
Odorkor Area Launches 2023 Environmental Care Campaign

The Odorkor Area of The Church of Pentecost on Sunday, March 12, 2023, launched the 2023 Environmental Care Campaign with a clarion call on all Ghanaians, particularly Christians, to end enviromental pollution.

The event, which was held at the Odorkor Central Assembly church auditorium and chaired by the Area Head, Apostle Isaac Tetteh Judah, had in attendance ministers and wives, officers, members and officials from the Universal Plastic Products Recycling (UPPR) Limited, a subsidiary of the Jospong Group of Companies.

In his opening address, Apostle Tetteh Judah said the Environmental Care Campaign is one of many initiatives birthed under the five-year strategic vision of the Chuch, dubbed “Vision 2023” (Possessing the Nations).

He explained that The Church of Pentecost, through Vision 2023, is seeking to make her impact felt beyond the walls of the Church building.

“The Church is not an end to itself but a means to an end. God’s plan is to use the Church as a means to reach the nations. Christians are discipled and sent back to win souls. The Church is, therefore, supposed to be light and salt to the world, and one way we can impact the community is the Environmental Care Campaign,” he said.

Reading from Acts 17:26, he said that God in His wisdom marked out the boundaries of every land for all people of the world.

“From the whole earth, God chose us to inhabit this nation Ghana, so we must be proud of our nation,” he said.

He said that the Environmental Care Campaign, which was initiated five years ago, is aimed at creating awareness and educating the citizenry on environmental pollution in order to protect and preserve the land which the Lord has entrusted to them as Ghanaians.

He explained that this year’s campaign would mainly focus on plastic waste management and environmental cleanliness.

“God has given us the environment and we have a task to protect it. So if we don’t do something about plastics engulfing us today, generations  who will come after us will blame us,” he cautioned.

The Odorkor Area Head also charged Ghanaians, particularly members of The Church of Pentecost, to contribute their quota to national development, especially in protecting and preserving environment.

“We have a duty as citizens and Christians to protect the nation. We need to rise up against environmental pollution. Environmental Care Campaign should not just be a nine-day wonder; we should live it,” he urged.

Hon. Doreen Edem Mensah, the Head of Human Capital at UPPR and a Deaconess of the Church, said that her outfit has chosen to partner the Church because this year’s Campaign is in line with their operations.

“The previous year the focus of the campaign was on forestry, that was why we planted more trees. However, this year, the Universal Plastic Products Recycling (UPPR) has chosen to come on board because the Campaign is focusing on Plastic waste management,” she said.

The Head of Business Development at UPPR, Mr. Ismael Nii Sowah, also educated the gathering on the various plastic waste management processes.

He said that, as part of their work, the UPPR buys back plastic waste from individuals for recycling purposes thereby providing indirect employment for many people across the nation.

He said that the UPPR directly employs over 100 people who see to the recycling of the plastic waste into reusable products.

Despite the many benefits of plastics recycling, Mr. Sowah said that the most sustainable way of dealing with plastics and keeping the environment clean is to reduce its use.

Mr. Edwin Napie, the Head of Procurement at UPPR, also explained to the participants UPPR’s terms and conditions for the sale and collection of plastics.

Among those present at the launch ceremony were Pastor John Tetteh Wayoe (Area Secretary) and Pastor Ebenezer Doku (Odorkor Area Environmental Care Campaign Coordinator).



144 Souls Won During Peki Sports Outreach

The Evangelism Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, in collaboration with the Schools Outreach Ministry (SOM) of the Peki District of the Church, organised a Sports Outreach last Saturday.

At the end of the exercise, 144 people gave their lives to Christ.

The sports evangelism outreach was part of preliminary activities scheduled by the ministry ahead of the upcoming “Ho for Christ” Crusade.

The crusade would be held at the Anglokordzi-Rabazey Children’s Park from March 14 to 17, 2023.

The event, which is being hosted by the Ho Area of the Church, is under the theme: Jesus Came To Seek and Save (Luke 19:10).



55-Year-Old Man Miraculously Healed Of Stroke

Mr. Kwame Eleabo, a 55-year-old resident of Ziavi Dzogbe in the Volta Region of Ghana, has miraculously recovered from a mild stroke and speech impairment a day after surrendering his life to Christ.

Mr. Eleabo, who had been incapacitated for over a year, received Christ into his life when some members of the Evangelism Ministry Advance Team preached the gospel message of Jesus Christ to him and prayed for him during a house-to-house evangelism exercise.

The following morning, the team decided to pay him a visit and to engage him on his new-found faith in Christ.

When they got to his residence, to their utter surprise, they saw Mr. Eleabo cheerfully doing household chores without any sign of discomfort – completely different from the condition he was in a day before.

According to Mr Eleabo, after he accepted Christ and the team prayed for him, he still went to bed that evening unable to stand on his feet. However, when he woke up the next morning he realised that he had been healed and could now do the things he could not do before.

“This morning I walked to the barbershop all alone to trim my hair,” he said. He was therefore, grateful to God for His healing power and for coming to his aid when all hope was lost.

The house-to-house evangelism exercise was part of preliminary activities scheduled by the Evangelism Ministry ahead of the upcoming “Ho for Christ” Crusade from March 14 to 17, 2023.

The crusade, which is under the theme: Jesus Came To Seek and Save (Luke 19:10), would be held at the Anglokordzi-Rabazey Children’s Park. It would be climaxed on Saturday, March 18, with a free medical outreach.



Increase Your Intimacy With God – Mrs. Tekper Advises Christians

The wife of the Achimota Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Mrs. Matilda Tekper, has advised Christians to make deliberate efforts to develop an intimate relationship with God in order to make a maximum impact in their spheres of life.

She said this at the bi-monthly prayer meeting of the Greater Accra Ministers’ Wives of The Church of Pentecost which was held on March 9, 2023 at the Thomas Wyatt Memorial Temple, in Accra Newtown.

Speaking on the topic; “The Ministers’ Wife; Reposition Herself for Maximum Impact”, Mrs. Tekper noted that “in order to make positive impact, you need to be a mature Christian.”

Explaining further, Mrs. Tekper noted that a mature Christian is a believer who knows God and puts their trust in Him. “If you do not know someone, you cannot be friends with them or trust in them. But you cannot know someone, without getting close to them. The friendship you build with the person helps you know them better, because you would learn about their likes and dislikes,” she explained.

Referring to Acts 22:14-15; Mrs. Tekper further noted that Apostle Paul drew closer to God and got to know Him better, adding that: “God sets us apart so that we would know Him more.”

She said that having an intimate relationship with God is beneficial to the individual as it has a positive on one’s family; especially children, friends and the community.

Mrs. Tekper advised Christians to be determined in their pursuit of God by renewing their minds and committing to the study of the Word. “It is by God’s mercies that we have been called as ministers wives. It is not a coincidence that we are married to Ministers, so we must work hard to support our husbands in order to accomplish the purpose for which they have been called,” she said.

She urged the ministers’ wives to complement their husband’s ministry by doing good, serving with all their heart and helping the members to remain steadfast in faith.

Mrs. Tekper also advised to endeavour to keep their respective mission houses neat and tidy bearing in mind that it is a special residence serving a divine purpose.

Ending her sermon, Mrs. Tekper advised ministers’ wives to be faithful to God and serve Him with a good heart.

“We must be wives of good behaviour. How we are in the inside should be displayed in public. As Proverbs 16:32 puts it, we must be people with self-control. Let’s not forget that we have a God who is able to help us control ourselves. That said, let us work with zeal so that the glory of God will be revealed to all men.” she said.

The prayer meeting was attended by both active and retired ministers’ wives of the church.

This month’s meeting was purposefully held to pray for both internal and external missions of The Church of Pentecost and also to fellowship, share knowledge and be equipped to excel in ministry.

The event was graced by the wife of the General Secretary of the church, Mrs. Rose Kumi-Larbi, and the wife of the International Missions Director (IMD), Mrs. Deborah Agyemang Bekoe.

The next session of the regional prayer meeting is scheduled to take place in May.



IMD Embarks On Missions Promotional Tour

The International Missions Director (IMD) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, fellowshipped with members of the New Tafo Area last Thursday as part of his McKeown ‘s Missions Week promotional tour to the Ashanti region.

The historic visit, which took place at the M. K. Yeboah Memorial Temple, Krofrom in Kumasi, attracted a high turnout, despite the threat of the rain.

Addressing the elated congregants, Apostle Agyemang Bekoe read 1 Chronicles 16:23-24 and explained that God’s people have special responsibility to praise Him, and proclaim the good news of His salvation day to day, which is the mission statement of the Church.

He was glad to announce that The Church of Pentecost has its presence in 151 nations. He indicated that missionaries are most often sent into a completely foreign and unfamiliar context and culture, faced with environmental and language barriers.

In the light of this, the IMD outlined the power of encouragement, especially to missionaries, revealing that active interest shown by members towards them and the work is a tangible reminder that someone really cares for them.

According to him, missionaries are strengthened to overcome the myriad of challenges and hardships related to carrying out the task through encouragement, hence the need for members of The Church of Pentecost to reach out to them through phone calls.

He, therefore, urged members of the Church to develop active interest in encouraging missionaries. Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe also commended the various Areas of the Church for their support, especially during missions weeks revealing that, many members of the Church witnessed and confessed to the significance of the tithes and missions offering during the Russia -Ukraine war.

He called for more support towards missions work, particularly this week, which has been designated as Missions Week. The New Tafo Area Head, Prophet Samuel Tetteh Doku, was grateful to the IMD for the visit.

He called on members to heavily support the missionary cause because it is the biblical model of expansion of the kingdom of God, and by helping the missionaries, “we help in spreading the good news to the whole world.”

Present at the service were Apostle J. B. K Tawiah (Kwadaso Area Head), Mrs. Victoria Tetteh Doku (Wife of the Area Head), Area pastorate and their spouses.

Report by Emmanuel Nana Nsiah & Dennis Owusu


Prayer Is A Power-Filled Ministry – Apostle Agyemang Bekoe Asserts

The International Missions Director (IMD) of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, has said that prayer is a ministry through which the power of God is released upon an individual for maximum impact.

Apostle Agyemang Bekoe said this today when he gave a presentation on the topic: “Prayer Ministry and Evangelism in the Local Church” at the Global Elders’ Retreat at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh.

Reading from Hebrews 5:7, 7:25, the IMD pointed out that Jesus considered prayer as a ministry. “This means ministry is a service. So, if services can be offered and rendered, then prayer can be offered and rendered,” he said.

He explained that when one offers prayers, the rippling effect, which is the power of God, is released upon the vessel praying. He further noted that Christians should model the prayer life of Jesus, our great intercessor.

“When you intercede, you do not offer prayer; you render prayer. If you don’t offer prayer, but render it, you will lose power instead of gaining. Then you will become a spent force. That is why prayer must be offered before being rendered,” he advised.

“If you follow Jesus’ ministry, you would realise that He always offered prayer to God first. After, He comes down to render prayer. In the same way, in the local church, we must offer prayer before rendering it,” he added.

To make evangelism more effective in the local church, the IMD advised church leaders to strive to operate in all nine spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, which he termed as “the Spiritual gift model of evangelism.”

He said that when church leaders operating mightily in these gifts, they would draw more souls to Christ. Other evangelism models Apostle Agyemang Bekoe noted are the “Jesus-Samaritan model” where one engages in one-on-one evangelism (John 4) or one person evangelising to many people known as the “Day of Pentecost model” (Acts 2:41).



Take Active Part In Church Services – Apostle Kumi-Larbi To Christians

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost (COP), Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, has advised Christians to actively participate in church services as it is a way of showing honour and respect to God.

“When we come to church, we should do everything that will honour God, this will show we respect and want to subject to His authority,” he added.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi said this today, March 11, 2023, when he delivered a presentation titled: “Deepening The CoP Brand,” at the ongoing Global Elders’ Retreat at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa-Fetteh.

According to him, chatting on WhatsApp, disrespecting ushers and conversing with others while church service is ongoing are attitudes that dishonour the Lord.

“When we come to Church there are three things we are expected to do; enter reverently, pray fervently and listen attentively,” he added. Reading from Isaiah 56:7, the General Secretary advised Church members to participate fully in all church activities.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi further noted that the forebears of the Church took pains to build The CoP’s unique brand, therefore, this generation must be intentional about deepening the Church’s brand.

Quoting ‘Item G’ of The CoP’s Rules of Conduct, the General Secretary said: “During casual conversations at home or at work, do not speak disrespectfully or disparagingly about the Church and God’s servants. Make your concerns and grievances known to the appropriate authority for explanation or redress.”

Explaining the Apostle Kumi-Larbi observed that there will be challenges, grievances or concerns among members, however, it behoves on leaders to open up and engage.

“Quoting Apostle Eric Nyamekye, “Leadership is to solve tough questions”, we have to create avenues as elders to solve concerns from the youth, if you can’t solve it, pass it on to people of higher authority.

Despite the fact that we may have challenges, The General Secretary said that members may not always agree with the leaders of the Church, but they should be careful not to speak ill of them.

“In 3 John 1:9, Diotrephes unjustly accused the leadership, used wicked words and maligned leaders and prevented people from joining the Church; he also excommunicated others. So, the lesson here is remember to imitate what is good and not evil,” he advised.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi ended his presentation by reiterating the need for members to respect people placed in leadership positions over them, saying; “The Apostles and Pastors are working together and there must be respect to all authorities at all levels. Let us be careful of the way we speak about others’ leadership style. If you speak against the leader, you speak against God. God gave them to us. Leaders may not always be right.”


The Church Of Pentecost Dedicates State-Of-The-Art Evangelism Gospel Truck 2

The Church Of Pentecost Dedicates State-Of-The-Art Evangelism Gospel Truck

The “Possessing The Nations” agenda of The Church of Pentecost received a boost following the unveiling and dedication of a brand-new state-of-the-art truck for evangelism purposes.

The multipurpose truck, which has tailor-made systems for outdoor sound and visuals, was dedicated today by the Chairman of the Church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, on the sidelines of the Global Elders’ Retreat at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh.

The dedication was witnessed by a jubilant crowd, most of whom were in awe of the 20-foot-long gigantic automobile.

The new truck has an inbuilt platform, clear sunlight screens on the sides, complete sound and lightning, three LED screens, and electrical gen set.

Dedicating the truck, the Chairman expressed gratitude to God for making the vision of acquiring the vehicle a reality.

He further expressed optimism that the facility will help the Church reach out to many with the gospel message of Christ.

The Evangelism Ministry Director, Apostle Dr Jimmy Markin, on his part, applauded the Apostle Eric Nyamekye-led Executive Council for the massive investment made in the Evangelism Ministry that would yield eternal rewards.

The newly-unveiled truck is said to be the longest evangelism truck in Ghana, and the second longest in Africa.

Present at the event were Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi (General Secretary), Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe (International Missions Director) and other ministers and officers of the Church.


Moral Uprightness Is Not A Prerequisite For Eldership But The Standard web

Moral Uprightness Is The Standard For Elders – Chairman

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has said that moral uprightness should be the hallmark of every elder of The Church of Pentecost.

According to him, moral uprightness is not just a prerequisite for calling people into the office of Eldership in the Church, and thus, elders are to maintain the same standards as officers of the Church.

Apostle Nyamekye said this yesterday when he gave a presentation on the topic “The Presiding Elder” at the ongoing Global Elders’ Retreat at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh.

Reading from 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus chapter 1, the Chairman emphasised the biblical criteria for calling persons as elders of the Church – these include living above reproach, being faithful to one’s spouse, being temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money and one who is able to manage his own family and home.

He further noted that an Elder of the Church must be capable and a trustworthy person. He must also be one with spiritual capacity and wisdom, he added

The Chairman said that every person who has been called into this noble office of the Church must therefore meet the requirement set in the scriptures as the qualification for elders.

He, therefore, advised elders to continue to uphold these high standards especially after their calling has now been confirmed.

Apostle Nyamekye also advised ministers and officers to follow due process and do due diligence before calling people into the Eldership office.

“It is, therefore, important that when we are selecting people to occupy church positions, we should prayerfully look out for good fellows who are able to teach, are trustworthy, wise and have a spiritual capacity. By combining these qualities, the elder would not only be a wise well-behaved person but a spirit-filled person,” he advised.

The Chairman also noted that elders represent wisdom (they give sound judgement and good counsel), leadership (they serve as leaders in the Church and society), tradition (they are custodians of the doctrines and practices) and example (they model moral character for the followers). 


First-Ever Global Elders’ Retreat Underway web

First-Ever Global Elders’ Retreat Underway

The Chairman of The Church Of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye officially opened the first-ever retreat for Elders of the Church worldwide yesterday, at the Pentecost Convention Centre, Gomoa-Fetteh.

In his welcome address, the Chairman acknowledged the contributions made by the officers in the building of the Church.

“One of the strengths of The Church Of Pentecost has been our lay leaders, especially presiding elders. They remain the running force in building the local church. They are key to our success stories,” he noted.

Apostle Nyamekye encouraged church leaders, especially elders, to continue to work in love.

Explaining the rationale for the retreat, the Chairman noted that the event is aimed at helping elders to deepen their relationship with the Lord.

He further noted that the retreat would among other objectives, offer opportunity for intentional efforts in strengthening the local church by mobilising the grassroots in the “Possessing the Nations” agenda.

According to him, repositioning means taking sincere retrospective look of one’s self adding; “Repositioning in our context means to rebrand and revamp. It is to take over available space. Repositioning is an indication of thirst and hunger for excellence. It is a desire to achieve a goal to which Christ has called the church. Striving for and desiring and better future. Reposition is for maximum impact,” he said.

He further stated: “It was originally designed for presiding elders but extended it to all elders with understanding that all elders are potential presiding elders. Elders play a major leadership role in driving the church’s agenda at the local level. This retreat offers the opportunity to renew our commitment to this understanding.”

The retreat has in attendance the General Secretary of the Church, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, the International Missions Director (IMD), Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe, some members of the Executive Council, ministers of the Church, and officers.