The Church Of Pentecost Is Respected Brand web

The Church Of Pentecost Is Respected Brand – General Secretary Observes

Members of The Church of Pentecost (The CoP) have been advised to uphold and jealously guard the Church’s core values and rules of conduct to help safeguard the goodwill of the CoP brand.

The General Secretary of the Church, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, gave this advice on Monday, January 23, 2023, in a presentation on the topic: “The CoP Brand – Rules of Conduct and Core Values of the Church” at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh.

Addressing the Heads’ session of the 2023 Global Ministers and Wives’ Conference (GMWC’23), Apostle Kumi-Larbi explained that churches and denominations are known by key distinctive attributes and core values. 

According to the General Secretary, the Church, being of divine origin but composed of humans, is characterised by Biblical ethics and ethos, which it is later identified as its culture.  

“Like every other Church, The Church of Pentecost has her own culture. Our foundational beliefs are at the heart of our theology. Over the years, The CoP has built a Christ-centred brand with our core values, culture and rules of conduct handed to us as a legacy from our forebears,” he said.

He noted that the distinctive character of The CoP was steadfastly created by the forebears through selfless service, sound biblical teaching, good leadership and succession, evangelism and discipleship, sacrificial giving, and fellowship and discipline. 

“It thus behoves this generation to know, uphold and jealously guard these time-tested Pentecostal distinctive attributes as we seek to reposition the local church for maximum impact,” he stated.

He further noted that these attributes do not only give The CoP an identity but also shape people’s perceptions about the Church, which greatly impacts her influence in society.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi mentioned evangelism, church planting, discipleship, mentoring, trustworthiness, practical holiness, prayer and fasting, punctuality, respect for authority, discipline, and the expectancy of the second coming of Jesus Christ, among others, as some of the long-cherished core values and practices of The Church of Pentecost that members must be taught to uphold.

To preserve the authentic Pentecostal experience of the Church for posterity, Apostle Kumi-Larbi advisedchurch leaders to emphasise to members the importance of manifesting the fruit of the Spirit in their lives, as well as participating in the Holy Communion.

“The CoP is a respected brand in the world and these are the various variables that affect The CoP brand,” he stressed.

The General Secretary revealed that in the spirit of preserving and promoting The CoP’s brand, the leadership of the Church, through the National Discipleship and Leadership Development Committee (NDLDC), has come up with Bible Study lessons for the first three months of the year (January to March) based on the core values to educate and instill these time-tested values in the members. 

He, therefore, called on ministers of the Church to actively participate in these sessions and ensure that they are effectively organised.

Commenting on the presentation, the Chairman of the Church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, posited that the core values and practices of The CoP are still relevant in the contemporary generation because they are premised on the unchanging word of God.

“In our bid to reposition the local church for maximum impact in the nations, it is incumbent that all Church leaders and members are taught and encouraged to uphold these core values and rules of conduct of the Church,” the Chairman added.


Be Rooted In Christ Web

Be Rooted In Christ – Apostle Etrue

An Executive Council Member of the Church of Pentecost, Apostle Mike Etrue, has admonished Christians to be rooted in Christ and consider it a privilege in contributing to the kingdom work to which they have been called.

He called on believers to approach Christian service with a deep sense of gratitude since it reflects the rootedness of the believer in Christ.

Speaking on the theme, ‘Being rooted in Christ as Leaders – A Prerequisite for the Repositioning of Our Local Churches’ on Monday during the ongoing Heads’ Session of the 2023 Global Ministers’ and Wives Conference, Apostle Etrue, who is also the Koforidua Area Head of the Church, opined that the mark of being rooted in Christ as a Christian leader is the ability to bear fruits and have it reflected in the lives of others.

“Being rooted in Christ is key to bearing fruits. How can we not be rooted in him and yet bear fruits,” he queried. Apostle Etrue said it is incumbent on leaders of the church to be connected deeply to the source of power and growth which is Christ as people spearheading the repositioning agenda.

He implored them to endeavour to influence and make an impact in the lives of the members. “Let us see working for God as a privilege and not a burden; there should be no murmuring while we discharge our callings and the Lord will cause a change through you,” he stated.


Develop Attitude Of Gratitude web

Develop Attitude Of Gratitude – Apostle Nyamekye Advises

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has called on the clergy, and Christians in general to develop an attitude of gratitude.

According to Apostle Nyamekye, though the year 2022 was a tough one with several challenges, God has kept them through to another fresh year.

Speaking at the opening of the Heads’ Meeting ahead of the Global Ministers and Wives Conference of The Church of Pentecost at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC) at Gomoa Fetteh on Monday, 23 January 2023, Apostle Nyamekye revealed that Christians have a divine responsibility to give thanks always to God.

“As children of God, there is always the righteous requirement to give thanks to God because that is the will of God concerning us,” he said.

Quoting from Colossians 2:6-7; Genesis 29:32, the Chairman charged believers not to allow life worries and challenges to hinder their praise and thanksgiving to God.

“Try and detoxify yourselves of any worries so that you have the heart to praise God,” he advised.

Apostle Nyamekye called on Christians to fellowship and fraternize, adding that, through that, they can let go of some life issues which will free their minds to offer praise to God.

The Heads’ Meeting is part of the activities that form part of the Global Ministers and Wives’ Conference 2023. The Heads’ Meeting is being attended by Area Heads, as well as Directors of Ministries of the church. National Heads from external branches are joining the meeting via zoom at designated places.


Repositioning The Local Church Is Apologia Pro Vita Sua

Repositioning The Local Church Is Apologia Pro Vita Sua


Inherent in the history that animated the life and doctrine of the Church is a strong stance against teachings and practices that were deemed inimical to the progress of the Church. A rigorous step was taken, as it were, to safeguard the Church’s vitality. This occupation was to those who were actively involved, a defense of their own life─apologia pro vita sua (Latin: “defense of one’s life”). Indeed, there is a truth that is ever intrinsic to this stance of the early Christians who have gone ahead of us: the Church is integral in the process of laying hold onto the life that flows through Christ to people within and without the Church. It is ever true that extra Christum nulla salus (outside Christ there is no salvation). The nourishment for this salvation towards its fulfillment in Christ has the Church as its storehouse. The Church is the hub, if not the fountainhead, of the vitality which flows from Christ onto his people.

In this peculiar position of the Universal Church, the local church’s role need not be belabored. The local church is the focal point of the abundance of life ebbing from the Lord Jesus Christ to the partakers in “the faith which once delivered unto the saints.”  It is within the local church that the grace of Christ is concentrated. A decision to reposition the local church is indeed a move to draw attention to this great place of the local church in the workings of God. It is to make a decision to defend lives. Repositioning the local church is a defense of our lives─apologia pro vita sua.

The Local Church is Our Mother

To put things in perspective, it is relevant to give a definition of what the local church is. In simple terms, the local church connotes the immediate meeting or gathering of believers in the finished work of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, after their translation into full fellowship, for worship, sharing in the word of God, partaking in the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper among other Christian liturgies. A new believer in Christ is encouraged to join the local church in view of his or her nurturing in Christ. This suggests that discipling believers in Christ towards consolidation of their faith in Christ is done in the local church. The exhortation to “desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby” (1 Peter 2:2, NJKV) establishes the local church as the place of Christian growth, vitality and maturity.

In his discourse with Nicodemus, Jesus pointed out that his (Jesus’) concept of new birth is strikingly distinct from childbirth in the natural sense (John 3:3-7). In effect, one does not need to enter into his or her mother’s womb again to be born again. From natural knowledge, after birth, the newborn would have to be nurtured. The essence of motherhood is further appreciated here; providing warmth for the baby, food, healthcare, and teaching the young child basic life skills. Albeit, others apart from the primary mothers may contribute to this nurturing. The whole of the activities of nurturing is an act of motherhood. The nurturing role of a mother finds a resemblance with the role of the local church post-new birth. When one is born again in Christ, his or her upbringing lies strongly with the local church. When one imagines the nurturing of a newborn person in Christ, the motherhood role of the local church strikes.

Blessed are those who find themselves in a local church whose motherhood is impeccable. Such people, undoubtedly, grow most excellently and mature pleasantly in Christ. Their Christian vitality is admirable. Indeed, the local church is our mother. It is a training ground for people on whom the salvation of this world rest, significantly. I plea thus, “Dear local church, we have come to you our mother, nurture us that we may grow. Our vitality in Christ, even our very life, depends on you. Deny us your motherhood and we shall not be anything better than orphans.”

Repositioned in Defense of Our very Life

The tragedy of a local church comes to light when it is diagnosed that there is a shift in its position. Such a church loses its God-mandated stance in the world. It disturbs the flow of the life of Christ onto people and nations of the world. The principles of the Kingdom of God it is strategically positioned to reveal to the world are not seen. This church suffers loss. It is in the presence of this kind of church that societal decadence gets a field day. Such a church stands aloof in the face of social evil. The church forgets that it is a hub of hope for a dying world.

To bring back the local church to its locus of influence is an attempt to protect the life we have received from Christ. This life is supposed to ever flow onto eternal life. It is this life that gives us a dear position before God. It is a life that must necessarily be protected. The position must be defended; the life must be defended. This repositioning then becomes an issue of life and death. The search for the fountain of life that is flowing through Christ is appreciated primarily when one encounters a local church in its divinely appointed position. It is this position that enables the revival of people who are dead in sin back to life. This rightful place of the local church consequently nurtures these infant lives till they blossom, becoming a people of power and their impact felt within the larger society.

Concerning a repositioned local church, its members have genuine faith in God. This faith is nurtured by the sincere word of God. Their knowledge of God is deep-seated; their experience of God is authentic. In all, its spirituality is fervent. True worship and fellowship are witnessed. This church is a healing community. It promotes the wholeness of the life of the people therein. This church understands what it means to be saved in Christ and the peculiar responsibility that places on the redeemed people of God. The ministry of reconciliation which God has committed to his people is on point in this church since with joy it bears the burden of reaching out to the lost. This work of reconciliation finds expression in every facet of society, planting the principles of the Kingdom of God everywhere. The structures it puts in place to ensure its impact on the larger society are in a revived state. Such a church is to be desired.


The question remains, “what unit of a gathering of people has God strategically positioned to manifest his glory the world over?” Is it not the local church? It is within the local church that there is a first encounter with the revelation of who the Almighty is; his nature, and his work in the world in reconciling the world to himself. The local church is the embassy in which God dwells among men. The local church in the mind of God is a people that bear the mark of the Kingdom of God. Repositioning the local church is a survival mechanism for the Universal Church. To this end, to identify the reason for the decline of the Church in nations, regional blocs, and even continents, the compromise of the vital position of the local church would always be implicated. The local church in its rightful position is a life-giving gathering of people on whom the Spirit of God is resting. Repositioning the local church is a defense of the very life of nations.

Written by Dr. Stephen Ofotsu Ofoe

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The Church of Pentecost Adjudged “Most Impactful Church In Cape Coast”

The Cape Coast Area of The Church of Pentecost has been presented the ‘Osabarimba Royal Award’ as the most Impactful Church in the Cape Coast Traditional Area during this year’s Osabarimba Royal Awards ceremony.

The prestigious award was received on behalf of the Cape Coast Area by a church delegation made up of the Area Chieftaincy Ministry Chairman, Pastor Isaac Yamoah Bosompem, the Area Deacon, Elder Daniel Quainoo, and the Area Women’s Ministry Leader, Deaconess Georgina Ashley, at a colourful event held at Oguaa Emintsimadze, the palace of the Osabarimba Atta II of Oguaa.

The Osabarimba Royal Awards is an annual Oguaa Traditional Council event initiated by Osabarimba Kwesi Atta in partnership with Ridge Royal Hotel, associated by all and sundry.

The awards scheme seeks to recognise and acknowledge individuals and organisations supporting the growth and development of Oguaa (Cape Coast).

Being the third edition of the annual award ceremony, this year’s event saw a rich display of royalty, prestige, togetherness, culture and tradition. It also brought together businessmen and women, technocrats, governmental and non-governmental organisations, old student associations, churches, representatives of various groups, sponsors, the media and all nominees.

Addressing the prestigious and royal gathering, Osabarimba Kwesi Atta II revealed that: “We, are honouring persons and organisations in the metropolis who have distinguished themselves in their various places of work and those who through their efforts have to improve the face of Cape Coast or Oguaaman.”

The 2023 Osabarimba Royal Awards ceremony had 12 categories, including social development, education, health sector, religion, tourism, indigenous organisations and honourary awards.

The Cape Coast Area of The Church of Pentecost took home the “Most Impactful Church in Cape Coast” award under the religion category.

The Area Deacon, Elder Daniel Quainoo, in an interview with PENTECOST NEWS, explained that the award was given to The Church of Pentecost because of the historic impact the Church had made in the lives of the people of Cape Coast in terms of evangelism in ghettos, donations to prisoners in Ankaful Prisons, visitation to patients at Cape Coast Teaching Hospital and Ewim Hospital, and educational support to brilliant but needy students in tertiary institutions, among others.

The awardees, on behalf of the nominees of the various categories, expressed heartfelt gratitude to Osabarimba Kwesi Atta II and the Planning Committee for the recognition and honour done them.

They said the award has greatly motivated them and promised to do more to “make Cape Coast great again.”

In attendance to witness the event were over 30 chiefs and queen mothers.

Report by Pastor Ebenezer Okoampah (Cape Coast Area Media Ministry).


Sawla Area Organises Retreat For Pentecost Schools Staff

A two-day retreat has been organised for managers, teachers and non-teaching staff of the Pentecost Preparatory schools in the Sawla Area.

The maiden event, which is a brainchild of the Area Head, Pastor David Amankwaa, took place at the Sawla English Assembly church auditorium on January 9, 2023. It was under the theme: “Repositioning Our Schools, the Role of Teachers.”

The purpose of the programme, according to Pastor Amankwaa, was to allow the participants to wait upon the Lord for fresh strength, take stock of the past year and plan for the New Year.

Addressimg the participants, the Sawla Area Head said teachers (educators) have a significant role to play in the Church’s vision of transforming society with Kingdom principles and values, dubbed “Vision 2023.”

He, however, noted that to be effective agents of transformation, they ought to be first transformed by having a personal encounter with Christ and building an intimate relationship with Him.

Using Acts 6:1-8, and Colossians 3:23-24 as Bible references, Pastor Amankwaa explained that the first-century church recorded tremendous growth in population within a short time because the leaders of the church – the 12 apostles – were spirit-filled and spirit-led.

He said that the apostles relied on the Spirit of God in every decision they took, including the appointing young men to wait on tables and meet the daily needs of the widows in the church.

He, therefore, urged the participants, particularly the managers of the schools, to always pray for divine direction and insight when taking decisions.

He also advised them to efficiently execute their administrative duties with diligence.

The Sawla Area Head cited the story of Moses and Jethro in Exodus 18:25-27 to stress the need for the leaders to delegate and share their workload.

“There is strength in diversified unity, and this must be effectively harnessed by the leaders to the advantage of the schools,” he advised.

The Area Head also encouraged the teachers to add value to themselves by striving to further their education, saying: “A man’s ministry is an outflow of himself, so you can only give what you know as a teacher.”

Ending his submission on a high note, Pastor Amankwaa commended the staff of the Sawla and Bole Pentecost Preparatory schools for recording a 100% pass in their first attempt at the Basic Education Certificate Exams (BECE).

He, however, challenged them to aim at single digits in this year’s exams.

The participants, 53 in all, were also taken through bookkeeping and other administrative functions as part of the retreat.

Report by Sawla Area Media Team

HUM Poised For Greater Works In 2023 & Beyond

HUM Poised For Greater Works In 2023 & Beyond

The Home and Urban Missions (HUM) of The Church of Pentecost held a National Sub-Committees’ Performance Review Meeting yesterday to take stock and strategise for the year 2023 and beyond.

The meeting, chaired by the HUM Coordinator, Apostle Emmanuel Agyei Kwafo, brought together all heads and secretaries of the various sub-committees under the ministry at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh.

This year’s meeting was strategic as it aimed at finishing strong and well as the Church’s five-year strategic vision, dubbed “Vision 2023,” enters its final lap.

The sub-committees represented at the event  included the Expatriates, Secretariat, Literature, Fulani, Orality, Vulnerable Children, Rehabilitation and Nation Possessors. The rest were Cine Evangelism, Outreach, Training and Equipping Centre, Sports and the Production committees.

The various committees took turns to read their reports for 2022, and highlighted their achievements and projections for 2023.

Giving his closing remarks, Apostle Agyei Kwafo expressed gratitude to God for the amazing successes chalked by each committee in the previous year.

He also expressed appreciation to the house on behalf of the National Executive Committee, chaired by Apostle Dr. Christian Tsekpoe, and prayed with the participants for God’s abounding grace.

The HUM Coordinator also encouraged them to put in their best this year, saying: “We are expecting greater works this year and beyond.”

Home and Urban Missions (HUM) is a ministry of The Church of Pentecost dedicated to reaching out to the unengaged and unreached people groups in the nations.

Report by Overseer Emmanuel Otchere Darko

Havedzi Assembly Church Building Dedicated

Havedzi Assembly Church Building Dedicated

The Aflao Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Michael Agyen Brefo, has dedicated the newly-built Havedzi Assembly church building in the Keta District of the Church.

Apostle Agyen Brefo was ably assisted by the District Minister, Pastor Samuel Dogbe, and other ministers in the Anloga zone and their wives. The dedication ceremony was held on December 30, 2022.

The building was funded through the Community-Based Church Building (CBCB) initiative and grants from the Church’s General Headquarters, the area, district and contributions from members of the Havedzi Assembly.

The history of Havedzi Assembly could be traced back to 2005, a year before the creation of Keta District in 2006 when Pastor Thomas Agbeke was the Anloga District Minister.

The assembly was opened through an aggressive house-to-house evangelism exercise after an attempt to organise an open-air rally proved futile. At the end of the outreach, souls were won, baptised and gathered for church service the following Sunday morning. The church used to fellowship at the compound offered by Mr. Francis Kwakuvi Aglanu Normoley until a plot of land was purchased from the Aglanu Nornorley family in 2012 for the purpose of constructing a permament place of worship.

Consequently, the assembly put up a temporary structure in which they fellowshipped until May 2019 when the CoP Headquarters released a CBCB grant for the project.

The financial support from the area as well as the diligence of the district and the local assembly facilitated the completion and dedication of the church building.  

Delivering a brief exhortation at the event on the topic: “Every Christian Is Shaped For Ministry” based on John 12:26 and Ephesians 4:11-12, the Agorve-Woe District Minister, Pastor Francis Lamptey, exhorted Christians that each one has been specially fashioned by God to serve in His church.

“Our spiritual gifts, hearts, abilities, personalities and experiences are part of God’s grand plan to use us variedly to reflect his glory on earth as his servants,” he stated.

Expounding John 12:26, he noted that a true servant is the one who serves the Lord and not one who holds the title of servanthood.

Dedicating the building, Apostle Michael Agyen Brefo expressed gratitude to the leadership of the Church for the CBCB initiative.

He also commended the Keta District’s leadership for the project’s successful completion.

He admonished the members to exhibit sacrificial service to the Lord so that God will use them to build a strong church.

He added that the ministry opportunities instituted in the church were to help members identify their callings in order to serve the church and the community.  

Report by Aflao Area Media Team

Kaneshie Area Women's Ministry Holds Quarterly Fasting & Prayer Chain

Kaneshie Area Women’s Ministry Holds Quarterly Fasting & Prayer Chain

The Kaneshie Area Women’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, organised its Quarterly Fasting and Prayer Chain at the Kaneshie Central auditorium in Accra.

The event which was on the theme, “Repositioning Women Through Prayers for Maximum Impact,” had the Kaneshie Area Head, Apostle Samuel Osei Asante, who doubles as an Executive Council Member of the Church, as the guest speaker.

Highlighting the theme for the year, “Repositioning the Local Church for Maximum Impact In The Nations,” (Colossians 2:6-7, 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20), Apostle Asante explained that much attention has been given to the local church because activities in the church are mainly executed at the local level.

He explained that repositioning is the act of placing someone in a new position or changing the direction of an objective for effective use.

He added: “Nothing new has been introduced by the church, rather it is strengthening the already existing values for effective impact. Whatever relevant goal that was abandoned has been revisited for the benefit of the church and the nation.”

Referencing from Esther 4:7-16, the Kaneshie Area Head said that Esther fasted and prayed together with the Jews in Susa when she heard about the intention of Haman to annihilate the Jews.

He noted that the prayer of Esther and her people created a miracle where she found favour in the sight of the king by defying all odds, saying, “The king granted all her request including sparing the life of Mordecai and in replacement of Haman’s evil plot. Esther saved the entire generation from extinction and brought joy, peace and comfort to the Jewish in a foreign land.”

Apostle Samuel Osei Asante charged the women to be lovers of prayer by interceding for the Church, the nation, and their families to cause a tremendous change in society.

In attendance was the wife of the Area Head, Mrs Elizabeth Osei Asante, the Area Pastorate, current and past leadership of the Women’s Ministry, and members of the ministry.

Report by Michael Asante, Kaneshie.

Nation Possessors Conference Underway At PCC

“Nation Possessors Conference” Underway At PCC

The “Nation Possessors Conference” being organised by the Home and Urban Missions (HUM) commenced yesterday at the Josiah Coffie Quaye auditorium of the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa-Fetteh.

Apostle Emmanuel Agyei Kwafo, the HUM Coordinator, welcomed all the participants to the conference on behalf of the National Executive Committee of the ministry.

In his opening address, the HUM Coordinator elucidated on the Nation Possessors concept and encouraged participants to run with the vision.

Apostle Kwafo further urged the Nations Possessors recruits to uphold and work with the five-year strategic vision of The Church of Pentecost, dubbed “Vision 2023,” as outlined by the Chairman of the Church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye.

The conference, which is expected to close on Saturday, January 21, 2023, has 150 participants drawn from 53 administrative areas of the Church in attendance.

Also in attendance were the HUM Pastor for Koforidua, Ashaiman and La Sectors, Area HUM Coordinators from Anyaa Ablekuma, Kasoa, Wa and Nkawkaw as well as some members of the National Nation Possessors Executive Committee.

The concept of Nation Possessors came into being during the inauguration of HUM to raise and equip an army of zealous Christians to fervently intercede for the successful implementation of Vision 2023.

Among other commitments, the group will be vibrant in the fulfillment of the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ across the entire Church and the nations.

Report by HUM Literature Committee