
Apostle Nyamekye Inducted GPCC President

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has been inducted into office as the new President of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC).

He takes over from Reverend Prof. Paul Yaw Frimpong-Manso, who is the immediate past General Superintendent of Assemblies of God, Ghana. Apostle Dr. Aaron Ami-Narh, the President of The Apostolic Church, Ghana, was also inducted into office as the Second Vice President of GPCC.

A colourful induction service, which was held on Sunday, April 2, 2023, at the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Kokomlemle, in Accra, brought together heads of churches and para-church organisations, the clergy, government officials, and members of various churches in Ghana.

Apostle Nyamekye, before his election into the high office, served as the Second Vice President of the Council.


Delivering the sermon on the topic, “Unity In The Spirit,” using Ephesians 4:1-7 as his main scripture, Apostle Professor Opoku Onyinah, former Chairman of The Church of Pentecost and President of the GPCC, said that for the church to be able to accomplish its task, it must manifest unity.

“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit, through the bond of peace,” he stated, urging, “Practice mutual submission if you want to preserve the unity in the Spirit. Leaders should not only bring people who will speak in their favour, but also people that can speak the truth in love, not anger.”

New President’s Response

In his response, the newly inducted GPCC President said: “Together with my Executives, we will be committed to pushing further the very objective GPCC seeks to achieve – promote good relationship, encourage effective networking among member churches and other church organisations, promote fellowship that will activate revivals, and maintain high standard Christian doctrines.”

He added: “In our advocacy, we don’t intend to react to every happening around, rather adopting research-based advocacy, the Council shall seek to influence not only national policies that will affect us in the nation but also in our way of life.”

In the same event, Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso, the out-gone President of the Council, was farewelled.

Gracing the occasion, which was Chaired by Right Reverend Dr Gordon Kisseih (First Vice President of GPCC and Presiding Bishop of Life International Churches), were Hon. Elizabeth Sackey (Major of Accra), Rev. Dr. Joyce Aryee (Executive Director, Salt & Light Ministries), Apostle Jude Hammer (Former Director, Scripture Union), Very Rev. Dr. John Kwesi Addo Jnr (General Secretary, Bible Society of Ghana), Heads of Ecumenical bodies, Heads of Churches, National Executive Members of GPCC, among others.


Apostle Eric Kwabena Nyamekye, the 6th Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, was called into the full-time ministry in 1991. He has since served in many stations including South Africa where he was a missionary.

He is also an Advisory Committee member of the Pentecostal World Fellowship and a Global Cabinet member of Empowered 21.

He holds a Diploma in Human Resource Management from the Institute of Commercial Management-UK, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Applied Theology from the University of Manchester, UK and a Master of Arts degree in Religious Studies from the University of Ghana, Legon.

He is currently pursuing his PhD at the South African Theological Seminary.

Brief history of GPCC

The Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC) is the largest ecumenical body of churches in the country. It was established in 1969 by the four main Pentecostal churches: The Assemblies of God, the Christ Apostolic Church, The Apostolic Church-Ghana, and The Church of Pentecost.

It was established to pursue the unity of the body of Christ, to propagate the gospel and to meet the spiritual and socio-economic needs of its members and Ghanaians in general.



Every Part Of Church Service Is Important- Apostle Kumi-Larbi Tells Christians

Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost (CoP), has emphasised that every aspect of the Church’s liturgy is important and, therefore, Christians should always arrive early for Church service and actively participate until the end.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi gave this advice today when he fellowshiped with members of the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Atomic. Continuing his serialised sermon on the topic “Deepening The CoP Brand,” the General Secretary expressed his concern that some Christians have made it a habit to skip parts of Church service by either arriving late or leaving early.

He cautioned against this practice, stating that people who do so are unaware of the spiritual implications of their actions.

“Just like at the pool of Bethesda, we do not know the exact time at which the angel of God will appear to stir up the water. So, arrive in good time before the start of service and take part in every activity until the benediction is pronounced,” he advised.

Expounding on the Rules of Conduct for CoP members, Apostle Kumi-Larbi said that The Church of Pentecost is a Christ-centered brand built with core values, culture, and rules of conduct bequeathed to the Church as a legacy from its forebears.

He explained that rules of conduct is a set of rules outlining the norms or standards, responsibilities, or proper practices of the members who form the Church.

According to the General Secretary, the Church’s rules of conduct are guidelines inspired by God and taught to the members through God’s ordained leadership for the equipping of the saints.

One of these rules, he noted, enjoins members to be in their seat in good time before the commencement of service and participate fully in every aspect of the service.

He noted that the rules of conduct are time-tested landmarks and a key aspect of the CoP brand and, therefore, urged every member of the Church to endeavour to know, uphold, and jealously guard them.

Some other rules of conduct for CoP members mentioned by Apostle Kumi-Larbi in his presentation are setting aside a period daily for personal quiet time in prayer and meditation on the Word (Matthew 6:6; Ephesians 18-20), and adequately preparing one’s self through prayer and meditation before coming to the house of God (Hebrews:15-16).



2nd “Let The Bible Speak” Conference Held

The second annual “Let The Bible Speak” Conference was organised by the Cape Coast Sector of the Pentecost Students and Associates (PENSA) on Saturday, March 25, 2023, at the Adisadel auditorium.

The event, themed “Repositioned and Grounded in the Tenets of The Church of Pentecost for Maximum Impact on Campus” (Colossians 2:6-7), was attended by over 1,300 PENSA members from the various tertiary and pre-tertiary institutions in the sector.

The main speaker for the conference, Apostle Col. Benjamin Godson Kumi-Woode, spoke on the topic “The Bible: The Word of God.”

He stressed that the Church believed in the divine inspiration and authority of the holy scriptures.

He noted that the Bible was infallible in its declaration, final in its authority, all-sufficient in its provision, and comprehensive in its sufficiency.

Apostle Kumi-Woode further explained that “although God had spoken His word through His prophets, He now speaks to us in the language of a Son, according to Hebrews 1:2. Jesus Christ expressed everything about God to us when He walked the earth, and God has preserved this record in the Bible for us.”

He also touched on the external and internal evidence of the Bible as the unique word of God. He explained that the harmony and unity in the Bible reveal the evidence of the Bible as the Word of God.

Apostle Kumi-Woode, therefore, urged Christian youth to respond to the word of God by faith and to always obey what it says.

He also emphasised the importance of reading, studying, meditating on, and memorising the Bible.

The conference also featured other speakers such as Pastor Blessing Joseph Quayson (PENSA Traveling Secretary for Cape Coast Sector) and Pastor George Tackie (Moree District Minister), who spoke on the topics “Ordinances of Water Baptism and Lord’s Supper” and “Tithes and Offerings,” respectively. At the end of the event, 200 souls were won, 100 others rededicated their lives to Christ, and ten members received Holy Spirit baptism.

Report by PENSA-Cape Coast Sector Editorial Team.


Chairman Participates In Speaker’s Breakfast Prayer Meeting

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost and President-elect of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC), Apostle Eric Nyamekye, was among the eminent clergy who took part in the 2nd Breakfast Prayer Meeting of the Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Honourable Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin.

The event was held at the Speaker’s Lounge at Parliament House on Tuesday, March 28, 2023. Apostle General Sam Korankye Ankrah, General Overseer of RoyalHouse Chapel; Archbishop Charles Agyinasare of Perez Chapel International; Rev. Dr. Lawrence Tetteh (an International Evangelist), and representatives of the clergy from other denominations were among dignitaries who graced the occasion.

Accompanying the Chairman to the meeting were Apostle Samuel Osei Asante (Area Head for Kaneshie and Executive Council member of the Church) and Apostle Vincent Anane Denteh (Director of Pentecost Men’s Ministry and Executive Council member of the Church).

In his remark, the Speaker of Parliament called on the people of Ghana to remain united in building the nation.

According to him, the resources that the nation is endowed with make it very special that resonate with the global stage.

Appreciating the presence of the eminent clergy, the Speaker noted that politicians alone cannot build this nation, so all persons should get on board, particularly the spiritual leaders of the land. Rt.

Honourable Bagbin acknowledged the fact that political leadership is an arduous task, therefore, there is the need to always bear them up in prayers and support them to succeed.

“We need both political leaders and spiritual leaders because the word of God is more powerful than anything,” he said. He added: “I believe that if only Ghanaians will change their ways, the sky will not be the limit. And if only parliamentarians will change their ways, we won’t approve laws that will indebt us.”

The Speaker called on parliamentarians to eliminate fear and be forthright with the truth and take bold decisions that will help the populace rather than a few individuals.

He was so happy to hear that Pope Francis has decreed that no Reverend Father of the Roman Catholic Church should bless LGBTQI marriages.

He seized the opportunity to charge the Committee on Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs to expedite action on the working of the bill and submit it to him to be laid on the floor of Parliament.

“Please, Committee members that are working on the bill, I need the report. Let the report flow, so that we can pass the law,” he declared, adding, “We may not do it the Uganda way, but will pass the law within the framework of the constitution of Ghana.

Speaker Bagbin further stressed: “What are we afraid of, if God is with us who can be against? The issue of dictating to us should not be tolerated, that someone else should come and tell us what we should do. We have enough, so if we all decide that we are going to avoid waste, we can take care of ourselves.”

He added that the voice of the people is the voice of God and as long as democracy is governance of the people, Parliament will fulfil the mandate entrusted to them by the people.

Praying for the Executive arm of the government, Apostle Eric Nyamekye quoted a scriptural passage from 1 Kings 3:6-15 where Solomon asked for wisdom from God.

He said that God is pleased with the good governance of His people so when Solomon asked for wisdom God readily gave him and blessed him with wealth. Some of the clergy present took turns to pray for peace, security, divine wisdom, and prosperity for the various sectors of the nation.



Suame Area Supports Afram Plains Area

The Suame Area of The Church of Pentecost, led by Apostle John Obeng Kesse, has donated assorted items to the Afram Plains Area to support internal missions activities in the area.

The items comprised two motorbikes, 40 half-piece clothes, two sacks of used clothes, and two rechargeable speakers.

Receiving the items, the Area Head of Afram Plains, Apostle Victor K. Asamoah, expressed his gratitude to the Suame Area for the generous gesture.

He assured the donors that the items would be used to promote missions work in the Afram Plains Area.

A special tribute was paid to Elder Dr. Nana K. Gyasi, the Chief Executive Officer of Nana K Gyasi Company Limited, for donating a motorcycle and an amount of GHS10,000 to support the exercise.

Among those present at the short presentation ceremony which took place on March 21, 2023, were Mrs. Eunice Owiredua Kesse (wife of Suame Area Head), Pastor Isaac Justice Kofi Ackom (Amanfrom District Minister & Suame Area Missions Chairman), Pastor Peter Mensah Yanney (Suame District Minister), and Elder Samuel Antwi (Suame Area Deacon).

Report by Suame Area Media Team

False Teachers, Enemies To The Contemporary Church d

False Teachers, Enemies To The Contemporary Church

False teachers are adversaries of the contemporary church. They please the ear than the heart. They argue, that the scriptures need new interpretation and they are uniquely qualified to offer that interpretation. Beware of such and deliver your souls out of their deadly traps.”   

Probationary Overseer Enock Okain.


The church is always under attack, at all times and in all places. Satan is the greatest enemy of the church and one of his successful weapons is false teachers. False teaching poses a serious danger to the church. We must recognize it as a threat because the Bible repeatedly tells us that. Jesus warns us that false teachers will emerge from outside the Christian community, attempting to conceal their actual motives (Matt. 7:15–20). In the same vein, Peter tells us that false teachers can also emerge from within the community of believers, bringing destructive and poisonous teachings (2 Peter 2:1). Simply put, false teaching is not just a problem for a section of believers but all believers hence we must be vigilant and be on guard.


Now, let me give you some scenarios of how false teachers package themselves to deceive fragile believers.

False teachers are those who arrogantly attempt to fashion new interpretations of the scriptures to demonstrate that the text in the Bible should not be read as God’s words to His children but only as the utterances of uninspired men constrained by their own prejudices and cultural biases. They argue, therefore, that the scriptures require new interpretations and that they are uniquely qualified to offer that interpretation. In summary, these critics try to twist Church doctrines to meet their own preconceived notions, denying Christ and His messianic role in the process.

False teachers are also those who attempt to alter God-ordained and scripturally supported doctrines that protect the sanctity of marriage, the divine nature of the family, and the essential doctrine of personal morality. They advocate a redefinition of morality to justify fornication, adultery, homosexual relationships and polygamy. Some openly champion the legalization of same-gender marriages and other abominable acts. False teachers only teach to please men (Gal. 1:10; 1 Thess. 2:1-4). They preach more to please the ear than to profit the heart.

The other false teachers are the charlatans. They are those who are only in the kingdom business for themselves.  They see Christianity as a means to personal gains. They see believers or Christians as people they can take advantage of to enrich themselves. They pretend to be Shepherds but all they do is to exploit and extort from the church, teach different doctrines that suit them but fail to nurture the sheep according to biblical principles. The Bible speaks of them in (1 Timothy 6:3-5).

The false prophet is also another false teacher. These are teachers who claim to bring fresh revelation from God. They usually prophesy non-realistic things that exceed the Bible. The Bible speaks of them too (1 John 4:1).


False teachers do not come from mars or clad themselves with weird cloths and masks as portrayed in movies, they are found in places of worship, preaching and teaching, seminaries, videos, mission fields, books, and on television and radio.


The Bible warns believers to beware of false teachers for they come in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves whose impacts on the church are very damaging.

  • They cause division in the church

Acts 20:28-30 – “Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. “I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves’ men will arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them.

  • Lead Believers Astray

Jer. 23:32 – “Behold, I am against those who have prophesied false dreams,” declares the Lord, “and related them, and led My people astray by their falsehoods and reckless boasting; yet I did not send them or command them, nor do they furnish this people the slightest benefit,” declares the Lord.

  • Defrauds Believers

Col. 2:18 – Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize by delighting in self-abasement and the worship of the angels, taking his stand on visions he has seen, inflated without cause by his fleshly mind,

  • Leads believers to destruction

“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed, they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.” 2 Peter 2:1-3


  • Be knowledgeable in the word of God:

A general lack of Bible knowledge and discernment among believers is one of the most significant contributions to the propagation of false teaching in the church. It may sound illogical to say that students should be able to correct teachers when they bring falsehood into the church, but that is exactly what the Bible teaches us. When Paul was at Berea, his teaching was not just accepted, his listeners put it to the test by examining the Scriptures to determine whether it was correct. (Acts 17:11). For this, they were praised by Luke as being “more noble.” All believers must read the Scriptures for themselves and compare what is being taught to the Scriptures. This does not require radical skepticism, but it does mean that believers are not to unhesitatingly trust every word of mere men.

  • People must be held accountable for their false teachings

The failure to hold people accountable for their incorrect teaching is one factor that contributes to the spread of false teaching. People must be called to book, corrected, or punished when propagating false teachings. When the church turns a blind eye to false teaching because its proponents are popular or have ‘successful ministries,’ it allows false teaching to spread and it would be the source of further division and conflict in the church. Church discipline exists to uphold the glory of Christ and His truth and to protect the people of God from error and its consequences.

  • Church Leaders must be ready to confront falsehood

To combat false teaching, the church needs pastors, elders, and teachers who are both willing and able to confront falsehood (Titus 2:8; 1 Peter 2:15). Even when the people of God are eager to study His Word and the church is prepared to exercise discipline, false teaching can flourish when the leadership of the church is ill-prepared and poorly trained. The lower we set our standards for training pastors and elders for the ministry, the less prepared they will be to recognize false teaching. Those who have not been trained well in the Bible, its languages, and principles of sound interpretation may fall prey to novel teachings that seem to explain away problems or contradictions.


Let us beware of false prophets and false teachers, both men and women, who are self-appointed declarers of the doctrines of the Church and who seek to spread their false gospel and attract followers by sponsoring symposia, books, and journals whose contents challenge fundamental doctrines of the Church.

By Probationary Overseer Enock Okain

PENSAFEST 2023 Records 31 Souls

“PENSAFEST 2023” Records 31 Souls

The Pentecost Students and Associates (PENSA), Kwadaso Sector, organised its annual Pre-Tertiary Talent Explosion programme, “PENSAFEST 2023,” on Saturday, March 25, 2023.

The programme, which was held at the zonal level, recorded an attendance of 1,543 and 407 at the Kwadaso and Obuasi zones, respectively.

The event, among others, was organised to unearth talents, skills, and gifts that the Lord has graciously deposited in students. Each PENSA institution was given the opportunity to undertake activities such as Choreography, Spoken Word, Drama, Song Ministrations, and others.

Students from various institutions and groups exhibited their God-given talents and skills with great and awesome ministrations to the glory of God.

In a short exhortation titled “Vessel of Honour,” the PENSA Travelling Secretary, Pastor Isaac Donkoh, said that God always seeks human vessels to use to accomplish His purpose on earth.

He added that, “Although God eagerly seeks people as vessels for His earthly agenda, He doesn’t just use anything for His task; He seeks people who have set themselves apart and are fit for the Master’s use, prepared for every good work.”

He further encouraged students to offer their bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto God.

“When young people of energy, talent, skills, and zeal become vessels of honor prepared for the Master’s use, maximum impact is certainly achieved in their generation,” he intimated, referencing 2 Timothy 2:20-21 and Romans 12:1-2.

To the glory of God, 31 participants accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior at the event.

Report by Mrs. Doris Donkoh.

Yaa Asantewaa SHS Wins PENSA-Kwadaso Sector Quiz

Yaa Asantewaa SHS Wins PENSA-Kwadaso Sector Quiz

The Pentecost Students and Associates (PENSA) of Kwadaso Sector, under the leadership of Pastor Isaac Donkoh, PENSA Travelling Secretary, organized a maiden Pre-Tertiary Sector Quiz competition for Senior High Schools within the sector on Saturday, March 25, 2023.

The quiz competition covered Nehemiah, Colossians, Current Affairs/Church History, and Rules of Conduct of The Church of Pentecost.

The competition started at the institutional level, followed by the zonal level, and then the grand finale.

Two students who emerged as winners from their schools progressed through the levels to the grand finale. Three institutions from each zone that qualified at the zonal level were engaged in a fierce battle at the grand finale.

Competing schools at the grand finale included Obuasi Secondary Technical School, New Edubease Senior High School, Osei Tutu Senior High School, Akrofuom Senior High School, Opoku Ware Senior High School, and Yaa Asantewaa Girls Senior High School, the event host.

After a fierce competition between the six competing schools, Yaa Asantewaa Girls SHS, took the first position, followed by Opoku Ware, while Osei Tutu took the  third place.

For their prize, the winning school took the trophy with a cash amount of Ghc1,000.00, certificates, Bibles, and other prizes, followed by first runner-up with Ghc750.00, certificates, and other prizes, and the second runner-up with Ghc500.00, certificates, and other consolation prizes.

Elder Dr. Solomon Obiri Yeboah, a surgeon at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, and an Elder from PIWC-Bompata solely sponsored the quiz competition.

In a brief remark at the event, he admonished the students to fear God, be diligent in their studies, and commit their ways unto Him, who is able to direct their course into excellence.

The competition aimed at engaging more young people to study the word of God and have it written on the tablets of their hearts.

Report by Mrs. Doris Donkoh


Apostle Nyamekye Chairs ‘Global Crusade With Kumuyi’ Ghana Media Launch

The President-elect of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC), Apostle Eric Nyamekye, who also doubles as the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, chaired the media launch of the Global Crusade with Kumuyi (GCK), Ghana edition on Wednesday, March 29, 2023.

The event was hosted by the Deeper Life Bible Church, Ghana, at the Accra International Conference Centre (AICC). Several Christian leaders drawn from various denominations attended the event, offering messages of solidarity on behalf of their denominations.

Among them were Senior Bishop James K. Saah (Christian Action Faith Ministries), Rev. Dr. Lawrence Tetteh (Lawrence Tetteh Ministries), Most Rev. Dr. Paul K. Boafo (Presiding Bishop, Methodist Church Ghana), Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso (immediate past President of GPCC and General Superintendent of Assemblies of God, Ghana), Rev. Dr. Joyce Aryee (Executive Director, Salt & Light Ministries), Rev. Dr. Stephen Yenusom Wengham (General Superintendent, Assemblies of God, Ghana), Most Rev. Helena Opoku-Sarkodie (Minister-in-charge, Tema Joint Church), among others.

In his opening response, Apostle Nyamekye expressed his pleasure at the sight of believers coming together regardless of denominational barriers. He lauded the General Superintendent and founder of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Pastor Dr. William F. Kumuyi, the convener of the ‘Global Crusade with Kumuyi’, for his crusade outreach across the African continent.

“As a genuine servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, he has over the years proven the authenticity of his ministry with tangible global impact. For several decades, he has led the gospel train both in Africa and the rest of the world,” he stated.

He added: “I have always held on the belief that no one denomination is the exclusive channel of God’s grace. We are all tributaries of the river of God carrying diverse grace. Again, the Great Commission cannot be fulfilled by only one denomination.”

Apostle Nyamekye further urged Christian leaders to break down denominational barriers that do not support the propagation of the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

He called on all Christian denominations to support the upcoming crusade to make it successful.

Delivering his address, the special guest speaker for the launch, Most Rev. Dr. Paul K. Boafo, Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church, Ghana, encouraged Christians to put away all denominational differences and unite as one people, saying, “Come as a Christian child of God and together when we pray to God, He will answer us.”

He further urged churches to also join in the publicity of the crusade through their various church social media platforms and services.

“I appeal to all media personnel to create space for the team to come and sell the gospel while informing the public to be part of this crusade.”

Launching the GCK-GH crusade, the National Overseer of the Deeper Life Bible Church, Ghana, Rev Edward Kwaku Duodu, stressed: “In every country and city that GCK has been held, it has been made possible by close collaboration with the body of Christ. Involvement of the whole Christian body is crucial to the success of the crusade because its focus goes beyond denominational lines.”

Also present were Hon. Linda Obenewaa Akweley Ocloo (MP, Shai Osudoku) and Dr. Isaac Owusu Mensah (Director of Research at the Presidency) who represented the Chief of Staff. The Global Crusade with Kumuyi, Ghana edition, a three-in-one event, is scheduled to be held from April 20-25, 2023, at Independence Square.

As part of the main crusade, a Ministers’ & Professionals Conference and Impact Academy Seminar will be held alongside.



New Fadama Worship Centre Retires 6 Officers

Six officers of the New Fadama Worship Centre in the Kaneshie Area of The Church of Pentecost have retired from active service.

The service, which took place on Sunday, March 26, 2023, was officiated by Pastor Enoch Tawiah Narh, the Resident Minister.

The retirees are Elder Thomas Ntiamoah, Deaconesses Cecelia Ansah, Mercy Asare Manu, Grace Danso, Esther Amoh, and Hannah Asantewah.

They have served for several years as presbyters and in various leadership positions in the church. Elder Thomas Ntiamoah and Deaconess Cecelia Ansah have served for 26 years, Deaconesses Mercy Asare Manu and Grace Danso served for 32 years, while Deaconesses Esther Amoh and Hannah Asantewah served for 25 and 35 years, respectively.

Apostle Matthew Larbi Wettey (retired), former Area Head of Tema, delivered the sermon titled, “After Your Service, Give Thanks To God And Consider Yourself An Unworthy Servant Who Has Done His Job.”

In his message, he reminded believers that it is a privilege for God to call someone to serve as a leader in His church, saying, “Anyone who gets such an opportunity should consider themselves unworthy and give thanks to God.”

He advised the retirees and officers of the church not to consider themselves worthy of any human reward. He added that everyone who serves God diligently will be rewarded by Him on earth and in heaven.

Apostle Larbi-Wettey also urged church members to “carry their own head” and not allow people to wrongly advise them about the church and its leaders.

He explained that in The Church of Pentecost, leaders are chosen from hard-working members who put in their best efforts, even without any official title or position.

He admonished officers and church leaders to work to please God and not to seek favour from humans.

In response, the retirees expressed their gratitude to God for calling them into His service and to the church for the opportunity to lead.

They advised current officers and members of the church to take the work of God seriously because it comes with a lot of blessings despite the challenges.

In attendance were Mrs. Elizabeth Osei Asante (wife of the Kaneshie Area Head), Mrs. Elizabeth Larbi Wettey, Rev. Anthony Obeng and his wife, Mrs. Diana Danso (wife of Abeka District Pastor), representatives from the Kaneshie Area Women’s Ministry, and Presbyters from other local assemblies within the Kaneshie Area.