Blind Lady Regains Sight2

Blind Lady Regains Sight

Madam Monica Jayo, a Muslim convert who went blind under strange circumstances, regained her sight when she was prayed for by the Sibi District Minister of The Church of Pentecost, P/Overseer David Boateng, and his wife, Hagar.

Mrs. Jayo, accompanied by her husband, Mr. Moses Labida, rushed to the District Mission house on Tuesday dawn (at about 4:30 am) to seek divine intervention after she lost her sight the previous day. 

Narrating her ordeal to the district minister, Monica revealed that around 4 pm on Monday (November 8, 2021), she was in the room when an image flashed before her eyes. She then felt something like a slap on the face and instantly went blind, causing the baby she was carrying to fall on the ground. Those in the house who heard her screams and the baby crying rushed into her room only to discover that she (Monica) had gone blind.

Her relatives, however, abandoned the couple to their fate because they thought her predicament was their punishment for converting from Islam to Christianity. 

Upon hearing what had happened, the Presiding Deacon advised the couple to go the Mission House and solicit prayers from the district minister. After hours of intensive prayer, Monica had her eyes restored to the glory of Jesus.

Witnessing the mighty work of God, Joe Labida, who escorted the couple to the mission house, surrendered his life to Christ and was instantly baptised.

He is now a member of The Church of Pentecost. Together with the couple, Joe worships with the Biyandor Assembly of the Sibi District in the Nkwanta Area.

Report by P/Overseer David Boateng

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