The Church of Pentecost Recognises The Role Of Chieftaincy In Our Communities – Chairman

The Church of Pentecost Recognises The Role Of Chieftaincy In Our Communities – Chairman

Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, has indicated that the Church of Pentecost (CoP), accepts and recognises the important roles played by the chieftaincy institution in our communities.

“As the clergy, we partner and lead the communities with the chiefs, in building the nation,” he stated.

He, said this recently, during his working visit to the Twifo Praso Area of the church, at the Twifo Mampong Palace, when he paid a courtesy call on Obrempong Appiah Nuamah II, Paramount Chief of Twifo Traditional Area, who is a former member of the Council of State, and a former member of National House of Chiefs.

Apostle Nyamekye stressed that in moments of conflicts, the two institutions that are called upon to settle issues, are the clergy and the chieftaincy institution.

He, therefore, encouraged the chiefs to ensure that they rule in true integrity and honesty, moreover they should consider their subjects first in every decision that concerns the land.

He revealed that the church has inaugurated the Chieftaincy Ministry, to help liaise with royals in the church and community.

“This will give us the opportunity to imbibe and feed you with the Word of God, and you will enjoy the Salvation of the Lord Jesus,” he noted.

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost used the occasion to invite the Paramount Chief and his sub-chiefs to the church’s annual event for Royals dubbed: “Royals Conference,” which comes up in June this year.

On his part, Obrempong Appiah Nuamah II, Paramount Chief of Twifo Traditional Area, mentioned that he has grown to build a strong cordial relationship with the clergy within the area.

He iterated that on the issue of community development, The Church of Pentecost is always at their beck and call.

“We accept all men of God and we do not treat them lightly,” he reiterated.

The former Vice President of Central Regional House of Chiefs commended the church for its exceptional leadership in the country, which he believed has translated to the various communities and towns. He, then urged other Christian organisations to emulate same for a better country.

He explained that previously, chiefs resorted to traditional means of protection for themselves and the land, however in recent times, the narrative has changed.

“Many of my brothers are now turning to Christ and involving Him in their reign,” he further said.

The Chairman of the church, then led in a time of prayers for the Chief and the Twifo land.

Present were, Nana Yaw Amua, Twifo Nkonwasoafohene, Nana Yaw Amoah, Aduabeng Abakomahene, Nana Amo, Twifo Dwumankwahene, Obaayaa Helena Ahyia, Queen of Twifo Omanhene, and Okyeame Kwaku Anane, Omanhene Kyeame.

Among the CoP delegation present were, Pastor David Addo-Pappoe (Twifo Praso Area Head, CoP), Pastor Matthew Mpaba (Twifo Nyinase District Minister, CoP), Pastor Samson & Mrs. Rejoice Abradu (Twifo Mampong District, CoP), Pastor Vincent Ephraim Amegah (Twifo Praso District Minister), and Elder Seth Addo-Kumi (Twifo Praso Area Deacon, CoP).


Salvation Through Jesus Christ Is Eternal – Apostle Otu-Nyarko Assures Christians

Salvation Through Jesus Christ Is Eternal – Apostle Otu-Nyarko Assures Christians 

The Finance and Administration Director (FAD) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Lawrence Otu-Nyarko has assured Christians that salvation through Jesus Christ is not only beneficial on this present earth but also in the hereafter.

“The salvation Jesus gives is not only for the boundaries of this earth or the territories that Christians abode, but it also transcends into the heavens, and He gives a full package of the salvation,” said Apostle Otu-Nyarko, who is also the Resident Minister of D. K Arnan Worship Centre.

Apostle Otu-Nyarko said this on Thursday evening when he preached at the commencement of the 2022 Easter convention on the theme, “Jesus Christ, the horn of salvation,” taken from Psalm 18:2 and Luke 1: 69. at the English Zone at F.S. Safo Temple, Nshorna.

The 2022 English Zone comprises Pentecost International Worship Centre, Sakumono (PIWC-Sakumono), PIWC-Graceland, D. K. Annan Worship Centre, Baatsona Worship Centre, Teshie English Assembly and Nungua English Assembly, among others.

He indicated that the full package of the salvation of the Lord consists of the numerous blessings of the Lord, such as good health, deliverance, and supernatural abilities to do exploits, among others.

He explained that a horn is located on the head of a ruminant and it signifies strength, power, authority, and honour.

According to Apostle Otu-Nyarko, God gave humankind the instruction of taking care of the garden of Eden and working in it (Genesis 2: 15-17), however, man ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which God forbade them not to, hence the fall.

He added that the leaves Adam and Eve used to cover themselves were temporary just as the image of God upon man faded (Romans 3:23). So God helped them by killing an animal and using it to cover their nakedness, adding, “you can only help yourself only to a certain point, however, in the long run, it is only Jesus who can save.”

Apostle Otu-Nyarko further reiterated that man without Christ is sinful, hence the need for a Saviour.

He added that “there is only one name and that name is Jesus, no name can give salvation, it is only Jesus who can save.”

He further explained that the horn symbolised oil, which is used to heal wounds and anoint people and smear the bodies of humankind.

He prayed that the horn of salvation would be the horn of strength, deliverance, protection, promotion and healing in the lives of the members.

“Your only duty is to look up to Jesus Christ; He loves you and has not given up on you. This Easter celebration is an opportunity to get close to Him so that He can undo the bad things done to you.”

Apostle Otu-Nyarko prayed that every congregant would have a testimony after the convention.

Report by Yaa Asantewaah Adu Boahene

The Resurrection Of Jesus Is The Foundation Of Christianity – Apostle Etrue Observes

The Resurrection Of Jesus Is The Foundation Of Christianity – Apostle Etrue Observes

Apostle Mike Kwame Etrue, the Kaneshie Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, has asserted that the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the fulcrum around which the faith of Christians is built.

Speaking at the Abeka Zone Easter Convention held at Cosmos School Park, Abeka on Good Friday on the topic, “That I May Know Him And The Power Of His Resurrection” (Philippians 3:8-11), he stressed that the resurrection is the fulcrum of everything about Christianity.

Apostle Mike Etrue, who is also a Member of the Executive Council of the church, admonished believers to know the power behind the resurrection of Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:17-22). He mentioned that the resurrection is God’s exceeding great power which He used to validate the redemption of believers through Christ Jesus.

According to him, the resurrection is the power living in believers by which God preserves them from evil and destruction.

He stated: “The resurrection is the power that will be employed in our glorification. God has promised a glory awaiting those who serve Him faithfully. That glorification will be accomplished by this power.

“It is the power of an indestructible life. The resurrection power is released by the immortalized life in God which wells up in Christ and fills everyone who believes. If any man believes in Jesus, this indestructible life will release its power for the daily life of power and joy.”

He continued: “It is that power that shatters all the powers of hell. All the powers of hell had stood against the body coming out of the tomb. But on the third day, these compendiums of evil and dark forces were shattered to pieces by the exerting of the resurrection power in raising Christ Jesus.”

He added that the resurrection power sets Christ Jesus in a far more superior position, saying, “He is seated far above all principalities and power and might and dominion,andevery name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. The Lord Jesus is superior to every ruler or authority, human or angelic, now and forever.”

He disclosed that in the heavenly places, there are different ranks of angelic beings, some evil and some good, who have different degrees of power. Some, for instance, he said, might correspond to our human offices of president, governor, mayor, etc. No matter how great their rule, authority, power, and dominion might be, Christ is far above them. And this is true not only in the age in which we live but also in the coming age, he stated.

“It is that power by which God has put all created things under His feet. This signifies universal dominion, not only over men and angels but over all the rest of His creation, animate and inanimate,” he indicated.

Apostle Mike Etrue indicated that the writer of Hebrews reminds believers that they do not see all things put under Christ (Heb. 2:8), though universal dominion belongs to Christ, He does not exercise it as yet.

He further explained that men, for instance, still rebel against Christ and deny Him. “But God has decreed that His Son will yet wield the scepter of universal dominion, and it is as certain as if it were a present reality,” he stressed.

Report by Michael Asante, Kaneshie.

Elder Eugene Tordzro A Living Testimony Of God’s Power

Elder Eugene Tordzro: A Living Testimony Of God’s Power

On Sunday, April 17, 2022, during the climax of the 2022 Easter Convention organised at Ho by the Ho Area of The Church of Pentecost, Elder Eugene Tordzro shared a testimony of God’s goodness.

He recounted how a motor accident that occurred on the Ho-Aflao road on December 18, 2004, affected his body and health. He had internal bleeding, where a tube was fixed into his reproductive organ. Again, his pelvic girdle got broken and shifted to a side, and also had a fracture. He was bedridden for eight (8) months and used crutches for a month.

According to Elder Tordzro, prior to the gorry accident, he had arranged to marry a lady. Because of the accident, the proposed marriage was postponed until three years later when he recovered.

However, due to the multiple injuries he sustained, medical practitioners at the Volta Regional Hospital in Ho told him that he would not be able to have biological children.

After the marriage, the couple did not bother to seek medical care but prayed for God’s favour and glory in their lives. Four years later, God finally answered their prayer and miraculously gave birth to a boy. A year later, they had a girl.

The most surprising news was that in 2015, there was another pregnancy and the scan showed twins. Their surprise from the Almighty God was that they had triplets. In all the couple now have five (5) children.

Elder Eugene Tordzro and his family are forever grateful to God for His divine intervention.

He and his wife fellowship at Fiave Central Assembly and currently serves as the District Secretary.

Report by Ho Area Media Team.

Koforidua Area Climaxes Easter Convention Successfully

Koforidua Area Climaxes Easter Convention In Grand-Style

The Koforidua Area of The Church of Pentecost has successfully climaxed its 2022 Easter Convention to the glory of God.

The five-day colourful event, which began on Wednesday, March 13, 2022, ended yesterday, at the Jubilee Park, Koforidua Gallaway in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

Speaking on the topic: “What Is Our Response To The Love of Christ?” Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, said a cursory study of Apostle Paul’s life shows that he really served God so tirelessly and sacrificially to the extent that, those who did not like him much saw him to be crazy.

“Apostle Paul contended for the faith with his life and his strength,” he stated, stressing that, there was a driving force that moved him to go the extra mile for Christ.

Reading from 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost pointed out that believers should see troubles as preparation for an eternal glory that far outweighs everything.

“So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal,” he stated.

Apostle Nyamekye expressed regret on how many people spend a lot of time trying to enhance their body to be perfect, forgetting that it is an earthly tent that will be destroyed one day.

He, therefore urged Christians to concentrate on building eternal houses in heaven which cannot be destroyed.

He further lamented on how many Christians go to church wishing to receive prophecies and messages about wealth that will appease their souls. This, he said, happens because many Christians do not understand God’s Word.

In illustrating about Barabas and Jesus, the Chairman of The Church further said that Barabas was the representation of the sins of man (world) and Jesus exchanged our destiny of death with His life and saved us.

“When God saves us, He saves our generation too. And it is this love of Christ, that compelled him to go the extra mile,” he noted.

Quoting from C.T. Studd, he reiterated that: “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”

He urged the clergy to depend solely on God in their moments of difficulties and trials.

Apostle Samuel Osei Asante, the Koforidua Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, and Executive Council Member of the church, led the congregation in a moment of prayers.

On his part, Hon. Okyere Baafi, Deputy Trade Minister & Member of Parliament for New Juaben, said Covid-19 brought low economic and financial difficulties, yet the prayers of the believers sustained the nation and called for continuous prayer support for the nation.

Present at the ceremony were some royals in the church namely, Manya Dede Yormoh (Queen mother of Yilo Traditional Area), Regina Agyeiwaa Mrah (Ohemaa of New Juaben Traditional Council), Nana Apete Kura (Nkonwahene of Asokore), Nana Baawuo (Effiduase Hene), Nana Tei Korle II (Korle Nkwantahene), Mrs. Elizabeth Nartey (Daughter of Late Apostle A.T. Nartey, UK).

Some retired ministers who also joined were; Apostle Moses & Mrs. Esther Ayitey (Retd.), Apostle Nicholas & Mrs. Love Siaw (Retd.), Pastor John & Mrs. Veronica Boamah (Retd.), Pastor Benjamin & Mrs. Veronica Nortsu (Retd.), Pastor Sammy & Mrs. Constance Ohene, Pastor D. D. Dei (Retd.) and Mrs. Sophia Koranteng (Minister’s Widow).

The Koforidua Area Easter Convention, was organized in zones throughout the week at the Akuapem, Nkurakan, Adawso and Koforidua zones.


The Way To The Crown Is Through The Cross – Apostle Dr. Walker Asserts

The Way To The Crown Is Through The Cross – Apostle Dr. Walker Asserts

The Tarkwa Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr. Daniel Okyere Walker, has observed that the only way for humanity to receive the crown of salvation is by believing in the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Speaking at the Tarkwa zone Easter convention held on the theme, “Jesus Christ; The Resurrection and the Life” (John 11:25-26), Apostle Dr. Walker, who is also a Member of the Executive Council of the church, drew believers’ attention to the story of the death and resurrection of Lazarus which was an occasion in which Jesus revealed himself as the Resurrection and the Life. 

According to him, Martha thought the resurrection and life was in the future but did not know that Jesus standing before her was the Resurrection and the Life.

Referencing Philippians 3:10, he indicated that knowing Christ is loving him, following him, fulfilling his word, and also participating in his sufferings.

He gave ten stages of the sufferings of Christ which every believer would one way or the other identified themselves with.

The first stage he mentioned was the prayer at Gethsemane. According to him, the physical and spiritual sufferings of Christ began in Gethsemane. Jesus was sorrowful and troubled (Matt 26:37),his sweat was like drops of blood (Luke 22:44). He, therefore, admonished believers to be strong in prayer and fasting.

The second stage was the mockery that Jesus had to endure. He said that Jesus was arrested and manhandled, while his disciples fled and abandoned him. The people slapped his face and struck him (Matt 26:67), blindfolded and spate on him, and brought him before Caiaphas and the Jewish Council for trial.

Apostle Dr. Walker indicated that sometimes believers can go through some humiliating situations in life but “we must dare to be different by sharing in Christ’s mockery. if you fail to share in his suffering, you will fail to share in his glory and the way to the crown is through the cross.”

The third stage was the trial by Pilate. According to Apostle Walker, Justice was traversed when Barabbas was released (Matt 27:21) and Jesus convicted.

The fourth stage was flogging. Apostle Dr. Walker demonstrated how Jesus was stripped and stretched against a pillar with hands tied, while two soldiers did the whipping. The whip tore his flesh and cut his veins (Isaiah 53:5).

The fifth stage was the crown of thorns that was forced on his head which went deep into his skull.

The sixth stage was the carrying of the cross to Golgotha. He mentioned that because the cross was made of a heavy beam, Jesus became exhausted along the way and fell severally. Simon of Cyrene was finally asked to help him.

The crucifixion was the seventh stage, describing it as a barbaric act. Apostle Dr. Walker noted that Jesus was placed on the ground and laid on the cross with arms stretched and a heavy square wrought iron was driven through his hands and his feet.

The eighth was the insults and thirst stage which, he indicated, was a pathetic spectacle to watch as blood-streaked from Jesus, covered with wounds and exposed to public ridicule. He revealed that Jesus experienced hours of bodily pain, fatigue in the arms and cramps in the muscles and felt intense thirst and cried for water but was given vinegar. He added that passersby insulted him including the criminal hanging on his left hand.

The last but one stage was the separation from the Father. At this stage, he said, Jesus cried to the Father(Matt 27:46). He told believers that sharing in Christ’s suffering may sometimes seem like “we are being separated from God, but our victory is assured at the end if we remain steadfast in him.”

The last stage was the victory cry when Jesus uttered his final words in John 19:30. He explained that Christ could have died from the pain of suffering before getting to the cross, but there was a statement he had to make, that is “It is finished.”

In conclusion, Apostle Dr. Daniel Okyere Walker urged Christians to share in the suffering of Christ as stated in 1 Peter 2:21-23.

The Tarkwa Area of The Church of Pentecost began the Easter convention on Wednesday, April 13. The conventions were held in four zones, namely Tarkwa Zone, Nsuta Zone, Aboso Valley Zone, and Nsuaem zone. The following districts also held theirs on district level: Tarkwa PIWC, Wassa Simpa, Wassa Benso and Gwira Eshiem districts.

Report by Tarkwa Area Media Team.

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Easter Is A Season Of Divine Exchange – Apostle Kumi-Larbi

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, has described Easter as a season of “divine exchange” because it marks the defining moment when Jesus Christ exchanged His sinless life with the sinful nature of humankind by dying on the cross.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi said this yesterday when he delivered a sermon titled “Divine Exchange” at the Resurrection Sunday service held to climax the 2022 Easter Conventions of the Bekwai Zone (Ashanti-Bekwai Area) at the Methodist School Park.

Reading from Luke 23:18-23, the General Secretary recounted the events that led to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross.

He explained that in the above passage, Jesus, whom Pilate had found innocent of all charges levelled against Him, was crucified in place of Barabbas, a man who had been jailed for insurrection and murder.

“For three times, Pilate said he had found no grounds for a death penalty, but the crowd insistently demanded that Jesus be crucified. So, he released Barabbas, the sinner, and surrendered the sinless Jesus to their will to be crucified,” he said. 

Apostle Kumi-Larbi, however, explained that the death of Jesus in place of Barabbas was no mistake, but the deliberate plan of God to bear the cost of the sin of humanity, and thus, set them free in the process.

According to the General Secretary, the crucifixion of Christ for the sins of Barabbas affirms the doctrine of the “Substitutionary Atonement,” which posits that Jesus died as a substitute for sinners. 

Jesus did not only die for Barabbas because scripture is very clear about the fact that Jesus had to die for all people of all time for crucial reasons, he explained, adding, “Jesus died because of human sin – yours, mine and everyone else’s.”

Apostle Kumi-Larbi further stated that, beyond fully paying for the price of sin, Christ’s substitutionary work on the cross has broken the power of sin over believers and made them the righteousness of God.

“Therefore, in Christ, we have been forgiven, justified and sanctified; we have become the righteousness of God. Our former standing and status as people created in the image and likeness of God have been restored,” he stressed.

Having received a new life in Christ, the General Secretary advised Christians to bear fruit in keeping with repentance. He said that one way they can prove the resurrection of Jesus Christ is by living a changed life.

“As children of God, we are called to strive for holiness. We are to hate what is evil and cling to what is good. We should never imply an acceptance of sin, especially in our own lives. All we do should be consistent with what we believe and who we are in Christ,” he said.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi, therefore, advised Christians to put to death their old practices and live up the new life they have received in Christ created to be like God in true holiness and righteousness.

“Jesus identified with our death so that we might be identified with His life. Likewise, He identified with our sin so that we might be identified with His righteousness,” he charged.

The General Secretary also warned believers of religious hypocrisy, where they claim or pretend to be followers of Christ but act otherwise. 

He bemoaned that, despite the proliferation of churches in Ghana, the country remains bedevilled with corruption and other forms of injustice.

He, therefore, urged Christians to set their minds on things above and strive to live above reproach in order to rise above the corruption in the land. He also urged them to be responsible citizens and contribute their quota towards nation-building.


Do Not Return To The Life Of Decay – Apostle Nsaful Advises Christians

Do Not Return To The Life Of Decay – Apostle Nsaful Advises Christians

Christians have been advised to be zealous for good works by eschewing corruption in every aspect of their lives.

This admonition was given by the Effiduase Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Daniel Yeboah Nsaful, in a sermon he preached at the climax of the Effiduase Zone Easter Convention on Sunday, April 17, 2022, at the forecourt of Ebenezer Assembly at Effiduase, near Koforidua in the Eastern Region.

Speaking on the topic, “The Christ Who Did Not See Corruption,” Apostle Nsaful quoted from acts 13:36-37; Mark 16:6; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Psalm 16:10, and said that Jesus died, was buried but did not see decay.

He indicated that some people have tried to cover up this truth “but whether concealed or not, the truth is one; that Jesus died and was buried but did not see decay.” He added that Jesus resurrected from the dead and that is what sets Christianity apart.

Comparing David to Jesus, Apostle Nsaful said David served his own generation and died, but Jesus is still serving generations yet unborn; David was the king of Israel, but Jesus is the king of the world; David served for a period but Jesus reigns forever; David was not seen after he died, but Jesus was seen by many; David’s body saw decay, but Jesus rose from the dead and is alive.

On the significance of Easter and why Christians should celebrate it, the Effiduase Area Head said that “celebrating Easter is celebrating our salvation; reflecting on the story of our salvation and reminding us of our resurrection with Jesus Christ.”

He added that Jesus’ resurrection has saved Christians from moral decadence and corruption, saying, “Do not go back to the life of decay, rather live morally upright lives as Christians.”

Apostle Nsaful bemoaned the situation where many people profess to be Christians but there is so much corruption in the country.

He asked: “Why do you report late for work but close before the closing time?”

“Jesus through his resurrection has saved us from corruption. Therefore, eschew corruption and be zealous for good works,” he admonished.

Concluding, Apostle Daniel Yeboah Nsaful said just as Jesus died but did not see decay, all who believe in Him will not see decay in their lives.

“Therefore, if you are a Christian and your life is still the same, then you have not yet arrived,” he ended.

Report by Ezekiel Korletey.

Jesus Is The Horn Of Our Salvation – Apostle Nkrumah-Agyeman

Jesus Is The Horn Of Our Salvation – Apostle Nkrumah-Agyeman

Apostle Wilberforce Nkrumah-Agyeman, the Teshie-Nungua Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, has said that Jesus is the horn of salvation which is a gift offered to all humanity.

“Salvation is by grace through faith alone,” he said, adding, “Jesus left His crown in heaven and came to redeem us. He suffered and died for our sins on the cross; took our place  on the cross.”

Speaking at the 2022 Easter Convention of the English Zone held at the Fred Safo Temple at Nungua Nshorna, he said that though death is very difficult to comprehend, the death of Jesus was good, stressing that the death of Christ has made Easter Friday a Good Friday, saying, “The Lord Jesus went to the cross for our sake to redeem us from our sins, and now we are saved.”

He quoted Psalm 18:2, and Luke 1:68-69, and explained that a lot of people have been redeemed as a result of the death of Christ while salvation is still freely available to all.

He said that it was this redemption that caused David to worship the Lord by singing that “The Lord has raised the horn of salvation in the house of his servant David.

According to Apostle Nkrumah-Agyeman, King David saw the hand of the Lord and described the Lord as the one who rescues him.

He further said that Zachariah, after doubting the angel’s statements, was muted until the day his son John was born.

“Zachariah blessed the name of the Lord and prophesied that God had raised up the horn of salvation in the lineage of David,” he added.

The Area Head explained that in the Old Testament times, the sheep had to die for the shepherd, but in the advent of Christ, the shepherd had to die for the sheep.

“The creature murdered the creator,” he said.

He added: “The Lord in His mercy even saved the robber on the cross; that was the moment of change. Once he accepted Jesus as the Lord and pleaded with Him for mercy, he lived as a citizen in heaven as he was with Jesus in paradise.”

“Just as this robbers story changed, may your story also change. Salvation is a gift, purchased on the cross for us. The other robber did not accept Christ and died in his sins, while his colleague died from his sins,” he said.

Apostle Nkrumah-Agyeman further explained that salvation is a comprehensive package that contains everything an individual requires in this life and hereafter.

“Beyond this convention, greater vision will be opened to us, good health is in the salvation package, it is comprehensive, it covers everything, it includes our wellbeing, our healing too is in the salvation package,” he said.

He further explained that the horn is an emblem of plenty, power, abundance, and redemption for everybody.

“It connotes power to rule. When Jesus enters the camp of the enemy sets captives free,” he said, adding, “Jesus attacks our enemies, because He is our defender, our protector, He secures dominance for us, and uses His power to secure and protect His people.”

The Area Head assured Christians that the anointing they have received in Christ remains in them. “You are full of the anointing. The Lord has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellows,” he said.

He stated with salvation Christians have direct access to the presence of God and need not go through intermediaries,” he said.

The Resident Minister of PIWC Graceland, Pastor Ebenezer Korankye Agyapong, after the sermon, led the congregation through a power prayer session of healing and Holy Ghost baptism among other needs.

Report by Isabella Gyau Orhin.


The Beauty Of CoP Easter Conventions: My Reflections As A Sunday School Child, Member, Officer And A Minister In The Church Of Pentecost

Over the years, I have always been thrilled by the beauty of The Church of Pentecost Easter Conventions. This year’s brings much more nostalgia because it’s our first in 2 years after COVID-19 of having the event outside the Church walls. Glory to God.

I am therefore writing this piece from the perspective of a reflector who has pieced many things together as a Sunday school child, member, officer, an academic and now as a minister serving in the Church.

Let me at this juncture add that the thoughts shared here are personal observations made over a period of more than 20 years of attending annual Easter Conventions in this great church.

Thus it may not be based on empirical outcomes but from a deeply reflective look at many factors and the great euphoria that greet this beautiful occasion in the Church and leaves one inspired at the amazing understanding and enthusiasm with which we approach this festive occasion.

Indeed the efforts of our founding fathers have left our great Church, lasting legacies that ought to be highlighted and drum home as we endeavour to ensure continuity in our contemporary times.

Five of such legacies are humbly identified and shared below:


Look at the various unique themes that underpinned the various conventions: from – It is finished, Jesus, the horn of salvation, the power of his resurrection, The Sacrificial Lamb is Crucified, Jesus Christ, the Mediator, He is Indeed the Saviour, Christ our passover lamb among others which are all in a way strengthening our Pentecostal foundation captured in the foursquare gospel: Jesus the Saviour, Jesus the Healer, Jesus the Baptiser of the Holy Spirit and Jesus, the Soon Coming King. Indeed, our classical pentecostal ideology of projecting Christ, our glorified risen Lord and making him the blessed trophy of our faith cannot be overemphasised and our Easter Convention themes truly reveal this observation. Christ is the priceless treasure of our Pentecostal heritage and we should not lose that.


The second lasting legacy that should be sustained is our strongly worded and lyrically dressed songs of the cross. The Church of Pentecost, I dare say is a doyen of spirited songs of the cross that bring out and tell the crucifixion story with such precision. Acknowledged with the rare gift of prophetic songs, our founding fathers drew from divine wells, living waters of inspiring music. Songs that were baked from Heaven and served on trays of brokeness. If indeed every denomination sings its theology then it can be concluded that the theology of the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ is really at home in the Church of Pentecost. As a student of the spirituality and theology of Pentecostal Songs, I am always mermerised by the deep sense of understanding and revelation that our founding fathers had of Christ that strongly informed their reflections revealed in the insightful lyrics and sweet melodies of our songs.


One striking observation of any Church of Pentecost Convention is the use of the tambourine during praises time. The Church over the years have carved a unique niche for itself in how women and some selected men gather round in circles to skillfully play the tambourine during the time of choruses. The rhythmic sound of that musical piece coupled with the uniformity and dexterity with which the players express themselves is a sight one would not want to overlook as it adds an attractive colour to the whole event.

The other bit of the service is our orderly, well calculated dance steps in response to the scintillating choruses. We are so disciplined in the expression of our joy and like an army, everyone falls in line and glides majestically to hallel the Sovereign majesty with our perfect dance moves.


I think that Pentecost is synonymous with the attitude of volunteerism and free will giving. This spirit is really manifested during conventions such as the Easter Conventions. This volunteerism spirit is seen in how members and officers willingly offer themselves to set up the convention grounds, spend time and resources to plan and execute the event, aggregate all the relevant materials for the programme without necessarily putting all the obligations on the Church. It is so beautiful to hear how members out of their own volition contribute and give donations to support the event, offer their vehicles and fuel them to convey Convention accessories like chairs, canopies, instruments and the like. Not to talk about the spirit of free-will offerings. It is awe-striking to watch how members joyfully offer their Thanksgiving offerings the moment songs are raised without any coercion or triggering. The spontaneous response that drives such move to give leaves one spell-bound and dumb-founded. For me, this is a treasured and priceless culture that ought to be guarded and guided and intentionally imparted from generation to generation.


One cannot talk about Easter Conventions in the COP without talking about the passion and loyalty of the membership. This is expressed in many and diverse ways. For example, this year’s convention has coincided with the rains and yet I have seen videos circulating of patrons defying the rains to participate in the conventions to the latter. Our fathers have shared with us how congregants used to travel from afar and even walked more than 50 miles to be part of General conventions. What would account for this if not for loyalty and passion. In those days, conventions were held four times in the day and yet the members would fully participate in them all. Isn’t it a wonder how people willingly would travel from far and near to gather at one place to commemorate a glorious occasion like Easter. This spirit can only ride on the wheels of passion and loyalty and this is so ingrained in the hearts of the people – a gem that must be jealously guarded.


This treatise has been musings that sparked like fire in my heart as I left the convention grounds this evening. It stemmed from the spirit of gratitude knowing how much God has blessed us as a church whiles highlighting some of these legacies so our generation will pick the baton, hold it firmly and safely pass on as our fathers did for us.

COP Easter Conventions are beautiful – let us continue this legacy


