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General Secretary Dedicates New Nsawam Area Manse

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost (CoP), Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, today dedicated the newly-constructed Nsawam Area Mission House.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi was assisted by the Koforidua Area Head and Executive Council Member, Apostle Mike Etrue, and the Nsawam Area Head, Apostle Francis Yaw Adu.

Also present at the dedication ceremony were Apostle David Tettey Tekper (Achimota Area Head), Apostle Lawrence Otu-Nyarko (Finance and Administration Director, COP Headquarters), Apostle Samuel Gakpetor (Agormanya Area Head), Apostle Phillip Osei-Korsah (Director, The Church of Pentecost Counselling Ministry) and Apostle Samuel Obuobi (Asamankese Area Head).

Preaching on the topic “Built on Christ” with Colossians 2:6-7 as anchor text, Apostle Samuel Obuobi said that foundation is the most important part of a building and even determines, to a large extent, how high it would be constructed.

The Asamankese Area Head noted that the foundation is also crucial because a house with a weak foundation would not stand the test of time. “In the same way, one’s faith in the Lord would only stand the test of time if it is rooted and built on Jesus, who is our Rock,” he explained.

Apostle Obuobi further explained that just as rocks are strong, impenetrable, durable, permanent, lasting, and unconquerable so is rooting one’s faith in Christ.

“In fine whether buildings always look good, until the weather changes. But for those whose foundation are firm and strong they will never be moved. Anyone whose faith is rooted in Christ has no fear; even when the storms rage, they are not moved because they are firmly rooted in Him,” he said.

Apostle Obuobi said that, challenges are bound to happen in the New Year, however, those who would remain firmly rooted in Christ and His word would triumph in the end. A man who had been touched by the word ministration responded to an altar call by Apostle Lawrence Otu-Nyarko and was led to accept Jesus as His Lord and personal Saviour.

The Nsawam Area Mission House building project was initiated after the proposed creation of the Nsawam Area, which had been carved out of the Suhum and Achimota areas, was approved at the 45th session of the General Council Meetings of the Church.

Consequently, the leadership of the Suhum Area, led by the then Area Head, Apostle A.E.K. Ekuban (now retired), cut sod for the project on June 10, 2021 and supervised it until the official inauguration of the Nsawam Area on August 29, 2021.

The Nsawam Area Executive Committee and the Area Estate Committee, took over the project, and, in close consultation with Pastor James Agyin (Projects, Estate and Development Manager, COP Headquarters), saw to its successful completion.

It is also worth mentioning that the building is sited on a vast parcel of land owned by the Church’s headquarters but released to the Area for the project.

The dedication ceremony also had in attendance Mrs. Rose Kumi-Larbi (Wife of the General Secretary), Mrs. Esther Adu (Wife of the Nsawam Area Head), the Nsawam Area pastorate, traditional leaders, as well as officers and members of the Church.


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