
Pentecost Members Benefit From Over GH¢7 Million Educational Support

The Church of Pentecost in 2021 spent a total amount of seven million, twenty-seven thousand and seventy-six Ghana Cedis, eighty-five pesewas (GH¢7,027,076.85) in sponsoring the education of its members in Ghana.

This was disclosed by the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, in his State-of-the-Church Address delivered at the Opening Session of the 17th Session of the Extraordinary Council Meeting of the church on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa-Fetteh, near Kasoa in the Central Region.

The gesture by The Church of Pentecost goes a long way to give hope to parents and the beneficiary students who hitherto had no hope of pursuing education at the tertiary level. 

According to the Chairman, the church gave full scholarships to two hundred and forty-eight (248) students during the 2020/2021 academic year.

In his address,the Chairman indicated that the beneficiaries of the church’s educational support were drawn from the various districts, areas, and ministries, together with the headquarters.

Apostle Nyamekye indicated that out of the total amount spent on the scholarships, the Headquarters alone contributed GH¢ 500,735.35 under the Pentecost Education Scholarship Scheme (PESS), only meant for tertiary students.

Most of the beneficiaries are students of the Pentecost University (PU), which is now a fully chartered tertiary institution.

According to the Chairman, The Church of Pentecost is committed to supporting its members to be educated, as it holds education in high esteem.

He pointed out that the Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS), the social services wing of the church, operates a total of 98 basic schools, two (2) senior high schools, and two (2) vocational training institutes in the country.

He added that PENTSOS also collaborated with the Pentecost Education and IT Workers Guilds to develop a robust integrated school information management system to strengthen the supervision and monitoring in Pentecost Schools.


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The Church of Pentecost Membership Hits Over 3.3 Million

The total membership of The Church of Pentecost in Ghana has hit three million, three hundred and thirty-three thousand, six hundred and fifty-four (3,333,654) of December 2021.

The figure constitutes 10.8% of the total Ghanaian population of thirty million, eight hundred and thirty-two thousand and nineteen (30,832,019) as indicated in the 2021 Population and Housing Census Report by the Ghana Statistical Service.

The Church of Pentecost alone constitutes approximately 15.2% of the total Christian population in Ghana, and 34.3% of the Pentecostal and Charismatic community in Ghana.

This was disclosed by the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, during the opening session of the 17th Extraordinary Council Meetings held today at Gomoa-Fetteh, Kasoa in the Central Region of Ghana.

Global Membership

Apostle Eric Nyamekye also revealed that the global membership of The Church of Pentecost has hit three million, nine hundred and one thousand, four hundred (3,901,400) as of December 31, 2021.

Currently, The Church of Pentecost, which is one the biggest global Pentecostal churches, has branches in 135 other nations.

According to the Chairman, The Church of Pentecost, Ghana constitutes 85.2% of the total worldwide membership.

He added: “The remaining 14.5%, which is five hundred and sixty-seven thousand, seven hundred and forty-six (567,746) was accounted for by our external (foreign) branches, including the two autonomous nations namely Benin and La Cote d’Ivoire.”

Apostle Nyamekye iterated that the total number of assemblies (churches) in the external branches stood at 6,533, while the number of districts stood at 1,187. These represents a percentage increase of 6.0% and 5.5% respectively.

He pointed out that the membership in the non-autonomous nations increased by 28,673, resulting in an overall total membership of 372,706, while the two autonomous nations recorded a membership decrease of 2,076 in the reporting period. This, he explained, resulted in their total membership decreasing from 197,116 in 2020 to 195,040 in 2021.

The Church of Pentecost has an additional 27 new nations joining the already existing 109 nations. They are Algeria, Azerbaijan, Barbados, Cambodia, Columbia, Comoros, Croatia, Cuba, Djibouti, Fiji, Georgia, Indonesia, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macau, Maldives, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Oman, Panama, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, and Sudan.

Apostle Nyamekye, however, stated: “In as much as we must thank God for the numerical growth of the church, I would want to put across that our measure of the growth as a church should not only be statistical but also the spiritual and moral development of the members. It is therefore my prayer that our numbers will translate into righteousness to impact the society.”


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Fire On The Heads Of Women: Historical Antecedents And Beacon Of Blessing Of The Ministry Of Women In The Church Of Pentecost


The Church of Pentecost (CoP) like other great institutions that seek to make a purposeful impact on life, naturally endorsed the establishment of special sub-ministries or functional ministries (previously called “movements” until 2012) that will mobilize, nurture and empower focus groups spelled out by gender and age within the church. This structure is, invariably, a tool for intentional discipleship. Beginning in the early 1940s, less than a decade after Rev. James McKeown landed on the shores of Ghana, the Young People’s Movement emerged. This group metamorphosed into the Witness Movement (now evangelism ministry), Youth ministry, and PENSA. Within this same period, by 1945, Rev. Adam McKeown, Mrs. Sophia McKeown, and Mrs. Christiana Obu organised the women to form the Women Movement (now Women Ministry). An official inauguration took place in 1952. Interestingly, the Pentecost Men Ministry (PEMEM) was formed many years later after the Women Ministry came into existence. PEMEM began operation officially in 1991 after the proposal for its formation was accepted in 1988. However, the organization of the men started somewhere in 1985. Thus the ladies, as an organised group, were in ministry long before PEMEM. The emergence of the Women Ministry, led to the improvement of the spiritual and socio-economic status of the ladies as they were trained in literacy, entrepreneurship, leadership, and public life. The women excelled in evangelism and disciple-making as well. Consequently, the contribution of their lot to the church cannot be erased from the annals of the CoP. Numerically, at the end of 2018, it was reported that women formed 62% of the entire membership of the CoP. Their ministry must continually be held in high esteem. In this very short essay, I shall make brief reference to the special work of mainly three women whilst mentioning others in passing, and discuss the transformation of the ministry of women in leadership per the foregoing reformation within the CoP. The ministry of women is significantly the eddies of the CoP

The Tears that Watered the Seed of Ghana’s Pentecostalism: Sophia McKeown and her Love for Mission in Africa

History holds that in 1935, during a convention in England, a prophecy came forth calling Rev. James McKeown to missions in Africa. The prophecy came in his absence but he refused to respond to the call because of reservations he had concerning the practice of prophesying in his church at that time. Sophia, who was older and educated to a more advanced level than James, had to convince her husband to respond to the call to Africa. It took her incessant tears to urge James McKeown to finally respond to the call. Where would we have been now if not for the tears of Sophia? These tears watered the seed of the idea of the CoP which was in the mind of God. What lessons can we learn from this virtuous lady who sacrificed her comfort to live in the “death zone of Africa.”? Africa was then regarded as the graveside of the white man because most of the white missionaries who came to Africa could not excel in work on the continent. They either die due to the “unfriendly” weather or go back home due to a lack of progress in the missionary work. Sophia did not only persuade her husband to come to Africa but she became actively involved in missions herself. Though from the West, she was well incarnated in Ghana and this led to a great impact on the holistic development of the women and the church at large.

Christiana Obu, the Stone, and Eunice Addison, the Voice

Available records show that after school, Christiana became a pupil-teacher, and businesswoman. She generously used her money to support Pastor James McKeown when the church was facing financial crises. She also did interpretation for him. She came into contact with Pastor McKeown during a trek he made to Saltpond. She responded to an invitation to meet McKeown. She became McKeown’s convert. Christiana together with other women, Prudence Anaman, Clara Anaman, and Maame Halleluyah pastored churches in the early days of the church, during the chairmanship of Pastor McKeown when getting men for leadership roles became a difficult task.

On the part of Eunice Francisca Stephanie Nana Afoa Addison, she became a conduit of divine music in the church. She contributed many of the songs that are sung in churches in Ghana today. She impacted others with this gift. This reception of spiritual songs has remained a significant part of the theology and praxis of the CoP. Usually, when a new song is being sung, one would likely hear a CoP member ask “Who received this song.” It is normative. I think the whole phenomenon must be studied further. This will contribute greatly to the ongoing development of Pentecostal pneumatology in particular and theology in general.

Eunice was also once the presiding deaconess of the Merry Villas assembly during a time in which the chapel of the assembly was closed down due to some crises. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah intervened for the assembly to get back to their auditorium. During her home call service at the Trade Fair Centre at La on May 4, 2013 (I was present at the meeting), Eunice was referred to as “the great apostle of God” by Apostle Opoku Onyinah when he was offering the benediction to close off the meeting. Indeed, many women in the CoP are walking in the apostolic. Their leadership in the past and present is a growing appreciation of the use of women by the Holy Spirit in the building of the Kingdom of God.

The Growing Ministry of Women

Classical Pentecostalism since its inception has seen the great influence of women around the world. Due in part to the full reliance on the activity of the Holy Spirit, there is much flexibility that offers people of different socio-economic persuasions to be engaged in missions. The renewal of modern Pentecostalism owes much to the pneumatic phenomenon of speaking in tongues by one Agnes Ozman in a time when the renewal of this spectacle as seen in the Acts of the Apostles was being desired. Agnes was a student in the Bethel Bible School in Topeka, Kansas. This school was established by Charles Fox Parham. Parham is widely held as the father of modern Pentecostalism. Other women including Agnes Beckdahl, Grace Agar, Elizabeth Sisson, Jessie Wengler, and Maria Gerber, among others, played critical roles in shaping the classical Pentecostal movement. Nevertheless, immediate cultural tendencies and how Pentecostals have appropriated aspects of especially the Pauline corpus of the Bible impinges on the extent of the participation of women in Pentecostal leadership. Unlike the African Initiated Churches and the neo-pentecostal churches of Africa, the CoP is no different from the general classical Pentecostal take on women in ecclesiastical leadership. However, the ministry of women concerning leadership is growing steadily.  

In the formative years of the CoP, the contribution of women in various ways is arguably summed up in the Pastor James McKeown’s idea of handing over the leadership of the CoP to the women if he had the leeway to do so as reported by Christine Leonard in the book, A Giant in Ghana.Women began taking leadership roles at various levels. With time (beginning from 1965), it became the practice that the women’s ministry is led by general leaders who are males. They are deputized by women. In 1994, under the chairmanship of Prophet M. K. Yeboah, this structure of the leadership of the women’s ministry was changed to have a woman being the general leader though with a male patron of the ministry. In 1995, the designation “general leader” was changed to “director.” During the chairmanship of Apostle Opoku Onyinah, in 2015, the women’s ministry from the national to the local levels began to be fully handled by the women without the need for male patrons. Also, the constitution was amended to allow women to become part of the General Council, the highest decision-making body of the CoP. Under the present leadership of the CoP, women have been co-opted into the Executive Council, and Area, District, and Local Executive Committees.

Concerns have been shown especially the academia with regards to the CoP’s lack of ordination of women into full-time ministry. This is seen in the writings of Allan Anderson, Paul Gifford, J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, and Charles Prempeh, among others. Considering the development of the ministry of women in the CoP over the years and their obvious active participation in the life of the CoP, there are indicators that the place of women in the CoP would continue to appreciate. Their impact would continually be felt. The ministry of women is, in all regards, a sign of blessing for the CoP.


Many other women have played remarkable roles at various levels in the churches in all inhabitable continents on which the CoP is found. Historically, the ministry of ladies has helped to set the church up for great strides. Their contribution is a benchmark to direct the course of the future well-being of the church. It comes as no surprise when the CoP envisioned consciously maximizing and utilizing the resource of women. Towards this, intentional reflections on the dealings of the Holy Spirit with men and women alike must be on the go. May the fire of the Holy Spirit that comes upon women burn its way into enabling a remarkable influence of the women in the Church throughout the world.

By Elder Dr. Stephen Ofotsu Ofoe

New Combine District Women’s, Youth Ministries Donate To VRA Hospital

New Combine District Women’s, Youth Ministries Donate To VRA Hospital

The New Combine District Women’s and Youth Ministries of The Church of Pentecost have donated various items to the VRA Hospital in Akosombo.

The items donated included washing powder, toilet rolls, liquid soaps, nose masks, sanitizers, gloves, among others.

The District Minister, Pastor Martin Berko Kesse, together with his wife, Mrs Esther Kesse, recently led the leadership and some members of the two ministries to present the items to the Maternity, Female and Children’s wards of the facility.

The hospital Administrator, Madam Mercy Ghansah, and the Chief Matron, Joyce Kontor, received the donation on behalf of the Medical Superintendent, Dr. Charles Arhinful.

They described the donation by The Church of Pentecost as the biggest the facility has received in recent times. They blessed the church for putting up strategic measures to possess the nations.


Penetrate Into Kingdom Of Darkness In Full Power – Apostle Miezou To Christians

Penetrate Into Kingdom Of Darkness In Full Power – Apostle Miezou To Christians

The President of The Church of Pentecost in Cote D’ivoire, Apôtre Ernest Miezou, has admonished Christians to make a conscious effort to penetrate the territories of the kingdom of darkness in the full strength of God.

Delivering an exhortation at the Heads’ Session of the 17th Extraordinary Council Meeting on Monday, May 2, 2022, at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa-Fetteh, Apôtre Miezou indicated that in the kingdom of God, God Himself imposes His powers over the kingdom of darkness.

He urged believers to fully equip themselves as the army of God as servants of God, since it is a necessity to do His work productively.

“We must understand that this work is not only for the clergy, therefore, officers of the church must be fully equipped too,” he explained.

He further iterated that when a convert accepts the Lord Jesus, the person is renewed and made to align to the Christian principles. Nevertheless, the person must think like Christ, according to the scriptures and live a sanctified life with the fear of God.

Apôtre Ernest Miezou further disclosed that the proclamation of the gospel must be followed by the demonstration of the power of God. He, therefore, asked believers to prove what they preach.

He encouraged the clergy to teach their members to give wholeheartedly to the cause of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Women's Ministry Supports Catholic Special Vocational School

The Church of Pentecost Women’s Ministry Supports Catholic School

The Assakae District Women’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost has donated items worth over GHS 5,000.00 to the Catholic Special Vocational School at Fijai in the Western Region of Ghana as part of this year’s weeklong National Women’s Ministry celebration.

The items, which include mini bags of rice, toiletries, sanitary pads, bars of soap, bags of rice, sugar, Gari, loaves of bread, a mini bag of powdered pepper, crates of eggs, washing powder, Dettol, Fante kenkey, tissue papers, cooking oil, soft drinks, packs of bottled water, and a water closet seat, among others, were presented to the Headmistress of the school, Mrs Rose Kwofie, on Sunday, May 1, 2022, during a short presentation ceremony at the school premises.

Presenting the items on behalf of the ministry, the District Women’s Leader, Deaconess Lydia Acquah, indicated that as women in the church, they have been equipped to show love and care to the needy and less privileged.
“It is our responsibility as Christian women to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ by sharing what we have with the needy and less privileged to ignite hope and joy in them as our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ would have done if He were here,” she affirmed.

The Assakae District Minister, Pastor Ernest Perbi-Asare, took the opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the students, parents and staff present and challenged them to rely on God to constantly meet their needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus.

Mr. Eric Adu, the Assistant Headmaster, commended the Women’s Ministry for the donation describing it as “very timely,” and appealed to other Christian organisations to emulate their gesture. 
In attendance were Deaconess Gladys Yankey (District Assistant Women’s Leader), Deaconess Genevieve Tuckson (District Women’s Secretary), Deaconess Vivian Dora Koramah Marfo (District Women’s Finance Secretary), other ministry executive committee members, officers and members of the Church.

Report by Assakae District Media Team

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Apostle Gyesi-Addo Urges Christians To Possess Nations For Christ

The immediate past International Missions Director (IMD) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Gyesi-Addo, has charged Christians to position themselves as an army to take nations for Christ.

Speaking at the Heads’ Session of the 17th Extraordinary Council Meeting on Monday, May 2, 2022, at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa-Fetteh, on the topic: “The Lord’s Army: Turning The World Downside Up,” Apostle Gyesi-Addo, who is currently the Haatso Area Head of the church,  said in pursuit of the agenda to possess the nations and other spheres of the society, it is expedient for Christians to hold onto the virtues of Christ.

According to him, the virtues which are faith, righteousness, salvation, truth, and the gospel of peace, are worn and carried by a certain kind of people.

“The fact that these are presented to us as the soldier’s belt, breastplate, shoes, shield, sword, shows that these are not just weapons worn by anyone not in the army,” he stated.

The former IMD explained that if there is any group of people in the world that understands the strategies and principles of war, it is the army, hence the theme for the year, “Possessing the Nations As An Army of God,” and not as priests of God.

He iterated that the early apostles were imprisoned, therefore, they knew how soldiers dressed and appeared on the field.

He urged Christians to endure hardship as good soldiers, since no one serving as a good soldier gets involved in civilian affairs.

Apostle Gyesi-Addo noted that the apostles of old learned from the army with regards to how they commanded, instructed, charged (giving straight orders from a superior officer), and led the church accordingly.

He stressed that just as believers in the early church suffered, Christians today are not in normal times.

“We live in abnormal times, where right is seen as wrong and the wrong things are seen as right,” he said, adding, “light is seen as darkness to the world, while darkness is seen as enlightenment to the world.”

He said that Jesus came to a world which was already upside down to turn it downside up. Moreover, He came to teach the world how to live right side up, he stressed.

Quoting from Ephesians 6:11-13, he mentioned that Paul admonished the church to put on the whole armour of God in this upside-down world.

“When you put on the breastplate of righteousness, it will turn the world from downside up,” he pointed out.

He charged believers not to be afraid or intimidated by the society that makes a mockery of prayer, rather they must persevere in turning the world downside up.

Apostle Gyesi-Addo encouraged Christians to take up roles in chieftaincy institution and rule with the Bible to turn the world for Christ.

“Let us get out of our comfort zones and be people who have turned the world downside up as the Army of the Lord,” he concluded.

Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, on his part, stated: “There is no way that we are going to turn the world downside up if we do not set our minds to do it.”

He reiterated that although Christians find themselves in abnormal times, the church needs people who are enthusiastic for God to confront the abnormalities in the system.

“Very soon we will be going on retirement but before that, let us change our world for God,” he ended.


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Elder Annor-Adu Constructs Church Building For Genui Assembly

Elder Kofi Annor-Adu of the Abelenkpe District in the La Area of The Church of Pentecost has singlehandedly constructed a church building for the Genui Assembly of the Atorkor District in the Aflao Area of the church.

The church building, which was constructed at a cost of GH¢ 110,101.70, was dedicated on Sunday, April 10, 2022, by the Aflao Area Head, Apostle Peter K. Dzemekey. He was assisted by Atorkor District Minister, Pastor Kweku Appiah Kubi-Annan. 

The colourful event brought together the ministers and their wives of the Anloga zone in the Area, chiefs and opinion elders of the Genui community as well as members and officers of the Church.

Speaking on the topic “Be an Equipped Vessel Prepared for the Master’s Use” (2 Timothy 2:20), the Agorve-Woe District Minister, Pastor Francis Lamptey, urged Christians to consciously avail themselves for the Lord to use them for holy purposes. 

According to him, one can only become a vessel of honour if they cleanse themselves of dishonourable things such as excuses, negative influences and immorality.

Dedicating the building, Apostle Dzemekey commended Elder Annor-Adu for the kind gesture and advised the congregants to emulate his example by contributing to the advancement of the Kingdom of God. 

He then prayed for God’s blessings for the Annor-Adu family.

In his response, Elder Kofi Annor-Adu stated that “no one labours for the Lord in vain.” He stressed that his motivation to build the magnificent edifice for the Lord stemmed from an appeal by one of his close friends, Elder Wisdom Kwasi Delali, a native of the Genui community who fellowships with the Assembly.

Pastor Kweku Appiah-Kubi Annan, on behalf of the district, thanked Elder Annor-Adu and his family for the gesture. 

He also assured him that the building would be taken good care of to ensure its longevity.

Report by Pastor Francis Lamptey, Aflao Area Reporter

Aflao Area Youth Ministry Organises Campus Crusade

Aflao Area Youth Ministry Organises Campus Crusade 

The Aflao Area Youth Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, in collaboration with the Pentecost Students and Associates of the Keta Nursing and Midwifery Training College (PENSA Keta-NMTC), has organised a three-day campus crusade.

The event, dubbed “Behold I Come Quickly” (Revelation 22:12), which was held from Friday, March 25 to Sunday, March 27, 2022, was led by the Aflao Area Youth Ministry Leader, Overseer Seth K. Danah.

As part of the crusade, the team, comprising Area Young Missionaries, undertook various exercises, including house-to-house evangelism, shop-to-shop evangelism, as well as street and cinema evangelism. 

The outreaches yielded 52 souls in all. Among the converts were drug addicts and people of other faiths.

Speaking at the climax of the outreach held at the school’s assembly hall on Sunday, Overseer Seth Kofi Danah asserted that “the promise of Jesus’ Second Coming is a great hope and anticipation for every believer.”  

He further noted that the glorious expectation of every believer is that the Lord Jesus would come for them as He promised, and this hope is based on what is written in the Scriptures.

He, therefore, urged believers to be assured of their salvation in Christ and to do well to work on it with fear and trembling.

Other dignitaries who graced the event were Pastor Stephen M. Akorsu, Overseer Seth Wettey Larbi, and Elder Stephen Amevor (PENSA Patron, NMTC-Keta).

Report by Pastor Francis Lamptey, Aflao Area Reporter

Rural Health Outreach Yields 91 Souls 2

Rural Health Outreach Yields 91 Souls 

A medical outreach organised by the Pentecost Students and Associates of the Ho Nursing Training College (PENSA Ho-NTC) yielded 91 souls, resulting in opening of a nursery assembly to the glory of God.

The three-day event, dubbed “Christ for All” Crusade (Acts 2:36), was held from Friday, March 25 to Sunday, March 27, 2022 in partnership with the Agorve-Woe District in the Aflao Area of The Church of Pentecost. The targeted communities were Aklorbordzi and Cape Coast Road. 

The team of 97 students was led by the PENSA Travelling Secretary for Lower Volta, Pastor Edgar Kwesi Karikari, and the President of PENSA Ho-NTC, Gilbert Nana Bentum.

By the power of the Holy Spirit the team saturated the two communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ through various activities, including mega crusades, film-shows, house-to-house evangelism, dawn broadcasting, donations and medical screening.

A mega revival held on Sunday, March 27, 2022 as part of the exercise yielded 91 souls, culminating in the opening of the Cape Coast Road assembly. The exercise also saw 17 people receiving Holy Spirit baptisms while 23 converts were baptised in water.

Pastor Francis Lamptey, the Agorve-Woe District Minister, commended the team for their sacrifice and hard work in reaching out to the unsaved in the district. He assured them that the district would do well to follow-up on the souls won and disciple them for Christ.