Post-Pentecost Experience Breaks All Barriers – La Area Head Asserts web

Post-Pentecost Experience Breaks All Barriers – La Area Head Asserts

The La Area Head of The Church of Pentecost and Executive Council Member, Apostle Dr. Dieudonne Komla Nuekpe, has opined that the aftermath of Pentecost in the Bible breaks all barriers occasioned by human traditions that stand opposed to the gospel of Jesus.

He made these remarks when he delivered a message titled, “A people of God unleashed to transform their world through Pentecost” on the climax of the 2024 Pentecost Week, which fell on Sunday, May 19, coinciding with the naming and dedication service at the Alajo District English Assembly.

Apostle Dr. Nuekpe said that the Day of Pentecost, which emanates from the Jewish agricultural festival celebrated seven weeks after the Passover, marks the beginning of the Wheat Festival to express the people’s appreciation to God for providing food for the community.

According to him, Pentecost officially marks the day the covenant promise of the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Apostles and other followers. This, he said, led to the early church fathers sending the gospel outside the confines of Jerusalem and their immediate environment which was engineered by the persecution that broke out in Jerusalem, scattering them abroad.

He said Peter’s word of encouragement to them, energised leaders of the  early church to break out of their comfort zone and some indigenous Jewish traditions that stood in the way of other people accepting the gospel of Jesus, as is  referenced in Acts 10:34-48.

“This boldness of Peter’s statement drums home the point that salvation is not achieved by observing some traditions of some tribe, community or nation, but rather by placing one’s faith in Christ Jesus,” he said.

The Area head disclosed that post-Pentecost experience is about reaching out to all cultures across the globe with the gospel of Jesus to bring people from all walks of life to the saving gospel of Christ.

He concluded: “Pentecost which marks the day the covenant promise of the Holy Spirit was fulfilled brings power for effective witnessing which leads to cross cultural mission enhancing unity among the body of Christ with the expectant result being transformed lives with positive influence with spillover effect on effective leadership choices.”

In attendance were wife of the Area Head, Mrs. Juanita Nuekpe, Pastor Godwin and Mrs Esther Ako-Addo, Pastor Daniel Henanaopeh and Mrs Eunice Yeboah Asare of Kotobabi District.

Report by La Area Media Team.

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