Dambai Lakeside Central Church Building Named web

Dambai Lakeside Central Church Building Named After Apostle KKC Gadzekpo

The newly-dedicated Central Assembly church auditorium in the Danmbai Lakeside District of The Church of Pentecost has been named after the late Apostle Kenneth Kwaku Confidence Gadzekpo, widely known as “KKC Gadzekpo.”

The gesture is meant to honour the memory of the late minister who tragically lost his life on Saturday, August 28, 2010, while on a ministerial assignment to Dambai.

The historic moment was witnessed by Church members during the dedication ceremony for the building on Friday, December 30, 2022.

The programme was officiated by the Nkwanta Area Head, Pastor Seth Dwamena Asante, with support from the area pastorate.

The building, which is now known as the Apostle KKC Gadzekpo Memorial Temple, was initiated in 2004 by the then Dambai District Minister, Pastor Frank Kobla Sinatra.

However, after Dambai Lakeside District was created in 2010, P/Overseer George Osei Asiedu (now Pastor), the first minister of the new district, took over the project and worked steadily on the building and saw to the completion of block works, roofing and plastering.

Subsequently, Pastor Gabriel Owusu, the immediate-past Dambai Lakeside District Minister, and his successor, Pastor John Nyarko Akyirem, continued the project until its successful completion.

Present at the dedication ceremony were representatives of the late minister’s family. The Church also presented a citation to the minister’s surviving wife, Madam Florence Adzo Akpene Gadzekpo, at the event.

The Gadzekpo family, in response, expressed their gratitude to God and the Church for the great honour done to them.

Also in attendance were Pastor Gordon Boadi (Area Estate Chairman and Sabon District Minister), Pastor Benson Gyasi (Area Secretary and Nkwanta District Minister), Pastor Michael Osei Frimpong (Dambai Junction District Minister), Pastor Evans Kyere Appah (Kecheibi District Minister), Elder Isaac Bediako (Area Deacon) and Deacon J. K. Ofori (Area Project Officer), among others.

Report by Pastor Albert Adu-Gyamfi (Media Committee Chairman)

Elder Samuel Adu Donates 20-Seater Boat web

Elder Samuel Adu Donates 20-Seater Boat To Akuse District

Elder Samuel Adu has donated a 20-seater boat fitted with a Yamaha outboard motor to the Akuse District of The Church of Pentecost.

The facility, which was constructed at a total cost of GH₵13,800.00, would aid the district’s outreach and missions work in overbank communities of the Volta Lake.

According to Elder Adu, an Executive Committee Member of the district, the Lord laid it on his heart to construct the boat in February last year, and was, therefore, grateful to God for making it a reality.

The Agormanya Area Head, Apostle Samuel Kojo Gakpetor, dedicated the facility on December 31, 2022, with assistance from the Akuse District Minister, Pastor Jacob Kwakye Frimpong, and a section of the District Presbytery.

Dedicating the boat, Apostle Gakpetor thanked God for meeting a dire need of the Church through Elder Adu and his family. He also expressed heartfelt gratitude to the donor and prayed for God’s blessings for the Adu family.

The Area Head also encouraged the leaders and members of the district to make good use of the boat and take proper care of it to prolong its lifespan.

Report by Agormanya Area Media Team.

The Church of Pentecost Donates web

The Church of Pentecost Donates To Kete Krachi Prison

The Nkwanta Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated some items worth GH₵ 18,780.00 to the Kete Krachi Prison in the Oti Region of Ghana.

The donation, which included bags of rice, cooking oil, bags of maize, soaps, biscuits, assorted drinks, bags of gari, washing powder, toilet rolls, tubers of yam, bottled water, tin tomatoes, and a cash donation of GH₵ 2,000.00, was presented on behalf of the Nkwanta Area by a church delegation led by the Area Head, Pastor Seth Dwamena Asante, during a visit to the prison on Friday, December 30, 2022.

Presenting the items to officials of the prison, Pastor Dwamena Asante, said the visit to the facility was to demonstrate the love of God to the inmates. In a short exhortation, Pastor Ernest Wisdom Worlanyo, the Resident Minister for the Pentecost International Worship Centre, Nkwanta (PIWC-Nkwanta), emphasised the love of God for humanity using Matthew 25:35-36 as his anchor text. An altar after the sermon resulted in 103 inmates surrendering their lives to Christ. Receiving the items on behalf of the inmates, the officer in charge of the prison, CSP Christian Anyrator, thanked the Church for the kind gesture, which he described as “a timely visit.” He also prayed for God’s manifold blessings on the Area. The Church delegation comprised Overseer Amos Affedzie (Nkwanta Area Prisons Ministry Committee Chairman), Elder Raymond Amomu (Area Prisons Coordinator), Elder Isaac Bediako (Area Deacon), a section of the area pastorate, and Area Executive Committee members of the Women’s Ministry. Report by Pastor Albert Adu-Gyamfi (Nkwanta Area Media Committee Chairman)

27-Year-Old Man Constructs Church Building web

27-Year-Old Man Constructs Church Building For Tibonaayili Assembly In Northern Region

Stephen Yawson, a 27-year-old member of the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Tarkwa, has single-handedly built a church building for the Tibonaayili Assembly of The Church of Pentecost in the Kpendua District of the Tamale Area.

The young man donated an amount of GH¢90,955.00 to complete the entire project, including the purchase of rechargeable speakers, plastic chairs, and many others to the local church.

The building was dedicated recently by the Tamale Area Head and Executive Council Member of the Church, Apostle Sylvester Arhin. He was assisted by the Kpendua District Minister, Overseer Andrews Owusu.

The District Minister, Overseer Andrews Owusu, thanked the Lord for His abundant grace in making the project a reality.

“We are extremely indebted to God for the life of Brother Stephen Yawson whose uncommon benevolence has made this day a remarkable one. We also acknowledge Brother Emmanuel Ninson through whom we got connected to the donor of this building,” he said.

Overseer Owusu further acknowledged the tireless efforts, support and encouragement from the Tamale Area Head, Apostle Sylvester Arhin and his wife, Mrs Regina Arhin.

Present at the dedication service were Mrs Regina Arhin (wife of Tamale Area Head), the Tamale Area pastorate, Kpendua District officers and members of the Tibonaayili Assembly.

Report by Kpendua District Media.

Ablekuma Agape District Organises web

Ablekuma Agape District Organises “New Converts & New Members” Retreat

The Ablekuma Agape District of The Church of Pentecost has organised a day’s retreat for all new converts and new members who joined the district in the second half of 2022.

The retreat, among others, gave the Church leadership the opportunity to teach participants about the practices and ethos of the Church, introduce them to the various ministries and committees in the Church, and also receive feedback from them on their assimilation into the district in particular, and The Church of Pentecost in general.

The District Minister, Pastor Frank Awuah Fordjour, encouraged the participants to be steadfast in the Lord and also commit themselves to the Church by getting involved in the activities of their respective local assemblies. 

He also urged them to make themselves available to serve in any capacity in the Church whenever they are called upon.

Speaking to PENTECOST NEWS, Pastor Awuah Fordjour explained that a new convert, in the context of The Church of Pentecost (CoP), is one who has made a decision for Christ, been baptised and is ready to fellowship with any local assembly of the Church. 

“The New Member, on the other hand, is an existing member of The Church of Pentecost, who has joined a new local assembly of the Church from another CoP branch or any of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC) member (affiliate) churches,” he said.

In all, 152 people, 37 new members and 115 new converts, attended the programme.

Report by Elder Ibrahim Gamba (District Secretary)

19-Year-Old Muslim With Hearing web

19-Year-Old Muslim With Hearing & Speech Impairment Miraculously Healed

David Miyiri, a 19-year-old Muslim at Chongayiri in the Savannah Region of Ghana, has been miraculously healed of his hearing and speech impairment.

David, the son of a fetish priest at Tuna, received instant healing after the Soma District Minister of The Church of Pentecost, Overseer Christopher Atuah Yeboah, prayed for him at the district mission house.

According to the district minister, David was led to the mission house by his brother, Philip Chonga. 

Narrating his family’s ordeal, Philip said they had tried all possible means, including traditional remedies, to have his brother cured, but to no avail.

“It was my uncle, who is an Elder of the church at Tuna, who advised us to visit the mission house for divine intervention,” he said.

After some time of intensive prayer, David received a divine touch that cause him to hear and speak for the first time in 19 years. He even sang to the glory of God.

Stunned by the miraculous incident, David, his parents and his sibling, Philip, have surrendered their lives to Christ and undergone water baptism.

Report by Sawla Area Media Team

Asumura District Retires 3 Officers

Asumura District Retires 3 Officers

Three officers in the Asumura District in the Goaso Area of The Church of Pentecost have retired from active service after several years of dedicated services to the Church and God.

Pastor Daniel Ackaah of Kojo Kumi District, who represented the Area Head, Apostle William Kojo Edzorhoho, officiated the retirement service held on December 30, 2022.

The retirees are Elder Felix Marthey, who served for 21 years; Elder Andrews Sarfo, who served for 20 years, and Deaconess Comfort Donkor, who served for 42 years.

The retirees could not hide their joy, especially Deaconess Donkor who is a pioneering member of the district, having seen the district grow from a small assembly (Anyimaye assembly) to a district, out of which another district (Pomaakrom District) has been created.

Report by Pastor James Owusu Kusi.

Disciple & Mentor Youth For Maximum Impact – Apostle Kumi-Larbi Tells Church Leaders

Disciple & Mentor Youth For Maximum Impact – Apostle Kumi-Larbi Tells Church Leaders

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, has advised Church leaders to make conscious efforts to build stronger relationships with the Christian youth through mentoring and discipleship.

According to the General Secretary, combining the knowledge and experience of the older generation and the strength and speed of the young generation is a sure bet for maximum impact. 

Apostle Kumi-Larbi said this yesterday when he addressed participants of the ongoing 2023 PENSA Ghana Conference at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) campus.

Delivering a presentation on the theme of the conference: “Repositioning the Youth for Maximum Impact in the Nations,” the Chief Scribe of The Church of Pentecost explained that this year’s theme seeks to underscore the fact that members, particularly the youth, are the Church’s greatest resource, and must, therefore be carefully nurtured, loved and equipped to push the “Possessing the Nations: agenda.

“Repositioning the local church, therefore, means creating the needed atmosphere for the youth to be built up and made sharper for the task of influencing society with the principles, values and lifestyle of the kingdom of God,” he said.

Drawing lessons from Paul and Timothy, Apostle Kumi-Larbi further noted that the duo’s relationship offers Church leaders and the youth a great example of how Christian mentoring and discipleship ought to be carried out.

He further explained that Paul and Timothy are worthy of emulation because they both exhibited the right attitudes needed for ensuring a successful mentoring relationship.

Buttressing his assertion, the General Secretary said Apostle Paul saw Timothy’s potential as a great spiritual leader and subsequently invested his whole heart into helping Timothy develop into the fullness of his calling. 

He, however, emphasised that Timothy also aided the process because he was humble, teachable, and proved to be trustworthy.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi, therefore, urged the youth to also avail themselves to be mentored even as Church leaders make the effort to reach out to them.

“Timothy’s commitment to the Lord was so strong that he allowed himself to be circumcised in order not to offend the religious Jews they would encounter (Acts 16:3). In fact, their relationship grew to the extent that Paul referred to him as ‘my son in the faith’,” he said.

On his part, he further stated, Paul exercised patience as he nurtured his young protégé to grow in wisdom and faith. 

“Paul spent much time teaching him and even addressed two books of the New Testament to him. Paul also introduced Timothy to the joys and the difficulties of missionary life while encouraging him not to allow others to disregard him because of his comparative youthfulness,” he said.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi further indicated that the duo’s relationship also underlines the importance of the older generation discipling the younger ones.

He said that through discipling, Paul painstakingly nurtured Timothy to become a pillar in the early church and thus helped to propagate the gospel message at the time.

“In the story of Paul and Timothy, we learn that discipleship is standing shoulder to shoulder in the work of the Kingdom, iron sharpening iron; encouraging, rebuking when necessary, and sharing a common burden for a lost world,” he said.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi advised Church leaders to regard the youth as equal partners in the work of ministry and to harness the gifts, talents and potentials for maximum impact in the nations.

He also admonished the Church members, particularly the youth, to wholly embrace the tenets, values, practices and the ethos of The Church of Pentecost.

“Like every other Church, The Church of Pentecost has her own culture. Our foundational beliefs are at the heart of our theology. We have our governance system, and our way of expressing practical Christian life and ministry.

“These cultural practices are in tandem with God’s covenant with the Church, which predates the existence of The Church of Pentecost. As a church denomination, we love and cherish these practices so dearly. Hence, everyone who comes into our fold must know and diligently apply themselves to them,” he charged.

The annual PENSA Ghana Conference., organised under the auspices of the Youth Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, is the biggest youth conference in the country.

Dubbed the “Impact Makers Conference,” this year’s event, which officially kickstarted yesterday, is being held concurrently at three separate locations, namely; Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) campus and University for Development Studies (UDS) campus.

Speakers of the event are Apostle Eric Nyamekye (Chairman), Apostle Samuel Osei Asante (Patron, Youth Ministry) and Pastor Ebenezer Hagan (Director, Youth Ministry), among several others.


HUM Expatriates Dinner Yields 3 Souls

HUM Expatriates Dinner Yields 3 Souls

Home and Urban Missions (HUM), a ministry of The Church of Pentecost, has won three expatriates for Christ during an end-of-year dinner organised for some expatriates in Accra.

The dinner brought together 41 participants, including seven Chinese, one American, one Indian, 12 Nigerians, two from Hong Kong, one from Thailand, and the rest were Ghanaians.  

The event, which took place on December 29, 2022, at CANWIN Hotel in Nungua, was organised by the La Sector of HUM. It was part of the initiatives by HUM to engage expatriates within the capital with the gospel.

The dinner dubbed, “AGAPAO Expats Dinner,” is organised twice a year to interact and share the love of Christ with expatriates.

Present were Prophet David Kankam Beditor (Ashaiman Area Head and Co-ordinator of the Greater Accra Regional Coordinating Committee), Apostle Dr Dieudonne K Nuekpe (La Area Head) who was also the main speaker for the occasion, and Apostle Dr Christian Tsekpoe (Chairman, HUM National Committee) and his wife Mrs Olivia Tsekpoe.

Also present were Pastor Kingsley Addai (Resident Minister of PIWC-Accra), Probationary Overseer James Amoah-Mensah (HUM Pastor for LA- Sector), and Pastor Martin Kyeremeh (HUM Co-ordinator for the Teshie-Nungua Area)

Report by Probationary Overseer James Amoah-Mensah.

Sindaa District Mission House Dedicated WEB

Sindaa District Mission House Dedicated

The newly-constructed mission house for the Sindaa District in the Sawla Area of The Church of Pentecost has been dedicated.

The Sawla Area Head, Pastor David Amankwaa, on Friday, December 30, 2022, dedicated the building during a special service held at the Sindaa Central Assembly church auditorium. The Area Head was assisted by the Sindaa District Minister, Overseer Samuel Yeboah, and a cross-section of the area pastorate and their wives.

Exhorting congregants on the topic: “And Moses Finished the Work” with Exodus 40:33ff as a scripture reference, Pastor Amankwaa said that God desires to dwell with His people as seen in the Old Testament.

He further noted that, due to Christ’s redemptive work on the cross in the New Testament, God does not only dwell among His people but lives in them.

The Sawla Area Head explained that when it comes to building the Temple of the Lord, the one tasked to do it must be careful to employ all the patterns God has outlined to build as directed.

Quoting from Philippians 2:12-13, Pastor Amankwaa advised the congregation to work out their salvation with fear and trembling, but, more importantly, finish their assignment, just as Moses finished the building of the Tabernacle. He stressed that glorification comes after one finishes the work of God.

He, therefore, prayed for ministers and members gathered to receive grace from God to propel them to finish their God-given assignments well. 

Pastor Amankwaa concluded his sermon by asserting that every mission house or temple must be filled with the presence of God. He added that the minister of God has an instrumental role to play in ensuring that the abiding presence of God is always felt at both premises.

Present at the service were Mrs. Rosemond Amankwaa (Wife of the Sawla Area Head), as well as members of the Sindaa District and other well-wishers.

Report by Sawla Area Media Team