New Kintampo Area Head Meets Area Pastorate

The new Kintampo Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor Francis Agyemang Badu, has met with ministers and wives in the area to fraternise and share fellowship.

The meeting, which took place on September 8, 2022, at the Grace Boahen Memorial Temple, was also an avenue for the Area Head to welcome newly transferred ministers to the area.

Preaching on the topic: “God’s method is man,” Pastor Agyeman Badu said that the Lord calls special people to perform specific tasks at specific moments.

“God always has a plan and a purpose to accomplish, and the method he uses is the man; and since creation, that has always been how He carries out his divine missions,” he said.

The Area Head, therefore, urged ministers to see themselves as special people on a divine assignment wherever they are stationed.

Using the story of Moses in Exodus 3:5-20 to further buttress his point, he explained that God conceived the plan to redeem the people of Israel from their Egyptian bondage, but He chose Moses to undertake this task. 

“For this purpose, God sent him into the desert to prepare him for years and later released him to go and redeem the Israelites. Likewise, God sends His people into hiding for some time to train and prepare them for the task ahead. So, stay calm and be patient during your “desert experience,” he said.

Pastor Agyemang Badu also noted that anytime God sends a man, He gives them a vision. 

He stated that “God revealed himself to Moses and gave him a vision. Later, Moses met with the people and shared the vision with them. The people wholeheartedly embraced the vision and worked with it,”

He, therefore, entreated the pastorate to work heartily towards realising the five-year strategic vision to possess the nations for Christ. 

He advised ministers to be humble and willing to learn from their subordinates where necessary.

“Just as God saw, heard and came down to the aid of the Israelites through Moses, God has made ministers His agents to carry out His tasks,” he said and thus called on all and sundry to come on board with their giftings and professional skills to help move the Kintampo Area forward.

Report by Prince Augustine Ababio (Area Reporter)

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