We Urgently Need A Wave Of The Spirit In Our Time – Apostle Dr Jimmy Markin Calls web

We Urgently Need A Wave Of The Spirit In Our Time – Apostle Dr Jimmy Markin Calls

‘If there is ever a season and time when the nations and churches need a wave of the Spirit, it is today. There is an urgent need for revival and restoration in our churches now. There is urgency now in the nations of the world, and the Church of Christ for a restoration of all the things of old.’

This clarion call was made by the Evangelism Director of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr Amos Jimmy Markin, during a presentation on ‘The Waves of the Spirit’ at the maiden Pentecost 2024 Conference held at the Rudolf Weber Arena, Oberhausen, Germany, from May 15-18, 2024.

Referring to several scriptures to back his call, including Luke 24: 49; Psalm 32: 8; Job 32: 8, Proverbs 20:27, Apostle Dr Jimmy Markin, who is also an Executive Council Member of the church, indicated that the time has come for the Spirit of God to move with his power to turn the world back into righteousness and the fear of God.

He observed that the nations of the world have become so secularized that godliness does not matter to them anymore. In nations and lands previously Christian, the mention of God today is a taboo and unknown. Even in places such as Africa, Latin American and Asia where Christianity is thought to be growing, the nature of the average Christian’s life is very superficial, he bemoaned.  

He added that in the nations of the West, just as those in Africa including Ghana today, which is thought to be predominately Christian, there is nothing to show for it, since the churches have become places of merchandise, performing artistry, self-aggrandizement, sin and evil and a habitation of anything but God.

‘The Church today suffers because it neglects the Spirit and is not sensitive to him. The Spirit is the custodian or the gate keeper, the helper, and guardian of Church,’ he stated.  

He added: ‘The believer in Christ misses his or her direction and guide, because he does not know or recognize the Spirit. The young educated person misses his guide, because he loses his focus on the Spirit but only rely on the articulation and training of the mind.’

Explaining what the wave of the Spirit is, Apostle Dr Jimmy Markin disclosed that it is the periodic intervention of the move of God – the Holy Spirit – upon a generation, nation, community, people or individuals, who seek after God’s Spirit to intervene in their spiritual dryness.

According to him, there is a wave of the Spirit when the Holy Spirit comes to revive, restore, or brings a divine awakening upon a spiritually dead situation or people to make them alive to the consciousness of God.

He pointed out that a wave of the Spirit brings back an awareness of God consciousness as the Spirit revives spiritually dead situations. To the sinner, the Spirit brings an awareness of the existence of God, sin consciousness, and the sinfulness of sin, and repentance. To the already Christian, he brings an alertness and sensitivity of God and his Holy Spirit and desire to please him. He revives the church, God’s people, and bring them to their former position, or condition of first love, which used to exist in them.

‘When the Spirit sends forth his wave there is renaissance. What the churches need today is not articulation of words, but the Spirit. The missionary can only break new grounds and sustain it by the wave of the Spirit. The life of the child of God will flourishes only when he is touched by the Spirit,’ he said.



The Samaritan Woman: A Good Example For Women Evangelists

By Mrs Gloria Ekua Owusu (Mpasaso District-Tepa Area)

The story of the Samaritan woman at the well, as captured in the Gospel of John, provides profound insights into Jesus’ intentional encounter with a woman who becomes an effective evangelist. Let’s delve deeper into this encounter and draw valuable lessons for women engaged in spreading the Good News.

“So he came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there; so, Jesus, wearied as he was from his journey, was sitting beside the well. It was about the sixth hour. A woman from Samaria came to draw water…

According to John 4:6, “The sixth hour simply is a modern-day noon, which mostly called for rest. Most women would come early in the morning or late in the evening to fetch water. However, Jesus had sent His disciples away (John 4:8), and we see the woman come to the well for water.

As the story unfolds, we learn that this woman regularly comes to the well at this time of day (John 4:15). She has been married five times, and is currently living in unrepentant sin, by living with her boyfriend (John 4:16-18). These circumstances point to her desire to avoid the shame that would come by attending the well when other women were present. And yet, Jesus, in His divine intentionality, sought to meet this specific woman at this specific time.

The Actual Story as Illustrated by the Bible

Jesus is revealed in this story in several ways:

Through dialogue with the Samaritan woman, we realize Jesus disclosed Himself three times throughout the story.

Firstly, Jesus is revealed as the Living Water (John 4:13-14). After asking the Samaritan woman for a drink, He retorts to her by giving her something greater. “Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

Jesus is revealed as a Prophet.

John 4:16-19 says: “He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.” “I have no husband,” she replied. Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.” “Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet.”

Dumbfounded by how Jesus exposed her sins, now the Samaritan woman’s eyes are beginning to open to the truth of who Jesus is. Through this speech, He shows her that His word is true.

Finally, we see Jesus revealed as the Messiah. “I know that Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ). When he comes, he will tell us all things.” Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am he.”

Jesus is the Messiah

Jesus apparently told the woman explicitly that He is the anointed King that has come to seek and save the lost.

Jesus’ encounter with this woman paints a picture of some lessons that reveal how women can also spread the Good News and be fully committed to the Great Commission.

  1. She came to the knowledge that Jesus alone is the Living Water.
    The Samaritan woman looked up to men to satisfy her pleasure and soul. We also focus on things external to Christ to give our lives purpose and meaning. Nevertheless, as Jesus revealed Himself to her, He opened her eyes to know that He was the never-ending water she was so desiring (John 7:38).
  2. She came to the knowledge that Jesus is not deterred by our numerous sins.
    The woman perceived Jesus as a prophet because He called out all her sins (John 4:29). Jesus is Omniscient and sees the iniquities within every man’s heart. He sees our desires, and yet He still pursues us and loves us (Romans 3:23). He is not surprised by our evil desires and intentions, but rather He seeks to reconcile us to the Father in spite of all our wrongdoings.
  3. She came to the knowledge that Jesus is the Saviour of the world.
    In the meantime, the Samaritan woman could not totally understand who Jesus was, until her eyes were opened to the truth. We also need Christ to open our eyes to the reality of who He is (Ephesians 4:18). She affirmed in her heart that it is only by believing in the words of Jesus that she will be saved from her sins and went out to declare to others about Jesus being the saviour of the world. We must also be courageous to declare Him to the whole world that He gives new desires and a new purpose to those who seek Him.
  4. She also came to the realisation that Christ is the Messiah.
    Once Jesus is your Messiah, He becomes the Lord of your life. She found this quickly and went out to declare to others that the long-awaited Messiah and king had come to save mankind. We come to Christ to be complete, to be pardoned; and the vacuum that is filled by Christ in our heart surfeits so that we desire to proclaim His excellences (1 Peter 2:9) and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). Jesus turns out to be such a treasure to us, so as to the Samaritan woman, that we cannot stop ourselves from telling others about the happiness He has conferred in our life (John 4:28-30).
  5. Lastly, she came to the knowledge that Christ is always willing to give us the water of life. Jesus responds to the Samaritan woman at the well, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water” (John 4:10). The woman marvels how Jesus can offer this water, particularly since He had no means to draw it. In Jesus’ answer according to (John 4:13–14), we must tell others to come to the well and the brook of God to drink. This made the Samaritan woman a great kind of Woman Evangelist, as she went out to preach the gospel in her community to transform others.

In summary, the Bible uses water as an allegory in some places, and it does express “the water of life.” In John 4, Jesus is sitting at a well in Samaria when a woman comes to draw water. This would have been a diurnal task for her and would have involved significant effort and time on her part. Jesus asks her for a drink. This simple request was weighty because Jesus was publicly speaking to a woman and a Samaritan woman at that. The woman misinterprets, thinking that if she could get this water, she would not have to spend any more time labouring to get water daily from the well. At this point, she thinks that Jesus is talking about some kind of magical water that would meet her physical needs. Jesus turns the conversation from physical needs to spiritual needs. The conversation ends with Jesus telling her simply that He is the promised Messiah, and she goes and evangelises the whole town to come out and listen to what Jesus has to say.

You Need Divine Power To Excel In Life web

You Need Divine Power To Excel In Life – Apostle Edzii Davidson

Apostle Samuel Edzii Davidson, the Offinso Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, has emphasised the critical importance of being “clothed with divine power” for every child of God to navigate life successfully and transform their world.

The Offinso Area Head said this in a sermon themed, ‘Clothed with divine power to transform your world,’ on Friday, May 17,2024, during the PCC Revival held at the Pentecost Convention Centre, Gomoa Fetteh.

Speaking on the source of divine power, Apostle Davidson stressed that all power belongs to God, who commands even nonexistent things with His word.

He went on to indicate that divine power is the most critical requirement of the child of God and is needed to help them transform their world.

He pointed out that Jesus Christ, being God the Son, ‘was conceived and declared with power. The Holy Spirit, our companion, is also a spirit of power.’

He asserted that ‘Christianity without power is equal to religion without reality’ and that what sets Christianity apart from other religions is the move of the power of God.

He declared that one needs divine power to excel in life, as life is a constant battle from birth.

Apostle Davidson emphasised the importance of divine power to prevail rather than travail through life, to succeed instead of suffer, to grow and not crawl, and to function as effective witnesses demonstrating the power of God to convince others of His existence and the salvation offered through Jesus.

He urged believers to fast and wait on the Lord for divine power, just as Queen Esther did in her days.


PCC Revival Climaxes With Intensive Roar All-Night Service web

PCC Revival Climaxes With Intensive Roar All-Night Service

The three-day-long PCC Revival held at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC) at Gomoa Fetteh, was climaxed with a power-packed ‘roar’ all-night service on Friday night, May 17, 2024.

The revival organised to offer patrons the opportunity to have and encounter with God and receive a renewal of strength had word ministrations from Apostle James Kwabena Asare (Kasoa Area Head), Apostle Christian Tsekpoe (Head of Ministerial Formation and Training at the Pentecost School of Theology and Mission (PSTM) of the Pentecost University), and Apostle Samuel Edzii Davidson (Offinso Area Head).

Elder Gideon Ntumy, Deaconess Nancy Kwafo, Elder Patrick Amoako and the PCC Revival Choir also warmed the services with Holy Spirit-filled song ministrations.

Delivering the last sermon to climax the event, Apostle James Kwabena Asare highlighted the need for a revival in the lives of Christians to transform their world.

He explained that when the disciples were waiting for the Holy Spirit as instructed by Jesus before His ascension into heaven, they did not know when the Holy Spirit would come, who and how it looked like, however they obeyed Him and waited.

He added that while the disciples knew Jesus to be gentle and worked calmly, the Holy Spirit came in with a bit of contrast – as wind and fire.

According to the Kasoa Area Head, the Holy Spirit as a wind, was a sign of the breath of God, invisibility, yet a powerful presence being unstoppable and unpredictable.

On the other hand, he said, the Holy Spirit as fire represented purification, refinery, source of passion, empowerment, energy, attraction and makes all who receive him become a firebrand of God which consumes anything evil and ungodly.

Apostle Asare called on patrons to make it a point to wait upon the Holy Spirit for revival and go out with the revival to transform their world.

To the glory of God some persons who attended the revival with several health conditions received healing from God.

Intercessory prayers were also said for the peace and stability of Ghana during and after the election year.


Yearn To Be Clothed With The Holy Spirit web

Yearn To Be Clothed With The Holy Spirit – Apostle Dr Tsekpoe

The Head of Ministerial Formation and Training at the Pentecost School of Theology and Mission (PSTM) of the Pentecost University, Apostle Dr Christian Tsekpoe, has called on Christians to yearn to be clothed with the power of the Holy Spirit.

He made this call on Thursday, May 15, 2024, during the PCC Revival being held at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh, near Kasoa in the Central Region.

Delivering a sermon on theme, ‘Clothed with power from on high to transform my world,’ Apostle Dr Tsekpoe, drawing inspiration from Luke 24:49, emphasised the significance of being clothed with power from on high to impact and change the world.

He noted that the value of the Holy Spirit is so high that if it was to be sold, only the rich and wealthy could afford. However, God being merciful has made it freely available for all who yearn for it.

Apostle Dr Tsekpoe, who doubles as the Resident Minister of A-Lang Worship Centre in the Odorkor Area, referencing the biblical instruction of Jesus asking the disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit before they commence the missionary work, explained that it was because without the Holy Spirit, the disciples lacked the necessary power and authority to be effective.

The theologian illustrated the transformative impact of the Holy Spirit through the example of Peter, who, empowered by the Spirit, boldly preached and led thousands to Christ despite his previous denial of Christ on the way to crucifixion.

He emphasised that the Holy Spirit does not only empowers individuals for ministry but also revitalises every aspect of their lives, including prayer, finances, and vision.

The PCC Revival is a three-day long programme organised to give patrons the chance to seek the face of the Lord and receive a renewal of strength from above.


Unleash Young People For God’s Work - Pastor Sampana Urges web

Unleash Young People For God’s Work – Pastor Sampana Urges

Pastor Albert Sampana who currently serves as the Youth and PENSA Director of The Church of Pentecost in the USA, has emphasised the importance of empowering young people for God’s work.

He said this yesterday (16th of May 2024) when he gave a presentation on the topic “Unleashing Young People”  at the Pentecost 2024 Conference taking place at Rudolf Weber Arena at Oberhausen, Germany.

Drawing from biblical stories such as David and Goliath, he highlighted that life’s challenges (‘lions and bears’) prepare young people for greater tasks, saying that they serve as training grounds for the youth, a reason why young people should be consciously unleashed.

He stressed that young people are crucial to transforming the world and called for their strategic preparation, positioning, deployment, and execution to advance the Kingdom agenda.

He also encouraged young people to stand for God, be available, and depend on Him, urging them to rise and make their mark while they are young.

Pastor Sampana concluded that now is the time for young people to harness their potential and respond to God’s call to transform the world.


Our Day Of Pentecost Has Come - Apostle Samuel Obuobi web

Our Day Of Pentecost Has Come – Apostle Samuel Obuobi

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Samuel Gyau Obuobi, has urged church leaders and members to brace themselves for a new move of the Spirit as they observe Pentecost.

According to him, through the “Possessing the Nations” agenda, the Lord is leading the church in a new direction, which is a paradigm shift from establishing homogenous churches to multinational, multiracial, and multicultural churches.

Apostle Obuobi shared these insights today when he presented a paper on the topic “Building a Multinational, Multiracial, and Multicultural Church” at the Pentecost 2024 Conference at the Rudolf Weber Arena in Oberhausen, Germany.

In his presentation, Apostle Obuobi asserted that God’s method has always been from one to many. He explained that God chose Abraham, through whom He raised the nation of Israel to serve as a conduit to reach out to the entire world. He noted that God began with a homogenous people, but on the day of Pentecost, when the Spirit came, He empowered the disciples to evangelize to the diverse people who had come to observe Pentecost, resulting in over 3000 people from all over the world turning to the Lord.

Apostle Obuobi drew a parallel between Israel and The Church of Pentecost, explaining that just as God called James McKeown to start a homogenous church in the Gold Coast (now Ghana), He is now moving the church towards a more inclusive model.

“The Church started as a homogenous church, but in recent times, we can observe God’s hand silently guiding the whole church towards establishing multicultural, multiracial, and multinational churches,” he said.

He emphasised that The Church of Pentecost has flourished by establishing homogenous churches, but God is redirecting it, asserting, “Our day of Pentecost has come.”

He added, “I see this conference and its name – Pentecost 2024 – to be divine. For there is going to be a mighty shakeup and revival from here to go possess the world.”

Apostle Obuobi highlighted the City Church concept as one of the models that has emerged in this regard.

He described the city church as an all-embracing church that, through high service standards, takes the gospel to the cities and possesses them for the Lord.

Despite possible challenges in implementing the city church concept, such as diverse cultural expectations, he noted that the multicultural church holds great potential for the church.

He pointed out that the diversity in heaven, which hosts the Trinity, four living elders, and angels, is a good justification for establishing multicultural, multiracial, and multinational churches.

“If there is diversity in heaven, why can’t there be diversity in the church?” he quizzed.

Apostle Obuobi also stressed that Jesus died for every race, and for this reason, every race has a place in God’s church.

He concluded by stating that diversity ensures great potential for the church, highlighting that “No single-race church can save the world.”


Apostle Agyemang Bekoe Urges Christians To Uphold Holiness web

Apostle Agyemang Bekoe Urges Christians To Uphold Holiness

The International Missions Director (IMD) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, has advised church members, particularly the youth, to uphold holiness so as to experience a new move of the Holy Spirit in their generation.

Apostle Agyemang Bekoe said this yesterday (16th of May 2024) when he addressed participants of the Pentecost 2024 Conference taking place at Rudolf Weber Arena at Oberhausen, Germany.

According to the IMD, invoking the power of the Holy Spirit is impossible without personal holiness.

“His name is God the Holy Ghost,” he proclaimed, underlining the inseparable connection between living a holy life and experiencing the movement of the Holy Spirit.

Apostle Bekoe further stressed the importance of recognising the urgency of the times, stating, “We are not in a rush, but we are in haste; the King’s time is not on our side.”

He said that this call to action reflects a deep concern for the swift passage of time and the need for Christians to act with purpose and commitment.

Referencing Acts 2, Apostle Bekoe highlighted the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, as demonstrated by the early church’s experience on the Day of Pentecost.

He noted that speaking in the “language of the Spirit” (Tongues) signifies the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life.

He further underscored the necessity of continuous movement and progress within the Christian life, warning that stagnation leads to a lack of spiritual vitality.

“If we stop moving, we will not have life,” he said.

He, therefore, encouraged beliecers to align their lives with the movement of the Holy Spirit and the pressing demands of the times


Women of God, Fulfill your Divine Mandates web

Women Of God, Fulfill Your Divine Mandates – Mrs Kyei Boate

The wife of the district minister for Barekese District of The Church of Pentecost, Mrs Grace Kyei Boate, has charged Christian women to strive to fulfill their divine mandates.

She made this call during the climax of the biannual Women’s Ministry Week celebration at the Asikam Assembly on Sunday, May 12, 2024.

Speaking on the theme, ‘Woman of God Unleashed to Transform your world’ – Genesis 2:21-24, Luke 10:41-42, Mrs Boate indicated that right from the start of the early church and in Jesus’ ministry, the presence of women has been greatly felt.

She highlighted the significant contributions of women in the early church, citing women like Mary, the sister of Martha, who prioritised listening to Jesus over material possessions.

Mrs Boate encouraged women to move beyond traditional roles of serving and kitchen duties, urging them to be active in ministry and make a lasting impact.

She emphasised that women now have the opportunity to play a vital role in advancing the gospel, referencing past women like Madam Christiana Obo who dedicated resources to spreading the gospel during the days of Pastor James McKeown (Founder of The Church of Pentecost), while charging women to walk and work in the grace of the likes of Mama Eunice Addison, whom the Lord used to receive many of the songs sang in The Church of Pentecost.

Mrs Boate stressed that the grace and anointing for ministry are not exclusive to men but are available to all women. She encouraged women to seek God for empowerment and to utilise the gifts and graces bestowed upon them.

Making reference to the Chairman’s State-of-the-Church address recently delivered at the 18th Extraordinary Council Meeting, she said the report mentioned that over 75,000 deaconesses serve in The Church of Pentecost which is very remarkable. However, there is a need for this number to translate into more souls, more commitment and more advancement of the gospel, she concluded.

Report by Barekese District Media Team

Pastor, Wife Give Seed Money To 11 Women To Start Business web

Pastor, Wife Give Seed Money To 11 Women To Start Business

Pastor Christian Osei Kofi and his wife, Mrs Nancy Aba Kyei of the Sreso Tinpom District in the Abuakwa Area of The Church of Pentecost, have given a seed money to four widows and seven other needy women in the church to establish their businesses.

The amount, totalling GHS 4,000.00, was doled out to the women during the climax of the week-long Women’s Ministry Week celebration, which also happened to be Mother’s Day.

According to Pastor Osei Kofi Kyei, if members are well positioned financially, they will be able to support themselves, their families and help push the agenda of ‘Possessing the Nations’ being pursued by the church under Vision 2028, which seeks to touch every aspect of the lives of members.

The seed capital is to help the women go into pastry making, ceramics, kenkey and charcoal businesses to fend for themselves and their families.

The obviously excited women expressed their gratitude to God, the church and the pastor and his wife for the support and pledged to judiciously use the funds to bring about a desired outcome.

The district minister prayed for them and the success of their businesses.

Report bySreso Tinpom District Media Team