The Church of Pentecost Joins Yaa Naa To Observe Green Ghana Day web

The Church of Pentecost Joins Yaa Naa To Observe Green Ghana Day

A delegation from The Church of Pentecost, led by Apostle John Kobina Budu Tawiah, the Northern Regional Coordinating Committee (NRCC) Coordinator, joined Yaa Naa Abukari II, the Overlord of Dagbon, today to observe this year’s edition of the annual nationwide tree-planting exercise, dubbed “Green Ghana Day.”

The event, themed “Growing for a Greener Tomorrow,” took place at the Gbewaa Palace in Yendi.

In attendance were Pastor James K. Magyam, the Yendi Area Head, the entire pastorate of the Yendi Area, and the Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Hon. Akwasi Konadu.

In his welcome address, Yaa Naa Abukari II praised The Church of Pentecost for their consistent support since the inception of the national tree-planting exercise.

Addressing the gathering, Apostle J.B.K. Tawiah emphasized that The Church of Pentecost is prioritizing this year’s exercise by planting 106,000 trees on 262 acres in the region. He urged chiefs and community leaders to actively participate in taking care of these seedlings.

He announced that since the inception of this national exercise, the church has led in planting 1.6 million trees with a success rate of over 87%.

The programme concluded with Yaa Naa, Apostle J.B.K. Tawiah, and Pastor James Magyam planting seedlings to commemorate the event.

Report by Pastor Martin Ossom Boafo (Yendi Area Reporter)

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