Man Who Threatened To Divorce Wife For Converting To Christianity, Surrenders To Christ

Mr. Joshua Gyebi threatened to divorce his wife, Abigail, over her decision to accept Christ during a film evangelism outreach organised by the Evangelism Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, only to surrender his life to Christ after receiving the gospel message.

It all happened on Wednesday evening (October 12, 2022) when the Evangelism Ministry Advance Team held a film evangelism outreach at Ankra-Muano as part of preliminary activities in preparation towards the “Sefwi Nkwanta for Christ” crusade.

After the session, Mrs. Abigail Gyebi responded to the altar call and, together with others, was led to accept Jesus Christ as her Lord and personal Saviour. Consequently, she and the other converts were transported from the event ground to a baptisery situated at the Nkwanta Central Assembly church premises for water baptism. A Holy Spirit baptism session followed after the water baptism. When the session ended, the evangelism team led the converts to board the vehicle to convey them back to the evangelism ground. 

Just as they began to board the bus, they saw a furious man on a motorbike approaching them.

He was so angry and started shouting at Mrs. Abigail Gyebi, whom they later found out to be his wife.

The man asked her why she had allowed herself to be conveyed to the church premises for water baptism.

The leaders of the church delegation, Pastor Emmanuel K. Turkson (Pataboaso Nkwanta District Minister) and Elder Albert Narh (Evangelism Ministry National Executive Committee coopted member), intervened and tried to calm him down, but Mr. Gyebi would not listen to them.

Instead, he began making phone calls to her relatives to inform them that he would no longer continue to stay with her as his wife.

After a while, he calmed down, so Pastor Turkson and Elder Narh began to explain to him what it meant to accept Christ as Lord and personal Saviour. 

Few minutes into the conversation, Mr. Gyebi offered to surrender his life to Christ and was led accordingly by the minister. He was ready to undergo water baptism as his wife had, but unfortunately the water in the baptisery had drained by then, so he was asked to come the next day to be baptised by immersion.

To the utter surprise of the evangelism team, Mr. Gyebi showed up early the next morning for baptism. They quickly led him to the church premises, where he underwent the religious ordinance.

Mr. Gyebi has since “reunited” with his wife, and both are dedicated to their new-found faith in Christ. To God be the Glory!

The “Sefwi Nkwanta for Christ” crusade officially kickstarts this evening (October 18, 2022) under the theme: “In Him Is Life” (John 1:4).

The Evangelism Ministry Directorate is organising the four-day event, in partnership with the Nkwanta District of The Church of Pentecost, at the Tanoso community park. 


A New 3-Unit Classroom Block Has Been Commissioned For Zongo Macheri Pentecost School

Through its School Infrastructure Development Project, the Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS) has constructed a 3-Unit Classroom block for the Pentecost School Zongo Macheri located in the Krachi-Nchumburu District of Ghana and in the Kete-Krachi Area of the Church of Pentecost. The construction of the new classroom block received support from the Kete-Krachi Area and the Zongo Macheri District of the Church.

The Pentecost School, Zongo Macheri, was established in 1998 and currently has 283 pupils from KG to JHS level. The School has had challenges in the past, and especially during the rainy seaso; it was difficult for teachers and students to have classes. The JHS was using an old, dilapidated pavilion structure as a classroom. The primary School has been absorbed by the Government, while the Church privately manages the JHS.

The new 3-Unit classroom block, which commenced in 2020, was constructed at the cost of GHS69,533.00 (The Headquarters through PENTSOS provided GHS50,000 funding for the project while the Kete Krachi Area and the Zongo Macheri District supported with GHS19,533)

The new 3-Unit classroom block will improve access for children in the Zongo Macheri community and nearby villages and the 283 pupils in the School. The project will, among other things, also contribute to increased enrolment in the School.

Before (the Old JHS Classroom structure)
(Now) Newly constructed 3-Unit Classroom Block for Zongo Macheri School by the Church of Pentecost

The Area Head, Aps. Joseph Danzerl and assisted by the Chief of Zongo Macheri, Nana Kofi Agyagne II,  commissioned the newly constructed classroom block on 10th October, 2022.  At the commissioning ceremony were Ministers in the Kete Krachi Area of the Church.

At the commissioning ceremony, the Area Head said that the construction of the new classroom block was consistent with the vision of the Church of Pentecost, Vision 2023, “Possessing the Nations.” He commended the Chairman, Aps. Eric Nyamekye, the General Secretary, Aps. Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, the IMD, Aps. Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe and the PENTSOS Director, Elder Richard Amaning, for their support of the School. He acknowledged the support of all past Ministers of the Church in the Area and Zongo Macheri District. The Area Head, again, commended the Government’s support for the School and the relentless effort of the Head of the School, Teaching Staff, Parents like Elder Asamoah and Mr. Kwayaja, the past P.T.A Chairmen and Mr. Bawah, and others, for continuing to offer help to the School during the crises.

1535 Souls Won Ahead Of “Sefwi-Nkwanta For Christ” Crusade

Over 1500 residents of the Sefwi, Pataboso and Nkwanta communities in the Western-North Region of Ghana have surrendered their lives to Christ during preliminary activities held ahead of the much-anticipated “Sefwi-Nkwanta for Christ” Crusade.

The activities ranged from film outreaches, house-to-house evangelism, ghetto evangelism, sports evangelism, gospel tracts distribution, dawn and information centre broadcast and personal evangelism.

The weeklong activities took place in the Nkwanta, Pataboso, Ankra-Muano, Breman, Debiso and Kunkumso communities between Tuesday, October 11 and Saturday, October 15, 2022. 

The 42-member delegation of the Evangelism Ministry comprised the Gospel Heralds, prayer team, PENSA-KNUST, sports missionaries, and mobile van operators.

The team was led by Elder Albert Narh (Coopted member of the National Executive Committee of the Evangelism Ministry), Pastor Frank Agyei (Evangelism Ministry Media Team Member), Pastor Frank Owuah Fordjour (Evangelism Ministry Outreach Coordinator), and Elder Justice Kusi (Films Ministry Coordinator).

Out of the 705 adult souls during the period, 202 have been baptised in water, whilst 49 of them have received Holy Spirit baptism.

The four-day “Sefwi Nkwanta for Christ” crusade, which is set to take place from October 18 to 19, 2022, is under the theme: “In Him Is Life” (John 1:4).

The event is being jointly organised by the Evangelism Ministry Directorate and the Nkwanta District of the Church at the Tanoso community park. 


38 Surrender To Christ During Pataboso Film Outreach

Thirty-eight souls were won and baptised during a film evangelism outreach organised by the Evangelism Ministry of The Church of Pentecost at the Pataboso community last Tuesday.

The new converts surrendered their lives to Christ after coming to terms with the reality of the end times after watching a movie titled “The Final Account.” 

They willingly responded to an altar call by Elder Amos Mensah (Sunyani Cinema Van Operator of the Church) after the movie and were led to accept Christ as Lord and personal Saviour. 

The event was held in preparation towards the four-day “Sefwi Nkwanta for Christ” crusade to be jointly organised by the Evangelism Ministry Directorate and the Nkwanta District of the Church at the Tanoso community park.

Prior to the film outreach, members of the Evangelism Ministry Advanced Team embarked on a house-to-house evangelism exercise which also yielded 33 souls to the glory of God.

The much-anticipated “Sefwi Nkwanta for Christ” Crusade officially begins tomorrow October 18, and ends on October 19, 2022.


Evangelism Team Baptises 20 New Converts Despite Python Scare

In a spine-chilling incident, members of the Evangelism Ministry Advance Team of The Church of Pentecost came across a giant python on their way to baptise some new converts who had surrendered their lives to Christ during a film outreach held at Anhwiaso yesterday (October 16, 2022).

The python, about 6 feet long and weighing about 15 kg, was lying in the Nkonkon river, where they were going to have the water baptism.

The team took no notice of the reptile since the area was totally dark. However, when one team member flashed a torch light, the python came out of the water and laid ashore.

The sight of the animal scared them and caused them to step back for cover. After regaining their composure, they grabbed some sticks and slew the snake.

Undeterred by the incident, the team went on to baptise the converts in another river opposite the one where they had slain the python.

Out of the 22 souls won during the outreach, the team baptised 20; the remaining two were ready to undergo the religious ritual but took to their heels at the sight of the python and thus had their session postponed to a later date.

The film evangelism outreach was part of some preliminary activities organised by the Evangelism Ministry ahead of the “Sefwi-Nkwanta for Christ” crusade set to take place from October 18 to 19, 2022.

The event, which is being jointly organised by the Evangelism Ministry Directorate and the Nkwanta District of the Church at the Tanoso community park, is under the theme: In Him Is Life (John 1:4).


End Galamsey Now! – Religious Leaders Cry Out

Leaders of the various religious bodies in Ghana have called on the Government to, as a matter of urgency, ban the activities of all small-scale mining (whether licensed or illegal) in the country.

This, according to them, is to forestall the future of Ghana and end the devastation that illegal mining, popularly known as galamsey, is causing the nation, coupled with the associated negative health and socio-economic effects on the country. 

“We call for the immediate ban of all small-scale mining. We have taken notice that many groups or companies hide behind a legal license to wreak havoc on the environment. To that end, we call for an immediate ban on all forms of small-scale mining, whether licensed or not, until a workable and satisfactory road map has been established to ensure responsible mining in our country,” they stated.

They added: “This is the time to put Ghana first beyond political party affiliations and personal gains in order to secure a better future for our children; this is the whole basis of sustainable development. The adverse impacts of galamsey are seriously  undermining our collective national  efforts to achieve  our sustainable development goals.”

The clarion call was made during a joint press conference held in Accra on Monday, October 17, 2022, by the religious leaders in Ghana, including the Christian Council of Ghana, Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council, Office of the National Chief Imam, Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, Ghana and the National Association of Charismatic and Christian Churches.

Present were theMost Rev. Philip Naameh (President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference), Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong Manso (President of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council), Most Rev. Dr. Paul Kwabena Boafo (Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana), Apostle Eric Nyamekye (Chairman of The Church of Pentecost), Mr Emmanuel Baba Mahama (National President of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International), and Sheikh Aremeyaw Shaibu (the Spokesperson for the National Chief Imam), among other top religious leaders in the country.

Lamenting on the devasting effects that galamsey has caused and continues to cause Ghana, the religious leaders issued an eight-point communique stating their solution to solving the menace, saying, we seek to draw the attention of Ghanaians to the following:

1. We are calling for a week of fasting and prayers to pray for change of hearts and for God’s mercy upon our nation for the destruction we have caused the environment.

2. We call for the IMMEDIATE BAN of all small-scale mining. We have taken notice that many groups or companies hide behind a legal license to wreak havoc to the environment. To that end, we call for an immediate ban on all forms of small-scale mining, whether licensed or not, until a workable and satisfactory road map has been established to ensure responsible mining in our country.

3. We call for an immediate national stakeholder’s dialogue under the auspices of religious leaders (while the ban is in place) to dialogue with all political parties, mining technocrats, the media, traditional leaders and all stakeholders to commit to a non­ partisan National Strategy to sustainably deal with this national canker before we sink as a nation.

4. We call on government to swiftly arrest and, prosecute all those involved in galamsey activities in Ghana without fear or favour, to serve as a deterrent to others. Those who desire to be rich at the expense of the future of our country should face the full rigors of the law.

5. With immediate effect, we call on religious leaders to wear red armbands to show our deep concern for the destruction of our environment through galamsey.

6. We call for the arrest and immediate prosecution of any chief who permits galamsey activities within his jurisdiction for any reason.

7. We give an ULTIMATUM to MMDCEs in the country to ensure that water bodies that have been polluted because of illegal mining activities within their sphere of governance are clean by June 30, 2023. The Religious Leaders in the country are ready to mobilise our legal team to go to court on this matter and have MMDCEs who have allowed such menace in their jurisdiction to be removed from office.

8. We have realised that galamsey is preventing the youth from going to school. We call on all well-meaning Ghanaians to immediately report any child of school-going age who is involved in galamsey activities in their communities to the appropriate authorities and also to their respective religious leaders.


Church Leaders Tour Galamsey Sites

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost and 2nd Vice Chairman of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC), Apostle Eric Nyamekye, yesterday joined a delegation of church leaders in Ghana on a fact-finding tour to some illegal mining (Galamsey) sites in the country.

The tour was meant to observe at firsthand the level of devastation perpetrated by the galamsey operators.

Among the church delegation was Bishop Dr Paul Boafo (Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and immediate-past Chairman of the Christian Council of Ghana), and Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong Manso (President, GPCC).

The others were Rev. Cyril Fayose (General Secretary of the Christian Council of Ghana), Apostle A.N.Y. Kumi-Larbi (General Secretary, The Church of Pentecost), Apostle Eric Kingsley Darko (Vice President, Council for Independent Churches) and Apostle Samuel Antwi (Executive Council Member of The Church of Pentecost and Former GPCC General Secretary).

The delegation also included ministers from The Church of Pentecost, Apostolic Church- Ghana and the Deeper Life Bible Church.

“The Beauty of Nature”

As part of the tour, the team made a quick stop at Boadua to pay a courtesy call on Osabarima Oware Asare Pronko III, the Chief of Apinamang, one of the towns in the Eastern Region of Ghana adversely affected by the activities of illegal mining.

Nana Asare Pronko, a passionate environmentalist, and his elders received the team at his eco-tourism resort and wildlife reserve, which he had deliberately (albeit ironical) named “The Beauty of Nature.”

The chief admitted that illegal mining is prevalent in his community and lamented about how the non-scientific approach of the miners is destroying vegetation and waterbodies.

“They do not even fill the mining pits after they are done, and this makes it difficult to reclaim the land for productive use. I have done everything but to no avail. I am now helpless!” he said.

The chief commended the religious leaders for undertaking a good initiative to help in the fight against galamsey and advised them not to allow anyone to discourage or intimidate them. He also pledged his support towards fighting the environmental menace.

“Why should we allow this (illegal mining) to go on? If other chiefs are part of it then not me – I refuse to be part of this!” he said.

Nana Pronko also gave the team a tour around his ecotourism park and touted his personal efforts in preserving the environment for posterity.

Apinamang Galamsey Site

At Apinamang, the delegation visited an active illegal mining site where they were met with abandoned pits, muddy water (polluted) and destroyed cocoa farm lands. The sorry state of the land and sheer level of devastation ignited deep emotions from the team who soon began to sing patriotic songs.

Addressing the press, Bishop Dr. Paul Boafo reminded Christians in Ghana about the duty they have to take care of God’s creation and ensure that people living on the earth prosper.

He called on all stakeholders (chiefs, government, church, institution etc.) to come on board in order to seek a non-partisan and lasting solution to the galamsey endemic.

“This is a collective fight, and all Ghanaians should come on board and let’s fight galamsey. We need to adopt a non-partisan approach in dealing with this problem, just as we did with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rev. Paul Frimpong, on his part, called on all responsible governmental agencies to rise and act in order to save the dire situation.

“My heart is burning. This is an absolute disaster and disgrace to the country. We must not entertain any political party that supports galamsey,” he said.

Father Dieudonne Davor, who represented the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference, at the tour, said that the alarming rate of the destruction calls for an urgent action, and therefore, reiterated that government must not relent in its effort to clamp down on the activities of illegal miners.

Dr. George Manful, an environmentalist, retired diplomat and Environmental advisor to the Assemblies of God Church, expressed disbelief at the unimaginable proportions of destruction caused by the activities of illegal miners, describing it as “environmental rape.”

“I have followed the issue of galamsey for quite a long time. Formerly, the perpetuators used to mine with pickaxes, now they are using excavators! This tells how much the practice has escalated,” he said.

“A Complex Problem”

Apostle Eric Nyamekye bemoaned the lack of political will in the fight against the galamsey threat.

“We have all the environmental laws on paper, what we lack is the will to enforce them. Leaders must lead, they must enforce laws otherwise human beings, by their nature, will always go way ward,” he stated.

He said that the complex nature of the issue calls for a multifaceted approach in coming up with an effective intervention to address illegal mining in the country.

He, however, stated that “Galamsey is a human problem so human beings can solve it. We should not leave to the politicians; all stakeholders must come together to fix it.

Mother of five loses her land

The delegation ended their tour at the house of 45-year-old Joyce Worwonyo. Joyce, a member of the Miremire Assembly of the Apinamang District of The Church of Pentecost is a victim of galamsey operation.

The mother of five is being ejected from her house after the landowner sold it to galamseyers.

According to her, the miners, who have warned her severally to evacuate the land, have destroyed her cocoa farm in just four months after beginning their operations. The activities of the miners had left a huge pit close to her house, thus endangering the lives of her relatives.

Petitioning the President

In a letter issued last Monday by Dr. Cyril Fayose, the General Secretary of the Christian Council of Ghana (CCG), the Christian ecumenical bodies expressed their intent to petition the government to swiftly intervene to end the destruction of all the country’s forest reserves and water bodies by the activities of illegal mining.

Ahead of the petitioning, the Christian leaders would address a press conference at the Assemblies of God Church Head Office at Osu in Accra, to remind Ghanaians of their mandate to keep the environment and be responsible stewards of same (Genesis 2:15).

The Galamsey Menace

Galamsey has become a topical issue in Ghana in recent months following a resurgence in news reports on its continued negative impact on the environment, particularly the country’s water bodies.

The Ghana Water Company Limited has said that continuous destruction of water bodies through illegal mining is increasing the cost of water due to the rising cost of aluminum sulphate used for the treatment.


Trust God In All Situations – Pastor Matthew Gbeku Admonishes Christians

The Abuakwa District Minister of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor Matthew Yao Gbeku, has admonished Christians, especially ministers to trust in God because he cares for them.

He said this in a short sermon he delivered on the final day of the 2022 Retirement Seminar held for ministers who have up to ten years to retire from active service of the church at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh, near Kasoa.

According to him, Christians are supposed to trust in God in all situations.

Speaking on the topic, “Trust in the One who called you because He cares for you (1 Thessalonians 5:24), Pastor Gbeku identified five ways in which God cares for Christians.

He explained that as Christians, God is able to answer all their prayers and so they should believe in Him.

He added that God provides hidden things that believers do not even know that they need themselves, and also provides them with material things (Mathew 25:34), equips them spiritually, and also shows them constant love.

“So, in every day, trust in Him. Renew your trust in him. Trust that by all means and at all cost, God will provide for you,” he ended.


PENTSOS Trains Heads Of Institutions

Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS), the social ministry arm of The Church of Pentecost, has organised a two-day leadership and financial management workshop for heads of its institutions.

The event, the first of its kind, was attended by heads of the church’s educational and health institutions from all over the country. Currently, The Church of Pentecost has 10 health institutions and 105 educational institutions.

Addressing the participants at the opening of the programme at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh, on Thursday, October 13, 2022, the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, spoke on the topic: “Missions and Social Transformation” – Matthew 28:19-20; John 17:18.

Explaining why the church is involved in social transformation, the Chairman said that the church is sent out into the world as an agent of transformation.

According to him, before the church can enter into the world, it must package itself such that the world will be able to receive it, just as God packaged Jesus Christ and brought him into the world through a woman, other than that if Jesus had come into the world in his celestial form, it would not have been possible for the world to receive him.

Apostle Nyamekye indicated that one way that the church is entering the world is through missions and social transformation, where the gospel is packaged and shown to the world in love.

“All these social interventions that we are doing is to package Christ to the people so that they can come to him and be saved,” he said.

He added: “For us as a church, we have been sent on a mission to transform the world, hence building the prisons, schools, hospitals, police stations, and potable water.”

He also said that as part of the church’s Vision 2023, members are being equipped with kingdom values and principles to change their spheres for Christ. He, therefore, asked believers to let their light shine to dispel every darkness in society.

Apostle Nyamekye called on the church to be concerned with what goes on in society, saying, “If we do not enter the world to change it for the better, the world can never change.”

In a presentation on the topic, ”Integrity of a Leader,” the General Secretary, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, said that God has made Christians as the light and salt of the world to change the system and make it more godly.

He, however, wondered why Christians form about 72 percent of the Ghanaian population, and yet corruption, bribery, cronyism, nepotism, and wanton destruction of natural resources like water bodies and the land has become the order of the day.

Reading various scriptures of the Bible with Proverbs 10:9; Psalm 78:72 as his main texts, he noted that what the world needs is men and women of impeccable integrity.

“We need people of integrity in our institutions because corruption has become endemic in Ghana,” he said, adding, “If you are a person of integrity, you are fit for a purpose.”

Apostle Kumi-Larbi mentioned that integrity produces honour, truth and reliability as it deepens relationships and develops the confidence of others in a person.

A Trustee of the church, Elder Emmanuel Anane Boate, in a presentation on “Being a Leader in a Christian Organisation,” stated that the greatest problem of any organisation is lack of leadership since leadership has a great role in building institutions.

Explaining the concept of a Christian organisation, he said that it is an organisation whose statement of faith and values reflect the mission of the Lord Jesus Christ, stressing that they exist to promote the agenda of Christ.

He disclosed that those who qualify to lead Christian organisations should be committed and trustworthy Christians.  

The PENTSOS Director, Elder Richard Amaning, thanked the leadership of the church for their continuous support of the activities of the organisation.

Some of the topics treated were ‘Workplace Professionalism and Delivery of Service in a Christian Institution’ by Elder Prof. Tweneboah Koduah; ‘Building the PENTSOS Ecosystem’ by Elder Richard Amaning (PENTSOS Director); ‘Strengthening Internal Controls’ by Elder Firang Boakye (Audit Manager, Head Office); ‘Discipline as a mark of Leader’ by Apostle Lawrence Otu-Nyarko (FAD), and ‘The Head as a Mediator’ by Apostle Philip Osei Korsah (Director of Counselling Ministry).


Your Children Are Your Greatest Treasure – Apostle Nyamekye Declares

The Chairman of The Church Of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has stated that children are the greatest treasure during retirement. 

According to him, the believer’s greatest support is in God and their children, and not even the Church.

“We die but our legacy continues in our children. Your strength in your old age will be found in your children,” he stated.

Apostle Nyamekye made this assertion on Thursday, October 13, 2022, at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh, near Kasoa during the 2022 Retirement Seminar for ministers who have up to ten years (2023-2032) to retire from active service of the church. 

The event, which started on Tuesday and will end on Friday, October 14, 2022, is under the theme: “Possessing the Nations: Serving the Saints” (Heb. 6:10). 

Speaking on the topic: “Forsake me not when my strength is spent” (Psalm 71), the Chairman noted that it is important to discuss old age and death so that people can factor it into their planning. 

“If death is inevitable, put it in your plans,” he said, adding, “If you plan to live long, it will affect the way you conduct yourself; the way you exercise and sleep. If you want to live long, you have to plan; you have to plan to die. Do not defer all these in the hands of God.”

The Chairman further noted that retirement age can be full of loneliness, and the solution to it is to make friends while in active service before retiring, saying, “Make friends, for they will be of great help to you in your old age.”

Pointing out the challenges of old age and retirement, Apostle Eric Nyamekye listed loss of physical strength – bodily or muscular power and vigour; mental power – firmness and courage; loss of power by reason or influence – authority, resources, and numbers.

“All of us grow with the fear of the unknown. It manifests itself very well in children, but it returns at old age; the fear of darkness, fear of noise, and the fear of falling,” he added.

Using Eli and his sons in 1 Samuel 2:12-36 as a case study, the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost emphasised that children are indeed the greatest treasure here on earth and that parents need to be intentional in raising them so that they will not go astray. 

“The promise of God could be transgenerational, however, the role of children seen to the fulfilment of these promises cannot be overlooked,” he said, adding, “If God’s promise to Abraham has to come to pass, it depends on the children.”