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Fire On The Heads Of Women: Historical Antecedents And Beacon Of Blessing Of The Ministry Of Women In The Church Of Pentecost


The Church of Pentecost (CoP) like other great institutions that seek to make a purposeful impact on life, naturally endorsed the establishment of special sub-ministries or functional ministries (previously called “movements” until 2012) that will mobilize, nurture and empower focus groups spelled out by gender and age within the church. This structure is, invariably, a tool for intentional discipleship. Beginning in the early 1940s, less than a decade after Rev. James McKeown landed on the shores of Ghana, the Young People’s Movement emerged. This group metamorphosed into the Witness Movement (now evangelism ministry), Youth ministry, and PENSA. Within this same period, by 1945, Rev. Adam McKeown, Mrs. Sophia McKeown, and Mrs. Christiana Obu organised the women to form the Women Movement (now Women Ministry). An official inauguration took place in 1952. Interestingly, the Pentecost Men Ministry (PEMEM) was formed many years later after the Women Ministry came into existence. PEMEM began operation officially in 1991 after the proposal for its formation was accepted in 1988. However, the organization of the men started somewhere in 1985. Thus the ladies, as an organised group, were in ministry long before PEMEM. The emergence of the Women Ministry, led to the improvement of the spiritual and socio-economic status of the ladies as they were trained in literacy, entrepreneurship, leadership, and public life. The women excelled in evangelism and disciple-making as well. Consequently, the contribution of their lot to the church cannot be erased from the annals of the CoP. Numerically, at the end of 2018, it was reported that women formed 62% of the entire membership of the CoP. Their ministry must continually be held in high esteem. In this very short essay, I shall make brief reference to the special work of mainly three women whilst mentioning others in passing, and discuss the transformation of the ministry of women in leadership per the foregoing reformation within the CoP. The ministry of women is significantly the eddies of the CoP

The Tears that Watered the Seed of Ghana’s Pentecostalism: Sophia McKeown and her Love for Mission in Africa

History holds that in 1935, during a convention in England, a prophecy came forth calling Rev. James McKeown to missions in Africa. The prophecy came in his absence but he refused to respond to the call because of reservations he had concerning the practice of prophesying in his church at that time. Sophia, who was older and educated to a more advanced level than James, had to convince her husband to respond to the call to Africa. It took her incessant tears to urge James McKeown to finally respond to the call. Where would we have been now if not for the tears of Sophia? These tears watered the seed of the idea of the CoP which was in the mind of God. What lessons can we learn from this virtuous lady who sacrificed her comfort to live in the “death zone of Africa.”? Africa was then regarded as the graveside of the white man because most of the white missionaries who came to Africa could not excel in work on the continent. They either die due to the “unfriendly” weather or go back home due to a lack of progress in the missionary work. Sophia did not only persuade her husband to come to Africa but she became actively involved in missions herself. Though from the West, she was well incarnated in Ghana and this led to a great impact on the holistic development of the women and the church at large.

Christiana Obu, the Stone, and Eunice Addison, the Voice

Available records show that after school, Christiana became a pupil-teacher, and businesswoman. She generously used her money to support Pastor James McKeown when the church was facing financial crises. She also did interpretation for him. She came into contact with Pastor McKeown during a trek he made to Saltpond. She responded to an invitation to meet McKeown. She became McKeown’s convert. Christiana together with other women, Prudence Anaman, Clara Anaman, and Maame Halleluyah pastored churches in the early days of the church, during the chairmanship of Pastor McKeown when getting men for leadership roles became a difficult task.

On the part of Eunice Francisca Stephanie Nana Afoa Addison, she became a conduit of divine music in the church. She contributed many of the songs that are sung in churches in Ghana today. She impacted others with this gift. This reception of spiritual songs has remained a significant part of the theology and praxis of the CoP. Usually, when a new song is being sung, one would likely hear a CoP member ask “Who received this song.” It is normative. I think the whole phenomenon must be studied further. This will contribute greatly to the ongoing development of Pentecostal pneumatology in particular and theology in general.

Eunice was also once the presiding deaconess of the Merry Villas assembly during a time in which the chapel of the assembly was closed down due to some crises. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah intervened for the assembly to get back to their auditorium. During her home call service at the Trade Fair Centre at La on May 4, 2013 (I was present at the meeting), Eunice was referred to as “the great apostle of God” by Apostle Opoku Onyinah when he was offering the benediction to close off the meeting. Indeed, many women in the CoP are walking in the apostolic. Their leadership in the past and present is a growing appreciation of the use of women by the Holy Spirit in the building of the Kingdom of God.

The Growing Ministry of Women

Classical Pentecostalism since its inception has seen the great influence of women around the world. Due in part to the full reliance on the activity of the Holy Spirit, there is much flexibility that offers people of different socio-economic persuasions to be engaged in missions. The renewal of modern Pentecostalism owes much to the pneumatic phenomenon of speaking in tongues by one Agnes Ozman in a time when the renewal of this spectacle as seen in the Acts of the Apostles was being desired. Agnes was a student in the Bethel Bible School in Topeka, Kansas. This school was established by Charles Fox Parham. Parham is widely held as the father of modern Pentecostalism. Other women including Agnes Beckdahl, Grace Agar, Elizabeth Sisson, Jessie Wengler, and Maria Gerber, among others, played critical roles in shaping the classical Pentecostal movement. Nevertheless, immediate cultural tendencies and how Pentecostals have appropriated aspects of especially the Pauline corpus of the Bible impinges on the extent of the participation of women in Pentecostal leadership. Unlike the African Initiated Churches and the neo-pentecostal churches of Africa, the CoP is no different from the general classical Pentecostal take on women in ecclesiastical leadership. However, the ministry of women concerning leadership is growing steadily.  

In the formative years of the CoP, the contribution of women in various ways is arguably summed up in the Pastor James McKeown’s idea of handing over the leadership of the CoP to the women if he had the leeway to do so as reported by Christine Leonard in the book, A Giant in Ghana.Women began taking leadership roles at various levels. With time (beginning from 1965), it became the practice that the women’s ministry is led by general leaders who are males. They are deputized by women. In 1994, under the chairmanship of Prophet M. K. Yeboah, this structure of the leadership of the women’s ministry was changed to have a woman being the general leader though with a male patron of the ministry. In 1995, the designation “general leader” was changed to “director.” During the chairmanship of Apostle Opoku Onyinah, in 2015, the women’s ministry from the national to the local levels began to be fully handled by the women without the need for male patrons. Also, the constitution was amended to allow women to become part of the General Council, the highest decision-making body of the CoP. Under the present leadership of the CoP, women have been co-opted into the Executive Council, and Area, District, and Local Executive Committees.

Concerns have been shown especially the academia with regards to the CoP’s lack of ordination of women into full-time ministry. This is seen in the writings of Allan Anderson, Paul Gifford, J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, and Charles Prempeh, among others. Considering the development of the ministry of women in the CoP over the years and their obvious active participation in the life of the CoP, there are indicators that the place of women in the CoP would continue to appreciate. Their impact would continually be felt. The ministry of women is, in all regards, a sign of blessing for the CoP.


Many other women have played remarkable roles at various levels in the churches in all inhabitable continents on which the CoP is found. Historically, the ministry of ladies has helped to set the church up for great strides. Their contribution is a benchmark to direct the course of the future well-being of the church. It comes as no surprise when the CoP envisioned consciously maximizing and utilizing the resource of women. Towards this, intentional reflections on the dealings of the Holy Spirit with men and women alike must be on the go. May the fire of the Holy Spirit that comes upon women burn its way into enabling a remarkable influence of the women in the Church throughout the world.

By Elder Dr. Stephen Ofotsu Ofoe

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Accept It; Esther

A biological male is born with XY chromosomes and has male sex and reproductive organs. A biological female is also born with XX chromosomesand has female sex and reproductive organs. The Bible in Genesis 5:2 says, “He created them male and female…”. Centuries later in the New Testament, Jesus affirmed this when He said, “But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female” (Mark 10:6). Humans, therefore, have no control or input at the onset of conception regarding which sex God offers. Adam, the first created man, had no input or choice of his sex until he became a living being. When Eve, the first female, was being made, God in His wisdom put Adam into a deep sleep until He finished and handed her over to him as his wife.

Therefore, both Adam and Eve had no input in the determination of their sexes when they were made. After Adam gained back his consciousness, he expressed his excitement and said, “…This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, for she was taken out of man.” (Genesis 2:23). According to Genesis 1:31, “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good…”. So God equally expressed His excitement on the sixth and last day after creating humankind and the entire universe and rested on the seventh day. The first five days saw the creation of the lights, skies, seas, dry grounds, seed and fruits bearing plants and trees, night and day, living creatures and all kinds of birds in the sea and on the earth, wild animals and the livestock according to their kinds.

Unfortunately, human beings have tempered with every creation of God irresponsibly as against the charge given when handing them over to us. This has resulted in the threatening climatic and environmental conditions we all find ourselves in today with its associated hardships and misery. Due to socio-economic factors, wildlife and the general ecosystem are equally trampled upon with impunity. At the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP 26, held in Glasgow, leaders from around the world gathered to chart a path forward on climate action to curb emissions and address the impacts of a warming planet. Simon Kofe, the Foreign Minister of Tuvalu, said, “We cannot wait for speeches when the sea is rising around us all the time.” Former President of United States Barack Obama also said, “Saving the planet isn’t a partisan issue.” The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, intimated, “Humanity has long since run down the clock on climate change. It’s one minute to midnight on that Doomsday clock, and we need to act now.” These troubles began after humans started tempering with everything God created without recourse to the attached manual, His word. As a result, Humanity have not known rest after God rested on the seventh day.

Until the latter days of the 20th century, what was possibly left unscratched was the male and female gender as programmed by God for each individual. Today, some seem to have gathered the nerves to temper with this one too and propagating for others to do the same if they so wish. They refer to themselves as transgender people. A transgender person is a person who feels trapped inside the body of the opposite gender. A transgender woman lives as a woman today but was thought to be male when she was born. A transgendermanlives as a man today but was considered female when he was born.

Whereas some renowned world leaders have embraced the trans-community with laws that seek to protect their interests, others have condemned the practice outrightly. The number of children referred to the Tavistock and Portman Foundation Trust’s gender identity development service (Gids)—the NHS service through which all UK candidates for a sex change under 18 is up from 77 in 2009 to 2,590 in 2018. In November 2017, the Guardian reported that 70 per cent of referrals were female. There has been an extraordinary increase in teenagers seeking to transition from female to male in the last ten years.

Speaking at the annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russian President, Vladimir Putin, stressed that his country should adhere to its own “spiritual values and historical traditions,” he said the notion that children are “taught that a boy can become a girl and vice versa” is monstrous and “on the verge of a crime against humanity.” This article seeks to appreciate the wisdom and purposes behind the male and female gender as strategically chosen and designed by God for every single individual.

The book of Esther introduces a young lady named Hadassah, who happened to be one of the Jewish exiles and captives carried away to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar. Also known as Esther, she had a lovely figure and was very beautiful. As an orphan, she was under the care of her cousin Mordecai, who worked at the palace in the citadel of Susa as one of the security operatives (Esther 2:5-7). At birth, her parents, relatives, and the Elders in Israel had no idea why God made her a female with those features. It was only a matter of time for all to appreciate that the creator makes no mistakes in choosing our gender for us. Besides her ordeal as a captive living in a foreign land exposed to an early hustling life with her gatekeeper male cousin, Esther had other challenges that confronted her. Both of her parents died when she was a little child. The obvious and preferable person to take care of Esther should have been one of her female relatives with a better appreciation of nurturing the girl child. Her tribe, Benjamin, also happened to be the smallest of all the tribes in Israel.

One of the questions and thoughts that could have occurred to her was whether she was a male in a female body. Indeed, a cursory examination of her early social, emotional and psychological challenges and the only available relative to her aid being a male could have led to her questioning why she came out from birth as a female. Besides other factors such as self-confidence, esteem and worth and innate feelings, some adolescent girls seeking sex reassignment argue that the trappings of femininity can be oppressive. However, one bitter truth is that challenges are gender insensitive at all ages and stages in this life. No matter how inexpressible it may be, the mere innate feeling one gets at a particular time due to a challenge should not warrant consideration for gender change. One of the most significant flaws of contemplating a gender reassignment surgery is the assumption of fulfilment, satisfaction and improvement of one’s self-worth afterwards.

Sex reassignment surgery refers to procedures that help people transition to their self-identified gender. People may have surgery so that their physical body matches their gender identity. What happens during surgery varies depending on the procedure, and it can be facial, top, bottom surgeries or a combination of these operations. 

A trans activist woman who de-transitioned in 2018 claimed that many people with gender reassignment regret the decision and want to return to their original sex. Charlie Evans, aged 28 years, from Newcastle, UK, also said hundreds of people who wish to return to their original gender have contacted her since she announced her de-transition and stopped taking her hormone therapy. Evans was born female but decided to live as a male for almost ten years before de-transitioning.

In a cohort study in the PLos One journal edited by James Scott, it was discovered that Persons with sex reassignment have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.

The above conclusion from the study even proves that it does not lie within the purview of humankind to make a man out of a person born a woman at birth or vice-versa. Even God did not do that. When He needed the female gender, he did not change Adam’s gender but made a new human being in the person of Eve. It is, therefore, not surprising the health and psychological complications associated with the gender reassignment procedures.

God is not unaware of the struggles all humans go through in this life, no matter how personal or indescribable they may appear. He is always available and ready to offer the helping and restoring hand. I would, at this point, urge all guardians, relatives, friends and loved ones of all who seem to be going through one challenge or the other to offer every available support to them. We necessarily do not have to be wealthy before providing emotional, psychological, financial, social and spiritual help to others. Per his societal standing and socio-economic status at the time, Mordecai could not have been able to support Esther. Yet, as a gatekeeper, he became a shoulder upon which Esther could cry and depend in those difficult moments of her life.

Around 5th century BC, Queen Vashti, wife of King Xerxes, the Mede-Persian King, was deposed for misconducting herself (Esther 1:10-22). To fill the vacuum, a search was to be made throughout the 127 provinces from Ethiopia to India for a suitable young virgin. “ Then the King’s personal attendants proposed, “Let a search be done for beautiful young virgins for the King.Let the King appoint commissioners in every province of his realm to bring all these beautiful young women into the harem at the citadel of Susa. Let them be placed under the care of Hegai, the King’s eunuch, who is in charge of the women, and let beauty treatments be given to them. Then let the young woman who pleases the King be Queen instead of Vashti.” This advice appealed to the King, and he followed it (Esther 2:1-4). The pre-qualification criterion was a biological female, at least to begin with.

Although they were captives in that foreign Land, Mordecai seized that golden opportunity to register Esther to participate in that pageantry. Mordecai did not have what it took to make Esther a beautiful biological female. No matter how concerned her cousin was, there was no way she could have been listed if she was not a biological female at the time. That is the preserve of God. Similarly, we cannot push our male children into opportunities solely reserved for the girl child and vice-versa. According to Esther 2:7-9, of all the contestants who had assembled at the Citadel of Susa, Esther was the one who won the favour of Hegai, the King’s eunuch and their caretaker at the time. Even though something quite unusual, which I prefer to call Grace and which others call favour, seemed to be working to her advantage, her female gender offered by God at birth, became the bedrock for that mindboggling success story of hers.

In like manner, God uses the very sex He offers us at birth to our advantage at all times. The argument that God could have still used a male to connect the Israelites to the seat of the government at the time isn’t tenable because Mordecai was a male working as a gatekeeper. God needed a female who could also be the First Lady in Susa. Therefore, our gender is not an afterthought as the transgender community is portraying gender choices to look like. You are of a particular gender at birth for reasons far beyond what you can ever imagine during your lifetime.

After Esther won that beauty contest and became the suitable replacement for Queen Vashti, the real reason for her feminine make-up began to unfold. Little did she know that the redemption, deliverance and salvation of a whole nation had been incorporated in her female gender at birth.

Even though the King’s wife, Esther, was a Jew, one official at the seat of government in the person of Haman suddenly assumed the title, “The enemy of the Jews.” As a well-connected person in officialdom, he succeeded in getting the King to sign an irreversible edict to kill all the Jews within the 127 provinces on 7th March 473 BC (Esther 3:12). Almost 10 years before this period, Mordecai, the gatekeeper, had uncovered a credible plot to assassinate the King by two guards of his private quarters. The intel was investigated, and the culprits were impaled on a sharpened pole (Esther 2:21-23). If Mordecai were to be a female, she would not have had the opportunity to work as a gatekeeper, let alone get his name imprinted in the annals of King Xerxes’ reign history. The reason for his male make-up by God also began to unfold. Mordecai sent a message to Esther about the wicked plot of Haman about the Jews, and together, they organized three-day fasting and prayers to avert that pending calamity. Quite reminiscent of males, Mordecai lacked the fine details of how best the Jews would come out of that pending disaster even though he knew something urgent needed to be done. He said, “Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace, you will escape when all other Jews are killed. If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made Queen for just such a time as this?” (Esther 4:13-14).

The original feminine race, which God has endowed with discernment and the carving out the fine details for relief and such distressful situations, then added their touch to the whole deliverance plan. She sent this reply to Mordecai, “Go and gather together all the Jews of Susa and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will do the same. And then, though it is against the law, I will go in to see the King. If I must die, I must die.” So, Mordecai went away and did everything Esther had ordered him (Esther 4:15-17).

In the end, Haman, the enemy of the Jews, was hanged on the gallows he prepared for Mordecai, and a new edict was issued by the King, who provided the Jews with the right of self-defense. Males and females, therefore, have their inherent limitations. God intended that they complement and not compete with each other. The roles Mordecai and Esther played complemented each other so well to meet the set objective of averting the pending massacre of the Jews. When the devil’s plan begins to work against us, God’s original design for our lives begins to work to perfection and unto His glory.

Esther and Mordecai, who wholeheartedly embraced their God-given sexes, rose to occupy the positions as the First Lady and the Prime Minister of the Persian Empire, respectively (Esther 10:3). It must also be pointed out that Esther was not catapulted to the position of the Queen only because of her female gender. The Bible says she obeyed all the good counsel her cousin Mordecai offered her as a child, during the days of the beauty contest and even as the First Lady (Esther 2:20). We, therefore, must not ignore godly counsels and still expect to solely depend on our God-given genders to make the needed impact during our lifetime. There is a good reason God made you a male or female at birth.

Accept, therefore, your God-given biological gender, and amid challenges, you can still be a blessing to yourself, immediate family members, society and the world at large.

Written by Pastor James Orhin Agyin

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As Some Say, “Only Judge Can God”

Yul Edochie is a Nollywood actor. On 27th April 2022, he revealed on his Instagram page that he has a son with his colleague actress Judy Austin Muoghalu, who, he claims, is also his second wife. Yul’s first wife, May Yul Edochie, wrote under that Instagram post that, “May God judge you both.”

It is worth noting that, “May God judge you” is different from “May God condemn you”. God’s judgement is either one of “guilty & condemned” or ‘innocent & acquitted”. Yule and his second wife can pass for either in God’s sight; and even if they are found guilty before God with all the hidden facts available to God (but hidden from humans), God may still decide to have mercy on them.

It is however worth noting that, God having mercy on a guilty person (on how they respond to His Word and/or treat others) does not make their sins, right and worthy of emulation. We are to weigh all things, as Christians, and stick to what is “God’s righteousness”.

God’s righteousness on any matters is HIS ORIGINAL PLAN & PURPOSE for that matter as revealed in the Bible by the “Law of First Mention” and modeled by Christ.

On the subject of marriage, God’s ORIGINAL PLAN & PURPOSE is “One man, one wife”. We see it in Genesis 2:24-26 in the marriage between Adam and Eve. This is also seen in Christ marrying One Bride (The Church) – One Body with many different parts.

So, David or Solomon marrying more and receiving mercies regardless does not annul God’s Righteousness on the matter of marriage. All that said, ONLY JUDGE CAN GOD perfectly BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE on every matter of life.

Having said all these, the following scriptures reveals that, as humans, we may have our own judgment on matters BETWEEN PEOPLE but there are facts hidden from us humans on issues which are available to the Godhead only thus making the Godhead the ONLY EVER-RIGHTEOUS JUDGE in all such matters of life.

‘Then Sarai said to Abram, “You are responsible for the wrong I am suffering. I put my slave in your arms, and now that she knows she is pregnant, she despises me. May the LORD judge between you and me.”‘ (Genesis 16:5, NIV)

‘…”See, my father, look at this piece of your robe in my hand! I cut off the corner of your robe but did not kill you. See that there is nothing in my hand to indicate that I am guilty of wrongdoing or rebellion. I have not wronged you, but you are hunting me down to take my life. May the LORD judge between you and me. And may the LORD avenge the wrongs you have done to me, but my hand will not touch you”‘ (David to Saul, 1 Samuel 24:11-12, NIV)

‘…When David finished saying this, Saul asked, “Is that your voice, David my son?” And he wept aloud. “You are more righteous than I,” he said. “You have treated me well, but I have treated you badly.”‘ (1 Samuel 24:16-17)

‘As she was being brought out, she sent a message to her father-in-law. “I am pregnant by the man who owns these,” she said. And she added, “See if you recognize whose seal and cord and staff these are.” Judah recognized them and said, “She is more righteous than I, since I wouldn’t give her to my son Shelah.” And he did not sleep with her again’. (Genesis 38:25-26)



Written by Apostle S. K. Fianko-Larbi

how do you evangelise

How Do I Evangelise Someone Who Says That They Don’t Believe The Bible?

One of the most common questions I get from people is, “What do I do when my friend says that the Bible is not a reliable book? How do I evangelise them?”

I understand the question. It seems like a pretty difficult dilemma. If someone will not listen to the Bible because they think it is an invention of men, then how do I convince them that the Bible is actually God’s Word?

But if you think about it the answer is pretty simple. If someone tells me that in order to convince them that I must use something other than the Bible, then I must ask myself exactly what would convince them? Some proof that God exists? An incredible experience? A miracle? Someone rising from the dead? None of these things will convince them.

The answer has to be that you continue to give them the Bible.

The Bible—simply put—doesn’t allow for other means to be used in order to win someone to Christ. We must understand and believe in the sufficiency of Scripture to do what God has intended it to do. We cannot put it aside and trust in other means in order to see people worship God. There are verses in particular that come to mind for why Scripture is the only means by which God save souls.


“For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written, ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, And the cleverness of the clever I will set aside.’” – 1 Corinthians 1:18-19

The God of Scripture doesn’t fit in our minds. He is way too powerful and way too big for us to be able to reason to Him. In fact, if we were able to reason to Him, or if He were able to fit in our minds, then He would not be a God worth worshiping. Eternity will not be long enough to truly grasp the greatness of God, and therefore we cannot come to a complete understanding of Him. The only means we have to understand Him is through His Word. God has given it to us as His only special revelation in order to allow us to know enough about Him to be able to worship Him properly in this life. His Word is the means through which God destroys the wisdom of the wise and the cleverness of the clever.


“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.” – Romans 10:17

The Bible says that people come to faith through the word of Christ. The word of Christ is only found in the Bible, therefore the only way for someone to come to faith is through the Bible. There is no other way. You can’t trick someone into becoming a Christian. The only way that someone can come to faith is for them to be exposed to the Bible.


“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” – Romans 1:16

God’s power is found in the Gospel. Though we can be thankful for all kinds of other “proofs” that God exists, we must always remember that it is the Gospel itself that is called the power of God. Going outside of Scripture causes us to give up our sword and use a feather. Just because the person you are talking to doesn’t like your sword does not mean that you should give it up in order to win them over through other means.


“But he said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.‘” – Luke 19:31

In this parable, we find the rich man in hell. Once he understands the fact that he cannot and will never be able to leave, his mind goes to his brothers on earth and he is convinced that they will believe if only someone like Lazarus were to rise from the dead and preach to them. But Abraham is clear that if they don’t listen to the Bible then they won’t believe even if they were to witness a resurrection.


“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” – Romans 1:18

“…if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:25b

The Bible is clear that people love their sin. That’s the reason why they will not repent and trust in the Creator that they know exists. No amount of proof, whether it be through miracles or reasoning, can cause them to believe and forsake their sin. The only means by which people will repent is if in the kindness of God; He opens their eyes to their enslavement to sin and gives them new hearts that hate sin.  He has one means that He will use to accomplish this: His Word.

We must, despite what the world tells us, continue to trust in God’s Word which is sharper than any two-edged sword. It is alive, it is the power of God, and it is the only means that God has given us to break through the hard heart of man and to win that heart over to Christ. Don’t use cheap tricks and other ways that have no power. Set down the feathers of pragmatism and seeker-sensitive mentalities and pick up the Sword of God to do what it was intended to.

Written by Jordan Standridge (thecripplegate.com)

Apostle Fianko Larbi

Our God Dwells In The Third Heaven And Yet…

Creation Account of Heavens and Earth

Genesis 1:1 states that, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth

Take note that, the Bible did not say “heaven” but “heavens”; this denote many…

Hebrews 11:3a says that, “By faith we understand that the worlds (some versions use “universe”) were framed by the word of God…”

Bringing Genesis 1:1 and Hebrews 11:3a side by side, we see that the universe (or the worlds) is made up of the earth and the heavens


Universe = Earth + Heavens

The “heavens” used in the Bible, therefore, refers to all other elements or constellation in the universe aside the earth.

Biblical record of creation is presented from the perspective of one standing on the earth. This is because, the Lord chose to place humanity on earth from where He would roll out His redemptive plan for them. Creation account therefore list the earth, the moon, the sun and the stars.

Isaiah 13:10 says, “For the stars of heaven and their constellations will not give their light; the sun will be darkened in its going forth, and the moon will not cause its light to shine”

I cited Isaiah 13:10 above to show that the sun, stars and moon makes up the universe outside the earth as the confirmed by the creation account.

The sun is a star, but the Lord gives it a special focus for emphasis since it is the star closest to the earth – where His redemptive purpose for humanity will take place. It is like Jesus telling Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome to go and tell, “the disciples and Peter” (Mark 16:7); that did not mean Peter is not a disciple but for the purpose of emphasis.

We can therefore see that, after the description of the creation account, the biblical narrative moves straight to the Garden of Eden – from whence God’s redemptive plan begins to roll out – starting with His interaction with Adam and Eve.

The Heavens

Predominant Hebrew word translated “heaven(s)” in the Old Testament is “samayim” (singular: sameh). This word means, “to be lofty” – meaning “to be lofty” – the sky (as aloft) – the visible arch in which the clouds move, as well as referring to the higher ether where celestrial bodies revolve. Predominant Greek word translated “heaven(s)” in the New Testament is “ouranos” (from the idea of elevation) and refers to the sky; by extension heaven (as the abode of God); by implication happiness, power, eternity. Thus “heaven(s)” refers to either of three realms, depending on context of a given biblical passage:

  1. The firmament
  2. The rest of the universe – often referred to in the Bible as, the host of heaven (stars including the sun and the moon)
  3. The heaven of heavens (the unapproachable light) where God dwells with the host of heaven (angels, etc.)

Hosts of heaven

Depending on context, “host of heaven” can refers to “the rest of the universe” or to “angels etc. with God in the heaven of heavens”

Let us examine these scriptures below to bring out the differences:

Deuteronomy 4:19; 5:8; 17:3; 2 Kings 17:16; 21:3, 5; 23:4, 5; Isaiah 13:10 among many other passages reveals the “host of heaven” as the sun, the moon and the stars which human beings are not supposed to worship; any worship that focusses on the moon, the stars and the sun is idolatry. For instance, Deuteronomy 4:19 says,

‘And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun, the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, you feel driven to worship them and serve them, which the Lord your God has given to all the peoples under the whole heaven as a heritage’

1 Kings 22:19-22; 2 Chronicles 18:18-21; Nehemiah 9:6; Psalm 103:21; 148:2; Luke 2:13-15, among many others passages also reveal the “host of heaven” as multitude of angels. For example, Luke 2:13-15 says,

‘And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” When the angels had gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another, “Let us go straight to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us.”’

Heaven as the Firmament – the 1st Heaven

Now back to “Heaven as the firmament”. As we have already established, the word “heaven(s)” can mean “the firmament”; “the rest of the universe” (stars, including the sun, & moon): or “the heaven of heavens where God dwells”. Genesis 1:8, 14, 15, 17, 20 refers to the heaven as the firmament; also referred to as “the first heaven”.

Genesis 1:7-8 says,

‘Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. And, God called the firmament, heaven’

Genesis 1:20 also says,

‘… and let the birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens’

The firmament is part of the sky. The sky is everything above the earth surface even to outer space. Thus, the sky is therefore made up of the atmosphere (between the earth surface and outer space) and outer space. The atmosphere is made up of 5 levels: Troposphere; Stratosphere; Mesosphere; Thermosphere; and Exosphere.

Troposphere is the atmosphere between 8km to 14km above the earth surface. The troposphere holds nearly all of earth’s water vapor. It is where most clouds ride the winds and where weather occurs. It contains as much as 80% of the mass of the whole atmosphere. The further up you go in this layer, the colder it gets. Helicopters fly in this zone of the atmosphere. The boundary between the troposphere and the next layer up (Stratosphere) is known as the tropopause.

Stratosphere is the atmosphere between 14km to 64kms above the earth surface; unlike the troposphere, temperatures in this layer increase with elevation. Stratosphere is very dry, so clouds rarely form here. It also contains most of the atmosphere’s ozone, triplet molecules made from three oxygen atoms (O3). At this elevation, ozone protects life on earth from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation. It’s a very stable layer, with little circulation. For that reason, commercial airlines tend to fly in the lower stratosphere to keep flights smooth. This lack of vertical movement also explains why stuff that gets into in the stratosphere tends to stay there for a long time. That “stuff” might include aerosol particles shot skyward by volcanic eruptions, and even smoke from wildfires. This layer also has accumulated pollutants, such as chlorofluorocarbons. Better known as CFCs, these chemicals can destroy the protective ozone layer, thinning it greatly. By the top of the stratosphere, called the stratopause, air is only a thousandth as dense as at earth’s surface.

Mesosphere is the atmosphere between 64km to 85km above the earth’s surface. Scientists do not know quite as much about this layer. It is just harder to study. Airplanes and research balloons do not operate this high and satellites (such as the moon) orbit higher up. We do know that the mesosphere is where most meteors harmlessly burn up as they hurtle towards earth. Near the top of this layer, temperatures drop to the lowest in earth’s atmosphere — about -90° Celsius (-130° Fahrenheit). The line marking the top of the mesosphere is called the mesopause. If you ever travel that far, congratulations! You are officially a space traveler — aka astronaut — according to the U.S. Air Force. It is important to note that, there is the ionosphere. The ionosphere is a zone of charged particles that extends from the upper stratosphere or lower mesosphere all the way to the exosphere. The ionosphere is able to reflect radio waves; this allows radio communications.

Thermosphere is the atmosphere between 85km to 600km above the earth’s surface. It soaks up x-rays and ultraviolet energy from the sun, protecting those of us on the ground from these harmful rays. The ups and downs of that solar energy also make the thermosphere vary wildly in temperature. It can go from really cold to as hot as about 1,980 ºC (3,600 ºF) near the top. The sun’s varying energy output also causes the thickness of this layer to expand as it heats and to contract as it cools. With all the charged particles, the thermosphere is also home to those beautiful celestial light shows known as auroras. This layer’s top boundary is called the thermopause.

Exosphere is the atmosphere between 600km to 10,000km above the earth’s surface. Its lower boundary is known as the exobase. The exosphere has no firmly defined top. Instead, it just fades further out into space. Air molecules in this part of our atmosphere are so far apart that they rarely even collide with each other. Earth’s gravity still has a little pull here, but just enough to keep most of the sparse air molecules from drifting away. Still, some of those air molecules — tiny bits of our atmosphere — do float away, lost to earth forever.

Heaven as Galaxies – the 2nd Heaven

We have also seen that the word “heaven(s)” can refer to the rest of the universe often refer to as “the hosts of heaven” – bodies in outer space; some view this as the “second heaven”. This includes the stars (the sun, being the closest star to the earth) and the moon (the earth’s satellite). A satellite is an object that moves around a larger object. Earth is a satellite because it moves around the sun. The moon is a satellite because it moves around earth. Earth and the moon are called “natural” satellites.

What the Bible refers to as “stars” are galaxies – groups of stars in space. When standing on the earth, stars appear very small – though they are far bigger than the sun – because, unlike the sun (a star, itself), stars, as seen from the earth, are very far away from the earth surface. Stars are far beyond the exosphere – the upper layer of the earth’s atmosphere; stars are in outer space. Outer space is everything beyond the exosphere.

Galaxies are sprawling systems of dust, gas, dark matter, and anywhere from a million to a trillion stars that are held together by gravity. Nearly all large galaxies are thought to also contain supermassive black holes at their centers. In our own galaxy, the Milky Way (one among the billions of galaxies in our Universe), the sun is just one of about 100 to 400 billion stars that spin around Sagittarius A, a supermassive black hole that contains as much mass as four million suns.

Moon and Sun to Determine Times and Seasons

Genesis 1:14-18 says,

‘And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.’ (underline, mine)

Whiles the earth and other planets move round the sun, as said earlier, the moon also move round the earth. The moon is 384,400km from the earth and it is between the earth and the sun beyond the earth’s 5th atmospheric layer (exosphere). The moon moves around the earth at a speed of 3,700km/h. So how many days does the moon take to make one complete movement around the earth? Let that time be “T”; let “R” be radius of moon from the earth (R=384,400km); “V” is velocity or speed of moon round the earth (V=3,700km/h). Thus,

T = 2ΠR/V

T = (2 x 22/7 x 384,400km)/3,700km/h

T = 653.035hrs = 27.2days

Hence, all other factors (such as movement of the moon on its own axis) considered, it takes the moon between 28 to 31 days to move round the earth; this period is referred to as a month (one moon).

Since the moon is held attached to the earth by gravity as a satellite to the earth, even as the earth rotates on its axis and also move round the sun, the moon moves with it. Remember that a satellite is an object that moves around a larger object. Three sets of lessons can to drawn from the moon’s relationship with the earth and the sun. First, the moon shows commitment, loyalty and faithfulness towards the earth. The moon also expresses humility as it hides when the sun appears in the day over the earth – and rather than try to compete with the sun, the moon absorbs light from the sun; the moon acknowledges the greatness of the sun; the moon is not envious. Furthermore, the moon is not caught up in inferiority complex; at night, it gives off the “little” light it has absorbed from the sun during the day. The nature of God is revealed in sundry ways in His created order and at least, the moon reflects these three sets of the many nature of God manifested in His creation in parts but fully expressed in the Person of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

Colossians 2:9 states, ‘For in Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily’

It is worth noting that, the earth takes 24 hours to move on its axis of 360°. Thus time zones shift by 360°/24hrs = 15° per hour and that is why Ghana on longitude 0° is an hour behind Nigeria which is on 15°E. Also, the earth is 149,140,000km from the sun and moves around the sun at a speed of 107,000km/h. So how many days does the earth take to make one complete movement round the sun? We all know it to be approximately 365days (1 year). But how do we get this figure? Let that time be “T”; let “R” be radius of earth from the sun (R=149,140,000km); “V” is velocity or speed of earth round the sun (V=107,000km/h). Thus,

T = 2ΠR/V

T = (2 x 22/7 x 149,140km)/107,000km/h

T = 8,761.23hrs = 365days

Heaven as the Throne of God – the 3rd Heaven (Heaven of Heavens)

Far beyond the universe is the “heaven of heavens” where God dwells; God dwells in the infinity – a place yet to be explored by scientists; this explains infinity (∞) in mathematics. Well, that illustrates the unapproachable light where God dwells. Apostle Paul calls it “the third heaven” in 2 Corinthians 12:2. It states,

‘I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a one was caught up to the third heaven.’

Apostle Paul again refers to where God dwells as the “unapproachable light” in 1 Timothy 6:15b-16 which states,

‘God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen’ (underline, mine)

Various places in scripture reveals the reality of the throne of God in the heaven of heavens. Examples are Job 22:12; 1 Kings 8:27, 30, 43, 49; Psalm 115:16 among many others.

Job 22:12 quizzes the obvious, ‘“Is not God in the height of heaven?’

1 Kings 8:27 also reveals, “But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You. How much less this temple which I have built! (underline, mine)

In 1 Kings 8:30, 43, 49, Solomon prays to the Lord saying on these three occasions to the Lord, “…Hear in heaven Your dwelling place”.

The psalmist nails it in Psalm 115:16, saying, ‘The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s;
but the earth He has given to the children of men.

Our God: Transcendent and yet, Immanent

God is so far away but He is so close to us and even in us and comes speedily to bring help to us in times of trouble. Our God is Immanuel – God with us. Our God is Jehovah Shammah – God who is there! He is not absent. Others may persecute us, reject us, ghost us, and even cancel us but the God Almighty we serve, who has revealed Himself fully in Christ Jesus and now lives in those in Christ by the Holy Spirit, is our ever-present help in times of trouble

Deuteronomy 33:26, ‘“There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides across the heavens to help you and on the clouds in his majesty”’

Job 22:14, ‘Thick clouds cover Him, so that He cannot see, and He walks above the circle of heaven’

Psalm 46:1, ‘God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble

Travelling from Nairobi, Kenya to the capital cities of nearly all the East African nations (Kigali, Rwanda; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Bujumbura, Burundi; Kampala, Uganda; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Juba, South Sudan) takes averagely 1 hour 20 minutes by flight with speed of about 840km/h at a height of about 10km (~33,000 feet) above sea level. This means, if I urgently need to help someone in any of this nations, it will take me not less than 1 hour, 20 minutes by flight barring delays from COVID test; check in; arrival protocols; drive from airport etc.

On the contrary, our God, living so far away beyond the universe (outside of Mass, Length and Time – which are the three defining dimensions of creation – as taught in physics under the topic, “Dimensions”) brings help instantly when we call upon Him. What an amazing God we serve! Be encouraged by this write up to thank, praise, adore and to trust the Lord God Almighty all the more as we journey this earth – enjoying eternal life here and the hereafter. Amen!

Written by Apostle S. K. Fianko-Larbi

Website (4)

He Took My Place: Barabbas’ Life Crosses With That Of Jesus

His parents called him “Barabbas” which means “son of the Father”. Others call him Jesus Barabbas which would also mean, “Jesus, son of the Father”. Probably, his parents dedicated him to God by giving him that name, for Jewish names bear their meanings. Or possibly, to prove his Father’s love and likeness for him. But neither of these were evidently seen in Barabbas’ life whilst growing up; probably due to the bad associations he kept, which tilted his life gradually away from the name he bore.

Barabbas became a hardened criminal noted for robbery, murder and rebellion. As a notorious robber and a rebel leader, Barabbas murdered people, and raped and maimed others (as is usual with armed robbers). As typical of such criminals, Barabbas may have been highly addicted to drugs and also found it very difficult to maintain a successful marriage. If he lived in this 21st century, he may have been all over the media and the internet; he was declared wanted when he engaged in that insurrection to overthrow the government of his days. Luke affirms this by saying, “Barabbas was in prison for taking part in an insurrection in Jerusalem against the government, and for murder” (Luke 23:19 NIV). It is for this reason that no one can deny the fact that this man was a burden to society and family. All he brought home was unrest, shame and humiliation.

One day, probably after their usual raid and political stirrings, he was intercepted by the Roman guards and was subsequently imprisoned. When he was taken to court, the prosecutor passed his judgement and imprisoned him for life. As if that would change him, he rather became more hardened and was known to his country folks as a notorious prisoner.

Every year, the Governor would usually grant amnesty to a prisoner. As usual, they would select the prisoner whose charge is less criminal, has been falsely accused or has really repented, and whose character has evidently been transformed.

Barabbas would not qualify for any of these categories. So, to be granted clemency was impossible. Again, his case was very different because he was not only a robber and a murderer, Barabbas was a political revolutionist. He was politically motivated to overthrow the Roman government. He may have been with the Zealot party of the Jewish sects because of his zealousness to fight the Roman government. He had committed a treasonable offence and there was no way he could be granted clemency from the same person who is his political opponent.

But this particular year the custom seemed a bit different.  He was summoned by the senior security guard who usually performs this yearly duty. He made him to follow him, and he did. Barabbas was led to the courtyard of the governor, Pontus Pilate.

Permit me to try to be a bit graphic at this juncture, let us assume that he was ushered in at the time when the great crowd who were at the forecourt of Pilate’s palace started shouting, “Away with Him, away with Him! Crucify Him!” (John 19:15). I believe this hardened criminal would for the first time in his lifetime break down and probably seek for mercy because none of us would prefer being killed. He may have thought, “My end has surely come… but why won’t these people allow me to serve my life sentence?

While he was still having these thoughts running through his mind, Pilate asks them [the crowd], “Shall I crucify your King?” (John 19:15). King? He would think to himself. Ha-ha, I am never a king? When did I become one? Or they are referring to me as the king of the sinners and prisoners? For that I am!

At this time, he decides to lift up his eyes to look at the Pontius Pilate on his judgement seat. When he did, he was shocked what he saw. There before the throne of Pontius Pilate, he sees this young man who is probably in his thirties, whose appearance had been marred by great beatings and scourging. The flesh on his back was torn beyond repairs, his face was highly disfigured, and there were clots of blood all over His body.

When he saw Him, his heart was further broken, but for the young man he saw. And he remembered the first time he stood before his prosecutor. Then his thoughts kept running again with lots of questions: “Is it possible that this man may have been a more notorious sinner than myself?” “But what did He really do?”  However, these questions could be mere rhetoric because, as a notorious prisoner, he had no opportunity to speak to anyone in the courtyard; he was already hated. Therefore, he only had to keep silent and watch what was happening.

Suddenly, a messenger rushes into the courtroom and seeks to whisper something into Pilate’s ears. When he was granted the permission, he said something into his ears that made his countenance fall. Later, it came out that, what the messenger whispered into Pilate’s ears was actually a message from his wife which said, “Leave that innocent man alone. (For) I suffered through a terrible nightmare about him last night” (Matthew 27:24 NLT). Perplexed, Pilate descends from his throne, takes water and washes his hands before the multitude, and declares, “I am innocent of this man’s blood. The responsibility is yours!” (Matthew 27:24 NLT).

But then, the crowd shouted and said, “We will take responsibility for his death—we and our children!” (Matthew 27:25 NLT).  In fact, Pilate became more disturbed when the people threatened saying, “If you release this man, you are no ‘friend of Caesar.’ For anyone who declares himself a king is a rebel against Caesar.” (John 19:12 NLT).

So, Pilate came and stood between Jesus and Barabbas and queried, “Which of these two do you want me to release to you?” Knowing that, he did not deserve any amnesty, Barabbas was not even expecting the release. But to his amazement, the crowd shouted back at Pilate, “Barabbas!” (Matthew 27:22 NLT). Then Pilate responded, “Then what should I do with Jesus who is called the Messiah?” They shouted back, “Crucify him!” (Matthew 27:23 NLT). The people chose Barabbas, the notorious prisoner ahead of Jesus, whom the people had falsely accused, to live. Thus, Jesus must be crucified! Indeed, He [Jesus] took Barabbas’ place and died for him!

So, Barabbas was released from prison, and given the full privileges due to any citizen of the Jewish nation. He could move about without any sense of guilt or restrictions from any authority. But Jesus was released to the soldiers to be further beaten and mistreated and eventually crucified. It is very possible that while all these things were going on, Barabbas stood in the crowd and kept saying to himself, “This should have been on me; I am the one who truly deserves this”. Why would a notorious prisoner like me be spared and my life exchanged with that of a man of this stature? I am now free but I am still not worthy of this exchange! This is grace personified!

Later, as he went around among the people and listened to the crowd talk concerning this Jesus, Barabbas may have heard how Jesus was a good man, a healer, a teacher and a prophet. Barabbas would have heard how this Jesus had raised the dead, supplied food to the hungry and calmed the raging sea with a single command and even walked on water. He would have heard among the crowd how this Jesus had even claimed to be the son of God, and in fact equality with God; how He had said, anyone who had seen Him, had actually seen God. Which actually He was! He may have heard among the crowd how no one was able to accuse this Jesus of any sin; neither Pilate nor Herod (Luke 23:15). Even His friend (Judas) who betrayed Him to the Jewish authorities, remorsefully went to the authorities and returned the money he had taken from them to betray Him. For he declared, “I have sinned, for I have betrayed an innocent man” (Matthew 27:4 NLT). He may also have heard how the Jewish authorities were actually envious of Jesus so they incited their people against Him. Therefore, the whole choice was out of their own selfish interest and no fault of the man Jesus (Matthew 27:18 NLT).

Of course, it will be very unusual for Barabbas to go home after hearing all these about this man. So, he followed them to Golgotha, the place where they finally nailed Jesus to the cross. He saw how Jesus hanged there for about six hours with two others who were executed because they were thieves, and he watched this innocent man die out of pain and agony. Barabbas watched how Jesus prayed for the very soldiers who were nailing Him to the cross and those who were mocking at Him saying, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34 NLT). He watched how Jesus demonstrated His love for His mother even on the cross when He said to his mother, “Dear woman, here is your son.” And he said to Apostle John, “Here is your mother.” (John 19:26–27NLT). He committed His mother’s care into John’s hands. What a loving saviour this Jesus is! Barabbas watched how his story played out for one of the thieves who hang on the cross beside Jesus. He saw how Jesus promised the thief on the cross who sought for His mercy to be with Him in His kingdom that, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43 NLT).

As Barabbas kept watching, he heard Jesus shout with a loud voice and said, “I am thirsty” (John 19:28 NIV); again, “It is finished!” (John 19:28 NIV); and finally, “Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit” (Luke 23:46 NIV). Then, as he looked, Jesus bowed His head on the cross and gave up His spirit (John 19:30 NLT).

Barabbas then saw how at Jesus’ death darkness covered the earth. He again witnessed how the earth trembled vigorously, rocks split apart, and the veil of the temple got broken.

Barabbas saw how the Roman officer and the other soldiers at the crucifixion were terrified by the earthquake and the unfolding events. He also heard how they declared, “This man truly was the Son of God!” (Matthew 27:51-54). All these were confirmation of the very things he had heard the crowd say Jesus claimed about Himself when He was alive.

Seeing and hearing all these things, I can imagine Barabbas, a hardened criminal bursting into tears all over his face and shivering as the events unfold one after the other. I can imagine a Barabbas who has been filled with exceeding joy and gratitude for his release from a life sentence but at the same time, is highly sorrowful for what his Saviour must go through just to make up for his release.

Later, Matthew would report that, as evening approached, Joseph, a rich man from Arimathea who had become a follower of Jesus, mastered courage and went to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body, and he was given permission. Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a long sheet of clean linen cloth. He placed it in his own new tomb, which had been carved out of the rock. Then he rolled a great stone across the entrance and left.  (Matthew 27:57-60 NLT)

Matthew would continue that, on the next day, on the Sabbath, the Saturday, the leading priests and Pharisees went to see Pilate. They told him, “Sir, we remember what that deceiver once said while he was still alive: ‘After three days I will rise from the dead.’ So we request that you seal the tomb until the third day. This will prevent his disciples from coming and stealing his body and then telling everyone he was raised from the dead! If that happens, we’ll be worse off than we were at first.” Pilate replied, “Take guards and secure it the best you can.” So, they sealed the tomb and posted guards to protect it. (Matthew 27:62-66 NLT).

The most shocking part of the whole story would happen on the third day, the resurrection Sunday morning. The whole Jewish nation would come to a standstill because Matthew would report that, the guard came into the city and reported to the chief priests that the man who had died on the cross and had been securely buried for three days, had actually resurrected just as He said when He was alive! (Matthew 28:11 NLT). Disappointed and afraid, the elders of the Jewish nation would try their best to conceal this story. They would bribe the security guard to conceal the matter of the resurrection but it would be too late. Jesus would keep manifesting Himself to as many people as possible (over five hundred people 1Cor, 15:4-8 NKJV) and giving proofs of His resurrection by allowing people to feel the places on His body where He was wounded and even by eating with His disciples.

The Bible gives no clue, and secular history does not help to know whether Barabbas went back to his life of crime or eventually became a Christian, but it would be surprising if he had failed to show appreciation for the mercy and grace Jesus shown him, and vowed to follow Him all the days of his life as well as to testify of Him to others.

The freedom Barabbas enjoyed at the expense of Jesus’ suffering echoes the words of the prophet Isaiah which says that, “Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the LORD laid on him the sins of us all” (Isaiah 53:4-6 NLT).

Isaiah’s prophecy would help us to begin to appreciate that, beyond the envy and the self-interest of the Jews who killed Jesus by the hands of the Romans, God was actually working through all those happenings to demonstrate His compassion and grace to the world through the sufferings of Jesus. Jesus was actually being exchanged for notorious and hardened sinners (criminals) like Barabbas according to the plan (wisdom) of God. Hallelujah!

To sum it up, Barabbas was released from condemnation he never anticipated at the expense of Jesus’ death. In like manner, all humanity can now be allowed to go free with no condemnation (Romans 8:1) if they would accept God’s own provision for their sin, Jesus (John 1:29) and put their confidence in Him. Just as the scriptures declare, “If you (anyone) openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9 NLT).

I, therefore recommend to you Jesus Christ, the true saviour of the world. He has paid the debt for the sin of the world through His death and resurrection. He has now opened the door for all who were formerly aliens and enemies as far as the Kingdom of God is concerned to enter into an eternal covenant and a personal relationship with God, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, by way of becoming members of His household forever!

Written by P/Ovr. Isaac Kwabena Tagoe (Pentecost University-STML)


The Beauty Of CoP Easter Conventions: My Reflections As A Sunday School Child, Member, Officer And A Minister In The Church Of Pentecost

Over the years, I have always been thrilled by the beauty of The Church of Pentecost Easter Conventions. This year’s brings much more nostalgia because it’s our first in 2 years after COVID-19 of having the event outside the Church walls. Glory to God.

I am therefore writing this piece from the perspective of a reflector who has pieced many things together as a Sunday school child, member, officer, an academic and now as a minister serving in the Church.

Let me at this juncture add that the thoughts shared here are personal observations made over a period of more than 20 years of attending annual Easter Conventions in this great church.

Thus it may not be based on empirical outcomes but from a deeply reflective look at many factors and the great euphoria that greet this beautiful occasion in the Church and leaves one inspired at the amazing understanding and enthusiasm with which we approach this festive occasion.

Indeed the efforts of our founding fathers have left our great Church, lasting legacies that ought to be highlighted and drum home as we endeavour to ensure continuity in our contemporary times.

Five of such legacies are humbly identified and shared below:


Look at the various unique themes that underpinned the various conventions: from – It is finished, Jesus, the horn of salvation, the power of his resurrection, The Sacrificial Lamb is Crucified, Jesus Christ, the Mediator, He is Indeed the Saviour, Christ our passover lamb among others which are all in a way strengthening our Pentecostal foundation captured in the foursquare gospel: Jesus the Saviour, Jesus the Healer, Jesus the Baptiser of the Holy Spirit and Jesus, the Soon Coming King. Indeed, our classical pentecostal ideology of projecting Christ, our glorified risen Lord and making him the blessed trophy of our faith cannot be overemphasised and our Easter Convention themes truly reveal this observation. Christ is the priceless treasure of our Pentecostal heritage and we should not lose that.


The second lasting legacy that should be sustained is our strongly worded and lyrically dressed songs of the cross. The Church of Pentecost, I dare say is a doyen of spirited songs of the cross that bring out and tell the crucifixion story with such precision. Acknowledged with the rare gift of prophetic songs, our founding fathers drew from divine wells, living waters of inspiring music. Songs that were baked from Heaven and served on trays of brokeness. If indeed every denomination sings its theology then it can be concluded that the theology of the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ is really at home in the Church of Pentecost. As a student of the spirituality and theology of Pentecostal Songs, I am always mermerised by the deep sense of understanding and revelation that our founding fathers had of Christ that strongly informed their reflections revealed in the insightful lyrics and sweet melodies of our songs.


One striking observation of any Church of Pentecost Convention is the use of the tambourine during praises time. The Church over the years have carved a unique niche for itself in how women and some selected men gather round in circles to skillfully play the tambourine during the time of choruses. The rhythmic sound of that musical piece coupled with the uniformity and dexterity with which the players express themselves is a sight one would not want to overlook as it adds an attractive colour to the whole event.

The other bit of the service is our orderly, well calculated dance steps in response to the scintillating choruses. We are so disciplined in the expression of our joy and like an army, everyone falls in line and glides majestically to hallel the Sovereign majesty with our perfect dance moves.


I think that Pentecost is synonymous with the attitude of volunteerism and free will giving. This spirit is really manifested during conventions such as the Easter Conventions. This volunteerism spirit is seen in how members and officers willingly offer themselves to set up the convention grounds, spend time and resources to plan and execute the event, aggregate all the relevant materials for the programme without necessarily putting all the obligations on the Church. It is so beautiful to hear how members out of their own volition contribute and give donations to support the event, offer their vehicles and fuel them to convey Convention accessories like chairs, canopies, instruments and the like. Not to talk about the spirit of free-will offerings. It is awe-striking to watch how members joyfully offer their Thanksgiving offerings the moment songs are raised without any coercion or triggering. The spontaneous response that drives such move to give leaves one spell-bound and dumb-founded. For me, this is a treasured and priceless culture that ought to be guarded and guided and intentionally imparted from generation to generation.


One cannot talk about Easter Conventions in the COP without talking about the passion and loyalty of the membership. This is expressed in many and diverse ways. For example, this year’s convention has coincided with the rains and yet I have seen videos circulating of patrons defying the rains to participate in the conventions to the latter. Our fathers have shared with us how congregants used to travel from afar and even walked more than 50 miles to be part of General conventions. What would account for this if not for loyalty and passion. In those days, conventions were held four times in the day and yet the members would fully participate in them all. Isn’t it a wonder how people willingly would travel from far and near to gather at one place to commemorate a glorious occasion like Easter. This spirit can only ride on the wheels of passion and loyalty and this is so ingrained in the hearts of the people – a gem that must be jealously guarded.


This treatise has been musings that sparked like fire in my heart as I left the convention grounds this evening. It stemmed from the spirit of gratitude knowing how much God has blessed us as a church whiles highlighting some of these legacies so our generation will pick the baton, hold it firmly and safely pass on as our fathers did for us.

COP Easter Conventions are beautiful – let us continue this legacy




Website (2)

The Easter El Classico: Love Vs Hatred

The super titanic Easter clash between Love and Hatred happens to be the grand finale between the sides. Also dubbed “The Easter El Classico”, it is the Hatred people suffer for the simple reason of casting their vote for the Lord Jesus Christ. One can view it as the persecution of believers for their faith in Christ. Having lost by convincing margins in the first three matches in my last three articles in succession, Hatred marshals all its arsenals in the final deicidal and titanic clash with Love. The winner of this encounter settles the matter for good, thereby making the second league in Love’s home a mere formality. Before kick-off, their respective National anthems, team sheets and mottos are as displayed below.

Team Sheet of Love: Patience, Kindness, Humility, Hope, Perseverance, Truth, Trust, Peace, Joy, goodness, Self-Control, Faith, Resurrection Power, Selflessness, Respect, Forgiveness, Forbearance, gentleness, Unity, Compassion, Fasting, Prayer and faithfulness.

Team Sheet of Hatred: Anger, Envy, Jealousy, Pride, Slander, Selfish Ambition, Unforgiving spirit, Strife, Bitterness, Worldliness, Wickedness, Hypocrisy, Greed, Dishonesty, Lies, Nepotism, Rebellion, Death, factions, witchcraft, Propaganda, Tribalism and racism.


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)



I will give you all the Kingdoms of the world and their splendor if only you will bow to me and worship me. (Matthew 4:8-9).


When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, His star arose, and the magi followed on to worship Him. King Herod heard it, and together with the inhabitants of Jerusalem, they became disturbed (Matthew 2:4). Herod and the people’s rage at His birth explains the hatred the world powers, and its subjects have for all who access the new birth in Christ Jesus. It is, therefore, an automatic and challenging game all believers of Christ Jesus will necessarily have to honour in the days that follow their repentance until they join their maker. In essence, the day one confesses Christ is the day of exchanging pleasantries to play against the side of Hatred. Even as Christ suffered Hatred at His birth, lifetime and death, so would all who His followers suffer the same. In Matthew 2:7-12, Hatred attempted to score an offside goal against Love through a wicked pass from Deception to Lies. King Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared and said to them, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me so that I too may go and worship him.”

The bench of Love, after this scare, signalled his players to tighten the midfield and make Wisdom the lone striker to sustain the pressure. Jesus’ parents, therefore, had to run away unceremoniously during the night to Egypt with Him. When Herod or Hatred realized the planned early offside goal did not work, all males below the age of two years were killed, thinking Jesus could be one of them. The constant stay of Jesus in Bethlehem during the time would have resulted in more massacres of innocent lives just because of Hatred. Believers are, therefore, to watch the Holy Spirit or the bench for the right signals when Hatred starts his incursions due to our newly found faith in Christ. 

We must avoid some of his wicked and offensive crosses by moving into empty spaces. Out of sight could be the wisest thing in dealing with Hatred. Herod could not have killed Jesus, but His continuous stay in Bethlehem in those early days of the game would have caused a lot of innocent lives and confusion. Wisdom is what prevailed in that strategic retreat of Jesus and His parents to Egypt. The scoreboard credited Hatred by an early goal owing to Love’s escape to Egypt. In like manner, the spillover of Hatred’s incursions on us and innocent lives may warrant a relocation or transfer for a while according to God’s direction. Love scored their equalizer when King Herod died, and an Angel instructed  Jesus and His parents to return home and pitch their camp in Nazarite in the District of Galilee. The scoreline was, therefore, 1-1. (Matt 2:13-15; 19-21). On their return from Egypt, the District and particular locality to lodge were all sanctioned and approved by God. In this grand finale, Love was playing with Hatred; every careless move or loss of concentration would be at the peril of their own lives.

If God, in His wisdom, could orchestrate a temporal transfer of His begotten Son to manage Hatred’s fury? What makes us think we can survive in his continual presence even when the Holy Spirit suggests otherwise for us? In like manner, Joseph’s continual stay with the level of his brothers’ hatred for him in Cannan would have spelt doom for him and the entire family. The Bible says the more he spoke to them, the more hate they developed for him (Genesis 37:4-5). As believers, let us allow God to hide us for a while under the shadow of His wings when the storm of Hatred begins to hit hard at our boats.

With the stadium packed to total capacity and burnt on satisfying his home fans with the bragging rights, Hatred resorted to a compact play luring Love to his half and relying on counterattacks. Imploring all manner of tactics and foul play, the bankroller of Hatred started engaging some three critical players of Love to compromise them by playing the game soft for his side. They were Fasting, Humility and Obedience. This was the temptation for Jesus to turn stone into bread, throw Himself down to show off His powers and be offered material wealth and power in return for bowing in worship to him (Matt 4:1-8). Love, however, prevailed in all of these three attempts and was credited to them as goals. The scoreline became 4-1 in their favour just before halftime.

Then comes the argument of some scholars who argue it was Jesus’ presentation style that courted for Himself unwarranted attacks of hatred during the days of His earthly ministry. Have you also fallen to this propaganda? Of course, Yes, He tackled Hypocrisy, Paganism, Phariseeism, False Prophetism and False Teachings that were prevalent during His day. (Matt 6:2-7, 7:15, 23:13-33). Although Jesus’ head-on collision in the air with these players of Hatred put Him in harm’s way, it has become a blessing to all today and helped sharpened theological discourse for generations. Of what use will Truth be to the side of Love if he isn’t given any pass on the field of play? Why must he be denied playtime due to the possible mudslinging campaign against him from Hatred and his supporters in the stands? Some will still hate you for the imports of your submission and not the style of your presentation. None of us can pretend to be more gentle than Jesus Christ. No amount of sugar-coating of the truth will sound comfortable in the ears of a defective  heart engulfed with Hatred.

One other source of hatred for believers is our good deeds. When our lights shine before men, and the glory to God ascends on high, the devil throws lower the belts blows at us. One day, Jesus healed someone on the Sabbath. Instead of busing the sick in Jerusalem to be healed, the Pharisees met and plotted how to kill Him. Are you still at a loss as to why your good deeds have attracted so much hatred against you? Jesus realizing the presence of wickedness on the side of Hatred, withdrew wisely from the scene. Wisdom was, therefore, doing most of the running on the pitch at the resumption of the second half. In Matthew 26:3-4, the Chief Priest and his cohorts designed another plot to kill Jesus but this time using one of the goalkeeper trainers in the Love team in the person of Judas Iscariot. Without leaving any stone unturned, Hatred conspired with all the influential secular and religious gurus of the day and managed to bribe his way by compromising some vital inner supporters of Love.

They offered Judas a bribe to influence his goalkeeper to pretend and allow an own against his side. Unfortunately, Judas accepted the bribe and looked for the slightest opportunity to betray his side. As believers, let’s not be surprised if close associates strangely begin to behave unusually around us. The bankroller of Hatred might have compromised them. As stated earlier, the side of Hatred has no respect for fair play on his home grounds and will, therefore, resort to unorthodox moves when he is getting frustrated on the field of play. After taking the bribe, Judas hypocritically asked Jesus whether he was the one going to betray Him. He asked Jesus, “hope am not the one.” Jesus or the side of Love, however, maintained their focus and concentration and avoided any needless banter and arguments with the referee. As Hypocrisy and Lies were mounting pressure, the technical bench of Love pulled Prayer from the defence to lead the attack in the last quarter of the regulation time (Matthew 26:36-46).

Resorting to arguments, writing Memos and fighting for equal rights and justice is a game strategy the devil lures us to play when the going gets tough for him. That is what suits his game plan. So Jesus was smart to remind Peter not to fall to Satan’s game strategy when the latter cut off the ear of Malchus with his sword during the former’s arrest (John 18:10-11). Peter had dozed off at the 3hr marathon prayer at Gethsamane, so his reaction to the sword of hatred was not surprising. As believers, prayer must rise with increasing hatred, hypocrisy and provocation. When Jesus was arrested, the scoreboard credited Hatred with a goal bringing the scoreline to 4-2. In Matthew 26:67, the soldiers spat on Jesus’ face and slapped Him. The board turned 4-3, and when the pressure was mounting, Love withdrew Prayer to play just behind gentleness and Forbearance. The Bible says in Matthew 26:63a, “But Jesus remained silent.”

During Jesus’ interrogation and before His crucifixion, Judas, who betrayed him, committed suicide out of remorse and the scoreboard credited Love with that goal against Hatred. “When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. I have sinned, he said, for I have betrayed innocent blood. What is that to us? They replied. That’s your responsibility. So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.” (Matthew 27:1-10). It is instructive to learn that the “Judases” die before the “Jesuses” they betray for material possessions or favours from people in authority even in this life. Is it possible for people to bribe believers and compromise them to do the devil’s bidding? Unfortunately, Yes! If Judas, one of the chosen Apostles, could crumble under human influence, authority and the Socio-religious gurus of his day, we must all be on our guard.

A few thought-provoking questions; Where was Judas when Jesus took his colleague Apostles to pray on Mount Olives? Because he came with the soldiers to arrest Jesus. How come he was the only one the Chief Priest and his men contacted for negotiations as to how best Jesus could be handed over to them? How come the Teachers of the Law and the scribes liked and trusted him, but the Bible called him a thief in John 12:6? How come Judas could still manage to be with his colleague Apostles but still maintain close links with the Chief Priests and those opposed to Jesus’ ministry at the time? Was he trying to impress his society as a person with a balanced spiritual and socio-political lifestyle?

Be it as it may, the end of Judas is a lesson for believers of today who, for societal acceptance, tries to conform and adjust themselves to suit worldly expectation and Christian standards. One cannot be in Abraham’s bosom and lie on Delilah’s lap at the same time. 2 Corinthians 6:14 says, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? Love was leading Hatred by two goals (i.e. 5-3), but this lead was all cancelled when the people flogged Him and began shouting “crucify Him”. At the 5-5 scoreline, the 4th referee displayed five additional minutes to cater for the injury time. In anticipation of the match entering extra time, both technical benches decided to make their last substitution for the few minutes left. Hatred removed Anger and brought on Death, whiles Love removed Peace and introduced Resurrection Power. Forgiveness picked a pass from Patience in the centre half, gave it Wisdom, dribbled one, and sent a deep cross into Hatred’s “18” yard box, but Death did not know what to do with the ball in the air, and so handled it with his hands. The referee close to the action whistled for a professional foul against Hatred and issued a red card to Death (Matthew 27:62-66). Death had mistakenly laid its icy hands on the Lord Jesus Christ, and just afterwards, the Temple curtains tore from top to bottom. “From noon until three in the afternoon, darkness came over all the land. About three in the afternoon, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (Matthew 27:45). The stadium gate was, thus, opened freely for all who were listening to the proceedings outside the walls to enter and watch the last minutes of the game. Whiles some of Hatred’s supporters were jubilating in the stands, others were uncomfortable sitting on edge due to the position of the infringement awarded to Love.

Hatred formed his defence wall with all his remaining ten players on the field apart from their goalkeeper. Their supporters in the VIP stands made up of the Chief Priest, Teachers of the Law, Pharisees, Pilate and the Roman Soldiers all stood their feet to inspire them so they could send the game into extra time. The side of Love began discussing who and how to kick that ball. Frustration had set in the supporters of Love, whiles the side of Hatred wished the game ran into extra time because they were exhausted. The referee positioned the ball at the spot, and Resurrection Power from the side of Love got close, touched the ball and positioned it well while everyone stood with some praying and others singing. Due to the tense nature of the last minutes and the fear of the home side maltreating them, Peter, John and the other disciples of Christ left the stadium to listen to their radio outside the stadium.

Meanwhile, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary seated at the centre line kept their gauze on the last kick of the game. Resurrection looked at the human wall of Hatred, went back and fired a supersonic shot that went straight into the net of Hatred. When Peter and John heard Mary and the other Women screaming GOALLL!, John outrun Peter back to the stadium and onto the pitch for jubilation (John 20:4). “He is not here; He has risen, just as he said…” was the lyrics of the jubilant supporters of Love (Matt 28:6).The referee then blew his last whistle to bring the game to a close. Resurrection Power’s strike became the winning goal in that tense and difficult battle to win Love the eternal bragging rights over Hatred even on his home soil. Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:14 that if Christ did not resurrect, Believers would have been the most miserable of all. That goal and the victory automatically opened the door for the non-suspecting supporters of Hatred to join their counterparts in Love by removing their replica jerseys and paraphernalia and replacing them with those of Love. The resurrection of Christ Jesus from the dead has given Love a permanent edge over Hatred now and forever. Though the last game between the sides was a thorny one, Love in the person of Christ has forever subdued Hatred and will therefore beat him at any given day and time. Let us, therefore, Love as believers because God is Love.

Joseph’s brothers bowed to him and he became the Prime Minister of Egypt. King Saul had committed suicide at the time of David’s inauguration as Israel’s King. Haman and his ten sons were hanged on the gallows he designed and constructed for Mordecai. The hatred Christ suffered which ended up in His crucifixion is what has reconciled humankind to God their maker. Love has, therefore, stamped his authority over Hatred for good and swallowed him up in victory. It will, however, be realized in the four write ups that no one can avoid clashing with Hatred in this  life. If you manage to prevent him within the family setting, you will meet him in Church. If you swerve him in the body of Christ, you are most likely to clash with him at the workplace or in your organization. It is all because of the decision you have made for Christ and never to go the world’s way anymore. No matter how difficult the first leg appears here where Hatred is playing home, Love, the visitors always has an edge over Hatred. Instead of becoming exhausted and frustrated with such encounters, let us rather be encouraged in the strength and winning power Love has over the fighting spirit of Hatred. At the return league on Love’s home soil which will also be the coronation game at the culmination of the age, it will be all joy because every hassling, sweat and tears from our eyes will be wiped away (Revelations 21:4).

God will decorate Love with his trophy and Hatred, his bankroller, and his supporters gnashing their teeth. You do not deserve to gnash your teeth with satan and his fallen angels, who are the Architects of all hatred. If hatred has taken over your life, please repent and allow Love, which is God in Christ Jesus, to flow through your spirit and soul. God bless you.

Written by Pastor James Orhin Agyin (j.orhinagyin20@icloud.com)


The Sudden Death Of Sister Osinachi Nwachukwu And Matters Arising: My Take

After keenly following discussions on this particular story that has got social media buzzing for the past number of days, I have decided to pour in my bit. It is so disturbing to get to know that the news announcing the passing away of Sister Osinachi Nwachukwu, a renowned Nigerian gospel musician who shook the world with her most anointed music ministry, is true, at least according to social media. There is this thing about social media: you don’t trust it when the news just pours in and when it is quite scattered, but you can trust it when the news is sustained for a long time, and it keeps flooding on everyone’s page. Well, the latter has been the case of the alleged death of our beloved Sister Osinachi.

It is reported that the death of this renowned gospel artiste of 42 years occurred in the Nigerian capital of Abuja on Friday 8th April 2022, after being hospitalized for some few days. Social media said she had continually been abused and brutalized by her husband, and that what rushed her to the hospital at which she died was a physical assault, the husband allegedly giving her boots at her chest. Rightly, these facts must be professionally confirmed beyond the claims of social media.  

This notwithstanding, the sudden death of Sister Osinachi, if it is true, and the surrounding issues that shroud it, particularly about the possible causation of the death, leave all of us disturbed. So many questions keep lurking at the back of one’s mind as one thinks about this development. For us as Christians, some of these questions are: Was she a powerful woman of God as we supposed or at least see in her music ministrations? If yes could God not have saved her? Where is God in all of this? Is it the will of God that we stay in abusive marriages and suffer a painful death like hers? When is divorce permissible for a Christian? What lessons can be drawn from this episode?

Well, these, sincerely, are tough questions, and no man can justly answer all of them to a satisfactory end. Plainly, it must be pointed out that all answers lie with God before Whom everything is naked, and before Whom all humankind will stand to give account of their deeds someday, including all they did in secret – whether good or bad. This aside, who can justifiably and comprehensively deal with a case concerning the dead? They themselves know the full details. Unfortunately, they pass on with the fine details. Also, the fact that, as social media again tells us, the husband has been arrested, (and I even read a friend’s post wishing that the husband rots in jail), means the case is on its way to be categorized as a criminal matter, at least officially. In that case we all must be careful how we dance ourselves into the story.

However, the many questions this particular development poses, especially to young people on social media, demands that we speak to it. I will therefore try to give some attention to some of the questions I posed above, which I consider to be the most-heated ones, at least in the minds of many young people, even if not bespoken. It may be a somehow long read but I bet that it will be worthwhile if one is patient with me.

First, was Sister Osinachi Nwachukwu really a Christian and that powerful a woman of God as we see her portray in her music ministry? Well, I think after watching one, two, or three of her music videos everyone will answer this for themselves. Undoubtedly, this was a woman of God backed by Heaven. Once her mouth was opened behind the microphone, the power of Heaven engulfed the atmosphere leaving many arrested by the power of God. In her popular “The Cry You Will Cry” ministration video for instance, one sees how God takes over and rends the hearts of her immediate audience in the room. People are seen in that video sobbing, weeping, and showing other physical evidential signs of repentance. She herself is always wrapped in the lyrics of the song – she carries herself, supposedly, to the very Presence of God where she pours her heart out in deep worship. Unlike some artistes, it is clear Sister Osinachi does not come across as a fans pleaser but a deep worshipper who, one can sense, carefully ascribes all the glory to God.

In John 3:2, Nicodemus made a profound statement. He told Jesus: “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.” This Scripture so fitly applies to Sister Osinachi. She could not carry such divine Presence, approval, and impact if God were not with her.

That settled, let me come to the second question: If she was a woman of God, and one that carried God’s power, why didn’t God save her from the alleged abuse and the eventual death? This is a tough one, and the ultimate answer rests with God alone. Scripture, however, helps us sail through some of the difficulties. Quite clearly, the Bible responds to issues of such nature.

Psalm 116:15 reads: “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints” (NIV). As Scripture makes this emphatic statement about the death of the saints of God (the righteous), it has this to say about the death of sinners: “Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live…’” (Ezek. 33:11, NIV). As the death of the righteous is precious before God, the death of the wicked brings Him no pleasure and He desires that they convert to righteousness before their demise. This statement of the death of the righteous being precious to the Lord notwithstanding, the Bible is flooded with so many scenarios where some righteous people have died in quite bizarre situations.  Think of the death of Jesus for one – falsely accused by all, crucified naked on a cross at the outskirts of the town and condemned as a wicked man to the belief of so many people. Or let’s think of Stephen, James the apostle, and more. In fact, church history tells of many Christians who died of martyrdom. Hebrews 11:35b also says: “There were others who were tortured, refusing to be released so that they may gain an even better resurrection” (NIV). My point is that the fact of the death of the righteous being precious to God does not warrant that the righteous will always die in an admirable manner. God’s emphasis is on the state of their souls rather than their mode of exit from this world.

In fact, the death of the righteous, no matter how it happens, is precious to God, and God may choose to call them in any way He pleases. So, point re-emphasized, it turns out to be that for the righteous, it is now how they exit this world that matters. God may choose to bring them home in whichever way that pleases His divine sovereign will. Sometimes out of all the troubles, shame, and struggles among others, the Lord may call His beloved home to rest with Him. How did men of God like John the Baptist die? He was beheaded by someone who felt uncomfortable by the message he preached! In giving contemporary examples, how did Dr. Myles Monroe die? In a plane crash! In Ghana we were not long ago so hardly hit with the death of the children of our revered Pastor Eastwood Anaba, one of Ghana’s great men of God. How did they die? In a car crash! So, the question is, couldn’t God have saved them? Well, He could. Why didn’t He save them then? Well, it is up to Him and His will. That’s the point! God’s will is what He wants to do out of many other options at a time, and just as humans have their will power, God has His too. Those who walk with God give space in life to the ultimate will of God. This is what every believer must do.

Perhaps the three Hebrew boys we read about in the Book of Daniel are our best fit for what I call “making room for the sovereign will of God”. To a death-threatening and an oppressive King of Babylon under whom Israel had been captured in servitude, these God-fearing young people answered: “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up” (Dan. 3:17-18, NIV). We learn two important things from these valiant young men. First, God is able to deliver us in trouble. That He is able means He has the power and ability to accomplish. But the second lesson we learn from them is that though God is able He also has a will, and that He chooses to do (deliver) if that is His will to deliver. These boys knew that though they were in trouble it was not automatic that God would deliver them since God’s will is sometimes different from the will of humans. This, they respected because they knew their God and His ways. They had walked with Him and understood Him.

For us humans, we always want immediate relief, but God looks at the ultimate picture, being the God who knows the end from the beginning and acts in the best interest. Well, it turned out that it was not the will of God for these gentlemen to be spared the seven-times-heated oven and so into it they were hurled! We may say God had failed them at the moment but wait for the end of the story. They get in there and the fire loses its ability to scorch and burn them down to ashes. They defy the power of the fire, it becomes the talk of town, many people come to revere the God of these boys, the king himself praises the God of Israel, and these three boys ended up being promoted as a compensation (read Daniel chapter 3). So, judge for yourself which was better, the will of God or the will of humans?

So, truly, the death of the righteous is precious to God no matter how it happens, and one of the reasons is that God has His own will in how these saints are called home to be with Him. In human understanding Myles Munroe may have died in a strange way, and Sister Osinachi may have died in a strange way, but the principle is the same. God has His will in the lives of His beloved saints. If it is His will He will deliver them from certain death, if not, He calls them home through whichever means. God has His own reasons for this. Sometimes the unexpected passing on of the saints brings in more harvest of souls to the Lord than what the rest of their lives would have fetched, and sometimes they are preserved from horrible developments to have unfolded later in their lives, sometimes too, they are called home because they have finished fulfilling their divine assignments, and still sometimes, they are called home so that something can be corrected with the sharp tone their departure strikes. Which of these may be behind Sister Osinachi’s sudden demise? I don’t know!

Altogether, my point is that Christians can have confidence in the assurance of the Bible that we may not grieve like those of the world who have no hope concerning the death of the righteous. That is, all we need to be sure of is that they were righteous, once we do, we must trust that God is a bigger stakeholder in their lives than us, and by His will, He may treat them as He pleases. One thing we know for sure, however, is that no matter the means God uses to call His saints home, it is ultimately for their good and the good of the Kingdom of God.

So, let me hit the nail on the question I posed: God could have saved her anointed lady, Sister Osinachi, from death but what if this was not something He God, knowing all things, did not want to do? And which of us can ask God about how He manages His will?

This brings us to the question about where is God in all of this? Where was God in the domestic abuse we hear Sister Osinachi wrestled with for a good part of her marital life, where was God in the struggle that led her to such painful death through the orchestration of her husband if what we have heard is true, and where is God in the sufferings of others who are going through various shades of oppression in the world? This, again, is a difficult question, and it comes under what is often referred to as the problem of evil. In simple understanding, the problem of evil is a philosophical and theological frame for the perception that evil abounds in the world and causes a lot of trouble to people and nature, yet God who has the power to intervene often sits unconcerned.

It is often held by atheists (people who do not believe in the existence Of God) that a God who does not intervene in the affairs of life does not exist, and deists are of the view that God created the world alright but has since lost interest in it and has allowed the world to run on its own course. These are faulty views according to orthodox Christian teaching. Unfortunately, even some Christians who get frustrated with the issues of life come to question the availability of God in their struggles. Under the perception of the problem of evil, God is either held accountable directly for evil, or He is thought of not coming in with appropriate (often expected to be immediate) sanctions against the perpetrators of evil and as so held indirectly responsible.

A good semblance of the problem of evil in the Bible is found in Judges 6:13. Allow me to cut this text into detail a bit just to draw from it to make the necessary application to the line of discussion. The whole narrative (chapter six) starts with the background of Israel having done evil in the sight of the Lord. Based on this, God, their Creator, Father, and divine leader had given them into the hands of the Midianites. Now, as to what exactly the Midianites were allowed to do to the Israelites and the extent, they could go with them we do not get to know. It is important to note that the fact that they had been given into the hands of Midian did not warrant that Midian could go every extent with them. There are cases in the Bible where God gave people into the hands of others and due to the ferociousness and the gravity of their oppression God came in to punish the oppressors. For instance, God punished Egypt for bitterly oppressing the people of Israel who had become slaves under them. Similarly, when Edom took pleasure and advantage over the brutality with which the Babylonians dealt with the people of Judah when taking them into Babylonian servitude, the Lord later gave them their due punishment (see the book of Obadiah). [For more direct scriptures on God’s attitude towards oppression read Jer. 7:10; Prov. 22:22-23; Isa. 33:14-15, etc.].

So, back to the Midian story, God may have been punishing Israel alright, but the Midianites had overstretched that into oppression and abuse. God’s punishment and human oppression and abuse are not the same. God hates, condemns, and punishes evil and may punish His people when they sin. Yet God’s punishment for His people (Israel in this sense, but in our present case Christian believers) is out of love, and as such is corrective and restorative at the end. Thus, it can better be understood with the word discipline since it has restoration and wellbeing as its telos (the expected end). Not so with human-imposed oppression and abuse which aims to deprive and destroy.

It seems to be, however, that the Midianites took a full advantage of God’s punishment of the Israelites and oppressed them brutally. Israel left the comfort of their homes and went to live in caves and mountains and only came down daily to till their land when they were sure the enemies were not coming. The force of oppression increased when other Eastern people joined the attack. As verse 4 and 5 of Judges 6 reveal, “whenever the Israelites planted their crops, the Midianites, Amalekites, and other eastern peoples invaded the country. They camped on the land and ruined the crops all the way to Gaza and did not spare a living thing for Israel, neither sheep nor cattle nor donkeys. They came up with their livestock and their tents like swarms of locusts. It was impossible to count them or their camels; they invaded the land to ravage it.” Though it is not completely stated as to whether this was a strategy or not, this approach taken by the enemies would have led to the expiration of the main food and other support systems for Israel, and it would have taken their lives. The development obviously led to Israel’s desperation, and we read that they cried out to the LORD for help. In addition to this cry for help, however, they complained and faulted God for all the evil that had befallen them. Later in verse 13 Gideon spills it out to the angel of God who had come down to speak with him, and who had just told him that the Lord was with him. This is how the King James Version  of the Bible puts it: “And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.”

Verse 13 provides the vital link between this narrative and the problem of evil which is the bigger discussion at hand at this point of my write-up.  To distill the points, Israel was in great desperation, what qualifies much into our understanding of evil in the frame of the problem of evil. It was an intense suffering from oppression from a ruthless nation who would destroy everything that could support life. Our observation is that Gideon expressed the view that God cannot really be with them when they were suffering such evil and not intervene. To him when God is with a person there cannot be trouble. He therefore could not reconcile the angel’s message that God was with them and yet they were going though such trouble when God had the power to deal with the situation. It made sense to assume they were going through such struggle because God was absent, but the angel corrected him that God was still with them in the struggle. The contention then was that if God was present why was He not helping in their situation? Was God holding back His power or He was not able? Gideon questioned the miracle working power of God – God’s ability to accomplish in the now and then. He thought that if God could work miracles, they needed one. In contemporary phraseology, they did not care about a God who is known to have performed great miracles in the past but would not perform one now for them when they thought they needed it most. He also thought God had forsaken them, delivered them into the hands of the Midianites to be treated such harshly. He assumed here that everything the Midianites did against them was God-sanctioned and that God was responsible for everything the Midianites did against them.

My question is: Was Gideon right? No. Obviously not. As I would not want to sink too deep in further analyzing this text, suffice it that God cannot be blamed anymore for every evil that happens to the people He may be disciplining than the evil that happens to His own people that He favours. That is to say that God cannot be blamed for all evil in people’s lives. Even when God may be dealing with people, other humans may overstretch their pains, yet God is often blamed with that. So let me repeat the point: God cannot be blamed for every bad thing that happens in people’s lives, and He cannot be dragged to respond with His power as if He is under the control of man. Even prayer must be in the will of God for Him to respond!

Bringing this to the context of marriage, God cannot be blamed for oppressions in marriage no matter where those oppressions occur, even if they happen in the marriages of men and women of God. Oppression is evil and so is abuse, period, and God is against them. The alleged oppression that has led to the passing on of Sister Osinachi is evil and meets the condemnation and anger of God. As a matter of fact, God favours the criminal charges that will be (or are being) pressed against the husband since it is upon His word that the judicial system is built. That is, to the question, where is God in all these, I say God is present in this case as the just God who is against oppression and abuse in marriage, and Who, while being the Judge of all flesh and will bring every detail of this issue into account on the Day of Judgment, is for the justice that must prevail in this case now. Similarly, God is for justice in all cases of oppressions. The oppressed must therefore seek justice by every means possible in line with the will of God.

Most obviously, this write-up cannot end without giving due attention to the issue of how long we should suffer abuse in marriage before we give up, and when divorce is allowed in Scripture. Many young people are asking this question on social media, and it needs to be addressed too. These are tough issues, admittedly so, but we will press on. From His original design God is against divorce, and the truth is no matter how we negotiate the issue of divorce God’s original stand is that He hates it! This is because divorce destroys people. The fact is that marriage makes two people one indeed and if they really married in the first place, separating should leave none of them ‘normal’. People who have divorced may remarry but they themselves may testify that it may never be the same. It is much like two pieces of paper glued together and dried. We shouldn’t succeed in separating them perfectly again. In marriage, through a divine act, God, not man, joins two humans to become one, and about how they can be separated, truth be told, God seems not to leave much room except for the case of death and adultery, and he adds: “Therefore what God has put together let no man separate.” Wait, I will deal with these with much Scripture soon.

 In Matthew 19:1-12 the clever Pharisees bring a very complicated question on marriage before Jesus, much like what is before us in this case. For the sensitivity of this issue allow me to quote the text copiously:

When Jesus had finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went into the region of Judea to the other side of the Jordan.Large crowds followed him, and he healed them there. Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?” “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So, they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate. “Why then,” they asked, “did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?” Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.” The disciples said to him, “If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.”Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”

In answering these Pharisees Jesus points to God’s original and perfect arrangement for marriage recorded in Genesis 1:22-27 and 2:24: God made them two different parts of one – male and female meant to fit and lock into each other into one whole, and, the man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife, and they become one, fitting into one another, interlocking each other, and ceasing to be two from there and then. Jesus further added that because of this mystery they are no longer two but have become one flesh! They have become one – God has joined them to become one.   Then He continued to warn that humankind should be careful not to separate what God Himself has put together. 

The Pharisees, maybe not satisfied with the answer, as indeed many in this generation are not, and have kept on wanting to replace the word of God with their human thinking and common sense, went on to probe about the space for divorce that Moses gave in Deuteronomy 24:1-5. Jesus’ reply was that it was due to the stubbornness of their hearts that Moses, not being able to cope any longer, allowed them. This is just like how many pastors in this generation, not being able to cope with the pressure people’s marriages are bringing on them, are granting many permissions outside the original will of God concerning marriage. Jesus corrected that mistake and reverted it to the original will of God – how God designed it and wills it to be. Then after that He came stronger, finalizing the issue: “I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, and marries another woman commits adultery” (Matt. 19:9). The question is, why should someone who has dissolved his marriage and married another person be accused of adultery? The answer is: Because before God he is still a married man with the woman, he thinks he has successfully divorced, and so having this new woman makes him guilty of adultery, a sin defined as unfaithfulness in marriage. So, do you get it? As far as God is concerned, once you are married you cannot truly divorce, unless your partner continues in a life of adultery or is taken by death. In the verse that follows, when the disciples got to understand this truth of the word of God, they said that “if this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.” To this Jesus said a surprising yes and added that this is a plain truth that not everyone can live with. That is to say that many will marry, only a few will remain singles for various reasons.  

This is the hard truth. It is the will of the All-wise and All-knowing God and no body must dare to twist it. Marriage is not for joke and that is why in the solemnization process we are advised that it must be entered into in all solemnity and forethought. It must be entered into in all maturity. Again and again, the word of God warns us about being careful before we settle into marriage with anyone. It calls for prayer, careful study, counsel, and discernment, and to nail it to the point, being sexually involved with each other before marriage clouds the process and blinds your eye such that you cannot see and discern any well about the person any longer. This truth must be told this generation. It is for our won good that we are to stay chaste and enter marriage the right way! Marriage is such a long journey that if you don’t start it right you will have trouble.

In biblical counsel, we must not marry those who do not know God (God always warned Israel against marrying from the heathens), Song of Songs 8:4 advises against awakening love before its time, and 2 Corinthians 6:14-16a warns: “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God.” Let me end that flow here and go to my main point at this juncture.

Jesus, from the Matthew 19 account, makes it clear that the way out of marriage is so limited – and that is adultery (and death) -, and that there is a divine warning against anyone who dares separates marriages but for this allowable cause. Because of this divine imperative, the truth is no pastor may want to spearhead divorce. Sometimes both church leaders and traditional leaders handle marital cases that, judging from human view, may have to end up in divorce, but at that point they leave it hanging because there is more to marriage than meets the eye. This makes taking decisions on divorce a personal decision to be made by those involved at some point, truth be told, and at that point what can significant others do apart from offering prayer support, counselling, and pieces of advice? Clearly this is where everybody’s work ends apart from the married couple. The problem is that some pastors go beyond this point to urge people to continue to endure whilst others advocate for divorce. As far as I am informed, pastors must be careful when crossing this barrier as there are always dire consequences. My view is that as soon as you do that you out-step your boundary and enter a danger zone covered neither by your calling nor profession. This applies to counsellors as well. I have seen that the options people normally take here include filing for divorce, choosing to ‘carry their cross’ and follow Christ – which means they accept this to be a challenge of life and rather choose to serve God well and please Him with the rest of their lives. Others continue to seek help, giving change a chance. Well, because with God all things are possible, sometimes things change in line with the will of God. In other times there is no change and conditions worsen. As I said earlier, only God has the full answers. So many options but this is very complicated. All these culminate into my initial premise that the issues surrounding the sudden death of our beloved Sister Osinachi is confusing and unpleasant.

Before I conclude, however, let me also add that those who enter marriage must understand and accept that they have become one with their spouses. In that sense whatever each has, and the unique talents, gifts, abilities, and recourses we come to have must continually be at the disposal of each other in a proper Christian marriage. We must therefore support each other to shine as couples. Sometimes, the shouting gift may be with the woman, there must be no problem with that. The man must come on board to support. The Bible said he who loves his wife loves himself. This means you are your wife so why the difference? In the Western world men supporting women in leadership is not a challenge at all. I think we can do better in Africa, and the church must lead the way. In the context of marriage, it may not matter who among us the Lord may lift to spearhead a ministry or an enterprise. There must be enough love, fear of God, and humility for the other partner to come on board and support. At the same time, those entrusted with the key position of the ministry or enterprise must be God-fearing, humble, and Christian enough to submit. Together, in marriage we become one, and all God does for us and gives us must be celebrated together and supported by each other.

Truly, the issues around the death of beloved Sister Osinachi are confusing and worrisome, but at least as mortals we can learn from them. There is a lot to learn from, and I only hope that this write-up settles some of the dust, at least for our young people, about such matters. I also hope that all of us – clergy, married people, unmarried people, oppressors, abusers, the oppressed and abused, parents, gospel artistes and other Christian ministers, and all society will learn our due from it. May the Lord save us from such distasteful development. May they be far from us!

Written by Pastor Ebenezer Hagan (Youth Ministry Director, The Church of Pentecost)

Tel: +233243971197

Email: Ekumfiasaafa12345@gmail.com


Handling Conflicts At The Workplace Using Jesus’ Template

“Do Good to Those Who Hate You” – Luke 6:27-36

We all have had or been involved in one form of conflict in our workplace or the marketplace. Thus, we have all seen or experience conflict. So it is part of life, we cannot avoid it entirely because we do not control other people’s emotions and actions. But in Luke 6:27-36, Jesus Christ gave a beautiful and life-transforming roadmap to address situations of conflict. He says “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you” (Luke 6:27-28). Wow! Is this possible at all? So Jesus, you are saying that I should pray for those I know are my enemies, those who wish that I don’t get that promotion, those who desire I fail and set trap for me? I should do good to them? Are you serious Jesus? Do you how know bad that brother or sister hurt me?

Interesting and difficult as it may seem, Dr. Luke leaves no doubt that this is a teaching for the economic and business world as well, as he emphatically relates the story to lending money. “Lend to your enemies, expecting nothing in return” (Luke 6:35). Let me be clear on this point, this does not and is not like a business or commercial lending strategy, no! However, it is meant to help us understand this narrative so well. Whatever place of influence or power we have been blessed to occupy is only meant to serve and cause positive change and enduring legacy but not meant to crush people we are in conflict with. Saul is a classic example here. Using the entire army of Israel to chase after a shepherd boy, David, with sole purpose of crushing and killing him. But David had a different understanding, even when Saul fell into his hands and had the opportunity to kill him with just a strike, he refused to do that, later Saul confessed that “You are righteous that I”. This is a human being, flesh and blood like us. Let’s apply this to our workplaces.


Jesus is saying that we must work for the good of those we are in conflict with…difficult eh? This is not to say we should avoid conflict, because like I said earlier, we don’t control other people’s behaviours and emotions, but only ours. It also does not mean the Christian worker should not compete in his field, no. But it does mean, for example, that if you are competing with a co-worker for promotion, you must help your co-worker or opponent do their work as well as they can, while doing yours excellently knowing that promotion comes from God (Gen. 39:5, Dan. 2:42, Psalm 75:7) and it’s a reward for hard work, diligence dedication and above all, uprightness, adhering to the rules of engagement.


Here, we are not to crush our competitors. While working as Business Development Manager years ago, I had the opportunity to engage clients together with several colleagues from other banks pitching for the same business. Sometimes, we did presentations in turns and you hear others throwing jabs and tantrums in their efforts to sell their products, some even condemned their opponents institutions. One of the timeless lessons I had from my supervisors was, “always sell the differentiating factor when pitching”, that is, what makes your product unique and valuable from the rest on the market? Sell value! With this we won many without crushing words. Crushing your competitors in an evil way won’t make you better, you rather attract God’s wrath because you are against his word. Today, some companies uses  frivolous lawsuits, monopolization, false rumors, stock manipulation, and the likes to crush their competitors. Even nations uses natural resources to blackmail other nations to have leverage ver others. This may seem a strategic imperative, but it’s wrong if we pass it through the prism of the scripture as Prof. Kwame Bediako suggested. Some even uses social media fake videos to destroy businesses of their competitors. This is evil and God will judge every action, thoughts and intents of men so we need to be very careful in our walk with him.

The Puritans were very business minded Christians, believed in the dignity of hard work and labour. Many were leaders in their respective spheres – colleges Presidents, Professors, CEOs, Ingineers, Lawyers, Senators, Judges, etc. They recognised that Jesus Christ perspective on life must permeat every sphere of their everyday business life, thus, establishing his kingdom on earth. They therefore, taught a lot about vocation and admonished Christians not to be lazy like we have today, supported but lazy government policies and liberal politicians who have no idea about God’s big idea about work and enterprise for effective human living.


Conflict is part of human existence. On our part, we can avoid it but we cannot control the repugnant behaviours and attitudes of others, and so conflict is bound to happen. When it does happen, the road map is clear from Jesus Christ. If followed, it will liberate us – spiritual, social and economic wholeness because we have thought and acted right. This is certainly not an easy route my friend but those who travel it have great stories to tell at the end. Jesus Christ did it, on the cross he made pleadings and asked for forgiveness for his killers. Nelson Mandela travelled this difficult path after 28 solid years  in prison, he loved his enemies, Joseph did it to his brothers. Mahatma Ghandi showed it to the Brits… Such people are bigger in heart and in the world and are Inflencers. Reflect on this!

Written by P/Ovr. Stephen Ahunu Amoako, Habitat District, Konongo Area

Tel: 0242707215

Email: steve.amoako@outlook.com