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Couple Donates Accident & Emergency Block To Sefwi Wiawso Municipal Hospital

Mr. Ramus and Mrs. Elizabeth Nyame Kwofie, both members of the Wiawso Central Assembly of The Church of Pentecost, have singlehandedly constructed an ultramodern Accident and Emergency Block for the Sefwi Wiawso Municipal Hospital in the Western North Region of Ghana.

The facility, constructed at a total cost of GHS 1.4 million, was formally handed over to the hospital during a special ceremony held on November 17, 2022.

Speaking to PENTECOST NEWS in an interview, Mr Kwofie, the Chief Executive Officer of Raycof Group of Companies and the Queen Elizabeth Hotel at Sefwi Wiawso, said the Lord laid on his heart to put up the facility after a visit to the hospital.

The hospital did not have an Accident and Emergency Unit, as a result, they had used a veranda for a makeshift unit. The unit had only four beds so many patients had to settle for a place on the floor for treatment.

According to him, he was deeply moved by the sorry sight of patients lying on the floor with drips and decided to put up a suitable facility to deal with the challenge.

Mr. Kwofie said he met with hospital officials and declared his intention to put up the facility. The elated officials gave him a proposed building plan and the estimated budget for the project. 

Mr. Kwofie admitted that he was intimidated by the amount involved, but he took confidence in the fact that it was the Lord who had commissioned him to do it.

“So, I told my wife about it, and we prayed for the Lord to grant us the needed resources to complete the project. And to the glory of God, we were able to do it within a year,” he said.

The newly-commissioned block is able to accommodate 40 patients at a time, and the couple is hopeful that it would aid the operations of the hospital and enable them to serve patients better.

Report by Elder Cosmos Nana Bennie.

Pastor Paul Elisha Kesse Rtd. Goes Home

Pastor Paul Elisha Kesse Rtd. Goes Home

The mortal remains of the late Pastor Paul Elisha Kesse (rtd), was interred on Saturday, November 26, 2022, after a burial and memorial service was held in his honour at Abirem Methodist School Park, Kumasi, in the Ashanti region.

The solemn service, which was officiated by the New Tafo Area Head, Prophet Samuel Tetteh Doku, with assistance from the Area pastorate, was attended by a host of active and retired ministers of the Church.

In a sermon on the topic: “When we die, we will rise again,” based on John 11:25-26, Apostle John Budu Kobina Tawiah, (Kwadaso Area Head), emphatically acknowledged that death is not the end of life for there is a lively hope to be enjoyed by believers after the earthly transition.

The Kwadaso Area Head revealed mysteries surrounding the next life for the faithful in Christ Jesus and called on all who have not come to know the Son of God to decide before they live to regret on the day of reckoning.

The late Pastor Paul Elisha Kesse (rtd), 74, was called into the full-time Ministry of The Church of Pentecost in 1986. He served in six duty stations including Ampaha District (1986-1990), Sepe-Buokrom District (1990-1993), Kasapin District (1993-1999), Agona Swedru District, now Chapel Square (1999-2004), Sefwi Asanwinso District (2004-2009), and Takoradi Kwesimintsim District (2009-2013).

The service, among other things, presented an opportunity for the wife, Mrs. Mary Asieduwaa Kesse, the children, and the General Council to offer glowing tributes about the deceased minister.

Pastor Paul Elisha Kesse is survived by two children.

Report by Dennis Owusu & Emmanuel Nana Nsiah

PIWC-Graceland Organises “RMU Campus Crusade”

PIWC-Graceland Organises “RMU Campus Crusade”

Pentecost International Worship Centre, Graceland (PIWC-Graceland) organised a two-day evangelism crusade on the campus of the Regional Maritime University (RMU) as part of activities to mark the “November Aggressive Evangelism Month” being observed in The Church of Pentecost nationwide.

The event, which was held from November 18 to 19, 2022, had Pastor Felix Okyere Anti (Resident Minister) and Pastor Gabriel Nti (PENSA Travelling Secretary, Madina Sector) as the main speakers.

The crusade also featured song ministrations by Kobby Mante and Elder Shadrach Yeboah, Grace Choir (Resident choir of PIWC-Graceland) and PENSA-RMU Harmonics. 

At the end of the event, a total of 10 souls were won, with four receiving water baptism on the RMU campus, while 21 others rededicated their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.

In a related development, a street evangelism exercise embarked upon by the entire presbytery and members of PIWC-Graceland last Sunday, after church service, yielded 20 souls to the glory of God.

Led by the leadership of the Church, the congregation marched through principal inner roads within the community proclaiming the gospel message of Christ to the residents and other bystanders.

Report by PIWC-Graceland Media Team

“Festival Of Worship, Word & Wonders” Records 116 Souls

“Festival Of Worship, Word & Wonders” Records 116 Souls

A total of 116 souls, comprising 74 adults and 42 children, were recorded during the maiden edition of the ‘Festival of Worship, Word and Wonders’ event organised by the Nsakina New Town District of The Church of Pentecost.

The weeklong event, which took place from November 7 to 13, 2022, at the Nsakina Methodist Park, also recorded many miracles to the glory of God.

The programme, held under the theme, “The God of Great Wonders” (Psalm 77:13-15), brought together seasoned gospel artistes such as Deaconess Piesie Esther, Deacon Sammy Baah, and Jake Alolome. 

The event also featured Apostle Dr. Amos Jimmy Markin (Director, Evangelism Ministry), Pastor Manasseh Mintah (Atimatim District, New Tafo Area), Elder Kwesi Delali, and Elder Prince Mark (CEO, PrinceMark Group of Companies) as main speakers.

The crowds of over 1000 that gathered for the event were particularly moved by the various instant healings that took place at the event, including that of Erica Bosompemaa of Salem Assembly in Nsakina New Town District, who for several months could not bend her right arm because of severe pain in the elbow, but was instantly healed at the event. 

Elizabeth Wonyo of New Life Assembly in Mallam suffered from waist and leg pains as a result of a vehicular accident she was involved in. She, thus, had difficulty walking and squatting, but after prayers, she could do all that with much ease and gladness.

For two years, Sarah Ocran of Nsakina Central Assembly had difficulty standing due to a bone fracture. This was, however, remedied supernaturally after prayer. She could now stand and walk briskly around with much ease and no pain.

Also, Paulina Awuduwaa of Salem Assembly in Nsakina New Town District complained of experiencing stroke-like symptoms such as having a burning sensation within her body, stiffness in the arms and legs and general body weakness. After the prayer session, she felt the touch of the Lord and was relieved of all those experiences. She went home free from the burning sensation, stiffness and body weakness.

Victoria Koranteng, also of Salem Assembly, suffered severe pain in an ear, which made hearing quite hard. She testified of the absence of the pain in the ear after the prayer.

At the climax of the programme, Pastor Samuel Acheampong, the host minister, thanked God for His leading, which, according to him, was the main contributory factor to the successful event. He also acknowledged the roles played by the various planning teams put in place. 

The Anyaa Ablekuma Area Head, Apostle William Ohemeng-Kwakye, who joined congregants for the event climax with his wife, Mrs Comfort Ohemeng-Kwakye, encouraged the members to continue to have faith in God and rely on Him in all their endeavours. 

He led the congregation in a time of intercession for the peace and economic stability of the nations of the world, particularly, Ghana.

Report by Nsakina New Town District

The Church of Pentecost Hosts Bible League’s ‘Project Philip Training’

The Church of Pentecost Hosts Bible League’s ‘Project Philip Training’

The Nsakina New Town District in the Anyaa Ablekuma Area of The Church of Pentecost has hosted a one-day workshop on effective soul-winning and disciple-making strategies organised by Bible League Ghana.

The Bible League Ghana is a Christian non-denominational organisation that partners with local churches, mission groups and other Christian organisations to fulfil the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ. They do this by organising training workshops in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting, as well as, providing Bibles and Bible study materials to churches and Christian groups.

The workshop, dubbed ‘The Project Philip Training’, was held on Saturday, November 5, 2022, at Emmanuel Assembly church building. The event recorded 175 participants – 145 of them came from the Nsakina New Town District; the others joined from other denominations, namely; Assemblies of God – Reigners Chapel, True Believers Pentecostal Ministry, Methodist Church of Ghana, and Heavens Sheep-Gate Chapel, all in Nsakina. 

The lessons, which were facilitated by the Country Director of Bible League Ghana, Rev. Dr. Ahmed Quarshie, and their Training Coordinator, Evangelist Daniel Obuba, focused on practical ways to engage others in personal witnessing, the presentation of the Gospel message, and the use of small groups in disciple-making. 

In attendance were six of the international leaders of the organisation, in the persons of Rob Bullock (USA), Jared Martins (USA), Chester Cameron (USA), Kelly Gracia (USA), Henk Van Der Voort (the Netherlands) and Wijbe Sijens (the Netherlands). Head Pastors of some of the participating churches also attended the workshop. They were Rev. Emmanuel Addae (Assemblies of God) and Rev. Edward Anane (True Believers).

Report by Nsakina New Town District


Courtship – The Christian Perspective

The word courtship lends itself to many interpretations based on culture, religious affiliation and sometimes denomination. Despite the varied connotations, one thing stands out for Christians. Courtship for Christians describes the period wherein a would-be couple gets to know each other prior to marriage. The purpose of the relationship is well-defined and made known to family and sometimes the church. Though courtship is not explicitly mentioned in the scriptures, sound doctrine regarding chastity, sexual purity, and the right way of contracting marriage provide direction as to how it should be conducted. 

Thus, flowing from the principles of sound doctrine, courtship begins after parents, guardians or church leaders are made aware of the intention to enter into marriage. However, parties are not expected to live as married couples or commit themselves in any intimate way. On the other hand, the ‘worldly’ view of courtship seems to encourage cohabitation, intimate relationships with no direction towards marriage, and sometimes jumping into relationships for fun. Thus, to distinguish between dating and courtship, John Piper, a renowned theologian and Christian author, posits that courtship ordinarily begins when a single man conducts his relationship with a single woman under the authority of her guardians, or church after they have been made aware of his intention to marry her. Conversely, in dating, the man or the woman initiates a ‘more than friends’ relationship with the other and then conducts that relationship outside any oversight or authority. 

Some factors make courtship needful. Most importantly, marriage contraction takes time. Thus, the time lag between the declaration of intent to guardians and the blessing of the marriage is the courtship period. During this period, certain relevant pieces of information about the person’s background, medical history, and profession are confirmed by both parties as well as their parents or guardians. Sadly, there are many instances where people have been deceived by outward appearances and statements of would-be husbands or wives. Out of trust, such persons did not care to even find out where they lived, confirm their professions, meet their family and, in some instances, ask more questions about previous marriages and children if there were any. In such cases, the consequences have not been too pleasant. 

Also, the period of courtship allows both parties to avail themselves for counselling prior to the marriage. Premarital counselling basically prepares and equips both parties by helping them identify and discuss important issues. These include temperaments, long-term goals, finances, expectations, roles, intimacy, sex, and career goals. Counsellors draw attention to important details one is likely to gloss over due to either ignorance or youth exuberance, thereby shaping one’s perspectives on marriage. Premarital counselling may span between three to six months, depending on the denomination or church of both parties. 

It is important to state that, aside from the advantages, this period comes with its temptations. Thus, both parties need to exercise discipline and be discretional in their decision-making. No-go areas include intimacy, holding joint bank accounts, sleeping over during weekends, making huge investments or acquiring landed properties together and cohabiting, among others. Since courtship is not synonymous with marriage, one must be careful and walk circumspectly. 

Written by Mrs. Nana Adwoa Owusu-Boateng (PENSA, Sunyani Sector)

Elder Amoah & Family Build Awaso Central Assembly Church Auditorium

Elder Amoah & Family Build Awaso Central Assembly Church Auditorium

Elder Prince and Mrs. Margret Amoah of Santasi District of The Church of Pentecost have put up a 350 seating-capacity church auditorium for Awaso Central Assembly in the Sefwi Bekwai area of the Church.

The local assembly, which was created in 1965, used to worship in a building that had developed some structural defects.

According to Elder Prince Amoah, who grew up in Awaso, the Lord laid it upon his heart to put up a church building in the Sefwi Bekwai Area, and in consultation with the Area Executive Committee decided for the said building to be put up in the Awaso District. 

Subsequently, a sod was cut on March 10, 2022, for the commencement of the project. The building project was completed eight months later.

The Amoah family also donated seven executive chairs, 358 chairs and a set of musical instruments to the local assembly – all amounting to GH¢ 764,694.00.

Apostle Yaw Agyei-Kwarteng, an Executive Council Member and Bompata Area Head of the Church, dedicated the building on behalf of the Chairman of the Church on November 22, 2022.

He expressed much gratitude to the Amoah family and admonished all Christians to honour the Lord with their substance. 

Also present at the ceremony were the Sefwi Bekwai Area Head, Apostle E. K. Osei Ofosu, the Sefwi Bekwai area pastorate and their wives, as well as some ministers from Bompata and Kwadaso areas. 

Report by Pastor Austin K. Fuachie (Bayerebon District)

Elder Amoah & Family Builds Magnificent Mission House For Miaso District

Elder Amoah & Family Builds Magnificent Mission House For Miaso District

Prince Amoah, the Chief Executive Officer of Prince Mark Company Limited, who is an elder of The Church of Pentecost in Santasi District, Kumasi, has built a magnificent mission house worth GH₵ 575, 025, for Miaso District in the Nkawkaw Area of the Church.

The elder and his family have also furnished the building with modern facilities.

The 4-bedroom apartment was dedicated by the Chairman of the Church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, on Friday, November 25, 2022. The Chairman was assisted by the Eastern RCC Co-ordinator who doubles as the Koforidua Area Head and an Executive Council Member, Apostle Mike Etrue, and the Nkawkaw Area Head, Prophet Foster Aniakwaa.

Dedicating the building, Apostle Nyamekye read from 2 Samuel 16:5, Psalms 3 and 4, and said that David kept running from his son Absalom who purposed to kill him for the throne. He iterated that this was due to the advice of Ahithophel who kept feeding Absalom with wise counsel in fulfilling this feat.

He urged members of the church to concentrate on doing the work of God since He has set his people aside for good works, saying, “Set the Lord as your number one priority and be holy in your heart. When this is done, you will receive generational blessings.”

Apostle Nyamekye mentioned that sometimes it is good to show one’s displeasure in anger. He, however, cautioned that they should not allow anger to control their actions because prolonged anger breeds sin.

“When you allow the sun to set on your anger, demonic spirits can take over your body. Therefore, when you become angry, be careful it does not last for long,” he stated.

Apostle Nyamekye expressed his profound appreciation to Elder Amoah and his family for their numerous benevolent acts and support to the church.

Reading the history of the project, the Miaso District Minister, Pastor Samuel Appiah Mante, revealed that the idea of construction came up when Elder Prince Amoah attended his welcome service where he donated a brand-new pick-up and an amount of money to drill a borehole for the district.

Speaking to PENTECOST NEWS, Elder Amoah iterated that he and his family saw the need to construct a new mission house for the district.

He expressed his gratitude to God for using him as a vessel of honour for his household, stating, “If God placed it on my heart and I did not respond, that would have been a disaster. I thank the Lord for this opportunity.”

The district presented citations and other gifts to Elder Prince Amoah and his wife, Mrs Margaret Amoah for their benevolent acts to the church.

Present were Nana Bamfo (Oworobong Chief), Nana Ntiamoah (Pillar 10 Chief), Nana Agyapong (Miaso Chief), and other traditional leaders from the surrounding towns.

Also in attendance were Mrs Mary Nyamekye (wife of the Chairman), Apostle Samuel Nana Yaw Agyei (Kade Area Head), Apostle Francis Yaw Adu (Nsawam Area Head), Apostle Seth Kwaku Asomaning (Akim Oda Area Head), Apostle Patrick Aseyoro (Suhum Area Head), and Pastor Stephen Okyere Acheampong (Effiduase Area Head).

Elder Prince Amoah, a well known philanthropist, has supported many projects in Awaso, Sefwi Ahwiaso, CBCB in the Northern Regions, and other Areas and nations in the church.


Odorkor Area Launches Chieftaincy Ministry

Odorkor Area Launches Chieftaincy Ministry

The Odorkor Area Chieftaincy Ministry was formally launched yesterday with a clarion call on Christian royals to let the light of Christ reign in their lives and palaces.

The colourful event, which took place at the Odorkor Central Assembly church auditorium, was officiated by the National Coordinator of the Chieftaincy Ministry, Apostle Vincent Anane Denteh, who is also as an Executive Council Member of the Church and the Director of the Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM). 

He was assisted by Apostle Isaac Tetteh Judah, the Odorkor Area Head, Apostle Lt. Col. Benjamin Godson Kumi-Woode, a member of the National Executive Committee of the Chieftaincy Ministry and Resident Minister of Burma Camp Worship Centre, Apostle Dr. Christian Tsekpoe, Director of School of Theology, Mission and Leadership (STML), and the Area pastorate.

Speaking on the topic: “Arise and Shine to Possess the Nations” with Isaiah 60:1-3 as scripture reference, Apostle Lt. Col. B.G. Kumi-Woode explained that the world has been in darkness from the very beginning.

Reading Genesis 1:1-2, he said that God created the sun, moon and stars to provide light on the earth because the earth was created in total darkness.

“The earth receives light from the sun; on its own the earth is darkness. The part of the earth where the sun shines is called day, and the other part without sunlight is called night. Even till today, the earth is darkness, but for the sunlight God created,” he said.

The Burma Camp Resident Minister of the Church further explained that there are two kinds of darkness – physical and spiritual.

He said that physical darkness is the literal absence of light, adding that “where there is no light, there is no sense of direction, no growth, and no progress,”

Spiritual darkness, on the other, he explained, is humanity’s ignorance of God or the lack of the knowledge of God.

According to him, wherever there is spiritual darkness sin, wickedness, injustice, degradation of the earth and other forms of evil reign.

He, therefore, stressed that humanity requires light to dispel darkness in every form. 

“When light arrives, darkness flees. Darkness only reigns in the absence of light, and darkness can never coexist with darkness,” he observed.

He explained that physical light is power, energy, civilisation, truth and deliverance, however, the light of the Gospel is more powerful than physical light.

“God is light; in Him, there is no darkness. The gospel is the light of God. We must, therefore, allow the light of God into our lives, marriages, palaces and communities,” he urged.

He noted that God has given His light to Christians to dispel darkness from the earth (Matthew 5:14-16).

He, therefore, advised Christian royals to let the light of God permeate their palaces to drive away darkness that could undermine their reign.

After a time of prayer, Apostle Vincent Anane-Denteh proceeded to inaugurate the Chieftaincy Ministry Committee of the Area, comprising Elder Nana Isaac Nii Laryea Quartey (Chairman), Elder Nana Aboagye-Mensah Kadewura III (Secretary), Pastor Opuni Boateng (Coordinator), Elder Okofo Nana Boakye Yiadom I and Elder Nana Anthony Kwaku Kwarteng, 

The other members are Pastor James Magyam, Deaconess Nana Rosemary Dede Amu Clottey and Deaconess Nana Bramma II.

The committee is tasked to reach out to chiefs and royals within the Area and bring them to the saving knowledge of Christ Jesus.

Among other things, it is also required to mobilise all royals in the Church for effective ministry to royals, coordinate royal conferences, organise training programmes and retreats for royals and report on the activities of the chieftaincy ministry during the Church’s reporting periods.

In response, Elder Nana Nii Laryea Quartey, on behalf of the committee, thanked the leadership of the Area for the high honour done them to serve in this capacity and pledged their commitment to ensuring the ministry makes the desired impact.

Also present were Deaconess Nana Abuna I, the Chief of Essipong and a National Executive Committee member of the Chieftaincy Ministry, chiefs and their elders, as well as officers and members of area.


Tema Area Chieftaincy Ministry Executive Committee Inaugurated

Tema Area Chieftaincy Ministry Executive Committee Inaugurated

An 8-Member Committee has been inaugurated to run the Chieftaincy Ministry of The Church of Pentecost in the Tema Area of the Church.

The committee was inaugurated on Saturday, November 26, 2022, at the Robert Acquaah Memorial Temple, Tema Community Four District, by the National Co-ordinator of the Chieftaincy Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Vincent Anane Denteh.

Members of the committee are Pastor Emmanuel Yaw Minkah (Area Co-ordinator), Elder Nene Emmanuel Katey (Chairman) and Elder Nene Fred Asatsi Ayisah (Secretary).

The rest are Nene Dameh Borni (Member), Elder Paul Ocansey (Member), Elder Frank Donko (Member), Elder Francis Abakley (Member) and Pastor Samuel K. Koomson (Co-opted Member).

In a sermon delivered by the Tema Area Head, Apostle Emmanuel Ofei Ankra-Badu based on Psalm 78:70-72; Luke 16:10-13, he called on leaders, especially traditional rulers to show a high level of integrity, honesty, selflessness, and fairness, in ruling the people.

According to him, chiefs represent God’s authority on earth. Therefore, God has entrusted to their care both human and natural resources to take care of to inure to the benefit of the people.

Apostle Ankra-Badu indicated that God chose David, the shepherd boy, to become the king of Israel because David’s heart was right before God, had a sacrificial spirit and also feared God.

“These are qualifications that bring people into leadership at all levels. God is looking for people whose hearts are right, people who are selfless, and people who fear Him to entrust leadership responsibilities to their care,” he stated.

Touching on sacrificial leadership, he explained that while taking care of the flock in the field, David laid down his life for the sheep and fought wild animals that attempted to devour the sheep.

On his part, Apostle Anane Denteh, who doubles as the Director of the Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM) and Executive Council member of the Church, said chieftaincy is a very prominent institution that originates from God.

“To be a royal is biological; it is in the blood. Therefore, religion or Christianity should not be a barrier to somebody’s royalty,” he said while calling on the church to support royals to assume traditional roles in their communities when they are due for it.

Giving the rationale for establishing the Chieftaincy Ministry in the Church, the National Co-ordinator disclosed that The Church of Pentecost through its Vision 2023 with the ‘Possessing the Nations’ agenda decided to go beyond organising the triennial royal conferences and created the ministry to serve as a vehicle to bridge the gap that exists between the chieftaincy institution, thus the palace and the Church.

Apostle Vincent Anane Denteh inaugurating the Area committee called for support and prayers for them to be able to mobilise royals in and outside the church in the Area and bring them closer to God.

According to him, the focus of instituting the ministry is to empower chiefs and all other royals with the needed skills and competencies based on godly values and principles to transform their spheres of influence.

Present to grace the event was Nii Afotey Anokwafo II (National Executive Committee Member of the Chieftaincy Ministry). The event also attracted chiefs and royals in the area.