Denkyira Dominase District Holds Mass Wedding

Denkyira Dominase District Holds Mass Wedding

The Dominase District in the Dunkwa Area of The Church of Pentecost has organised a mass wedding for 11 couples in the district.

The colourful ceremony took place on December 10, 2022, at the Dominase Central Assembly, with Pastor Alexander Kwabena Abrafi (Ayanfuri District), Pastor Peter Quayson (Diaso District/Area Secretary), and the host, Overseer Robert Fobi, as the officiating ministers.

The Area Secretary, Pastor Peter Quayson, who spoke on the topic: “The Gospel According to Marriage,” admonished the gathering to see marriage as a Gospel (Good News).

He advised Christian couples to let their marriages be a shining example to others since they are the ‘Bibles’ unbelievers read (2 Cor. 3:2-3).

According to the Dominase District Minister, Overseer Robert Fobi, the ceremony was a dream come true. He thanked God for a successful ceremony.

“All glory to Jesus, for His grace lavished on us. We also thank the Area Head, Apostle Jones Awuah Afrifa, and his wife, Mrs Juliana Afrifa for their guidance, direction and unfeigned love,” he said.

Report by Pastor Joe Tibiru.

Pastor Afawuah Launches Maiden Children’s Music Album

Pastor Afawuah Launches Maiden Children’s Music Album

Pastor John Afawuah, the Kumasi Sector Children’s Ministry Pastor of The Church of Pentecost, has launched a maiden children’s music album titled “Mmɔfra Ho Hia” (Translated: Children Are Important).

The 16-track album, which was unveiled on Sunday, December 18, 2022, at the Santasi Bethel Assembly of the Church, contains Sunday School songs like “Abofra Ketewa,” “Mmofra Ho Hia,” “I am a Child.”

Pastors, leaders, teachers and members of the Children’s Ministry from the various Areas and Districts were present to grace the launch.

The album also featured the Echoes of Godly Children, the Kumasi Sector children’s choir.

Speaking at the event, Pastor John Afawuah revealed that the influence of secular music on children recently is outrageous, and its impact on their future is highly pernicious. 

According to the Children’s Pastor, he was inspired by God to invest in the young ones to impact their fellows with godly music, which is another approach to lead people to the saving knowledge of Christ Jesus.

“Trending songs across the various social media platforms negatively affect the spiritual growth and development of the young. That is why we have been inspired to put these songs together to build them in the fear of the Lord for the future of this country,” he said.

He added that “the voice of the Children’s Ministry behind the lyrics will help engage their fellow children and impact them positively for God and the country.”

He encouraged Christian parents to saturate their homes with Christian music before calling on the masses to embrace songs from the Echoes of Godly Children.

Some of the children who featured in the songs on the album appreciated the efforts put up by their leadership and the opportunity given them. They, therefore, encouraged their fellows not to be shy of their God-given talents but must use them at church to the glory of God.

Report by Dennis Owusu & Emmanuel Nana Nsiah

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

There had not been any divine utterance or visits in roughly 400 years. It had been 400 years of no prophetic guidance. It had been about 400 years since the presence of the Lord lifted from the Temple according to the vision of Ezekiel. Israel had come under independent kings for about four centuries while the priests continued their dry worship in the Temple devoid of any divine intervention.

Oppression had increased. Leaders had become power drunk. Officials had joined hands with foreign governments and were exploiting their own country folks. However, the common citizen of the day secretly yearned in their hearts for the day the Lord would fulfil His vow to send them their Messiah and free them from their tribulations and afflictions.

Then the fullness of the Lord’s timing came. Angelic visits broke forth. Zachariah, an elderly priest, was the first to experience this. But because he had probably not seen such a scene since his long service in the Temple, he doubted the message of the angel which led to him being struck with dumbness. Afterwards, the shepherds, the wise men, Mary, and Joseph would all continue to see angels appear to them. In all these instances the Lord was preparing the grounds for the appearing of the Immanuel (Himself)—the One who was God with humanity.

While they were in Bethlehem to be enumerated according to the orders of Caesar Augustus, the time came for Mary to give birth to the Child she conceived by the Holy Spirit. Many individuals had arrived in Bethlehem because of the census. The hospitality industry was booming. Joseph had no place for his wife to birth her Divine Baby because there was not a room in the inn (guest house). Therefore, she had to deliver the most precious Child ever to have been born on earth in a Manger (feeding trough that belonged to animals).

As if that was not enough. When the news got to the ears of Herod, the president of the country then, he also could not find a ‘room’ to keep this Little Boy because he was told that Mary’s Son was Israel’s King. Once more, this Boy’s reign would be unassailable in contrast to Herod, which would end with his demise. Mary’s Son would will rule forever.

Filled with anger, envy and insecurity, Herod set out to eliminate the King of the Jews. He ordered that all male children from two years and below be killed (Matt. 2:16). For power, Herod would slaughter the children and bring tears to the eyes and sorrows to the hearts of the very people he was to care for as a leader. This makes the words of the psalmist very relevant. He queried, “why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing?” But he answers himself saying, “the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against His Anointed (Jesus Christ)” (Psalms 2:1-2).

But the mystery is that, the plan of God never fails. Whatever He purposes to do, He will do with many or with few, with the high or with the lowly, with the experienced or the inexperienced. He always makes room for Himself to fulfill His own plans. So you will realize that when He had no room in the inn, He found a room in the manger. Again, when He had no ‘room’ with Herod (Israel), He made a room for Himself in Egypt (Matt. 2:13-15).

Today, Jesus is still seeking a place to lay His head in our hearts. It is not as if He does not have a place to sleep! He is actually looking forward to blessing us with His presence in our lives. For it is in Him that we live, move, and have our being. He is the very fountain of life.

Therefore, as Paul puts it, we can hope for glory if we have Christ in us (Col. 1:27). If we can prepare Him room in our homes, in our work places, in our personal lives, in our marital lives, in our ministerial lives, in our worship, and in our social lives, we can hope to see His glory illuminate all these areas of our lives. For until today, Jesus is still standing behind the door, knocking and hoping to be given an entrance (Rev. 3:20) and seeking that we hand our lives wholly to Him to rule over.

However, keep in mind that if He cannot find a room with us, He will seek one elsewhere where He will be accepted. God has no favourites. He gives the right to become a child of God to anyone who believes in Him and accepts Him (John 1:12). But to those who make no room for Him, He says, “He who rejects Me and does not receive My words has that which judges him—the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day” (John 12:48). Therefore, today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart. Let every heart prepare Him room: Jesus is Lord! 

Written by P/Overseer Isaac Kwabena Tagoe (Nanton District, Tamale)

Children’s Workers End 3-Day Strategic Meeting

Children’s Workers End 3-Day Strategic Meeting

The Children’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost organised a three-day strategic meeting for Children’s workers at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh.

The meeting was called at the instance of the National Directorate for selected leaders across all the regions of Ghana.

The event afforded the participants the opportunity to review the programmes and activities of the ministry for the first half of the four-year mandate of the Directorate and to chart a path for the years ahead.

“I am glad to inform you that you have been selected as a privileged few to represent the various blocks and shades of the Children’s Ministry across the country to review, reinvent and create a new direction for the ministry going forward. It is my hope that you will bring all your expertise and experiences on board as we strive to build a better foundation for the church going into the future,” Pastor Professor William Otoo Ellis, the Children’s Ministry Director, noted.

Addressing the participants, the Patron of the Children’s Ministry, Prophet David Kankam Beditor, admonished all to give their very best towards raising godly children whom God will use to possess the nations.

Speaking on the topic “Plan Strategically Before the Stones Cry Out” with scriptural reference from Luke 19:32-40, Prophet Beditor said God always has a backup plan or a replacement plan for anyone he chooses for specific assignments.

“For Jesus to tell the Pharisees that stones will cry out if men refuse to praise him means that God can use anything and anybody to accomplish his purpose. Ours is to avail ourselves for his use or be ready to be replaced,” he asserted.

The meeting, which is the first of its kind by the ministry, is expected to create a forum to brainstorm to review the plans and activities of the Children’s Ministry and also chart innovative paths to ensure the progress of the ministry.

Present at the meeting were National Executive Committee members, Area Leaders and Workers of the Children’s Ministry.

Report by Pastor Samuel Avornyo & Deborah Nueki Asemnor

Apostle Nyamekye Commends Children’s Workers

Apostle Nyamekye Commends Children’s Workers

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has lauded the crucial work being executed by workers (teachers) of the Children’s Ministry of The Church of Pentecost.

“It is a fact that Children’s Workers, more often than not, are not appreciated although they play crucial roles in building and sustaining the church. But I must confess that you are doing a great job for the church, and I will urge you to continue,” he noted.

Apostle Eric Nyamekye said this on Thursday, December 15, 2022, during his interaction with Children’s Workers of the Church, who had gathered for a strategic planning meeting at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh.

The Chairman encouraged the participants not to relax or give up on this all-important work the Lord has called them to do in the church’s quest to raise godly children who will go out there to possess the nations for the Lord.

He expressed his joy and appreciation for the effort put in by leadership at all levels in ensuring the success of the just-ended Children’s Rally held across the country. “It was heartwarming seeing our young ones sending the gospel to the world. In the coming years, the children’s rally will be institutionalised to be held in the month of November,” he pledged.

The meeting, which brought together a cross-section of children’s workers drawn from all the regions of the country, was geared towards reviewing the first half of the four-year mandate of the Director of the Children’s Ministry, and to chart a new path to ensure positive growth and sustenance of the ministry.

Report by Pastor Samuel Avornyo

First Cohort of Elders Training Program Graduate

First Cohort of Elders’ Training Course Graduate

Saturday, December 17, 2022, will forever be etched in the history books of The Church of Pentecost as the day when the first batch of elders of the Church passed out with certificates in Theology and Pastoral Studies having successfully completed the newly-introduced Elders Training Course at the Pentecost University (PU).

The historic event took place at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh, during the university’s 14th Congregation.

In his address, the Chancellor of Pentecost University, who doubles as the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, stated that the Church’s five-year strategic vision (Vision 2023: Possessing the Nations) considers Pentecost University as an important institution; one of the vehicles through which the vision can be achieved.

He iterated that the Church also recognises the need to build a vibrant church that will be relevant to future generations, saying, “If the church is to stand the test of time, it will require the upscaling of our church leadership and members.”

He added: “As a result, it is the resolve of The Church of Pentecost to encourage the leadership of the local assemblies through sponsorship packages to enroll on the certificate programme in Theology and Pastoral Studies at Pentecost University, dubbed, the ‘Elders’ Training Program’.”

The Vice Chancellor of Pentecost University, Apostle Professor Kwabena Agyapong-Kodua, said that majority of the 2,832 graduating students at the event were Elders of the church who were sponsored by The Church of Pentecost for the newly-introduced training program.

He, however, explained that although a total of 8,699 Elders have successfully passed out, the University took the decision to hold separate graduation ceremonies at the regional levels for them. This, among other reasons, was to prevent travelling inconveniences for elders in other regions, he added.

Some ministers’ wives of The Church of Pentecost, who had also successfully completed a Church-sponsored course at the university, obtained certificates in Christian Ministry at the event.

Apostle Dr. Christian Tsekpoe, the Head of Ministerial Formation and Training at the Pentecost School of Theology and Missions, urged the Church leaders, particularly the elders, to serve as ambassadors of Pentecost University by recommending the university to church members and other acquaintances. PENTECOST NEWS

Pent TV's Kwabena Mantey Wins Best Presenter Awardse

Pent TV’s Kwabena Mantey Wins Best Presenter Award

Mr. Daniel Kwabena Mantey, the Head of News and TV Anchor at Pent TV, has been adjudged the Christian Television Presenter of the Year” at the maiden edition of the Praise Achievement Awards ceremony held yesterday at the Oil Dome of the RoyalHouse Chapel in Accra.

Kwabena Mantey, who is also the Lead Producer of the station’s “Asembi Morning Show” and Co-Host of the “Stories of the Day” segment on the programme, beat 13 other nominees to annex the coveted award.

The Praise Achievement Awards is an annual Christian Music Award ceremony, established to recognise exceptional achievements in the Christian ministry, music and media.

Over 50 individuals and institutions were rewarded for excelling in various fields at this year’s event.

Pent TV was also awarded the “Best Christian TV Station of the Year.”

The ceremony was attended by prominent media practitioners, gospel musicians and thousands of gospel music patrons.


PENT TV Adjudged Best Christian TV Station In Ghana

PENT TV Adjudged Best Christian TV Station In Ghana

Pent TV, a free-to-air television station owned by The Church of Pentecost, has been adjudged the best Christian TV station in Ghana at the 2022 Praise Achievement Awards.

The Praise Achievement Awards is an annual Christian Music Awards ceremony, instituted to recognise exceptional achievements in the Christian ministry, music and media.

The station’s Head of News and TV Anchor, Mr Daniel Kwabena Mantey, was also presented with the “Best Christian TV  Presenter for the Year” award at the event.

In all, about 50 individuals and institutions were recognised and honoured at the maiden event.

Pent TV is a limited liability company duly incorporated in Ghana with the primary purpose of carrying out the business of digital television broadcasting.

The station is carving a niche in the media landscape by propagating purely Christian content to the masses with a view of changing the status quo and positively affecting the mindsets of television viewers.

The event, which took place at the RoyalHouse’s Oil Dome in Accra last Sunday, December 18, 2018, was attended by prominent media practitioners, gospel musicians and more than 30,000 patrons of gospel music.


Harrison Sarpong, Esther Acheampong Win Chairman’s Best Worker Award

Harrison Sarpong, Esther Acheampong Win Chairman’s Best Worker Award

Elder Harrison Ankomah Sarpong and Esther Akomah Acheampong are joint winners of the coveted The Church of Pentecost Chairman’s Best Worker Award for 2022.

The duo was conferred with the prestigious award at the closing ceremony of The Church of Pentecost Headquarters 2022 Management & Staff Retreat on Friday, December 16, 2022, held at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh, near Kasoa.

The event coincided with the retirement service of nine staff of the Headquarters. Other staff who have served the organisation for some years received long service awards.

Elder Harrison Ankomah Sarpong

Elder Harrison Ankomah Sarpong, currently the Audit Assurance Manager at the Audit, Monitoring and Evaluation (AME) Department at the Headquarters, joined the organisation 21 years ago (2001).

Speaking to Pentecost News after receiving the award, Elder Sarpong thanked God for the honour, saying, “I feel very great because this is the greatest award every staff will expect.”

According to him, though he has worked very had over the years, he least expected it now being in a managerial position, since the award usually goes to staff below the rank of manager. He, therefore, urged his colleague staff to work hard and God will honour them at the right time.

He believed his award is an encouragement to both staff in managerial positions and lower ranks.

Esther Akomah Acheampong

Esther Akomah Acheampong, an Accounts Officer at the Goaso Area Office in the Ahafo Region, was employed by the organisation six years ago. She described the award as a doing of the Lord since she did not expect it.

“This award is going to encourage me to continue to work diligently by putting up my best for the Church, society and country,” she said.

She had this advice for her colleagues: “They should be diligent in their duties and abide by the rules and policies of the church, and above all honour their leaders and God.”


Pentecost University 14th Congregation Held

Pentecost University 14th Congregation Held

Pentecost University (PU) held its 14th graduation ceremony on Saturday, December 17, 2022, at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh, near Kasoa in the Central Region of Ghana.

History was made at the event as the first batch of the Elders’ Training program of the university, sponsored by The Church of Pentecost, passed out with certificates in Theology and Pastoral Studies.

Offering fraternal greetings, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of Methodist University Ghana, Very Reverend Professor John David Ekem commended the university for its continued support and called for more collaborations between Christian institutions.

“I believe the time has come for Christian private universities to join resources together in a united front. When this is done, the fortunes of this nation will be turned over,” he said.

In his address, the Chancellor of Pentecost University and Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, congratulated the University Council, management, and staff of the university for the steady progress made over the last few years.

He stated: “Education forms the bedrock of nations development and gradually the world is reckoning that the value-based education is the way to go.

Despite the increase in access to education, and the resultant knowledge explosion in the 21st century, the living condition of the vast majority of our society, especially in Africa continues to deteriorate and the society continues to be a challenge.”

Apostle Nyamekye stressed that the emergence of Christian universities in our country brings hope as we continue to work positively in the training of ethical leaders for our society.

He, therefore, noted that it is gratifying that the Pentecost University is very much alive to its core mandate and values made to the recognition of a session of our society.

He iterated that the Church will continue to support the university to expand to be able to accommodate more students from the Free SHS program as an effort to produce graduates with ethical leadership qualities.

The Chancellor further stated that the Church would continue to support the university through The Church of Pentecost Chairman Educational Fund (COPCEF), established to provide scholarships to brilliant but needy students at PU as well as infrastructural development at the university.

He urged the graduates to be ambassadors of the institution, saying, “Let’s us go out to reflect on the institution’s motto of Transformation and service.”

Delivering the state-of-the-University address, the Vice-Chancellor of Pentecost University revealed that the university aligned itself with the Ministry of Education’s drive to increase in STEM Education, and invested in the establishment of the International Digital Centre to pioneer research and teaching in industrial applications of artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D printing and smart manufacturing concepts, which according to him are all components of the much-needed industry 4.0 initiative.

Reflecting on the numerous support the Church has given individuals for further studies, and the unwavering pivot it sells for Pentecost University, he expressed his gratitude to the Chairman, Executive Council, all Heads and individuals who are committed to the University, saying, “You are not only improving the spiritual lives of people, you are impacting and transforming a whole society, nation and the world at large.

To the graduates, Apostle Professor Kodua admonished: “This world will test you on your integrity and skills. Do not fail but make us proud and let all know that you were trained at the Pentecost University. Our country does not need more graduates, there are more out there. Don’t just go and add to the numbers. We need graduates with integrity and high skills in solving problems. This is the University A+ agenda, hold the torch high.”

Graduating with a grade point average of 3.95, the Valedictorian and Overall Best Graduating Student, Master Rigwell Addisson Asiedu from the Communications Studies department recalled his days of sleepless nights while studying buttressed with frequent sicknesses. Yet, with determination, he fought through the odds.

“We had no idea of what the future held for us, for we came with various potentials and the university shaped us. We succeeded over the oars; however, the actual success hides behind the walls of the university. Excel in your fields and never settle for mediocrity because this is the end of the journey and the beginning of another,” he said.

Students ranging from the various faculties of Business Administration, Health & Allied Sciences, Science & Computing and Pentecost School of Theology & Missions received ensuing degrees from Masters, Bachelors and Diplomas and Certificates.

Other individuals who excelled in the various departments were also awarded with sponsorships from benevolent organisations and individuals respectively.