“The Pain Has Vanished!” - Woman Healed Of Protracted Chest Pain

“The Pain Has Vanished!” – Woman Healed Of Protracted Chest Pain

Mrs. Paulina Boako, a member of the Ablekuma Central Assembly of The Church of Pentecost, has been healed of a protracted chest pain she had been experiencing for the last three months.

The 59-year-old mother of three shared her testimony at yesterday’s evening session of the ongoing “Accra for Christ” crusade at the Nsakina M/A School Park in Accra.

In an interview with PENTECOST NEWS on the sidelines of the event, Mrs. Boako said whenever she felt the sharp pain in the chest, she took some painkillers, yet it did not improve. She then visited the hospital for treatment and was given some medications, but that did not help either.

“The medical officer finally gave me Amoxylclav and said that if that did not work, then I would have to undergo an X-ray scanning for further,” she said.

Unfortunately for Paulina, her condition did not improve, but she was also unable to pay for the X-ray due to financial constraints.

“So, I prayed and asked God to heal me since I could not afford the X-Ray,” she said.

Mrs. Boako came to the crusade with her daughter, still enduring the pain. 

During the service, the Evangelism Ministry Director, Apostle Dr. Amos Jimmy Markin, requested that all those who were sick and needed a divine intervention to step forward to be prayed for.

“My daughter prompted me to go forward, and I did. Right after the prayer, the pain vanished. I no longer feel any pain in my chest. I am healed. The name of the Lord be praised!” she said.

The “Accra for Christ” crusade, which is under the theme “This Same Jesus” (Acts 1:11), is being jointly held by the Evangelism Ministry of The Church of Pentecost and the Anyaa-Ablekuma Area of the Church. 


Jesus Is Still Here With Us – Apostle Agyemang Bekoe Asserts

Jesus Is Still Here With Us – Apostle Agyemang Bekoe Asserts

The International Missions Director (IMD) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, has said that Jesus is alive and lives in the hearts of all who accept Him as their Lord and personal Saviour. 

The IMD made this assertion when he preached on the theme: “This Same Jesus” at yesterday’s evening session of the “Accra for Christ” crusade at the Nsakina M/A School Park.

Delivering a sermon inspired from Acts 1:11, among other scriptural texts, Apostle Agyemang Bekoe explained that Jesus was crucified for the sins of humanity but rose on the third day. He explained that after His resurrection, Jesus told His disciples to wait for the promised Holy Spirit, after which he ascended through the clouds into heaven right before their eyes.

The minister, however, stated that although Jesus is no longer physically present on earth, He is still alive in spirit, as He assured His disciples in Matthew 28:20.

“This same Jesus, not a different man; the same one previously mentioned, is still with us from now to the very end of the age as He promised before His ascension into heaven,” he said.

He further noted that Jesus lives in and works through all who have received Him in faith to accomplish His purpose on earth.

Inferring from Luke 4:18-19, he explained that when one receives Christ, the Holy Spirit dwells in them, and thus, receive the anointing to proclaim the good news of Christ, proclaim freedom for those under the bondage of the evil one, open the eyes of those suffering from physical and spiritual blindness, and liberate the oppressed.

“Jesus comes with the favour of God, so all who associate with Him also obtain the divine favour,” he added.

The International Missions Director said that Jesus, who raised the widow’s dead son back to life in Nain (Luke 7:11-17) and straightened up the woman crippled by a spirit for 18 years (Luke 13:10-13), is the same and is still in the miracle-working business.

Apostle Agyemang Bekoe, therefore, urged all who are yet to accept Jesus Christ into their lives to surrender to Him because He is the solution to all life’s problems.

Last night, over 3,200 people participated in the ongoing crusade. Among them was Apostle Eric Nyamekye (Chairman of The Church of Pentecost), Apostle Samuel Osei Asante (Kaneshie Area Head and Executive Council Member), Prophet David Kankam Beditor (Ashaiman Area Head and Executive Council Member), Apostle Dr. Amos Jimmy Markin (Evangelism Ministry Director), and Apostle William Ohemeng-Kwankye (Anyaa-Ablekuma Area Head).



The Good Fight At Uriah’s Corner

Thanks to the leadership of The Church of Pentecost led by The Chairman, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, for the 2022 year’s theme titled “Equipping the Church as an army to possess the nations.” I believe the Spirit-filled presentations on the theme have blessed the entire Christian fraternity. The body of Christ has also been awakened as never before to rediscover its purpose to the nations. Unlike bloody military campaigns in taking over enemy territories, the “Possessing the Nations” agenda has been well understood as the taking over of our society for Christ and subduing them with values and principles of the Kingdom of God. The Bible refers to Satan as the Prince of this world. Any attempt, therefore, to infiltrate the Sin-infested societal settings with Kingdom values is always met with fierce resistance from him. Jesus said in Matthew 12:29, “…how can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder his house.” Possessing the nations is an end-time battle cry reminiscent of Israel’s conquest of the nations who, at the time, had embraced all manner of practices contrary to the Kingdom principles.

Indeed, everything about Israel’s military campaigns during the Old Testament period was a shadow of the real spiritual warfare associated with the Christian pilgrimage. However, the New Testament’s prescribed mode of engaging the enemy of the Church is spiritual, even though the battle objectives are similar. Accepting Jesus as the Lord of one’s life is what automatically enrols them as foes of Satan. Christians are, therefore, fighters from the day Christ is invited into their hearts until they join their maker. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 reads, “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.”

Fighting is primarily taking part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons. The word “Fight” naturally sends shivers down the spine of everyone, no matter the opponent’s size, duration and strength. About Christian warfare, Apostle Paul, however, introduces the phrase “Good fight” in I Timothy 6:12a when he said, “Fight the good fight of the faith…”

Fighting can, therefore, be said to be a good one if and only if victory over the opponent is assured. One would expect that parties engaged in a fight would be well-armed and prepared if victory is the goal. Beyond preparation and ammunition, areas that need attention are the Command structure and the positioning of the troops. The battle strategy and the exhibition of professionalism are as vital as the ammunition used for any military operation. Clear orders from the Commander-in-Chief and concise instructions from Commanders are the essential pointers that crystalize the success of military operations besides the ammunition and strategies adopted on the battlefield. Although believers in warfare against the devil are victory-bound, certain actions and inactions by some result in needless casualties on the side of the Church. Using Uriah the Hittite as a case study, the article highlights the roles major functionaries in Christian warfare must play to achieve victory, thereby making the fight with the devil a mere formality in this part of eternity.

In the Spring of 997BCE, Israel mounted a military campaign against the Ammonites. David, their King and Commander-in-Chief and a celebrated fighter from his youthful days chose to remain in Jerusalem even though it was the time Kings went to war. Joab was the commanding officer for that operation. While taking a stroll on his upper terrace, David chanced upon the wife of Uriah, who was bathing. He sent for her, eventually had an affair, and got her pregnant. Sensing danger, David recalled Uriah from the battlefield to come home and spend some time with his wife so the responsibility of the pregnancy could easily be shifted to him. Tried as he did, Uriah respectfully insisted on abstaining from seeing his wife. At one instant, David got him drunk to blur his sense of judgment and soften the tough stance he had taken not to visit home. Even in his drunken state, Uriah wouldn’t badge but kept his ethics standards as a zealous soldier of God’s army. He replied to the King, “The ark and Israel and Judah are staying in tents, and my commander Joab and my Lord’s men are camped in the open country. How could I go to my house to eat and drink and make love to my wife? As surely as you live, I will not do such a thing!” (2 Samuel 11:11). Uriah’s spiritual consciousness and morale as a fighter for God had reached a crescendo, and no amount of alcoholic toxins or human power would stop him. Uriah has proved that an awakened and equipped soldier of the Cross will defy all odds to lift the banner of Christ high until victory is attained. David then commanded Joab in a letter sent through Uriah to position the latter at the battle’s fiercest and most challenging corner and withdraw every support from him so he will be killed. What the King did also shows that once a heart is determined to sin, the conscience is rendered numb until it is relegated to total hibernation. If not so, how didn’t Uriah’s vehement refusal to take a nap at home and his reason for the same prick David’s conscience? At least, the mere mention of the Ark and Israel should have prevented David from further reducing Israel’s fighting men with Uriah’s assassination. Therefore, Uriah’s death sentence by David amounted to sabotaging the very army he was superintending.

Out of misguided loyalty, Commander Joab obeyed his Commander-in-Chief’s orders and positioned Uriah at the fiercest zone of the battle. David’s letter to Joab read, “Put Uriah out in front where the fighting is fiercest. Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and die.” (2 Samuel 11:15). On that fateful day, Uriah was assigned a particular station to do combat for the Lord’s army. He happily took up the challenge because the zeal of the Lord had lifted his morale so high. As the battle at his stationed joint was getting difficult, Joab clandestinely withdrew all the needed support until the sword of the Ammonites killed Uriah. The cause of Uriah’s death was not the sophisticated military strategy of the Ammonites but the carefully planned withdrawal of the support he needed at the very station under David and Joab’s control. Uriah was, in essence, killed by a blow from his own camp and no mere personality but his Commander-in-Chief. Soon after he fell on the battlefield, God was displeased and sent Prophet Nathan to David, saying, “Why did you despise the word of the LORD by doing what is evil in his eyes? You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife as your own. You killed him with the sword of the Ammonites.” (2 Samuel 12:9). It is worth noting that Uriah was not the only one who died at his assigned station.

Some other Israeli soldiers perished with him, thereby increasing the casualties in their camp needlessly. Joab may excuse himself for condoning and perpetrating that crime due to the command structures in military operations. However, it must never be forgotten that God was actually the Commander-in-Chief in all of Israel’s combats or, in essence, the battles we fight as believers. Orders received from His human representatives on the field must be subservient to those from God. The “Davids” are those who God has placed in strategic leadership positions within the family, marketplace or Church setting for the advancement of the Kingdom business. When God sent Nathan to David, He reminded him of his lowly estate from his childhood past and how He had elevated him to be Israel’s King. God expects all He lifts to be guided and measured, so their attitude doesn’t negate all the gains expected of them in His vineyard business.

Unfortunately, some allow power and the authority they wield to take the better part of them. The same power God has offered you to bring hope to many is the same authority capable of sending others into the abyss of hopelessness. Excess power always comes with extra luggage. Just a stroke of a pen by the hand of King David was enough to dispatch Uriah the Hittite to join his ancestors before his time. Indeed, the reverent fear associated with authority prevented Uriah from opening the letter describing the mode of his assassination but turned him into the reliable courier of his death sentence. Power is sweet, but let us be careful with the little power we wield today. Jesus used His power to serve and not swerve His constituents during His earthly stay. After his affair with Bathsheba, David had to use his authority to eliminate Uriah because he had difficulty covering up his shame. The selfish use of the little power God gives us tends to sabotage and derail the objectives of His Kingdom business. Even though Uriah was David’s target, many more soldiers fighting for the Lord perished with Uriah, per the messenger’s account to David. As believers, our acts of wickedness against our neighbours affect many more people than one can estimate.

It was, therefore, not surprising the unimaginable price David had to pay for that callous act from that day until he joined his maker. Although God forgave him, the consequences of that one-night stand with Uriah’s wife in his household, Kingdom and confidence as a man after God’s own heart were just unbearable.

The “Joabs” of our time are those who conspire and condone callous acts against colleague soldiers of the Cross on the battlefield. Under the guise of showing loyalty to those in authority, they perpetrate all crimes and throw their Spirit-inspired convictions to the dogs. When Joab realized the only news that would get his boss excited was the gruesome murder of Uriah, his colleague soldier, he positioned him in a corner and withdrew all his helpers from him. Some of the support systems we deprive our colleagues of are but are not limited to logistics, Human Resources, financial resources, Listening ear, encouraging words, intercessory prayers, godly counsel and mentoring regimes, love and kindness. The Bible didn’t say Uriah fell that day because he fought bare-chested or footed, and the Scriptures also didn’t blame Uriah for fighting without his helmet. Uriah suffered due to the withdrawal of the needed support at his corner.

Similarly, putting on the whole armour of God, as spelt out in Ephesians 6:11-18 is a non-negotiable starter as a soldier in the Lord’s end-time army. However, denying colleague combatants the needed support set them up for failure or defeat irrespective of their helmets, belts, boots, shields and swords in their hands. The believers’ full armoury is for their preparation, while their needed support on the battlefield becomes the vehicle from which the missiles can be launched against enemy targets. It was, therefore, not the corner or position Joab placed Uriah that killed him. Uriah started dying when Joab began withdrawing support from him when he needed it most.

The least we can do for each other on the battlefield as we take over the nations is to be that reliable shoulder upon which tired hands can have rest. Unfortunately, while many are equipping the saints, others are busily de-equipping some, endangering them on the battlefield. Joab thought he was putting a smile on David’s face by killing Uriah, but little did he know that he was actually setting the premise for his own destruction by the same David in his last words to Solomon, his son, before giving up the ghost. Concerning Joab, David instructed Solomon, “Deal with him according to your wisdom, but do not let his grey head go down to the grave in peace.” (1 Kings 2:6). So, Benaiah killed and buried him under Solomon’s instruction in verse 34. The “Joabs” must, therefore, learn that if they condone the “Davids” callous acts against their colleagues on the battlefield, they will fall by similar directives even if their “Davids” are out of the scene.

Uriah refused to go home to keep his focus and concentration on the battlefield as an army fighting the Lord’s battle. That kind of posturing comes with many sacrifices, which are seen and appreciated by God alone. The “Uriahs” are the focused believers who have allowed themselves to be consumed with the battle objectives in the Lord’s vineyard business until every foe is vanquished. Like Uriah, they put on the altar their comfort, peace, convenience, safety, health, pleasure, possessions, family life, children, spouses, livelihoods and lives as and when they interrupt the “possessing the nations” agenda. The world sees them as slow, timid or unwise chaps who have lost all their taste buds and appetite for good things. On the battlefield, they are, however, a perfect description of Romans 12:1, which reads, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”

If you happen to be a “Uriah” placed in a tight corner with dwindling support from supervisors and colleagues by the day, don’t curse the day you accepted to enrol in the Lord’s end-time army. Wait a minute! You are never a mistake on the battlefield. Jesus said, “Whoever finds his life will lose it. And whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Matthew 10:39). Don’t also blame yourself for heeding instructions from your field commanders, including the difficult position assigned to you. I have heard the argument as to why God did not miraculously save Uriah from dying to shame David and Joab. I believe God allowed that to be a lesson for those doing the actual combat operations in our New Testament dispensation. Instead of spending precious time on such needless debates, let’s use the time to reflect on how we can offer to help those in dire need of them when the going gets tough. 1 Corinthians 10:11 says, “These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come.”

One good lesson for all “Uriahs” is to be observant and pick the early signals anytime some “Davids” begin to behave funny by being overly concerned about their plight. If Uriah asked himself why King David was doing whatever was within his means to get him to go home and spend time with his wife, even to the extent of getting him drunk, the story might have ended differently. It is not bad for superiors or colleagues to be nice and show concern about us. However, staying vigilant with the help of the Holy Spirit is what will help discern the real motives of such superficial kindness. In military parlance, a strategic battle position is a position from which you can fight and use the tactics that suit advancing your strategic interest. In his book titled “The Art of War”, Sun Tzu said, “The skilful fighter puts himself into a position which makes defeat impossible, and does not miss the moment for defeating the enemy.” When Uriah realized the strange withdrawal of some of his best fighting men from the corner they were fighting, he should probably have acted quick to avert that pending danger. So, the “Uriahs” must take careful notice anytime they see the withdrawal or gradual erosion of all support systems at their disposal. They must act fast and wisely by moving to safe arenas as much as practicable and living the rest under God’s care.

Waiting upon the Lord in prayer would also be helpful in such times. In Acts 23:12-24, Apostle Paul’s nephew and the army commander were those through whom God offered a helping hand and rescued him from the hands of his assassins. Similarly, fasting and prayers led by Esther and Mordecai are what uncovered Haman’s secret plan to annihilate all the Jews throughout the Persian empire in a single day. I am not attacking Uriah’s prayer life by any stretch of the imagination. It is the lessons for our time as soldiers of the Cross I am interested we all glean. After all, when our work is done, we will all join our maker, but not until then, we must fight on as soldiers equipped and possess every territory the Lord expects us to take.

If Uriah’s name is featured in Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew 1:6 and we are still discussing him today, then, though difficult, he fought a good fight. Even if the needed support systems are withdrawn for your disgrace through the “Joabs”, fight on because the fight to possess the nations is a good fight worthy of sacrificing everything for. Your labour in the Lord is never going to be in vain. Romans 8:18 reads, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Stay blessed, and fight on!

Written by Pastor James Agyin

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Do You Know Jesus? – Apostle Dr. Jimmy Markin Quizzes

“You have heard about Jesus several times and not really paid attention to Him. You might have heard about Him on the radio, on the television, during funeral services, or during church services. You may have even sung about Jesus and yet not know Him. Jesus is the saviour of all humankind and in Him is life.”

The above statement was the thrust of the gospel message preached by the Evangelism Ministry Director of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr. Amos Jimmy Markin, on the first day of the “Accra for Christ” crusade at the Nsakina M/A School Park.

Reading from John 5:1-15, Matthew 1:21, and Acts 10:38, Apostle Dr. Markin observed that, like the disabled man at the pool of Bethesda who was healed by Jesus, many people have no idea who Jesus is.

He explained that Jesus was the one John the Baptist described as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

“His name, Jesus, means a saviour, and this was given to Him at birth,” he added.

He further stated that Jesus was conceived by a virgin and, to this day, remains the only person born sinless who also walked on this earth and was still without sin. While on earth, Jesus healed the sick, forgave the sins of many, and liberated many others who were held captive by the devil.

Apostle Dr. Markin further noted that Jesus gave Himself as a propitiation for the sin of humanity by dying on the cross.

“He died for our sins and went to heaven on the third. This same Jesus will come again for those who believed in Him and bring judgement upon those who did not believe in Him,” he said.

He stressed that if Jesus comes into one’s life, one receives salvation, healing, deliverance, and eternal life, among other benefits.

The Evangelism Ministry Director, therefore, called all who are yet to come to faith in Christ to do so to enjoy the immeasurable benefits in Him.

The “Accra for Christ” crusade is a four-day event being jointly organised by the Evangelism Ministry Directorate at The Church of Pentecost Headquarters and the Anyaa-Ablekuma Area of the Church. The event is under the theme: “This Same Jesus” (Acts 1:11).


Instantly Healed Of Persistent Leg Pain

Instantly Healed Of Persistent Leg Pain

Six years ago, Mrs. Evelyn Nyame Nyarko survived a car accident. Although her life was spared, Evelyn sustained severe injuries to her left leg. The pains had persisted for all these years until last night when she was miraculously healed during the opening session of the “Accra for Christ” crusade.

Mrs. Nyarko, a member of the Manhean English Assembly of The Church of Pentecost, shared the good news with the thousands gathered at the Nsakina M/A School Park for the event opening.

The four-day outreach, being jointly organised by the Evangelism Ministry of The Church of Pentecost and the Anyaa-Ablekuma Area, is under the theme: “This Same Jesus” (Acts 1:11).

Speaking to PENTECOST NEWS on the sidelines of the crusade, Mrs. Nyarko said that she had gone to town to get some supplies for her catering business when an unknown person pushed her into the path of an oncoming vehicle. 

“The bus knocked me down, and I was caught underneath the vehicle, but the driver was unaware of what had happened, until some bystanders began to shout at him to stop the car because someone was trapped underneath,” she said.

So, they quickly dragged her out and rushed her to the hospital.

Mrs. Nyarko said she received medical treatment at the hospital and had since frequented the hospital for review and treatment.

According to her, despite the many visits to the hospital and application of various ointments for the last six years, she still felt pain anytime she wore heels or stood for some time.

“It is always difficult to sleep. Sometimes I have to bandage my leg before I can sleep. Even just yesterday, I had to bandage my leg before sleeping because of the pain,” she narrated.

Mrs. Nyarko said that when the Evangelism Ministry Director, Apostle Dr. Amos Jimmy Markin, called out for persons seeking the miraculous touch of God, she decided to step forward in faith because she needed divine intervention.

“I went forward because six years is a very long time, and I felt that since the doctors cannot help me, then only Jesus can completely heal me of my pain. And lo and behold, He has done it,” she exclaimed.

Mrs. Nyarko and many others who had received instant healing at the event were grateful to God for intervening in their predicaments.


Thousands Turn Up For Opening Of “Accra for Christ” Crusade

Thousands Turn Up For Opening Of “Accra for Christ” Crusade

Close to 3,000 people thronged the Nsakina M/A School Park for the opening of the “Accra for Christ” Crusade.

The crusade, which is being organised in conjunction with the Anyaa-Ablekuma Area, is the final national mega crusade scheduled by the Evangelism Ministry this year. The event is under the theme: “This Same Jesus” (Acts 1:11).

The massive gathering was one of the biggest recorded this year, drawing participants from as far as Kaneshie, Kasoa and Nungua.

The sizeable crowd recorded also translated into a souls harvest as 122 surrendered their lives to Christ whilst 33 others rededicated their lives to Him. Meanwhile, 78 new converts underwent water baptism, and 20 received Holy Spirit baptism.

The four-day event would be climaxed on Saturday, November 26, 2022, with a medical screening exercise at the Oduman Central Assembly church auditorium.


Pentecost University Launches Mortuary & Funeral Studies

Pentecost University Launches Mortuary & Funeral Studies

Pentecost University has successfully launched a certificate programme in Mortuary Science and Funeral Studies. This took place on the University’s main campus in Sowutuom, Accra, on Tuesday, November 22, 2022.

At the launch, the Vice-Chancellor of the University, Prof. Kwabena Agyapong-Kodua, said: “we can’t fight death, but we can develop structures to minimise its associated agonies and preserve the dignity of our departed loved ones.” 

Enumerating the rationale for the programme, the VC said there are environmental, cultural and epidemic risks in mortuary and funeral services hence the need for universities to support the regulators and enhance the skills of practitioners who mostly acquire their skills on the job.

On the preparedness of the Pentecost University to deliver, the VC said “we have pulled together the strength of 5 of our faculties to deliver a unique programme.” 

He said the Faculty of Health and Allied Science would focus on the health side such as infection control and microbiology while the Faculty of Business Administration would teach students the business, finance, and customer service side of it. 

“We realised there are legal implications, and this will be handled by experts from our Faculty of Law, whilst the cultural, psychosocial aspect of grief and pastoral dimension will be handled by our Pentecost School of Theology, Ministries and Leadership. 

Not only that, the major engineering aspects associated with refrigeration, and decomposition will be handled by the Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Computing,” he added. 

On the target students, Prof. Kwabena Agyapong-Kodua said the courses are suitable for the various categories of professionals in the death care value chain, including the Management and Entrepreneurial Class, Managers of Funeral Homes, Mortuaries, Mausoleum and Cemeteries. Others are the technical class which includes Morticians, Autopsy Assistants, and Presectors, and then the miscellaneous Group, which includes Mortuary Attendants, Embalmers, Pall Bearers, Hearse Drivers, Cemetery Keepers/Cisterns, Decorators, etc.  

On his part, Mr Emmanuel Okyere, who represented the Head of Mortuaries and Funeral Facilities Agency of Ghana, Mr Matthew Kyeremeh, commended Pentecost University for starting the programme. 

Referencing relevant portions of the MOFFA Act 2011 (Act 829) on training, Mr Okyere pledged the continuous support and partnership of the Agency with Pentecost University in “research and innovation to have a scientific basis to inform policymaking in the death care industry and also build the capacity of staff to provide quality training and service.”

In throwing light on the programme, the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Health and Allied Sciences of Pentecost University, Dr Ebenezer Appiah-Denkyira, said it is going to be intensive. He enumerated some of the courses, which include pathology, microbial morphology, anatomy, and embalming.  

He also emphasised the application of technology and social care in the training and assured that the university is well-positioned to deliver the programme. 

Pentecost University as part of its University A+ vision seeks to provide solutions to all aspects of human problems. This includes developing programmes and projects in otherwise unconventional but relevant areas for national development.


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International Missions Seminar Held

As part of the Vision 2023 strategic direction of The Church of Pentecost, the International Missions Directorate of the church has organised a seminar for all Missionaries, Missionary Attachees, National Heads, Regional Heads, and Area Heads in the external branches of the church.
The International Missions Director (IMD) of the church, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, said that after every Heads’ Meeting, the International Missions Office organises a seminar to help the national leaders to understand the topics treated.
The seminar was held on Monday, November 21, 2022, at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh, near Kasoa in the Central Region of Ghana.
Speaking on the topic, “Missional Approach to Language Specific Migrants,” the IMD said that people migrate for different reasons such as for greener pastures or just wanting to be adventurous, saying, “When people migrate, they do so with their culture, language, food, way of life and clothing.”
He disclosed that when people migrate with their culture, they normally look for people who speak their language to relate with. He, therefore, urged missionaries to be open-minded and have a language-specific approach to missions.
Apostle Agyemang Bekoe explained that in reaching out to migrants, migrant communities must be intentionally targeted with the gospel. He also called on leaders to be sensitive to the language of migrants who are found in the church, and train and equipped them to take up leadership roles in the church.
Apostle Dr. Daniel Okyere Walker, the Tarkwa Area Head, who doubles as the Co-ordinator for the Western Regional Co-ordinating Committee and Executive Council Member, called on the missionaries to strive to build a multicultural church in the various nations.
“A multicultural church is where people are respected irrespective of culture and race. It is not always the easiest church to pastor because it requires extra work from the minister,” he said.
Speaking on the topic, “Becoming a Multicultural Church,” Apostle Dr. Walker mentioned that a multicultural church is where people of different nationalities and cultures come to worship. According to him, worshippers are free to worship in their own languages and every person is treated and given the same opportunity.
He stressed that the church that becomes multicultural does not just happen due to some efforts needed in fulfilling it. These efforts, he stated, must be done in leadership, liturgy, preaching and teaching; praises and music; language and communication; and social activities.
Interacting with the national leaders, the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, implored them to be innocently wise so far as the world is concerned since they are sent as sheep among wolves.
“The devil’s strongest power is his ability to deceive man because he is the combination of wisdom and lies. Therefore, when you are dealing with him, you need wisdom,” he stated.
Apostle Nyamekye noted that though issues and challenges may come, their ability to overcome them would determine the extent of their success, stating, “The need for wisdom becomes critical when you lead people.”
He added: “Wise people work in some particular ways to achieve an end. Learn and read books but don’t conclude on what you are being told because there is more God can teach you.”
Touching on the need for leaders to seek wisdom, Apostle Nyamekye said that wisdom is the principal thing of all human desires. He stressed that wisdom is the first of God’s creation and it needs to be investigated. He also said that wisdom is the foundation upon which things are established.
Other speakers were Apostle Dr. Christian Tsekpoe (Director, Post Graduate Studies and Research Directorate, Pentecost University), Apostle Lawrence Otu-Nyarko (Finance and Administrative Director, Headquarters), Pastor Elvis Nate Nague (Cyprus National Head), Pastor Paul Odai Laryea (IT Manager, Headquarters), and Pastor Morgan (Head of IT, COP-USA).
The International Missions Directorate also honoured eight former missionaries who had ended their missions duty. They were Apostle Isaac Anane-Sarfo (Argentina from 2015 to 2022); Apostle Yao Semanya Dogbe (D.R. Congo from 2015 to 2022); Apostle Michael Agyen Brefo (Gabon from 2018 to 2022); Pastor Ulrick Desire (Haiti from 2019 to 2022); Pastor Samuel Jojo Forson (Jamaica from 2018 to 2022); Apostle Daniel Mireku Gyamera (Madagascar from 2017 to 2022); Apostle Dr. Dieudonne Komla Nuekpe (South Korea from 2015 to 2022), and Pastor Francis Agyemang Badu (Rwanda from 2015 to 2022).

Evangelism Ministry Organises “Jesus March” Ahead Of Mega Crusade

Evangelism Ministry Organises “Jesus March” Ahead Of Mega Crusade

As part of activities ahead of the “Accra for Christ” crusade, the Evangelism Ministry of The Church of Pentecost and the Anyaa-Ablekuma Area of the Church organised the “Jesus March” float last Sunday to sensitise residents of Nsakina and its environs about the impending crusade.

Displaying “Accra for Christ” branded banners, posters and fliers, the church members joyfully marched through the streets of Oduman, Nsakina, Ablekuma, Afuaman, Fan Milk, Olebu, Manhean and later converged at the Nsakina M/A school park – the venue for the crusade.

The team also evangelised and distributed gospel tracts to bystanders.

The participating districts were Oduman, Nsakina, Ablekuma, Afuaman, Nsakina New Town, PIWC-Ablekuma, anyaa, Amamorley, Olebu, Ashalaja, Manhean, Gonse, Ayikai Doblo, Agape and Ablekuma.

The “Accra for Christ” is the last mega crusade of the Evangelism Ministry for the 2022 calendar year. The crusade, which is being in collaboration with Anyaa-Ablekuma Area of the Church, is under the theme: “This Same Jesus” (Acts 1:11).

The four-day event would officially kickstart this evening and climaxed on Saturday, November 26, 2022, with a free medical screening exercise.


We Are All Together In Building The Church – Apostle Nyamekye Tells Members

We Are All Together In Building The Church – Apostle Nyamekye Tells Members

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamkye, has called on all members of the church to join forces together and be connected in building the local church for God.

According to the Chairman, the church is a global church selling the same products, therefore, members should avoid segregating themselves from each other because of the language differences or services held.

“The strategic direction of The Church of Pentecost is to become a global Pentecostal church that is culturally relevant in vibrant evangelism, church planting, discipleship and holistic ministry,” he stated.

Apostle Nyamekye made this call on Sunday, November 20, 2022, at the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Kaneshie.

Speaking on the rationale of the 2023 theme of the church, Apostle Nyamekye said that the local church when repositioned will become a serious threat to the enemy and will afford the church the success in possessing the nations, saying, “The strength of the Church lies with the local church where real practical ministry exist.”

He added: “The local church is therefore expected to be a vibrant centre for equipping members to possess the nations.”

He stressed that for the local church to be as strong as an army, it must be in good shape in terms of attendance at church and involvement in all church activities. He, therefore, urged church leaders to contribute more to support their communities in the ‘Possessing the Nations’ agenda.

Comparing the church to an army, he cautioned that when fighting battles (situations), members should be careful of the rear (back) because the enemy can attack from behind any time they are faced with difficult situations in life.

The Chairman admonished that in the church if it is realized that someone is financially challenged, the local church must make efforts to support the individual so that together everyone grows stronger.

The theme for next year is, “Repositioning the Local Church for Maximum Impact in the Nations” and it is centered on the following scriptural verses: 1 Thess. 2:19-20 & Col. 2:6-7.

He further admonished that every local church must set achievable targets for the year. This, he hoped, would drive them on in taking territories for the kingdom of God.

Apostle Nyamekye further encouraged church leaders to teach the members how to give sacrificially and tithe since the strength of the church greatly relies on the members.

He urged members to devote themselves to personal devotions in their homes. The home, according to him, is the first church and a seminary.

“If we all decide to build our homes it will strengthen the local church in making an impact in our society,” he noted.