
Couple Blessed With Child After 10 Years Of Marriage

One of the unpleasant and disturbing situations one can ever encounter in life is to have married for ten years without the gift of a child and that was exactly the situation of Elder Benjamin Ebenezer Asamoah and his wife, Mrs Esther Asamoah of Grace Assembly in the Yennyawoso District of The Church of Pentecost until God intervened by blessing them with a son.

Speaking to PENTECOST NEWS at the naming and dedication ceremony of the child, which was officiated by the District Minister, Pastor Charles Oduro, on Sunday, September 20, 2020, the couple revealed that the state of childlessness took them to many hospitals but to no avail.

Elder Asamoah said that “when all human efforts to conceive proved futile, we resorted to prayer and trusted God for a miracle. One day my wife and I went to the District Pastor, informed him of our plight and beseeched him for prayer support which he gladly obliged. He encouraged us to bank our hope on God and subsequently prayed fervently for us. With continuous prayers, the Lord has glorified Himself by gifting us with a son.”

Sharing their testimony, the elated couple expressed their gratitude to the Almighty God for His eventual blessings and encouraged all those who are in such situations to keep trusting God for His intervention at the appointed season.

Present at the ceremony was Pastor Anthony Kwesi Mensah, (Resident Minister, PIWC – New Tafo), among others.

Report by Emmanuel Nana Nsiah


Anyinofi District Mission House Dedicated

Anyinofi District, which was created from Birem District during the virtual 44th General Council Meeting has dedicated their newly built four bedroom mission house. The dedication was officiated by the Area Head for Mampong, Prophet Foster Kwasi Aniakwaa. 

He admonished the leadership of Anyinofi District to team up and work closely with their newly posted minister so that the District will experience steady growth. He used the opportunity to officially inaugurate the District and pray for the new leadership of Anyinofi.

Preaching at the service, Ovr. Yaw Osei-Mensah stated that ministry is partnership. He said everyone has a key role to play in the success of God’s ministry. Reading from Philippians 1:3-6, he stated that there are three main types of partners. He identified these as Active Partners, Dormant Partners and Lukewarm Partners. He said active partners are fully involved in the work of God. Everything concerning them is used for the service of God. Dormant partners support the work with their finances but they’re participation in other sectors of the church life leave much to be desired. Finally, the lukewarm partners may come to church but do not get themselves involve in anything at the church. He admonished that as partners, we must find active roles to play in the church. Some of these he identified as intercession, proclamation of the gospel, visitation, among others.

The chief of Anyinofi, Nana Amponsah Kenteng Kakabo II was very grateful to God and the church for putting up such a beautiful building in their community. He admonished the members to support their pastor and also take good care of the building by constantly maintaining it. He also pleaded with the church to assist the community with a good school.  Nana Amponsah made a request to the government to construct the Atebubu to Anyinofi road and also provide telecommunication network for the people of Anyinofi.

The Deputy Coordinating Director for Sekyere-Afram Plains District who represented the District Chief Executive was also grateful to the church and assured the chief and his people of the commitment of government to bring the needed development to the area. He asked the members to ensure proper maintenance of the mission house and also get themselves involved in communal labour to ensure the cleanliness of the community.

Also present at the service were the queen mother and elders of Anyinofi as well as Ministers and wives of the Mampong Area. 

Report by Pastor Stephen Safo Nsiah

Mampong Area Launches Peace Campaign

Mampong Area Launches “Agent of Peace” Campaign

The Church of Pentecost, Mampong Area has launched the Agent of Peace Campaign.

The ceremony brought together distinguished personalities within the Mampong Municipality. Key personalities from both the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) were present. The Ghana Police Service, Ghana National fire service, heads of state institutions, representatives from the Local Council of Churches, the Imam for Mampong as well as the media were well represented at the launch

The Area Head, Prophet Forster Aniakwaa in his address, expressed gratitude to the various leaders for making it to the ceremony. He stated that the launch was a replica of what the church had done at the national level and this was to trickle down to all communities in which the church found itself. He charged the various political actors to help sustain the peace in the nation. He spoke clearly against political vigilantism. He admonished all gathered not to take matters into their own hands but rather learn to forgive and also use the appropriate means to seek redress.

The representative of the Imam for the Mampong Muslim community said that in Ghana, Christians and Muslims have learnt to co-exist without any struggle. He made a clarion call to the youth not to allow themselves to be used by politicians to promote violence. He said “no politician will allow his or her child or close relative to engage in violence in the name of politics, therefore no one should allow politicians to use him or her to fulfill their selfish interests.”

The Municipal Chief Director, Hon. Thomas Appiah-Kubi in his address also pledged to promote peace. He stated that the ruling party will accept the outcome of the elections irrespective of the result. He indicated that the president of the nation was committed to peace likewise all his appointees. He tasked the security agencies to deal drastically with anyone found to be disturbing the peace of the nation irrespective of their party affiliations.

The Member of Parliament for Mampong Ashanti, Hon. Kwaku Apratwum-Sarpong, speaking for the NPP assured all gathered that his party stands for peace. He stated that both the NPP and NDC live amicably in Mampong. He also added his voice to the call for peace, advising the youth not to allow themselves to be used by politicians to cause violence.

The NDC Chairman for Mampong, Mr. Kamel gave a strong assurance that they will not perpetrate violence and will accept the outcome of the elections. He said that since their parliamentary candidate is an elder of the Church of Pentecost and has been well groomed, there was no way he was going to lead his people to engage in violence.

The Ghana Police Service, National Commission for Civic Education and the Local Council of Churches, all took turns to preach peace. Prayer was offered for peace to reign, before during and after the elections.

Report by Pastor Stephen Safo Nsiah

Abrepo Central Church Auditorium Dedicated PIX1

Abrepo Central Church Auditorium Dedicated

It was all joy when the newly constructed grand church auditorium for the Abrepo Central Assembly in the Suame Area of The Church of Pentecost was dedicated to the glory of God on September 27, 2020.

The 1,500-seater auditorium, which was constructed at the total cost of GH¢694,823.00, can boast of 120 seating capacity hall for the English Assembly, and a 100 seating capacity children’s hall. Other facilities include washrooms, administrative offices, and disabled ramps.

The edifice was dedicated by the Suame Area Head, Apostle Michael Collins Asiedu, assisted by the Abrepo District Minister, Pastor Fred Obboh, and other ministers in the Area.

Delivering the word of God on the topic, “The Redemptive Presence of God,” based on 2 Chronicles 7:12-16, Genesis 28:12-15, Pastor Charles Ebo Asmah of Bohyen District said that even though God is Omnipresent, He still chooses places where He meets His people and discloses His being to them. He explained that God uses such meeting places to seek an uncommon relationship with His people and also cause His redemptive activities to occur.

The Area Head, Apostle M. C. Asiedu, on his part, indicated the need for Christians to have a new mentality, a new attitude, and a renewed lifestyle which, he noted, will invoke the glorious presence of God in the midst of His people.


Twins After 20 Years Of Marriage (pix1)

Twins After 20 Years Of Marriage

A couple, Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Kate Anyane-Lah, members of Housing Down Central Assembly in the Madina Area of The Church of Pentecost, who have remained childless for 20 years, has given birth to a set of twins.

Three months after the blessing of their marriage on 5th August, 2000, Kate conceived but suffered a miscarriage in the early stage of the pregnancy. After that unfortunate incident, the couple did everything humanly and medically possible to conceive again but to no avail.

They described the humiliations they had to endure from friends, some Church members, and even family members as “unbearable.” At a point, they even decided not to move forward whenever childless couples were called out for prayers.

For twenty years of their marriage, they spent a huge percentage of their income on medications, hopping from one hospital to another, including fertility hospitals, with the sole aim of having a child.

In 2015, they were made to undergo a surgery called Laparoscopy and were promised that they will conceive within two months but it yielded no positive result. At a point, a doctor taking care of them at one of the hospitals said to them: “What else do you want from me? I have done all that is medically possible for you.”  While going home that day, Kate was nearly hit by a vehicle while standing right in the middle of the road unaware.

But to the glory of God, in September 2019 during a prayer session organised by the Women’s Ministry which was led by the District Pastor, Mrs. Anyane-Lah encountered divine grace and her menstrual cycle ceased. Upon visiting the hospital, she was told at the first examination that it was a menopausal symptom because she was 44 years. But a test conducted later showed that she had picked a seed. They did not believe the report so they had to test it three more times by themselves for confirmation with a pregnancy test kit.

It is marvelous that the pregnancy turned out to be twins (two females). Due to her age, she encountered some medical challenges during the pregnancy but God graciously took her through till delivery on 15th May, 2020. The children were named on 19th September, 2020.


Old Tafo-Akim District Dedicates Ettokrom Bus Stop Information Centre1

Old Tafo-Akim District Dedicates Ettokrom Bus Stop, Information Centre

As part of the effort to possess the nations by transforming every sphere of society with values and principles of the kingdom of God, the Old Tafo-Akim District of The Church of Pentecost in Koforidua-Effiduase Area has constructed a bus stop at Ettokrom at a cost of GH¢ 9,000.00.

The Area Head, Apostle Daniel Yeboah Nsaful, on Sunday, August 30, 2020, dedicated the facility and handed it over to the chiefs and people of the community.

In an interview with PENTECOST NEWS, the Old Tafo-Akim District Minister, Pastor Prince Odoom, indicated that the facility will relief commuters in the community since it will provide shelter for the travelling public.

The commissioning of the bus stop which coincided with the dedication of the Ettokrom Assembly Information Centre and the refurbished church auditorium was attended by the Member of Parliament (MP) for Abuakwa North, Honourable Gifty Twum Ampofo, and the Abuakwa North Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Honourable Twum Ampofo.

Others were: Barima Eto Adomako III (Chief of Ettokrom), opinion leaders, representatives of churches in Ettokrom, Pastor Job and Mrs. Margaret Wiredu of Ati District, among others.

In a brief address, Apostle Nsaful stated that the construction of the facility is a realisation of the church’s agenda for transforming society by partnering government and state institutions to provide key interventions to facilitate the development of the nation.

According to him, the church’s five-year strategic vision of possessing the nations is geared towards equipping its teeming members to make an impact in society by living out and standing for the values and principles of the Kingdom of God in their daily activities.

The Abuakwa North MCE, Hon. Twum Ampofo, who received the facility on behalf of Ettokrom Community, commended the Church for the kind gesture.

The MP for Abuakwa North, Hon. Gifty Twum Ampofo, was full of gratitude to the Church for the gesture and admonished Ettokrom community to take good care of the facility to serve its intended purpose.

Report by Pastor Ernest Perbi-Asare

Juapong District Gets New Mission House 1

Juapong District Gets New Mission House

The newly built mission house for the Juapong District in the Agormanya Area of The Church of Pentecost has been dedicated by the Agormanya Area Head, Apostle James Gabriel Quardson. He was assisted by the Juapong District Minister, Pastor Joseph Anenyah Ntoso.

The event, which took place on Sunday, 20th September, 2020, brought together ministers and their wives in the Area, and members in the district.

The new mission house was constructed at a cost of GH₵ 298,401.00 with funding from the headquarters of the church, Area Infrastructure Development Fund (AIDF), district offerings, and individual donations.

Reading from Matthew 11:28-29; Judges 4:18-21 and 1 Samuel 22:1-2, 23 Apostle Quardson preached on the topic, “The shelter that guarantees safety.”

According to him, people seek for rest whenever they become physically weary. “One of Jesus’ purposes on earth was to give rest to them that are weary and heavy laden. There is rest for the body and the soul. Jesus is able to fulfill both,” he said.

He indicated that rest comes in two forms – the rest that humans give to their fellow humans and that which is found in Christ Jesus. “Jesus is able to give rest to our souls and security to our bodies while we are on earth. He watches over His chosen ones,” he noted.

The Area Head exhorted Christians not to be anxious and overwhelmed by the unfortunate situations that sometimes face them in life.

He stated: “Let us unwaveringly seek the rest and security that Jesus offers for in it we find rest for our bodies and security for souls.”

Apostle James Gabriel Quardson commended the members for their sacrificial giving that has led to the completion of the project.

Also in attendance were Mrs. Felicia Quardson (wife of the Area Head), Pastor Enoch Odame (former Juapong District Pastor who is the current Resident Minister for Egyir Paintsil Memorial Worship Centre – Madina Area), among others.

Report by Agormanya Area Media Team.

Jean Mensa 1

I Have Made A Covenant With God To Organise Peaceful Elections – Jean Mensa

The Chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC), Mrs. Jean Mensa, has reiterated her resolve to preside over a peaceful, transparent, and fair elections in Ghana, come December 7.

Speaking at the launch of the 2nd edition of the ‘Agent of Peace’ campaign organised by The Church of Pentecost, the EC boss said that she made a covenant with God several years ago to be used by Him in a way He pleased.  

“Today I stand before the Almighty God to pledge and present myself as an Agent of Peace in our nation Ghana and the rest of the world.

“Romans 12:8 places the onus of ensuring and maintaining peace on us as individuals. It emphasises that if it is possible, as much as it depends on us, we should live peaceably with all men. I believe that if we are each able to do this, we will be counted as worthy agents of peace, and by extension, as ambassadors of Christ.

“As a representative of God, responsible for the conduct of free, fair, credible, transparent and peaceful elections in Ghana, it is important that I and indeed the leadership of the Electoral Commission, signal peace in all our operations, activities and speech.

“As individuals at the helm of affairs, we have a duty to conduct ourselves in a manner that promotes peace and builds trust. We recognise that how we speak, what we say, and our posture will help promote peace or otherwise in our dear nation. It is vital that in all we do we build trust and confidence in our processes as this will go a long way to foster peace in our society.

“It is important that we remain transparent, responsive and accountable to our Stakeholders by providing them with timely and accurate, information on all our activities.

“It is important that we remain fair to all our stakeholders i.e. the Political Parties and that we conduct our activities without fear or favour.

“It is vital that we communicate with our stakeholders with decorum, devoid of inflammatory words, irritation or anger.

“We recognise that this year is a crucial year as we go to the polls on December 7. What we say and do will have a positive or negative bearing on the nation. We are, therefore, resolved that our activities and words should leave a lasting and positive impact on our dear nation,” she indicated.

Giving her personal commitment to holding a credible election, Mrs. Mensa disclosed that she has spent some time talking about what the Commission is doing as an institution. However, I also have a duty to God and Country to be an Agent of Peace, she said.

“As the head of the Commission, the signals I send out, be it to our staff or the public are important as it will have an impact on the election and the nation. This is not lost on me. As such my speeches and interaction with our key stakeholders must be decorous/courteous yet clear and firm and must also inspire confidence and trust in me as a person and in the Commission.

“As a Christian, I am a firm believer in the principles that Christ stands for – Justice, Peace and Truth. I am committed to ensuring that these principles are reflected in everything that both I and the Commission do.

“I must be fair to all and conduct my activities without fear or favour. I must maintain an open-door policy, welcoming all categories of persons irrespective of their social standing. I must have a listening ear and provide people with an avenue to air their views and opinions.

“Above all, I must work and undertake all my duties to ensure that it is the will of the people, which is the will of God, that stands. As an Agent of Peace, I should be truthful and not seek to alter the will of God. The Onus is on me to abide by this principle. God being my guide and helper I am confident that I will not let Him and the people of Ghana down; in Jesus name.”

She appealed to the general public to be peace ambassadors since every citizen, no matter the tribe, creed, age or gender, should see themselves as agents of peace, saying, “As citizens, we all have a duty to promote peace in our dear country and we can only achieve this if we ourselves are agents of peace. Very often, citizens tend to feel that the onus of maintaining peace is upon their leaders only.”


Lets Pursue Peace Apostle Eric Nyamekye Urges Ghanaians

Let’s Pursue Peace – Apostle Eric Nyamekye Urges Ghanaians

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has made a clarion call to the people of Ghana to do whatever they can to pursue peace and consolidate it as the nation prepares for the general elections on December 7, this year.

Speaking at the launch of the Church’s ‘Agent of Peace’ campaign held at the Burma Camp in Accra on Sunday, September 27, 2020, under the theme: “Seek Peace and Pursue It” – Psalm 34:17b, Apostle Nyamekye appealed to all Ghanaians to be objective and constructive in their criticisms and not to be unduly blinded by their political colouration.

“Let us have the courage to correct our politicians when they go wrong and appreciate and encourage them when they do what is fitting and proper,” he said, adding, “As we launch this campaign today, we urge all stakeholders to pledge their unflinching commitment towards the peace of this nation.”

He seized the opportunity to call on the Government and other state institutions to pursue good governance so as to guarantee the peace of the country, and also do whatever is within their power to ensure a level playing field for all the political parties.

He also appealed to the security agencies to conduct themselves within the highest remit of their professional codes and remain neutral in dealing with all troublemakers.

With regards to the activities of the Electoral Commission (EC) in the run-up to the elections, Apostle Nyamekye commended the Commission on the smooth compilation of the new Biometric Voters Register. “It ought to be however noted that for an election to be viewed as free, fair and transparent, all the processes in the chain, from voter registration to the declaration of electoral results play very key roles. We, therefore, urge the Electoral Commission to undertake its activities and conduct itself in such a manner as will elicit the confidence of all its stakeholders,” he pointed out.

The Chairman further called on the Judiciary, led by the Chief Justice, to take all necessary steps to have all election-related court cases that may arise, fast-tracked. This, he said, will not only ensure that outcomes are known as quickly as possible but also shore up the confidence of the public in the judiciary in the settlement of electoral disputes.

He charged the political parties and their candidates to undertake their politicking in manners that do not seek to malign their opponents, saying, “The politics of insults, ethnocentric trivialities and unnecessary rivalry that exacerbate tensions, should be brought to an end in our political discourse and other forms of engagements.”

Apostle Eric Nyamekye, who did not leave the clergy and other religious bodies out, called on them to continue to educate their members and institute fasting and prayers for their members to cry out to God for the peace of the nation.

The event was attended by the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Mrs. Jean Mensa who was the special guest speaker; Chairperson of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Mrs. Josephine Nkrumah; Chairman of the Christian Council of Ghana and Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana, Most Rev. Dr. Paul Kwabena Boafo; President of the Catholic Bishops Conference, Most Rev. Philip Naameh; President of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC) and General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso, heads of churches, and the Deputy Ameer, Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission in Ghana, Alhajj Ahmad Suleman Anderson.

Others were Members of Parliament, Municipal and District Chief Executives, traditional authorities, representatives of the various security agencies, among others.


The Church of Pentecost Launches 2nd Agent Of Peace Campaign1

Church of Pentecost Launches ‘Agent Of Peace’ Campaign

History was made over the weekends when The Church of Pentecost, a leading global Pentecostal church, launched its second edition of peace campaign dubbed ‘Agent of Peace’ at the Burma Camp in Accra.

The launch which was held under the theme, “Seek Peace and Pursue It” – Psalm 34:17b, kick-started numerous interventions by The Church of Pentecost in all its branches across the country, numbering about 17,000. This year’s edition was inspired by the Vision 2023 agenda of the Church, which has as its overarching theme, ‘Possessing the Nations: Transforming every Sphere of Society with Values and Principles of the Kingdom of God.’

The glamorous event which had the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC), Mrs. Jean Mensa, as the special guest of honour, attracted the movers and shakers of the Christian community such as the Chairman of the Christian Council of Ghana and Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana, Most Rev. Dr. Paul Kwabena Boafo; President of the Catholic Bishops Conference, Most Rev. Philip Naameh; President of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC) and General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso, heads of churches among others. The Deputy Ameer, Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission in Ghana, Alhajj Ahmad Suleman Anderson, was also present.

Also in attendance were the top echelons of the Police Administration, Ghana Armed Forces and other security agencies.

The political parties and their representatives were also present, including the Minister of Finance, Mr. Ken Ofori Atta; National Chairman of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mr. Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, Members of Parliament, Municipal and District Chief Executives, Chairperson of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Mrs. Josephine Nkrumah, traditional authorities, among others.

In his welcome address, the Chairman of the Church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, was hopeful that the launch would contribute significantly to a peaceful electioneering process.

According to him, God has been gracious to Ghana as the country has over the years enjoyed peace, especially during elections. “Ghana is celebrated across the world as an oasis of peace in the West African sub-region and even in the whole of Africa. As a nation, we have experienced seven peaceful general elections, with numerous by-elections in the Fourth Republic.

“These great accomplishments did not come by chance but by contributions from various stakeholders, key among who are represented here today,” he stressed.

He noted that for the nation to continue to enjoy peace within her walls, the citizenry must arise, seek and pursue peace.

“The Church of Pentecost believes that the Church as the body of Christ has been called to belong to God and sent back into the world to serve God’s purpose. It is from such understanding that we have over the years shown unalloyed commitment to efforts by various governments towards development and nation-building.

“As we move to the 2020 General Elections, we are confident that the Lord will once again grant Ghana His abiding peace. This will however not come by chance. We need to work at it. We need to seek and pursue it.

“Together, we can continue to make Ghana a beacon of stability and democracy in Africa. We have done it before, and we can do it again,” he stated.

The Chairperson of the EC, Mrs. Jean Mensa, pledged her absolute commitment to peace and supervising over fair, free and transparent elections. “Today I stand before the Almighty God to pledge and present myself as an Agent of Peace in our nation Ghana and the rest of the world.

“As a representative of God, responsible for the conduct of free, fair, credible, transparent and peaceful elections in Ghana, it is important that I and indeed the leadership of the Electoral Commission, signal peace in all our operations, activities and speech. As individuals at the helm of affairs, we have a duty to conduct ourselves in a manner that promotes peace and builds trust.

“We recognise that how we speak, what we say, and our posture will help promote peace or otherwise in our dear nation. It is vital that in all we do we build trust and confidence in our processes as this will go a long way to foster peace in our society,” she stated.

It would be recalled that The Church of Pentecost in the 2016 general elections launched the maiden ‘Agents of Peace’ campaign to impress on its members to be peace ambassadors.