Youth Director Visits Daluayili Youth Skills Training Centre

As part of the visit of the National Executive Committee Members of the Youth Ministry of The Church of Pentecost to the Northern part of Ghana, the Youth Director and his wife, Pastor Ebenezer & Mrs. Priscilla Hagan, on Friday, March 25, 2022, paid a visit to the Daluayili Youth Skills Training Centre in the Tamale Area.

The Daluayili Youth Skills Training Centre located in the Northern Region of Ghana is an initiative of the Daluayili District of The Church of Pentecost, under the leadership of Overseer Luke Sei Nemen.

The purpose of establishing the centre is to help young ladies in the district gain skills to earn a livelihood. It is also aimed at reducing the rural-urban migration in the area.

The centre has gained support from the Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS), the social services wing of The Church of Pentecost, to acquire the necessary machinery to help achieve the aim.

The skills being taught at the centre include Kente weaving, sewing, and hairdressing.

The Youth Director of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor Ebenezer Hagan, addressing the learners at the centre, stated that the best gift one can give is not money but skills. He stressed that, if they had been given money, it would not have lasted long, but skills will take them a lifetime.

He also urged and encouraged the learners to give their all to learn and come out with the best skills.

Being a girls’ training facility, the wife of the Youth Director, Mrs. Prsicilla Hagan, seized the opportunity to also advise the young ladies to take the training very seriously.

She stated that skilled ladies have something valuable to offer society, and that no man will ever take undue advantage of them. She also advised them to stay focused and not to allow unscrupulous men to deceive them.

Other team members who took part in the visit were Elder Prof. Eric Appau-Asante (Deputy Youth Director), Pastor Godwin Arko-Addo (National Secretary), and Pastor Michael Blankson (Tamale Area Youth Pastor).

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