, “All members of our church must brand themselves accordingly.”

He added: “As custodians of the church, you are to jealously guard and protect the virtues and core values of the church from one generation to the other.”

According to him, it is evident that this distinctive character of the church has contributed to building a strong church through selfless service, sound biblical teaching, good leadership and succession, evangelism and discipleship, sacrificial giving, fellowship and discipline.

“Do not be too concerned about the leadership and succession of the church for each one is working their salvation with fear and trembling,” he stated.

He charged the leaders that the policies of the church which are the principles of action used to help achieve their goals, can be changed but the core values and rules of conducts do not change. He, therefore, admonished them to avoid substituting the brand of the church for anything.

The Church of Pentecost traces its origin to the ministry began by Rev. James McKeown in 1937, which culminated in the establishment of the Gold Coast Apostolic Church in 1953. When the Gold Coast attained independence and became Ghana, the Church became known as Ghana Apostolic Church. On the first day of August 1962, the Ghana Apostolic Church adopted the name “The Church of Pentecost” as its new name.



NDLDC Honours Apostle Boakye Agyarko

The National Discipleship and Leadership Development Committee [NDLDC] of The Church of Pentecost, has honoured the Area Head of Obuasi, Apostle William Boakye Agyarko, who is an immediate past National Executive Committee [NEC] Member of the NDLDC.

This was done at the Pentecost Convention Centre [PCC], in a short ceremony on Friday, February 17, 2023 in an ongoing End of Year Report Reading and Training Sessions, involving four members each from the seventy-six [76] Areas of the Church in Ghana.

In the ceremony, a citation signed by both the Chairman of the Church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye and the NDLDC Coordinator, Apostle Samuel K. Gakpetor, was presented by Apostle Samuel Edzii Davidson on behalf of the NEC to him.

Part of the citation read, “You gave your all to the development of the Discipleship Ministry of the Church. Your simple selfless lifestyle, ready to learn and mentor others attitude, your sense of humour which made tensed meetings become a relaxing one will be endeared forever in our hearts…”.

Apostle Boakye Agyarko expressed his gratitude to both the leadership and the house, for the opportunity to serve in the discipleship and leadership development enterprise and the honour done him. He then encouraged his successors and the entire house to give in their maximum support to making many others like Christ. He served on the Committee for four [4] years.

Report by Ben Baidoo

Mentally-Challenged Man Receives Instant Healing2

Mentally-Challenged Man Receives Instant Healing

A man with a mental ailment received instant healing during an outreach event organised by the Salem District in the Agormanya District of The Church of Pentecost on February 12, 2023, at the Akosombo market.

Narrating the incident to PENTECOST NEWS, the Presiding Elder of the Salem Assembly, Elder Alfred Nhyiraba, said that the leadership of the Assembly, in consultation with the Agormanya District Minister, Pastor Emmanuel Kwabena Tetteh, decided to hold the February Gospel Sunday service in a public space and, therefore, settled on the market space to reach out to more people.

“While preaching during the service, I saw him (the mentally challenged man) standing directly across, facing me and clapping his hands. So, I asked him to come to me. He obliged and knelt before me. I immediately called on the other members present to gather around him and pray for him,” he said.

After a time of prayer, the man got up to his feet and testified that he had been healed.

“He asked for a Bible when he got up. So, quickly, one of the sisters gave her Bible to him. Deacon Michael Amanor, the Local Secretary, whose residence was nearby, took him home to get him some appropriate clothing,” Elder Nyiraba said.

The man has now been completely restored and fellowships with the Salem Assembly. To God be the glory.

Report by Agormanya District Media Team

Paralysed Lady Receives Instant Healing

Paralysed Lady Receives Instant Healing

Miss Edith Agyekumwaah Adusei, a student of the Pentecost University and member of the Newsite District in the Takoradi Area of The Church of Pentecost, received instant healing after enduring paralysis for two years. 

The miraculous incident occurred on Friday, January 20, 2023, during an all-night service organised by the Newsite District Minister, Pastor Victor Asante Darko, to climax the district’s 21-day Fasting and Prayer exercise.

Narrating her ordeal to PENTECOST NEWS, Miss Edith said she began experiencing chills and weakness in her legs in the evening of Sunday, June 13, 2021, which coincided with the climax of the National Youth Week celebration and thanksgiving service.

According to her, when she woke up in the morning, she realised that both legs had swollen. She, therefore, visited the hospital for treatment and was told that she was suffering from hypotension (Low blood pressure).

“I experienced severe pains, which made me unable to walk properly. I became bedridden and developed bed sores as a result. In addition, I lost my appetite and developed sores in my mouth. My condition felt like a mild stroke where I could not handle things myself unless assisted,” she said.

She further revealed that the intensity of the pain led her to undergo further medical tests, CT scans, X-rays, hospital admissions, and apply various medications but to no avail.

“I lost hope; I always felt like I would not make it the next day because of the dreams I was having. I believe this was part of the devil’s schemes to instil fear in me; regardless, I kept my faith, trusted and waited on God to divinely heal and deliver me from this sickness,” she narrated.

Edith said as she waited on the Lord for divine intervention, she participated in various prayer programmes organised by the Church, including the “Roar Half-Night Prayers” and “Virtual Prayers with the Chairman” on Pent TV.

“Before the day of my healing, the Takoradi Area Head, Apostle Semenya Yao Dogbe, and Pastor Asante Darko visited me at home in the evening. The prayers and the word of God greatly encouraged me, and I became convinced that God will heal me at the end of the 21-day programme,” she stressed.

Recounting how the spectacular event happened, Edith said that, during the service, she felt severe pains in her legs – more than she had in the past. She, therefore, asked her mother to assist her to the upper gallery of the church auditorium so she could rest.

“Even though I tried sleeping, I could not; I joined the intercessory prayers due to the pains. Suddenly, I heard a loud voice repeatedly asking me to get up – this happened about nine times. I looked around but realised only children were sleeping, including my sister, who was busily praying. At the tenth time, the voice instructed me to check if I could feel the initial pains in my legs. So, I got up and started doing the things I could not do before, only to realise that I had been healed and regained the ability to walk again,” she recounted.

Edith said she immediately ran to the platform to share with the congregation the wondrous miracle that had taken place. 

In her speech, Miss Adusei expressed gratitude to God for the divine touch. She also advised members of the Church to take the Lord’s Supper seriously, saying that the emblems (loafer and wine) always relieved her of her pain anytime she participated in the service.

She also thanked the Takoradi Area Head, Newsite District Minister, her family and the congregation for their immense support, encouragement and prayers during the difficult period.

“Every Christian has to be patient, have faith, trust God and avoid consulting other deities because God does things in His time and season,” she stated.


Guard Your Heart Against Sin web

Guard Your Heart Against Sin – Pastor Oduro Advises Christians

The Yennyawoso District Minister of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor Charles Oduro, has advised Christians to strenuously guard their hearts against sin.

According to him, the heart is the nucleus of the human body, which superintends and defines a person (Mark 7:21-23). He, therefore, remarked that “the condition of the heart determines the state of the person.”

“The heart is the seat of joy and mind. So, if the heart is good, it affects the person’s attitude,” he reiterated.

Pastor Oduro made this known when speaking at the End-of-Year District Presbytery Meeting held on Wednesday, February 8, 2023, at the Yennyawoso Central Assembly auditorium.

Exhorting the presbyters on “Repositioning the Heart to Seek God,” he stressed that Christianity is all about the heart. 

He noted that decisions are made from the heart (Daniel 1:8) as truths are also stored in the heart.

“The heart is the place where Jesus reigns as Lord and it is the residence of the Holy Spirit where God pours His love,” he added.

Using 1 Chronicle 28:9-10 as his foundational text, Pastor Oduro, mentioned that God always expects Christians to know Him (God) and His Son, Jesus (John 17:3), and also to serve Him with a perfect and genuine heart (Genesis 17:1; Matthew 5:48).

The Yennyawoso District Minister further explained that God searches the heart (Romans 8:27) and knows the thoughts and imaginations of man (Isaiah 66:18); therefore, He reveals Himself to those who diligently seek Him (Proverbs 8:17).

Pastor Charles Oduro, however, noted that those who refuse to seek God are entirely rejected by Him. Thus, he encouraged Christians to require God as their first and vital necessity to succeed in all their endeavours at all times.

“Albeit God is good, He forsakes those who refuse to seek Him,” he admonished.

Report by Emmanuel Nana Nsiah


Proving My Love Through Sex: Perceptions Of Today’s Youth

Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as a servant of God (1 Peter 2:16).

Just as our names have greater impact on our lives, our relationship with God and our fellows also impacts our spirituality. This year’s theme: “Repositioning the Local Church for Maximum Impact in the Nations,” places a responsibility on youth members of The Church of Pentecost to “reposition” themselves to possess every sphere of their life and society. 

This is very important in this generation, where principles and values of the Kingdom of God are deemed to be outmoded, and most youth subscribe to living in a way that pleases them.

We must, however, be reminded that as Christian youth, we are to lead holy lives in order to please our Maker. God desires to have an intimate relationship with us, but this ought to be done in a holy and acceptable way.

God expressed His love by showing humankind how He cherished them and wants good things for them. We are, therefore, to do same and cherish our fellows through our love. The fate of every good relationship, especially, those between the opposite sex, is not determined by sex but love. 

Unfortunately, in a season of love like this, some youth, particularly young females, would look to express their love for their male partners by offering their bodies to them. But the question is, does sex in boy-girl relationships really prove love?

No, it does not. It is rather a sign of infatuation, which could also be described as a misdirected affection that breeds lust, fondness and admiration for the other. Knowing the difference between love and infatuation is very important because they are not the same. For instance, while love is lasting, infatuation is temporary; while love grows, infatuation ends after a period; while love is selfless and thinks of the next generation, infatuation is selfish and is only interested in the next “erection.” More importantly, while love says “NO SEX” till marriage, infatuation says pre-marital sex is a field to explore.

The writer of the letter to the Corinthians admonishes Christians that love does not insist on its own way, love is patience, kind, not jealous (1 Corinthians 13:4-5). A relationship that is characteristised by sex is dangerous since one party or both parties are only focused on satisfying their lustful desires. 


To my fellow youth, I appeal to you to be wise and use your body as a living sacrifice to God Almighty in every relationship you find yourselves. This season of valentine is not for sex but a period to remember the love God gave to us and show how precious it is to show love to others. In our relationships with the opposite sex, let us exercise the spirit of patience and not defile ourselves. This is because premarital sex grieves God’s spirit in us, brings disgrace, causes hatred and destroys the future of the unmarried youth. Your choice of a marital partner in life is so precious to God and future generations.


Beloved, I urge you, as a sojourner on earth, to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul (1 Peter 2:11). Having distinguished between love and infatuation and a good relationship from a bad one, I urge the Christian youth to be zealous and let the will of God reign in your relationship. This is because it would be better to find a lifetime partner who can connect to God with you in the spirit than one who would “just eat and run.” Sex does not prove how one loves or cherishes you rather abstinence until marriage shows how one loves and values you.

Written by Dennis Quaicoe (CoP-Axim Area / Pentecost University)

ARTICLE- To Bow Or Not To Bow

The Christian Youth & Sexual Purity – To Bow or Not to Bow?

Sexual purity encompasses abstinence from all sexual perversions, intimacy outside marriage, deliberate sensual arousals, impure thoughts and gratification of the desire for intimacy with the opposite sex.  The Bible is very explicit and unequivocal about the need for single people to stay sexually pure at all times. However, in contemporary times, many deny the sanctity of sex and rebel against God’s established order of marriage as the only institution within which such intimacy must occur.

This deviation is often driven by worldviews that influence the thought processes of a particular generation or dispensation.  Currently, postmodern theories such as hedonism encourage the pursuit of pleasure as the ultimate in life without reference to God’s standards, societal rules and culture. It is sad to note that, some youth have been carried away by this ungodly wave of sexual misconduct. However, this is not a new phenomenon.  In the New Testament, Apostle Paul had to address similar issues of sexual perversion and permissive culture in some of the cities he had planted churches.

In the Corinthian church, the Apostle Paul had to orient them towards proper sexual conduct due to the syncretic outlook of some of the members on issues regarding proper sexual conduct.  The city of Corinth was notorious for sexual immorality. Pornea translated as sexual immorality was not frowned upon in Corinth. Issues of consensual sexual relations, prostitution and homosexuality were common and therefore, did not constitute a big deal for the people of Corinth. There were temples for false gods which housed prostitutes where all kinds of idolatry and sexual misconduct occurred. Thus, to Corinthianise had become the proverbial expression of a sexually immoral life.

Having been born again, some within the Corinthian church wanted to still persist in this act without qualms. They considered freedom in Christ as a leeway to unbridled sexual expression with their bodies once they were not under the obligation of the law. In dealing with this deception, Paul quoted popular sayings within their society that expressed their worldview about sexual purity. One of them was everything is permissible. To correct this worldview, Paul emphasized that though everything was permissible, all things were not expedient for the new creation and therefore, the need to ensure that their freedom in Christ would not make them slaves to sin.

Another saying among the Corinthians which reinforced their sexually immoral culture, was food for the stomach and stomach for food. This saying projected the idea that, desire for sex is part of nature’s instincts and thus, no different from appetite for food. In other words, shouldn’t we treat sexual desire the same way and seek to be satisfied, just as we eat when we are hungry? Paul in his defense of sexual purity rejected and condemned these comparisons.

Everything is permissible for me”–but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible for me”–but I will not be mastered by anything. “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food”–but God will destroy them both. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body – 1 Corinthians 12-13

Furthermore, Paul indicated that though the stomach was meant for food, the body was much more than the stomach. He exhorted them not to reduce the body to a tool for sensual gratification because the body was not created for the purpose of sexual immorality. Rather, they were to see their bodies as instruments of glory and the temple of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Being a temple of the Holy Spirit meant, that, the body was to be kept holy without any form of uncleanliness. Finally, Paul intimated that sexual sin was no ordinary transgression to toy with. He pointed to them that he who sins sexually does not only commit a transgression but sins against their own body.

Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body – 1 Corinthians 6:18

Much of what is going on today is akin to what pertained in Corinth.  The environment and popular culture of today seem to be accepting of sexual immorality and all forms of perversions. When a man cheats on his wife, people say it is the nature of men to have extra marital affairs. Also, some people in premarital relationships rationalize sex as essential for young adults committed to each other. Some go ahead to advocate that premarital sex is necessary to ascertain sexual compatibility of both parties before marriage. When young people are disciplined for engaging in premarital sex, the decision is considered draconian by some people because to them they just had sex as adults. Also, the virtue of chastity is widely ignored while those who choose to remain chaste are mocked.  All these constitute subtle pressure to force the Christian youth to bow to the image of sexual perversity. The question is, SHALL WE BOW TO THIS PRESSURE?

God’s word about fornication and sexual perversion has not changed. His standards are still same irrespective of one’s culture, age or generation. In view of this, sexual purity must be upheld by all Christians. Refusing to bow may come with threats of punishment, feelings of being odd, mockery and sometimes moments of physical distress.  However, like, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, the Christian youth must be bold and refrain from bowing to any form of pressure to be sexually immoral irrespective of the consequences.  There is no shame in staying pure. You are not alone. There are thousands of youth who have not bowed to Baal. If you choose to remain chaste, you are in good company and the power of God is available to help you. WE SHALL NOT BOW.

Written by Pastor Joseph Owusu-Boateng (PENSA Traveling Secretary – Sunyani Sector)

Chief Commends Church of Pentecost For Enormous web

Chief Commends Church of Pentecost For Enormous Support To Atimatim Community

Nana Buabasa Adubofour Kwaw II, Chief of Atimatim, who doubles as the Gyaasehene of the Overlord of the Ashanti Kingdom, Otumfour Osei Tutu Ababio II, has commended the Atimatim District of The Church of Pentecost for their enormous contributions towards the development of the Atimatim community.

The Church received this special acknowledgement from Nana Buabasa Adubofour Kwaw II, during a durbar and sod-cutting ceremony for the construction of a wall around the cluster of schools in the community held on Friday, February 10, 2023, at Atimatim in the Afigya Kwabre South District of the Ashanti Region.

The Atimatim District, under the leadership of Pastor Manasseh Mintah, last year donated 100 bags of cement and a cash amount to support the wall building project to secure school lands from encroachment and prevent unlawful entry to ensure the safety of the pupils and staff.

At the durbar to express appreciation to all sponsors and seek further assistance, Nana Buabasa stated that education contributes to the development of people around the globe and it was his utmost priority to provide resources to facilitate better teaching and learning, hence the initiative.

He acknowledged the efforts of the Atimatim District of The Church of Pentecost for their holistic approach to issues in the community. The Chief mentioned that the role being played by the Church, especially in communal works and the transformation of lives through the Gospel is immense.

“I am thankful for the existence of the Church in the community,” he said.

Report by Dennis Owusu & Emmanuel Nana Nsiah

lets maintain

Let’s Maintain Our Great Values Of Giving & Tithing –Elder Dr. Siaw Agyepong

The Presiding Elder of the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Graceland, Elder Dr. Joseph Saw Agyepong has called on members of The Church of Pentecost (CoP) to uphold the godly values of selfless giving and tithing bequeathed to them by the founding leaders of the Church.

“If our forebears have sacrificed so much for us, we have to do same for the generations ahead,” he said when he spoke at the just-ended Ministers and Officers Retreat (Apostolisation) of the Teshie-Nungua Area, on the topic;”Sacrificial Giving and Tithing.”

In his presentation, Elder Dr. Agyepong, who is also the Executive Chairman of the Jospong Group of Companies, a conglomerate of over 60 companies operating in Ghana and other African countries, said one of the core values of the Church which has transcended generations is the spirit of giving.

He cited the donation of jewelry by Deaconess Christiana Obo-Mends to the Church at a time of dire financial difficulty as a shining example of the selfless-giving spirit of the early members of the Church.

Relating this noble act to the story of the woman with the alabaster jar who anointed Jesus with an expensive perfume in Matthew 26:1-6, Elder Dr. Siaw Agyepong urged members of the Church to continue giving to support the work of God.

“In The Church of Pentecost, local assemblies support their ministers for their ministries to thrive. Consistently pray for your Pastor, care for your Pastor, give to your Pastor, appreciate your Pastor and submit to your Pastor’s leadership,” he said.

Elder Siaw-Agyepong further stated that paragraph (e) of the Rules of Conduct for the members of The Church of Pentecost enjoins Church members to “take the Pastor as your own friend; He needs your compassion, help and advice as you also need his, pray for him always.” (Hebrews 13:16/Gal 6:6/I Timothy 5:17-18).

He also urged members to intensify their payment of tithes to the Church to promote the Kingdom business. “Don’t listen to the negative comments on social media, pay your tithes, this value has taken care of our Church since time immemorial,” he said.

He explained that The Church of Pentecost has a covenant with God which includes financial prosperity, and this was confirmed on three different occasions at Asamankese in 1931, Winneba in 1940 and Koforidua in 1948.

“God said He will meet the financial needs of our Church and, for this reason, the Church should only depend on Him for their provisions,” he said.

Elder Dr. Agyepong indicated that, from all indications, God has been faithful to His covenant with The CoP by granting the Church enormous financial blessings.

“In 1983, the Renowned Researcher on Church growth in Ghana, Ross Campbell observed that The Church of Pentecost has become one of the very few African churches that is completely financially self-supporting.”

“Today, history has not changed as the Lord continues to bless The Church of Pentecost financially; many have sought to know the secret behind this amazing financial provision, which is our special covenant with God,” he said.

The four-day Apostolisation of the Teshie-Nungua Area, which ended on February 10, 20223, was chaired by the International Missions Director, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe. Other speakers were Apostle Moses Ahiakor (Ho Area Head), Apostle Rigwell Ato Addison (Rtd.)

Report by Teshie Nungua Media Team


Let’s Emulate The Generosity Of Our Forebears – Apostle Kumi-Larbi Urges

“If the generosity and selfless giving of our forebears have brought The Church of Pentecost (CoP) to its current status, then we can only reposition The CoP by emulating or exceeding their sacrificial giving and generosity towards God’s work.”

The above statement was contained in a presentation made by the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, on Thursday, February 9, 2023, at the recently-held Sekondi Area Ministers and Officers’ Retreat (Apostolisation) which took place at the Apostle JWD Cudjoe Memorial Temple, Ketan.

Speaking on the topic, “Sacrificial Giving and Tithing,” Apostle Kumi-Larbi, using Proverbs 21:13, 2 Corinthians 8:1-7, Galatians 6:6-10 as Bible references, defined sacrificial giving as a divine attribute of God that graciously shares with humankind and giving out of your essential budget for a specific course.

He explained that giving is undergirded by the two principles of gratitude and stewardship. According to the General Secretary, gratitude brings out the sense of appreciation that we have for something or someone, especially human beings, giving to God because they want to express their thankfulness for all that He has done.

“When we come to the presence of God, let us be careful not to grumble because if you are grateful of what he has done for you; there is no need to complain,” he stressed.

Expounding the second principle, that is stewardship, Apostle Kumi-Larbi explained that Christians are stewards and caretakers of God’s creation, therefore, they are accountable to God for the application of the talents, resources, and opportunities He Has entrusted to them.

“The percentage of the resources we offer to God and to charitable causes is something we will account for and be rewarded for,” he added.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi, however, observed that one practice that is gradually dying out in the Church is the noble act of members genuinely and willfully giving to support ministers of the Church.

“Members of the Church must uphold this practice of sacrificial giving in the Church, for one of the brand elements of the The Church of Pentecost is giving without being forced or coerced. This brings glory to God, and there is more blessings in giving than receiving,” he stated.

He also advised Church leaders at the local assemblies to be faithful in paying their tithes, teach members to give wholeheartedly, and constantly remind the members to bring all their tithes to the Church.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi also encouraged members to love one another and to extend their acts of generosity and selfless giving to needy members in the Church.