The Tale Of Leah: Lessons In Love & Self-Worth

In the ancient hills of a distant land, Laban, a man with two daughters, Leah and Rachel, resided. Rachel’s beauty captivated all who beheld her while Leah’s charms lay hidden beneath the surface.

Enter Jacob, a newcomer to Laban’s town, whose heart was immediately captured by Rachel’s radiance. He approached Laban, offering seven years of diligent work in exchange for Rachel’s hand in marriage. To Jacob, these years felt like mere moments, so deep was his affection for Rachel.

However, destiny took a cruel turn on the night of celebration. Laban, in an act of deception, gave Jacob Leah instead of Rachel. Jacob, furious at the deceit, confronted Laban, who justified his actions by citing tradition.

Refusing to accept Leah as his wife, Jacob agreed to labour for another seven years to marry Rachel, the one he truly desired. While Jacob pursued Rachel, Leah suffered in silence, yearning for his love. She bore sons in hopes of winning Jacob’s affection but to no avail.

Amid Leah’s anguish, God intervened, blessing her with children while closing Rachel’s womb. Yet, Jacob’s heart remained steadfastly fixed on Rachel, leaving Leah bereft of his love.

From Leah’s heart-breaking saga, several poignant lessons emerge:

  • Know Your Worth: Leah’s story underscores the importance of valuing oneself and refusing to compromise one’s worth for the sake of love. True love celebrates authenticity and respects individuality.
  • Love Must Be Mutual: Jacob’s pursuit of Rachel highlights the necessity of mutual affection in a relationship. Love cannot be forced or one-sided; it must be freely given and reciprocated.
  • Seek Affection and Respect: Leah’s plight serves as a cautionary tale against settling for a loveless relationship. Emotional neglect and lack of affection are red flags that should not be ignored. Every individual deserves to be cherished and respected in a partnership.
  • Trust Divine Timing: Despite Leah’s suffering, God’s intervention brought her solace and purpose. Trusting in a higher power and having faith in divine timing can provide comfort and strength during difficult times.

In today’s world, many individuals find themselves echoing Leah’s struggles, longing for love and acceptance in relationships. However, by embracing these timeless lessons, they can navigate the complexities of love with wisdom and self-respect.

Remember, true love honours and cherishes the essence of who you are. It is worth waiting for, and you should never compromise your values. As Leah’s story reminds us, love may not always come as expected, but in the end, it is the journey towards self-discovery and self-worth that truly matters.Written by Elder Enock Adomah


Understanding Paul: Addressing Criticisms And Approaching His Letters With Clarity

‘…Our good brother Paul, who was given much wisdom in these matters… Some things Paul writes are difficult to understand. Irresponsible people who don’t know what they are talking about twist them every which way. They do it to the rest of the scriptures, too, destroying themselves as they do it.’ 2 Pet 3:15-16 message (emphasis mine)

In today’s world, it’s not uncommon to see debates among Christians, including Christian leaders (televangelist and social media pastors) about the writings of Paul. Throughout church history, few individuals have had as much influence or sparked as much controversy as the apostle Paul. Since the early days of the Church up to now, Paul’s words have been both highly regarded and heavily criticized, leading to discussions and disagreements within the community of believers. However, upon closer examination of Paul’s teachings, one can uncover not just why there are criticisms but also appreciate the profound impact his ideas have had on Christian theology.

In this article, we have carved out five points why it appears so common to find people attack the Pauline Epistles and finally we proffer sound ways by which Christians should approach the Bible.


First and foremost, Paul’s emphasis on grace as the cornerstone of salvation has often been perceived as radical, challenging conventional notions of merit and righteousness. Paul’s theological teachings, particularly his emphasis on grace and justification by faith, have often been perceived as radical departures from traditional Jewish and even early Christian beliefs. His rejection of strict adherence to the Mosaic law, especially concerning circumcision, provoked significant controversy among Jewish Christians (Galatians 2:11-16). In Romans 6:1-2, Paul confronts the accusation that his message of grace encourages sin: “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” (Romans 6:1-2, KJV). This passage highlights the tension between grace and obedience, illustrating Paul’s commitment to upholding both the free gift of salvation and the call to holy living.


Throughout his epistles, Paul addresses a myriad of contentious issues, from gender roles to marital ethics. In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul delves into the cultural practice of head coverings, prompting reflection on the nature of authority and submission within the Church. He writes, “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God” (1 Corinthians 11:3, KJV). While these teachings may provoke discomfort or disagreement, they underscore Paul’s commitment to applying Christian principles to the complexities of everyday life. The Church of Pentecost has had it’s fair share of this contentious issue when the communique on head covering was released in 2010. All these point to the fact that, Apostle Paul really loved handling the ‘controversial’ issues.


Paul’s apostolic authority has always been an issue for him. Not being among the original twelve disciples, has been a point of contention among skeptics and critics.

In 1 Corinthians, amidst addressing various issues within the Corinthian church, Paul defends his apostleship, appealing to his encounter with the risen Christ as the foundation of his authority. He emphasizes his role in their spiritual formation, stating, “Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord? Are you not the result of my work in the Lord? Even though I may not be an apostle to others, surely I am to you! For you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 9:1-2, NIV). Similarly, in 2 Corinthians, Paul confronts criticisms of his apostolic authority more directly. He expresses his concern for the Corinthian believers, asserting his role as their spiritual guardian: “I hope you will put up with me in a little foolishness. Yes, please put up with me! I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy… But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:1-3, NIV). Here, Paul defends his authority as a messenger of Christ, entrusted with safeguarding the purity of the gospel among them. In his letter to the Galatians, Paul forcefully asserts the divine origin of his apostleship: “Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead” (Galatians 1:1, NIV). This uncompromising declaration underscores the authority with which Paul speaks and the divine commission under which he operates.

These examples highlight Paul’s need to consistently affirm his apostolic authority throughout his epistles, anchoring his ministry in the divine calling and commissioning he received from Christ. Despite facing opposition and criticism, Paul remains steadfast in his conviction of being chosen by God to proclaim the gospel and shepherd the early Christian communities entrusted to his care.


The Bible indeed preserves the unique voice and personality of each author, including Paul. His distinct style and rhetoric is evident throughout his epistles, reflecting his passionate commitment to spreading the gospel and shepherding the early Christian communities.

Paul’s strong personality shines through in his writings, characterized by boldness, fervor, and occasionally, sharp rebuke. For example, in Galatians 5:12, Paul’s impassioned response to those advocating circumcision demonstrates his direct and forceful communication style: “As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!” (NIV). This vivid expression of frustration and disdain reveals Paul’s unapologetic nature and his willingness to confront false teachings boldly.

Moreover, Paul’s letters are marked by personal narratives, emotional outpourings, and heartfelt prayers, showcasing the depth of his relationship with both God and the recipients of his letters. In 2 Corinthians, Paul’s vulnerability and transparency are palpable as he shares his struggles, doubts, and triumphs in ministry. For instance, in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Paul describes his “thorn in the flesh” and his plea to the Lord for deliverance, highlighting his reliance on God’s grace and strength in weakness.

This aspect of Paul’s personality is a testament to the authenticity of the Bible as a collection of diverse voices inspired by God. It underscores the beauty of God’s sovereignty in using imperfect human vessels to convey His eternal truths. The Bible is not a product of human invention or manipulation but a divine revelation, where God works through the distinct personalities, experiences, and writing styles of its authors to communicate His message to humanity.

In essence, Paul’s personal style and rhetoric exemplify the richness and complexity of the biblical text, inviting readers to engage with the living Word of God in all its depth and diversity. Through the lens of Paul’s writings, we glimpse not only the workings of God’s redemptive plan but also the intricate interplay between divine inspiration and human expression, reaffirming the profound truth that “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16)


Paul’s letters have sometimes been subject to misinterpretation and selective reading, leading to distortions of his intended message as rightly posited by Apostle Peter ‘Some things Paul writes are difficult to understand’.  For instance, passages such as Romans 7:7-25, where Paul discusses the struggle with sin, have been misconstrued to suggest that Paul condoned sinful behavior. However, a closer examination of the broader context reveals Paul’s acknowledgment of the law’s inability to save and the need for grace (Romans 7:24-25).

To navigate the complexities of Paul’s letters and avoid misinterpretation, Christians must approach his writings with humility and discernment. Recognizing the historical and cultural contexts in which his epistles were written is crucial for grasping their intended meaning. Moreover, understanding the overarching themes of Paul’s theology, such as the primacy of Christ and the transformative power of grace, provides a coherent framework for interpreting his teachings.

In conclusion, while criticisms of Paul and his epistles are manifold, a thorough examination of his writings reveals the depth of his theological insights and the enduring relevance of his message. Here are some suggestions to help us approach the Bible as a whole;

PERSONAL BIBLE STUDY AND DISCERNMENT: Christians should resist the temptation to be spoon-fed spiritual content through brief social media videos or sensationalized teachings. Instead, they should prioritize personal Bible study and reflection, just as the Bereans did in Acts 17:11. The Bereans were commended for examining the Scriptures daily to verify the teachings they received. Similarly, believers today should take ownership of their spiritual growth by engaging in diligent study of God’s Word and seeking understanding through prayer and reflection.

WATCH WHAT YOU CONSUME ONLINE: It’s important for Christians to exercise discernment when consuming spiritual content on social media platforms. While social media can be a valuable tool for sharing and disseminating biblical teachings, it is also rife with misinformation and distortion of Scripture. Many televangelists and influencers prioritize sensationalism and popularity over doctrinal accuracy, spreading half-truths or outright falsehoods to attract followers and generate income.

HERMENEUTICAL PRINCIPLES: Employing sound hermeneutical principles is crucial for interpreting the Bible accurately and avoiding misinterpretation or misunderstanding. Christians should approach Scripture with a commitment to exegetical integrity, seeking to understand the author’s original intent and meaning. This involves studying the text in its original languages (where possible), analyzing its literary genre, and employing tools of biblical interpretation such as historical-grammatical exegesis. By adhering to these principles, Christians can discern the timeless truths embedded within the Pauline writings while avoiding simplistic or out-of-context interpretations that may lead to erroneous conclusions. . For CoP members at large, there is the need to embrace the Lay Leadership School. Local presbyteries must ensure that these programs are heavily patronized.

UNITY IN DIVERSITY: Finally, Christians should embrace the diversity of perspectives and voices within the Bible while maintaining unity in essential matters of faith. The New Testament comprises a variety of literary genres and authors, each contributing unique insights to the overarching narrative of God’s redemptive plan. Rather than viewing differences in interpretation or theological emphasis as divisive, believers should recognize them as enriching aspects of the Christian tradition. Unity in diversity allows Christians to appreciate the multifaceted nature of Scripture and to engage in constructive dialogue with fellow believers, fostering mutual edification and growth in faith.

In summary, Christians are encouraged to prioritize personal Bible study and reflection, following the example of the Bereans in Acts 17:11 who diligently examined the Scriptures daily. This commitment to personal study enables believers to deepen their understanding of God’s Word and grow spiritually. It’s also crucial to exercise discernment when consuming spiritual content online, as social media platforms can be rife with misinformation and distorted teachings. By applying sound hermeneutical principles, such as exegetical integrity and contextual analysis, Christians can interpret the Bible accurately and avoid misinterpretation. Furthermore, embracing the diversity of perspectives within the Bible while maintaining unity in essential matters of faith fosters mutual edification and growth among believers.

Written by Elder David Broohm

Salvation Is An Individual Affair – Apostle Dr. Jimmy Markin Asserts web

Salvation Is An Individual Affair – Apostle Dr. Jimmy Markin Asserts

The Evangelism Ministry Director of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr. Amos Jimmy Markin, has said that the eternal life that God has promised can only be gained through one’s personal decision to accept Christ as Saviour.

Apostle Dr. Jimmy Markin made this assertion when he delivered a sermon on March 12, 2024, at the CEPS Park in Aflao.

In his sermon, the Evangelism Ministry Director said that securing eternal life is a matter of personal choice. It cannot be forced, coerced, or emotionally manipulated into being. It’s a decision that comes from within.

Speaking at the opening day of the “Aflao for Christ” crusade, Apostle Dr. Markin drew from Mark 10:17-22, highlighting the universal quest for understanding life after death and the path to eternal life.

He stressed that this quest, present in the hearts of unbelievers, needs to be settled once and for all.

Apostle Dr. Markin reminded the congregation of Jesus’s love for all men, even sinners, and clarified that merely doing good deeds does not qualify one for heaven.

He explained that every person is born in sin and thus spiritually dead, unable to inherit the spiritual world. However, God sent His son, Jesus, who died and resurrected for all mankind.

“Now, as the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep, Christ offers resurrection from the dead,” he added.

The Evangelism Director furthermore revealed that everyone who believes in Jesus receives the Spirit of God and inherits eternal life. This belief allows the individual to dwell in that Spirit.

“Eternal life is gained through personal decision. It is not by force, push, or emotions,” he asserted.

He urged the congregation to accept their sinful nature, believe in Jesus Christ as Lord over their lives, and acknowledge Him. In doing so, He will bring His Spirit into their spirit, leading to a spiritual rebirth.

Present at the crusade were Apostle Michael Agyen Brefo (Aflao Area Head), Elder Seth Peasah (El Bethel Prayer Centre), Deaconess Mrs. Philomina Mireku (Women’s Ministry Director), Mrs. Rebecca Aseyero (Wife of Suhum Area Head), Mrs. Rebecca Sey (Wife of Dansoman Area Head), and Deaconess Eunice Obeng (Evangelism Ministry NEC Member).


Deborah Akanyare Is Valedictorian For 8th UENR Congregation web

Deborah Akanyare Is Valedictorian For 8th UENR Congregation

Miss Deborah Akanyare, a member of the University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani (UENR) branch of the Pentecost Students and Associates (PENSA), emerged as the Valedictorian for the 2023 Graduating Class of the University.

Deborah, who served in the Ushering and Protocol department of PENSA-UENR during her school days, graduated with a 3.94 GPA from the Nursing Department.

Her academic journey reflects a commitment to excellence and a passion for making a positive impact in the field of healthcare.

In her final year at UENR, Deborah took on leadership roles that not only showcased her ability to handle challenges with poise and competence but also inspired her peers.

As the Nursing Departmental President, Electoral Commissioner for the University Nurses and Midwives Association of Ghana, and Secretary for the National Health Workers and Students’ Prayer Network, she demonstrated exceptional multitasking skills.

Her diverse range of responsibilities allowed Deborah to cultivate a love for taking on multiple tasks simultaneously, all while diligently working towards achieving set objectives. This quality, coupled with her resilient spirit, sets her apart as an individual who thrives in dynamic and demanding environments.

Beyond her academic and leadership endeavors, Deborah finds joy and fulfillment in reading, praying, watching movies, and enjoying good music.

Deborah is enthusiastic about making a meaningful impact in the caring profession and in the Kingdom of God according to God’s purpose for her life.

Her aspiration is to bring hope and support to individuals at their most vulnerable moments, demonstrating a dedication to the well-being of others.

Report by Nii Ayi Douglas

Jesus Christ Is The Restorer Of Broken Lives – Mrs. Rebecca Sey web

Jesus Christ Is The Restorer Of Broken Lives – Mrs. Rebecca Sey

The wife of the Dansoman Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Mrs. Rebecca Sey, has declared that the purpose of the coming of Jesus into human history is to bring restoration to the sinner.

She made this assertion on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, during the “Aflao for Christ” Crusade held at CEPS Park, near the border between Togo and Ghana.

Speaking on the message titled: “Jesus, The Embodiment of Eternal Life (Colossians 1:15-16)”, Mrs Sey stressed that Jesus’ purpose in coming into human history was to restore what man lost at the beginning.

Referencing Genesis Chapter One, she explained that, in the beginning, God created man in his own image with veins, capillaries, tendons, and flesh.

The flesh, which was formed, was motionless until God breathed into the man formed from the dust of the ground. “This action by God made man a living being,” she added.

She furthermore noted that the life one has is as a result of the breath of God, adding, “Without the breath of God into man, he remains lifeless.”

Expounding her message, she emphasized that, just as God, Jesus Christ is the source of life.

“He is not only a creator of life but also the author of life. For by him, all things were created in heaven, on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, dominions, and authorities, including everything that has breath on this earth. Since Jesus is not only a custodian of life but the restorer of life, He is able to give life to any person who finds himself in a hopeless condition,” she stressed.

Mrs. Rebecca Sey stated that in the beginning, God created man and gave him all the blessings he needed for life.

According to her, as a loving Father, God declared unto man to ‘be fruitful and multiply’ and to have and take dominion. That is how humanity was supposed to be. However, she revealed that that is not as it is in our present reality, this is because of sin.

“Human beings lost all the blessings of fruitfulness, dominion, and taking over because man’s greatest enemy, who is the devil, has his manifesto. His manifesto was to steal, kill, and destroy. Because of the fall of man, our desperation caused us to entangle ourselves with demonic powers. This has, unfortunately, made man a slave to the devil and death. Sin brought God’s judgment on humanity in the Garden of Eden. The judgment was that man shall toil and suffer to live on the earth, including pains and suffering that leads to death,” she bemoaned.

“But Jesus came to restore and give abundant life to mankind. The Bible says that when the Son of man sets you free, you are free indeed. When you give your life to Jesus, the enemy will not have authority over you again. This is because Jesus gives the gift of life to those who believe in his name,” she stressed.

The wife of the Dansoman Area Head further revealed that, for the purpose of restoring mankind to God’s original plan, “Jesus came to pay the price for man’s emancipation from sin. The way that was bent and crooked because of sin, Jesus came with the good news that He is the way, the truth, and the life.”

She emphasised that Christ Jesus can change the story of the destitute and oppressed. All that the afflicted could do is to run and receive this gift of Christ which Jesus is ready to give to those who call upon him.

“Are you weary, broken-hearted, and rejected? Turn to Christ Jesus and he will save you,” she stated.

She concluded her gospel message by admonishing all manner of persons to turn to Christ for the gift of life that He freely gives.

Report by Aflao Area Media Team.

HUM Holds Leaders & Assistants Strategic Conference web

HUM Holds Leaders & Assistants Strategic Conference

The Home and Urban Missions (HUM) of The Church of Pentecost held a one-day Area HUM Leaders and Assistants Strategic Conference for the Ashanti, Bono, Bono East, Ahafo, and Western North Regions coordinators on March 13, 2024.

The conference, at the A. T. Nartey Memorial Temple in Bantama, Kumasi, aimed to equip Area HUM Leaders and Assistants to appreciate the “HUM Strategic Plan 2028” and effectively implement its strategic goals and objectives at all levels.

The National HUM Coordinator, Apostle Emmanuel Agyei Kwafo, was there in the company of Pastor Kwasi Bukari (HUM Pastor, Techiman Sector), Pastor Gabriel Owusu Akyaw (HUM Pastor, Kumasi Sector), Pastor Kwasi Atta Agyapong (HUM Research and Innovation Committee Leader), and Mrs. Patricia Owusu Akyaw (HUM Equipping Centre Committee Leader).

In all, 55 participants attended the conference.

Report by HUM Media

CoP-St. Lucia, St. Vincent & Grenadines Organises Maiden Bi-National Retreat web

CoP-St. Lucia, St. Vincent & Grenadines Organises Maiden Bi-National Apostolisation

The external branches of The Church of Pentecost in the island nations of St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, under the leadership of the National Head, Pastor Andrew Amankwaah, concluded their maiden Officers’ Retreat (Apostolisation) for the two Caribbean Islands.

Held from March 13 to 17, 2024, under the theme “A People of God Unleashed to Transform their World,” the programme allowed members from both nations to participate virtually.

Evangelist Gabriel Addo-Asante, the Internal Missions Coordinator, and Pastor Joseph Tieku, the Finance Administrative Manager, both of The Church of Pentecost Canada Inc., were invited guests who spoke on the topics “Effective Evangelism” and “Sacrificial Giving and Tithing,” respectively.

Friday, March 15, was dedicated to praying for the spiritual, numerical, and financial growth of the Churches and their members.

As part of the ongoing aggressive evangelism project, Saturday, March 16, was devoted to personal and community evangelism.

Apostle Ransford Obeng Gyamfi, the National Head of The Church of Pentecost Canada Inc., who was the guest of honour, shared fellowship with the brethren from St. Vincent and the Grenadines as well as the team of leaders in St. Lucia on Saturday morning at separate times.

The Apostolisation culminated on Sunday, March 17, 2024, where Apostle Ransford Obeng Gyamfi preached on the topic “Unleashed to Increase,” referencing Genesis 1:1-22 and John 1:14.

During his ministration, Apostle Obeng Gyamfi encouraged the members as a newly established Church to build on the foundation, which is Christ Jesus, the manifested word of God who creates and brings increase.

At the end of the service on Sunday, March 17, 2024, two brothers and two sisters were ordained as Deacons and Deaconesses of the Church in St. Lucia, respectively.

The occasion was also used to officially inaugurate the Women’s Ministry, and a soul was won as well.

In his closing remarks, Apostle Ransford Obeng Gyamfi, who was the special guest of honor and the Chairperson for the service, was full of praise to God for His faithfulness in fulfilling His covenant with the Church of Pentecost.

He also commended the resident missionary Pastor Andrew Amankwaah and his family for their obedience to the call to missions and hard work in building the Churches on the islands of St. Lucia, St. Vincent, and the Grenadines.

Apostle Gyamfi expressed his profound gratitude to the members of the Church, especially those who have gone out of their ways to support the work of ministry.

Report by Pastor Andrew Amankwaah (Vieux Fort, St. Lucia)

Mr. Stephen Yawson & Wife Donate 10 Tricycles To Tamale Area web

Mr. Stephen Yawson & Wife Donate 10 Tricycles To Tamale Area

Mr. Stephen Yawson and his wife, Anita, who are both members of the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Tarkwa, have donated ten tricycles, worth GH¢180,000.0, to the Tamale Area as part of their support towards the mission work in the Area.

The young couple expressed their hope that these tricycles would aid in the expansion of the mission work and bring more people to the church.

The tricycles were presented through Pastor Andrews Owusu to the Tamale Area Head and Northern RCC Chairman of the Church, Apostle John B.K. Tawiah.

Receiving the donation on behalf of the Area, Apostle J.B.K. Tawiah thanked the Lord for His abundant grace and provision in making this donation a reality.

“We are extremely indebted to God for the life of Brother Stephen Yawson and his wife, Anita, whose unprecedented benevolence has made this day a historical one,” he said.

Apostle Tawiah further acknowledged the impact of this donation on expanding the mission work in the Tamale Area and beyond.

Present at the brief presentation ceremony were Mrs. Agartha Tawiah (Wife of the Area Head), the Area Secretary, the Area pastorate, the Area Deacon, and the Area Office staff.

Report by Tamale Media

Bawku Area Organises Fulani Convention web

Bawku Area Organises Fulani Convention

The Bawku Area of The Church of Pentecost organised its maiden Fulani Convention on Saturday, March 9, 2024, at the Zebilla Central Assembly auditorium, which brought together 222 Fulanis across the Area.

As part of the Area’s effort to reach out to all people with the gospel, the Bawku Area, through the Home and Urban Missions (HUM), is intentionally and strategically reaching out to the Unreached People Groups (UPGs) and the marginalised in society.

The event was graced by Pastor Emmanuel Owusu, the Walewale HUM Sector Coordinator, and Overseer Abubakar Diallo Sulemana, the Nkwanta HUM Sector Coordinator.

During the convention, the Area Head, Pastor Eric Gyacham, delivered an exhortation on the topic: “Jesus Came to Seek and to Save the Outcast.”

Drawing reference from Luke 19:1-10, he emphasised Jesus’ deliberate mission to reach out to marginalised groups in society, including children, sinners, women, strangers, and unreached people groups.

Pastor Eric Gyacham encouraged the participants to emulate Zacchaeus’ response to his encounter with Jesus by obeying His instructions, welcoming Him gladly, as well as repenting and confessing their sins.

Ending his exhortation with an altar call, 53 persons accepted Christ as their Lord and personal Savior. Subsequently, 14 Fulani converts were baptised in water and 11 others received Holy Spirit baptism.

The convention also featured discussions and intense prayer sessions that led to significant healings and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit among the attendees.

Also, the Area enrolled 19 people onto the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS).

Report by Bawku Area Media Team


The Un-Bequeath Generation: The Dry Bones At Work

“9 When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?… 13 Elisha then picked up Elijah’s cloak that had fallen from him and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan. 14 He took the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and struck the water with it. “Where now is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” he asked. When he struck the water, it divided to the right and to the left, and he crossed over.” – 2 Kings 2:9, 14-15

The Vision 2028 demands that young men, who are the wings to carry the vision, be trained by our fathers in the faith. In other words, there should be a transfer of mantle from the older generation to the younger generation. If any of them fail, the dry bones (retired ministers) will return to work.

Before God took Elijah, there was a generation that had to carry on the Baton of ministry to another generation in complete succession. But after the death of Elisha, there was no one to carry on the ministry because Elisha couldn’t transfer the mantle to anyone. The vessel that could have carried the greatest Mantle in four-folds became a leper due to greed. Elisha, having the double portion of anointing from his master, couldn’t train any young person to carry on the Baton, so that generation will have to suffer for this.

Comparatively, Vision 2028 necessitates ministers who will diligently train young men and women in the various ministries to be able to carry on the “mantle of transformation.” This is not just a suggestion but a crucial task. If ministers fail to train, they will be forced to come back to work even after they retire, as illustrated in the story of Elisha’s bones. This underscores the urgency and importance of training the next generation.

This message, in my opinion, doesn’t sound like even while he was dead, his bones still could work wonders. Had Elisha trained someone in his place, that prophet could have raised the young man who was raised by his bones. Though the anointing could still be in his dry bones, the living could raise the dead young man. Elisha’s dry bones will not work after death.

Ministers who refuse to train, impart, or transfer any mantle to the next generation will always be in active ministry, even after retirement. Moses trained Joshua, the son of Nun, his aide, to take on the Baton of leadership to the promised land. Jesus Christ called and unleashed many to continue the work of ministry with the backing of the Holy Spirit.

We can see many other examples from the New Testament. Apostle Paul trained Timothy and many other believers to continue the work of ministry. Apostle Paul, being able to say, “I’ve fought the good fight and finished the race”, means he has prepared many other believers who will take over from him even when he is no more.


We young men and women should also avail ourselves of training and being imparted by our fathers in the faith and submit to leadership. Had Gehazi obeyed and submitted to leadership, he would have carried the four-fold anointing of Elisha. Ministers should be patient enough in order to train the younger generation.

Written by Deacon Emmanuel Tanor (Japekrom District, Berekum Area)