Couple Blessed With Child After 11 Years Of Marriage web

Couple Blessed With Child After 11 Years Of Marriage

Mr Domo-Erinuu and his wife, Esther, have been blessed with a child after 11 years of marriage, a testament to the power of faith and perseverance in the Lord.

The couple, who worship at New Senchem Assembly in Wassa Senchem District in Twifo Praso Area of The Church of Pentecost, got married in 2014, with the expectation of starting a family immediately. However, after several years of waiting without any signs of having a child, they underwent various fertility tests, but all efforts proved futile.

Despite the challenges, the couple remained hopeful, and their faith was rewarded with a bouncing baby girl, after 11 years of marriage.

The joy of this miracles was celebrated at a christening ceremony of the baby girl on April 14, 2024, where the District Minister, Overseer Albert Kojo Quaicoe, spoke on the importance of raising children in the fear of God.

Overseer Quaicoe, using the Bible text from Genesis 18:18-19, emphasised the need for parents to ensure their children grow up with the principles and values of God, so they can become responsible members of the church and society.

He also cautioned that the waywardness of children can lead to the discontinuation of God’s blessings in a family as seen in the cases of Eli, the high priest and Samuel, the prophet in the Bible. He, therefore, advised parents to be deliberate in grooming their children to be upright, obedient and God-fearing.

The ceremony was attended by the wife of the district minister, Mrs Dorcas Quaiko, and other dignitaries.

The couple’s story serves as an inspiration to those who may be going through similar challenges, reminding them that with faith and perseverance, even the most seemingly impossible dreams can come true.

Report by Joseph Smiles Adu.

The Church Must Rule the World - Apostle Eric Nyamekye web

The Church Must Rule The World – Apostle Eric Nyamekye

As criticism and cynicism against the Church become rife in some circles, the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has underscored the need for Christians to ensure that the Church remains strong in contemporary times.

Speaking at the Antwerp Zone to members of The Church of Pentecost in Belgium, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, focusing on the first of three sub-topics, “Building to be Strong,” referenced Matthew 16:18-19 and said, “We need to build the Church to be strong so that not even the gates of Hades can withstand the forward march of the Church. The Church is not a weak entity; it is something so powerful.

“When you see a Church playing weak, it’s all because of a generation that is only churching. But the Church must rule the world so that heaven will partner with the Church and cause what we say to come to pass,” he stressed.

The Chairman described the Church as a community of holy people walking in love and advancing into the world with the gospel of salvation. These are not perfect people, but holy people because God is in them, walking in love so that the whole world will know God through them.

“The Church must be powerful enough to answer questions—the difficult questions. It should be able to meet needs and solve problems.

“The Church should be a real Mount (Obadiah 1:17), able to receive sinners and, with the power of God, transform sinners into saints,” he said.

As an equipping centre, Apostle Nyamekye said God must be in the Church, as His presence is crucial to the Church.

“The Church must not be an ordinary ministry; God must be in our midst. When we meet, we must be able to smell the presence of God. If we want to experience His presence, we must carry His presence into the Church. The lifestyle of members of the Church must change for the watching world to know that God is in His Church.”

He continued, “The Church we are seeking to build is made up of those called out to be part of the community called the Church so that they would be able to transform their world.

“God calls us out and calls us together for a purpose: to become a community of His own people. But it is not enough for the community to meet; they have to advance into the world with the gospel of salvation,” he concluded.

Report by David Tagoe


“Once God Chooses You, He Will Not Allow You To Fail”

This profound statement was uttered by the revered Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, at the recently-held Pentecost 2024 Conference at Rudolf Weber Arena, Oberhausen, Germany. Apostle Eric Nyamekye made this heart-soothing statement in one of his messages titled “The Church in God’s Plan of Redemption.”

Since its delivery, this powerful assertion has been trending and has helped many understand that “God cannot fail any individual once He chooses him or her.” I, therefore, want to borrow this short but impactful statement I personally took note of during the ministration of our dear chairman, to emphasize and broadly share my thoughts on it as inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Undeniably, when God chooses a person or a vessel, He chooses that individual to fulfill an assignment and mandate that will glorify His name and advance His kingdom. Because there is no failure in our excellent God, no individual can fail in His hands when He truly appoints them. Like clay in the hands of a potter, He continues to shape, fashion, and mould that individual until He uses them to fulfill the purpose for which He chose and called them.

Isaiah 64:8 says, “Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Every potter’s expectation and desire is that the clay in his hands would be transformed into a useful pot.

That notwithstanding, anyone God chooses and appoints is likely to experience some adversities, predicaments, and challenges because of the divine selection and appointment. Almost all the vessels God has chosen, used, and is still using have some traceable story and scar attributed to their call. However, if God chooses an individual, regardless of the difficult circumstances they may go through, He will surely uphold them with His righteous hand, be with them, and lead them to their designated destination (Isaiah 41:10).

Isaiah 43:3 also says, “But now, this is what the LORD says—he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: ‘Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.'”

Moreover, before God chooses you, like the prophet Jeremiah, He knows you even when you were in your mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5). There is always a prophetic aura over any individual God chooses before its actual manifestation. David said, “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be” (Psalm 139:16). Indeed, God’s callings and appointments are irrevocable (Romans 11:29).

His plans and promises are Yes and Amen, and are forever settled in heaven according to scripture (2 Corinthians 1:20-21, Psalm 119:89). According to Job, “God can do all things; no purpose of His can be thwarted” (Job 42:2). Numbers 23:19 also says, “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Hallelujah!”

Jesus, the very Son of God, was chosen and called before the foundation of the earth (1 Peter 1:18-20). This means that before the earth was created and formed, Jesus was chosen, appointed, and called. Hallelujah! This is mysterious. Because it was God who chose Christ Jesus, He never failed in His mission and assignment on earth. The purpose for which He came was fulfilled astronomically. He saved the world from its depravity (John 3:17), conquered the devil, restored and reconciled humankind back to God through His death and resurrection. He ascended to heaven and is now seated at the right hand of God (Colossians 2:13-15, John 10:10, Acts 2:22-23).

Israel, which produced the Messiah, never failed because it was God that chose her (Genesis 12:1-3, Isaiah 43:1-3). Hebrews 11:4-39 also gives a picture of some veterans and elders of faith who were called and mightily used by God. Through faith, they fulfilled their purpose and outstandingly touched their world and generation without any failure. Indeed, when God chooses, He will not allow you to fail.

Now, dear reader, whatever field of endeavour you have found yourself in (be it the education sector, health sector, banking sector, sports and entertainment sector, business sector, ministry, etc.), if God is the one who positioned you there, He will not allow you to fail. Just discover and know His will and purpose for your life in that area of service, align with Him, and you will see the impact He will make through you.

The God who chose you is faithful; He will not allow you to fail.

Written by Elder David Gyamfi (PIWC-West Hills)

Chairman Pays Working Visit To Luxembourg web

Chairman Pays Working Visit To Luxembourg

Apostle Eric Nyamekye, the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, paid a historic visit to the Church’s branch in Luxembourg on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

The visit was part of his broader tour of some of the external branches of the church across Europe, following the successful organisation of the Pentecost Conference 2024 in Oberhausen, Germany.

The Church of Pentecost broke grounds in this landlocked country bordered by Belgium, France, and Germany, in October 2022 and has since been making remarkable strides, attracting a diverse congregation that includes indigenes.

The church members, led by Evangelist Sika Kwame, the National Head of the Church, warmly welcomed Apostle Nyamekye and his wife, Mrs. Mary Nyamekye. The excitement was palpable as the congregation eagerly anticipated the Chairman’s message to them.

In his address, Apostle Eric Nyamekye highlighted the crucial role of the Holy Spirit, describing Him as the “power of the Church.”

He urged the members to strive to build a church of relevance and influence by addressing/solving problems and ministering to the needs of the people.

After the address, the church leaders together with some of the members took Apostle Nyamekye and his entourage on a tour of the vibrant town.

Luxembourg, although one of the smallest countries globally, is renowned as a burgeoning business hub attracting people from neighbouring countries for various opportunities.

Apostle Nyamekye’s visit did not only reinforce the church’s mission efforts, but also inspired its members to continue their impactful work in Luxembourg and beyond.


622 Souls Won for Christ During PENSA Cape Coast Sector Evangelism Outreach web

622 Souls Won for Christ During PENSA Cape Coast Sector Evangelism Outreach

Six hundred and twenty-two souls, including 122 children, were won during the evangelism outreach, dubbed “Body and Soul,” organised by the Cape Coast Sector of the Pentecost Students and Associates (PENSA).

The event also saw 268 persons baptised in water by immersion, 200 individuals receive the Holy Spirit baptism, and 194 believers rededicate their lives to Christ.

The outreach was held under the leadership of Pastor Blessing Joseph Quayson, the PENSA Traveling Secretary. It took place from Tuesday, May 7th to Sunday, May 12th, 2024, at Moree District in the Cape Coast Area, under the theme, “Jesus Christ, the Only Saviour of the World” (Acts 4:12).

A three-day retreat was organised from May 4th to 6th, 2024, to prepare and equip members through prayers and teaching sessions. The participants left campus for Moree District on Tuesday, May 7th, 2024, energised by the Holy Spirit to preach and win souls for Christ. Upon their arrival, they were welcomed by the District Minister, Pastor George Kweku Tackie, and his executives.

The District Pastor encouraged the students not to be afraid because the Lord was with them and would use them to perform miracles and win souls for Christ. The participants, divided into their respective zones, engaged in various activities such as fasting and prayers, morning devotion, dawn broadcasting, house-to-house evangelism, school visitations, evening services with the local assemblies, and rallies.

God manifested Himself mightily during these activities. A 19-year-old boy suffering from severe head pain that had affected his brain was miraculously healed. A woman named Aunty Akua, who had been suffering from a stroke for three months, received instant healing after intensive prayer and was able to walk. Additionally, a man who had been bedridden and unable to walk for three years was miraculously healed after intensive prayer and walked without any assistance, to the glory of God.

On Sunday, May 12th, 2024, during the closing session, the PENSA Traveling Secretary, on behalf of the students, expressed gratitude to the District Pastor and his wife, the district executives, and the entire membership for their hospitality and support during the outreach.

In total, 70 students participated in the evangelism outreach.

Report by PENSA Cape Coast Sector Media Team

Overcoming Bitterness web

Overcoming Bitterness: A Journey To Healing And Freedom

Bitterness is a universal human experience that can creep into our lives, relationships, and faith, causing emotional distress and spiritual stagnation. It’s a natural response to pain, hurt, and injustice, but if left unchecked, it can lead to a toxic and corrosive mindset. However, there is hope for healing and freedom (Isaiah 61:3, Psalm 34:18).

Bitterness is a complex emotion that arises from unresolved pain, hurt, and anger. It can stem from various sources, including unresolved conflicts and betrayals, unmet expectations and disappointments, past traumas and wounds, and unforgiveness and resentment. Bitterness can have severe consequences on our lives, relationships, and faith (Proverbs 4:23, Matthew 6:14–15)

Bitterness can destroy relationships and friendships, lead to depression, anxiety, and mental health issues, create a cycle of anger, resentment, and hurtful behaviour, and stagnate spiritual growth and intimacy with God. Bitterness often stems from a deeper issue – a heart that has turned away from God (1 Corinthians 13:1–3, Hebrews 12:15).

When we idolize our pain, hurt, and anger, we create a root of bitterness that produces a toxic harvest. Breaking free from bitterness requires a journey of healing, forgiveness, and surrender. We must acknowledge and identify bitterness in our lives, relationships, and faith, and identify the sources and triggers of our bitterness (Luke 17:3–4, Colossians 3:13).

Choosing to forgive those who have hurt us and letting go of the anger, resentment, and pain releases our soul and frees us from self-torture. It is a choice we must personally make. Forgiveness is a process, and it may take time. We must surrender our bitterness to God and release the hold it has on our lives, trusting in His goodness, grace, and sovereignty (Matthew 5:43–48, Romans 12:14–21).

We must seek healing and restoration through prayer, counselling, and support groups, allowing God to heal our wounds and restore our relationships. When we let gratitude and praise fill our hearts, focusing on the goodness and blessings of God, there is a divine shift in our perspective that enables us to see God’s grace in our lives (Psalm 100:4–5, 1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Additionally, forgiveness is not always easy, but it is necessary for our healing and freedom. When we forgive, we open ourselves up to God’s grace and healing (Matthew 6:14–15, Mark 11:25–26). Healing from bitterness requires a deep and abiding trust in God’s goodness and sovereignty. We must trust that He is working all things for our good, even in the midst of pain and hurt (Romans 8:28, Psalm 23:4–6).

Overcoming bitterness is a journey, not a destination. It requires courage, forgiveness, and surrender. As we tread this path, we must remember that God is with us; His grace is sufficient to heal and set us free. We must not let bitterness define our lives. The choice to overcome it and discover the freedom and healing that comes from His grace must engage our thoughts daily (Ephesians 4:31, Romans 8:28). As we overcome bitterness, we will experience the freedom and joy that comes from living in God’s grace. We will be able to love and forgive others, and we will experience the abundant life that Jesus promises (John 10:10, 1 John 1:9). This is a worthwhile journey to heal and be free.

Written by Enoch Agyei


The “Long” Shortcut (Part 5): A Gatekeeper To A Chancellor

The Cambridge dictionary defines a shortcut as a route more direct than the usual route or a quicker way of doing something. It is a faster or shorter way of getting to a place. Humans naturally lean towards shortcuts at the slightest opportunity, even with obvious risks and dangers. It is often argued why waste precious time and resources to achieve what can be achieved within the shortest possible time. Therefore, systems in both the service and manufacturing sectors are constantly exploring ways to shorten processes to achieve efficiency and maximize profitability. In like manner, God, the creator of the entire universe in record time, would be the first to opt for the best, effective, and efficient way of executing every aspect of His Kingdom business. 

Unfortunately, there seems to be a popular assertion that God is not too interested in shortcuts, even if they appear to be risk-free and the obvious way out of the affairs of His children. One scripture usually picked out of context to back that assertion can be found in Exodus 13:17. It reads, “When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter.” Although God is the most significant stakeholder of our walk with Him, believers more often than not behave and pretend as though they are more concerned about productivity in God’s vineyard business than He. God’s way may appear long and impossible, but it always turns out to be the shortest route toward set goals. Part five of this series will examine how a gatekeeper woke up one day and returned home as a Chancellor in a foreign land. Lessons will also be gleaned regarding maintaining the needed composure when traversing the humanly “long” hauls when God leads. 

Except for staging a palace coup d’etat, no Organogram provides a direct pathway for a gatekeeper to become the King, the Vizier, or second in Command. Indeed, in most jurisdictions, foreigners are not even entertained around their security zones and installations, let alone getting the opportunity to serve as security operatives. Such was the plight of one of the Jewish exiles named Mordecai, who got to serve as one of the gatekeepers at the royal palace of Susa under King Xerxes, who ruled over 127 Provinces from India to Cush. In (Esther 2:21-23), Mordecai was at duty post and heard his office colleagues planning evil and mayhem against his boss, King Xerxes. He diligently reported that treasonable conspiracy to the appropriate quarters for action to be taken. The issue was investigated to be credible, and the culprits were punished. 

Some, out of apathy, politics, and disloyalty, would have decided not to own up to the rebels who conspired to assassinate the King (Esther 2:21-23). This practice and bold step of Mordecai was quite unusual for a captive, foreigner, or servant eagerly waiting for a day he and his fellow citizens to be delivered from the power of King Xerxes. In (Esther 2:21- 3:1), if there was anyone in that empire who deserved to be promoted, then it was Mordecai. The promotion, however, went to Haman, his soon-to-be archenemy. Some may even argue that it was this promotion of Haman that made him proud and so powerful to the extent of having the guts to hatch such an all-time diabolical plan against the Children of God. Others would also argue that Mordecai courted needless enmity for himself by reporting the two who planned to kill the King to the authorities. When the promotion did not go Mordecai’s way, it appeared his loyalty to the King had been in vain. 

However, unknowingly to Mordecai himself, that faithfulness fruit of the Spirit he bore became a bedrock upon which God would lift him beyond his imagination. It was only a matter of time. Meanwhile, observers would be worried, arguing that God’s ways are often too slow for comfort. God’s time is still the best in any believer’s life. Although very disappointing and difficult to accept at times, this old Christian adage still stands very tall and true. 

Believers must not be worried when they see the “Hamans” in their organizations and establishments getting promoted while they remain stagnant. Unlike humans who promote, God lifts His children from the lowest to the highest pinnacle in His time. (Psalm 75:6-7). Therefore, all who desire to be lifted by God in His own time must shun evil and every attempt to condone or cover the same in whichever capacity and wherever they find themselves. Haman, the Agagite, unfortunately, made a big issue against Mordecai and his people out of a relatively trivial matter at the palace gate. He managed to get Queen Esther’s husband, the King, to sign the death sentence of the Jews from India to Cush. Just around the same period, the King suffered a sleepless night on one occasion. He was disturbed Mordecai had not been promoted, acknowledged, or rewarded for uncovering that abortive coup against him. God caused Haman to plan and organize the colorful coronation of Mordecai as the King’s favorite with immediate effect. Ultimately, Mordecai, the slave gatekeeper, became the Vizier of the Kingdom of Persia. Other words that describe his elevated status are Chancellor, Chief Minister, or Prime Minister. 

Although Mordecai was Esther’s mentor and coach, he did not envy her when she became the Queen while he worked as a gatekeeper. In the end, Mordecai’s uplifting was even more powerful than Queen Esther’s in terms of the governance structure of Persia. “Mordecai the Jew was second in rank to King Xerxes (Esther 10:3). Regarding Haman’s plot, God helped the Israelites and redeemed them from the hands of Haman. Ultimately, Haman and his family suffered the fate he planned against Mordecai and his people. (Esther 8:2,9,10,15; 9:3-4). Had Mordecai been agitated about not being promoted around the time Haman got promoted, the best he would have gotten was probably the rank of senior gatekeeper. By the time he could be eligible to apply for the rank of a Principal and then to a Chief gatekeeper, he would have been on retirement. However, God knew the shortest distance to move Mordecai from the gate to the Chair. For those who believe in elimination by rough tactics to attain certain prestigious positions, the fate of Mordecai’s colleagues who tried to take up the ruins of power is a lesson for all. Therefore, Mordecai would have been killed if he had attempted anything like that to get to the top.

Some also see the route of obedience, faithfulness, sincerity, honesty, and service loyalty as a long and frustrating journey to rise to power. There are still people who rely on the use of charms, occultism, and sorcery to get others they perceive as competitors removed or killed so they can take their place. Unfortunately, some believers buy into such devilish schemes, forgetting what Jesus said in Matthew 26:52. It reads, “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” The “long” shortcut for Mordecai, the slave gatekeeper, to become the second in Command to King Xerxes was the sacrifices he made in nurturing his orphan cousin Esther and his faithfulness, loyalty, and diligence as a gatekeeper at the seat of government. 

From the above illustration, we can firmly conclude that what humans call a long path toward success is God’s shortcut for His children. We have also realized that while many depend on their qualifications and hard work to occupy positions of trust, others see that as a rather long journey full of uncertainties. They thus resort to backbiting, lobbying, the use of feminine power, and elimination of supposed competitors by rough tactics, which come with their inherent disappointments and miseries. God, however, knows the shortest but safest route to the assigned blessed destinations of all He calls His children. His route doesn’t take time; it saves it instead for all who put their trust in Him. 

William L. Hogan once said, “God is under no obligation to explain or defend Himself to us. His ways are often perplexing and sometimes very painful, but be sure of this: God Himself has brought you to that difficult spot, and He makes no mistakes. We must rest assured that He knows what He is doing, even when we do not, and that He does everything well.” However, When God chose to use the Red Sea route for Israel instead of the shortcut, He explained His rationale to them. “For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt. So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea. The Israelites went up out of Egypt ready for battle.” (Exodus 13:18).

Many believers, unfortunately, elongate God’s shortcut for them by the choices they made and by their lifestyles but turn around to make blasphemous comments about God and create disaffection for Him. Israel would not have spent 40 years in the wilderness for that journey to the promised Land. Those years could be best described as imprisonment or punishment and must not be added to the total mileage from Egypt to Cannan. God punished them to wander about until all over 20 years perished, except for Caleb and Joshua.

There can be no one who needs productivity in God’s vineyard than Himself. Therefore, there will always be good reasons, primarily out of the reach of human comprehension, why the apparent delays are loaded with intrigues anytime God is in charge. He always proves Himself as the faithful one, with the end being extraordinarily glorious if only we are prepared to go the “long” hull with Him. Humankind’s way perceived as a shortcut is instead loaded with risk, uncertainties, and speculations founded on human wishes. The routes God uses are incomprehensible and inaccessible by humankind’s efforts. It is always viewed as long, although it is always the shortest and safest way to reach our destinations. His Grace and help are where He leads.

Forestry Commission Solicits The Church Of Pentecost Support For Green Ghana Day web

Forestry Commission Solicits The Church Of Pentecost Support For Green Ghana Day

The Chief Executive Officer of the Forestry Commission, Mr. John Allotey, visited The Church of Pentecost Headquarters today to seek the church’s support for the upcoming Green Ghana Day on June 7, 2024.

He was accompanied by a high-profile delegation, including Mr. Joseph Osiakwan (Technical Director, Forestry Commission), Mrs. Joyce Ofori Kwafo (Head of Corporate Affairs & Media Relations), and Mr. Elijah Amponsah Asiedu (Director for Internal Audit), among others.

The Church of Pentecost team that received the Forestry Commission officials included Apostle Samuel Gyau Obuobi (General Secretary), Apostle Wilberforce Nkrumah Agyeman (Teshie-Nungua Area Head), Apostle Felix Okyere Anti (Administrative Secretary to the General Secretary), and Pastor Emmanuel Appah (Finance and Administration Director).

Mr. Allotey highlighted the successful partnership between The Church of Pentecost and the Forestry Commission over the past three years, which has been instrumental in the government’s Green Ghana initiative. This initiative aims to plant trees to enhance the environment, and the church has consistently helped the commission achieve its annual target of planting 1 million trees.

Following the official launch of this year’s Green Ghana Day in March, Mr. Allotey’s visit aimed to garner the church’s support once again to meet this year’s ambitious target of planting 10 million trees nationwide. He assured that the commission would provide seedlings at various pickup points, including palaces and churches, making them easily accessible to the public. The seedlings will include timber trees like mahogany, ornamental plants, and fruit trees such as mango.

Mr. Allotey praised The Church of Pentecost for its leadership in environmental care, noting that the commission views the church as a formidable partner in this initiative. He suggested that the church mobilise its members and utilise its media outlets to create awareness and sensitise the public about the upcoming event.

The General Secretary, in turn, thanked Mr. Allotey and his team for the visit. He emphasised that the church’s involvement in environmental initiatives is inspired by scripture, noting that the first place God placed man was in the Garden of Eden, with a charge to work it and take care of it. This biblical mandate, according to him, continues to guide the church’s environmental efforts.

He reported that, in the last three years, the church has successfully planted 1.6 million seedlings, achieving a remarkable survival rate of 87%. He assured the Forestry Commission that the church is ready to partner again to ensure the commission’s target for this year is met.

Apostle Samuel Gakpetor, the National Coordinator for the Environmental Care Campaign, outlined the church’s plans for this year’s tree-planting efforts.

He mentioned that the church will request information from the Forestry Commission on various natural reserves where tree planting is necessary. Additionally, the church has identified 262 acres of land in the northern part of the country for tree planting.

The church will also leverage its media platforms to educate members and the public on the importance of tree planting and to create awareness for the event. Furthermore, the church is collaborating with the University of Environment and Sustainable Development (UESD) to hold a dialogue on June 5, in commemoration of World Environment Day, to educate people on the significance of tree planting and build momentum for Green Ghana Day.

Mr. Allotey expressed his admiration for the church’s planned activities, noting that they align with the Forestry Commission’s objectives. He was particularly impressed by the church’s efforts to ensure the survival of the trees planted, commending the church for nurturing the seedlings and ensuring that 87% of the 1.6 million seedlings planted had survived.

Also present at the meeting were Pastor Benedict Eghan (Personal Assistant to the Chairman), Pastor Dr. Felix Klutse (Director, Pent Media Centre), Pastor Eric Ansah (Member, Environmental Care Coordinating Team), and Mrs. Philomina Mireku (Women’s Ministry Director).


New Takoradi District Organises Mass Wedding web

New Takoradi District Organises Mass Wedding

The New Takoradi District in the Takoradi Area of The Church of Pentecost organised a mass wedding for six couples.

The historic and well-attended event was held at the Bethel Assembly auditorium on Saturday, April 27, 2024.

Speaking at the occasion, the Kansaworado District Minister, Pastor Samuel Asare-Asamoah, admonished married couples to bear the fruit of the Spirit in order to transform their spheres of influence.

He spoke on the topic, “The Transformed Couple,” with the main scripture references from 2 Kings 4:25-26 and 1 Peter 3:1-7.

Pastor Asare-Asamoah explained that transformed couples are those who believe in Jesus Christ, are baptised into Him through the power of the Holy Spirit, and bear the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.

He further stated that such couples live their lives according to biblical standards, thereby making their marriages special and demonstrating the beauty of Christianity to the outside world.

“Transformed couples do not conform to the standards of the world but strive to be examples of believers in everything they do, ensuring that their conduct glorifies God and transforms their spheres of influence,” he affirmed.

Pastor Asare-Asamoah stressed that marriage was instituted by God and not man, hence the need to marry according to God’s principles, thereby transforming every sphere with kingdom values.

He added that spouses must make a conscious effort to transform their home, family, and workplace as part of championing the transformative agenda of the church.

“Wives must organise their homes very well, maintaining clean surroundings, bathrooms, kitchens, and utensils, while husbands must work hard to secure the financial position of the family,” he indicated.

The New Takoradi District Minister, Pastor Solomon Nii A. Djani, explained that the district decided to organise the mass wedding to regularise the marriages of the members in the district.

The programme was attended by Nana Kwabena Amponsah II (Chief of Subri in the Wassa Fiasi Traditional Area), Mrs. Lydia Maamiley Djani (New Takoradi District Minister’s Wife), District Executive Members, as well as officers and members of the district.

Report by Pastor Ernest Perbi-Asare (Takoradi Area Media Pastor)

Chairman Visits Church In Belgium As Part Of Europe Tour web

Chairman Visits Church In Belgium As Part Of Europe Tour

Following the successful conclusion of the maiden edition of the Pentecost 2024 Conference in Oberhausen, Germany, on May 18, 2024, the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has paid a working visit to the Church in Belgium.

This visit was part of a working tour to various churches in Europe to assess their progress and encourage them to continue their Kingdom work tenaciously, as the church seeks to possess the nations.

On Tuesday (May 21) night, the Chairman, accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Mary Nyamekye, met with the Antwerp Zone of the church, which includes Gent, Brussels, and Mechelen.

After participating in the opening prayer, worship, and songs of praise, the lectern was handed over to him. Unlike Apostle Paul, who told the church in Corinth in 1 Corinthians 3:1 that he could not address them as spiritual because they were still worldly, it was plaudit after plaudit for the church in Belgium.

“As I sat through the opening prayer, praises, and worship till now, I have realized that you are a mature church,” he remarked,

He also paid glowing tribute to the officers of the church, noting that the gathering was predominantly officers.

He commended them for their commitment, emphasising that the church owes its presence in 170 countries across the globe to the untiring and remarkably commendable efforts of its officers.

“We want to thank God for your lives and pray that God meets you at the point of your need,” he remarked.

In response, there were shouts of “Amen,” and delight was clearly visible on the faces of the officers in the congregation.

After commending them for their efforts, Apostle Nyamekye then challenged the Church in Belgium to dare to expand their territory, as there are more cities and towns yet to be covered.

“We still have to see to the expansion of The Church of Pentecost. Sit down and map Belgium again. Let’s cover every city; sit down and begin to map Belgium again and target the next town and city.

“When you decide to move and you are deliberate and strategic about it, God will grant you space in the cities and towns. Don’t first look at the resources, but obey the command. Hold onto this faith, and by the time we come here again in the next two years, you will have covered a lot of cities and towns.

“We are encouraging you to dare to move to the next cities and towns in Belgium for Christ,” the Chairman noted.

While urging the leadership of the Church to dare to expand, he advised the young people in the church to offer themselves for full-time ministry or bi-vocation, saying, “There are people who still need the Lord, so we have to offer ourselves to help those who need the Lord to know the Lord.”

Report by David Tagoe, Antwerp