Eunice Sallah's Story wen

“I Can’t Thank The Church of Pentecost Enough.” Says Eunice Sallah

Five years ago, Eunice Sallah’s father was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. At the time, Eunice was pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at Pentecost University, and her father’s deteriorating condition severely impacted her education. As the breadwinner of the family, her father’s illness created significant financial challenges, making it difficult to pay her tuition and accommodation fees.

To support herself through school, Eunice took on various hard jobs. Despite her efforts, things continued to worsen. “I had support from my elder brothers, but it wasn’t much because most of their monies went into my father’s treatment,” she explained.

After completing the second semester of her third year, she applied for a partial scholarship from The Church of Pentecost through Pentecost University. “I was hoping for a 50 to 70% scholarship so that I could work to fund the rest of my education fees through my side jobs and support from my brothers,” she said in an interview.

Just a day before the semester began, Eunice’s worst nightmare occurred – she lost her father. This devastating loss left her feeling hopeless and broken, as she was very close to him. It took immense strength and the support of good people around her to regain her composure. However, it was clear that she needed financial assistance, as she now had no one to depend on to see her through her course.

When she returned to campus, it was a difficult period both psychologically and emotionally. She was drained, grappling with her father’s passing and the need for financial resources to cover her fees. One thing that provided solace for Eunice was her love for serving the Lord. Through it all, she never gave up, continuing to serve as a key member of the university’s media team, always ready to contribute her part.

One day, as she returned to campus after participating in a Business Challenge organised by Universal Merchant Bank (UMB), she received a phone call to come to the Business Advancement Office as soon as she arrived. When she arrived, a lady at the office presented her with a letter from the University’s Scholarship Committee.

“While handing over the letter, the woman said, ‘Whatever your hand finds to do, do it as unto the Lord and not unto man,’” Eunice recalled.

She found the statement strange and didn’t understand why the lady had said to her. When she opened the letter, she discovered that although she had applied for a partial scholarship, she had been granted a full scholarship. “I didn’t know what to do,” she said, recounting the memorable moment.

According to her, she sighed with huge relief as her eyes swelled with tears. She was grateful and finally had peace of mind to complete her education.

On the day of graduation, Eunice received an award as the “Most Supporting Student” at Pentecost University in acknowledgement of her dedicated service to the school. She currently works as the Lead Procurement Officer at the PSC Tema Shipyard. Eunice returned to Pentecost University in 2020 to further her education, graduating the following year with a Master’s in Procurement and Supply Chain Management from the University of Salford, UK.

“So, this is my story! God has been good. Thank you, The Church of Pentecost. Thank you, Pentecost University,” she said.

The Church of Pentecost has long recognised that education is the key to unlocking potential and driving societal progress. To this end, the leadership of the Church has implemented a robust scholarship program that extends beyond mere financial aid.  In 2019, despite having quite a significant number of churches under trees and dilapidated structures, the Church took the extraordinary and quite audacious decision to use part of the funds meant for the construction of church buildings to support needy but brilliant members of the church through tertiary education at the Pentecost University and other institutions.

“It is better to invest in people more than in physical structures. After all, these young ones will one day grow and put up more significant structures for the Church,” Apostle Eric Nyamekye, the Chairman of the Church, who was the chief proponent of this action, justified.

Thus, the Church’s scholarships are particularly aimed at students from underprivileged background, providing them with opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach. The scholarship covers tuition and accommodation, lifting a significant burden off families and allowing students to focus on their studies.

As a result, countless young men and women like Miss Eunice Sallah have graduated in fields such as medicine, engineering, and education, poised to contribute meaningfully to the country’s development.

Last year alone, The Church of Pentecost disbursed a substantial sum of GHC 14,281,540.13 towards scholarships at all levels. By providing these scholarships, The Church of Pentecost did not only ease the financial burdens of many families but also enabled countless young individuals to pursue their academic dreams and reach their full potential. Such an investment in education is a testament to the church’s foresight and dedication to creating a more knowledgeable and skilled populace.

Had The Church of Pentecost chosen to allocate this significant amount of money elsewhere, there are numerous other impactful avenues it could have explored. However, the choice to prioritise educational scholarships highlights the church’s understanding of the transformative power of education. By empowering the youth with the tools they need to succeed academically and professionally, The Church of Pentecost is fostering a generation of well-educated and capable leaders who will contribute to the nation’s growth and prosperity. This strategic investment will yield long-term benefits, not only for the recipients of the scholarships but for the Church and society as a whole. The church’s decision to support education so generously is a powerful example of how faith-based organisations can play a pivotal role in societal development, demonstrating a profound commitment to both spiritual and practical growth.

Miss Eumice Sallah currently fellowships at the English Assembly of the Bubiashie North District in the Kaneshie Area of The Church of Pentecost and continues to offer her services to the Church at local, district, area and national levels.

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