Don’t Castigate, Defend The Church of Pentecost web

Don’t Castigate, Defend The Church of Pentecost – Members Advised

Members of The Church of Pentecost (CoP) have been advised to stay loyal to the Church and to readily defend her in the public space.

The Chairman of the Church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, made this avid appeal today at the Come-to-Me Assembly church auditorium when he joined members of the Nsawam District for Sunday Service to climax his weeklong visit to the Nsawam Area.

Speaking on the topic: “Loyalty,” the Chairman explained that members are the greatest treasure of The Church of Pentecost because they are God’s special possession (1 Peter 2:9) and the strength base of the Church.

He said that people who join the Church as members are important because they come along with their talents, wisdom, spiritual gifts, resources, strength and other graces that all contribute to building the church of God.

“Therefore, no one should be considered useless because we are all contributing to building our great Church. We must, therefore, give deep respect to each other regardless of one’s status,” he said.

He further noted that: “People often talk about the leader because he is the face of the institution, but behind a good leader are others playing supportive roles. We are all supporting.”

Apostle Nyamekye said that as people who provide supportive leadership in the Church, one thing that is most required of members is loyalty. “At the heart of the word ‘loyal’ or ‘loyalty’ is the word ‘faithful.’ As supporting leaders of The COP, you must be faithful to God and The Church of Pentecost,” he stated.

The Chairman said that, in demonstrating their faithfulness to God and The CoP, members should be prepared to defend the Church in public, especially when its leaders are under attack.

“You may not always be pleased with our decisions as leaders but don’t join others in castigating the Church. No, defend the Church so that we do not destroy the great Church we have built together,” he advised.

Apostle Nyamekye also urged the members to demonstrate their loyalty to the Church through their commitment, sacrifice, love for others, going the extra mile, interceding for the Church in prayer and providing effective leadership whenever they are called upon to serve in any leadership position.


Develop your spiriuality

Develop Your Spirituality Through Personal Devotion – Apostle Antwi Tells Christians

The Co-ordinator of the Central Regional Coordinating Committee (RCC) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Samuel Yaw Antwi, has admonished Christians to develop their spirituality by resorting to daily personal devotion.

Apostle Antwi, who is the Cape Coast Area Head and Member of the Executive Council of the church, noted that one of the effective ways to develop the spirituality of Christians is to do their personal devotions which, he believes, is an avenue for repositioning the local church for maximum impact.

According to him, it is very important that Christians develop their spirituality through personal devotion to God because it is through this discipline that the Christian grows into spiritual maturity in Christ.

Apostle Antwi made this charge during the 2023 Takoradi Area Officers Apostolisation Retreat. The event took place at two zones – Takoradi Zone which was held at PCA Anaji, and Agona Zone at Sychar, Agona.

Speaking on the topic, “Encouraging Personal Devotions and Small Groups Prayer Meetings to Strengthen the Local Church,” Apostle Antwi said that the need to develop personal devotion should come from the knowledge that the local church consists of individuals who must come together to deepen their faith in Christ (Mark 1:35, Luke 22:39-40, Acts 2:42; 8:27-31).

“Personal devotion is an act of prayer or private worship undertaken in order to constantly know the Lord and built up in Him into spiritual maturity,” he affirmed. Referring to Job 1:5 and Daniel 1;8, 6:10, he mentioned that Job and Daniel committed themselves to personal devotions, hence it became something that identified them.

He challenged church leaders to resolve in their hearts that they will be committed to personal devotion and promote it in the local church.

Emphasizing the benefits of personal devotion, Apostle Antwi stated that it helps the believer to grow in the knowledge and understanding of the Lord and His word, helps believers to have a deeper relationship with Christ, gives strength to the weary, brings God-consciousness, and helps one to become more like Jesus Christ.

He concluded that when it comes to congregational prayer time, he said the church has been doing well but it is time to refocus on individuals and small groups for maximum impact.

The Takoradi Area 2023 Apostolisation which started on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, under the theme, “Repositioning the Local Church for Maximum Impact,” had Apostles Samuel Yaw Antwi, Philip Osei Korsah (Director, Counselling Unit at the Headquarter) and Apostle Yao Semenya Dogbe (Takoradi Area Head) and their wives as facilitators.

It ended on Friday, February 10, 2023.

Report by Pastor Ernest Perbi-Asare, Takoradi Area Media Pastor

162 Officers Ordained In Teshie-Nungua Area web

162 Officers Ordained In Teshie-Nungua Area

A total of 162 persons have been ordained as officers of The Church of Pentecost in the Teshie-Nungua Area of the church.

The ordained officers comprising 57 Elders, 56 Deacons and 49 Deaconesses, were drawn from the various districts in the Area.

The ordination service which was officiated by the International Missions Director (IMD) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, assisted by the Area Head, Apostle Wilberforce Nkrumah-Agyeman, took place on Friday night [February 10, 2023] during the climax of the Area’s All Officers Apostolisation held at the Fred Stephen Safo Memorial Temple at Nungua-Nshorna, Accra.

Also present to assist the IMD were the Hohoe Area Head, Apostle Moses Ahiakor, a guest speaker at the Apostolisation; Apostle Rigwell Ato Addison (Rtd) – a former General Secretary of the church, and Apostle M. M. Kopah (Rtd).

Apostle Agyeman Bekoe charged the newly called officers to commit themselves to the service of the church to advance the Kingdom business.

At the same event, the Area Head, Apostle Wilberforce Nkrumah-Agyeman, presented special awards to individuals and districts in the Area for their evangelistic efforts.

The awardees were Mrs Esther Boateng who won 26 children for Christ and retained them in the church in 2022. She also won nine adult souls.

Others were Elder Isaac Kyeremeh of Community 20 District who won 11 souls, with 10 baptised in water, and Elder Peter Sam of Mannet District. He also won 15 souls with 12 baptised in water.

The Executive Chairman of Jospong Group of Companies, Elder Dr Joseph Siaw Agyepong, and his wife, Mrs Adelaide Cynthia Araba Siaw Agyepong, was also honoured for winning a total of 80 souls for Christ, with over 50 of them baptised in water.

The Teshie District, led by the late Pastor Robert Sowah Nii Anang, received the highest soul-winning district award for winning 422 souls last year, while Graceland Pentecost International Worship Centre, headed by Pastor Felix Okyere Anti, was also awarded for baptising and retaining all 174 souls won in 2022.


Be A Good Brand Ambassador Of The Church Of Pentecost web

Be A Good Brand Ambassador Of The Church Of Pentecost – Apostle Bekoe To Officers

The International Missions Director (IMD) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, has called on officers of the church (Elders, Deacons and Deaconesses) to be good and loyal brand ambassadors of the church.

According to the IMD, The Church of Pentecost (The CoP) is a unique brand, and, therefore, leaders should acquaint themselves with the practices, culture, doctrines and core values of the church, among others to market it well.

Apostle Agyemang Bekoe said this at the climax of the Teshie-Nungua Area All Officers Apostolisation held at the Fred Stephen Safo Memorial Temple, Nungua-Nshorna in Accra on Friday, February 10, 2023.

He indicated that as brand ambassadors, they should not talk ill about the brand but rather promote it wherever they find themselves through their actions and inactions by portraying Christlike characters that will speak well of the church.

Speaking on the topic, “The Church of Pentecost Brand,” the IMD noted that The CoP is a brand because it has distinguishing features that make it unique from other churches.

Touching on what makes The CoP a brand, he mentioned among others that the church is a Bible-believing church and that the Bible should be the standard for the conduct of its members (brand ambassadors).

He also said that The CoP is a Classical Pentecostal church that believes in the ministry of the Holy Spirit, thus Holy Spirit baptism with the initial sign of speaking in tongues. The church also believes in water baptism (baptism by immersion).

The church has a native spirit of simplicity, modesty and discretion, where religious excesses are controlled.

Apostle Bekoe also mentioned another distinctive brand of The CoP as the Covenant the church has with God. Others are its doctrines or tenets, Core Values which include evangelism, prayer, holiness, tithes and offering; the Rules and Conducts of its members, Church Culture, among others.

The International Missions Director charged officers and members of the church not to adulterate the church’s hard-earned brand so that the integrity and sanctity of the church will be maintained at all times.

He ended his ministration with with an impartation service.

Present at the event were the host Area Head, Apostle Wilberforce Nkrumah-Agyeman; the Hohoe Area Head, Apostle Moses Ahiakor (Guest Speaker); a former General Secretary of the church, Apostle Rigwell Ato Addison (Rtd.) – Speaker; Apostle M. M. Kopah (Rtd.), the Area Pastorate, and officers in the Area.



Visitation Is The Hallmark Of A Strong Local Church – Mrs. Kumi-Larbi Asserts

One of the most distinguishing hallmarks of a strong and healthy local church is the regular visitation of leaders to the homes and workplaces of the members, Mrs. Rose Dansoa Kumi-Larbi, wife of the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, has said.

According to her, as Church leaders visit the members, they develop compassion for one another, love one another, care for one another, and strengthen their bond.

“The Church that engages in visitation is a strong church, unified in membership, and love exists there forever,” she stated. Mrs. Kumi-Larbi said this when she delivered a presentation on the topic: “Visitation In The Local Church” during last Wednesday’s evening session of the Sekondi Area Ministers and Officers’ Retreat (Apostolisation) at the Apostle JWD Cudjoe Memorial Temple, Ketan.

Making reference to 1 Peter 5:2-3, Mrs. Kumi-Larbi said that Apostle Peter charged the leaders of the early church to look after the members as God’s flock by caring, loving and teaching them the word of God, but not to seek their selfish gains.

She further noted that it is, therefore, required of every Church leader to provide pastoral care to members, and this includes visiting them in their homes, workplaces, at the hospital, etc. “Since visitation is part of the leader’s core duties in the Church, it must be done with all diligence and modesty,” she emphasised.

Mrs. Kumi-Larbi urged Church leaders to strengthen the local church, which remains the backbone of The Church of Pentecost, by promoting visitation in the various local assemblies. “When the local church falls, the Church will suffer dearly,” she cautioned.

Mrs. Kumi-Larbi also encouraged the members to forgive each other and rid themselves of bitterness as they reinforce visitation in the local church, adding: “This will bring joy and encouragement to the Church.”

She advised ministers and presiding elders to institute a visitation schedule in the local church to make the exercise more effective and sustainable. This, she further noted, would enable church leaders to visit every member of the local church.

Mrs. Kumi-Larbi, however, charged members to reciprocate the gesture, saying: “If you are fortunate to be visited, you must also visit someone in their house, family, workplace, hospital, and school.”


Strengthen The Local Church Through Visitation web

Strengthen The Local Church Through Visitation – Apostle M. C. Asiedu (Rtd)

A retired minister of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Micheal Collins Asiedu, has stated that the local assembly is the strength of the church and, therefore, must be given the needed attention by ensuring that each member has a sense of belonging.

He indicated that before the church can achieve its goals, members should have inner satisfaction and that one of the key areas to consider is visitation to members and their families.

Apostle M. C. Asiedu said this at the opening of a four-day La Area Officers Apostolisation at Dr Thomas Wyatt Temple on Tuesday, February 7, 2023.

With scripture reference to Acts 20:20, he stated that the church is a family, and so one of the best ways to shepherd the flock of God is through visitation, saying, “Leaders must be intentional in visiting members to know them better in deeds, speech and actions.”

He revealed that visitation is in two dimensions – top-down approach where leaders visit members, and down-top approach where members also visit their leaders.

According to him, visitation is based on the love of God which is revealed in Christ and exhibited to one another. As shepherds of God’s flock, God expects leaders to be keenly concerned about the welfare of the flock entrusted to them.

The former Evangelism Director of the church hinted with biblical references to Jeremiah 23:1-2, Lamentations 4:3-4, Job 39:13-15 and Ezekiel 34 that, the Lord is strictly against leaders who ignore the flocks since it is part of their responsibility.

He cited Acts 20:28 and stated: “Visitation was part and parcel of God’s nature and is a reflection in His name Emmanuel. Jesus also replicated what His father did when He came to the earth.

“Our service should be modelled after that of Christ. Christ’s disciples in the early church had time for both group and individual ministrations through visitation.”

Apostle Asiedu mentioned that Christian visitations may include routine visitation which is open to everyone and emergency or circumstantial which is mostly unplanned but based on issues at hand.

There is also scheduled visitation which is backed by a plan, he added. He indicated that visitations can be done in homes, offices, and schools but should be at the convenience of those being visited, stressing that one should follow the ethics and principles of visitation.

“Visitation should not pose problems in homes and families. Advance notice, confidentiality and respect for boundaries are key during visitations,” he stated.

He commended officers of the church for their diligence towards the work of God in ensuring the growth of the church. In an earlier presentation, the La Area Head, Apostle Dr Dieudonne Komla Nuekpe, gave a summary and rationale behind the five-year vision of the church, dubbed ‘Vision 2023’ of possessing the nations.

He noted that due to Israel’s failure in its mandate to possess nations, God expects Christians to fulfil that by making an impact wherever they find themselves.

“It is in this view that The Church of Pentecost is repositioning itself to have a positive influence in the nations,” he said, adding, “The Church wants to consume the nations with Kingdom’s values and principles.”

He noted that the three approaches to the ‘Possessing the Nations’ agenda are as follows: Equipping members with the required resources through the teachings and practices of the church; Strengthening and realigning existing institutions and structures of the church to serve as implementation units, and Creating a conducive environment for the vision to thrive.

Report by Gina Akua Padi.

God Is The Principal Witness Of The Marriage Covenan web

God Is The Principal Witness Of The Marriage Covenant – Apostle Nyamekye

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has said that marriage is a covenant and a three-way relationship in which the couple is accountable to God who acts as the principal witness.

According to the Chairman, God takes particular interest in everything that goes on in a marriage, therefore, Christian couples should honour Him by staying faithful to their partners and making their marital union successful.

Apostle Nyamekye made this passionate call yesterday when he addressed ministers and officers of the Medie Zone as part of the ongoing Nsawam Area Apostolisation at the Medie Central Assembly church auditorium at Medie.

Speaking on the topic: “Raising Family Altars To Strengthen The Local Church: Lessons From The Puritans” with references to Malachi 2:13-16 and Jeremiah 29:23, the Chairman explained that marriage is the oldest institution on earth.

He explained that the fact that the holy estate predates the Christian religion indicates that marriage is for all people and not just Christians, adding: “You do not necessarily have to be a Christian in order to enjoy a successful marriage.”

Apostle Nyamekye, however, noted that Christian couples, who work hard on their marriages, are at an advantage simply because the holy estate was instituted by God, their Father, and also receive support from the Holy Spirit.

He noted that marital union of a male and female (as biologically defined) forms the base for every family, and the family remains the foundation of society.

Reading Malachi 2:15, he stressed that God’s purpose for instituting marriage is to raise godly offspring. “When two Christians walk to the altar to be joined in holy matrimony, Heaven rejoices because their union is strategic and God expects godliness and godly offspring from them,” he said.

The Chairman, therefore, advised Christian parents to endeavour to raise their children in the fear of the Lord and leave them a legacy of godliness and guarantee generational blessings.

To raise godly offspring, Apostle Nyamekye stressed the need for Christian couples to have a Puritan view of marriage and family life. He revealed that the Puritans saw family life as a calling and regarded the family as a Church and a seminary.

“They saw the family as a household involving every individual living in the house, and not just the spouse and children. To them, God is the father of every member of the household, so they are all brothers and sisters in the Lord,” he explained.

Apostle Nyamekye said that one surest way for parents to raise children in the fear of the Lord is to raise family altars (home worship) in their homes. To hold effective family devotions, the Chairman advised Christians to schedule a convenient time suitable to all family members, teach (rather than preach) the word of God, and to endeavour to hold meetings consistently.

He also advised Church leaders to make quality time for their spouses and children and to help build their spiritual life.


Personal Devotion Is Compulsory For Every Christian – Mrs. Dansoah Appiah

Personal Devotion Is Compulsory For Every Christian – Mrs. Dansoah Appiah

Mrs. Gifty Dansoah Appiah, the wife of the Winneba Area Head of The Church of Pentecost (CoP), has charged Christians to make personal devotion or “quiet time” a non-negotiable part of their daily routine.

“If we seek to know the Lord better, be like Christ, be worthy before the Lord, grow in knowledge about Him, then daily personal devotions cannot be underestimated or disregarded,” she stated.

Mrs Dansoah Appiah, the former National Director for Compassion International, Ghana, made this call on Wednesday, February 8, 2023, during the second day of the ongoing Sekondi Area Ministers and Officers’ Retreat (Apostolisation) at the Ketan Central Assembly church auditorium in Ketan.

Preaching on the topic, “Encouraging Personal Devotions and Small Group Prayer Meetings to Strengthen the Local Church,” Mrs. Appiah defined devotion as an act of prayer, private worship, or religious practice rather than the regular worship of a congregation.

She explained that personal devotion is a discipline one undertakes or commits in order to develop an intimate relationship with the Lord.

“Devotion, in its literal sense,  comes with the idea of loyalty, love and care for someone.” she added

Quoting Psalm 63:1-2, Mrs. Appiah said that King David prepared for the day through his personal devotions and encounter with God.

“As a member of The Church of Pentecost, you should not go through a day without having your quiet time,” she stated.

She iterated that even Jesus Christ, being the Son of God, communed with the Father in his personal devotion every dawn before He started the day.

She, therefore, urged Christians, particularly Church leaders, to endeavour to emulate their Master Jesus.

“To be a leader in The CoP is not easy; virtue always leaves you, and the only place to refuel your strength and spirit is in the presence of God during your quiet time,” she noted.

Mrs. Appiah, therefore, encouraged members of the Church not to use their busy work schedules as excuse to avoid having this all-important exercise.

Among other benefits, she said “daily personal devotions helps us to grow spiritually, it is a regular appointment that we keep to commune with God, it gives us strength for daily battles spiritually and physically; helps us to grow in grace, and quenches the thirst of one’s soul.”

Mrs. Appiah, however, advised that, for an effective quiet time, the individual must seek the right environment, choose the right time, sleep in good time, go before God with a clean heart and be willing to obey God’s Word always.


Church Leaders Advised To Appreciate God’s Grace web

Church Leaders Advised To Appreciate God’s Grace

The New Tafo Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Prophet Samuel Tetteh Doku, has advised the ministers and officers of the Church to remember and appreciate the grace of God which has brought them this far (Hebrews 5:1-4).

He was speaking during the New Tafo Area End-of-Year Presbytery Meeting held on Friday, February 3, 2023, at the M. K. Yeboah Memorial Temple, Krofrom in Kumasi.

Reading from Psalm 78:35 and Ephesians 2:11-12, Prophet Tetteh Doku spoke on the topic: “Repositioning the Church Leader to Remember the Grace of God For Maximum Impact In the Local Church.”

The New Tafo Area Head called on Christians and Church leaders not to be oblivious of the fact that they were once aliens to the salvation. According to him, they were conceived and born in sin (Psalm 51:5), dead in trespasses and sin (Ephesians 2:1), children of wrath (Ephesians 2:3), without Christ (Ephesians 2:12), and weak and foolish (1 Corinthians 1:27), but God’s grace has saved them.

“God showed us mercy, and we are saved by grace (1 Timothy 1:13-16). So, we need to remember and appreciate this grace for maximum impact in our local churches,” he underscored.

In keeping the spirit of remembrance, Prophet Samuel Tetteh Doku charged Christians to let the word of God dwell in them richly; have an intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit; show respect to others, and walk in humility at all times.

Report by Emmanuel Nana Nsiah

Mentor The Next Generation –Apostle Kumi-Larbi To Ministers

Mentor The Next Generation –Apostle Kumi-Larbi To Ministers

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, has called on ministers and wives to intentionally identify, train and mentor the next generation of Church leaders and members.

The General Secretary made this passionate call on Wednesday, February 8, 2023, during the second day of the ongoing Sekondi Area Ministers and Officers’ Retreat (Apostolisation) at the Ketan Central Assembly church auditorium in Ketan.

Speaking on the topic: “Repositioning Mentoring In Ministry for Maximum Impact; Focused Mentorship,” the General Secretary stressed that ministers and Church leaders have a responsibility to mentor people into leadership roles in the Church.

According to him, the mentoring relationship that existed between Eli and the young Samuel prepared the latter for the priestly responsibilities when he took over from the former (1 Samuel 1-4).

He also mentioned Elijah (2 Kings 19:19-21; 2 Kings 2:1-25), Jesus (Luke 9), Barnabas and Paul (Acts 9-15) as some biblical examples of people who excelled in mentoring.

“As a minister, endeavour to make an impact in the lives of the youth, young ministers and wives; and leave behind a legacy that would be unique and live on long after your service to the church has ended,” he charged.

The General Secretary further explained that mentorship is a two-way affair that requires full commitment on the part of the mentor and mentee to achieve the intended results.

Expounding on the Paul-Timothy Mentorship model, Apostle Kumi-Larbi said that the relationship between Paul and Timothy is a great example of Christian mentoring since both of them had the right attitude that ensured the success of the mentoring process.

“Timothy had to be humble and teachable as it took a great deal of faith and commitment on his part to submit to circumcision.

“He was free in Christ and circumcision was not necessary to have a right relationship with God (Galatians 5:6; 6:15). Yet Timothy allowed himself to be circumcised so that he could be a more effective witness for Christ,” he said.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi, therefore, urged Church leaders to be intentional about mentoring, commit to raising others to leadership roles, look beyond the odds, and have a focused mentorship mentality approach.

He added that, to succeed as good mentors, ministers must “adopt” the members as their children; be pacesetters without settling for mediocrity, and to partner with the mentees as they grow into maturity.

He also pointed out that mentors benefit from mentorship as it helps to validate their leadership skills, gives them recognition as advisors, helps them to learn how to communicate clearly,  help them gain new perspectives, give back and find new talent.

“As Christian leaders, our actions and inactions indirectly influence the younger generation, that is why we must be intentional about mentoring the next generation. When we do this, the future of our Church will be great,” he said.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi further stated that mentoring gives mentees the opportunity to learn the workplace culture, enhance their skills, receive networking opportunities, become potentials for promotion, become problem solvers and transfer knowledge to others.