Couple Gives Birth To Baby Girl After 25 Years Of Childlessness

Couple Gives Birth To Baby Girl After 25 Years Of Childlessness

“And she said, “O my lord! As your soul lives, my lord, I am the woman who stood by you here, praying to the Lord. For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him.” – 1 Samuel 1:26-27

After 25 years of marriage, the Lord miraculously visited Elder David Abuguri and his wife Deaconess Emilia of Zebilla District of The Church of Pentecost with a baby girl.

Elder David Abuguri who doubles as the District PEMEM Leader and his wife earnestly prayed to the Lord for a child having married for the past 25 years (1996-2021).

After several prayers and continuous dependence on the Lord, Deaconess Emilia conceived and has delivered a bouncing baby girl. The child was dedicated recently and named after Sophia McKeown, the late wife of the Founder of The Church of Pentecost.

Elder David and Deaconess Abuguri are eternally grateful to God for such a miraculous visitation. They also expressed their utmost gratitude to the Bawku Area Head, Apostle Eric Gyambibi Boateng, and his wife Mrs. Vivian Adomah Boateng for their prayer support and encouragement, as well as the Zebilla District Minister, Overseer Michael Kudodzi, and the entire Presbytery, for their prayers and support in various forms.

To God be the glory for the great thing He has done.

Report by Zebilla District Media Committee.

Salvation Is Significant In Equipping The Church – IMD Declares

Salvation Is Significant In Equipping The Church – IMD Declares

The International Missions Director of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Emmanuel Agyeman Bekoe, has indicated that salvation of the believer is critical in equipping the church for battles.

“One of the weapons in the Christian journey is the helmet of salvation,” he said during the opening session of the La Area Officers’ Retreat (Apostolisation), on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, at Dr. Thomas Wyatt Temple.

Delivering a sermon on the topic, “Significance of the Helmet of Salvation,” Apostle Agyeman Bekoe defined salvation as, “being saved or delivered from sin through Jesus Christ.”

Using scriptural references from Ephesians 6:17 and 2 Corinthians 5:17, he revealed that the new creation or new birth of a believer comes with the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour.

“Not until one accepts Christ as Lord and personal Saviour, they are dead and have no connection with God,” he stated.

Quoting from 1 Thessalonians 5:23 and Hebrews 4:12, he noted that man, being tripartite, is made up of body, soul, and spirit. He also said that the spirit of man serves as the communication channel between God and man.

“If anyone is not in Christ, their spirit is dead, hence, there is no communication network between them and God,” he declared.

He further added: “The moment one comes to accept Christ as their Lord and personal Saviour, that communication channel is opened, and they can talk to God, hear from Him, and be able to wear the helmet of salvation.”

Describing the soul of man, Apostle Agyeman Bekoe said that the mind, will, and emotions, are trained and disciplined to align themselves with the spirit of man when one becomes born again. This, he said, makes the individual spiritual again.

“If the soul aligns itself with the body instead of the spirit, they fight against the spirit, and the individual behaves carnally even though they have accepted Christ,” he noted.

He urged ministers and officers of the church to strive to put on the helmet of salvation which will push them from the past into the future.

The IMD revealed that the helmet of salvation also has a decorative purpose which beautifies and announces the presence of a true born-again Christian after every battle.

He then encouraged the Church to always work at their salvation to help protect their minds from the disruptions and interferences of this world, especially with new converts who need to be focused, determined, and resolute in their faith.

“The battlefield is the mind of the believer. The devil or enemy will throw many negative thoughts in the mind of the Christian, but with the help of the helmet of salvation, they can withstand all the devices of the devil and the pressures of life,” he emphasised while entreating the members of the church to understand the worth of their salvation.

Concluding his sermon, Apostle Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe asked members of The Church of Pentecost to be agents and ambassadors of Christ.

The four-day teaching and prayers retreat for ministers and their wives as well as officers of the church will end on February 11, 2022.

Report by Gina Akua Padi.

Twifo Agona District Fetes 70 Widows, Aged, PWDs

Twifo Agona District Fetes 70 Widows, Aged, PWDs

The Twifo Agona District of The Church of Pentecost has organised a gathering for widows, the elderly, and some people with disabilities (PWDs).

The event which was a brainchild of the District Minister, Pastor Sampson Dzefe, and his wife, Mrs. Evelyn Dzefe, was held at the Central assembly auditorium.

The event, according to Pastor Dzefe, was held as part of the Church’s Vision 2023 agenda, which focuses on bringing people from all walks of life together regardless of their state.

The 70 participants, who included widows, the elderly, and people with disabilities (PWDs), were given free medical screenings, food, drinks, and gifts. The participants expressed their gratitude to Pastor Sampson and Mrs. Evelyn Dzefe for their enormous and incredible support.

Some members of the District Executive Committee were also present for the festivities.

Report by Joseph Smiles Adu.

GS At Bawdjiase

Christians Urged To Be Agents Of Christ On Earth

Christians have been charged as agents and ambassadors of Jesus Christ on earth to carry on the ministry of reconciliation and salvation that Christ Jesus came to do on earth through His death and resurrection.

According to Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Jesus’ death and resurrection reconciled man to God. He emphasized that the glory and Spirit of God, which were lost in the Garden of Eden as a result of sin, can only be reclaimed when one accepts Christ Jesus as their Lord and personal Saviour.

This, he said, is good news that must be shared with all people in order for them to believe in Christ’s finished work on the cross and become a new creation, turning away from their evil ways and becoming more like Christ.

Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi said this in a sermon he delivered yesterday at Bawjiase, near Kasoa as part of the on-going All Officers’ Retreat (Apostolisation) held in the Downtown-Ofaakor Area. The Bawjiase zone was attended by officers and ministers from seven districts in the Downtown-Ofaakor Area namely, Jei-Krodua, Papaase, Obom, Awutu Bawjiase, Awuakyekwaa, Abamkrom, and Hobor.

Speaking on the topic: “The New Creation and the Possessing the Nations Agenda” with the main text taken from 2 Corinthians 5:16-19, the General Secretary explained the purpose for the new creation. According to him, God created man in His own image and likeness but when the devil deceived man and caused him to sin against God, the entire human race lost that glory, and thus every man born of a woman on earth is corrupt and sinful.

He stated that since the departure of the Holy Spirit from man, humanity has been wallowing in sin and darkness, engaging in unspeakable acts such as homosexuality and the like. He explained that God, through His Son Jesus Christ, came to earth to pay the ultimate price to deliver humanity from Satan’s kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Light in Christ Jesus.

The General Secretary further explained that since Christ’s death and ascension into heaven, the unfinished business of bringing all humanity to the saving knowledge of Christ and reconciling them to God has been left in the hands of His agents (Christians).

He, therefore challenged Christian leaders who are now new creations to let the light and salt in them be seen by all, so that others who are living in the darkness will turn from their evil ways and come to Christ to avoid God’s imminent punishment.

As Christ’s agents, Apostle Kumi-Larbi exhorted christians to uphold righteousness and live unquestionably so that God would use them to possess the nations. He contended that until Christians fulfill their true calling of becoming true agents of Christ by demonstrating to the world the Kingdom values and principles, the earth will not be at peace because sin will continue to dominate men’s affairs.

Reading from Ephesians 6:17, he advised them to put on the helmet of salvation to safeguard their salvation because the devil is always at war with them to cause them to lose their salvation in Christ.


Apostle Ankrah Badu

Position Yourself For The Enlistment Of God – Apostle Ankrah Badu

Apostle Emmanuel Ofei Ankra-Badu, the Tema Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, has charged Christians to align themselves well in pursuit of the call into God’s army.

Speaking to the topic, “God’s Army Breaking the Walls of Jericho to Possess the Nations” (Joshua 6:1-27; 2 Corinthians 10:3-6; Ephesians 6:10-18), Apostle Ankra-Badu said that it is not automatic for every Christian to be enlisted into the Army of God, but only staunch believers with unique attributes.

The immediate past Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM) Director said this on Sunday,  January 23, 2022, during the closing session of a two-week-long programme of the Abasraba District in Winneba Area dubbed, “Beginning With Jesus.”

Apostle Ofei Ankra-Badu indicated that for a person to qualify into the army of God, the individual had to be spiritually inclined, be obedient to God’s word, and be honest in all he does.

He explained that the belief in Jesus Christ alone did not guarantee one’s salvation. He added that the believer had to comply with the will of God, with scriptural references from Matthew 7:21-22, Proverbs 30:12, Romans 10:2, and John 2:23-25. He then charged the congregants to emulate the righteous life of Jesus Christ at all times to secure their places in the salvation plan of God.

“There are two gates for us as a people; the narrow gate which leads to salvation and the broad gate which leads to destruction. Christ has chosen the narrow gate for us so we may live and also be saved. We are living at the expense of the grace of God, not by our smartness or strength,” he stated while entreating them to make tithing a sacred responsibility.

“Most of us here have lost our glory or blessings due to doubts. If you are here as a true follower of Christ, still comparing yourself to worldly people and craving for worldly materials, then you have not entered the narrow gate yet. Therefore, endeavour to enter the narrow gate alone and your life will surely transform to be a living testimony,” he stated.

The Tema Area Head highlighted that some Christians encounter difficulties in entering the narrow gate due to their failure in establishing the will of God and that of their own, adding that: “God will help you if you avail your weakness to Him.”

He further noted that believers had only one life despite the theories of a section of Christians in referring to their lives as ‘private’ and ‘social life. He urged them to uphold the truth and stay clean to be fit for the call of God.

The programme was hosted by Pastor Emmanuel Foster Asamoah (Abasraba District Minister). Also present were members of the District Executive Committee.

The event started from Monday, January 10 to Sunday, January 16, 2022, at local levels and Monday, January 17 to Sunday, January 23, 2022, at the District level.

Report by Pastor Emmanuel Foster Asamoah.

You Must Be Little Jesuses- General Secretary Tells Christians

You Must Be Little Jesuses – General Secretary Tells Christians

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, has entreated church leaders to be mindful of their actions, words, deeds, and attitude in order to ensure that they are in line with the standards of God.

 “You must be little Jesuses everywhere you go,” the General Secretary stated yesterday when delivering the sermon in this year’s All Officers Retreat, dubbed: “Apostolisation” at Downtown Ofaakor, near Kasoa.

The week-long event, being organised in two zones – Downtown and Bawjiase, is under the 2022 theme of the church, “Equipping the Church As An Army to Possess the Nations” (Hebrews 13:20-21; Ephesians 4:11-12; 6:10-11).

It is hosted by the Area Head, Apostle Dr. Benjamin Ali, with Apostle Mike Kwame Etrue (Kaneshie Area Head and Executive Council Member) as the other guest speaker.

Speaking on Wednesday on the topic: “Righteousness, the Authority of the Kingdom,” the General Secretary said it is righteousness that will help officers and ministers of the church to exert their authority in the church and impact others positively.

He regretted that most people in positions of authority, both in the church and in society as a whole, had lost the moral justification to exercise their authority as a result of their questionable lifestyles.

Reading from Proverbs 14:25; 19:17; Hebrews 1:8-9, he asserted that it is by only righteousness that the fortunes of the nation can be turned around and help the church in its quest to possess the nations with Kingdom values and principles, thereby bringing many people to Christ.  

According to Apostle Kumi-Larbi, righteousness is a symbol of God’s Kingdom and that those who claim to be heirs of the Kingdom must be righteous in all their actions.

“In the church and the Kingdom of God, righteousness should be our hallmark, because the scepter of righteousness is the scepter of the Kingdom,” he stressed.

Explaining righteousness from the Old Testament perspective, he said that righteousness is being right with God by aligning with how God ordained things and how God sees them in the natural, moral or legal sense.

The General Secretary continued by entreating believers, especially officers of the church to put on the breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:4) which signifies moral character and serves as their defense by way of protecting their hearts from evil.

Putting on the breastplate of righteousness, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi noted, is particularly important because the world is full of evil and sin (Romans 12:17-25; Matthew 5:38-42).

He disclosed that Jesus Christ came into the world to impute the righteousness of God in believers. This was done through the shedding of His blood and resurrection which has cleansed the believer from all unrighteousness, thereby sanctifying and justifying them (Romans 8:1-4; Galatians 3:13-14; Colossians 2:13-14; 2 Corinthians 5:21).

“We are now new creations having been made the righteousness of God. We are God’s righteousness because anyone who accepts Christ as his Lord and Saviour receives a new identity in Christ. God imputed His righteousness in us, and we are to reflect it in our communities. With the image of Christ in us, we should be able to influence others,” he said.



CHAG Commends The Church Of Pentecost For COVID-Response Actions

The Executive Director of the Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG), Dr. Peter K. Yeboah, has commended The Church of Pentecost for her significant contributions towards the fight of COVID-19 at the peak of the pandemic in 2019.

Dr. Yeboah was particularly impressed by the Church’s gesture of releasing the 250-acre ultramodern multipurpose facility Convention centre to the Government of Ghana as an isolation and treatment centre.

“For us as CHAG, this singular act meant much more. By giving out the Pentecost Convention Centre pro bono (for free), with no strings attached, the Church traded off income that could have been used to sustain the Church. Again, the Church defied certain risks; including the possible stigma of the centre being tagged as a ‘Covid centre’ post-pandemic,” he stated.

He further stated: “By your contributions to the covid response actions, you gave meaning to the government’s response to the pandemic. Indeed, you demonstrated real Christian love, commitment, equity, service and integrity for the sake of God, country and humanity consistent with the PENTSOS core values.

“You changed the narrative and you contributed very significantly to Ghana’s acclaimed success at managing the pandemic,” he added.

He indicated that CHAG also benefited from the church’s benevolence since the humanitarian act also cemented church-state partnership in health. 

“It reinforced the power of CHAG to sit at the policy table; we were, thus, recognised as partners and contributors and this gave us relevance, and for this, we are very grateful,” he said.

Dr. Peter Yeboah said this when he delivered a brief remark at the dedication ceremony for the Pentecost Hospital-Tarkwa on Wednesday, February 9, 2022.


Tarkwa serves

Tarkwa Pentecost Hospital Serves Over 47,000 People

The Pentecost Hospital-Tarkwa, one of the nine health facilities of The Church of Pentecost, currently serves the health needs of the 18 communities within the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality and its environs. It is estimated that over 47,000 people depend on the facility for healthcare.

This was revealed at a special ceremony held today at the E. K. Kyei Memorial Temple, Tarkwa, to dedicate the facility.

The Pentecost Clinic, Tarkwa began in 1984 as a mobile clinic but has, over the years, evolved into a fully-fledged primary hospital accredited by the Health Facilities Regulatory Authority (HeFRA). It is also accredited by the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) as a primary hospital and is the only Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG) facility in the municipality.

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, said the hospital project is in line with the Church’s effort to launch a transformation agenda in the society by partnering with the Government of Ghana to improve the lives of the citizenry as enshrined in Vision 2023.

“This is part of a package of social development projects undertaken by The Church of Pentecost across various locations in the country,” he stated.

The nine health facilities operated by the Church, through the Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS), include three hospitals at Tarkwa, Madina (Accra) and Ayanfuri and six clinics located at Enchi Kwawu, Yawmatwa, Kasapin, Kultamise, Twifo Agona and Kpassa.

A clinic is also being jointly constructed at Abrafo Odumase by the Church and the community members.

The Church is also constructing a clinic at Abesiwa near Bechem in the Abuakwa Area of the Church. 


Chairman dedicates2

Chairman Dedicates Tarkwa Pentecost Hospital

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has dedicated the Tarkwa Pentecost Hospital at a special ceremony held on Wednesday, February 9, 2022.

The facility is one of the three hospitals owned and run by the Church through its social services wing, Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS).

The health facility, which began as a mobile clinic in 1984 with just eight workers, has now evolved into a fully-fledged primary hospital with a staff strength of over 183. It currently serves over 47,000 people in the municipality and its environs.

At the short dedication ceremony at the E.K. Kyei Memorial Temple, Tarkwa, Apostle Eric Nyamekye said the facility was constructed to meet the urgent need for healthcare delivery for the Brahabebome community and its environs.

According to him, the project is part of a package of social development projects undertaken by The Church of Pentecost across various locations in the country in line with her five-year strategic vision, dubbed “Vision 2023.”

“As part of this vision, the Church is partnering the Government of Ghana in contributing to the accelerated socio-economic development of the nation. We are, therefore, grateful to the Almighty God for granting us the privilege to serve humanity and contribute to national development through our social ministry,” he said.

The Chairman also thanked the Government of Ghana, Ministry of Health, the Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG), PENTSOS, and all who contributed in diverse in making the vision of the Pentecost Hospital Tarkwa a reality.

Besides this edifice, the Church has over 96 educational institutions and eight healthcare facilities (two hospitals and six clinics). Other social interventions of the Church include the construction of four holding facilities to enhance the reformation and integration of inmates, construction of police stations and posts across the country, construction of over 76 water facilities in deprived communities and institutions and the establishment of social enterprise ventures which are providing employment opportunities to the youth in Ghana.

The Chairman also hinted that a new clinic is being constructed by the Church at Abesiwa near Bechem. He also revealed that the Pentecost Clinic at Enchi Kwawu in the Asankrangwa Area of the Church is being upgraded.

The Tarkwa Municipal Director of Health Services, Mrs. Caroline Otoo, commended the management and staff of the hospital for their hard work and urged them to keep up the good work. She also advised them to aspire for greater heights by providing quality healthcare so as to attract more patrons.

The Health Services Unit Coordinator of PENTSOS, Elder Alexander Kwame Frimpong, also congratulated the management and staff on the great feat.

He noted that it is the objective of PENTSOS to make all of its healthcare facilities a sanctuary of healing.  

“To be able to achieve this, the staff must be dedicated, take standardisation seriously and aim for excellence. This we will be able to achieve through proper policies, structures and motivated human resource,” he said.

He also thanked the Executive Council of the Church for instituting the Health Improvement Infrastructure Fund to support the infrastructure development of health facilities in the country.

Dr. Peter K. Yeboah, the Executive Director of CHAG and President of Federation of World Christian Health Association, commended The Church of Pentecost for its commitment towards providing enhanced healthcare delivery to deprived communities in the country.

He also commended the staff and management of the facility for the giant stride made.

“Pentecost Hospital-Tarkwa is the only CHAG member institution in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality, joining a family of other 345 CHAG member institutions, and now has a new role as a special representative and ambassador of CHAG to demonstrate stewardship and Christlike-centreed compassionate healthcare in this municipality,” he said.

Present at the event were Nana Kwabena Ango II (Chief of Apinto Traditional Council), Nana Ampong Kwesi II (Chief of Bonsawire and Kyeame Hene of Wassa Fiase), and some ministers of the Church in the Tarkwa Area.

Also in attendance were Board Members, management and staff of the hospital including the Board Chairman, Apostle Dr. Daniel Okyere Walker, an Executive Council Member and the Tarkwa Area Head of the Church, and the General Manager, Pastor Dr. Suleman De-Graft Issaka.


We Are Now Living In A TikTok World!

Attention: We Are Now Living In A TikTok World!

Article by Pastor William Boachie-Ansah

God who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets has in these last days, spoken to us by his Son, whom he has appointed heir of all things through whom also he made the worlds.

Hebrews 1:1-2 (NKJV)

Introduction: Tiktok – A New World

In every generation, God uses people as His mouthpiece in diverse ways and mediums, hence, He is a versatile God. Even the methods of delivering His Word to humanity, are remarkable and modified. Our Christian Leadership searches for avenues to aid their communication in every generation with the focus of reaching out to them perfectly. Therefore, it is justifiable for them to be innovative in their modes of communicating the Master’s commands; using the right channels to believers.

Previously, the most visited sites were Google, Amazon, Facebook, and YouTube. But 2021 changed the narrative, making TikTok, the most used social application.  The Internet has become a “TikTok world.”

TikTok, with origin from China as Douyin, is a video-focused social networking service owned by Chinese company ByteDance Ltd. It hosts a variety of short-form user videos, that includes varieties like dance, Christian content, and entertainment with the duration from 15 seconds to three minutes. 

Notably, TikTok influencers comparatively, currently, make more money than top American and European CEOs.

In 2021, user demographics displayed a one-quarter age usage between 10 and 19 years. This helps explain the viral ability of some of its videos, considered dangerous.

Considerably, two dynamics are propelling the trending nature of its contents: its Shortness and Visuality. These are the main secrets behind its popularity.

What We Should Do About Tiktok

Most internet users are currently subscribed to TikTok. In this era as Christians with a God-given agenda to Possess the Nations through Social Media, it is expedient if our focus could be geared towards that sector to help fulfill the Great Commission. Ministers of the Gospel and church leaders must be abreast with this; targeting it as a soul-winning zone.

Nevertheless, before the gospel is sent to TikTok, deliberate training should be organized to consciously learn about the application. Effective use of the app to reach more users depends on its precise and direct content. This is because the Youth and Teens hardly stay glued to subscribe to videos which take more of their time while other videos queue in to be watched.

Producing good, clear, and catchy visuals is key to gaining the needed attraction and attention. Therefore, every church leader should make it a necessity to collaborate with youth leaders and digital marketing professionals who are experienced in TikTok. This will help them learn more about the app. When the church properly understands its use, the Gospel can be packaged to suit its standards for the teeming youth in this dispensation.

Another issue worth noting is the need for Christians, especially Church leaders to demystify the use of the Application. Recalling from the inception of Facebook, those of us who took to the application as a medium to propel the gospel was seen as unspiritual. Today, they all testify to its immense help in spreading the Gospel and teaching our members to remain grounded in the faith.

TikTok, a great platform for churches, should not be secluded alone for the entertainment industry. The Great Commission must, therefore, be treated as a cross-generational and cross-technological assignment. It is now a new world to possess.

May the good Lord, give us the understanding in equipping ourselves for the Possessing the Nations agenda in this digital age.

Are you on Tiktok? Is your church operating a TikTok account? Let’s think about Tiktok!

To be continued…

God bless you.

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