Hundreds Of Youth Attend Koforidua Area ‘Prayer In The Park 2024’ web

Hundreds Of Youth Attend Koforidua Area ‘Prayer In The Park 2024’

In a fire-filled atmosphere at the Aburi Botanical Gardens, energetic young people of the Koforidua Area Youth Ministry of The Church of Pentecost gathered on Saturday, April 27, 2024, earnestly seeking the face of the Holy Spirit.

Under the guidance of the Koforidua Area Head of the church, Apostle Mike Etrue, the Youth Ministry organised a day-long programme dubbed, ‘Prayer In The Park’ with the theme, ‘Unleashed with Power,’ taken from Acts 1:8.

The event was a powerful display of faith and unity, with pastors and youth workers from the various levels in the Area coming together alongside over one thousand enthusiastic young persons praying to draw strength from on high.

The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the youth were encouraged to embrace the Holy Spirit and be unleashed for the transformation of their societies.

The programme featured impactful musical ministrations and impartations by the sensational gospel ginger, Elder Patrick Amoako. The air was filled with the sounds of worship, as choreography, drama, singing, and dancing took centre stage, all done to glorify God.

The youth were inspired to walk in the power of God in order to reach out and take over their spheres for Jesus.

As a way of fulfilling the vision mandate of the Youth ministry, the members were empowered to reach out to others who have not yet received the gospel and take over every for Christ.

Through the programme, the hearts of the youth were set ablaze by the Holy Spirit, igniting a passion for serving God and spreading His love.

Report by Koforidua Area Youth Ministry Media Team

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