Tema Greenwich Meridian District Retires 4 Officers

Tema Greenwich Meridian District Retires 4 Officers

Four officers of Tema Greenwich Meridian District of The Church of Pentecost were honoured at a retirement service held in their honour on March 26, 2023.

The service, which was held at the Community 2 Revival Assembly, was officiated by the Tema Area Head, Apostle Emmanuel Ofei Ankra-Badu, with support from the pastorate in the Area.

The four retired officers were Elder William Hammond (38 years of service), Deacon Yaw Oppong-Frempong (20 years of service), Deaconess Janet Ofosu Darko (39 years of service), and Deaconess Augustina Dua Awere (33 years of service). They have served with dedication for many years in various capacities.

Apostle Ankra-Badu spoke on the theme, “Building on the Foundation – The Discipline We Need,” with 1 Corinthians 3:10-17 as his key Bible scripture.

He highlighted the importance of knowing Christ as the foundation of the Christian life and leadership.

He further emphasised the role of discipline in building a deeper foundation on Christ, pointing out key areas in developing Christian character,

These keys, he revealed, as being a disciplined person, having disciplined thoughts, exhibiting disciplined actions, and confronting the brutal facts in oneself and others.

The District Minister, Pastor Dr. Suleman De-Graft Issaka, in his remarks, congratulated the retired officers on behalf of the church.

In their response, the retired officers expressed their gratitude to God for the opportunity to serve in His vineyard in different capacities.

Report by Deacon Benjamin Quarshie

Jesus Is The Supreme Saviour Of The World - Chairman

Jesus Is The Supreme Saviour Of The World – Chairman

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost and President of Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC), Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has emphasised that Jesus Christ is the only Saviour of the world, and for that matter, all men must come to faith in Him to be saved.

Apostle Nyamekye said this in a live televised sermon on PENT TV during a Special Evening Service on Sunday, April 2, 2023.

Reading from Romans 3:25 and John 4:10, the noted theologian enlightened that Jesus is God’s gift to humanity through whom the world must be saved. He, however, cautioned that failure to accept Christ Jesus brings condemnation.

“Jesus is the supreme Saviour of the world and that He is Lord of all and Lord overall,” Chairman Nyamekye stressed, adding, “His name is supreme to any other name.”

“I want you to establish in your spirit, fix it firm in your mind and in your memory that with Jesus you are secured,” he further stated.

Giving exegises of Psalm 9:10, Apostle Nyamekye noted that having the understanding and an in-depth knowledge of the supremacy of Jesus and His name is paramount because it enables one to put their trust in Him as the name ‘Jesus’ carries tremendous power and brings salvation and deliverance (Acts 4:7-12).

“Those who have apprehended clearly and with certainty that Jesus is the supreme Saviour of the world and that He is the Lord of all and know the authority vested in the name ‘Jesus’ will put their trust in Him,” he highlighted.

He prayed that the Lord would open the eyes of the understanding and wisdom of everyone to better know Jesus and know Him for themselves, saying, “To know is deeper than to see.”

He added: “It is not enough to confess Jesus as Lord, but to know the name ‘Jesus’ as well because any individual who knows His name holds their anchors firm and secure in Him in the midst of storms.”

On how to gain knowledge about Jesus, Apostle Eric Nyamekye urged Christians to get closer to Him (Jesus), make time for Him and walk arm in arm with Him.

Report by Emmanuel Nana Nsiah

Aflao Area Donates 50-Seater TATA Bus To PPS-Aflao

Aflao Area Donates 50-Seater TATA Bus To PPS-Aflao

The Aflao Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated a TATA bus to Pentecost Preparatory School (PPS) at Aflao in the Volta Region.

The Aflao Area Head, Apostle Michael Agyen Brefo, who presented the bus to the school at a brief ceremony held at the school’s premises on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, stated that the donation of the slightly used bus was in fulfilment of the church’s commitment to ensure that the school was adequately resourced to deliver improved learning outcomes in the Ketu South Municipality.

The bus which was initially received from the PENTSOS Directorate of the Church’s Head Office was refurbished by the Area at a cost of GH¢50,000.00 before being handed over to the school. It has come at a time when the school was in dire need of a means of transport for the students and staff.

The Headmistress of the school, Mrs. Yvonne Semakor, who could not hide her joy expressed her appreciation to the Area for the timely intervention. She assured the leadership that the bus will put to proper use for maximum impact and longevity.

Also present at a short ceremony were Mrs. Ophelia Agyen Brefo (Area Head’s wife), the Pastorate, Elder Emmanuel Awuakye (Area Deacon) and the Area PENTSOS Committee members.

Report by Pastor Francis Lamptey, Aflao Area Reporter

PIWC-Graceland Donates $20,000.00 To Support Missions Work

PIWC Graceland Gives Massive Support To Missions

Pentecost International Worship Centre, Graceland (PIWC-Graceland) in the Teshie-Nungua Area of The Church of Pentecost (CoP) has donated $20,000.00 to the International Missions Office in support of the CoP’s external branches in Tanzania, Lesotho, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, and the Osogbo Area in Nigeria.

The Church has also donated 20 pieces of wax prints, an undisclosed cash amount to the Bawku Area pastorate Ministers and their wives, a motorcycle valued at GHC 12,000.00 to the Ekye Amanfrom District in the Afram Plains Area, and GHC 60,000.00 towards the upkeep of Missionaries’ children in Ghana.

The donation was made today by a church delegation led by the Resident Minister, Pastor Felix Okyere Anti, at a short ceremony held at the CoP’s General Headquarters in La, Accra.

In a brief remark, the International Missions Director, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, commended the Church for the wonderful gesture, emphasising the importance of the support to missionaries’ children in Ghana.

“Your donation demonstrates your commitment to supporting those in need around the world and will help to advance the work of missions in the Church,” he said.

The PIWC-Graceland entourage included Elder Joseph Tawiah Ahinde (District Executive Committee Member), Elder Miguel Ekow Andoh (District Administrator), Elder Samuel Ainoo, and Deaconess Edith Delali Ametepey (Assistant Women’s Ministry Leader).

Staff from the Missions Office, including Pastor Gideon Boadu-Yirenkyi (Personal Assistant to the IMD), Mrs. Victoria Kumi-Woode (Administrative Manager To IMD), and Deaconess Ruth Adjabeng (Accounts Manager), were also present at the ceremony.


PIWC-Seattle Donates To Internal Mission Areas In Ghana2

PIWC-Seattle Donates To Internal Mission Areas In Ghana

The Pentecost International Worship Centre, Seattle (PIWC-Seattle) in the California Region of the United States of America has donated 11 boxes of clothing and shoes to the internal missions areas of The Church of Pentecost in Ghana.

The items were presented to the missions directorate by Deaconess Mrs. Lydia Owusu Acheampong (Women’s Ministry Leader of PIWC-Seattle), and her husband, Mr. Chris Owusu Acheampong, during a short donation ceremony held today at the Church’s General Headquarters, La in Accra.

Handing over the items, Mrs.Lydia Owusu Acheampong said that the donation is an initiative of the Women’s Ministry with support from the entire church.

“We are confident that this will contribute significantly to the propagation of the Gospel in the mission areas,” she said.

Receiving the items on behalf of the Church, the International Missions Director, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, assured the donors that the items would be put into good use and distributed to the appropriate areas.

He also thanked the women for their thoughtfulness in supporting missions work in Ghana, urging, “Tell the men to also follow the lead of the women by doing exceptional donations.”

Present at the donation were some staff of the Missions Office including Pastor Gideon Boadu-Yirenkyi (Personal Assistant to the IMD), Mrs. Victoria Kumi-Woode (Administrative Manager To IMD), and Deaconess Ruth Adjabeng (Accounts Manager).


Kpadjai District Organises Gospel Crusade & Medical Outreach

Kpadjai District Organises Gospel Crusade & Medical Outreach

The Kpadjai District of The Church of Pentecost, in partnership with the Jesus Rescue Team, organised a four-day gospel crusade and medical outreach in Kpadjai and its surrounding towns.

The event, which was sponsored by Eternal Footprint and Sustainable Medical Missions, took place from March 15 to 19, 2023.

The primary aim of the programme was to present the gospel to the people of Kpadjai and provide medical assistance to meet their health needs.

The four-day activities included a durbar of chiefs and people of Kpadjai community, medical screening and medication, schools outreach, and a gospel crusade at Kpadjai Kokombaline.

The medical outreach provided screening and medication to about 1,500 people in communities such as Kpadjai, Kodome, Kikyei, Alhassan Akura, and Adakope, at a cost of GHS12,000.00.

During the house-to-house visitation exercise, Kwame Mafren, who had been bedridden and unable to walk for about four months, received instant healing and was able to walk again after prayers were offered by the team.

In addition, the team, led by Rev. Michael Davis, the founder of the Jesus Rescue Team, and Commodore Samuel Walker of the Ghana Navy, also donated four student mattresses worth GHS1,000 to the Kpadjai CHPS compound.

The event was a success, with many souls being led to Christ, and a home cell has been established

Report by Pastor Isaac Asante Ayeh (Kpadjai District).

270 Children Receive Holy Spirit Baptism During Camp Meeting

270 Children Receive Holy Spirit Baptism During Camp Meeting

Two hundred and seventy children in the Tamale Area of The Church of Pentecost experienced Holy Spirit baptism during a non-residential camp meeting organised by the Area’s Children’s Ministry for children in the area.

The event, which took place on Saturday, April 1, 2023, was organised at both zonal and district levels including the Tamale Zone, which was chaired by the Tamale Area Head and Executive Council Member of the Church, Apostle Sylvester Arhin.

The main aim of the camp meeting, according to the Area Children’s Ministry Leader, Overseer Andrews Owusu, was to reposition the children in the power of the Holy Ghost for maximum impact. 

During his sermon on Matthew 8:1-4, Apostle Arhin said that Jesus is able to make every child whole and to empower them to become successful farmers, artisans, lawyers, medical doctors, teachers, politicians, and ministers of God, in future.

He further emphasised the importance of following Jesus and making Him the centre of their lives. He reassured the children that, despite their young age, God can use them to bring glory to His name.

In his exhortation, Overseer Andrews Owusu also convinced the children of the need to receive the Holy Ghost baptism and all other spiritual gifts.

Reading from Daniel 2:1-19 and 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, he ignited the children’s desire for the power of the Holy Spirit and led them in a time of intensive prayer.

The event recorded a remarkable attendance of close to 1000 participants, including the Area pastorate, their wives, and children’s workers.

Some parents, who participated in the event with their wards, expressed gratitude to the Church leadership for organsing such an impactful programme.

Report by Tamale Area Media Team.

God Is A Technologist

 God Is A Technologist

Technology has developed in ways that were previously deemed unthinkable. To mention just a few of the revolutionary technological developments of our time, we have self-driving cars, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and virtual reality. However, technology is not a novel idea and has existed since the dawn of time. The first technologist was God, the creator of the world, and His work in the Bible gives us important insights into the potential of technology in our lives today.

We learn how God created the world from nothing in the book of Genesis 1:3. This was an amazing technological achievement that is still beyond our comprehension today. God is a technologist, and He created the universe we live in using His knowledge and comprehension of the laws of physics and chemistry.

God is the first technologist in the world. He is the first person to invent the tablet. He called Moses and gave him a tablet on Mount Sinai in Exodus 34. Then, it was upgraded by man due to the knowledge given to man by God. So, man upgraded the stone tablet to an electronic tablet like Samsung Tabs, iPads, etc. God is also the first person who invented the projector. When Belshazzar misused the Holy things of the Lord in the temple, the finger of God was seen being written on the wall. Man upgraded this invention to an electronic projector (Daniel 5).

God’s ability to use technology is also demonstrated in the building of the Ark. Noah’s family and a variety of animals were to be transported aboard the Ark, a sizable wooden ship, during the great deluge that God foresaw as a means of purging the world of its sin. The Ark was built according to God’s directions, and it was an engineering marvel built to withstand the flood’s raging waters. This was a pioneering instance of utilizing technology to surmount the limitations of nature (Genesis 6:13-22).

Another illustration of God’s technological impact is the Tower of Babel. The tower was a magnificent building endeavor that was intended to soar to the skies. The endeavor was hampered, though, when God intervened and made the workers speak in various tongues. This tale demonstrates the dual nature of technology and the necessity of using it carefully and in accordance with God’s will (Genesis 11:8).

Today, we are surrounded by evidence of God’s technological impact. Technology has permeated every aspect of our lives, from the medical discoveries that resulted in the creation of vaccines and life-saving therapies to the developments in communication technology that have allowed us to communicate with people around the globe. We can use technology to share the gospel, communicate with other Christians, and learn more about the Bible.


It is very sad that many youths today misuse technology by engaging in fraudulent activities. Particularly, young men use smartphones and computers for cybercrimes like “Sakawa” (also known as game boys), which involves stealing credit card information to shop on the internet. Additionally, they misuse technology by gambling, which has become easily accessible on various online platforms on smartphones and computers, such as Superbet, Mybet, Betika, 1xBet, Betway, 22Bet, Sportsbet, PremireBet, MELbet, and SportBet.

Furthermore, young people abuse technology by watching pornography on their smartphones and computers. Some young women and adults also use technology for prostitution and illegal dating sites, which destroys their future prospects.


I strongly urge ministers of the Gospel to embrace the modern technology available today. Technology is not inherently evil; it depends on the user and the purpose. Although technology itself cannot take us to heaven, it can facilitate our work quickly and easily. Therefore, we must evangelize and reach out to all people, particularly those in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. Ministers should, therefore, encourage their church members and families to enter the STEM field. If Christians do not invade these fields, secular individuals will design and invent technologies that do not align with God’s will, such as sex toys, missiles, flying bombs, warships, and planes.


The following are some ways by which we could leverage on the great potential of technology for our benefit as Christians and to champion the cause of the Kingdom:

  1. Sharing the gospel on social media (Mark 16:15)

It is sad to note that many young people misuse technology. However, social media can be an effective means of sharing the good news of God’s love with others. Today’s youth can inspire and uplift others by sharing Bible verses, motivational sayings, and moving stories on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Additionally, they can connect with other believers and forge relationships with people who share similar values and beliefs.

  • Accessing Bible studies resources and sermons online (2 Timothy 3:16)

Thanks to the internet, we now have access to a wealth of knowledge on almost any subject. With the help of technology, young people can strengthen their faith and deepen their understanding of the Bible. Online sermons, Bible studies, and devotionals can provide valuable insights into the Scriptures and help young people apply biblical principles to their daily lives.

  • Using Apps to Increase One’s Devotional Life (Psalm 119:105)

Numerous apps are available to help young people develop a stronger sense of personal devotion and a closer relationship with God. Bible apps like YouVersion offer features like daily devotionals, reading plans, and audio Bibles, which can keep young people connected to God’s word. Similarly, prayer apps like PrayerMate can assist young people in maintaining their spiritual focus and developing a regular prayer practice.

  • Producing uplifting material (Psalm 150:6)

Young people can use their creativity and technological skills to produce uplifting material that spreads the love and word of God. They can use music, videos, or other forms of digital media to express their faith and motivate others to do the same.

  • Engaging in Virtual Ministry (Galatians 6:2)

Virtual ministry has become popular recently, and it can be a wonderful way for young people to serve the Lord from the comfort of their homes. Through online organizations like prayer hotlines, chat rooms, and counseling services, young people can share their faith and support others who may be suffering.


Technology can be a powerful tool for young people to serve the Lord and spread the good news of God’s love. By using social media, online resources, apps, and other digital media, they can interact with God and each other in new and creative ways. Let us use technology to advance God’s kingdom on earth by exploring its possibilities while keeping God’s will and purpose at the forefront of our minds.

Written by P/Overseer Solomon Boadi

Lonto District Goes Sightseeing At Tamale Airport

Lonto District Goes Sightseeing At Tamale Airport

The Lonto District Minister of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor Kaba Aniadaga, took some members of his district on a sightseeing tour of Tamale Airport on March 18, 2023.

During the visit, an aviation official guided them through the airport, including the runway, and provided a brief explanation of their duties at the airport, as well as the landing and takeoff process of a flight.

The members were thrilled by the experience since it was the first time for most of them.

Afterward, the group visited the Tamale Area office, where they were warmly received by the Area Head, Apostle Sylvester Arhin, and the Area Secretary, Pastor Bernard Aziz Mohammed Abogorago.

The Area Head encouraged the group to serve the Lord wholeheartedly and to make a strong commitment not to turn away from their salvation.

Pastor Abogorago also showed the group around the area office and explained the main duties of the staff.

At the end of the visit, Pastor Kaba Aniadaga expressed gratitude to the Area Head for the warm reception and assured him that they would heed his words of encouragement.

Report by Tamale Area Media Team.

His Throne For Our Thorns.web

His Throne For Our Thorns

Easter is one of the central tenets of the Christian faith. This Christian festival is a spiritual feast commemorating the Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ for the sins of the world.

“..Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again ‘ ” – Luke 24:6-7

From my biblical studies and meditation on this year’s Easter Celebration, I caught a rhema which I titled ‘His Throne for Our Thorns’. As it pleases the Lord, I desire to share this rhema of the suffering of Christ as He hung on the Cross with the Crown of Thorns on His head at Calvary with the body of Christ… May the Lord grant us grace.

In the Garden of Eden, one of the first signs of the curse brought upon mankind as a result of Sin was the presence of “thorns and thistles” to represent the slavery, captivity, painful burden, toil, guilt and suffering ‘married’ to Man’s labor from then on (Genesis 3:18). In other parts of the Bible, “thorns” and “thistles” are used to represent the path of those who choose sin over the way of the Lord (Proverbs 22:5).

On the morning of Jesus’ crucifixion, the Roman soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and placed it on Jesus’ head, openly mocking and ridiculing Jesus as the “King of the Jews” – Matthew 27:29

The crown of thorns is unarguably one of the most iconic images of Christ’s crucifixion. Perhaps more so than any other form of physical suffering He endured; the crown Jesus bore signified Christ’s ultimate humility in trading His heavenly authority for the lowliest estate of man: a place of burdensome slavery, suffering, guilt and shame.

The soldiers knew not that, their crude and cruel crown of thorns, meant to mock Jesus, actually pointed to the curse and penalty of sin that Jesus Christ wore in our place. As the Apostle Paul wrote, “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:22).

Jesus Christ exchanged His throne for our thorns and now we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that we may proclaim the excellences of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light -1 Peter 2:9 (Paraphrased).

Now, we boldly boast in Christ that, we are royals, we reign and share with Christ His authority on earth because, He exchanged His throne which represents His glory, sovereignty, kingship, royalty and authority for our Thorns which represents our sin, curse, slavery, painful burden and guilt, enabling us to walk in perpetual dominion over sin and its grave consequences. We cry Abba Father and walk in oneness with Him fully assured that we are reconciled and restored to our previous state of unhindered fellowship, or at least for as many who believe and call on his name and walk with him.

In conclusion, we have no Thorns in our side for we are sitting on the Throne of Grace, Glory and Power. On this note, I want to urge all Christians around the globe that Easter is not just a holiday nor is it about paragliding, hiking, carnivals and street jams but it is about valuing the Love that God has shown through His Son Jesus Christ, extending this same Love to others; helping them to know Him and the power of His resurrection.

‘That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead’. – Philippians 3:10-11.

I agree with Sir George Bennard in his song OLD RUGGED CROSS; let us cherish and cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown.

Written by Deacon Jonathan Avornyo (Krachikrom District, Kete-Krachi Area)