PENSA Techiman Sector Inaugurated

The newly created Techiman Sector of the Pentecost Students and Associates (PENSA) has been officially inaugurated to the glory of God.

The inauguration service took place at the Nazareth Assembly in the Kintampo Newtown District of The Church of Pentecost on September 6, 2022. The service also coincided with the welcome service for the Traveling Secretary for the sector, Pastor Robert Dwumah, and his family.

The Kintampo Area Head, Pastor Francis Agyeman Badu, in an address said that the leadership of the Church saw the need to create the Techiman Sector of PENSA out of the former Brong-Ahafo Sector, considering the wide distances of the schools in the region.

He added that the seat of the sector is at the College of Health, Kintampo as the Travelling Secretary will be housed in Kintampo.

”The schools that form the Techiman Sector are drawn from two administrative Areas of the church – Techiman and Kintampo areas,“ he added.

The Jema Nkwanta District Minister of the church, Overseer Prince Augustine Ababio, delivering the sermon on the title, “Arise and Build,” called on all and sundry within the two Areas to come along with their skills and expertise to help build a glorious and vibrant sector.

Using Nehemiah 2:17-20 and Matthew 9:37 as his main texts, he mentioned that in every dispensation, God calls a man out of the people, equips and unleashes him to go and fulfill a particular need or purpose.

He explained that just as Nehemiah had the burden of rebuilding the broken walls of Jerusalem which he did assiduously irrespective of the opposition, members of the church also need to rise to the occasion and build a strong and vibrant sector, for the Lord will surely be gracious to them.

He added that to be able to arise and build a formidable PENSA sector, there is the need to be fully committed to the work, work together as a team, turn to God for help when facing any problem, and help and encourage one another.

Pastor Akwasi Amponsah, the Kintampo Area Secretary, introduced the Sector Coordinating team members to the congregation, after which they were prayed for.

In attendance were Mrs Theresa Agyemang Badu (wife of the Area Head), some ministers and their wives, officers in the Kintampo Area, as well as some PENSA members within the sector.

Report by Kintampo Area Media Team.

Kasoa Area Donates To Zongo Palace

The Kasoa Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated plastic chairs to the Kasoa Zongo Palace. 

The donation was made on behalf of the Area by a church delegation led by the Kasoa Area Secretary, Pastor Joseph Kwame Ayertey.

Handing over the chairs, Pastor Ayertey said the gesture is part of the Church’s community transformation efforts (Possessing the Nations agenda) which aims at making Jesus Christ known to all.

“The Kasoa Area has significantly contributed to the ongoing palace building project of the Zongo community since the project commenced and continues to support the Muslim community through diverse developmental projects,” he said.

Pastor Ayertey assured the Zongo community of the Church’s continued support as it has always done in the past.

The Chief (Odikro) of the Kasoa Zongo community, Naa Asene Yusifi, who received the chairs, was very grateful to the Church, acknowledging the enormous support received from the Area, as well as the strong relations enjoyed by both religious groups. 

“The Church of Pentecost shall be duly acknowledged for your significant contribution towards the palace building project when completed in a few months time,” he said.

Naa Yusifi thanked the Church for the kind gesture and solicited their prayers.

Report by Pastor Daniel Kobina Bentum (Kasoa Area Media Pastor)

Elder & Wife Construct Church Building For Akaasu Assembly

Elder Godwin and Mrs. Sabina Darko of Bidieso District in the Obuasi Area of The Church of Pentecost have constructed a church building for the Akaasu Assembly in the Fenaso District of the Area.

The building was dedicated on August 28, 2022 by the Area Head, Apostle William Boakye Agyarko, with support from the area pastorate.

Apostle Agyarko, in his sermon at the event, stated that it is a privilege to be a partner in the Kingdom business. 

“King David in the Bible, one who was considered a friend of God, wanted the opportunity so badly to put up a place of worship for the Lord, but was denied. However, God, in His infinite mercies, has granted this couple the opportunity,” he said.

The Obuasi Area Head prayed for God’s blessing for the couple and all the members who contributed to the successful completion of the project. 

Speaking at the ceremony, Elder Darko said that the decision to put up the church building was in response to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

“As I reflected on where I came from and how far the Lord had brought my family and I, I felt moved to do something for the Lord as a token of appreciation to Him for His faithfulness,” he said.

According to Elder Darko, the Lord laid it on his heart to put up a church building in a deprived community. So, one Sunday morning, he drove to the Fenaso Junction District and informed the District Minister, Pastor Gabriel Nsowah Awuah, of his intentions.

Excited by the great news, Pastor Awuah recommended the Akassu Assembly, one of the oldest assemblies in the district with no appropriate place of worship.

Elder Darko was happy that the vision is now a reality and was grateful to the Lord for granting him the grace to contribute his quota in advancing the kingdom of God on earth.


Pentecost Preparatory School In Dunkwa-on-Offin Gets New Library

The Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS), the social services arm of The Church of Pentecost, in partnership with ICM-Ghana (a Christian non-governmental organisation), has commissioned a state-of-the-art library facility at the Pentecost Preparatory School at Dunkwa-on-Offin.

The facility forms part of ICM’s School Library Improvement initiative aimed at instilling reading habits among pupils in Pentecost Schools in deprived areas.

The PENTSOS Director, Elder Richard Amaning, said in an interview with PENTECOST NEWS that the project will go on a long way to impact on the quality of teaching and learning across beneficiary schools.

ICM-Ghana is committed to setting up P.E.A.C.E Centres (Libraries) in the Eastern and Central regions of Ghana and to equip the pupils with leadership skills.


Pastor, Wife Donate Vehicle To Bukere District

An atmosphere of love and togetherness was displayed by the members of the Bukere District in the Bolgatanga Area of The Church of Pentecost when their District Minister, Pastor Francis Amogre Atinga, and his wife, Sarah donated a Nissan Almera vehicle worth GHS 35,000.00 to the district.

The vehicle was dedicated by the Bolgatanga Area Head, Apostle Emmanuel Kwesi Acquah, in a short ceremony that took place on Tuesday, October 4, 2022, at the Bolgatanga Central Church auditorium, on the sidelines of the Bolgatanga Area Ministers and Wives’ Prayers.

The Area Head was supported by the Area Secretary, Pastor Emmanuel Kyei Boate, and a cross-section of ministers in the Area.

In a short message, Apostle Acquah blessed God for His abundant provision of resources for the propagation of the gospel in fulfilling the ‘Possessing the Nations’ agenda of the church.

He expressed his profound gratitude to Pastor and Mrs. Atinga, their family and friends who supported the worthy initiative. He entreated the leadership of the district to guard the car with much diligence and ensure a good maintenance culture.

In his response, Pastor Atinga appreciated all those who worked towards the fulfillment of this worthy cause and pledged his undoubting support to the district to use the car to advance the ministry.

Report by Pastor Francis Amogre Atinga.

The Church of Pentecost Leadership Visits Flood Victims

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, today visited members of the church in the Anyaa Ablekuma and Odorkor Areas who have been displaced due to the spillage of water from the Weija dam.

According to the Chairman, the visit was to commiserate with the affected persons, pray with them and assess the extent of damage caused by the flood.

Communities close to the Weija Dam, including Weija, Oblogo and Tetegu, have been submerged by a flood for the past three days after the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) opened five spill gates of the Weija dam to spill water to save it from collapse.

About 1160 members of the church within the Odorkor and Anyaa-Ablekuma Areas have been directly affected by the spillage, rendering them homeless – some of the affected persons (both members and non-members) are being housed in church auditoriums.

The Anyaa Ablekuma Area Head, Apostle William Ohemeng-Kwakye, together with some ministers in the Area, led Apostle Eric Nyamekye to the Afoaman, Ayikai Doblo and Ashalaja districts, where he interacted with the affected members. The Chairman was accompanied by the General Secretary of the Church, Apostle Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi.

The delegation also visited victims in the Mallam-Gbawe municipality who were the most affected by the spillage. They were led by the Odorkor Area Head, Apostle Isaac Tetteh Juddah, and a cross-section of the area pastorate and Area Executive Committee members.

At Tetegu, where the water level was still quite high, the Chairman and his entourage met and interacted with some affected members who had sought refuge in the Central Assembly church auditorium.

The Chairman ended his tour at the Weija Central Assembly church auditorium where hundreds of affected members had also converged to meet him.

Addressing the victims, Apostle Eric Nyamekye urged them to be hopeful in the Lord and to be grateful for the gift of life despite their predicaments. He advised them to trust the Lord to replenish all they have lost as a result of the flood.

He also said that having witnessed firsthand the extent of damage, the leadership of the Church would come up with the most suitable way to support them,

He, however, revealed that, in the interim, the Church has reached out to the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO) to come to their aid and provide them with some relief items such as bags of rice, mosquito nets, life jackets, student mattresses, clothing, etc.

Apostle Isaac Tetteh Juddah added that the Odorkor Area has also set up a special fund to support the victims.


50 Years Gone, What Next?

So soon the euphoria around the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Children’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost is gradually dying out and the dust is settling on the five-decade journey of the Ministry, breaking a new dawn for the years ahead.

The question, however, is: What does the future hold for the church and this important ministry, which is the bedrock for the survival of such a great institution like The Church of Pentecost and Christianity as a whole? Are there lessons we can gather from our five-decade journey? What should be the responsibility of various stakeholders in the church? These and many questions come into mind as we brought the curtains down on the 50th anniversary celebration of the Children’s Ministry.

In every small seed, they say is the future of a big tree. History has it that this great oak that has seen the churning out of some crème de la crème of society and for the church started as a small seed that was planted and nurtured by the caring hands of the late Mrs Margaret Mills, wife of Pastor David Mills (the then Principal of the Pentecost Bible School in Asokwa, Kumasi) at their mission house. Hmmm…I believe, if it were today, it may have qualified to be one of our Community Children’s Clubs (CCCs). The Mills are gone to be with the Lord but their legacy still lives on. 

Let me pause here and ask…how many mission houses (District and Area) do we have in the church today? Per a simple calculation, if the number of ministers in the church now is a little over 4,000, then we should have almost the same number of mission houses. Can you imagine the number of Community Children’s Clubs we could have if every ‘Osofomaame’ (Minister’s wife) like Mrs Margaret Mills, decides to establish one with the support of their husbands? Can this not make our agenda of possessing the nations quite faster? As for this, I am only thinking aloud oo.

Let us now turn the searchlight on the participation of various stakeholders – leadership, parents, children workers and our children in Children’s Ministry activities over the years, and most especially the just-ended week-long celebrations.

John C. Maxwell has said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” Can you imagine that it took the leadership of the church in our 85-year checkered journey as a church, 35 solid years to accept and formalize the activities of the Children’s Ministry. The vision direction in those days might have been different, but the historical contribution of the children towards the development of the church cannot be underestimated. Is it not true that some adults then were led into the church by their children? Or were the thoughts of leadership in the early stages of the church’s development in sink with that of the Israelites in the days of Haggai who said it was not time to build God’s house (Haggai 1:1-5)?

However, the answers to the above questions may be, some attitudes of some leaders (ministers and officers) yield some credence to the fact that within this current generation, there are still leaders who do not see children as God sees them and their role in the possessing the nations’ agenda. No matter how others see children, God still sees them as his heritage, his reward and as arrows in the hand of a warrior who, when well-equipped, are expected to bring glory to their parents at the city gate (Psalm 127:3-5). Who dare see these children who are God’s standard for gaining entry into the Kingdom of God (Matthew 18:3) in another light as nuisance?

Notwithstanding the seemingly gloomy picture the attitude of some church leaders seem to paint, other leaders including our chairmen, both past and current and most especially our chairmen, Apostle Eric Nyamekye is giving prominence to the Children’s Ministry both in words and in action. Apostle Nyamekye, in one of his messages, said: “there are so many leaders who are not close to their members at all. How many pastors have thought in the Sunday School in the past year? You were not made a pastor for the adults only. You are a pastor for everyone in the District,including the Children’s Ministry. Go there and teach! If your anointing cannot teach children, then you cannot teach adults at all.” 

Chairman and his Executive and some notable personalities at various levels of the churches leadership continue to show concern for the Children’s Ministry through programmes and activities and policy formulations such as incorporating children auditoriums in all new church building constructions, featuring child-centred issues in lay leadership schools, mounting of programme of studies on Early Childhood at the Pentecost University, Ministers Time with Children at various levels among others.

With all these in place, I believe leadership at various levels must buy into the vision of preparing children to take up the reins of leadership in the future. The children should not be seen as only good when it comes to singing of action songs at conventions, but as members of the church who could be used by God to declare his thoughts and precepts to this generation just as he did with the boy, Samuel (1 Samuel 3).

I look with concern over the years the attitude of most parents towards the activities and progress of their children. Have you noted the attendance of parents during Children’s Week Celebrations? The weekdays are even worst. But mind you parents, who gives his or her assets or estates to somebody to manage and never keep an eye on him? Who does that? Who sends his or her child to school without checking up on his progress or liaising with the teachers to see to the wellbeing of the children? 

According to the American Federation of Teachers, “substantial evidence exists showing that parent involvement benefits students, including raising their academic achievement. There are other advantages for children when parents become involved — namely increased motivation for learning, improved behavior, more regular attendance, and a more positive attitude about homework and school in general.” 

Can we therefore ask ourselves the psychological implication and the long term effect of parents non-involvement and seemingly lack of interest in Children’s Ministry activities on our children?

Some teachers handling the children today themselves have no positive self-image of themselves in their work as children’s workers. Much of this less self-esteem and low confidence are due to lack of required trainings which qualifies one to handle children and sometimes how the church looks at them as people who do not matter and that they have been placed in this department just to take care of the children and prevent them from ‘making noise’. So, most teachers who do not understand this call at best are behaving like hired hands who do close to nothing in feeding, guarding and guiding these lambs (John 10:11 – 14), who are part of the flock the Lord Jesus bought with his own blood (Acts 20:28).

In the next few years, can we have teachers like Jehoaida who will teach the Joashes (children) to do the right thing (2Chronicles 24:2)? Can we have shepherds (teachers) like David who will feed and lead the flock with the integrity of heart and skillfulness of their hands (Psalm 78:72)? 

All these will be possible if we recruit people who have a call to do ministry among children, train them and motivate them to give of their best in moulding the children God’s way.

So what do we do going forward into the unknown but certain future? Let us continue to push for an “all hands and hearts on deck” agenda, which will encourage all from the pulpit to the pews to get involved in Children’s Ministry activities.

  • Can we have a special day all across the nations earmarked for recognizing our hardworking teachers?
  • Can we have a well structured curriculum for the Children’s Ministry with clearly spelt out standards for recruiting teachers for the ministry? 
  • Can we start drawing monthly speakers plan for the ministry like that which is painstakingly drawn by Pastors for the adult membership? Such a plan will pull both ministers and their spouses, officers and other mature members into together to intentionally help to groom the children.
  • Would parents start taking a second look at their attitudes toward the children and the Ministry?
  • Could we have Children’s Ministry Sundays every quarter during the Monthly intergenerational services of the church for them to showcase what they have, aside what is done annually during Children’s Ministry Weeks?
  • Can the church at all levels incorporate the needs of the ministry into their financial budgets as a matter of policy?

In conclusion, as the church and leadership of the Children’s Ministry pursue various plans and activities in making the ministry vibrant, a lot more still needs to be done to ensure the security and future of the church of God. The Scriptures says “a good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children” (Proverbs 13:22). What legacies will the church leave for the coming generation in the next 50years? Selah!

Written by Pastor Samuel Avornyo (Children’s Ministry Leader, Assin Foso Area).

Your Presence Must Drive Away Darkness – Prophet Tetteh Doku Charges Christians

The New Tafo Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Prophet Samuel Tetteh Doku, has charged Christians to live their lives as people of light to dispel every darkness they come into contact with in society.

He explained that by virtue of their belief in Christ Jesus and acceptance of His Lordship, Christians are children of light, hence their presence must confront the darkness that has engulfed the world.

“When you believe the Gospel message and surrender to the Lordship of Christ Jesus, you become the child of the light. So, wherever you go darkness must not have a place,” Prophet Tetteh Doku said while speaking on the topic: “Your Position In Christ As An Equipped Christian,” during the New Tafo Area monthly prayer meeting held at Sepe Revival Centre on Friday, September 30, 2022.

Reading Psalm 78:61-62, Prophet Tetteh Doku identified the positions of those in Christ Jesus as one’s status changes entirely when they believe in Him (Christ).

The first position of believers in Christ he mentioned was that they are God’s strength. According to him, the strength of God never abates or fails, hence Christians cannot be defeated. Consequently, he urged the congregants to be unfazed in times of trouble because they cannot be overwhelmed by any turbulent situation, saying, “You are God’s strength and nothing can bring you down.”

He further said that Christians are God’s glory. This glory, he said, marks Christians out as special people. He, therefore, charged the congregants to conduct their affairs as receptacles of divine glory by way of dressing, eating, and maintaining a clean environment and surroundings to make Christianity more attractive and appealing to compel non-Christians to come to the saving knowledge of Christ.

The New Tafo Area Head continued that Christians are God’s people. He enlightened that as God’s people, Christians have the seal of God (Holy Spirit) upon their lives which makes them untouchable by the devil.

Prophet Samuel Tetteh Doku further indicated that Christians are God’s legacy whom He cherishes because He purchased them with the unblemished blood of Jesus. According to him, God does not consider Christians as mere beings, but as His inheritance. For this reason, he noted, God holds Christians dear and will not leave them to the mercies of the evil one. He, thus, urged the congregants to be fearless of anything because they are divinely protected.

After the sermon, Pastor Charles Oduro of Yennyawoso District took the congregants through the period of prayer.

Present at the service were Mrs. Victoria Tetteh Doku (Wife of the Area Head), the Area pastorate and their spouses, among others.

Report by Emmanuel Nana Nsiah

Area Deacons Orientation Seminar Underway At Pentecost Pension House 

The Finance Board of The Church of Pentecost is organising a three-day orientation seminar for Area Deacons of the Church at the Pentecost Guest House at Gbawe in Accra.

The event, which was officially opened today (October 5, 2022) by the General Secretary of the Church, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, is aimed at reorienting Area Deacons and building their capacity to execute their duties efficiently. 

All area deacons from the 76 administrative areas of the Church are, thus, expected to take part in the orientation seminar.

As part of the orientation, participants would be taken through various topics, including Overview of Policies, Role of Area Deacons, Financial Policies of The Church of Pentecost, Area Deacons’ Manual, and the Funds Mobilisation Role of the Area Deacon.

Other topics to be treated are: “Reporting to the Headquarters,” “Audit,” “The Area Deacon’s Relationship with Ministers” and “The Church of Pentecost Digitisation Project.”

Speaking on the topic “Testimonial” at the opening session, Apostle A.N.Y. Kumi-Larbi advised Christians to live in such a way that God and the people around them would give a good testimony about them.

He said that the Bible is filled with many good testimonies of individuals who left a positive imprint on the lives, hearts and minds of others through their actions and deeds. He cited Demetrius (3 John 12) and Gaius (Romans 16:23, 1 Corinthians 1:14, 3 John 4-5) as examples of men who were remembered for their good deeds.

He, therefore, urged Christians to lead purposeful lives and dedicate their time, treasures and talents to the service of God and humanity in order to make greater impact and leave behind a lasting legacy.

“While you cannot control how others choose to remember you, you can decide how you live your life according to the truth, your values, and principles,” he said.

In an interview with PENTECOST NEWS after the session, the Finance and Administration Director (FAD) at the Church’s headquarters, Apostle Lawrence Otu-Nyarko, who serves as the Secretary to the Finance Board, underlined the importance of the orientation seminar for Area Deacons.

“Area Deacons are considered the “primary presbyters” of the Church. They are highly valued in The Church of Pentecost because they are responsible for the Church’s finances. The orientation seminar is therefore necessary to guide them in their operations,” he said.

The Finance Board Chairman, Prof. Stephen Owusu-Kwankye, added that the orientation would greatly benefit newly-appointed Area Deacons as it would provide them excel in their new mandate.

Speakers for the seminar are Apostle Eric Nyamekye (Chairman, The Church of Pentecost), Apostle A. N. Y. Kumi-Larbi, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang-Bekoe (International Missions Director, The Church of Pentecost), Elder Professor Stephen Owusu-Kwankye (Finance Board Chairman), Apostle Lawrence Otu-Nyarko and Elder J. B. Miah (Madina Area Deacon)

Present at the event are Mrs. Ruth Adjabeng (Finance Board Member), Elder Samuel Danso (Finance Board Member and Suhum Area Deacon), and Elder Kwasi Afram (Deputy Finance Manager, The Church of Pentecost – Headquarters).

The seminar is expected to close on Friday, October 7, 2022.


Couple Singlehandedly Constructs 300-Seater Church Auditorium For Tampoi Assembly

Members of the Tampoi Assembly in the Tabieri District of The Church of Pentecost, could not hide their joy as they witnessed the dedication of their newly-constructed 300-seater church auditorium on Sunday, October 2, 2022.

The church auditorium with an attached Children’s Ministry auditorium was single-handedly financed by Mr. Nathaniel and Mrs. Miriam Acquah Dotse, both members of The Church of Pentecost in the United States of America, at the total cost of GH₵ 413, 263.00.

The couple also donated 300 plastic chairs, a swivel office chair, a set of drums, a keyboard (piano), 11 ceiling fans, a glass pulpit, and three tambourines.

The church building was dedicated by Apostle Emmanuel Agyei Kwafo (Home and Urban Missions Coordinator) on behalf of the Northern Regional Coordinating Council Chairman and Tamale Area Head, Apostle Sylvester Arhin. 

Apostle Agyei Kwafo was ably supported by the Sawla Area Head, Pastor David Amankwaa, and the entire Sawla Area pastorate.

Delivering the sermon on the topic: “The Ark of Covenant, the reason for the building of the Temple” at the event, Pastor Amankwaa, with scriptural reference from 1 Chronicles 22:14-19, indicated that the Ark, which contained the two stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them, the manna in a golden box and Moses’ rod that budded, represented the presence of God among the Israelites.

“This ark of Covenant which represents Jesus Christ, now lives in every Christian,” he said.

He further explained that Christians are containers and carriers of the presence of God, hence, the need to transform every sphere of their society with the values and principles of the Kingdom of God.

The Sawla Area Head, therefore, urged Church leaders and members to intentionally maintain the presence of God in the Church through prayer, the unadulterated word of God, aggressive evangelism, and physical maintenance of the church building.

Dedicating the edifice, Apostle Agyei Kwafo, thanked God for the grace given to the couple and thanked them for yielding to the voice of God to put up the magnificent church building. He also urged the Church leaders and members to take proper care and maintain the church building.

Reading a brief history of the Tampoi Assembly, the Tabieri District Minister, Overseer Daniel Sewornu, noted that the Assembly began in 1998 under the leadership of Pastor Opoku, the then Tuna District Minister. 

According to Overseer Sewornu, the Assembly’s attempts to put up a church building has always been foiled by natural occurrences (windstorm), including the most recent one, which completely destroyed a church building constructed through the Community Based Church Building (CBCB) initiative of the Church’s Headquarters in 2015. Consequently, the Assembly has been worshipping under a shed until this year when Mr. and Mrs. Dotse agreed to put up a church building for the Church.

The Tabieri District Minister also acknowledged the instrumental role played by Elder Daniel Aikins, and Pastor Philip Tamakloe of the Kpeve District who informed the couple about the plight of the Tampoi Assembly.

Present at the dedication service were the representatives of Mr. and Mrs. Dotse: Elder W.O. Daniel Aikins (the Project Coordinator) and Mr. Elijah Bright Oppong (a family member). 

Others were ministers’ wives in the Sawla Area, officers and members of the Tabieri District. Members of the Tampoi Assembly also came in their numbers to celebrate the goodness of the Lord.

Report by Sawla Area Media Team