Suame Area Donates Items Worth GHS 191,600.00 To Missions web

Suame Area Donates Items Worth GHS 191,600.00 To Missions

The Suame Area of The Church of Pentecost on Friday, March 15, 2024, generously donated items valued at GHS 191,600.00 to support the missions enterprise of the Church.

These items included 7 motorbikes, 15 bicycles, a 5 KVA Genset, clothing, 3 rechargeable speakers, 21 bundles of used clothes, car tapes, 3 bundles of used shoes, and suits.

Apostle John Obeng Kesse, the Area Head, emphasised the importance of supporting missionaries, as missions play a crucial role in spreading the Gospel and expanding the kingdom of God. He expressed the Area’s commitment to support the propagation of the Gospel both locally and internationally.

Apostle Obeng Kesse also praised the work of both internal and external missionaries, urging them to continue their efforts, and called on other areas to offer their support. He assured that the Suame Area would work closely with the Missions Directorate of the Church to fulfil the requests of missionaries, using all available resources, including prayer.

Report by Emmanuel Nana Nsiah & Dennis Owusu


The Final Seven Days Of Jesus Christ’s Ministry: A Journey Through Trials And Triumphs

In the annals of history, the final seven days of Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry resonate as a profound narrative of human betrayal juxtaposed with divine redemption. Chronicled in the Gospels, these days unfold with a succession of pivotal events, ultimately leading to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus—a cornerstone of the Christian faith. As Easter approaches, it is fitting to delve into the depths of each day, unravelling the intricacies of Christ’s interactions, the fulfilment of ancient prophecies, and the trials he endured. From the triumphant entry into Jerusalem to the solemn agony in Gethsemane, from the unjust trials before religious and political authorities to the ultimate sacrifice on the cross, every moment of this sacred week reverberates with profound significance. These seven days serve as a poignant reminder of humanity’s capacity for betrayal and the boundless love of God, culminating in the transformative power of Christ’s resurrection. As we journey through these pivotal events, we are invited to contemplate the essence of faith, forgiveness, and redemption, finding solace and hope in the promise of Easter’s dawn.


In the heart of Judea, an intimate scene unfolded, immortalised by Mary of Bethany’s profound act of devotion. John 12:1–11 recounts the moment as Mary anoints Jesus with costly perfume, a gesture of unparalleled reverence and love. This touching event finds parallel retellings in Matthew 26:6–13 and Mark 14:3–9, though Mark’s account situates it in Galilee, offering a nuanced perspective on the story’s setting.

Amidst this act of devotion, the contrasting figures of Mary and Judas emerge, emblematic of righteousness and betrayal, respectively. Proverbs 10:7 speaks to this dichotomy, declaring the blessed memory of the just and the eventual decay of the wicked’s name. Mary, embodying righteousness, bestows upon herself a legacy of virtue, echoed in Ecclesiastes 7:1, where the value of a good name surpasses even precious ointment.

In the intricate areas of discipleship, Martha, Mary, and Lazarus each play distinct roles. Martha’s dedication to service underscores the importance of practical ministry, while Mary’s act of worship exemplifies the essence of spiritual devotion. Lazarus, bearing witness to Jesus’ miraculous power over death, becomes a living testament to the transformative grace found in Christ.

Thus, in Mary’s anointing of Jesus, we find a profound expression of devotion, contrast, and witness. Her act, recorded across multiple Gospel accounts, transcends time and place, inviting us to reflect on the enduring power of sacrificial love and the complexities of discipleship. As we ponder the significance of Mary’s gesture and its symbolism, may we, too, be inspired to offer our lives as fragrant offerings unto the Lord, securing for ourselves a legacy of righteousness and blessed memory for eternity.


In the bustling streets of Jerusalem, a momentous event unfolded on Sunday, etching itself into the annals of history—the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ. John 12:12–19 vividly depicts this scene, where Jesus, mounted on a humble donkey, is hailed as a conquering king by adoring crowds.

This triumphal entry was not merely a spontaneous act but a deliberate fulfilment of Old Testament prophecy, as foretold in Zechariah 9:9. Jesus, by riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, openly declared Himself as the promised Messiah, the King of Israel. John 1:49 underscores this revelation, affirming Jesus’ divine identity and his role in fulfilling Messianic prophecy.

As Jesus made his triumphant procession into Jerusalem, the crowd swelled with diverse groups, each bearing witness to this extraordinary moment. Firstly, there were the Passover visitors, pilgrims from outside Judea, drawn by the festival’s sacred observance (John 12:12, 18). Secondly, among the throngs were the local residents who had recently witnessed the miraculous raising of Lazarus from the dead, a powerful testimony to Jesus’ divine authority (John 12:17). Finally, amidst the jubilant atmosphere, lurked the religious leaders, apprehensive about Jesus’ growing influence and the potential disruption it might bring to their authority (John 12:19).

In the convergence of these diverse groups, the significance of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem is magnified. It marked the culmination of his earthly ministry, the public proclamation of his Messianic identity, and the fulfilment of ancient prophecy. As the crowds hailed Him with palm branches and shouts of “Hosanna,” they unwittingly participated in the unfolding drama of salvation, heralding the arrival of the long-awaited King. Thus, the triumphal entry foreshadows the redemptive work that Jesus Christ’s passion and resurrection would soon accomplish, marking a pivotal moment in history.


On a fateful Monday in Jerusalem, Jesus initiated a series of events that would reverberate throughout history, beginning with the cleansing of the Second Temple and culminating in the symbolic cursing of a barren fig tree.

In Matthew 21:12–17, Jesus entered the temple grounds and was appalled to find it transformed into a marketplace, a den of thieves rather than a house of prayer. With righteous indignation, he overturned the tables of the money changers and drove out those who were buying and selling, purifying the sacred space from desecration. This dramatic act symbolised Jesus’ authority and his zeal for the sanctity of God’s house.

In a profound metaphorical gesture, Jesus then turned his attention to a fig tree, a common symbol in Jewish literature representing the nation of Israel (Matthew 21:18–22). Just as he found no fruit on the fig tree, he saw no spiritual fruitfulness among the religious leaders and the people of Israel. This spiritual barrenness was a manifestation of their hypocrisy and moral decay, mirroring the outward appearance of the lush but fruitless tree.

The fig tree’s fate symbolised a divine judgement upon Israel for failing to bear spiritual fruit. Jeremiah 8:13 and Hosea 9:10 reinforce this imagery, comparing Israel to a fruitless fig tree that faces the consequences of its unfaithfulness. Similarly, in Luke 13:6–9, Jesus tells the parable of the fig tree, emphasising the urgency of repentance before it is too late.

In cleansing the temple and cursing the fig tree, Jesus delivered a powerful message of warning and invitation to the people of Israel and all humanity. It was a call to genuine repentance, a plea to bear fruit in accordance with God’s will, and a reminder of the consequences of spiritual negligence.


On a pivotal Tuesday in Jerusalem, Jesus engaged in intense confrontations with the Pharisees and Sadducees, delivering profound teachings and warnings that would shape the course of history.

Firstly, Jesus faced questions regarding his authority, the payment of tribute, the resurrection, and the greatest commandment, as documented in Matthew 21:23–27 and Matthew 22:15–40. In each exchange, Jesus demonstrated his wisdom and authority, challenging the religious leaders and revealing deeper truths about the kingdom of God.

In Matthew 21:23–27, Jesus countered the Pharisees’ inquiry about his authority with a question about John the Baptist, exposing their hypocrisy and evoking their fear of the people’s reaction. Later, in Matthew 22, Jesus skilfully navigated questions about paying tribute to Caesar, the resurrection, and the greatest commandment, affirming the supremacy of God’s authority and the importance of love in fulfilling the law.

Following these confrontations, Jesus delivered a scathing rebuke of the Pharisees in Matthew 23, condemning their hypocrisy, pride, and legalism. He warned the crowds against following their example, urging them to have humility and genuine righteousness.

The day concluded with Jesus delivering the Mount Olivet discourse, a prophetic teaching recorded in Matthew 24–25. From the Mount of Olives, overlooking Jerusalem, Jesus foretold future events, including the destruction of the temple, the signs of the end times, and the coming of the Son of Man. He emphasised the importance of readiness, faithfulness, and wise stewardship in anticipation of his return.

In these profound interactions and teachings, Jesus confronted the religious establishment, unveiled profound truths, and provided invaluable guidance for his disciples and all who would follow him.


As the tumultuous events of the week approached their climax, Wednesday stood as a sombre interlude of introspection and readiness. Amid mounting opposition and impending trials, Jesus embraced a day of silence, likely pondering the gravity of the sacrifice awaiting him on the cross. This brief respite amidst the storm offered a poignant moment for reflection and spiritual preparation as Jesus braced himself for the ordeal ahead.


The penultimate day of Christ’s earthly ministry unfolded with a series of profound events, each laden with significance and foreshadowing of the impending crucifixion. The day commenced with meticulous preparations for the Passover, as described in Mark 14:12–16. Jesus instructed his disciples to prepare for the sacred feast, underscoring the symbolic importance of the impending meal. Amidst the hustle and bustle of Jerusalem, this act of preparation set the stage for the poignant events that would follow.

In the intimate setting of the Upper Room, chronicled in John 13–14 and Matthew 26:20–35, Jesus shared a final supper with his disciples. This Last Supper transcended mere sustenance; it became a profound sacrament (or ordinance) as Jesus instituted the ritual of communion, signifying the imminent sacrifice of his body and blood for the redemption of humanity. The act of foot-washing, a humble display of servanthood, underscored the essence of Christ’s teachings on love and humility.

As they departed the Upper Room and made their way towards Gethsemane, Jesus imparted crucial teachings, encapsulated in John 15–16. Here, he spoke of the vital connection between himself, his disciples, and the Father, preparing them for the trials and tribulations ahead. In the midst of impending darkness, Jesus illuminated the path of faith and resilience, urging his followers to abide in him.

Gethsemane, a garden of profound agony and spiritual struggle, became the backdrop for Jesus’ fervent prayer, as depicted in Matthew 26:36–56. Here, amidst the gnarled olive trees and the weight of humanity’s sin, Jesus wrestled with the daunting prospect of the cross. Yet, in surrendering to the Father’s will, he embodied the ultimate act of submission and love, paving the way for humanity’s redemption.

Even amid turmoil and impending betrayal, Jesus demonstrated compassion and power. Luke 22:50–51 recounts his final pre-Calvary miracle, as he healed the ear of Malchus, the servant of the high priest, amid the chaos of his arrest. This act of grace amidst the clamour of betrayal underscores Jesus’ unwavering commitment to love and restoration, even in the face of imminent suffering.

Thursday, with its sequence of poignant events, stands as a testament to the depth of Christ’s love and the magnitude of his sacrifice. In the final hours before his crucifixion, Jesus exemplified humility, resilience, and unfathomable love, offering a glimpse into the heart of God and the redemptive plan for humanity.


The final day of Jesus’ earthly ministry dawned with a flurry of unjust trials and orchestrated condemnation. Friday, the culmination of Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry, was characterised by a succession of unjust trials and his eventual crucifixion, all in fulfilment of prophetic scriptures and indicative of the depravity of humanity. From the moment of his arrest in Gethsemane to his crucifixion in Golgotha, Jesus faced a relentless onslaught of false accusations, mockery, and physical abuse.

The first unfair trial transpired as Jesus was interrogated by Annas, the former high priest, and subsequently subjected to a sham trial before the Sanhedrin (John 18:12–14, 19–24). Despite the absence of valid evidence and glaring legal violations, the Jewish leaders persisted in their quest to condemn Jesus, resorting to deception and manipulation to achieve their nefarious goals.

Continuing with the second unfair trial, Jesus appeared before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin, where false witnesses were summoned in a futile attempt to secure a conviction (Matthew 26:57–68). Despite the discrepancies in their testimonies, Jesus faced humiliation and mockery, fulfilling prophecies concerning his suffering and rejection.

Subsequent unfair trials before Pilate and Herod further highlighted the perversion of justice, as political expediency took precedence over truth and righteousness. Despite Pilate’s acknowledgement of Jesus’ innocence and Herod’s curiosity, both leaders succumbed to pressure from the Jewish authorities, ultimately paving the way for Jesus’ crucifixion (Luke 23:6–12).

Throughout these trials, Jesus exemplified divine grace and sacrificial love, remaining steadfast in his mission despite unjust treatment. He forgave his persecutors and extended salvation to a repentant criminal, thereby fulfilling prophecies regarding his redemptive mission (Luke 23:39–43).

The journey from Pilate’s hall to Golgotha was fraught with further indignities and suffering as Jesus endured scourging humiliation and the excruciating ordeal of crucifixion (Matthew 27:27–31). Despite the agony he endured, Jesus remained resolute in his mission, bearing the full weight of humanity’s sin and suffering on the cross.

As Jesus hung upon the cross, fulfilling prophecies of his suffering and death, he extended forgiveness to his executioners and offered assurance of salvation to a repentant criminal (Luke 23:34, 43). In his final moments, Jesus cried out to God, surrendering his spirit and consummating his redemptive mission (Luke 23:46).

In the unjust trials and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the Scriptures bear witness to the fulfilment of prophetic scriptures and the profound significance of his sacrificial death for humanity’s salvation. Despite the depths of human depravity and the injustice he endured, Jesus’ death on the cross became the ultimate expression of God’s love and redemption for humanity.


The final seven days of Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry encapsulate a profound journey through trials and triumphs, revealing the depths of human betrayal and the heights of divine redemption. These pivotal days, chronicled in the Gospels, bear witness to a series of events that culminated in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, shaping the course of Christianity for millennia to come. Each day of this sacred week unveils a tapestry of intricacies—Christ’s interactions, the fulfilment of prophecies, and the endurance of trials—each contributing to the unfolding drama of salvation.

From the triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to the poignant agony in Gethsemane, from the unjust trials before religious and political authorities to the ultimate sacrifice on the cross, every moment of these final days carries profound significance. Amidst the betrayals of Judas, the denials of Peter, and the abandonment of his disciples, Jesus embodies unwavering love and forgiveness, offering salvation to a fallen world.

The stark realities of human sinfulness and divine grace confront us as we reflect on the events of these seven days. Through the suffering and death of Jesus, we find redemption and hope as he bore our sins on the cross and conquered death through his resurrection. The final seven days of Christ’s ministry stand as a timeless testament to God’s boundless love and the gospel’s transformative power, inviting us to embrace the message of salvation and live in the light of Christ’s victory over sin and death.

If you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour, I invite you to join me in this prayer for salvation:

Dear Lord Jesus,

I acknowledge that I am a sinner and humbly ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead. I repent of my sins and turn away from them. I invite You to come into my heart and life as my Lord and Saviour. I place my trust in You and commit to following You all the days of my life. Thank you, Jesus, for your love and grace. Amen.

In praying this prayer sincerely, you open your heart to receive the gift of salvation offered through Jesus Christ.

God be with you.

Written by Pastor Emmanuel Foster Asamoah (Abasraba District, Winneba Area)

Atonsu Area Supports Sawua Health Centre web

Atonsu Area Supports Sawua Health Centre

The Atonsu Area of The Church of Pentecost has demonstrated its unwavering support for the Sawua Health Centre in the Bosomtwe District of the Ashanti Region.

In a heartwarming gesture of generosity, the Church made a substantial donation to the health centre on Friday, March 22, 2024.

The donation, valued at over GHS 20,000.00, was aimed at helping the health centre meet its logistical needs and enhance its capacity to deliver essential healthcare services to the local community.

Led by the Area Head, Apostle Gideon Obeng-Darko Debrah, the donation included vital medical equipment and supplies such as a delivery bed, ward beds, filled-litre oxygen cylinders, consumable gloves, weighing machines, and executive chairs.

These items are expected to significantly improve the operational efficiency of the Sawua Health Centre, ensuring that it remains well-equipped to meet the healthcare demands of its patients.

Apostle Debrah highlighted the importance of supporting the Sawua Health Centre, recognising its pivotal role as the primary healthcare facility for the community. He affirmed the Area’s dedication to supporting the facility through regular contributions, aiming to elevate its standards of excellence.

Receiving the items, Madam Victoria Derry, the Public Health Nurse who represented the District Health Director, expressed heartfelt gratitude for the donation and emphasised its positive impact on healthcare delivery in the community.

She also appealed for support in enhancing the facility’s Lab Centre, stressing its crucial role in healthcare services.

Hon. Prince Kwame Adutwum, the Assembly Member of Sawua Electoral Area, also appreciated The Church of Pentecost for their generous gesture, recognising the power of community solidarity in addressing healthcare challenges.

The collaborative efforts between the Atonsu Area of The Church of Pentecost and the Sawua Health Centre exemplify the importance of community support in improving healthcare services for all.

Report by Emmanuel Nana Nsiah & Dennis Owusu

Translating Religiosity Into Morality In A Corrupt World An Extract From The Characteristics Of The Church Unleashed By Apostle Eric Nyamekye web

Translating Religiosity Into Morality In A Corrupt World: An Extract From The Characteristics Of The Church Unleashed By Apostle Eric Nyamekye

The current society in which we live is gradually being transformed into a place where truth can no longer be perceived as absolute. It is a society that accepts any kind of behaviour and deems it normal. A society where right and wrong depend on the individual defining them. A society that applauds deviant behaviour and attitudes while remaining passive and disinterested in righteousness, integrity, holiness, faithfulness, forgiveness, and good morals is indeed corrupt. Such a state is described by Isaiah 59:14-15:

“So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance, truth has stumbled in the streets, and honesty cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice.”

In such a corrupt society, believers (Christians) are called upon to translate their religiosity into morality so they can transform their spheres. Religiosity is the quality or state of being religious; that is, manifesting faithful devotion, being fervent, zealous, and highly dedicated to the practices, customs, rituals, and traditions of a religion. Morality, on the other hand, pertains to the principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong, respect for and obedience to the rules of right conduct, and the mental disposition or characteristics of behaving in a manner intended to produce good results. Religiosity depends on beliefs and practices, but morality requires a conscious compliance with accepted norms (values and principles). Therefore, morality is supposed to be the end product of religiosity. In other words, one’s religiosity can best be measured by his moral life.

On the contrary, our society is full of religious people; both young and old belong to various religious sects, yet corruption and immorality are on the ascendancy. According to the 2021 government Population Census, 71 percent of Ghanaians profess to be Christians. Unfortunately, this high percentage of Christians in the nation has not been able to translate their religiosity into morality. This is well measured by their impact, which is not felt in our societies except for the wrong reasons.

It is incumbent, therefore, on Christians in general (especially The Church of Pentecost Members as a call) to translate their religiosity into morality to influence every sphere of society with the values, lifestyle, and principles of the kingdom of God. It is timely and very urgent for us to rise and respond to this call.

The urgency is due to the rate at which corruption and immorality are compounding, crimes being committed, and evil behaviours being commended, projected, highlighted, and applauded in society at the expense of the Glory of our God. Thus, the next generation stands at risk of complete moral decadence or faith in extinction. The journey from religiosity to morality must, therefore, be an intentional one.

As Daniel resolved in his heart not to defile himself with the king’s food in Daniel 1:8, Christians must also resolve to effect, transform, and impact their spheres of influence with kingdom values and principles. Just as yeast permeates dough (Matthew13:33), so should the church (believers), through their conduct, cause the kingdom of God to flow to the workplace, streets, the corridors of authority, homes, and wherever they find themselves. We must intentionally refuse to give or accept bribes, speak the truth at all times, write the correct time for reporting and leaving the workplace, give correct accounts of monies entrusted into our hands, be faithful to our spouse, live a life of chastity as singles, etc. Doing these things will not only bring transformation to our society but also make the kingdoms of the world the Kingdom of our God.

Mere religiosity does not transform a nation, but a changed life does. It proves the power of the Christian faith and attracts the world to our Christ. The discipline of living one’s faith as in conduct has to be intelligent and intentional, backed by the Holy Spirit.

The church in Thessalonica translated their religiosity to morality and demonstrated this in 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10: “They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead – Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.” The scripture also testifies about their repentance, their commitment to serve God, and how they await the second coming of Jesus. These are the key traits of genuine Christian conversion. We must, therefore, live our everyday life from a godly perspective as stated in Ephesians 4:13. Our acts of religiosity must be translated into influencing this corrupt world with the values, lifestyle, and principles of God’s kingdom.

Isaiah 55:7 [NIV] states, “Therefore let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thought. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them”.

May we be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit to transform our world, cause credible changes, and possess the nations for God.

Written by Mrs. Eunice Atta-Adomako (Garu District)

PENSA-Sunyani Sector Organises “Todah Praise” web

PENSA-Sunyani Sector Organises “Todah Praise”

The Sunyani Sector of the Pentecost Students and Associates (PENSA) has organised a grand Gospel Rock Show, dubbed “Todah Praise.”

The event took place at the Fiapre Central Assembly church on Sunday, February 25, 2023, where five choirs drawn from the institutions took turns treating students to melodious and edifying gospel tunes.

The event featured a rich tapestry of choirs, each representing a different institution: Gospel Envoy from the College of Health, Yamfo; Melodians from the Sunyani Technical University; Elohim Music from the University of Energy and Natural Resources; and Vessels of Praise from the Berekum College of Education.

In a short exhortation, Mrs. Nana Adowa Boateng, the wife of the Traveling Secretary, advised all gathered to have a heart of gratitude in every circumstance.

She added that though some experiences in life can be disheartening, a heart of gratitude would grant us peace in the midst of the storm.

To climax the programme, Elder Emmanuel Awortwe, a renowned gospel artiste in the Bono Region, led the house in a spirit-filled session of spiritual deepening and worship.

Report by PENSA-Sunyani Sector Media Team


Tema Area Holds Pre-Easter Convention Retreat

The Tema Area of The Church of Pentecost has organised a 3-day Ministers and Wives Pre-Easter Convention Prayers at Shiloh Retreat Centre, near Tsopoli, for spiritual enrichment and empowerment ahead of the convention.

Under the spiritual guidance of Apostle Emmanuel Ofei Ankra-Badu, the Area Head, all ministers and wives from the 22 districts in the Tema Area came together for a spirit-filled prayer and fasting retreat.

The event provided a platform for reflection and spiritual growth and fostered a strong sense of unity and camaraderie among the participants, including Area Office staff.

The presence of respected speakers like Apostle Matthew Larbi Wettey (Rtd) and Prophet J. E. Ameyaw (Rtd) undoubtedly added depth and insight to the spiritual discussions during the retreat.

The various speakers, together with the Area Head, Apostle Emmanuel Ankra-Badu, led the ministers to pray for a bumper harvest of souls, a magnificent outpouring of the Holy Spirit and its transformational results in the lives of the entire membership during the upcoming Easter convention.

The upcoming convention, to be hosted at all the zonal centres of the Area from Wednesday, 26th to Sunday, 30th March 2024, carries a profound theme: “Jesus Christ, My Lord and My God,” John 20:28. This theme, chosen with great reverence, is a call for all to deepen their devotion and understanding of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Meanwhile, three newly acquired vehicles for the Great Ningo, Tema Community One, and Sege districts were dedicated during the retreat by Apostle Emmanuel Ankra-Badu.

Report by Pastor Samuel K. Koomson, Tema

The True Beauty Of A Christian Is In Sharing The Gospel - Prophet Tetteh Doku web

The True Beauty Of A Christian Is In Sharing The Gospel – Prophet Tetteh Doku

The New Tafo Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Prophet Samuel Tetteh Doku, has stated that the act of sharing the Gospel message of Christ Jesus is the fundamental aspect that showcases the beauty of a Christian.

He emphasised that the true beauty of a Christian does not lie in their physical appearance or innate qualities but rather in their role as messengers of the Gospel.

“Spreading the Gospel makes the Christian beautiful,” Prophet Tetteh Doku said during his sermon titled: “Into the World, We Go” on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, at the McKeown Missions Week launch held at the M. K. Yeboah Memorial Temple, Krofrom in Kumasi.

Reading Romans 10:9-15, the New Tafo Area Head highlighted the divine calling of individuals by God to propagate the Gospel and transform the world. He mentioned that those sent by God are equipped with heavenly support and power to navigate obstacles and persevere in their mission.

“When you are anointed for service, you do the work with joy regardless of circumstances,” he stated while recounting his experiences in the ministry work.

The clergyman underscored the transformative power of the Gospel, noting its ability to convict sinners, emphasising that this power remains constant.

He pointed out that God always accompanies the Gospel with signs and wonders, serving as evidence of His presence and power. He stressed that through preaching the Gospel, souls are saved and added to the church, leading to the expansion of the Kingdom of God, as seen in Acts 2:47b.

Concluding his message, Prophet Samuel Tetteh Doku urged Christians not to withhold the Gospel but to consistently share it as they are heralds entrusted with this vital task.

He also encouraged the congregants to support the mission enterprise of the Church by contributing resources and calling and praying for the missionaries.

Report by Emmanuel Nana Nsiah

Mrs. Juliana Korkor Obuobi Fellowships With Anyaa-Ablekuma Area web

Mrs. Juliana Korkor Obuobi Fellowships With Anyaa-Ablekuma Area

The wife of the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Mrs. Juliana Korkor Obuobi, fellowshipped with the Anyaa-Ablekuma Area on Wednesday, March 20, 2024.

The historic visit saw the gathering of all the pastorate and their wives, area, District, and local women’s leaders, as well as a mammoth of the women in the area.

The Area Head, Apostle William Ohemeng-Kwakye, in his welcome address, expressed his appreciation to Mrs. Julian Korkor Obuobi for making the time to visit the Area.

The congregation, who adorned themselves with the ministry’s paraphernalia, could not hide their joy as they danced their hearts out to the glory of God.

Mrs. Juliana Korkor Obuobi preached on the topic “The Unleashed Woman Transforming Her World,” where she stated that God has specially endowed women with the power of the Holy Spirit to position them to be able to transform her world.

She emphasised that the world is too large to be transformed by a single individual; however, God expects us to transform the whole world, which is why He has positioned them in various spheres in the marketplace to transform it.

Mrs. Korkor Obuobi also touched on the characteristics of the unleashed woman. According to her, the unleashed woman walks in righteousness and thus has no questionable character. Additionally, she speaks the truth wholeheartedly and is trustworthy.

“A woman unleashed does not gossip nor backbite. She patiently waits upon God and does not rush her way through life. The woman does not peddle herself in corruptible practices. Unleashed women are able to provide for the family. She shows compassion,” she stated.

Quoting Luke 24:9 and 1 Peter 2:9, she said that the unleashed woman is evangelistic and passionate about sharing Christ’s gospel with others wherever she finds herself.

She, therefore, urged women to embrace their role as change agents, bearing in mind that they are key stakeholders in the “Possessing the Nations” agenda.

Present at the event were Mrs. Comfort Ohemeng-Kwakye (Wife of the Area Head), ministers’ wives, and Women’s Ministry leaders at the area, district, and local levels.

Report by Anyaa Ablekuma Area Media Team

Embrace Your Role As Change Agents – Mrs. Korkor Obuobi Encourages Women web

Embrace Your Role As Change Agents – Mrs. Korkor Obuobi Encourages Women

Mrs. Juliana Korkor Obuobi, the wife of the General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, has urged women to embrace their role as catalysts for positive change in the realisation of the “Possessing the Nations” agenda.

Mrs. Obuobi said this on March 20, 2024, at the Anyaa Central Assembly auditorium during the weekly Wednesday prayer meeting with the Women’s Ministry of the Anyaa Ablekuma Area.

Speaking on the topic: “The Unleashed Woman,” Mrs. Obuobi emphasised the importance of embodying Christlike characteristics to impact their respective spheres positively.

Drawing from biblical references such as 1 Peter 2:9 and Acts 1:8, she highlighted women’s integral role in the transformational agenda of Christianity.

“We have been given every power and strength through the word of God deposited in us,” Mrs. Obuobi declared, urging women to fearlessly make a positive impact in their communities. “As women, we share in the responsibility to transform our world accordingly.”

Expounding on the characteristics of an “unleashed woman,” Mrs. Obuobi outlined key traits essential for effective transformation:

Citing Matthew 5:13, Mrs. Obuobi stated that every unleashed woman must Walk in Righteousness. She further stressed the pivotal role of righteous living in preserving and illuminating the world.

She then added that the unleashed woman must be truthful and avoid gossip and backbiting.

“In a world often marred by deceit, unwavering honesty, even in the face of adversity, is absolutely important in our walk to change our spheres,” she said.

She stated that women who seek to affect their spheres must exercise restraint in speech, refraining from gossiping and speaking ill of others, thus fostering a culture of respect and kindness, live in harmony with everyone, uphold integrity, shun corrupt practices, actively engage in spreading the Gospel and embody the teachings of Christ in their spheres of influence.

Present at the event were the Anyaa-Ablekuma Area Head, Apostle William Ohemeng Kwakye, and his wife, Comfort. Accompanying Mrs. Obuobi was Mrs. Deborah Richlove Owusu, wife of the Osu Central District Minister.

Recognising the significance of the family unit, the wife of the General Secretary further underscored that women unleashed must take charge of their home.

She then added that it is important for every woman to respect and serve her family, for it is a fundamental responsibility.

“Women must demonstrate compassion towards others and should rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit and prioritise prayer as vital practices for spiritual empowerment and discernment for it mirrors Christ’s ministry, and it is a foundational attribute for societal transformation,” she stated.

Concluding her message, Mrs. Obuobi urged all gathered to be solutions to problems. Drawing inspiration from biblical figures like Esther, she then encouraged women to actively position themselves as solutions to societal challenges, thereby contributing to peace and harmony in their communities.

She then ended by making an impassioned call for women to embrace their transformative role in society, be an inspiration to others and positively influence their spheres with the values and principles of Christlike living.


Ashanti-Bekwai Area Holds Holy Ghost Convention web

Ashanti-Bekwai Area Holds Holy Ghost Convention

The Ashanti Bekwai Area of The Church of Pentecost, under the leadership of Apostle Fred Tiakor, held a one-day Holy Ghost Convention at the Bekwai Central Assembly auditorium.

The event, which was held on Friday, March 15, 2024, under the theme “Receiving Power to Be Unleashed” (Acts 1:8), had Apostle I.K. Amoako (Rtd.) as guest speaker and was attended by over 1,700 members.

Speaking on the main theme with scripture references from Acts 1:8 and Luke 11:9-13, Apostle I.K. Amoako said that there are two categories of the Holy Spirit, that is His indwelling and His empowering nature.

He emphasised that the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit equips the believer for service in God’s Kingdom.

He said that as soon as one accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour, the Holy Spirit indwells them, and this gives them the fruit of righteousness and the heart of Jesus.

Apostle I.K. Amoako, however, noted that the empowering nature of the Holy Spirit is worked at and this is what is needed to be effectively unleashed for greater works.

According to him, one cannot rely on the indwelling spirit to do exploits, and therefore, advised Christians to yearn for the empowering spirit as they are being unleashed to conquer kingdoms for the Lord.

After the sermon, Pastor Seth Kwaku Ansah led the congregation in prayer during which 88 members received Holy Spirit baptism.

Also, many others received healings from all kinds of diseases.

Present at the Holy Ghost Convention were the area pastorate and their wives as well as officers and members of the church from the 22 districts in the area.

Report by Ashanti Bekwai Area Media Team.