Twifo Wamaso District Honours 3 Officers Upon Retirement web

Twifo Wamaso District Honours 3 Officers Upon Retirement

The Twifo Wamaso District in the Twifo Praso Area of The Church of Pentecost has organised a grand ceremony to honour three officers who have faithfully served the Church for several years.

The retired officers, namely Elders James Annam (39 years of service), Daniel Twumasi Ankrah (38 years of service), and Emmanuel Abeka (28 years of service) were celebrated in a memorable event held at the Twifo Mampoma Church auditorium on June 6, 2023.

Apostle David Nii Addo-Pappoe, the Twifo Praso Area Head, chaired the programme, assisted by Pastor George Mpoamoh Yenabi, the District Minister.

Pastor Eugene Tettey Duodu of the Twifo Mampong District delivered the sermon on the topic, “God is not unjust; He will not forget your work,” based on Hebrews 6:9-12 and Job 41:11, among other biblical passages.

Pastor Duodu emphasised that God never overlooked the efforts made by His children to advance His kingdom.

He highlighted that God, being the owner of the earth and everything in it, can bless His faithful servants immeasurably. He concluded by encouraging everyone not to lose heart in their service to God, as their labour will never be in vain.

Expressing his heartfelt appreciation to the retirees, Apostle David Nii Addo-Pappoe, the Area Head, thanked them for their selflessness and unwavering dedication, which significantly contributed to the growth and progress of the Church in the Area.

To honour their exceptional services to the Church, the retirees were presented with citations of honour and certificates of service.

The event was attended by Mrs Faustina Addo-Pappoe, the wife of the Area Head, ministers and their wives in the Area, and Mr Stephen Cobbinah, the Circuit Supervisor of the Ghana Education Service for Twifo Agona, among other distinguished guests.

Report by Joseph Smiles Adu.

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