Sacrifice Your Time & Resources For Christ - Christians Toldpdd

“Sacrifice Your Time & Resources For Christ” – Christians Told

The Ashaiman Area Head and Executive Council Member of The Church of Pentecost, Prophet David Kankam Beditor, urged believers to dedicate their time and resources to the kingdom of God, as Jesus Christ was the first to sacrifice His life for them.

Prophet Kankam delivered a sermon titled “Why Do We Celebrate Easter?” during the recently-held Easter Convention of the Afienya Estate District, which was held from April 5 to 9, 2023, at the Afienya Estate District Central Assembly auditorium.

The event was held under the theme, “Why Are You Looking for the Living Among the Dead? He Is Not Here, He Has Risen!” (Luke 24:5-6), and was well attended.

Quoting from Luke 24:1-7, Prophet Kankam explained that Easter is a time to remember the passion, crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

He emphasised that Christ’s sacrifice is the central theme of Easter celebrations. While the word “Easter” is not mentioned in the Bible, a foreshadowing of the event can be seen in the Bible, he said, adding that before Christ’s death, animals were used for sin sacrifices, and the Jews celebrated Passover.

Prophet Kankam listed the reasons for celebrating Easter, noting that it marks the period when Jesus Christ gave Himself and His life as a sin offering for humanity. As a result, believers must also be willing to sacrifice themselves, their talents, skills, and resources for the cause of Christ.

He further stated that the Blood of Christ, which was shed for the remission of sins, has granted them salvation and made them children of God.

The Ashaiman Area Head advised Christians to always give glory to God and worship Him in truth and spirit as children of God.

He also indicated that the celebration of Easter is still relevant to Christianity today as it proves that Christians serve a living God, strengthens their faith in the Lord, reaffirms the promise of eternal life, reassures them of God’s glory and wealth, and renews their hope of the resurrection.

“This is the confidence we have that if Christ resurrected, we will also resurrect,” he stated.

Report by Afienya Estate District Media Team.

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