Marriage Is Hard Work! – Mrs Kumi-Larbi

Marriage Is Hard Work! – Mrs Kumi-Larbi

Mrs. Rose Dansoa Kumi-Larbi, wife of the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, has advised Christian couples to strive to build good and healthy marriages, emphasising that marriage is hard work! 

“A healthy marriage requires diligent work to build. A good marriage, is, therefore, not something you find; it is something you make and continue making,” she said when she exhorted members of the Shalom Worship Centre during a graduation ceremony for graduands of the church’s Post-Marital School yesterday.

Delivering a sermon titled: “Jesus Christ and His Church; A Model for A Good Marriage” with Ephesians 5:21-33 and Philippians 2:1-8 as scripture references, Mrs. Kumi-Larbi said that a healthy marriage is very beneficial to both parties in the marital union.

She said that a good marriage brings happiness, peace and good health to couples. It also promotes the wellbeing and development of children, serves as a springboard for one’s professional career, earns one respect in society and grants couples unhindered access to God, she added.

Mrs. Kumi-Larbi, however, noted that marriage requires the utmost commitment of both parties in order to succeed.

“For me, marriage is like salvation. We are saved only by grace, but we are expected to work on our salvation so that we do not lose it. In the same vein, it is the Lord who leads us to our partners, but we are required to work on our marriage to achieve the purpose for which God brought us together as a couple,” she explained.

Mrs. Kumi-Larbi said that marital unhappiness and divorces are on the rise in the contemporary generation due to the self-centred nature of the people who enter the holy estate.

She explained that Christ’s relationship with the Church serves as the ideal model that couples should emulate to have successful marriages.

Reading from the Ministers’ Manual of The Church of Pentecost, Mrs. Kumi-Larbi stressed that marriage is an image that mirrors Christ’s relationship with the Church, and, thus, must be honoured by all.

She defined honour as the act of ascribing the great respect to something or someone and urged Christians to honour God with their marriages.

“Honour your wife or husband because when you honour your spouse, you honour God,” she charged.

To enjoy marital bliss, she urged couples to emulate Christ’s selflessness, humility, mercy, servant-leadership and love towards the Church in their marriages.

She, therefore, advised husbands to endeavour to love their wives unconditionally and be merciful to them when they offend them in any way; whilst advising wives to be humble and honour their husbands in their speech and conduct.

“Don’t compete with each other in marriage. You are partners and not competitors!” she further stated.

Mrs. Kumi-Larbi also cautioned prospective couples and singles that marriage is a holy estate that should not be taken lightly, but undertaken and entered into in all solemnity, with wisdom and forethought, reverently in the fear of God.

This, according to her, should be done with the clear understanding that marriage was first ordained for the mutual help, fellowship and comfort that the one ought to have for the other, in prosperity and adversity, for the honourable procreation of children and their training in love and obedience to the Lord.

“Marriage is not just about funfair, wedding ceremonies and receptions; it is hard work,” she reiterated.



Youth Charged To Be Purity-Minded

Elder Prof. Eric Appau Asante, Deputy Director of the Youth Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, has charged the youth of the church to be purity-minded and active for the kingdom of God.

The Deputy Youth Director was speaking at the West African Examination Council (WAEC) Hall in Tamale, during a meeting with the Tamale Area Youth Ministry of the church as part of the Youth Ministry National Executive Committee (NEC) Members’ recent tour of the Northern Region.

Delivering a sermon on the topic, “Be Holistically Active; God Is Interested In Your Holistic Wellbeing,” Elder Prof. Asante said that God is interested in the holiness and availability of the youth of the church.

According to him, being holistic involves paying delicate attention and being interested in every facet of one’s life, that is, the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social wellbeing. He urged them not to only focus on the body, but also, to work on the soul and the spirit.

Quoting from Genesis 2:7, he indicated that God is holy, which was evident in His creation of man. He iterated that in the creation of man, God demonstrated skill/ expertise and creativity in forming human being.

“God crafted a human being to the extent that He found man to be good, reflecting His own image,” he stressed.

The Deputy Youth Director of the church further noted that God, in demonstrating humility to man, formed him out of the dust of the ground with His bare hands. He, therefore, admonished the youth to be humble and desist from pride.

“The youth must be simple, modest and respectful towards any person without looking down on them,” he charged them.

Drawing lessons from God breathing into man, he mentioned that God had to be close to man in order to breathe into him, he charged Christian youth not sit on the fence or be backbenchers.

“You must be close to the scene – the church – and know the system while contributing to its formation,” he reiterated.

He added: “The society expects so much from the youth of today, that you must be academically sound, spiritually sound with problem-solving skills, morally sound and emotionally stable.”

He, therefore, encouraged the leadership of the church to continue to invest in the academic, emotional, social and material needs of the youth, in addition to their spiritual needs.

Concluding his presentation, Elder Prof. Eric Appau Asante expressed his heartfelt appreciation to Apostle Sylvester Arhin, Tamale Area Head of the church, and the Area Youth Ministry for availing themselves to the service of God and the church.

In attendance were Pastor Arko Addo (Secretary, Youth Ministry National Executive Committee), Deaconess Comfort Adade (Youth Ministry National Executive Committee Member), Pastor Michael Blankson (Tamale Area Youth Pastor & Resident Minister, Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC – Tamale), Pastor Richard Ala Anang (PENSA Travelling Secretary for the Northern Sector) and some Tamale Area Pastorate.

At the end of the meeting, 850 persons participated, with 27 of them receiving the Holy Spirit baptism.

Report by Tamale Youth Media Team.


Madina Area Surprises Missions Office With Massive Donation

The Madina Area of The Church of Pentecost, on Thursday, April 21, 2022, stormed the General Headquarters of the church with a truckload of items to promote the missions enterprise of the church.

The items worth several Ghana Cedis included five (5) motorbikes, 27 bicycles, four (4) crash helmets, 371 pieces of wax prints, 19 pieces of Kente for both sexes, 16 pieces of lace for both sexes and 27 pieces of fabric materials.

The rest are 26 pieces of men’s suits, 14 pieces of men’s shirts, 12 pieces of men’s costumes, nine (9) packs of men’s singlet, four (4) packs of women’s underwear, one (1) pack of soap, a set of local drums, footwear for both sexes, among others. 

The Area Secretary, Pastor Patrick Kobina Bremansu, on behalf of the Area Head, Apostle Martin Seth Appiah, presented the items to the International Missions Director (IMD), Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe.

Pastor Bremansu was accompanied by Pastor Eric Asare (Area Executive Committee Member), Pastor Patrick Anto (Area Missions Committee Chairman), and Deaconess (Mrs.) Lydia Aba Hayford (Area Women’s Ministry Leader).

Receiving the items, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, on behalf of the Chairman of the church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, and the International Missions Board, thanked the Madina Area for the donation which he described as “surprising.”

The IMD promised to present the items to the appropriate areas as part of the efforts to propagate the gospel to deprived areas.

Present at the short presentation ceremony was Pastor Gideon Kofi Boadu-Yirenkyi (Personal Assistant to the IMD) and other staff of the Missions Office, including Mrs. Victoria Kumi-Woode (Administrative Manager) and Ruth Agyabeng (Accounts Manager).


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He Took My Place: Barabbas’ Life Crosses With That Of Jesus

His parents called him “Barabbas” which means “son of the Father”. Others call him Jesus Barabbas which would also mean, “Jesus, son of the Father”. Probably, his parents dedicated him to God by giving him that name, for Jewish names bear their meanings. Or possibly, to prove his Father’s love and likeness for him. But neither of these were evidently seen in Barabbas’ life whilst growing up; probably due to the bad associations he kept, which tilted his life gradually away from the name he bore.

Barabbas became a hardened criminal noted for robbery, murder and rebellion. As a notorious robber and a rebel leader, Barabbas murdered people, and raped and maimed others (as is usual with armed robbers). As typical of such criminals, Barabbas may have been highly addicted to drugs and also found it very difficult to maintain a successful marriage. If he lived in this 21st century, he may have been all over the media and the internet; he was declared wanted when he engaged in that insurrection to overthrow the government of his days. Luke affirms this by saying, “Barabbas was in prison for taking part in an insurrection in Jerusalem against the government, and for murder” (Luke 23:19 NIV). It is for this reason that no one can deny the fact that this man was a burden to society and family. All he brought home was unrest, shame and humiliation.

One day, probably after their usual raid and political stirrings, he was intercepted by the Roman guards and was subsequently imprisoned. When he was taken to court, the prosecutor passed his judgement and imprisoned him for life. As if that would change him, he rather became more hardened and was known to his country folks as a notorious prisoner.

Every year, the Governor would usually grant amnesty to a prisoner. As usual, they would select the prisoner whose charge is less criminal, has been falsely accused or has really repented, and whose character has evidently been transformed.

Barabbas would not qualify for any of these categories. So, to be granted clemency was impossible. Again, his case was very different because he was not only a robber and a murderer, Barabbas was a political revolutionist. He was politically motivated to overthrow the Roman government. He may have been with the Zealot party of the Jewish sects because of his zealousness to fight the Roman government. He had committed a treasonable offence and there was no way he could be granted clemency from the same person who is his political opponent.

But this particular year the custom seemed a bit different.  He was summoned by the senior security guard who usually performs this yearly duty. He made him to follow him, and he did. Barabbas was led to the courtyard of the governor, Pontus Pilate.

Permit me to try to be a bit graphic at this juncture, let us assume that he was ushered in at the time when the great crowd who were at the forecourt of Pilate’s palace started shouting, “Away with Him, away with Him! Crucify Him!” (John 19:15). I believe this hardened criminal would for the first time in his lifetime break down and probably seek for mercy because none of us would prefer being killed. He may have thought, “My end has surely come… but why won’t these people allow me to serve my life sentence?

While he was still having these thoughts running through his mind, Pilate asks them [the crowd], “Shall I crucify your King?” (John 19:15). King? He would think to himself. Ha-ha, I am never a king? When did I become one? Or they are referring to me as the king of the sinners and prisoners? For that I am!

At this time, he decides to lift up his eyes to look at the Pontius Pilate on his judgement seat. When he did, he was shocked what he saw. There before the throne of Pontius Pilate, he sees this young man who is probably in his thirties, whose appearance had been marred by great beatings and scourging. The flesh on his back was torn beyond repairs, his face was highly disfigured, and there were clots of blood all over His body.

When he saw Him, his heart was further broken, but for the young man he saw. And he remembered the first time he stood before his prosecutor. Then his thoughts kept running again with lots of questions: “Is it possible that this man may have been a more notorious sinner than myself?” “But what did He really do?”  However, these questions could be mere rhetoric because, as a notorious prisoner, he had no opportunity to speak to anyone in the courtyard; he was already hated. Therefore, he only had to keep silent and watch what was happening.

Suddenly, a messenger rushes into the courtroom and seeks to whisper something into Pilate’s ears. When he was granted the permission, he said something into his ears that made his countenance fall. Later, it came out that, what the messenger whispered into Pilate’s ears was actually a message from his wife which said, “Leave that innocent man alone. (For) I suffered through a terrible nightmare about him last night” (Matthew 27:24 NLT). Perplexed, Pilate descends from his throne, takes water and washes his hands before the multitude, and declares, “I am innocent of this man’s blood. The responsibility is yours!” (Matthew 27:24 NLT).

But then, the crowd shouted and said, “We will take responsibility for his death—we and our children!” (Matthew 27:25 NLT).  In fact, Pilate became more disturbed when the people threatened saying, “If you release this man, you are no ‘friend of Caesar.’ For anyone who declares himself a king is a rebel against Caesar.” (John 19:12 NLT).

So, Pilate came and stood between Jesus and Barabbas and queried, “Which of these two do you want me to release to you?” Knowing that, he did not deserve any amnesty, Barabbas was not even expecting the release. But to his amazement, the crowd shouted back at Pilate, “Barabbas!” (Matthew 27:22 NLT). Then Pilate responded, “Then what should I do with Jesus who is called the Messiah?” They shouted back, “Crucify him!” (Matthew 27:23 NLT). The people chose Barabbas, the notorious prisoner ahead of Jesus, whom the people had falsely accused, to live. Thus, Jesus must be crucified! Indeed, He [Jesus] took Barabbas’ place and died for him!

So, Barabbas was released from prison, and given the full privileges due to any citizen of the Jewish nation. He could move about without any sense of guilt or restrictions from any authority. But Jesus was released to the soldiers to be further beaten and mistreated and eventually crucified. It is very possible that while all these things were going on, Barabbas stood in the crowd and kept saying to himself, “This should have been on me; I am the one who truly deserves this”. Why would a notorious prisoner like me be spared and my life exchanged with that of a man of this stature? I am now free but I am still not worthy of this exchange! This is grace personified!

Later, as he went around among the people and listened to the crowd talk concerning this Jesus, Barabbas may have heard how Jesus was a good man, a healer, a teacher and a prophet. Barabbas would have heard how this Jesus had raised the dead, supplied food to the hungry and calmed the raging sea with a single command and even walked on water. He would have heard among the crowd how this Jesus had even claimed to be the son of God, and in fact equality with God; how He had said, anyone who had seen Him, had actually seen God. Which actually He was! He may have heard among the crowd how no one was able to accuse this Jesus of any sin; neither Pilate nor Herod (Luke 23:15). Even His friend (Judas) who betrayed Him to the Jewish authorities, remorsefully went to the authorities and returned the money he had taken from them to betray Him. For he declared, “I have sinned, for I have betrayed an innocent man” (Matthew 27:4 NLT). He may also have heard how the Jewish authorities were actually envious of Jesus so they incited their people against Him. Therefore, the whole choice was out of their own selfish interest and no fault of the man Jesus (Matthew 27:18 NLT).

Of course, it will be very unusual for Barabbas to go home after hearing all these about this man. So, he followed them to Golgotha, the place where they finally nailed Jesus to the cross. He saw how Jesus hanged there for about six hours with two others who were executed because they were thieves, and he watched this innocent man die out of pain and agony. Barabbas watched how Jesus prayed for the very soldiers who were nailing Him to the cross and those who were mocking at Him saying, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34 NLT). He watched how Jesus demonstrated His love for His mother even on the cross when He said to his mother, “Dear woman, here is your son.” And he said to Apostle John, “Here is your mother.” (John 19:26–27NLT). He committed His mother’s care into John’s hands. What a loving saviour this Jesus is! Barabbas watched how his story played out for one of the thieves who hang on the cross beside Jesus. He saw how Jesus promised the thief on the cross who sought for His mercy to be with Him in His kingdom that, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43 NLT).

As Barabbas kept watching, he heard Jesus shout with a loud voice and said, “I am thirsty” (John 19:28 NIV); again, “It is finished!” (John 19:28 NIV); and finally, “Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit” (Luke 23:46 NIV). Then, as he looked, Jesus bowed His head on the cross and gave up His spirit (John 19:30 NLT).

Barabbas then saw how at Jesus’ death darkness covered the earth. He again witnessed how the earth trembled vigorously, rocks split apart, and the veil of the temple got broken.

Barabbas saw how the Roman officer and the other soldiers at the crucifixion were terrified by the earthquake and the unfolding events. He also heard how they declared, “This man truly was the Son of God!” (Matthew 27:51-54). All these were confirmation of the very things he had heard the crowd say Jesus claimed about Himself when He was alive.

Seeing and hearing all these things, I can imagine Barabbas, a hardened criminal bursting into tears all over his face and shivering as the events unfold one after the other. I can imagine a Barabbas who has been filled with exceeding joy and gratitude for his release from a life sentence but at the same time, is highly sorrowful for what his Saviour must go through just to make up for his release.

Later, Matthew would report that, as evening approached, Joseph, a rich man from Arimathea who had become a follower of Jesus, mastered courage and went to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body, and he was given permission. Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a long sheet of clean linen cloth. He placed it in his own new tomb, which had been carved out of the rock. Then he rolled a great stone across the entrance and left.  (Matthew 27:57-60 NLT)

Matthew would continue that, on the next day, on the Sabbath, the Saturday, the leading priests and Pharisees went to see Pilate. They told him, “Sir, we remember what that deceiver once said while he was still alive: ‘After three days I will rise from the dead.’ So we request that you seal the tomb until the third day. This will prevent his disciples from coming and stealing his body and then telling everyone he was raised from the dead! If that happens, we’ll be worse off than we were at first.” Pilate replied, “Take guards and secure it the best you can.” So, they sealed the tomb and posted guards to protect it. (Matthew 27:62-66 NLT).

The most shocking part of the whole story would happen on the third day, the resurrection Sunday morning. The whole Jewish nation would come to a standstill because Matthew would report that, the guard came into the city and reported to the chief priests that the man who had died on the cross and had been securely buried for three days, had actually resurrected just as He said when He was alive! (Matthew 28:11 NLT). Disappointed and afraid, the elders of the Jewish nation would try their best to conceal this story. They would bribe the security guard to conceal the matter of the resurrection but it would be too late. Jesus would keep manifesting Himself to as many people as possible (over five hundred people 1Cor, 15:4-8 NKJV) and giving proofs of His resurrection by allowing people to feel the places on His body where He was wounded and even by eating with His disciples.

The Bible gives no clue, and secular history does not help to know whether Barabbas went back to his life of crime or eventually became a Christian, but it would be surprising if he had failed to show appreciation for the mercy and grace Jesus shown him, and vowed to follow Him all the days of his life as well as to testify of Him to others.

The freedom Barabbas enjoyed at the expense of Jesus’ suffering echoes the words of the prophet Isaiah which says that, “Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the LORD laid on him the sins of us all” (Isaiah 53:4-6 NLT).

Isaiah’s prophecy would help us to begin to appreciate that, beyond the envy and the self-interest of the Jews who killed Jesus by the hands of the Romans, God was actually working through all those happenings to demonstrate His compassion and grace to the world through the sufferings of Jesus. Jesus was actually being exchanged for notorious and hardened sinners (criminals) like Barabbas according to the plan (wisdom) of God. Hallelujah!

To sum it up, Barabbas was released from condemnation he never anticipated at the expense of Jesus’ death. In like manner, all humanity can now be allowed to go free with no condemnation (Romans 8:1) if they would accept God’s own provision for their sin, Jesus (John 1:29) and put their confidence in Him. Just as the scriptures declare, “If you (anyone) openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9 NLT).

I, therefore recommend to you Jesus Christ, the true saviour of the world. He has paid the debt for the sin of the world through His death and resurrection. He has now opened the door for all who were formerly aliens and enemies as far as the Kingdom of God is concerned to enter into an eternal covenant and a personal relationship with God, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, by way of becoming members of His household forever!

Written by P/Ovr. Isaac Kwabena Tagoe (Pentecost University-STML)

Couple Blessed With Child After 10 Years Of Marriage

Couple Blessed With Child After 10 Years Of Marriage

Ten years after tying the knot, Mr. Mark Arthur, and his wife, Deaconess Georgina Arthur of the Assakae District of The Church of Pentecost, became first-time parents on October 12, 2021 when they were blessed with a bouncing baby girl.

Despite the assistance of medical experts, the couple had been struggling with childbirth since they were joined together in holy matrimony in March 2011.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, in an interview with PENTECOST NEWS, revealed that the unflinching prayer support of the Assakae District Minister, Pastor Ernest Perbi-Asare, his wife, Sarah, the officers in the district and the entire district membership is what helped them through the difficult period.

 “It was when the Church came together to continuously pray about our situation during our Tuesday dawn prayers, dubbed ‘Redemption Hour’ and Friday morning prayers, dubbed ‘Kosuma,’ that the Lord opened the heavens to us,” they affirmed.

The couple also thanked the Anyaa-Ablekuma Area Head, Apostle William Ohemeng Kwakye, for his prayers and constant encouragement throughout their ordeal.

Speaking at the christening service for the newborn child at the Emmanuel Assembly on Saturday February 5, 2022, Pastor Ernest Perbi-Asare admonished Christian parents to endeavour to meet the holistic needs of their children.

Reading from Mark 10:13-16, he explained that children have spiritual, physical, emotional and social needs that ought to be met to aid their growth and development. 

Pastor Perbi-Asare urged parents to make conscious efforts to take good care of the children entrusted to them by God and train them in the way of the Lord.

He also advised them to trust the Lord in every situation they find themselves in and trust that, in the appointed time, He will answer their prayers.

Present at the christening service were officers, members and family members of the couple. 


Asokwa Area Undertakes Missions Outreach To Brong East, Upper East & Northern Regions

Asokwa Area Undertakes Missions Outreach To Bono East, Upper East & Northern Regions

The pastorate of the Asokwa Area of The Church of Pentecost, led by Prophet James Osei Amaniampong, and his wife, Georgina, have embarked on a Missions Outreach to the Bono East, Upper East and Northern Regions.

The three-day outreach, which took place from March 23 to 25, 2022, among other things, sought to strengthen the bond of fellowship amongst ministers, get first-hand information on the work of missions in these areas, and show the love of God to people by easing some of the challenges of the churches and the communities visited. The places visited included Busunya District (Techiman Area), Babator District (Kintampo Area), Bolgatanga Area, as well as the Tamale and Damongo districts (Tamale Area).

At Busunya District, which was the team’s first point of call, an amount of GH¢10,000.00 was presented to the district to support works on the Central Assembly church building. In addition, they donated a brand-new motorbike, three bicycles, over 100 wax prints, bales of clothes and assorted clothes and beddings, over 100 shoes, 200 exercise books, and 100 mosquito nets, at a cost of GH¢51,200.00 to the district. 

The Babator District in the Kintampo Area, which was the Missions Outreach’s second point of call, was presented with a brand-new motorbike, three bicycles, over 100 wax prints, bales of clothes and assorted clothes and beddings, shoes and sandals for men and ladies, exercise books, 200 mosquito nets, all to the tune of GH¢49,000.00 to support their evangelism efforts. An additional GH¢10,000.00 was given to the assembly to help works on their Church building.

Bolgatanga Area, on the other hand, was presented with two motorbikes, nine bicycles, 150 wax prints, bales of assorted clothes and beddings, over 600 pairs of gents and ladies’ shoes, 1000 exercise books, 600 pencils and erasers, 200 mosquito nets, a set of drums, a wheelchair for the Ministry to Persons with Disabilities (MPWDs), sanitisers and nose masks, at a total cost of GH¢ 207,200.00, to support the work of mission and aid evangelism in the Area. The motorbikes were assigned to the Pentecost International Worship Centre, Navrongo (PIWC-Navrongo) and the Paga District.

Paga District was given an additional GH¢20,000.00 to support the construction of a new District Mission House as the former was no longer habitable and consequently declared a death trap. Moreover, an amount of GH¢15,000.00 was donated to PIWC-Bolgatanga to support their ongoing children’s auditorium building project.

The Bolgatanga Area also received an amount of GH¢20,000.00 to help them purchase a modern musical and sound equipment for evangelistic purposes. A brand-new motorbike, three bicycles, wax prints, bales of clothes and assorted clothes and beddings, 100 pairs of gents and ladies’ shoes and 100 mosquito nets, all worth GH¢42,800.00, to support the work of mission and aid evangelism in the Area. 

The Asokwa Area Missions Outreach finally visited the Tamale Area. A cheque of GH¢17,500.00 was presented to the Damongo District to construct a mechanised borehole water facility. 

The kind gesture by the Church was part of efforts to ensure access to potable water for more than 3,000 residents in the beneficiary communities of the Church.

Speaking at a brief presentation ceremony, the Asokwa Area Head, Prophet James Osei Amaniampong, said that the leadership of the Asokwa Area conducted a needs assessment of the Tamale Area and identified that the people of the two communities were in dire need of good drinking water and that informed their decision to construct the mechanised boreholes.

“This is part of our mission to possess the nation through the provision of social amenities. We will work to provide what is urgently needed by the people to the glory of God,” he stated.

Prophet James Osei Amaniampong was hopeful that the provision of the boreholes would meet the water needs of the residents, particularly women, and reduce the number of hours they spend in search of water so that they would have adequate time to engage in productive activities.

He called on the residents to take good care of the facility and maintain them in order to prolong their lifespan.

In addition, three bicycles, bales of clothes and assorted clothes and beddings, pairs of gents and ladies’ shoes and 100 mosquito nets, all at a cost of GH¢35,000.00, were donated to support the work of mission and aid evangelism activities in the Area. 

The Tamale Area also received one motorbike, three bicycles, a set of drums, shoes for both men and ladies, bales of clothes and assorted clothing and 200 mosquito nets, at a total cost of GH¢34,100.00.

On his part, the Area Secretary for Tamale, Pastor B. A. M. Abogorago, who received the items on behalf of the Area, together with Mrs. Vivian Arhin (the wife of the Tamale Area Head), expressed appreciation to the Asokwa Area pastorate for funding the water project and the donations. He called on other capable persons to emulate the benevolent deeds of the Asokwa Area.

The team visited the Fiema Monkey Sanctuary at Busunya, Kintampo Waterfalls, Paga Crocodile Pond and the Slave Camp and the Mole National Park to round off their mission trip.


The Church of Pentecost Chairman Pays Courtesy Call On Twifo Heman Paramount Chief

The Church of Pentecost Chairman Pays Courtesy Call On Twifo Heman Paramount Chief

As part of efforts to build a formidable union and bridge the gap between the church and the chieftaincy institution, The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has paid a courtesy call on Otumfuo Amoah Sasraku IV, Paramount Chief of Twifo Heman Traditional Council.

This occurred not long at the Tuaanko Palace, in Twifo Hemang, in the Central Region of Ghana, during his ministerial visit to the Twifo Praso Area of The Church of Pentecost (CoP).

He was accompanied by Pastor David Addo-Pappoe (Twifo Praso Area Head, The Church of Pentecost), Pastor Matthew Mpaba (Twifo Nyinase District Minister, The Church of Pentecost), Pastor Seth Kwame Sackey (Twifo Hemang District Minister, CoP), Pastor Samson & Mrs. Rejoice Abradu (Twifo Mampong District, CoP), Pastor Vincent Ephraim Amegah (Twifo Praso District Minister, CoP), and Elder Seth Addo-Kumi (Twifo Praso Area Deacon, CoP).

In a short address, Apostle Nyamekye noted that service to the nation critically relies on the chiefs, and mentioned that in the olden days, priests and kings ruled together.

According to the Chairman of the church, God used Solomon to rule and lead Israel when he based on the Bible while asking for wisdom from Him.

“Therefore, I am confident that if you take the Bible, as your companion in leading your people, Twifo Heman would flourish,” he stated.

The Chieftaincy Ministry, a new ministry in the church, that has the mandate to visit and oversee the chaplaincy needs of royals and chiefs, he iterated has been put in place to help them well.

“Chieftaincy is leadership, therefore if someone says he wants to rule, it is to serve the people,” he said, adding: “It is a sacrifice unto the people, not a place to enrich oneself”.

Otumfuo Amoah Sasraku IV, Paramount Chief of Twifo Heman Traditional Council, in response recalled that The Church of Pentecost, is noted for their enthusiasm and holistic services in the communities, especially during their crusades and conventions.

He thanked The Church for its continuous prayers and support it renders to the community. He iterated that in God’s own wisdom, it was not idol worshipping that made Saul to be enthroned to lead Israel.

He explained that God had a purpose not for Saul to have his own way. He, however ignored the directions of Prophet Samuel to act on his own accord and God sidelined Saul from the throne.

He entreated fellow chiefs to endeavour to serve their people in the fear of God, while acting according to his will and purpose.

“If the chieftaincy institution and the government together, rely solely on the instructions and Word of God, the nation will be a better one for us all,” he asserted.

He, then admonished the clergy to draw near to the chiefs, in order to teach them the Word of God, despite the resilience against such acts by others.

He lauded the Christendom for its massive impact in the nation, which has even had a toll on the National House of Chiefs, where he reiterated that engages in devotions before meetings commence. Such initiatives he said must be commended greatly and encouraged.

Concluding, he urged The Church of Pentecost, to focus more on its international mission activities where members need more directions and prayers.

Present were Nana Adubofo (Mawerehene), Nana Twafohene (Acting President of Twifo Heman Traditional Council), Nana Mensa Abrampa (Abusuapanin of Twifo Heman Traditional Area), Nana Agyeman (First Son of Twifo Heman Paramout Chief), Nana Adwoa Asor Obeng II (Queenmother of Twifo Heman Traditional Council), Nana Gyamfi (Brother of Twifo Heman Paramout Chief), Aunty Victoria (Siter of Twifo Heman Paramout Chief), Okyeame Oppong (Kyeame panin of Twifo Heman Paramout Chief), and Okyeame Akyena (Kyeame ketewa of Twifo Heman Paramout Chief).


The Church Of Pentecost Chairman Celebrates Easter With Persons With Disabilities

The Church Of Pentecost Chairman Celebrates Easter With Persons With Disabilities

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, spent this year’s Easter season in Koforidua, the Eastern Regional capital, sharing fellowship with members of the Koforidua Deaf Assembly of the church.

The Church of Pentecost, as part of its five-year strategic vision (Vision 2023) which has an overarching aim of ‘Possessing the Nations,’ established a separate ministry dedicated to Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) dubbed Ministry to Persons With Disabilities (MPWDs) to offer them the space to worship God without any impediments.

Joining the just-ended Koforidua Area Easter convention which took place at the Jubilee Park, Gallaway, Apostle Nyamekye took time off his busy schedule to interact with the members of the Deaf Assembly who took part in the convention.

In an interview with PENTECOST NEWS, Elder David Asante Agyei, Presiding Elder of the Deaf Assembly, said that his members could not hide their utmost joy and gratitude to God for the opportunity to join and celebrate the Easter together.

“When you make them feel that they are the same as you, they will rally and accept whatever you do,” he stated.

He disclosed that the Koforidua District Minister of the church, Pastor Akwasi Amo Afropong, has put in much effort to make services conducive for them whenever they meet together.

He mentioned that the opportunity to lead the Deaf Assembly became expedient for him to learn from them. He, therefore, urged all Christians to endeavour to learn sign language to help in smooth communication with PWDs during church service.

Elder Agyei further called on members of the church to approach persons with disabilities with smiles, especially deaf persons. According to him, they communicate through facial expressions, saying, “If even you cannot sign, a smile to them is enough.”

He noted that as the only officer of the church with the PWDs, previously the total number of deaf persons was 43. However, the number has currently increased to 82 due to the creation of the Ministry to Persons with Disabilities (MPWDs). This, he believed, has led to many people bringing their families and friends who are equally in same state to church.

He thanked the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, and the Koforidua Area Head, Apostle Samuel Osei Asante, as well as Pastor Akwasi Amo Afropong, Koforidua District Minister, for their immense support to the ministry.


Ablekuma Agape District Donates Items Worth Over GHS 12,000 To Nsawam Prisons

Ablekuma Agape District Donates Items Worth Over GHS 12,000 To Nsawam Prisons

The Ablekuma Agape District of The Church of Pentecost in Anyaa-Ablekuma Area, in partnership with Ablekuma Pentecost Prayer Centre, has donated assorted items worth about GHS12,000.00 to the Nsawam Female Prisons.

The gesture, which took place on Monday, April 18, 2022, was in line with the scriptures, where Jesus admonished His followers to show love to all persons, especially the vulnerable such as the sick, poor, destitute, prisoners, and the likes.

The assorted items included drugs of different kinds meant to cure different ailments, rice, sugar, assorted soap, toiletries, slippers, and many others.

Speaking to the Prisons Officers during the presentation, the Ablekuma Agape District Minister of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor Frank Awuah Fordjour, explained that the gesture was a way of showing love to the female inmates.

“It is something the church does every year to show love to humanity, especially prisoners and other vulnerable ones. We are not only supporting them in prayers, but also in kind,” he said.

Pastor Awuah commended the officers and inmates of the facility for keeping the place tidy.

“The place is kept very neat, especially the compound and their place of worship. The only challenge was their kitchen; they need a new one. I’m, therefore, pleading that anyone who is blessed and can assist in putting the kitchen in good shape should kindly do so as urgently as possible, and the Lord will bless him/her,” he pleaded.

The Ablekuma Pentecost Prayer Camp Leader, Elder Thomas Ansong, on his part, said that the female inmates need a lot to make their stay over there a bit more comfortable.

“Getting the opportunity to visit some of the officers’ offices, we realised that they lack furniture, especially tables and chairs. I will therefore plead that we help them with new furniture to ease their work. Again, other items such as clothes, food items, soaps, and anything that can help their stay can be given to them,” he stressed.

The Church of Pentecost Prisons Ministry National Executive Member, Elder Albert Narh, on his part, commended the Ablekuma Prayer Centre and the Agape District for their kind gesture.

He also urged individuals and institutions who can afford to show their love to the inmates.

The Officers expressed their appreciation and gratitude to the church, especially Ablekuma Agape District and the Ablekuma Pentecost Prayer Centre for their consistent support for the Nsawam Prisons.

Report Alex Nana Owusu Nkrumah.

Easter Convention Ends In Kwadaso Area

Easter Convention Ends In Kwadaso Area

The 2022 Easter Convention in the Kwadaso Area of The Church of Pentecost ended successfully on Sunday, April 17, 2022. The convention which was held in five zonal centres under the theme, “Jesus Christ, The Lamb Of God Who Takes Away The Sin Of The World” (John 1:29, 36), attracted thousands of church members from across the Area.

Speaking on the topic, “The Power of the Resurrection,” on Sunday to climax the convention at the Ahenema Kokoben Zone, the Kwadaso Area Head of the church, Apostle John Budu Kobina Tawiah, admonished Christians to take advantage of the power of the resurrection which has been released into their lives to have meaningful Christian lives.

Dwelling on Matthew 28:1-15 and Philippians 3:10, he recounted the resurrection narrative which started with the visit of some women disciples to the tomb. He stated that it was the women who first received the gospel before it reached the men. He, therefore, commended women for that feat and encouraged them to continue to testify about Christ.

Apostle Tawiah mentioned that Christ had already predicted His death and resurrection before it happened (Luke 18:31-33), saying, “Christ was aware of the humiliation He would suffer and offered to avail Himself for it.”

He wondered why Jesus kept quiet and allowed sinful men to humiliate Him even though He is God, concluding that it was within the plan of God that He should go through that shameful death for the sake of humanity.

“Jesus emptied Himself of His power and glory to suffer pain and by so doing offered us many blessings including wealth (2 Corinthians 8:9) and spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3-10),” he said, adding, “The reason why Christ suffered humiliation was to set us free from the power of sin and death. Through the beatings He suffered we received healing for sickness and He carried the punishment that should have come upon us.”

Apostle Tawiah identified the power of the resurrection as the Holy Spirit who raised Christ from the dead (Romans 8:11).

He further stated that the power of the resurrection is the power of salvation (Romans 1:16-17) which ensures the justification of believers (Philippians 3:9; Romans 10:4), sanctification, and the forgiveness of sin (1 Timothy 1:12-16).

He, therefore, advised Christians to live lives of righteousness which draws from the power of the resurrection.

He further stated that through His death and resurrection, Christ has been exalted to a high place (Philippians 2:9) and has overcome death (1 Corinthians 15:55-57).

Apostle John Budu Kobina Tawiah concluded by stating that, the resurrection of Christ has brought with it the assurance that when believers die they shall rise again (Romans 6:4-9; Philippians 3:20-21), saying, “By the resurrection, we know that death is not the end of our existence; it also strengthens our gospel.”

Many souls were won and baptised and others received Holy Ghost baptism and healings.

The atmosphere at the various zonal centres testified that members of the church were happy that for the first time in about two years, they have had the opportunity to hold an open-air convention devoid of COVID-19 restrictions.

Report by Kwadaso Area Media Team.