
Women’s Ministry Director Ends Wa Area Tour

Deaconess Philomina Mireku, Women’s Ministry Director of The Church of Pentecost, has ended her working visit to the Wa Area of the Church.

She was accompanied by Deaconess Vivian Amfo, Deputy Women’s Ministry Director, and Deaconess Evelyn Lang-na Mensah, Northern Representative on the National Executive Committee of the Women’s Ministry.

The meetings were zoned into five centres namely, Wa, Lassia, Nadowli, Lawra and Bulenga.

In a brief welcome address, Apostle Daniel Nii Tetteh Tackie, Wa Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, stated: “Considering the number of administrative areas in Ghana, Wa Area of the church feels privileged to have been chosen by the Women’s Ministry Directorate for such a timely visit.” 

Speaking on the topic, “An Equipped Woman in Building a Healthy Family,” Deaconess Philomina Mireku, explained that Women’s Ministry meetings serve as equipping centres for the members.

Using Proverbs 14:1 and Proverbs 31:10ff as scripture references, she mentioned some of the factors for building a healthy family as the respect for their husbands and seeing them as the family heads; caring for their children and dependants; implementing morning devotions in the home, and being industrious women.

The Women’s Director admonished the women against indulging in quarrelsome conduct, laziness, and neglect of their children. She also advised them to eschew unhealthy comparisons in their families.

She added: “When women perform their roles adequately, the family becomes healthy and prosperous, members of the family relate better among themselves, the glory of God is exhibited in the home, and the Church grows.”

She encouraged the women to regularly undergo medical check-ups and pay attention to their health issues.

As part of the visit, district and local Women’s Ministry leaders were taken through training on squad formations, facilitated by Deaconesses Vivian Amfo, Deputy Women’s Ministry Director and Evelyn Lang-na Mensah.

A special award was presented to Deaconess Elizabeth Naaba, Presiding Deaconess of Bisikan Assembly, Bulenga District of The Church of Pentecost. She has served in the Women’s Ministry of the church since 2001 and has been instrumental in the establishment of the ministry in the district while training leaders.

Felicia Naah, Veronica Atta, Taanu Banye and Afia Saalifu, former Women’s Ministry Executives, were subsequently presented with awards for their contributions to the Women’s Ministry work in the Area.

The Wa Area Head of the church, Apostle Daniel Nii Tetteh Tackie, led the team to visit Deaconess Rose Kumah, a former Wa Area Women’s Leader, who is currently in her old age.

The Women’s Ministry Director and her team were also taken on tour for sight-seeing at the famous Royal Cosy Hills Safari at Jirapa, which is popularly known as ‘Jirapa Dubai’.

Report by Pastor Gordon Ansah & P/Ovr. Stephen Supir Bedim.


Lartebiokorshie Bethel District Members Undergo Free Health Screening

As part of efforts to ensure that its members and the public are in good health and strength, the Lartebiokorshie Bethel District of The Church of Pentecost has organised a free health screening on Saturday, April 9, 2022.

The District Pastor, Joseph Yaw Kumi who is the brain behind the screening explained, “being in good health enables one to serve the LORD effectively” as such, he said that, the leadership of the church thought it prudent to conduct a free health screening as part of the possessing the nations agenda.  

Pastor Joseph Kumi expressed his deep appreciation to the medical team for their support and collaboration and urged them to keep up with the good work as the Lord would bless their service.

The medical team leader, Ms. Edem Ameko who is also a Nurse and Deaconess of the church said that, the turn up has been very positive and smooth since at the time of filing this report, over 350 people had undergone the screening.

She indicated that, the members were screened for hepatitis, blood pressure, sugar level, dieting and status of their dentition.

Ms. Ameko who is also the Director of Administration of King of Kings Health Services which has three hospitals under its umbrella namely the St. Martins Hospitals Shukura, Dansoman and Ashaiman branch advised women and men to check for sterilization of saloon kits when they intend to have their hair done.

This she explained, was one of the possible areas of contracting hepatitis B as she said that, the disease can be gotten from the sharing of sharp objects without proper sterilization before usage.  

For Mrs. Esther Ofori Doe, a registered Dental Surgeon Assistant and a Deaconess advised the need to go for periodic check-up at the dental hospital for the status of the teeth.

She also urged that, brushing the teeth daily, using medically approved mouthwash, eating in moderation are tremendous efforts to keep the hygienic status of one’s dentition.

The Presiding Elder of the Central Assembly who is also the President of the Pentecost Media Guild, Elder Isaac Boamah Darko said that, the screening was also done for people living with the community and its environs.

Elder Boamah Darko urged other districts to emulate the exercise as it was meant to promote the church’s social responsibility.

Report by Elders Isaac Boamah Darko & Daniel Oduro-Mensah 

church leaders

The Church Of Pentecost, Other Church Leaders Celebrate God’s Goodness

Today marks exactly 100 weeks that Christian leaders in Ghana have been meeting physically and virtually to intercede for the nation since the discovery of COVID-19 Pandemic in the country.

To commemorate the day, the leadership of The Church of Pentecost (CoP), led by Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman, The Church of Pentecost, this morning, joined various Christian leaders in Ghana, to celebrate the goodness of God upon the nation through prayers.

This event was held at the Assemblies of God, Head Office, at Ridge, Accra, and virtually on Zoom platform for those outside Accra to participate.

Most Reverend Dr. Paul K. Boafo, Presiding Bishop, Methodist Church Ghana, in his welcome address, said the purpose for the gathering was to celebrate the faithfulness and goodness of God upon the lives of the citizens of the country.

“We called for national prayer meetings, and today marks exactly 100 weeks,” we have been praying for the nation ever since covid surface in the country,” he stated.

The Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana praised The Church of Pentecost for its unwavering commitment to the success of prayer sessions through the voluntary use of its electronic platforms during the heat of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

He said the Christian leaders played a major role as stakeholders during the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic through prayers organised to intercede for the land.

Speaking on the meeting’s theme: “Give Thanks” from 1 Chronicles 16:34, Most Reverend Samuel Noi Mensah, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Full Gospel Church International, and a member of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC), stated that thanksgiving is fundamentally important in everyone’s life.

He noted in Matthew 14:19 that after taking the five loaves of bread and two fishes, Jesus thanked God for the provision. This, he claimed, demonstrated that Jesus formed a habit of giving thanks.

“We should not belittle the small things we obtain,” he said.

He repeated that as individuals and leaders, we must be grateful to God for preserving the nation, adding, “We have a grumbling attitude, but we must be grateful to God.”

The offering during the meeting was donated to The Church of Pentecost in support of its Home and Urban Missions (HUM).

Among key Christian leaders present at the event were Rev. Dr. Joyce Aryee, Executive Director, Salt and Light Ministries & Member Board of Trustees, National Cathedral of Ghana, Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God, Ghana, Father Lazarus Anondee, General Secretary of Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference (representing Most Rev. Philp Naameh, President of Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference), and Rev. Helena Opoku-Sarkodie, Minister In-charge, Tema Joint Church.

Among the CoP delegation were Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe (International Missions Director, CoP), Prophet David Kankam Beditor (Chairman of Greater Accra Regional Coordinating Committee, Executive Council Member, and Ashaiman Area Head, CoP), Apostle Lawrence Otu-Nyarko (Financial & Administrative Director, CoP), Apostle Vincent Anane Denteh, (Men’s Ministry Director and Executive Council Member, CoP), and Apostle Mike Etrue (Kaneshie Area Head and Executive Council Member, CoP).

The rest were Apostle (Lt. Col.) Benjamin Kumi-Woode (Deputy Director, Religious Affairs of The Ghana Armed Forces and Resident Minister of Burma Camp Worship Center, CoP), Apostle John Osei Amaniampong (La Area Head, CoP), Apostle Patrick Aseyero (Odorkor Area Head, CoP) and Apostle Dr. Emmanuel Anim (Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Pentecost University).


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Love Vs Hatred: Match Day 3

Welcome to Matchday 3 of the titanic clash between Love and Hatred. Matchday 1 was a household derby within the family of Jacob. The second day was a Mentor-Mentee avoidable clash between King Saul and his “boy” David that turned bloody until the former committed suicide. In both encounters, Love won convincingly but not without the usual suspense, stress and tension on the players and spectators. With the embarrassing scoreline in both games, one would have thought that Hatred would concede and turn down any of such encounters. Entirely predictable and customary of his side to steal, destroy and kill, Hatred doesn’t make a retreat nor surrenders easily. He aggressively engaged Love in another blockbuster encounter similar to a Champions League finals involving 127 provinces stretching from India to Cush (Esther 8:9).

There are individual lessons to glean from each of these encounters. The first game was a family issue, while the second relates to believers in a fellowship or Church. Matchday 3, however, broadly applies to the hatred that erupts amongst workers or professional colleagues within an organisation. Of course, the depraved nature of humankind would always be the match commissioner of such games with the devil as the sponsor, promoter or bankroller. It all started when Mordecai decided to keep to his Jewish beliefs of not kneeling to Haman after the latter was promoted as a senior officer in the palace (Esther 3:2b). Mordecai’s office colleagues drew Haman’s attention to the latter’s determination not to kneel when the former passed by. Indeed, Haman did not even recognize Mordecai until the office colleagues brought his attention to it and aroused him to hate Mordecai. Let us be careful mere gossips don’t steal our peace by loading us stuff that can only get us to hate others. They will be asleep when you can not find sleep for your eyes. Mordecai’s relatively lower rank as an officer did little to affect his dedication to their most cherished Jewish beliefs handed over to them by God. His status as a Benjamite in exile also did not influence him negatively but instead urged him to keep his trust in the God of their fathers. At this time, the Israelites or the Jews had become a sad race. They didn’t have a land, could not worship God in His temple, and didn’t have their freedom. Their ancestors had been removed from the Land of Judah many decades earlier and taken into slavery by Nebuchadnezzar.

It is, therefore, worth noting that hatred has no mercy for the exiled, depressed, the oppressed or the poor. If not, how could newly promoted and dignified Haman have time for “poor” Mordecai and his people? Esther 9:5 confirms that sheer hatred against God’s children or Love engineered the encounter between Haman and the Jews. At the exchange of pleasantries, the captain of Hatred’s side, signifying Haman, had the inscription on his armband, “The enemy of the Jews.”

Those who arouse us to hate others become the pallbearers who carry us in the coffin of disgrace in style to our graveyard at the referee’s last whistle. Resist, therefore, every influence by others and provocation to hate others.

Unfortunately, many have been drawn into an arena of hating others without any cause. Before this time, Mordecai, the gatekeeper, pre-occupied himself with the duties assigned to him per his appointment letter as security personnel at the King’s gate. He executed his task with the professionalism and diligence required of him when he reported the coup and assassination attempt on the life of his Boss. The King set a committee to investigate the intel,  and it was found credible. The two masterminders were executed (Esther 2:22). Even though what was supposed to be his upliftment or promotion at the time went to Haman, Mordecai kept his composure and did not allow bitterness to take the better part of him. If you want the power of Love to be behind you, anytime Hatred brings it on, do the right thing even if you don’t see the reward immediately afterwards.

Esther 3:5-6, “When Haman saw that Mordecai would not kneel or pay him honour, he was enraged. Yet having learned who Mordecai’s people were, he scorned the idea of killing only Mordecai. Instead, Haman looked for a way to destroy all Mordecai’s people, the Jews, throughout the kingdom of Xerxes.” Anger, pride, self-aggrandisement, wickedness and murder had all made the first eleven for the side of Hatred against Love. Unlike the first two games, this encounter was characterised by many off-the-pitch incidents. Besides the captain’s armband for the side of hatred labelled “The enemy of the Jews”, they formed a circle in their goal post to cast Lot to find a suitable formation that would daze their opponents before kick-off (Ester 3:7). It is a lesson for Love and its supporters that deep-seated hatred is well connected to diviners, mediums and evil spirits who leave no stone unturned once they move upfront. Casting Lot to determine the most spiritually conducive time date and time to carry out the massacre of the Jews tells how far hatred can take people. Even before the kick-off, Hatred appeared to be winning the psychological bit of the game. At the blast of the referee’s whistle, Hatred swings a few passes together between Lies, Exaggeration and Propaganda when Haman told King Xerxes the Jews had no regard for him nor the customs of his Kingdom (Esther 3:8-9).

Meanwhile, Esther, the King’s wife, was herself a Jew. After casting the Lot, it was not surprising Haman somehow managed to get the King’s approval to do whatever pleased him to the Jews (Esther 3:11). Is it not amazing that the King had been influenced to sign the death warrant of his own sweetheart in the person of Queen Esther without knowing? Was he under a spell? Similarly, only God knows the source of some organisational policies and laws that come to force at our various marketplaces. In hindsight, there was an order by the King to kill every Jew throughout the 127 provinces. Meanwhile, Haman or Hatred was the principal architect behind that supposedly Socio-Cultural ethnic cleansing.

Thank God Hatred does not and will never have a field day or blank cheque in his encounter with Love. When the King’s edict for the annihilation of the Jews went viral, the Bible says, “Mordecai tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the city, wailing loudly and bitterly.” (Esther 4:1). However, Haman and his side, Hatred, were celebrating and drinking because the scoreboard had registered an early goal for their side (Esther 3:15). As the side of Hatred and their supporters kept on triumphing in the stands, Haman’s wife Zeresh and his friends advised him to finish the game by setting up a 75ft high pole to have Mordecai or Love hanged on it. Every wicked suggestion taken from friends and loved ones hook line and sinker confirms the assertion that Hatred is indeed very shallow, unwise and short-sighted. Little did they know that Love never walks alone even though his side is playing away in this temporal life.

The million-dollar question is, “Where were those who incited Haman to hate Mordecai when he was being hanged on the 75ft gallows? Where was Zeresh when Haman was hanging on the very gallows she designed for him to construct?

Those who incite us to hate would be nowhere when we drown in the deep waters.

In (Esther 4:8, 15-17;5:1), Mordecai expected Esther to use her feminine power and influence to negotiate with Hatred. Unfortunately, Hatred doesn’t understand any truce of such kind. His side is full of pretense at the negotiating table. It is worth noting that it doesn’t lie with humankind to unearth Hatred’s natural causes and roots. It is no secret that the makeup of women as designed by God offers them a certain edge over their male counterparts when looking for favours from them. As a celebrated beautiful Queen with a nice figure and eyes, as the Bible put it, Mordecai was not too wrong trying to remind Esther to play that card as the going was getting tough for them. After all, she was the King’s bedmate during their ordeal. Mordecai, therefore, tried pushing gentleness and lobbying into the “18” of Hatred, but the Holy Spirit intervened (Esther 4:8). Whiles Haman was boasting about his vast wealth and influence over King Xerxes, the bench of Love introduced Fasting, Prayers and Hope to take care of the midfield with Faith as the lone striker in the person of Esther. The game against Hatred is a serious game that cannot be won with one’s looks, talents or beauty alone. When the “Hamans” cast the Pur or Lot before starting the match, your husband may not see your beauty or fine-looking figure. It was, therefore, not surprising that for thirty (30) solid days, beautiful Esther’s husband had not felt like going to her or attending to her. She told Mordecai, “…But thirty days have passed since I was called to go to the king.” (Esther 4:11b). Therefore, the technical response from the bench of Love was apt and on point just before the halftime. Fasting and prayers must rise with increasing and legendary levels of hatred against us. Prayer procured for the Jews what Queen Esther’s beauty and night wares could not bargain for. After the 3-day fasting, at the resumption of the second half of the game, “Then the King asked, “What is it, Queen Esther? What is your request? Even up to half the Kingdom, it will be given you.” (Esther 5:3). The scoreboard here credited Love their equalizer changing the scoreline to 1-1. Love then substituted hope with wisdom by Esther’s request for a great banquet with Haman as the guest of honor (Esther 5:4-8). Hatred took another lead (2-1) when Haman went rejoicing and boasted of his invitation to the King’s banquet (Esther 5:9-13). With all of Haman’s excitements, he told his wife and friends, “…All this gives me no satisfaction as long as I see that Jew Mordecai sitting at the king’s gate.” Hatred does not know peace as long as Love is focused because no matter the honour bestowed upon Haman as the only invitee to the King’s table, he loses his peace and joy anytime he meets Mordecai sitting at the King’s gate. Haters, therefore, have no peace as long as Love is around their environment.

The side of Love crossed a deep ball into the “18” yard box of Hatred, which caused the King to suffer a sleep disorder while Mordecai was probably asleep (Esther 6:1-3). So, on the eve of the banquet, the King could not sleep. He called for the book of the chronicles, which culminated in his decision that night to honour and recognize Mordecai’s hard work in uncovering the coup plot. At that ungodly hour, Haman had visited the King’s palace to discuss how Mordecai would be impaled on the pole he had set for him. The King asked him how he could decorate the one he delights to honour. Thinking he was the only contender for that category, he outlined four (4) awards for decorating that nominee. He told the King, ” For the man, the King delights to honour, have them bring a royal robe the King has worn and a horse the King has ridden, one with a royal crest placed on its head. Then let the robe and horse be entrusted to one of the King’s most noble princes. Let them robe the man the King delights to honour and lead him on the horse through the city streets, proclaiming before him, this is what is done for the man the King delights to honour! ” (Esther 6:8-9). The King commanded Haman, “Go at once, get the robe and the horse and do just as you have suggested for Mordecai the Jew, who sits at the King’s gate.” Wow! So Haman went sadly from the King’s court to bestow all the listed honour on Mordecai. Within minutes, the scoreboard credited four (4) own goals against Hatred and for the side of Love bringing the score to 5-2 in favour of Love.

In Esther 6:12-14, Hatred’s loyal supporters started hooting and booing them from the stands. Haman’s wife and advisers shouted from the popular stands saying, “Since Mordecai, before whom your downfall has started, is of Jewish origin, you cannot stand against him-you will surely come to ruin!” (Esther 6:13) Hmmm, what a late admonishing! This is the loneliness Hatred goes through when the going gets tough. It is, therefore, not worth allowing yourself to be deceived into hating anyone for whichever cause. It is simply not worth its salt. When Haman heard Esther mentioning his name to King Xerxes, he became terrified at the King’s rage and tried begging Esther for his life. The King returned from the garden to see Haman falling on the couch where Esther was reclining. The referee, close to the action, whistled for an indirect free kick in the “18” yard box of Hatred. (Esther 7:8). Love converted that set-piece to a goal taking the scoreline to 6-2.

Haman took an early shower from the game when he was given a red card and impaled on the same pole he had prepared for Mordecai. Haman’s estate was bequeathed to Mordecai making the scoreline 7-2. The side of Hatred was now playing 10  against 11 during the game’s dying minutes. The King signed a new mandate that gave the Jews the right to self-defence. (Esther chapters 8-10). At this time, Hatred’s spectators turned around, cheering the Love side from the stands looking at how organized and composed they were playing. “…And many people of other nationalities became Jews because fear of the Jews had seized them.” (Esther 8:17b). Love scored their last goal to take the scoreline to 8-2 when the Jews struck down all their enemies and all who hated them (Esther 9:5). Mordecai was again lifted and promoted as the second in rank to King Xerxes, whiles Haman and all his ten (10) sons were executed. Love is, therefore, wiser and far more potent than Hatred on any given day.

From these three matches played so far, it will be realized that, no one can avoid clashing with Hatred since he is playing home in this temporal life. If you manage to prevent him within the family setting, you will meet him in Church. If you swerve him in the body of Christ, you are most likely to clash with him at the workplace or in your organization. Instead of becoming exhausted and frustrated with such encounters, let us instead be encouraged in the strength and winning power Love has over the fighting spirit of Hatred. At the return league on Love’s home soil at the culmination of the age, it will be all joy because every hassling, sweat and tears from our eyes will be wiped away (Revelations 21:4). Watch out for the grand finale in my next write up, which is the last in the series of Love versus Hatred dubbed “The Easter El-Classico”.

Team Sheet of Love: Patience, Kindness, Humility, Hope, Perseverance, Truth, Trust, Peace, Joy, goodness, Self-Control, Faith, Resurrection Power, Selflessness, Respect, Forgiveness, forbearance, gentleness, Unity, Compassion, Prayer and faithfulness.

Team Sheet of Hatred: Anger, Envy, Jealousy, Pride, Slander, Selfish Ambition, Unforgiving spirit, Strife, Bitterness, Worldliness, Wickedness, Hypocrisy, Greed, Dishonesty, Lies, Nepotism, Rebellion, Death, factions, witchcraft, Propaganda and racism.

Written by Pastor James Orhin Agyin (

New Tafo Area Chaplaincy Ministry Gives To Offinso PWDs

New Tafo Area Chaplaincy Ministry Gives To Offinso PWDs

The Chaplaincy Ministry of The Church of Pentecost in the New Tafo Area has donated items and cash worth GHS8,000.00 to the Training Rehabilitation Center for the Physically Challenge Action Foundation at Offinso Maase in the Ashanti Region. 

The items included 100 tubers of yams, 100 pieces of fresh yoghurts, 112 pieces of vegetable bread, five packs of rice, 25 litres of oil, two tins of tomatoes, packs of toilet rolls, biscuits, soaps, among others, and cash of GHS1,000.00 were donated to the facility on Tuesday, April 5, 2022. 

Leader of the New Tafo Area Chaplaincy Committee, Pastor Michael Badu, presented the items to the centre to support the daily upkeep of the inmates. 

He appreciated the support of the Area Head, Apostle Samuel Antwi, and the founder of the Foundation, Mr Sylvester Antwi, known by many as Mr Ark for his tremendous responsibility towards Persons With Disabilities (PWDs). 

He encouraged the founder to keep on with the good works to define their identity and purpose. 

Pastor Badu further called on other churches, individuals, and corporate organisations to come to the aid of the children to give them a befitting future. 

“We are here as part of the Vision 2023 agenda of the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, to possess the nations. 

“Chaplaincy to the aged and orphanage is part of the Chaplaincy Ministry, and we are here to impact the lives of People With Disabilities. We want to encourage them that we are always there for them. Just as the Bible explains our mandate that religion that is pure and undefiled before God is to visit orphans and widows in their affliction; we have to live up to it to glorify God,” he added. 

Mr. Kwabena Duah, on behalf of the founder of the centre, thanked The Church of Pentecost for the kind gesture. While blessing members of the church for the donation, he appealed to other organisations to come to their aid. 

“Your donation will go a long way to impact our lives and we know that God will never forsake you for the great thing you have done this day,” Kwabena Duah said. 

Mr. Sylvester Antwi, on his part, was speechless at the huge support received from the church. He appealed to other religious organisations and corporate bodies to imitate the actions of The Church of Pentecost. 

“I cannot run this foundation alone, hence my appeal to the rest of the world. The effort of The Church of Pentecost is huge and I am grateful to the Chairman, Apostle Eric Nyamekye. He [the Chairman] witnessed the challenges we used to go through when he came here some time ago. I am grateful to God that his influence and word about this place have led to this assistance. Thanks to the Area Head of New Tafo and all of you for this support,” he added. 

Report by Owusu Dennis, New Tafo Area.

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-09 at 6.03.14 AM

The Church Of Pentecost Chairman Visits Twifo Agona Pentecost Community Clinic

Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman of The Church Of Pentecost, has visited the Pentecost Community Clinic, in Twifo Agona, in the Central Region of Ghana.

He made this visit during his ministerial tour to the Agona Zone, within the Twifo Praso Area of The Church of Pentecost (CoP).

The clinic was dedicated on Monday, September 25, 2017, by Apostle Professor Opoku Onyinah (Retired), immediate past Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, and assisted by Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, General Secretary, The Church Of Pentecost, and Apostle John Osei Amaniampong (then Area Head of Dunkwa Area).

According to the Resident Physician Assistant In-Charge and Head of Facility, Ms. Stella Mahama, the clinic is one of the highly patronised and preferred health centres for the inhabitants of the community and beyond.

She explained that the clinic receives more patients seasonally, especially during the rainy seasons.

She used the occasion to express her appreciation to the church for its immense support to the clinic.

She then called on the church and individuals to support them with more medical equipment voluntarily, to aid their services in the community.

Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman of The Church, encouraged the nurses and staff, to keep doing their best for the Lord in service to mankind.

“Life can be meaningful to all of you, depending on how you live or make it. Don’t waste it,” he iterated.

He further urged them to build their lives in Christ and continue to pray about their future as young people, and added: “God bless you for your sacrifices to The Church of Pentecost”.

He assured the clinic of a continuous support from the church, in terms of more equipment to facilitate health service provision in the community.

He prayed and committed the staff of the clinic into the hands of God.

Present were Pastor David Nii Addo-Pappoe (Twifo Praso Area Head, The Church of Pentecost), Mrs. Mary Nyamekye (Wife of Chairman, The Church of Pentecost), Mrs. Faustina Addo-Pappoe (Wife of Twifo Praso Area Head, CoP), Beatrice Amoakoa (Nurse Manager, Twifo Agona Pentecost Community Clinic), Pastor Sampson K. Gavor-Dzefe (Twifo Agona District Minister), Pastor George Mpoamoh Yenabi (Twifo Wamaso District Minister), some of Twifo Praso Area Pastorate.

Twifo Praso Pentecost Community Clinic, is a member of the Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG), National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) Accredited, Baby friendly, and a 24-hour Health Provider.

Some of the services provided there are: General Medicine, Outpatient Service, Inpatient Service, Laboratory Service, Counselling Service, Pharmaceutical Service, Maternity Service, Ultrasound Scan Service, Adolescent Health Service, Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Service; Public Health, Mental Health, and Eye Clinic Service.


The Church Of Pentecost Chairman Visits Effutuakwa Traditional Council asw

The Church Of Pentecost Chairman Visits Effutuakwa Traditional Council

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, yesterday called on the Effutuakwa Traditional Council led by Nana Afranse IV, Acting President, Effutuakwa Traditional Council, and Effutuakwahemaa.

This happened at the Effutuakwa Palace in Assin Foso, in the Central Region of Ghana during his ministerial visit to the Assin Foso Area of The Church of Pentecost.

Addressing the traditional leaders, Apostle Nyamekye said that chieftaincy is a ministry that was given by God to serve the nation and communities and not for idolatry purposes.

“The Church of Pentecost has purposed to draw near to the chiefs in our church and communities, to emphasise on the God-factor in chieftaincy through the Chieftaincy Ministry of the church,” he explained.

He noted that the ministry is to support the royals and chiefs with chaplaincy duties and share God’s Word with them.

He expressed his condolences to the Council for the loss of the Effutuakwa Chief and two linguists, and used the visit as an opportunity to inform the Council on the upcoming Royals Conference scheduled in June this year.

“When someone ascends the throne, one thing that he or she must be passionate about is the love for the country,” he pointed out.

He, further admonished the chiefs to be independent when it comes to deciding on pertinent national issues and avoid taking sides in political factions, since it is against the ethics of chieftaincy in the country.

“When politicians try to pull you into their activities, do well to push back as much as possible,” he added.

He, then donated a box of Bibles to help inculcate the habit of reading the Word of God in the traditional leaders and added two cartons of can drinks.

Nana Afranse IV, Acting President of Effutuakwa Traditional Council and Effutuakwahemaa, in response mentioned that: “Chieftaincy is from God, however, if God has not chosen you to reign over the people, you will never succeed on the throne”.

She thanked the Chairman of the church for his kind gesture and requested him to be praying for them to rule in wisdom always.

Among The Church of Pentecost delegation were Apostle Frederick Kweku Andoh, Assin Foso Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, a section of Assin Foso Area Pastorate and Elder William Amankwah Agyapong, Assin Foso Area Deacon.

Some of the Effutuakwa Traditional Council Members and chiefs present were: Nana Obeng Ampabeng III (Gyaasehene of Effutuakwa Traditional Area), Nana Atona Seku Frimpong III (Adiembrahene, Effutuakwa Traditional Area), Nana Ennin I (Biretuhene), Nana Kyeremanteng Brobbey (Krontihene, Effutuakwa Traditional Area), Nana Asano (Agona Nsuahene), Nana Akumani Kankam (Twifohene, Effutuakwa Traditional Area), Nana Boampong Ako (Assinehene), Nana Buobu (Abamhene), Nana Piefa (Oyoko Obaahemaa), and Nana Amoanimaa (Assinehene Hemaa).

The rest were Nana Animaa Bommo (Adontenhemaa, Effutuakwa Traditional Area), Nana Anokwa (Effutuakwa Ankobeahemaa), Nana Kwakyewaa (Habitat Hemaa), Abusuapanin Nana Kofi Nkrumah (Abusuapanin, Effutuakwa Traditional Area), Nana Mankwa Apabea III (Apetehemaa, Effutuakwa), Nana Oforiwaa Amanfo I (Odikrohemaa, Assin Adiembra), Nana Dansoa Abra (Abesewaa Gyaasehemaa), Nana Kwakyewaa III (Dantwehemaa, Assin Foso), Yakubu Sumaila (Zamrama Chairman).



The Church Of Pentecost Chairman Pays Courtesy Call On Aboabo Chief

Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, yesterday, paid a courtesy call on Nana Kweku Akote IV, Chief of Aboabo, at Assin Nyankomasi.

He was joined by Apostle Frederick Kweku Andoh, Assin Foso Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, and a delegation of Assin Foso Area Pastorate and Executive Members.

The purpose of the visit is to pray with the chiefs in the Assin municipality and to express his gratitude to them for accepting and supporting the Church and its ministers posted to their respective jurisdictions.

The Chairman also took the opportunity to introduce to the Chief the church’s annual event for Royals dubbed: “Royals Conference” and officially invited all the Chiefs within Assin and its environs to patronise.

Nana Kweku Akote IV, Chief of Aboabo, responded that the Chairman had come in an opportune time and his presence will keep the land blessed.

He iterated that the church has made much impact in the community and for that he was grateful.

He, then called on the Chairman of the church to keep supporting the community and the palace always.

The Church of Pentecost Chairman, Apostle Eric Nyamekye stated that leadership was one area which cannot be ignored in the nation.

“You cannot be a leader and not have the nation at heart,” he stated.

He iterated that politics in the country has dwindled the love of Ghana in the hearts of men. 

He urged the chiefs to collaborate with the church to help build the nation, and be patriotic citizens in the country.

He mentioned that The Church of Pentecost has inaugurated the Chieftaincy ministry to help coordinate the chiefs in the area and communities and feed them with the word of God.

He further prayed for the chiefs and donated a box of Bibles and two cartons of soft drinks to the palace to support their activities there.

Nana Kutin, Agona Abusuapanin, who doubles as Chairman of Assin Nyamkomasi District Chieftaincy Ministry of the church, thanked the Chairman of the church on behalf of the traditional leaders.

Present Abuasuapanin Ansong (Asona No. 1), Nana Kyeame Kankam Dacosta (Aboabohene Kyeame), Ohemaa Kyeame Kankamaa, Nana Saaha (Nifahemaa), Ohemaa Fatima Nana Semea (Meserenyame Hemaa), Nana Amoanimaa I (Akyempemhemaa), Nana Ankomahene (Biretuo Abusuapanin), Opanin Kwame Mintah (Abusuapanin Biretuo No. 2), Nana Kwame Agyapong I (Akyeampemhene), Abusuapanin Kwamina (Oyoko Abuasuapanin), and Mr. Clement Kwesi Botwe (Immediate Past Methodist Lay President).


Anyaa-Ablekuma Area Donates Wax Prints To Missions

Anyaa-Ablekuma Area Donates Wax Prints To Missions

The Anyaa-Ablekuma Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated 75 half-piece wax prints to the Office of the International Missions Directorate at the headquarters in Accra for onward distribution to less endowed Areas.

Forty (40) of the brand new wax prints go to the Sawla Area, while the Wa Area receives thirty-five (35) pieces.

The Anyaa-Ablekuma Area Head, Apostle William Ohemeng-Kwakye, yesterday led a team of ministers in the Area, including the Area Missions Committee Chairman, Pastor Seth Osei Ohene-Benchie, and Pastor Frank Awuah Fordjour of Ablekuma Agape District Minister, to present the items to the International Missions Director (IMD) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe.

According to Apostle Ohemeng-Kwakye, the items were secured during the recently held McKeown Missions Week in their quest to supporting to the church’s missions drive.

In his response, the IMD, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, on behalf of the International Missions Board, chaired by the Chairman of the church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, thanked the Anyaa-Ablekuma Area for their continuous support for the church’s missions enterprise.

Assisting the IMD to receive the donation was Mrs. Victoria Kumi-Woode (Administrative Manager at the International Missions Office).


Kwadaso WEB

Kwadaso Area Organises Maiden Conference For Ministers, Officers’ Children

The Kwadaso Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle John Budu Kobina Tawiah, has admonished the children of ministers and officers of the Church to live Christ-like lifestyle and be an example for other children.

He made the call at the maiden edition of the Kwadaso Area Ministers and Officers’ Children Conference held over the weekend at the Kwadaso Central Assembly auditorium.

In a message based on Proverbs 22:6; Proverbs 1:8 and Isaiah 54:13 among other scriptures, Apostle John Budu Kobina Tawiah advised the children to be obedient to the instructions of their parents so that they can grow to become responsible adults in future.

“As a child, you must obey and respect your parents; if you do this, you will live long,” he indicated.

Apostle Tawiah challenged them to live their lives as Christians and never to assume that because their parents are leaders of the church they are automatically saved.

He reiterated the need for them to get involved in church activities and learn how to play church instruments so that they can be a blessing to the church.

“Remember, God needs young people like you to be enlisted in His army and you must be willing to get on board with your talents, skills and giftings,” he emphasized.

He encouraged them to desire to take up leadership roles in the church so that they can bring onboard fresh ideas to push the ‘Possessing the Nations’ agenda.

Ministers and their wives in the Area shared their life stories and gave opportunities to the children to ask questions bothering them during group discussions.

The conference was attended by 516 wards of ministers and officers. At the end of the programme, 23 teenagers accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Saviour.

Report by Ernest Perbi-Asare.