Birmingham District Of The Church Of Pentecost Supports Apeate Community

The Birmingham District of The Church of Pentecost in the United Kingdom has donated GH¢ 100,000.00 worth of relief items to the Apeate community in the Western Region of Ghana.

The items included 30 boxes of new clothes and bales of clothing for both adults and teenagers as well as children. Others were footwear, bags, shirts, and trousers.

Led by the Birmingham District Minister of the church, Pastor Wiseborn Agyare, and his team, the donation came from individual church members in fulfilment of Jesus’s saying in Matthew 25: 31-40 which encourages Christians to support people in distress. The church also added an amount of two thousand pounds to the items.

It will be recalled that in January this year, an explosion occurred in Apeate affecting over 3000 persons, displacing some while others sustained injuries and some deaths. Apart from government’s intervention for them, some corporate bodies and individuals continue to support them in various forms for life to return to normalcy.

Receiving the items in Accra, the International Missions Director of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, promised to ensure that the items get to the victims. He thanked the church in the UK, especially the Birmingham District for the gesture and blessed them for coming to the aid of the people of Apeate.

Report by Peggy Ama Donkor.

Jesus Is Powerful – Apostle Obeng Kesse

The Suame Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle John Obeng Kesse, has said that everything about Jesus is powerful and that He is the only one who wields absolute power.

“Everything about Jesus is powerful; His name is powerful, His blood is powerful, and all authorities and principalities are under his feet,” he charged as he addressed the thousands gathered at the Juaboso Town Park for yesterday’s evening session of the “Juaboso for Christ” crusade.

Quoting Hebrews 2:8-9, the Suame Area Head explained that God has put all things in subjection under the feet of Jesus, hence at the mention of His name, every knee bow in heaven, on earth and underneath.

He further indicated that Jesus’ preoccupation is to save all who are in the bondage of sin and death and grant them eternal life.

“Many people have great vision and professions in the world, but Jesus chose the business of redeeming sinners from sin and death,” he said.

He said that Jesus has power to save sinners from the kingdom of darkness of the evil and bring them into His kingdom of Light.

“The best part is that, Jesus’ power is translative, so He gives His power and authority to anyone who believes in Him to act in His name,” he said.

Apostle Obeng Kese, therefore, appealed to anyone contemplating suicide because of a hopeless situation they find themselves to reconsider their decision and rather come to faith in Christ, who is all-powerful and can save them from any predicament.

Do not die in your sin, believe in Jesus, and you will certainly experience the power in His name,” he said.


New Tafo Area Donates Food Items Worth GHC 20,000.00 To PENSEC

The New Tafo Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated food items worth GHC 20,000.00 to the Pentecost Senior High School (PENSEC) in Kumasi.

The gesture, which took place on Monday, October 24, 2022, was a response to the request made by the school through the New Tafo Area to the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye.

The items, which included 30 boxes of tomato paste, 17 boxes of mackerel, three boxes of sardine, two bags of sugar, 16 bags of rice, a bag of beans and groundnuts, were donated by a delegation led by the Area Head, Prophet Samuel Tetteh Doku.

Prophet Tetteh Doku revealed that the donation made under the auspices of the Head Office of The Church of Pentecost was to help mitigate the food shortage situation in the school. He expressed profound appreciation to the leadership of the Church for the support.

Receiving the items on behalf of the school, the Headmaster, Elder Albert Mensah, thanked the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, the Executive Council, the New Tafo Area Head and the pastorate for the kind gesture, saying, “The food items will go a long way to solve the food shortage situation facing the school.”  

He also appreciated the continued effort and support the Church provides for the school despite it being handed to government.

Members of the Area Executive Committee, the Area Women’s Ministry Executive Committee, a section of the New Tafo Area pastorate and wives, and staff of PENSEC, together with some students, were present at the short presentation ceremony.

Report by Dennis Owusu & Emmanuel Nana Nsiah

“Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way: Glory In Adversity” – Celebrating The Life Of Elder Sam-Boaz Eyabe Tembendann (1957-2022)

In contemporary times, many people profess to be serving God. However, if the service so rendered is viewed under a critical lens, one can conclude that the service they profess is linked to a perceived or expected benefit. God is YAHWEH, the Almighty, and all-knowing who is invincible, how then can mortals serve this invisibly great God in truth and sincerity?

This question begs for answers because we live in an era where most people profess faith in God and pursue religion yet, our society is bedeviled with social vices and keeps increasing at an alarming rate every day. So, in the face of this bleak picture, do we still have men who serve God regardless of their circumstances?

I was inspired to write this article when I attended the Memorial and Burial Service for the late Elder Sam -Boaz, in Suhum in the Eastern region of Ghana on Saturday, October 15, 2022. Sam -Boaz nicknamed “the fine boy” had one of his legs amputated at age five. Elder Sam – Boaz, “Chairman” as I affectionately called him, defied his disability at this tender age to, against all odds, succeed in life by pursuing God and serving Him till his last breath.

This article, therefore, explores what it means to serve God, the life, service, and commitment of Elder Sam- Boaz to the work and things of God, the impact he made on others in the process, and how his life could be studied as a model of service in contemporary times when sincere service without string benefits is running down the abyss.


The Lord God Almighty, the Elohim lives in unapproachable light. Therefore, the physical service of man to the Almighty is utterly impossible. However, Jesus Christ whiles on earth by His example showed the way to serve God, which was to serve fellow man. Any time we render sincere service to our fellow man, it is regarded as a service offered to God. Jesus used many parables to prove this to the disciples and moved on to set them an example.

“Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands and that he had come from God and was going back to God, rose from supper. He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him. He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, do you wash my feet?” Jesus answered him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand.” Peter said to him, “You shall never wash my feet.” Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, you have no share with me.”- John 13:3-8 (NIV)

The condition attached to service in the Kingdom of God according to the passage above was for the disciples to do the same. This means that all believers must render unquestionable service to one another in the kingdom while on earth as proof of their earned place and portion in heaven by their faith in Christ. It is regrettable, however, that many contemporary Christians seem to have lost sight of this. Many Christians today are selective in their service and consider the reward attached to a service before they offer and this has led to a decline in selfless service in the body of Christ today.

Elder Sam-Boaz, however, in this bleak picture chose to be a shining example of sincere service in contemporary times in the Lord’s vineyard by serving and impacting lives to the final ambers of his life. Even on his sick bed at the hospital, he led people to Christ and prayed for others to be healed of their infirmities.



Sam-Boaz affectionately called “fine boy” by his family and relatives was the 6th of nine siblings born on Saturday, March 23, 1957, to Escort Sgt. Mensah Bassare and Madam Rebecca Abena Baadeini all of blessed memory at the Cape Coast General Hospital.

As fate would have it, “fine boy” had one of his legs amputated at the knee level in 1962 at the tender age of 5 at the 37 Military Hospital when he got knocked down by a loaded tipper truck during a clay fetching expedition whiles staying in Accra.

Sam-Boaz defied all odds right from the hospital where nurses were amazed at his courage in the face of his pain to divulge information about his parents. This caused the nurses to nickname him “Samson”. Indeed nothing in life deterred “Samson Boaz” from reaching the top in life.


“Fine boy” pursued formal education from Anloga to Peki, and New Juaben Secondary School (NJUASCO), where he sat and passed his “Ordinary Level Certificate Exams” in 1979. It is recorded that Sam-Boaz caught the revival in (NJUASCO) around 1977/78 and was on fire since then till his final call to rest.

Sam-Boaz gained admission to the then Accra Polytechnic now Accra Technical University to read Accounting in 1981 and graduated successfully in 1984. It is said that, in his schooling days, he was a brilliant, principled young man who was on fire for God. His passion and love for God and the things of God were unquestionable.

“Fine Boy” though challenged physically, was never timid or sad but was always full of life and praised God for everything. Through his hard work and faith in God, he got employed at the then Ghana Commercial Bank Ltd, now GCB Bank, in 1988 where he worked until his voluntary retirement in 2015.


Sam-Boaz met and married Madam Janet Kyei on June 8, 1986, with whom he had three children. Their marriage life was an example to many for theirs was a pillar of support and help for each other since you couldn’t see one without the other. His wife described him as her best friend who made her life so beautiful – a great giver, and an intercessor who provided everything she needed. The children noted that his love for their Mum was like the one Christ have for the church and described their father as a man of faith and prayer who delved deeper into the word of God like no other.


The church described him as an Elder with an Apostolic calling. Elder Sam-Boaz was baptized in water by Pastor Offei Badu and was later ordained as an Elder by Aps. Prof. Opoku Onyinah (Rtd.) after he led a prayer against a windstorm that was threatening to destroy their convention. He went on to preside over many assemblies in Peki and Suhum when he was transferred there in 1994. Key among the positions held in the church were District executive committee member, and the Board Chairman for Suhum Pentecost Credit Union (SUPENCU) until his home calling.

The church leadership described him as a pillar and a philanthropist who supported the church in every way.


His year group in Scripture Union from Peki said he was a great leader who practically raised people like Apostle Dr. Dela Quampah, the Area Head for Ho and an International Executive Member of The Church of Pentecost (CoP), Apostle Seth Fianko-Larbi, National Head, CoP, Kenya, ArchBishop Brans-Inno Harrison of Fire Eagles Ministries International, Rev. Cephas Asigbetse of Assemblies of God, Rt. Rev. Prosper Dzormeku, Moderator of the Global Evangelical Church of Ghana among others who are ministers wives, Doctors, Professors, etc.

Until his demise, he was a member of a prayer group led by Overseer Jones Dwomoh Amankwah (the author of this article) who prays weekly for the church and the work of missions and missionaries together with Overseer Philemon Amoani and other Elders, Deacons, and Deaconesses. His passion for souls led him to evangelize to everyone at the least opportunity and that influenced his dedicated life of intercession.


It is worth reminiscing, how dedicated Elder Sam-Boaz was to the work of God even with his disability. Elder Boaz’s passionate, selfless and committed life has thrown a challenge to us, and to generations unborn that indeed “where there is a will, there is a way”, and “disability is not inability”. Even on retirement, Elder Boaz worked to help raise SUPENCO to enviable feet without any remuneration or allowance. If in his condition as a physically challenged person he could serve God and impact life this much, then those of us fully functional have no excuse not to give our all to God.

It is, therefore, not surprising that Executive Council Members could not hold themselves but to dance to the glory of God at the Spirit-filled memorial and Burial Service which was held in his honor at Suhum. It is a testament to the fact that they that serve the Lord well are rewarded and glorified even in their death.

The implication of the life of Elder Sam-Boaz, as a man who lived with disability and yet served God with fire, is that ministry to “Persons Living with Disability” (PLwD) as enshrined in the Church of Pentecost Vision 2023 and beyond is a timely call – for God, can raise many “Sam-Boazs” through this ministry.


It is appointed unto man to die once, however, the value of one’s life is determined by the lives he transforms whiles he had the opportunity to do so. Elder Boaz never blamed God for his predicament but served Him nonetheless, to the best of his ability to the end. May the spirit of Elder Sam-Boaz be poured on us even as he marches on to glory. Amen!

Written by:

Jones Dwomoh Amankwah (Ovr.)

Tel. 0243881408

© October 2022

Seek God’s Anointing For Greater Impact – Evangelist Ohene-Asa Otu To Christians

The Sefwi Juaboso Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Evangelist Shadrach Ohene-Asa Otu, has advised Christians to be intentional about receiving the anointing of God for greater impact in life and ministry.

Evangelist Otu said this yesterday during the morning session of the “Juaboso for Christ” crusade at the Juaboso Central Assembly church auditorium.

Speaking on the topic: “The Double Portion Anointing” with 2 Kings 2:6-10 as his main scripture reference, the Sefwi- Juaboso Area Head said that each day the Lord gives Christians is an opportunity for them to seek good things from God through prayer. One of the things which, according to him, every Christian must seek in prayer is the anointing of God, he added.

Touching on the benefits of the anointing, Evangelist Otu explained that the one who is anointed has their words (speech) backed with evidence because anything they say comes to pass.

He further explained that an anointed person is not intimidated by anything or anyone, works signs and wonders (miracle worker), leads a life of holiness, righteousness and good character, and is “untouchable.”

“The anointing also brings life, breaks yokes (burdens), makes you a changed person and unique, brings about promotion, and grants you access to the deep things (mysteries) of God,” he said.

He, therefore, urged believers, in particular, to always yearn for a double portion of the anointing of God as Elisha requested of his master, Elijah.

To receive the anointing of God, Evangelist Ohene-Asa Otu said that one must first believe in Jesus Christ and be born again. 

“As a child of God, you must ask for the power and the gift of the Holy Spirit through prayers and always wait upon the Lord,” he said.

The Sefwi-Juaboso Area Head also urged them to be determined and participate actively in congregational worship and fellowship in seeking a double portion of God’s anointing.


Anyaa-Ablekuma Area Women’s Ministry Organises 3-Day Retreat

The Anyaa-Ablekuma Area Women’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, led by Deaconess Belinda Asumadu, has organised a three-day retreat for ministry executive committee members at the various levels in the Area. 

The event, held under the theme: “Ideal Woman, Arise and Possess Your Spheres,” took place at The Church of Pentecost Prayer Centre, Agape, from October 13 to 15, 2022. Speakers of the event were Apostle William Ohemeng-Kwakye (Area Head), his wife, Mrs. Comfort Ohemeng-Kwakye, Pastor Jacob Asare (Amamorley District Minister) and Pastor Emmanuel Teye Sackitey (Anyaa District Minister).

Other speakers were Deaconess Margaret Osei (Immediate-past Women’s Ministry Deputy Director, The Church of Pentecost) and Deaconess Charity Korwonu (Tema Area Women’s Ministry Leader).

Speaking on the topic: “The Woman and Her Ministry” on the first day of the event, Mrs. Comfort Ohemeng-Kwakye, emphasised that ministry is service and to understand one’s ministry, the individual must first identify their gift. 

She revealed that a woman eager to serve must have constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit for renewal of strength. 

Mrs. Ohemeng-Kwakye charged the leaders to exhibit maturity in their leadership since it takes a mature leader to raise members to be mature. 

She, therefore, advised them to pray earnestly and yearn for the anointing since that makes the difference. 

Mrs. Margaret Osei, in turn, spoke on the topic: “Leadership Skills.” In her presentation, she said a leader is one who has authority to direct a group of people. 

According to her, God has given women various ministries or offices to serve according to their abilities (Matthew 25:11-15). 

“Leaders are responsible for taking care of God’s people with unselfish devotion, and they must be determined, bold and courageous because there will be oppositions,” she cautioned.

Touching on qualities of a good leader, Mrs Margaret Osei mentioned that women in leadership ought to be visionary, innovative, self-motivated, able to unite, forgiving and strategic. 

Deaconess Charity Kuwornu also educated the participants on the various personalities and how they influence on one’s leadership. 

She explained that personality is the intrinsic organisation of a person’s mental wealth that is stable over time and consistent over situations. 

Her presentation highlighted the various personality traits, which include: Neuroticism, Extra Version, Openness to Experience, Introversion, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. 

She also mentioned “Border Line Personality,” “Histrionic Personality,” “Narcissist Personality,” “Paranoid Personality,” “Schizoid Personality,” “Avoidant Personality,” and “Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder” as some of the personality disorders that leaders must eschew at all cost in order to successful.

She, however, emphasised that, irrespective of the differences in personalities, they must be faithful and honest in delivering their duties as Christian leaders. 

Participants were also schooled on the four temperaments (Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic and Phlegmatic) by Pastor Jacob Asare, whilst Pastor Emmanuel Teye Sackitey handled the topic “Strengthening Our Spiritual Gifts and the Fruits of the Spirit.”

Climaxing the retreat, Apostle Ohemeng-Kwakye spoke on the topic: “Effective Collaboration Between the Minister’s Wife and the Women’s Ministry Leader” using Matthew 18:19-20; Amos 3:3 and Titus 2:3-5 as his anchor texts.

In his presentation, he explained the similarities and differences in the role of the Minister’s Wife and the Women’s Ministry Leader, and charged both parties to respect each other and show the spirit of unity which exemplifies Christ. 

In all, 480 participants, including 17 ministers’ wives and eight pastors, attended the retreat. 

Report by Anyaa Ablekuma Area Media Team

50-Year-Old Woman Miraculously Healed Of Protracted Bone Pain

Mrs. Susanna Ameyaw of the Bokabo District of The Church of Pentecost, who had been experiencing excruciating pain in her bones for many years, received instant healing during Day 2 of the “Juaboso for Christ” crusade.

She shared her testimony with the thousands gathered at the Juaboso Town Park for the event, yesterday.

Speaking to PENTECOST NEWS on the sidelines of the event, the mother of five said the condition had made life very unbearable and made it difficult for her to work on her farm, which is the source of her livelihood.

According to her, she would have gone to the hospital to seek medical attention, but for financial constraints. So, when Elder Stephen Awuah Kesse of the Agona Prayer Centre-Tarkwa, called out for persons who needed a touch of God to come forward to be prayed for, she saw that as a golden opportunity and quickly joined many others upfront.

“When the speaker said God is about healing someone of bone disease, I instantly felt that I was the one he was referring to and accepted it by faith. And surely, right after he said the prayer, the pain was gone,” she said.

Madam Susanna, who could not stop thanking God, shed tears of joy for the miracle she had received, saying: “Our God is indeed a good God. He knew I could not afford to go to the hospital for treatment, so He healed me Himself. May His name be praised.”

The “Juaboso for Christ” crusade is being jointly held by the Sefwi Juaboso Area of The Church of Pentecost and the Evangelism Ministry. The event is under the theme: “Jesus, the Only Saviour of the World.” (John 4:42).


Don’t Allow Anything To Overshadow Your Faith – Christians Told

Elder Stephen Awuah Kesse, Leader of the Agona Prayer Centre in the Tarkwa Area of The Church of Pentecost, has advised Christians to be resolute in their faith in all situations.

According to him, Christians can always find hope even in times of distress, stressing that “hope is found in Jesus alone. So, when you feel that all is lost, know that Jesus gives hope.”

Elder Awuah Kesse was speaking on Day 2 of the “Juaboso for Christ” crusade being jointly held by the Sefwi Juaboso Area and the Evangelism Ministry at Juaboso Town Park.

Dwelling on the story of the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5:25-34, Elder Kesse said it took just a day for the woman to meet her destiny helper.

He, therefore, urged Christians to be hopeful in the Lord and trust that, in the appointed time, He will also come through for them.

“Men may neglect you, but God will never forsake you. It takes a day in the life of everyone to meet their destiny helper,” he said.

Elder Awuah Kesse also advised believers to be extra cautious during difficult times because the devil usually takes advantage of their predicaments to sway them from the Christian faith.

“We are always waging war against Satan over the faith we have in Christ Jesus. Do not allow your mind, which is the battleground, to be dominated by the words of friends and relatives or the deceit of the devil. Take a bold decision and be determined to walk with Jesus,” he advised.

Elder Awuah Kesse also urged Christians to take inspiration from the testimonies of others who demonstrated great faith in the Lord in difficult situations and were rewarded for it. 

“The touch of Jesus brings liberty and wholeness. Just believe in the power of Jesus; He will turn your situations around,” he said.


Sefwi Juaboso Area Head Pays Courtesy Call On Juaboso Chief

The Sefwi Juaboso Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Evangelist Shadrach Ohene-Asa Otu, led a church delegation to pay a courtesy on Nana Ehwi-Arma II, Chief of Juaboso, at his palace yesterday.

The purpose of the visit was to officially inform and invite the chief and his elders to the “Juaboso for Christ” crusade taking place at the Juaboso Town Park.

The church delegation included Pastor Frank Awuah Fordjour, the Outreach Coordinator for the Evangelism Ministry, and Pastor Paul Oppong Korankye, the Sefwi Juaboso District Minister.

The team was warmly received by Nana Ehwi-Arma and his elders.

He expressed delight at the visit and assured the team of his full support towards a successful programme. He also assured them he would participate in the event with his elders.

Nana Ehwi-Arma also called on the church to keep supporting him in prayer.

Evangelist Ohene-Asa Otu prayed for the chief and for the prosperity of the entire Juaboso community.

The “Juaboso for Christ” crusade kickstarted yesterday despite a heavy downpour. The event is under the theme: “Jesus, the Only Saviour of the World” (John 4:42).


Eschew Tribalism And Discrimination – Apostle Dr. Dieudonne Nuekpe Admonishes Believers

Apostle Dr. Dieudonne Komla Nuekpe, the La Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, has called on Christians to eschew tribalism and discrimination.

Speaking recently at the Alajo District Central assembly of the church on the theme, “Restoring the Biblical Identity of the Church Through Love to Possess the Nations” – Genesis 12: 1-4; Exodus 19:3-6; and Isaiah 42: 6, Apostle Dr. Nuekpe explained that the church emanated from the Jews through one man called Abraham who became light through whom God used to reach out to the world.

He explained that the Jews had a special mandate to be God’s “treasured possession,” “priestly kingdom,” and “holy nation” but they failed in that regard by allowing themselves to be adulterated.

“God expects anyone that joins the church to be a bearer of light through the love of Christ with a common goal and vision,” he said, adding, “There should not be room for tribal differences or discrimination in the church due to its peculiar and holy nature. This way, no crooked person can lead.”

To fully understand the identity of a group, he said, one should study their history, core mandate, vision, and mission, saying, “Until members understand the Vision 2023 agenda, what it seeks to achieve and their mandate, they cannot achieve their target.”

Apostle Dr. Dieudonne Nuekpe, therefore, admonished Christians to eschew any element of discrimination in the church where individuals only identify themselves with members of their ethnic groups in the church.

“We must not allow the cultural values and practices of the world to affect the church and the good values in Christ,” he stressed.

Reading further from 1 Peter 2: 9; Psalm 67: 1-7, he called on Christians to demonstrate the love of Christ to all persons to draw more people to Christ.

“Christians are to spread the sweet fragrance and aroma of Christ in order to affect the world positively. Let us reflect on the message of love we preach to the world,” he added

He called on members of the church to relate well with their neighbours in their communities, stressing that “until we change our attitude and behaviour towards one another, we can never possess the nations.”

Concluding his sermon, Apostle Dr. Dieudonne Nuekpe said that the church is a new community that has to reflect the beauty of Christ and that there should be harmony in the church of God.

Report by Gina Akua Padi.