GPCC Responds To Allegations Against Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah

The National Executive Council of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC) has responded to the viral video in which the leader of the Glorious Word Power Ministry International, Prophet Owusu Bempah, alleged that Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah consulted him for prophetic direction.

Click on this link to read/download the PRESS STATEMENT:


New Tafo Area Donates To Ejura Camp Prison

The New Tafo Area of The Church of Pentecost, led by the Area Prisons Ministry, has donated food items worth GHS 12,200.00 to the inmates of the Ejura Camp Prison. An amount of GHS 1,000.00 was also given to cover their medical expenses. 

Led by Pastor Agyemang Badu of Mile 3 District who represented the Area Head, Apostle Samuel Antwi, the team comprising ministers and their wives engaged the inmates in church service, leading many to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. 

The food items included one bag of sugar, 10 bags of gari, 21 bags of rice, 13 boxes of soap, oil, tin tomatoes, tubers of yams, and toilet rolls were later presented to the facility. 

Pastor Agyemang Badu explained that the act was to provide hope that Jesus loves everyone regardless of their situation. He, therefore, asked them to trust that Jesus will take care of them.

He revealed that visiting the prisons and sharing the word of God with inmates equips inmates for productive futures, replacing the cycle of crime and incarceration. 

“This is part of Possessing the Nations agenda, and on behalf of Apostle Samuel Antwi and his wife and all the pastors and officers of the Area, we have presented these items to the prisons to demonstrate the love of Christ to them,” he said. 

Officer in charge of the Ejura Camp Prison, Superintendent of Prisons Dickson Owusu Ameyaw, on behalf of the Prisons Administration appreciated the church for the gesture.

He expressed sincere thanks to the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, the Area Head of New Tafo, Apostle Samuel Antwi, and all pastors and officers in the Area for their show of love to the inmates.

“This will go a long way to feed inmates. This year’s Christmas will be special for inmates and it is all because of what The Church of Pentecost has done.

“Most of the prisoners have not enjoyed such since imprisonment. This time the story will be different, they will enjoy the meal in high spirits. 

“When they are hungry, it distracts us a lot but with this food, we are confident that our challenges have been lessened,” he said. 

The Area Prisons Coordinator, Pastor Emmanuel Mantey, asserted that the act would not be a nine-day wonder.

He assured the inmates of free Bibles as requested.

Report by Owusu Dennis.


Christmas Has Come Under Siege – Apostle Eric Nyamekye Bemoans

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost Worldwide, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has expressed grave concern about the clandestine move by some world leaders and powerful groups to suppress the celebration of Christmas, which marks the birth of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. 

According to the revered cleric, “Satan is jealous about Christmas, so he is doing everything possible to expunge the name of Christ from Christmas and make it an ordinary holiday.  

“We are in a conflict situation because there are strong forces to cancel Christmas. It was the Europeans who brought Christianity to Africa, but today the same people are scheming to destroy it,” he said. 

He added: “There are certain individuals in the nations if they become president today, they will cancel Christmas the next day. So, as Christians, we need to be serious about the celebration of Christmas.”  

The Chairman, therefore, called on Christians to fully embrace Christmas and celebrate it as such as they gather together and proclaim the love of God to humanity through the offering of His Son Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world. 

Apostle Eric Nyamekye said this on Christmas Sunday when addressing members of the church in East Legon District of the Madina Area at the Peniel Assembly Auditorium to climax the 2021 Christmas Convention which was on the theme: “Jesus Christ – The Light of the World” (Isaiah 9:1-7). 

He took time to explain the essence of Christmas and how some powerful anti-Christian groups and individuals are planning to suppress its global significance and commemoration. 

He said that the annual celebration of Christmas brings glory to God, and that there is an inseparable connection between the glory of God and the birth of Christ. He added that the fact that non-Christians observe it brings glory to God and affirms the fact that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world and not just a founder of a religion. 

Because of this, he stated, Satan is struggling hard through some global institutions to take God out of the scene and make the period a normal holiday where people will make merry and enjoy themselves without recourse to Christ who is at the centre of the celebration.  

Apostle Nyamekye revealed that in December this year, the European Commission attempted and is still pushing hard to expunge the word “Christmas” and simply keep the period as “holidays” since they think that the word “Christmas” is offensive to non-Christians. This, he said, “is a tactical approach by the enemy to get Christ out of the minds of humanity.” 

Delivering the sermon on the topic, “The Magnificat” (Glory Be To God) based on Luke 1:46-55, 68; 2:29, he said that the Christmas story is the most beautiful and wonderful story ever told. The events heralding His birth – a virgin conceiving, a barren woman (Elizabeth) also conceiving, and angels announcing His birth – are all wonderful stories to be told. 

He said that the story was wrapped up in three prophetic songs of praise sung by three persons. Mary (Jesus’ mother) sang the first song called ‘The Magnificat’ (Magnifies) in Luke 1:46.  

The second prophetic song of praise called ‘The Benedictus’ (Blessed) was sung by Zacharia, father of John the Baptist in Luke 1:68, while Simeon, the old prophet, sang the third song called ‘Nunc Dimittis’ (Now Dismiss) in Luke 2:29 during the naming of Jesus. 

Focusing on ‘The Magnificat,’ Apostle Nyamekye revealed that Mary was chosen by God to bring forth the Messiah because she was a virgin and also feared God.  

He indicated that God’s mercies extend to those who fear Him in every generation. Reading from Psalm 34:11-14, he stated that the fear of God is connected to the obedience of God. 

“The fear of God is also about putting the will of God above ours, despite our feelings and perspectives on a matter,” he said. 

He added: “The acid test for a good Christian is in how much the fellow fears the Lord.” 

Apostle Eric Nyamekye advised believers to fear God and do His bidding to experience the mercies of God for their lives.      

The service was like a homecoming for the Chairman and his wife, Mary who once served as a District Minister for the district after their return from missions in South Africa. The Chairman and his wife received a tumultuous welcome from the members amidst cheers and shouts of praises. On behalf of his family, Apostle Nyamekye thanked them for their support and prayers which have helped him rise to the top. 

Present at the service were Apostle George Kwaku Narh (retired), and the host Minister, Pastor Patrick Kobina Bremansu, and his wife Gifty, among others. 


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Christmas Has Come Under Siege – Apostle Eric Nyamekye Bemoans

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost Worldwide, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has expressed grave concern about the clandestine move by some world leaders and powerful groups to suppress the celebration of Christmas, which marks the birth of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.

According to the revered cleric, “Satan is jealous about Christmas, so he is doing everything possible to expunge the name of Christ from Christmas and make it an ordinary holiday.

“We are in a conflict situation because there are strong forces to cancel Christmas. It was the Europeans who brought Christianity to Africa, but today the same people are scheming to destroy it,” he said.

He added: “There are certain individuals in the nations if they become president today, they will cancel Christmas the next day. So, as Christians, we need to be serious about the celebration of Christmas.”

The Chairman, therefore, called on Christians to fully embrace Christmas and celebrate it as such as they gather together and proclaim the love of God to humanity through the offering of His Son Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world.

Apostle Eric Nyamekye said this on Christmas Sunday when addressing members of the church in East Legon District of the Madina Area at the Peniel Assembly Auditorium to climax the 2021 Christmas Convention which was on the theme: “Jesus Christ – The Light of the World” (Isaiah 9:1-7).

He took time to explain the essence of Christmas and how some powerful anti-Christian groups and individuals are planning to suppress its global significance and commemoration.

He said that the annual celebration of Christmas brings glory to God, and that there is an inseparable connection between the glory of God and the birth of Christ. He added that the fact that non-Christians observe it brings glory to God and affirms the fact that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world and not just a founder of a religion.

Because of this, he stated, Satan is struggling hard through some global institutions to take God out of the scene and make the period a normal holiday where people will make merry and enjoy themselves without recourse to Christ who is at the centre of the celebration.

Apostle Nyamekye revealed that in December this year, the European Commission attempted and is still pushing hard to expunge the word “Christmas” and simply keep the period as “holidays” since they think that the word “Christmas” is offensive to non-Christians. This, he said, “is a tactical approach by the enemy to get Christ out of the minds of humanity.”

Delivering the sermon on the topic, “The Magnificat” (Glory Be To God) based on Luke 1:46-55, 68; 2:29, he said that the Christmas story is the most beautiful and wonderful story ever told. The events heralding His birth – a virgin conceiving, a barren woman (Elizabeth) also conceiving, and angels announcing His birth – are all wonderful stories to be told.

He said that the story was wrapped up in three prophetic songs of praise sung by three persons. Mary (Jesus’ mother) sang the first song called ‘The Magnificat’ (Magnifies) in Luke 1:46.

The second prophetic song of praise called ‘The Benedictus’ (Blessed) was sung by Zacharia, father of John the Baptist in Luke 1:68, while Simeon, the old prophet, sang the third song called ‘Nunc Dimittis’ (Now Dismiss) in Luke 2:29 during the naming of Jesus.

Focusing on ‘The Magnificat,’ Apostle Nyamekye revealed that Mary was chosen by God to bring forth the Messiah because she was a virgin and also feared God.

He indicated that God’s mercies extend to those who fear Him in every generation. Reading from Psalm 34:11-14, he stated that the fear of God is connected to the obedience of God.

“The fear of God is also about putting the will of God above ours, despite our feelings and perspectives on a matter,” he said.

He added: “The acid test for a good Christian is in how much the fellow fears the Lord.”

Apostle Eric Nyamekye advised believers to fear God and do His bidding to experience the mercies of God for their lives.     

The service was like a homecoming for the Chairman and his wife, Mary who once served as a District Minister for the district after their return from missions in South Africa. The Chairman and his wife received a tumultuous welcome from the members amidst cheers and shouts of praises. On behalf of his family, Apostle Nyamekye thanked them for their support and prayers which have helped him rise to the top.

Present at the service were Apostle George Kwaku Narh (retired), and the host Minister, Pastor Patrick Kobina Bremansu, and his wife Gifty, among others.



Birth Of Christ Is Worth Celebrating – General Secretary

In a dispensation where the media is saturated with news stories of doom and gloom, the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, says it is very refreshing to retell the good news of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, through the celebration of Christmas.

Delivering a sermon today on the topic: “Joy To The World, A Saviour Is Born” (Luke 2:8-16) at the Mamprobi Central Assembly, Apostle Kumi-Larbi said that there is a deliberate attempt to gradually shift Christmas from its central focus as a celebration of Christ.

He noted that some people are determined to take away the Christ factor from Christmas and rather observe the period as a holiday. 

“How can we say we are celebrating the birthday of a ‘person’ and yet not want Him to be part of the celebration?” he wondered.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi, therefore, urged Christians not to fall for this subtle-ungodly agenda and rather commit to reestablishing the essence of Christmas, which is to celebrate the goodness that came out of the birth of Christ.

Touching on the significance of the birth of Christ, the General Secretary explained that the depraved nature of the human race, which resulted from sin (disobedience) caused them to attract the wrath of God (Romans 3:23, Romans 1:18, 31-32).

He said that to restore humans to their former glory, God intervened by coming down to redeem mankind from sin in fulfilment of the prophecy given by Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 7:8-9).

“[The Book of Matthew] records that in the appointed time Isaiah’s prophecy came to past; God came down to earth in the flesh to save mankind through the birth of Christ. So, His birth was a confirmation of God’s salvation for mankind,” he said.

He further noted that Christ is God’s gift to the world so that through Him, all those who believe would become God’s children as He originally intended before the fall.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi also stressed that Jesus is a total package, describing Him as “the wonderful Counselor; Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace,” and that without Him, life on earth has no meaning. These, according to him, are among the many reasons why the birth of Christ is worth celebrating.

The General Secretary, therefore, advised unbelievers to accept Jesus Christ into their lives to enjoy the numerous benefits of His birth.

He also urged believers to hold firmly to Christ and walk with Him throughout the ensuing year to experience a truly prosperous New Year.

The service, which was the climax of this year’s Christmas Conventions, had in attendance members from all four assemblies (Mamprobi Central Assembly, Bethel Assembly, Korle-Bu Assembly and English Assembly) of the Mamprobi District in the Dansoman Area of the Church.

Merry Christmas!



IMD Joins Awakyekwaa District Christmas Convention

The International Missions Director of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, and his wife Debora on Christmas Day [Saturday, December 25, 2021] fellowshipped with members in Awakyekwaa District of Downtown-Ofaakor Area. 

He was received by the Downtown-Ofaakor Area Head, Apostle Dr. Benjamin Ali, together with the Awakyekwaa District Minister, Overseer George Arthur. 

The elated church members who could not hide their joy happily sang and danced to the glory of God. 

Delivering the sermon on the topic, “The Wise Gifts” taken from Matthew 2:11, Apostle Agyemang Bekoe explained that the Wisemen [their number was not specified by the Bible] presented three important gifts, namely gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the baby Jesus and also bowed to Him. 

According to the IMD, the gold represents royalty which depicts Jesus’ kingship. It also represents worth and stability. He stated that as the king of the world, Jesus is the originator of all the treasures in the world, and that His children have access to them. 

He also said that the frankincense presented to Jesus exudes fragrance which is also used for medicinal purposes. He mentioned that anyone that comes to Christ must radiate the beauty and aroma of Him which makes believers attractive and so special. He further stated that Christ is the epitome of healing and heals those who come to Him and give them clarity of mind. 

Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe concluded his sermon by saying that myrrh is a preservative used to preserve dead bodies from seeing corruption. This, he said, was about the death of Christ which was foretold ahead of His birth and God making the appropriate provisions for it so that His body would not see corruption. 

The whole atmosphere was charged when the International Missions Director led the congregation through a prayer session after the word ministration. 



Jesus Is A Package To The World – General Secretary Of The Church Of Pentecost Declares

God has offered His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to the world as a complete package for those who accept and believe in Him, the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, has asserted. 

Speaking at the 2021 Christmas Convention organised by the Baatsona District in the Teshie-Nungua Area of The Church of Pentecost on the Christmas eve [Friday, December 24, 2021] on the theme: “The Birth of Jesus: Fulfilment of God’s Word” with scripture references from Isaiah 7:14; 9:1-7; Matthew 1:22-23; Galatians 4: 4-5, among others, Apostle Kumi-Larbi called on the world to gladly embrace God’s indescribable gift and enjoy the full benefits thereof. 

He stated that when a gift is given and nobody receives it, it remains with the giver, saying, “Jesus Christ has been given to the world by God as a gift but not until the world receives Him, He remains with the owner (God). 

“As a gift to the world, Jesus is a package and when you accept Him, you receive the full promises of God for your life.” 

According to the General Secretary, nobody is a mistake in life. However, what can make one a mistake in life is their failure to recognise God’s gift [Jesus Christ] and accept Him and walk with Him for the rest of their lives. 

Touching on what makes Jesus Christ a package with reference to the prophecies of Prophet Isaiah foretelling the birth of the Mesiah, he averred that aside the salvation that Jesus offers to all those who believe in Him, He comes into one’s life as a Wonderful Counselor. Explaining further, he said that because of what Satan did to man in the Garden of Eden to deprive man of God’s glory and thereby ended up confusing the entire human race, humanity needs a Wonderful Councilor, someone who knows the mind of God and will be able to interpret it to humankind so that man can be restored to his former glory. 

Apostle Kumi-Larbi also said that Jesus is a package because He is a Mighty God. He indicated that Jesus is described as a ‘Mighty God’ because He performs and does wonderful things which no mind can fathom. He said that it is only Jesus Christ who can correct all that the devil has destroyed in a man’s life. 

He added that Jesus is the only Prince of Peace to the world, and that He calms every worrying situation that one finds himself in.  

Jesus is a wonderful package because He is an Everlasting Father who can help and direct His children in order not to miss their providential way. Reading from Romans 8:15-17, he encouraged believers to be strong in the Lord and boldly come to Him with their challenges for a perfect solution. 

Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi ended his sermon by launching the congregation into intensive prayers.  

As part of the service, the Teshie-Nungua Area Head, Apostle Wilberforce Nkrumah Agyeman, on behalf of the Area presented a birthday package to the General Secretary who celebrated his birthday on the eve of Christmas. 

Present at the service was the host District Minister, Prophet Fred Antwi, and the wife of the Area Head, Mrs. Grace Nkrumah Agyeman, among others. 


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Elders Anim-Yirenkyi, Asumadu Sakyi Are Joint Winners Of 2021 Chairman’s Best Worker Award

Management and Staff of The Church of Pentecost Headquarters ended this year’s activities on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, with an award and retirement ceremony which saw Elder Ebenezer Anim-Yirenkyi, a Principal Accounts Officer at the Pension Office, and Elder Daniel Asumadu Sakyi, also a Principal Accounts Officer at Asokwa Area Office in Kumasi being crowned as the joint recipients of the Chairman’s Best Workers Awards for the year. 

The Chairman of the church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, presented the prizes to the duo amid cheers from the staff and other attendees of the annual ceremony which took place at the Sophia McKeown Temple at La, Accra. 

As part of the service, four staff of the church who have served the church for varied years were retired from active service. Also, some staff who have served for 10, 15, 20 and 25 years were given long-service awards. 

Giving his Christmas and end-of-year address, Apostle Eric Nyamekye wished management and staff well in the Yuletide and prayed for a prosperous new year. 

Revealing the essence of Christmas, Apostle Nyamekye said that Christmas brings glory to God just like the angels sang in Luke 2:14. Because of this, he said, the devil is doing all he can to take people’s mind off  Christ and make the season a mere holiday, a period of feasting and merrymaking, as the European Commission has attempted and still pushing hard to expunge the word ‘Christmas’ and simply keep the period as a holiday. 

Notwithstanding all these deliberate attempts to downplay the importance of Christmas, the Chairman called on Christians not to gloss over the fact that Christmas is a season God is glorified by the celebration of the birth of His Son Jesus Christ which enforces the fact that Jesus is not a founder of a religion but the Saviour of the world. 

“It is, therefore, proper that Christians gather in this season if they can, to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the world, worship at His feet, lift Him up as the king of all gods and tell of His love to the world. This brings so much honour to our God,” he said. 

In an exhortation, the International Missions Director, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, spoke on the topic: “Golden Shields” based on 1 Kings 14:27; 2 Chronicles 12:10. 

He explained that King Rehoboam replaced the lost golden shields his father Solomon made with bronze shields after King Shishak of Egypt came up and attacked Jerusalem. 

Deducing some lessons from what King Rehoboam did, Apostle Agyemang Bekoe noted that by replacing the golden shields with bronze, King Rehoboam replaced conviction with convenience, control with compromise, value with vanity, and glory with a glow.  

According to him, conviction is influenced by passion and devotion. “Passion and devotion drive the vision of the organisation,” he said.  

On control and compromise, he stated that when standards are compromised, control is lost. He said in Rehoboam’s time, there was no control because he replaced the golden shields with bronze shields.  

He also said by replacing value with vanity, King Rehoboam traded worth for worthless, saying, “In an organisation, we need to value what we have and jealously guard them.”  

Present at the service were Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi (General Secretary), Apostle Lawrence Out Nyarko (Finance and Administration Director), Prophet David Kankam Beditor (Ashaiman Area Head and Chairman of Greater Accra Coordinating Committee), Ministry Directors, Staff, among others. 



4 Head Office Staff Retire

Four Staff of The Church of Pentecost Headquarters have retired from active service after working for the church and God for various years. 

The retirement service which climaxed the year’s activities of the Headquarters of the church took place at the Sophia McKeown Temple (SMT) at La in Accra on Wednesday, December 22, 2021. 

The four are Mr. Bismark Yaw Adu-Amankwah (Senior Executive Assistant at Asamankese Area Office) who served for eight years; Mr. Isaac Yamoah (Assistant Chief Driver at the Headquarters) who served for 23 years; Mr. Francis Yaw Bredwa Agyei (Head Cleaner at the Headquarters) who also served for 27 years, and Mr. Frederick Alloysious Ayisah Dasi (Accounts Officer at Tema Area Office) who served for 37 years. 

Joined by their spouses, family members and loved ones, the retirees thanked God for seeing them through various stages of life while working at the Head Office. 

The Chairman of the church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, congratulated them for working hard for church and God.  

“We give glory to God for how far He has kept you and your families. God bless you for the investment you have made which has brought The Church of Pentecost this far,” he said. 

Present at the event were the General Secretary, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi; the International Missions Director (IMD), Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe; the Finance and Administration Director (FAD), Apostle Lawrence Otu Nyarko, and the Chairman of the Greater Accra Regional Coordinating Committee of the church, Prophet David Kankam Beditor, the Staff, among others. 


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Pentecost Member Wins 2021 Integrity Personality Of The Year Award

Mr. Confidence Fiagadzi, a Police Officer and member of The Church of Pentecost, has been adjudged the 2021 Integrity Personality of the Year. The prestigious award, second of its kind, was organised by the Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII), the Local Chapter of Transparency International, during the United Nations’ Anti-Corruption Day held at the Alisa Hotel in Accra on December 9, 2021. 

Mr. Confidence Fiagadzi, a Detective Lance Corporal at the Kaneshie Police Service CID, also fellowships at the Ebenezer Assembly of The Church of Pentecost in Darkuman District.

As an officer of the law, Confidence is said to have shown integrity, transparency and a great sense of professionalism in the discharge of his duties. In an era where bribery and corruption is the order of the day, Mr. Confidence Fiagadzi, has held on to his morals and values, not jeopardizing his principles and beliefs, and has helped fight corruption in the country in the best possible way he can.

His nomination for Integrity Personality was based on two instances; first, for an alleged case involving an official of the State Transport Corporation (STC) and second for a GHS 20,000.00 extortion case involving five police officers. In both cases, he rejected amounts of GHS 4,000.00 and GHS 2,500.00 offered as bribery for his silence.

Out of the forty nominations submitted, Mr. Fiagadzi made it to the round of fifteen and successfully sailed through to the final stage. After series of voting and several processes, he was awarded Integrity Personality of the Year, 2021.  Mr. Fiagadzi’s courage, honesty and integrity are indeed exemplary. His level of professionalism in the discharge of his duties truly reflects the characteristics of a man of integrity.

Report by Ebenezer Assembly Literature Committee.