The Resurrection Is Proof Of Christ's Deity - Apostle Samuel Obuobi web

The Resurrection Is Proof Of Christ’s Deity – Apostle Samuel Obuobi

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Samuel Gyau Obuobi, has said that Jesus’ resurrection after His gruesome crucifixion is proof that He is God.

According to him, just as the birth of Christ affirmed His human nature, His resurrection from the dead is proof that He was no ordinary human being but God.

Apostle Samuel Gyau Obuobi said this today during the Resurrection Sunday Service held at the Amrahia Community Park by the Amrahia Zone of the Madina Area of the Church to climax this year’s Easter Convention.

In his sermon, he said that most people who die are unable to come back to life as it is appointed unto man to die once.

Apostle Samuel Obuobi, however, noted that the Bible makes mention of some individuals who came back to life after experiencing death, citing Lazarus, the man at Nain, etc.

He further explained that despite their good fortune of having a second chance at life, all of them experienced death again.

The General Secretary, therefore, noted that what makes Jesus’ resurrection amazing and unique is that He will never taste death ever again as He has completely defeated death.

He explained that the devil and his cohorts were determined to keep Jesus in the grave, but it was impossible for death to keep hold of Him because He is God.

“Satan did everything to stop him from coming back. The large stone at the tomb, the seal of the Governor, and the well-built and trained soldiers put in place to guard the tomb still could not prevent Jesus from coming back to life,” he said.

“If the devil knew that Christ’s death would provide a door for the salvation of humanity, they would have refrained from killing Him,” he added.

He further noted that Christ’s resurrection is the foundation of the Christian faith, for if Christ had not risen from death, the faith of believers would be pointless.

“But to the glory of God, our faith is not futile. Jesus has risen again and his grave is empty,” he said.

He further assured that if Jesus resurrected, then we will also rise from death.”

Apostle Samuel Gyau Obuobi also encouraged Christians going through difficult times to hold on to their faith in the Lord and trust that in His appointed time, God will come to their rescue.

He said that the theology of “prosperity without suffering” is anti-Christian because God never promised believers an easy life. Rather, He assures them that even in the valley of the shadow of death, He will be with us.

“For every Good Friday (Low Point), there is a Resurrection Sunday (High Point), and there can’t be a Resurrection Sunday without a Good Friday.

“Every warrior must have engaged in battle; one cannot rightfully claim the title of a warrior without having emerged victorious in a conflict or war. So never give up; victory is assured!” He said.


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