Understanding ‘The Power Of Go’ For Excellence As A Christian Youth

Understanding ‘The Power of Go’ for Excellence as a Christian Youth

“GO” is an action word. When it enters an individual’s mind, it signifies that they are convinced of what needs to be done or must be done. In order to take action, one must understand what needs to be accomplished.

“GO” is also a commanding power that drives your original intent to align with your vision, enabling you to become the prosperous being you were created to be. As a result, youth who know when and how to act enjoy the benefits that life offers without experiencing failure.

In the entrepreneurial world, “GO” translates to taking risks. There are numerous productive opportunities available for youth to embrace. However, if this power is not activated to support your desire for what you yearn for, you will miss out on these opportunities.

Furthermore, “GO” is defined as “Redeeming the time…” (Ephesians 5:16). As a youth, it is expected of us to arise and shine. This means that in order to achieve excellence, we need to take action. It is essential to recognise that everyone has a destination, meaning everyone is on a mission based on their intent. If you are unaware of your mission, you will stumble and subject yourself to the misfortunes that arise from missing out on opportunities meant for you. Whether you aim to partner with a specific business or organisation, understanding and embracing your mission is crucial.

To excel in your field as a youth, make a significant impact, and transform your world, you must be willing to take risks. Your excellence demands your ability to take action. Whether it is promoting your products, building your brand, or showcasing your talent, among other initiatives, you must overcome shyness and timidity. This will enable you to take full responsibility and pave the way for success.

Remember, as a youth; it is important to rise and shine for excellence. Keep shining.

Thank you.

Written by Tonnie Baffoe

Why Young People Struggle With Discipline Yet Aspire For Successweb

Why Young People Struggle With Discipline Yet Aspire For Success

During a conversation with a young man from a tertiary institution, I asked him what he would change or improve in his life if given the chance. He responded by saying that he would prioritise discipline. He expressed regret over past mistakes that could have been avoided had he possessed the wisdom he now has.

For many young individuals, life often revolves around immediate concerns such as food, clothing, friends, and shelter. These aspects take precedence, and it is natural for young people to prioritise them. This is not their fault, as youth is a stage of life that involves exploration and discovery. However, life also presents choices between right and wrong, truth and lies, good and bad. These choices are not exclusive to a particular age group or gender; they are inherent to one’s character and makeup.

Although young individuals may be perceived as naive, the decisions they make do not exempt them from life’s challenges. Every poor decision leaves a mark, either physically or mentally, and contributes to their learning and growth.

Let us reflect on the following scriptures from the New Living Translation:

  • Ecclesiastes 11:9 – “Young people, it’s wonderful to be young. Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. But remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do.”
  • Ecclesiastes 11:10 – “So refuse to worry, and keep your body healthy. But remember that youth, with a whole life before you, is meaningless.”
  • Hebrews 12:11 – “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”
  • 2 Timothy 1:7 – “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.”

Watching toddlers grow up right before our eyes is a wonderful experience for every parent. As time passes and they reach adulthood, managing companies, participating in board meetings, and making significant decisions, it is natural to recall incidents from their childhood. There were instances when they made mistakes that frustrated us to the point where we wanted to discipline them severely. However, we soon realised they were just kids, unaware of the world’s complexities. As parents blessed with multiple children, we entrust authority to the older ones to take care of the younger ones and guide them as they grow. But how much training and discipline do we invest in our children?


It seems that nature often takes its course in the training of children, with parents following suit. However, parents who take the time and effort to train their children with discipline reap greater rewards. I would, therefore, like to focus on the aspect of discipline in this training. To make a simple distinction between training and discipline, I would say that training may or may not involve pain, but discipline is always accompanied by pain.

Unfortunately, young people have often viewed discipline from the wrong perspective. Perhaps parents and guardians have misused the word or employed wrong motives and actions, leading young people to dislike discipline while desiring its fruit—success. However, it is important to understand the true meaning of discipline. The root word of discipline is “disciple,” which comes from the Latin word “discipulus,” meaning “student.” Therefore, discipline is derived from the Latin word “disciplina,” which means instruction, learning, and adhering to a set standard.

So, what is discipline? It is the act of studying, learning, training, and applying a system of standards. If the root word of discipline is “disciple,” then it implies that God has entrusted young people to parents to make them disciples, passing on their wisdom and ensuring the continuity of family blessings. Parents cannot exempt themselves from this duty and expect to raise well-rounded children. Neglecting this divine call to parent-child discipleship leads to societal and governmental intervention, where others mould young minds according to their own standards. While it may be challenging to gain the cooperation of young people, it is still imperative to make an effort.

Let us turn our attention to the scripture mentioned earlier, which states that it is wonderful to be young and encourages young people to enjoy every moment, do everything they want to do, and take it all in. Some scholars believe that King Solomon was around nineteen to twenty-five years old when he ascended the throne of Israel. Despite his youth, God blessed him with wisdom and an opportunity to fulfil his divine mandate. However, God’s blessings did not exempt Solomon from his natural weaknesses or provide him with an excuse to indulge in youthful passions and desires. Instead, they elevated him to fulfil his purpose.

Undoubtedly, young people are an amazing category of individuals. They possess admirable qualities, exude energy, and are enjoyable to be around. Youthful days come with valuable lessons, pleasure, freedom, mistakes, and experiences. This stage of life is full of adventure, experimentation, and fun. Some young people engage in deep exploration without considering the consequences, which can lead them into deep trouble. It is crucial for every individual to know their breaking point, where they need to say a firm no.

The scripture suggests that young people can “take it all in,” implying that there is room for naughtiness and seemingly getting away with it. However, life cannot be cheated, and it eventually pays back what has been invested in it. Being smart, strong, and modern does not guarantee salvation from the consequences of failing the test of discipline and losing control over one’s life. Solomon urged young people to be self-aware of their actions and become masters of their own lives, knowing that they will be held accountable to God for everything they do.

At first glance, the Scripture may seem to endorse everything young people do, but that is untrue. Solomon became king at a young age, and with that power came the freedom to do as he pleased. However, he also cautioned young people about the consequences that accompany such power. I believe that God granted Solomon rest from his father’s enemies, allowing him to enjoy the privileges that came with royalty. Yet, amidst these privileges, Solomon made foolish mistakes.

Young people are full of energy and have a desire to make the most of their lives. Imposing rules and regulations to mitigate their actions may feel like confining them to a small prison, and they will resist it with all their energy. Taming young people with their vast energy is challenging, but it is possible to harness that energy to shape society. Discipline involves instruction, learning, and applying a system of standards. This way of life requires sacrificing some aspects of youthful enjoyment, which are prone to mistakes but are still enjoyable to the youth. This is where discipline becomes difficult. Young individuals want to experience everything freely and without being dictated to. They want to showcase their abilities and earn respect. While some young people appreciate advice, the majority prefer to engage in discussions and be reasoned with, even when they are at fault.

Solomon added the latter part of the scripture to emphasise the fragile nature of the young person’s heart and their accountability to God. Therefore, they should be trained and instructed not through compulsion but through the spirit of obedience and free will. In verse 10, Solomon expressed that life is meaningless without adhering to strict disciplinary behaviours that positively impact their generation and the next. Solomon himself should have been the one referred to as the seed by the Messiah, but it was his father, David, who laid a solid foundation for him. Unfortunately, Solomon missed the mark. He surrounded himself with a thousand women who led him astray into idol worship. As a result, his kingdom was divided, and his great wisdom was squandered. Despite receiving twelve tribes from his father, Solomon handed over a kingdom on the verge of breaking apart to his son, Rehoboam, who mismanaged it, leading to its eventual division. In his old age, Solomon realised that if he had disciplined certain aspects of his life, his dynasty would have endured forever. Hence, he wrote, “Remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do.” Solomon’s journey and the wisdom bestowed upon him by God make him an ideal life coach for young people.

It is true that no discipline seems pleasant, as sometimes the one imparting discipline may appear freer than the one undergoing training. In such cases, doubts may arise about whether the disciplinarian has truly overcome the challenges they impose. Some may even believe that it is sheer wickedness and that the disciplinarian does not genuinely desire the success of the individual but instead seeks an opportunity to subject them to failure. When facing uncomfortable challenges, various ideas may come to mind. It is essential to clarify that I do not endorse wicked individuals who inflict physical, emotional, or psychological harm in the name of discipline. However, I support those who genuinely want people to succeed in life. Sometimes, it is the devil’s tactic to derail young people from the path of discipline, preventing them from undergoing the refining training they need.

Discipline occurs in phases and is time-bound. Once the time elapses, disciplining, training, correcting, or instructing a person becomes exceedingly difficult. To illustrate this concept further, imagine trying to straighten a young tree—it is much easier than straightening a fully grown tree. Allow me to shed more light on the different phases of discipline.


“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

Children are born into families, and parents are responsible for raising and training them. The scripture emphasises the vital role parents play in raising their children. To set a child on the right path in life, they must be taught to acknowledge the Lordship of Christ and walk with God to fulfil their divine purpose. Every family has a unique way, designed by God, to thrive. Some families start at the bottom while others find themselves at the top, but what truly matters is the training the child receives.

Young people often resist discipline because their vision is limited compared to their trainers. They may reject discipline in favour of a seemingly carefree life that is visible to them. However, laying a solid foundation for children starts with parents. Children need to understand their boundaries, how to conduct themselves, and how to treat others. These fundamental principles of discipline should be addressed by parents. Regardless of age, children should be aware of the consequences of their actions and decisions.

Parents must take full responsibility for making critical decisions that align with their children’s well-being, even if it causes them pain. They must teach and insist that their children consistently do what is right until it becomes ingrained in their character. Parents should also teach their children to say no with conviction. It is essential to recognise that young people value their freedom and may resist the discipline imposed upon them during their training. However, parents should never give up. As a parent, you possess the wisdom to guide your children through the obstacles they will encounter in life. Insist that they do the right things at the right time when you are satisfied with their progress, reward or appreciate them. During this phase, parents may not appear favourable in the eyes of their children undergoing training, but in the long run, their efforts will be crowned with success.


“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.” – 2 Timothy 1:7

Self-discipline is the most crucial ingredient for a prosperous life, approved by both God and humanity. Self-discipline illuminates one’s character. In this phase, young adults build upon what they have learned in the first phase and strive to demonstrate excellent character. As young people grow and transition into adulthood, they leave their parents’ care to start their own lives. This is when they need to master self-discipline.

A person who is disciplined in life likely received intense training and values at home during their youth. They may not have appreciated it then but reap the benefits later. Self-discipline manifests in various aspects of life, ultimately achieved through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To achieve holistic self-discipline, one must practice self-denial and goal-setting.

Successful individuals pay attention to details, plan their days to avoid wasting time on unproductive pursuits, keep their desires in check, and carry themselves with integrity. They practice what they preach and are open to receiving advice. While there is much more to be said about them, the simple truth is that they stand out as extraordinary among the ordinary. Such a life requires great sacrifices, commitments, and discipline. Young people who desire freedom and enjoyment during their youthful days may be unwilling to sacrifice their flamboyant lifestyle for the training that paves the way to success. Some may even attempt to have the best of both worlds. My advice to young people is that they cannot serve God and material wealth simultaneously while pleasing God, who has given them His Spirit. They need to make a choice regarding which path they want to take. Many young people today live lives of mediocrity, appearing bright on the outside but experiencing chaos within. If young people truly aspire to reach the top, they must embrace self-discipline.


This final phase is reserved for achievers and those who cannot be compromised. They may not enjoy strong relationships even among their peers, but society recognises them as the lifelines for the continued survival of their communities. The scripture affirms that God is and has no partiality in Him. If young people aim to reach this goal and become like God in their actions and speech, their generation will surpass the glory of the former days.


The surge of indiscipline in society serves as a testament that something is amiss and that immediate action is necessary. Let us start by raising children well at home and praying for our brothers and sisters to remember Solomon’s words that all will give an account on the day of judgment. Love discipline, love success.

Written by Pastor Joseph Zoot

Grounded In Christ Empowering The Christian Youth For Maximum Impact web

Grounded In Christ: Empowering The Christian Youth For Maximum Impact

In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, it is imperative for the youth to be firmly rooted in Christ before they can truly make a lasting impact. Drawing inspiration from the book of Colossians, the apostle Paul sought to encourage the Colossian church, commending them for their love, faith, and hope in the Lord Jesus. He urged them to take responsibility for their spiritual growth and to be grounded in Christ, even without immediate supervision from leaders. His hope was that as these believers became firmly established in their faith, they would be repositioned to make a significant impact not only in their own lives but also in the lives of others.

Being grounded in Christ is a lifelong journey of faith and spiritual development. It begins with fostering a personal relationship with God, as highlighted in John 10:27-28 and James 4:8a. For the youth to be firmly grounded, they must engage in studying and applying the Word of God, as emphasised in Psalm 119:105 and Psalm 119:9-11. Moreover, they should cultivate a consistent prayer life, setting aside quality time to communicate with and wait upon God. The youth can also practice spiritual disciplines such as fasting and seeking God’s guidance through intentional periods of waiting.

Furthermore, it is vital for the youth to immerse themselves in the power of the Holy Spirit, who serves as their guide and anchor in Christ. The Holy Spirit empowers them to live out their faith and equips them to face the challenges of the world. Additionally, active participation in various church activities, such as playing musical instruments, joining the choir, participating in Bible study classes, becoming ushers, and engaging in evangelism outreaches, contributes to the grounding process. Through these avenues, the youth acquire stability and depth in their relationship with Christ, strengthening their Christian roots.

Being grounded in Christ also entails bearing fruit in line with Galatians 5:22-23. Fruit-bearing is a continuous process wherein Christian youth become strong in their faith and are then positioned to make maximum impact. Be inspired by the remarkable impact of Daniel and Joseph, two individuals whose lives serve as powerful examples of what can be achieved when one is grounded in Christ.

Daniel, known for his unwavering faith and devotion to God, found himself in a foreign land as a captive. Despite the challenging circumstances, he remained steadfast in his commitment to God’s principles and refused to compromise his beliefs. Through his exceptional wisdom and God-given abilities, Daniel rose to prominence in the Babylonian Empire. His integrity and trustworthiness caught the attention of King Nebuchadnezzar, who appointed him as a high-ranking official. Daniel’s influence extended far beyond his own position; he played a pivotal role in advising and guiding the king, making decisions that shaped the fate of the kingdom. His faithfulness and reliance on God allowed him to interpret dreams, provide divine counsel, and even survive the perilous den of lions. Daniel’s impact on the Babylonian Empire was immense, as he exemplified godly character and demonstrated the power of living a life grounded in Christ.

Similarly, Joseph’s journey was filled with adversity and trials. From being sold into slavery by his own brothers to facing false accusations and imprisonment, Joseph remained faithful to God and maintained his integrity. Despite his circumstances, Joseph used the wisdom and insight God had given him to interpret dreams. Eventually, his abilities were recognised by Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, who appointed him as second in command. Joseph’s wisdom and foresight during a time of great famine not only saved Egypt from starvation but also impacted the surrounding nations. Through his position, Joseph was able to bring restoration, reconcile with his family, and influence the course of history. His faithfulness and reliance on God allowed him to rise above his circumstances and make a lasting impact.

Drawing inspiration from the lives of Daniel and Joseph, today’s Christian youth can aspire to make a difference in various fields. Just as these individuals influenced nations and societies, the youth of The Church of Pentecost can rise to prominence and bring positive change to Ghanaian society and beyond.

One practical area where the youth can make maximum impact is in politics. By actively engaging in political processes, Christian youth can contribute to shaping policies and governance that align with biblical principles. By upholding moral values and advocating for transparency, Christian politicians can inspire a new generation of leaders and positively impact the political landscape.

In addition to politics, the youth can also make a significant impact in the chieftaincy institution. Ghana’s chieftaincy plays a vital role in local governance and cultural preservation. Christian youth can become involved in traditional leadership positions and use their influence to promote peace, unity, and development within their communities. By exemplifying Christ-like character and engaging in community initiatives, they can foster positive change and create a lasting legacy.

Another area where Christian youth can make a profound impact is in the media and technology sector. With the rise of digital platforms and social media, there is an opportunity to use these channels to spread positive messages, share biblical truths, and counter negative influences. By creating uplifting content, producing godly films or music, and utilising technology for outreach and evangelism, the youth can reach a wider audience and make a lasting impact on individuals’ lives.

Education is yet another field where the youth can make a significant difference. By pursuing academic excellence, Christian youth can become teachers, professors, researchers, or administrators who impart knowledge and values to the next generation. Through their dedication, mentorship, and commitment to Christ-centered education, they can shape young minds, instil moral principles, and inspire future leaders who will positively impact society.

Sports also present an avenue for Christian youth to make an impact. Sports, with their wide-reaching influence and ability to captivate audiences, provide a platform for Christian youth to shine their light. By participating in sports activities, they can demonstrate Christ-like character and promote teamwork, fair play, and sportsmanship. They can use their talents and skills to inspire others, mentor younger athletes, and be positive role models both on and off the field. Christian athletes can also use their platforms to share their faith and values, spreading the message of hope, perseverance, and the transformative power of Christ.

Entrepreneurship and business are areas where the youth can make a significant impact by integrating their faith into their professional lives. Grounded in Christ, young entrepreneurs can establish businesses that prioritise ethical practices, social responsibility, and sustainable development. By creating job opportunities, contributing to the local economy, and operating with integrity, they can be agents of change in the business world. Christian youth can also use their entrepreneurial skills to address societal challenges, such as poverty, by starting initiatives that empower communities and provide resources to those in need.

The creative arts, including music, drama, and visual arts, offer avenues for Christian youth to express their talents and inspire others. Through worship bands, choirs, and Christian music groups, they can use the power of music to uplift, encourage, and draw people closer to God. By engaging in theatrical productions and storytelling, they can communicate biblical truths in innovative and relatable ways, leaving a lasting impact on audiences. Visual artists can create artwork that reflects their faith, conveying messages of love, hope, and redemption to a world in need of inspiration.

Community service and volunteerism are practical ways for Christian youth to make an impact in their local communities. By dedicating their time and skills to serve the less fortunate, they can bring tangible change and share the love of Christ. Engaging in outreach programs and partnering with organisations that address social issues like poverty, education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability, they can make a significant difference in the lives of individuals and communities.

Furthermore, Christian youth can leverage the power of social media and online platforms to spread positive messages and influence the digital space. By using their online presence to share uplifting content, provide biblical teachings, and engage in meaningful conversations, they can impact a global audience and shape online culture for the better. Through blogs, vlogs, podcasts, and social media channels, they can inspire, mentor, and connect with others, fostering a community of believers who are rooted in Christ and committed to making a difference.

It is essential to acknowledge and appreciate the visionary leadership of Apostle Ebenezer Hagan and the entire national executive committee of the youth ministry of the Church of Pentecost. Their unwavering dedication and adherence to the broader vision of the church, known as Vision 2023, set forth by our dear chairman Apostle Eric Nyamekye, exemplify the legacy of past leaders and inspire the youth to embrace their time and purpose.

In conclusion, young people of The Church of Pentecost have a tremendous opportunity to make an impact in various areas of society. Whether in politics, chieftaincy, media and technology, education, sports, entrepreneurship, the creative arts, community service, or the digital realm, their grounding in Christ positions them to be agents of positive change. With dedication, discipline, and a reliance on God’s guidance, the Christian youth can truly make a lasting and transformative impact in their lives, the lives of others, and the kingdom of God. Now is the time to embrace the call, rise to the challenge, and fulfil their purpose as the next generation of leaders and influencers.

Written by Pastor Isaac Annor (Resident Minister, Pentecost International Worship Centre – Downtown – Ofaakor)

Empowering the Future -Grounding the Youth in Christ for Maximum Impact web

Empowering The Future: Grounding The Youth In Christ For Maximum Impact

For the Church to significantly impact today’s ever-changing world, we must establish a strong foundation of faith in the younger generation. These young individuals hold the key to the Church’s future and play an integral role in its present state. We must invest heavily in their spiritual growth and development. This article will draw inspiration from three powerful scriptures—Colossians 2:6, John 14:12, and Ephesians 4:11-13—to explain why grounding our youth in Christ is paramount.

The first scripture, Colossians 2:6, emphasises the importance of a solid foundation for young believers who may face challenging temptations along their spiritual journey. By establishing themselves in Christ, they can withstand the allure of worldly distractions. The second scripture, John 14:12, reassures believers that regardless of age or experience, everyone has incredible potential when grounded in Christ. Lastly, Ephesians 4:11-13 offers guidance on how leaders should equip young Christians, investing their time to nurture their spiritual journey and active participation in the body of Christ. Therefore, we must support our youth by investing our time, resources, and prayers to firmly establish them in the teachings of Christ, enabling them to make a lasting impact for God’s glory.

Grounding the youth in Christ is essential for their spiritual growth and development. The world presents numerous temptations that can lead young people astray from their faith, promoting materialism and selfishness. However, when they have a firm foundation rooted in faith, they gain the strength and guidance needed to navigate life’s challenges. Psalm 119:9-11 highlights the significance of anchoring oneself in God’s Word to keep one’s way pure. By instilling these values early on through Christian education programs, church camps, or retreats, we equip youngsters with the mental, emotional, and spiritual preparedness required to remain on the righteous path. Children must grow up with a deep understanding of Christianity, enabling them to make wise decisions guided by biblical teachings rather than succumbing to worldly pressures alone.

Nurturing the spiritual growth of young individuals is crucial for their future success and well-being. By establishing an unwavering reliance on Christ, they are empowered to fulfil their God-given purpose and leave a lasting impact in their respective domains. John 14:1 exemplifies the importance of cultivating Christian principles and constructing a solid foundation based on biblical tenets, equipping them with the skills necessary to overcome life’s obstacles with wisdom and authenticity.

Research conducted by the Barna Group shows that adolescents who regularly participate in religious activities exhibit positive conduct, including integrity, empathy, and self-control. This underscores the need for guardians and educators to prioritise nurturing one’s spirit alongside academic accomplishments when raising young people. Investing time and resources into programs such as Sunday school or youth groups can profoundly impact individual lives and society through the transformative power of renewed hearts and minds.

Proverbs 22:6 states, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.” Ephesians 4:11-13 provides a clear and concise plan for the church to nurture young Christians. This passage emphasises the role of pastors and educators in preparing “the saints for the work of ministry” (Ephesians 4:12). By investing in the spiritual growth of our youth, we not only facilitate the individual spiritual growth but also contribute to the overall development and maturity of the body of Christ.

As we guide our youth toward spiritual maturity through instruction, guidance, and discipleship, we must recognise that each person’s journey will be unique. Our approach should accommodate their needs while considering the “unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God” mentioned in Ephesians 4:13. By intentionally and purposefully investing in youth ministry according to these scriptural guidelines, we can cultivate future generations poised to continue great works for God’s kingdom.

In conclusion, the church must instil a sense of devotion to Christ in the younger generation. By dedicating time, energy, and prayers to guide them on their spiritual journey, we allow them to flourish and positively influence their surroundings. The significance of this mission is reinforced by Colossians 2:6, John 14:12, and Ephesians 4:11-13, scriptures that urge us to provide young believers with a strong foundation in Jesus and equip them with practical skills necessary to fulfil God’s purpose. Ephesians 4:11-13 offers clear direction on how church leaders should ground the youth in Christ, with their specific roles involving coaching and preparing believers for service.

Therefore, let us remember that Christians have greater responsibilities beyond personal salvation. We must empower future generations who will carry God’s message forward. I encourage each of you to diligently pursue this significant task so that we can make a maximum impact by glorifying Him.

Written by Elder Martinson T. Yeboah (Den Haag District Youth Ministry Leader, CoP-Netherlands)

The Power In The Blood Of Jesus web

The Power In The Blood Of Jesus

The power in the blood of Jesus is a fundamental belief of Christianity. It speaks of the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross, the shedding of His blood, and its significance for the forgiveness of sins and the salvation of humanity. The blood of Jesus is a central theme in the Bible, and understanding its power can transform our lives.

The Bible tells us in Leviticus 17:11, “For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.” This passage speaks to the significance of blood in Old Testament sacrifices, which foreshadowed the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus. His death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice, and His blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins.

In the New Testament, we see the power of the blood of Jesus at work. In Colossians 1:14, it reads, “In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.” This verse reminds us that through the blood of Jesus, we have been redeemed, and our sins have been forgiven. We have been reconciled to God and brought into a new relationship with Him.

The blood of Jesus not only saves us but also protects us. Revelation 12:11 reads, “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” This verse shows us that the blood of Jesus is a powerful weapon against the enemy. The protection and victory that the blood of Jesus provides are invaluable to us as believers. Therefore, I pray the authority in the blood of Jesus over your life. You are protected in this blood. Victory is yours in the blood. I want you to pause here and begin to pray the power of the blood of Jesus over your life.

Moreover, the power in the blood of Jesus extends to our physical and emotional healing. In Isaiah 53:5, it says, “But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds, we are healed.” His blood not only saves us but heals us as well. Jesus’ blood can heal our physical injuries, emotional pain, and spiritual afflictions. Be healed from any form of ailment in the power of the blood of Jesus.

In conclusion, the power in the blood of Jesus is a vital aspect of Christianity. It is through His blood that we are redeemed, forgiven, protected, and healed. The blood of Jesus is not just a symbol; it is a powerful reality that transforms us and restores our relationship with God. We should always remember the importance of the blood of Jesus and live our lives according to its significance.

Written by Justice Tsormana


Ten Commandments On Parenting

Parenting is a sacred responsibility that requires love, understanding, and guidance. In this modern age, where parenting can be both rewarding and challenging, it is essential to follow some guiding principles. These ten commandments on parenting provide a compass to navigate the journey of raising godly children:

1. Thou shall love your children as yourself:

This commandment is undeniable. Scripturally, we have been commanded to love our neighbours and even extend that love to our enemies. Truthfully, the children we have are our immediate neighbours. Recognising this, it is crucial for parents to understand that they are commanded to love their children just as they love themselves.

2. Thou shall know that your mental health is important:

Nurturing a child requires a healthy state of mind. When one’s mind is troubled, it poses a threat to the well-being of these children. Therefore, it is commanded that parents take a critical look at their mental health. When experiencing worry, stress, or confusion, parents must learn how to effectively interact with their children during such states. Additionally, seeking the assistance of psychologists or mental health professionals when needed is crucial. As a parent, one should never overlook the importance of mental well-being.

3. Thou shall know communication skills:

Parenting is not only a responsibility but also a profession in its own right. And like any other profession, one must possess strong communication skills. Many parents mistakenly believe that they can speak to their children in any manner due to their young age and presumed ignorance. However, parents must recognize that it is their commandment to understand how to communicate, when to communicate, and what to communicate when interacting with their child(ren). Children absorb and learn from every aspect of their parents’ reactions.

4. Thou shall know the difference between insult and rebuke:

As a parent, you are commanded not to insult your child(ren). Insults have numerous negative effects and are often a product of parental anger. This anger can lead parents to utter words that can have lasting impacts on their children’s future. Parents often forget that while their anger may dissipate, the hurtful words spoken during that moment remain. Instead, it is essential to rebuke your child with love, refraining from insults.

5. Thou shall be their mentor:

“Giving birth doesn’t make you a parent. Nurturing them does.” – Tonnie Baffoe. I have expressed this sentiment at various parenting events.

It is crucial for parents to recognise that they are mentors to their children. This role is an endorsement bestowed upon them. Parents are meant to guide their children along the path ordained for them. Therefore, it is important to understand the concept of mentorship and the role it plays in parenting. Acquiring knowledge about mentorship is vital as one embarks on this parenting journey.

6. Thou shall educate your children personally:

Every parent needs to understand that there is a distinction between education and schooling. As a parent, you are commanded to personally educate your children. Their schooling is just one aspect of the education you provide. It is important to recognize that while the government is responsible for overseeing the schools they attend, you are entrusted with everything that will help them become what God has ordained. Provide them with financial knowledge, teach them practical skills, nurture their behavioral well-being, among other things. These aspects are essential to complement their formal education.

7. Thou shall be spiritually mature:

Understanding children requires a spiritual perspective. You cannot rely solely on worldly matters when thinking about your children. Effectively dealing with children involves discerning the spiritual aspects that concern them. This spiritual maturity enables you to guide them in matters of faith and prayer. Your children need your spiritual maturity to help them grow spiritually as well.

8. Thou shall provide their basic needs:

This commandment is an essential obligation for every parent. It emphasizes the importance of planning before considering childbearing. It is your responsibility to provide your children with their basic needs.

9. Thou shall be their friend:

The essence of being a parent lies in the relationship you have with your children. This relationship defines the meaning of family. Your children are an integral part of your family and should be treated as loved ones. To achieve this, it is important to be a friend to your children. By being their friend, they will feel comfortable approaching you with their questions and concerns. Be their friend and avoid being overly authoritative. They need your democratic leadership to develop important aspects of their character. This approach will also help you to respect their opinions within the family.

10. Thou shall build a legacy for them:

They say a good name is better than riches. Why? Because your children need your good reputation to succeed as well. Material wealth can easily diminish due to inflation and other factors. Therefore, it is crucial to lead a life of integrity as a parent. This will help you create a positive legacy and reputation for your children. They truly need it. Thus, never live your life carelessly.

Special Note to Parents:

Do you have any questions about parenting? Send them to the author via WhatsApp at +233504442332.

Written by Tonnie Baffoe (Parenting & Family Life Coach)


Navigating The Prevalence Of “Audio Porn” In Our Daily Lives: Effective Strategies For Dealing With Exposure

“Audio porn”, now, that is quite a strong term for an article but, don’t fret yet, it is actually as simple as its root words sound.

Audio porn, basically, talks about songs or music that tend to elicit explicit thoughts or create erotic scenes in the mind’s eye just by listening to them. Some music are so “imagination-racking” that you do not need to watch the music videos to be able to create a near-vivid mental image of what its content are.

Music reaches deep into the annals of history transcending contemporary truncation and amalgamation of ancient cultures and their traditional music. Songs are a form of identification and their cultural significance entails all instruments, distinct vocals, lyrics, and gestures, used in producing that piece of music.

Music has taken a rather dramatic turn towards the erotic over the past five decades. Such erotic music otherwise known as audio porn has clawed its way into the heart of many young people.

Children of God, playlist alert!

We hear a million songs each day-those we sing consciously and unconsciously, those we personally download and those that are externalities. Music influences us more than we even realise and acknowledge. Songs are made up of melody (tune) which affects our emotions, rhythm or beat which affects our will, and lyrics which affect our thought process. Music has the powerto promote certain thoughts and exert influences where we least expect.

 “After that, whenever the bad depression from God tormented Saul, David got out his harp and played. That would calm Saul down, and he would feel better as the moodiness lifted.”              (1 Samuel 16:23)

Music is powerful. The music from David’s harp was efficacious enough to ease King Saul’s depression. Music is a gift from God and as James succinctly states, “every good and perfect gift comes from the Father” hence, the beauty and goodness of music. God gave music to man but the depths from which a particular music is produced determines which part of the “black and white” scale it falls on.

Audio porn has over the years seeped subtly and incongruously through our culture and traditions. We hear it on our way to work, church, market.  We hear it in buses, our residential areas, name them. Ignoring audio porn wouldn’t cause its disappearance, being non-challant about it wouldn’t make it any better. It is expedient of us to acknowledge the fact that audio porn was there before we were born, is still saturated in our environment and will continue to hover around. Day in and day out, we are exposed to music of all kinds; those that are potent enough to crumple our day, those that can make us do things we never thought of doing and those that can make us question our lifestyle.

The fact that sexual utterances readily appear in lyrics is alarming. Content analysis of some selected media showed that music contained 40% more sexual content than any other media, with a whopping 15% focusing solely on sexual intercourse. Music stays in the brain longer, hence listening to degrading songs stick to us and our brain regurgitates it when we are alone or lonely. Continuously listening to erotic songs gradually desensitises us to the initial shocks of hearing such profanity and can lead to sexual immorality as we become accustomed to them. Society is becoming more accepting of overt degrading music due to continuous exposure to such content. Dear child of God, why listen to a song whose lyrics need asterisks before you are able to share comfortably?

Music has the ability to make or unmake us, to build us up or tear us down. Music is so powerful and potent owing to the fact that it deals with our minds and our souls, seeping so gently and subtly but at the same time steadily and can be pernicious to our souls and beings if the wrong lyrics are played. Music has the ability to sit comfortably in our minds and portray the words it contains vividly to us as though we were watching a movie. It leaves indelible marks in our subconsciousness and plays back to us even when we are not listening to it. It has the ability to maneuver its way into our consciousness and manipulate or control our actions. Audio porn has successfully inculcated words portraying or describing sexual activities. Such songs when listened to, replays the words in the songs so vividly back to us and has the ability to weaken the spiritual man in us and even take as to the grass root of our spirituality. It has the ability of draining us so much that we do not even feel the urge to pray or engage in spiritual activities. It can manipulate our actions and liken our mannerisms to the words in the music or the message they relay.

No piece of music should be listened to for the mere thrill of listening. Music has a voice; pay keen attention to what is being communicated: “Does it bring honour to God? Is it promoting immorality? Will it be of positive influence to you?”

If music (sound of trumpets) can crumble the walls of Jericho, then listening to erotic music can penetrate and corrode our spiritual defences and sensitivity. Be guided!

Here are some suggestions for effectively dealing with exposure to explicit music:

1. Be Mindful of Your Music Choices

As the adage goes “a crab cannot father a bird”, same goes for music. Before you listen to the lyrics of a song, be sure to question yourself about the artiste. Some artistes are found of mentioning the name of God in their songs, some even go to the extent of using some Bible verses in their songs in order to coerce music lovers who also love to hear the word of God in music. These songs, though not uplifting music, deceive Christians into thinking that so far as the music contains the name or the word of God, it is okay to sing or play it. What music do you listen to? Who sang that song? What message does it relay? What words are found in the music? Do the words match your inner man or the person you want to be? Answering these questions clearly and correctly would guide you in knowing whether you are following your conviction or diverting from the way of truth. Be extra careful of the kind of music you listen to not forgetting the fact that “a mango tree does not bear pawpaw fruits”.

2. Make No Excuses.

It’s easy to fall victim to the skill of a musician or the popularity of a song, but we must be careful not to let our admiration for an artist cloud our judgment. Similarly, the media can influence our perception of what is normal or appropriate, but we should not use it as our benchmark for morality.

As Christians, we are called to a higher standard of morality. We are called to pursue righteousness and holiness and to reject the messages of the world that contradict God’s truth. This includes being intentional about the music we listen to and the media we consume. The media’s portrayal of what is normal or appropriate should not be our benchmark for morality. Instead, we should look to God’s word as our guide.

In Psalm 101:3, the psalmist writes, “I will not look with approval on anything that is vile. I hate what faithless people do; I will have no part in it.”

Similarly, in Philippians 4:8, Paul exhorts us to focus our minds on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. When we intentionally seek out positive and uplifting music that glorifies God, we can counteract the negative influences of audio porn and other harmful media. This includes Christian music and songs from The Church of Pentecost, which can provide a source of hope and encouragement through their positive and uplifting lyrics.

In summary, we must make no excuses when it comes to the media we consume, including music. We must be intentional about seeking out positive and uplifting music that aligns with God’s truth and promotes righteousness and holiness. As we do so, we can protect our minds and hearts from the harmful effects of audio porn and other forms of media that promote immorality and degradation.

3. Seek Out Positive, Uplifting Music.

Music has a powerful influence on our emotions and mindset. It can either uplift and inspire us or bring us down and make us feel discouraged. This is why it’s important to intentionally seek out positive and uplifting music that can have a transformative effect on our mental and emotional health. Positive and uplifting music is a genre that aims to inspire feelings of happiness, joy, and optimism in the listener. It is characterised by its cheerful and upbeat melodies, positive lyrics, and a generally uplifting tone. This type of music is often used to motivate, encourage, and inspire people, whether it is to get through a tough day, overcome obstacles, or simply to celebrate life. As Christians, we have access to a vast array of positive and uplifting music that can help us connect with God’s presence and experience His love and power in our lives.

Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and make music to the Lord in your hearts (Ephesians 5:19). There is an array of Christian songs we can sing and dance to. We are never run out of options! We can sing spiritual songs and still be cool, without tainting our consciences. There are many beautiful and inspiring songs from The Church of Pentecost that can help us to connect with God and experience His presence in a more tangible way.

Delete the draining music on your playlist, delete audio porn from your music library. Push it far from you and begin seeking out positive and uplifting music; music backed by the word of God. Music that is so soothing that it refreshes you and fills your rather dry, arid and weary soul up like a very cold bath after long hours of walking under the sun. Fill your playlist with wonderful songs by wonderful Gospel Artistes, fill your music library with powerful songs that can take you straight to the Throne of Grace. Songs that can uplift your soul so much so that even in your corner you feel like you are on ‘Mount Horeb’ standing and speaking face to face with God. Such songs after seeping into your inner being, tame your subconsciousness and manifest in your consciousness. You hear that small voice in your mind singing those songs so melodiously that all fears fly, faith and confidence are restored and you feel the ever-loving arms of God wrapping itself around you. .

Galatians 3:16 says:  Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. As we fill our hearts and minds with music that celebrates the goodness and faithfulness of God, we can deepen our relationship with Him and experience His love and power in a more tangible way.

4. Fill your mind with God’s word

Filling your mind with God’s word is a prerequisite to living an uplifting life. The word of God is living and active and has the ability to lay bare the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). Feeding, feasting on, dissecting and engaging the word of God is the greatest weapon one can possess. Most of the uplifting music were inspired by the word of God. The word of God gives deeper revelation into the spiritual and even physical realms. The word of God is able to enter the hardest heart, metamorphose it and mould it into a very soft and renewed one. Constantly filling your mind with the word of God gives you guidance in your life’s journey. All scripture is inspired by God and is able to direct you on which song to listen to and which not to. It is able to reprimand you when you go astray, it is able to teach you and correct you when you make mistakes and is also able to train you in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). The word of God is capable of all things. Filling your mind with the word of God constantly will leave you surprised at how much of a great change has gone on in you

In conclusion, as Christians, it is crucial to be intentional about the music we choose to listen to. By seeking out music that honours God and uplifts our spirits, we can nurture our faith, deepen our connection with Him, and align our hearts with His truth and goodness. Music has a profound impact on our thoughts, emotions, and spiritual well-being, and by consciously selecting music that reflects biblical values, we invite God’s presence into our lives and cultivate a worshipful attitude. Let us embrace the power of music to edify and inspire, allowing it to become a vehicle for praise, encouragement, and spiritual growth in our Christian journey.

Written by Pastor Jonathan Ebo Quaye (Campus Pastor, KNUST)


The Grass Is Not Always Green

A couple of months ago, I passed by the corridors you are seeing in the footages above .

The grass and vegetation looked dry, neglected and miserably hopeless.

This time around, however, it was a different story all together.

Wow! The Holy Spirit taught me these seven (7) lessons worthy of sharing:

1. Do not envy people in their glorious and happy moments; For you know not what they might have been through.

2. Do not also scorn and laugh at those in challenges because when their rains and their pastures begin to look green, you may not be able to behold their sight. Indeed, No condition is permanent. Once the rains start, the grass will look good again.

3. As Christians, let us remember that The Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, and early Fathers of the faith had their turns of spiritual dryness and glorious moments. Therefore, when things begin to go haywire, let’s maintain our composure and wait upon Him. For HE knows how to calm the troubled soul and make the wounded spirit whole again.

4. Continue to trust in the Lord during your dry season because the Lord of the rains is alive and faithful

5. As I passed by a couple of months by the same corridor, there were no birds, grazing animals or traces of human activity, but this time around, the story is different. It is, therefore, a true saying that Success has many friends. Fret not when friends begin withdrawing from you during your “dry” season. It’s normal.

6. You may not be the only reason for the rains and greener pastures because as you can see from the picture, the Cows and birds were all feasting quite well. So, humble yourself and be measured when things begin looking good.

7. Connect to the Lord Jesus Christ and His rains of life everlasting will make you evergreen.

Written by Pastor James Agyin


Tarry For The Spirit; Speak In Tongues

It is Pentecost Week, and I hear the call:

Tarry for the Spirit

He shall come in showers

Energising wholly all your ransomed powers

Signs shall follow service in the Holy Ghost

Then the Church of Jesus prove a mighty host.

I hear the resounding response:

On, then, Church of Jesus

Claim your Pentecost

God shall now baptise thee in the Holy Ghost

The Pentecostal experience is infectious and efficacious. Wherever He went, the warmth of His presence, the awe of His being and the power of his performance cannot be denied or ignored. The Holy Spirit is active and alive. And all who seek Him, He comes in showers (Luke 11:13, Hebrews 2:4, Psalm 72:6, Hosea 6:3). Yea, God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 6:11), so come, He will. For us Pentecostals in Ghana, there should be no doubt of this. Apart from the records of Acts 2 and the history of Azusa Street, we have the Asamankese evidence where the Holy Spirit practically fell like on the Day of Pentecost as a huge tongue of fire.

Exactly one hundred years ago, on 20 May 1923, a yearning group of men and women had gathered in Asamankese with one primary passion: To experience the power and fruit of the Holy Spirit. And He came! The entire town saw the small temple in which these believers had gathered on fire. When they rushed there to aid in putting out the fire, they saw, to their amazement, men and women speaking in an unknown tongue and unharmed by the fire. This unique experience was to birth and mark the great Pentecostal revival in the land.

What Azusa Street, Asamankese and Acts 2 have in common is ‘tarrying for the Spirit’ (Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4) by a host of yearning hearts (Acts 2:1–2). It takes tarrying (waiting) with holy yearning hearts to experience this great outburst of the Spirit showers. Let us be ready for it. We must cultivate that habit of waiting. In The Church of Pentecost, Friday morning prayers used to be called ‘Tarry’. It was time to cry out and wait for the fire to fall.

The zeal and the expectancy in the air must not die with Pentecost Week year by year. Let us sustain a ‘tarry’ in our local assemblies, be it at dawn, morning or evening prayer meetings. Even on a Sunday morning, let us be ready to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We must not be shy to be a people intoxicated by the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). There is nothing shameful about being ‘obsessed’ with a desire to be filled by the Spirit. In fact, as Pentecostals and Christians, this must be our utmost desire. Jesus said it was for our (Christians) good that His physical being left this earth for one reason: The coming of the Holy Spirit (John 16:7). If the Saviour and Master says something is for our good, should that not be what we seek daily?

On the eve of the settling of the dust of the historical turmoil The Church of Pentecost endured, Rev. James McKeown had written as a father to the church these words: ‘Now if you have Jesus, if you have the Holy Spirit, then you have a fire in you; that is the language of the Bible, He shall baptise you with the Holy Ghost and fire. Let us take it like this, fill the kettle with water, and set it on fire; when it begins to boil, if it is a whistling kettle, then it begins to whistle; If it is just an ordinary kettle, then the lid begins to dance and sing’.

Our founder was pointing us to what matters most. The Baptiser (Jesus) and the baptism (the Holy Spirit). He was also pointing us to the evidence of the baptism (the tongues) – the whistling of the kettle.

It is important to stress that as classical Pentecostals, The Church of Pentecost believes in speaking in tongues as an initial sign of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This we must not compromise in the face of divergent views. It is evident in scripture that speaking in tongues (the whistling of the kettle) always accompanied the baptism (Acts 2:4; 19:6; 10:44–46). It was convincing evidence for Peter, and he reiterated same before the apostles (Acts 10:46–47, 11:17). Paul thanked God that he was an ardent speak of tongues (1 Corinthians 14:18). There is no downplaying speaking in tongues. Let our hearts be stirred; may our minds not be deceived by any.

The baptism happens once, but the infillings are many (Acts 2:4; 4:31; Eph. 5:18). It is a command, not a suggestion, for us to receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4, 5; Luke 24:49, Acts 2:38, 39; 8:14–20; 9:17). Our Pentecostal doctrines and roots are intricately tied to this belief without which there is no basis for our claim of Pentecostalism. When He comes, bearing the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22–23) becomes easier, and we are equipped for ministry (1 Corinthians 12:8–11) in an extraordinary way.

It is easy for us to be swayed by past events, but Apostle Eric Nyamekye, the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost and President of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council, says there is no need to keep dwelling on Azusa Street revival. That was over 500 years ago. May I reiterate his rhetorical question, ‘Is that all God can do?’ Certainly not! However, if you think the glorious days of the Church are behind you, then you will not be expectant of anything extraordinary in your time, but if you believe the glorious days of the Church are here, then your heart will be stirred for deposits. Indeed, we need ‘fresh anointing and fresh revival’.

Another experience of the manifestation of Pentecost today is possible. God has promised to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh in the last days (Joel 2:28–29). Peter speaking on the Day of Pentecost, did not hesitate to claim this promise, calling their era the last days (Acts 2:16–18). If Peter calls their time the last days, then we are in the amber of the last days, the very last day of the last days. May there be a greater outpouring now for all who yearn and tarry (1 Corinthians 14:1).

The God who, in time past, wrought miracles and built His Church through the power of the Pentecost (Holy Spirit) is the same in our day. May He do with us as He did with our forebears. Let us be firm as they stood. Let the fire of Pentecost burn in us. Come into the chariot of fire, the time is now.

Written by George Osei-Asiedu

A Godly Caution To Married Menweb

A Godly Caution To Married Men

“It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” –  Genesis 2:18

The above scripture reveals the origin of marriage and God’s original intention for the man He created. It also highlights the man’s inadequacies and the need to fill that void. In my view, the term “helper” here does not imply that the woman is inferior to the man but that he functions better with her inclusion.

In Genesis 2:23, the man exclaimed, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh,” signifying that despite having all his bones, he recognises the missing bone in the woman, which completes him and makes him feel like a real man. Without a doubt, we can say that men are incomplete without women.

The word “suitable” is defined as something right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation. In Adam’s case, the New Living Translation in Genesis 2:23 captures the excitement and delight Adam expressed when he saw Eve for the first time. The Bible says this: “At last!” the man exclaimed. This excitement, combined with the surprise he encountered, serves as clear evidence that the woman was right, appropriate, and a perfect match for him. God fulfilled his desire for an ideal mate by creating women of different kinds and features that easily attract men, allowing every man to have his wife by choice. The physical appearance of women is thoughtfully designed to bring psychological and emotional stability to men for better functionality.

In Psalm 139:14, the Bible declares, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” This scripture explains how the human body is intricately woven and marvellously put together, embodying complete uniqueness. The human is both physical and spiritual. Physically, he operates through biological systems and mechanisms that set him apart from other animals, although sharing similarities with rats, as science suggests. Spiritually, he can be instructed, guided, and responsive to higher beings unseen by the human eye and to the Spirit of the Creator for restoration and guidance. Consider how wounds heal overnight and weakness is restored after a good rest. Indeed, the human body is awe-inspiring and marvellous.

There is an indescribable aspect of women that can only be felt intensely by men, wrapped in love. Men are methodical lovers, considering various factors such as beauty, taste or class, industriousness, and submissiveness when assessing a woman’s suitability in many ways, including her appearance. They also have expectations for the woman in their life and family. These considerations are meticulously pondered before a man expresses love toward a woman, although he may have made up his mind in the early stages of their relationship. Men often invest ample time studying and inquiring about the woman they intend to have a relationship with, all behind the scenes. Furthermore, men reserve the right to fully reveal their intentions to the woman at the appropriate time, which protects them from deep hurt when things don’t go as planned.

Contrary to men, women are not created to exhibit the same traits. They are wonderfully designed to receive something small and produce something more significant. They receive words of love and produce works of love; they receive money and produce food; they receive watery substances and make babies; they receive one man and have a family and a nation. Basically, women go straight into production without delay whenever they receive anything from a man, even if they are unwilling. This is how they were made. To them, receiving something from their husband is like receiving something from their Lord, which needs urgent attention.

However, because sometimes a woman’s unwillingness cannot wait for God’s design, she carries deep emotions, making her vulnerable to cracks when hurt. On the other hand, when men manage the feelings they receive from women through a respectful relationship, it softens their hearts and points them to love. It also arouses their ego and gives them the inner strength to be more protective as the head of the family, making them feel like real men. In return, men replicate these feelings towards their wives, enabling them to see their outward and inner beauty. This beauty drives them into ecstasy, causing them to act and behave in specific ways. Some may say that men are blinded by love or acting foolishly. Some men cannot contain this deep feeling and exclaim, like Adam, “At last, this is bone of my bones.”

In the scripture, man did not ask for a woman. He said to God, “the woman you gave me.” He could not have designed her if asked to do it himself. Instead, God carefully fashioned woman to complement what man lacked in his body, making him complete and allowing him to begin his kind in his own image. From how women handle things, their patience, attention to detail, and organisational skills, it is evident how wonderful they are. They always strive to get things right the first time and minimise waste. They are the soft and smooth spots in men. Science teaches us that the pelvic bone structure, the building block of a woman’s lower part, differs from that of a man due to childbirth. While men may appear rigid and strong, women are more flexible in their bodies, making them physically weaker.

Although women are stronger in certain aspects than men, men are generally considered more physically robust. Just like a well-polished surface is prone to dent and destruction, women are more susceptible to emotional distress than men. This is why both men and women are stronger together and weaker apart. It is not out of place to say that a man is only complete in the presence of a woman. The man cannot own the woman who complements him but must realise that his existence is in her. The owner of both of them is the Creator Himself.

Therefore, I assert that the divine mandate on marriage between a man and a woman from the start couldn’t have been possible without them being made male and female. Both males and females are called humankind, a kind of God’s creation with exceptional qualities, conscience, and reasoning above all other things created by God.

In the same scripture, from Genesis 2:24, God joins the man and woman together as husband and wife, enrolling them in a marriage institution without any foreknowledge. In Chapter 3, when they disobeyed God, the Lord’s covering over them was taken away, exposing them to the reality of their world. They became strangers in their own world, which they had lived in for some time. However, the merciful Lord gave them clues on living with the adversary who caused their downfall and still being happy. He defined their roles and revealed their identities for the first time, explaining why they were created with different features and reproductive organs. After this event, the woes of humanity began and continue until now.

Offering Unhindered Prayers

According to 1 Peter 3:7, married men are to live considerably with their wives, with an intelligent recognition of the marriage, honouring their wives as physically weaker but realising that they are joint heirs of God’s unmerited favour. These four causes are crucial for married men to note and work on if they want God to hear their prayers swiftly. It is important to emphasise that married women are NOT the cause of their husbands’ prayers being hindered, but rather the way married men treat their wives.

  1. Live Considerably with Your Wife:

Married men are urged to study their wives, know them well, and understand them before making decisions that may negatively impact them. Each woman is unique, and her needs should be carefully considered. In living with a wife, it is important to understand that she is the weaker one, and it is the husband’s responsibility to either help her rise to his level or lower his standards to her level. Women always expect the best from their husbands, even if it means sharing limited resources.

  • Intelligent Recognition of the Marriage:

Marriage is an institution where a certificate is acquired before lessons are taught. While the topics may be the same, each marriage’s course contents differ. Intelligence in a marriage requires seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit, who can reveal problems and provide solutions. An intelligent way to live with one’s wife is to adapt and learn new things, think about pleasant surprises, forgive quickly, and avoid bringing up past issues in current arguments. Above all, married men must view marriage as God does, with all players being equal shareholders. The Bible is the greatest tool for an intelligent recognition of marriage.

  • Honouring Your Wife is a Continues Process:

To women, honouring means respecting, appreciating, praising, and caring for them, and this should be an ongoing practice. Treating a woman with dignity and respect, especially in the presence of others, is something she will appreciate for a long time. Honouring one’s wife should be holistic, both publicly and privately. Married men are encouraged to treat their wives honourably as they would treat the Lord.

  • Couples Are Joint Heirs of God’s Unmerited Favor:

In Hebrews 2:11-12, it is mentioned that both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. Marriage is seen by God as a practice of His kingdom and is accompanied by favour from the Lord. However, both partners’ weaknesses can destroy the marriage. Thus, it is essential for married men, as the heads of their families, to preserve this unmerited favour so that their prayers may be effective. When married men lift their hands in prayer, they should do so with their wives included. A failing marriage may not produce the sweet aroma of prayers God answers.


Married men must live considerably with their wives, have an intelligent recognition of their marriage, honour their wives continuously, and understand that they are joint heirs of God’s unmerited favour. These principles are essential for maintaining a strong spiritual connection and ensuring their prayers are not hindered. It is not the wife who is the cause of God not answering or cutting off the husband’s prayers; instead, how the husband treats his wife has an impact. Marriage is a sacred institution that requires both partners’ love, respect, and understanding to thrive.

Written by Pastor Joseph Zoot