
Goaso Area Launches Environmental Care Campaign

The Goaso Area of The Church of Pentecost on May 31, 2019, officially launched their Environmental Care Campaign at the forecourt of the Goaso Traditional Council.

The launch was in fulfillment of the Vision 2023 of The Church of Pentecost, which enjoins all members of the Church to possess the environment by making it clean.

The launch was organized in collaboration with the Goaso Traditional Council, Ahafo Regional Coordinating Council, Asunafo North Municipal Assembly, the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Goaso Local Council of Churches, Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC), Zoomlion Ghana Limited, and the Muslim Committee.

The Ahafo Regional Minister, Honourable Evans Bobie, together with the Goaso Paramount Chief, Nana Akwasi Bosomprah I, and the Goaso Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Isaac Kwasi Amoako, led the participants to embark on a three-hour clean-up exercise at the principal streets of Goaso and the Municipal hospital.

Speaking at the ceremony, Apostle Isaac Amoako noted that it will only take a change of attitude and a collaborative effort of all citizens to curb the menace of filth in the environment.

“This vision of The Church of Pentecost should be embraced by all, especially the Christian community in order to replicate God’s expression of cleanliness at creation,” he added.

On his part, Nana Bosomprah reiterated the need for the people of Goaso to keep the environment clean. He warned that no citizen would go unpunished by the Goaso Traditional Council if found littering.

The Regional Minister, Hon. Evans Kwabena Bobie, and the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Hon. Yaw Osei Boahen, added that in order to make the agenda work and be sustained, environmental by-laws would be put in place and all perpetrators would be penalized.

“Our agenda is to make Goaso Municipality the cleanest capital in Ghana,” they revealed.

Report by Overseer Benedict Ahiabu, Goaso Area Reporter.

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