Thousands Surrender To Christ During “Aflao For Christ” Crusade web

Thousands Surrender To Christ During “Aflao For Christ” Crusade

The “Aflao For Christ” Crusade, held from March 12 to 16, 2024, concluded with a remarkable tally of 2649 souls won for Christ, including 2100 adults and 549 children.

The event, themed “In Him is Life,” saw 860 converts baptised by immersion, 163 receiving the Holy Spirit baptism, and the planting of six new assemblies. Additionally, 15 healings were recorded.

The crusade was organised at CEPS Park (Keyiborme), Aflao Border for evening sessions, and Shekinah Temple for morning sessions. An “Advance Team” was dispatched among the districts for various forms of evangelism from March 4 to 10, 2024.


The crusade was marked by a series of activities: Mega Crusade during the evening sessions, Holy Ghost and healing sessions in the morning, Jesus March through the principal streets, medical outreach, children’s church service, outreaches led by the advance team (including house to house, cinema, and personal evangelism), football gala, and New Converts Church service.


Prior to the crusade, several activities were conducted, including seminars for the Pastorate, Gospel heralds/ushers & Counselors, fasting and prayers in January and February 2024, publicity, pre-crusade soccer gala for teams within the Aflao municipal, and Jesus March through the principal streets of the Aflao Municipal.


The crusade witnessed several miracles. During the Tuesday evening session, a 74-year-old woman, Madam Patience Fiasugbor, who was unable to walk unaided, received instant healing and was able to walk to the glory of God.

Sister Yesutor Kemvor, aged 60, who had been suffering from chest pain for the past 14 years, felt a movement from her chest to her arm during the Thursday morning prayers, and the pain left her. Paul Ahadzi, aged 30, who had been suffering from chest pain for a week, received instant healing during the Tuesday evening prayers.

The next stop for the Evangelism Ministry will be in Tarkwa in the Western Region of Ghana. The “Tarkwa for Christ” crusade is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, and end on Saturday, April 13, 2024, with a free medical screening exercise.


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